Dialogue between Yudhisthira Maharaja and Yaksha

Dialogue between Yudhisthira Maharaja and Yaksha
Bhajan Kutir Lecture_by Lokanath Swami At Manipal Karnataka 4th Jun 2016
040616 – Manipal [01:22:31]

We are here for Kirtan Mela, but we are doing kirtana in the beginning and then little more at the end and then talk in the middle, we will have sandwich. We welcome you all! Are youth's here? This is a youth centre. This is also called Bhajan kutir, kutir where residents do bhajan. How many of you stay here, residing in this Bhajan Kutir? Okay. I think they are on vacation or some holiday or they're busy organizing this event. Rest is our congregation. Is everyone from Manipal? No, from Udipi also. How many from Udipi? Udipi. You are from Manipal, Mangalore
also. How many from Mangalore? From Bangalore? From Holland, France? We have devotees from Holland, France and Mumbai also. Anyone is from Vaikuntha? [laughter] You all forgot your origin.

[Bhajan-Jai Radha Madhav, Jai Kunj Bihari]
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna!

Our obeisances unto Vasudeva! Om Namo Bhagvate Vaasudevaya!

Udipi Krishna is also Vaasudeva. Yes, son of Vasudev is Vaasudeva. Udipi Krishna is Bala Krishna, son of Vasudeva. Bala Krishna- little Krishna son of Vasudeva. Balarama is also Vaasudeva. So we have not just one, but 2 Vaasudevas here. Not just Krishna is Vaasudeva, Balarama is also Vaasudeva. They are both sons of Vasudeva so they both are Vaasudeva and then in the middle Subhadhra also the daughter of Vasudeva and Devaki.

Our obeisance’s unto Krishna,

jinka naam hai gokul jinka dham hai aise shree bhagvan kovbaram bar pranam hai.

So yesterday I was reading Mahabharata something from one passage. From that reading I thought of sharing that with you today. Is that okay? It is as a dialogue it’s a question answer format’, Yaksha and Yudhisthira Maharaja samvad. Probably you have heard that before.

kim asharyam! That is one of the questions. What is the most wonderful thing in this world? kim asharyam! And there is answer like that. Many many questions were raised and perfect questions were asked and perfect answers were given by Yudhisthira Maharaja. Quick question- quick answer, you like that.

And this dialogue happened in Kamavan in Vrndavan on a bank of one lake, which Varun had claimed. Oh! That’s my lake. So while five Pandavas during their exile were residing in Kamavan in Vrndavan. One day during very hot summer season, you are just getting out of it. Nakula was sent to fetch water or he was out to hunt. Get that deer! Get that deer! Yudhisthira Maharaja has said and Nakula was the first one to try his luck. And as he was chasing this deer, running, and running for some time, while he couldn't catch up with deer. Deer disappeared and he had ended up on the bank of one lake there and he was thirsty. And he wanted to drink water and water was right there. And he was about to drink, he heard a voice. That, first you have to answer my questions and if you disregard what I'm saying, did not pay attention, and you did go for the water before you answer to my questions, you would be dropped dead.

So Nakula looked around. There was no one and he was very thirsty. He did go for the water and he died. Four brothers were waiting. Yudhisthira Maharaja sent Sahadev. Okay Sahadev you go next. Sahadev ended up on this bank of the same lake. Similar voice he heard, he also was very thirsty he did not care for giving answers to the question questionnaire.

And he died and then Arjuna ended up. He ended up giving his life and so did Bhima.

Then finally Yudhisthira Maharaja had to come to find out what is going on here. Why are they not returning? Where have they gone? What has happened to them and as he found out what had happened to them there were no wounds. There was no one around. They were not hurt. But they were dead. But he thought he would drink water first and then do the further investigation. But as he was also ready or about to drink, there comes the voice, unembodied, there is nobody, nobody around but the voice he heard. So if you don't answer my questions, then you know what the destiny is awaiting you. So he dropped the water. He did not want to be dropped dead. He dropped the water. Okay, go ahead. And there were many, many, many questions. Short questions- short answers. We’ll run through some of those.

Who makes the sun rise? And that the person who was asking this question was Yaksha. He was not visible but questions. God replied Yudhisthira Maharaja, right answer.

God is a creator, is generator, is operator, is destroyer. GOD they call. G for Generator or O for Operator and D for Destroyer. Three of them together- the team effort.

So, the whole world is operated by God. So natural and the correct answer is God makes the sun rise. God makes the sun set.

mayadhyakshena prakritih suyate sa-characharam

Krishna has also said that in Bhagavad Gita, I control the wanderings of all the creatures and all the beings and all that is around. Some may say oh, it's nature. Nature is doing it. It's the nature, nature. But then question is whose nature and God said mayadhyakshena. Nature is also called Maya. Mama Maya, Mama Maya. Who’s Maya? Who's Nature? Mama Maya, Mama Maya. I am Adhyaksha and I am the Superintendent. So everything, everything is governed by God.

Where is the truth captured? Is the next question. Answer is in the Vedas. You want to know, vedaish cha sarvair aham eva vedyo

vedanta-krid veda-vid eva chaham

Lord also sent the Vedas, the Veda means knowledge. So the truth, the knowledge, the true knowledge where do you find? You find in the Vedas. We'll move faster we’ll comment and then we could only deal with one question tonight.

What makes one Brahmin? Is the next question. Yudhisthira Maharaja said by understanding the Vedas. By understanding the Veda one becomes Brahmin and that person knowledgeable of the Vedas, he is a Brahmin. Not the one who is born in a Brahmin family, he is not a Brahmin.

brahma janatiti brahmanah
veda pathat bhavet dvija

By studies of the Vedas, one becomes Vipra, the learned, the Brahman

catur-varnyam maya srstam

Not janma karma vibhagsah. Just because your name is Caturvedi, in North India you will find Caturvedi. These kinds of names, those who know the four Vedas. Then there are three Vedis and there are Divi Vedis also all these names are there, but most of them are Nirvedis. What to speak of the knowledge of the Vedas, they will not be able to say what are the names of the Vedas. They will struggle to name those four Vedas. What to speak of knowing the contents of the Vedas, knower of the Vedas.

When is a man who is alive, considered to be dead? When man is alive, he's alive, but then considered dead when? Answer is when he does not share his wealth with Gods, guests, servants, animals and ancestors then he is what? Is dead.

tena tyaktena bhunjitha

You take only portion that you require.

isavasyamidam sarvam yatkinca jagatyam jagat | 
tena tyaktena bhunjitha ma grdhah kasyasviddhanam || [Isopanishad 1 st verse]

This is Ishavasya principles, according to it you just take what you need the rest you share with other children of God you're not the only one around there are so many of them.

atithi devo bhava

You have sign at the door but no more. There used to be signs. atithi devo bhava, if you're Atiththi, please come. You're welcome. We will worship like God and serve you like God will give you gifts and charities. But now the signs have changed and you'll find be aware of dogs, don't come in, stay away. So then those residents are dead because they are not sharing their wealth with guests, Gods, and animals also.

What is the faster than the wind? Anyone wants to guess? Mind Hey, you got it. Faster than the wind

vayor iva su-dushkaram

Arjuna also said in six chapter of Bhagavad Gita.

chanchala? hi manah krishna pramathi balavad dridham

So flickering, so much obstinate, and very difficult to conquer. And moving hither and thither now is here, could go to Bangalore and shuttle back and forth and go to London go to Holland go to go here go all around and round, faster. Wind cannot go to Bangalore from Mangalore just like that. Mind could go faster than wind and causes lot of trouble is moving mind

What is more numerous than grass?
Thoughts, thoughts, thinking thinking thinking thinking is more numerous than grass.

How much is a grass? Grass is everywhere. Grass is everywhere. More in quantity more numerous multiple numbers are the thoughts. In the sunny day the sun is coming through a window and dust in the air. You see so many particles coming in making rounds going out, you have seen. So mind is thinking, feeling, willing are the functions of the mind.

That mind which is also faster than the wind also thinks, and those thoughts are numerous, so numerous and most of them are useless and they're stored in us life after life after life. We have accumulated so many thoughts, even in the sleep we think.

But then Lord says,
man-mana bhava mad-bhakto
mad-yaji mam namaskuru [BG 18.65]

Think of Me only so there is a thought there. Out of all those numerous thoughts, only thoughts related with Krishna, the Lord. We should be allowing them to settle make them our property and others. Naiti..Naiti… you get out of here, you get out of here, you get out here. The higher thoughts. Simple living and high thinking. High thinking, only high thoughts, valuable thoughts, spiritual thoughts, Krishna conscious thoughts. High thinking. Simple living, high thinking. But that is not the case unfortunately these days. Living is high, living is high and thinking is low. Low thinking or no thinking. Just today I was reading that ‘Just do it’ means do not even think just do it think after a bad thing later on just do it so that's the lifestyle. Do it and then think later. So people are simply living. Instead of simple living they are simply living.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna
Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

As we say this and here with attention, then there are the right thoughts will give would be given rise to by the chanting. Now the first thought settled are discarded

ceto-darpana-marjanam bhava-maha–davagni-nirvapanam

All the dirty thoughts low thinking is cleansed. Gopis were known for only thinking remembering Krishna, thinking of about Krishna. Never forgetting, never low thoughts. They were known for this.

What is the more valuable than gold?

Nothing, how could anything be more valuable than gold? Someone may question but there's answer. Answer is knowledge. Knowledge is more valuable than gold. But then people they think the gold is most valuable and the knowledge that they acquire is to do what? To acquire gold. Did you get the point. Money making knowledge. Not man making knowledge, money making. I will acquire knowledge I will become MBA.

Here they become doctors and engineers, money making. The goal is money making, gold making. So again that that knowledge acquired knowledge to with the aim of acquiring gold, acquiring wealth, acquiring money that is not knowledge. Answer here is what is more valuable than gold? The answer to that question is knowledge.

But then which knowledge is a big question? Not the knowledge, which we acquire these days we teach and learn. In all the universities, the schools and colleges these days is not the knowledge that Yudhisthira Maharaja is thinking about. The knowledge with which you acquire infact Krishna. Krishna acquiring knowledge. Knowledge to acquire Krishna and once you acquired Krishna that is more than gold. Gold that Lakshmi, once you have Krishna then,

lakshmi-sahasra-shata- sambhrama-sevyamanam

With Krishna comes so many Lakshmi shasra, millions of Lakshmi also come along and you acquire Lakshmi and along with Narayana. So that knowledge one should acquire, and that is more valuable than this mundane gold.

matrivat pardareshu pardravyeshu loshthvat
atmavat sarvbhuteshu yah pashyati sa panditah

That person is knowledgeable that person is learned who thinks that gold is just a matter, just as stool, color of the stool and color of gold, some similarities are there.

What is more desirable than wealth?
Yes, not go that far. This is middle path. This is Mahabharata. This is not Bhagvat or Caitanya Caritamrita. Health is more desirable than wealth. What good is wealth if you don't have good health, right? That's why some of you have come all the way from Holland to acquire some health and health should be acquired. Not to be taken for granted, as you acquire and endeavour, make endeavour to acquire wealth, similarly one should endeavour to acquire health. Then health is not just health of the body, the health of body, mind, and soul. This is our self. When we talk of health, or when Yudhisthira Maharaja is also talking, thinking, that health is the answer, is not thinking of the health of the body, also the mind, healthy Mind. The sick mind also makes sick body. This is a very foundational principle of our Ayurveda. First your mind gets sick and then the gross body. Keep the mind fit, keep mind healthy. And if the consciousness is contaminated consciousness of the soul is not healthy, then the mind is not healthy then the body is not healthy. So, ultimately depends upon the health of the soul. The consciousness of the soul. Most desired form of happiness is contentment. I'm satisfied I'm satisfied to be satisfied which is very difficult if you could say so yeah I'm satisfied I'm okay I'm satisfied. That is the most desired form of happiness, santhusta. People are just not satisfied and so this contentment this is self-satisfaction means atmarama

atmaramas ca munayo

Atmarama, is self-satisfied. So person could only be content, contentment when his soul is satisfied. He is Atmarama, he is taking Aram. Happiness in Atma, Atma mein Aram. He is also taking Parmatma mein Aram, when he is taking happiness from Parmatma, from Bhagavan. So he is satisfied. To attain such a status, Tatas and Birlas have not even achieved, they are beggars. They want more they want more they want more, they are not satisfied. In Krishna consciousness, you could be satisfied. Soul is satisfied then the mind is satisfied, body could also be satisfied. Keep happy with just a few needs. What measures a man? Good man, bad man.

How to evaluate or how to judge a man? Answer is his conduct also called his Charitra, his character. When Character is lost they say everything is lost, money is lost nothing is lost. Health is lost, something, something is lost. It is a common knowledge like this but when character is lost then everything is lost. What is the character, the conduct, his dealings, his behaviour, first you judge that person by his conduct by his character.

This Krishna consciousness movement is busy making man of character or quality, quality people, quality human beings. Not just reduce the number of human beings that would not have character, but increase the quality of those human beings. Then there is no problem even if there are lots of human beings, more and more human beings, if they're good character people. So this is program of Hare Krishna movement, creating men of good character.

Krishna consciousness means clean consciousness, clean conduct.

What is mercy?
om sarve bhavantu sukhinah
sarve santu niramayah
sarve bhadrani pasyantu
ma kashchit duhkha bhagbhavet
o? shantih, shantih, shantih

Thought like this. This is being merciful. This is being kind. Kind to all Maya means disease that everyone to be free from disease, diseased condition. I was invited to open one hospital, hospital, the opening ceremony. And I recited this verse and I was explaining also that everyone be free from sickness, disease. The owner says how what about my hospital?

You are praying that no one let everyone be free from the disease. What about my hospital? So, he was not very kind. What is the only thing and can conquer or should conquer?

Answer is his own mind and this is lifetime mission. Conquer the mind, conquer the mind, control the mind which is most difficult thing to do in the world to conquer the mind

bandhur atmatmanas tasya yenatmaivatmana jitah
anatmanas tu saturve vartetatmaiva satruvat [BG 6.6]

Krishna says atma could be your friend also atma could be your worst enemy so do not think your enemies Pakistan is your enemy or that one or that one is my enemy, your enemy is your mind. All your enemies or six enemies Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Madya and Matsrya are your enemies and they all work through this mind and they work against you.

kama esha krodha esha rajo-guna-samudbhavah
mahashano maha-papma viddhyenam iha vairinam [BG 3.37]

Krishna says Arjuna please note please note viddhyenam iha vairinam. This Kama is your enemy. The lust is your number one enemy. Prabhupada writes Mr Lust and the Mr Lust has a Junior brother called Mr Anger because

kamat krodho 'bhijayate [BG 2.62]

krodha- anger, when the lust is not satisfied, then krodha appears. When the lust is satisfied, lusty desires are satisfied, then you feel good and you become greedy. Kama, Krodha, Lobha. Lobha comes into being your lusty desires are being fulfilled your endeavours are becoming successful. Then you end up becoming greedy more and more. What that this greed is your enemy. Kama, Kroddha, Lobha and then comes mada. You feel intoxicated Ha..ha..ha… I have so much wealth. Oh! I have so much to enjoy. You feel intoxicated mother nasha. When you drink and you drink and you drink, you drink it become intoxicated. So those greedy fellows they become proud of their possessions. That's called a mada and that's another enemy and these are all enemies. Lust is enemy and anger is enemy. And the greed is enemy the pride, mada is enemy. Then Moha you are bewildered you are bewildered you are bewildered that's another enemy you're the bewilderment and finally Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsrya, envy hatred.

So, all these enemies work through the mind. So Krishna has warned this. So control conquer this mind, conquer your enemies.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

You're only raising questions or their answers and the answers are out there okay. So, we just found out mind is your enemy but then how to conquer. Madana Mohan will help you may Madana Mohan help you. Madana Mohan is Madana means Demigod in charge of lust is Madana, Kamadev.

kandarpa-koti-kamaniya-visesa-sobham govindam adi-purusam tam

But Lord Krishna could attract get rid of those forces of kama, forces of lust and other forces, so He is called Madan Mohan. He is Mohan, He bewilders, he attracts this Cupid gets them out of the way of my devotee, madhurya practitioner, sadhaka. Say we prayed to Madana Mohan and our prayer is the same

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

sva-madhuryana mac-cittah hara

When we chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. This is one of the prayer to that Madana Mohan to that holy name who is Krishna Himself. What is the prayer?

O Lord by your madhurya, please attract my mind to you. Your venu madhurya your lila madhurya your prem madhurya . There are four madhurya for which Krishna is most famous. rupa madhurya is a fourth one.

Just by hearing rupa madhurya immediately we should be thinking of the rupa. The beautiful rupa form of Lord that's why we go to take the darsana of Sri Krishna Udipi Sri Krishna is beautiful. I was there two days ago and had a wonderful darsana. I cannot get Him out of my head. He is still there amazing darsana and then that Krishna plays His flute -venu madhurya, lila madhurya, prem madhurya. Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared or Krishna appeared as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to do what?

To distribute that prem madhurya, Vrndavan is madhurya dhama, Vaikuntha is Ishvarya dhama and Mayapur is audarya dham. Audariya word comes from uddar Lord becomes magnanimous. Magnanimous charitable Krishna becomes most magnanimous in Mayapur, He distributes Krishna Prem.

namo mahavadaniya krishna prem pradayeti -He's distributing Krishna prem.

patra apatra nahi vichar
sthan sthana nahi vichar

Where to distribute, whom to distribute, no discrimination. Lord everywhere anywhere everywhere He is distributing. In what form did He distributed the prem. I already said answer

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

This is Prem. This is Prem. This is Prem. Krishna Prem is in the form of these names. Well, then the mind could be controlled. My mind could be made, made free from the influence of all these enemies. Okay, should move faster.

What when renounced makes one wealthy? What is that you renounce and that makes you wealthy?

What a question? I'm sorry. The desires! You give up desires you become wealthy. You could also try to rise early. To rise early go to bed first. Early to bed then early to rise makes man healthy wealthy wise. But then early to bed early to rise is not that difficult. More difficult is early to bed and is difficult because of full of desires lots of desires to be fulfilled, etc. and then you could get up early morning and chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna- This is what is a wealth.

goloke prem dhan hari nama sankirtana

Harinama sankirtana is dhana? Right! What do you need your dhana your wealth for – to become happy. Save the holy name made you happy, that must be dhana that must be wealth. And what really makes you happy is this this wealth, wealth in the form of the holy name. So you get up. Others begin making money at 10 o'clock but you could make may begin making money what time 4:
30 in the morning, early morning, you could begin deposits and increase your bank balance. And make sure it is being deposited. If your mind is attentive, if you're attentively chanting, then it will get in there. But it has all the holes. Mind is wandering all over and you did nothing. You just let the mind go. Not focus that on hearing the holy name. Then no deposits

It will not increase your bank balance. All those loopholes Holes should be patched up and Let mind not go elsewhere. What is the worst disease? The greed, under health, different sicknesses, diseases. Greed is one disease. It keeps you busy. You keep running and as far as you could run, all that land would be reserved as your property. Okay start. The person started running okay 20 acres or 20 acres it was running 50 acres running, running, hundred acres. Not enough running and running and running and running. He was thinking okay I have now 500 acres but if I run Little more I could have 550 acre and if I run more 575 acres and a little more than I would have 590 acres and finally he collapsed.

And you are so much stressed out. He was taken to ICU. Bye! From where no one, most of them, do not return. He did not return and he lost all that 575 acres. This is the greed this is just to exemplify. This is one way Greed has no end which keeps one busy all lifelong. More, more, more. Hari..Hari.

So one thing is Greed. One thing is need some basic needs, body's needs, some family need some needs are there and one should be happy with the needs not fall prey to the greed. Greed is a disease. Greed is enemy.

What is the charity?

Helping the helpless is a charity. Helping the helpless is the charity. Help, Help, Help. So everyone is helpless here in this world. Sukhdev goswami said all those Deha your body, and Apatya your children, Kaltra wife, etc. all those are the fallible soldiers. They can't help you.

Especially when the death comes, no one help no one could help you. All are helpless and each one we all are helpless. So helping the helpless and this is the charity. So, all human beings are expected to be charitable.

Chaitnya Mahaprabhu has said,

bharat bhumite manusya haila janma yara
janma sarthaka kare karo upakara

If you have taken birth in Bharatvarsha then Kare Karo par upakar don't just take and take and take but also give a hand out. We have to help others.

Shikshashtak and Panca-tattva

28022019 [1.41.03]
Sravan Utsava

Are you ready for the seminar? Your minds are here or going to the prasadam hall? Going to Bombay, Moscow. So tomorrow is, Panca tattva mahabhishek mahotsava ki jay! Abhishek happens every every day but maha maha-ahabhishek is happening tomorrow. Panchtattva mahabhishek. This is once a five years. We had 15 years ago when Pancatattvas were installed and we had it 10 years ago and then 5 years ago. Fifteen years ago, 10 years ago. Ok, no need to 15 years ago 10 years ago, am I saying right? Ten years ago, 5 years ago, this is fifteenth right? This is fifteenth annual. So then I thought of talking little bit about this Panca tattva. That is my topic Panca tattva mahabhishek is happening this year. So why not talk about Panca tattva!

Sri Sri Panca-tattva ki jay!!

panca-tattvatmakam krsnam bhakta-rupa-svarupakam
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam namami bhakta-saktikam [CC Adi lila 1.14]

This prayer has been offered by Krsnadas Kaviraj unto Panca-tattva, in the first chapter of Adi Lila of Caitanya Caritamrta wherein he says,

panca-tattvatmakam krsnam

Krsna has become panca-tattvatmakam, He is full of panca-tattva. Krsna has become those panca-tattvas, five personalities. They are not all personalities of Godhead, they are others also. That’s why he says, panca-tattvatmakam krsnam. Krsna is ‘panca-tattvatmakam krsnam bhakta-rupa’ who is bhakta-rupa? Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki jay! He is bhakta-rupa, and who is svarupakam? Nityananda Prabhu is bhakta svarupa. Take note of this, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is bhaktarupa and Nityananda Prabhu is bhakta-svarupa. And bhaktavataram, who is bhaktavatar? Advaita Acarya is bhakta avatar. Advaita Acarya is avatar. Then bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam and there is one bhakta and that is Srivas, he is a bhakta and bhakta-saktikam and one is shakti and who is that? Gadadhara Pandit ki jay! So like this, these are Krsna, Krsna has become all these. Full fledge Krsna, svayamrupa Krsna is Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And svayam-prakash, who is Balarama. Krsna is svayam-rupa and svayam-prakash is Balarama. And that is ‘balarama hoile nitai’. And Advaita Acarya is avatar. There are purusha avataras.

Mahavishnu, He is purusha avatar. Mahavishnu has appeared as Advaita Acarya. He is also considered Sadashiva. From Mahavishnu, one expansion is Sadashiva.

devimahesa-hari-dhamasu teshu teshu

There is Mahesh dhama, in Mahesh dhama, Shiva’s dhama there is Sadashiv. So that Sadashiv also appeared as as Advaita Acarya. And Narada Muni appeared as Srivasa Thakur and at his residence only namasankirtana started. What does Narada muni do? ‘Narayan Narayan Narayan‘. He is always chanting, badri narayan narayan narayan narayan…..

He also chants radha raman’s name. So he used to chanting. Narada muni he has his hand cymbals and veena he is always chanting chanting chanting.

narada muni bajay veena radhika raman namne

So that Narada has appeared as Srivasa Thakur and Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His kirtana in Srivasa angan. Where did He start His kirtana? Srivasa angan. Can you say angan? And stop saying angam. Srivasa angam, angam is something else. Angam is body, angam. So lot of devotees say Srivasa angam. No, Srivasa angan, Srivasa angan. Can you say Srivasa angan? Angan, patangan, kridangan like that ranangan, angan. Then Gadadhara is partial manifestation of Radharani. Radharani doesn’t get to be with Krsna all the time because She is female part. She is a gopi. In Krsna’s pastimes Radha could only be there for some time, not all the time. Krsna cannot even look at Her. So many social restrictions. So while Krsna is playing His flute and He is returning from pasturing grounds into, gopis are there, Radharani is also. She has taken Her position so that She could have good look at Krsna [let the children play outside please] Hari Hari! So while Krsna is playing His flute and moving forward but His eyes are ‘nayaner kone’. He is giving impression, I am looking in the front, I am not looking at Radharani. But He is ,He wants to look, He wants to look. He is looking, so even Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has to follow these etiquettes, social restrictions.

You are a young man and you cannot look at the gopis. You cannot look at Radharani. So that Radharani, doesn’t get to be with Krsna all the time or Krsna is not even allowed to look Radha all the time but She would like to be with Krsna all the time. She loves to be with Krsna all the time. Ok, ok, ok you could, you could do that. Then She appears as Gadadhara and He is with Krsna, Sri Krsna Caitanya all the time. The other members of the Panca-tattva, other devotees they were not with Caitanya Mahaprabhu from early days.

Nityananda Prabhu appeared in Ekachakra gram dhama ki jay! And then he had travelled also all over India. Then he goes to Vrndavana. He is on the banks of Radhakunda and he finds out. Hey! Lord is appeared and He is appeared in Navadvipa Mayapur ki jay! So he stops his travel and runs rushes to Navadvipa. Hye! I am here. I am here. The Balarama, the way he entered Navadvipa gave some indications of his entrance and presence in Navadvipa Mayapur. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, “Hey! Go go, find out. Go, find out. Nityananda Prabhu is in town.” So devotees had gone looking for Nityananda, but no one could find him. They all returned with not, not at all good news. No no, we couldn’t find. We couldn’t find. And then Caitanya Mahaprabhu, “Ok, I will find him. I will find him. And then Mahaprabhu left Mayapur Yogapitha. He was not very far away and everyone else followed Him and Caitanya Mahaprabhu entered Nandanacarya’s bhavan which is not far from our main entrance. We keep going towards the ghat, Jalangi, just 100 meters. Caitanya Mahaprabhu enters the entrance. There he was!

Nityananda Prabhu. What a great meeting! Hari hari!! Between Nityananda Prabhu and Gauranga. Gauranga Nityananda, Gauranga Nityananda, Gauranga Nityananda. There was reunion, family reunion. Two Lords met and embraced and trembling in ecstasy and shading tears. Nityananda Prabhu was doing abhishek of Gauranga with the tears coming, gliding down or the torrents of rain tears coming from Nityananda’s lotus eyes drowning Gauranga ‘s transcendental form and from Gauranga’s eyes tears, those, they were bathing.

Nityananda and they were on the ground, they were rolling on the ground. They were so excited and ecstatic joyful and there was a celebration of the, as they met, they overwhelmed. And that time Caitanya Mahaprabhu was 20 years old and Nityananda prabhu was 32 years old. From that time onwards they have stayed lot of time together. Hari Hari Hari. [children] Also the Advaita Acarya, he was all the way there from Shantipur and he had migrated from somewhere in Bangladesh presently Bangladesh and migrated to Shantipur and so he was in Shantipur. He would of course come and be with Caitanya Mahaprabhu during those all night kirtana. So I am just making the point that Gadadhara pandit was the one from very birth, from childhood days he was with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Others were born some other places, distant places and they are meeting Gauranga and they are meeting Panca-tattva and they are meeting Gauranga, members meeting is much later.

Hari Hari!

And Caitanya Mahaprabhu had left now the Mayapur and gone to Jagganath Puri. Again Gadadhara pandit was there. I mean, I did not mean to say all this. I had some other thoughts. I want to before time runs out from Caitanya Caritamrta wherein Krsnadas Kaviraj Goswami, he has described Panca-tattva in first seven chapters of Adi Lila. Caitanya Caritamrta is all about Panca-tattva. As he begins compiling Caitanya Caritamrta as with the books as well as we speak, in the beginning comes mangalacharan.

vandeham sri gurun sriyutah padakamalam

This is, this is what? This is mangalacharan. Even ‘he krsna karunasidhau dibandhu jagatpate’, this is a part of mangalacharan. So Krsnadas Kaviraj also has written mangalacharan, the first 14 verses of the first chapter of Adi Lila of Caitanya Caritamrta is mangalacharan and he ends with this,

pancatattvatmakam krisnam bhaktarupam svarupakam
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam namami bhakshaktikam

This is the 14th final mangalacharan. And he also includes the prayers unto,

jayatam suratau pangor mama manda-mater gati
mat-sarvasva-padambhojau radha-madana-mohanau

This is the part of the mangalacharan.


preshthalibhih sevyamanau smarami

I am expecting you to know the meaning of these mantras we have recited and heard this for dozens and hundreds of times from last 5, 10, 20 years have been hearing, reading. It is necessary that we try to understand fully well meanings of yah, some of these, not all the mantras some of the important important mantras. We should not only reciting from our throats but they should come from the heart as we we say them. We should be understanding what we are saying, thinking of what we are saying, so that the appropriate emotions and devotion is aroused as we say them. So these are sambandha vigraha, Radha Madan Mohan. Then Radha Govind dev is our, which vigraha? Abhidheya vigraha. And Radha Gopinath ki jay! Is our prayojan vigraha. So Krsndas Kaviraj Goswami say his part of mangalacharan in beginning of this book, he has prayed for or unto the lotus feet of these three deities and he says these are Gaudiya, Gaudiya Lords or Gaudiya, what is the term used, Gaudiya vaishnava’s worship and again there are not three different Lords. Same Lord, same Lord, Radha Madan Mohan is equal to Radha Govind is equal to Radha Gopinath and Radha Madanmohan is one and Radha Govind is second one, third one is Radha Gopinath. No. it’s not like that. They are one. They are different functions. They help us, same same Lord helps us differently in phases and stages of our life. So of these 14 mangalacharan verses, how many? The six verses, first six verses are about Gauranga Gauranga [Gauranga], Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The next five verses are about Nityananda [Nityanand] and next two verses are about Advaitacarya and there is one verse about panchtattva.

‘panchtattvatmakam krsnam’, and three verses about these three Lords Radha Madan Mohan. So there are how many? Isn’t it fourteen? May be these three are not included. These three are not from mangalacharan. Right after mangalacharan. So this is how the very first verse of Caitanya Caritamrta begins like this, which is also about Pancatattva.

vande gurun isa-bhaktan isam isavatarakan
tat-prakasams ca tac-chaktih krsna-caitanya-samjnakam [CC Adi 1.1]

This is Bengali so I am struggling. So Caitanya Caritamrta begins, or this mangalacharan begins with vande, vande is what? vande, vande means, aham vande, I offer my obeisances unto, ‘vande guru sri charanar vindam’. So aham is missing. Aham not included so, aham vande, I offer. Sri Krsnadas Kaviraj Goswami is offering his obeisances unto gurun. He is offering his obeisances unto gurus. He doesn’t gay guru, he says gurun, means more than one and as it is explained the reason he says gurun in plural sense is shiksha guru and dikhsa gurus. My obeisances unto diksha gurus, diksha gurus and shiksha gurus as in vande gurun.

So the six parties are offered obeisances into these six verses. ‘ ishabhaktan’- so this is Shrivas adi gaur bhakta vrnda. Gaura bhaktas headed by Srivas. They are getting obeisances. Isham, this is Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself, isham. Who is Sri Krsna Caitanya sangyakam, His name now is Sri Krsna Caitanya, isham, my obeisances unto Him. Ishavtarakan and avatar, this is Advaitacarya and other avatars, I offer obeisances unto, tat-prakams ca, this is Balarama, is Krsna Prakash. Tat Shakti and my obeisances unto His, Krsna’s Shakti and that is Gadadhar, he is Shakti of. Ok, let’s see this is relaxed time and relaxed mind and goes slowly like this, step by step, do the spoon feeding.

vande sri-krsna-caitanya- nityanandau sahoditau

He continues to offer his obeisances unto

vande sri-krsna-caitanya- nityanandau sahoditau

gaudodaye puspavantaucitrau san-dau tamo-nudau [CC Adi 1.2]

So then Krsnadas Kaviraj Goswami says I offer my obeisances, now he is offering his obeisances unto two personalities, vande Sri Krsna Caitanya and Nityanandau, gaur nityananda sahoditau, they have appeared together, someone after the other, same period on the horizon of this world and pushpavantau, they have appeared as sun appears, moon appears on the horizon, so they appeared.

‘gaudodaye pushpavantau citrau’, they are wonderful, they are wonderful. ‘citrau san-dau’ and they they are two, that is why san-dau, otherwise word is sham da. So they have appeared to give. What? ‘Sham’. Om shanti, ‘sham, shamaha, damaha’. You know this, Krsna talks, ‘brahma karma svabhavajam’. These are the symptoms of the Brahmin. Beginning with shamaha, damaha, shama refers to the mind, mind control. If mind is controlled then mind is peaceful. So they have come to give shanti, peace to the mind, peace to the world. By destroying the darkness of ignorance and enlightening the world as sun and moon. They are, they have spread shanti, spread Krsna consciousness. The next verse Krsndas Kaviraj Goswami and this is called, ‘vastu nirdesh’. This is a main topic of Caitanya Caritamrita and this is, yad advaitam brahmopanisadi tad apy asya tanu-bha [CC Adi 1.3]

In Upanishad there is talk of brahma, brahma, brahma. Oh, that brahma, that brahmajyoti that effulgence talked about in Upanisadas, those are the rays emanating from the Lord’s body. ‘tanu-bha’, tanu is body, bha is light. So that brahmajyoti is none, it is nothing but, it is just an effulgence from the body of the Lord.

ya atmantar-yami purusa iti so ’syamsa-vibhavah

And that paramatma, He is just ansha of the Lord. Lord is anshi means complete, anshi and this

paramatma is ansha is a part of the whole anshi.

sad-aisvaryaih purno ya iha bhagavan sa svayam ayam

This is the one and who this that one, he will be talking at the end. He is about to say that, who is that one, but that one who is ‘sad-aisvarya purna’, full of six opulence’s. In other words this similar verse appeared in the Bhagavatam, beginning of the Bhagavatam :

vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam
brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate [SB 1.2.11]

Are you familiar? This is the very beginning, first canto. I don’t know which chapter. First, second, third chapter like that. And second chapter, so same verse is said here differently, there talked about. These are all three different features of the personality of godhead, Krsna, svayam bhagavan and here Krsnadas Kaviraj says, ‘this Brahma, Paramatma and Bhagavan,

na caitanyat krsnaj jagati para-tattvam param iha

There is no superior truth in existence, better superior, better than or superior to. Very interesting it is. ‘na caitanyat krsnat’. Two words ‘na caitanyat krsnat’. He is equalizing. They are two, they are one, two are same, so no one is superior to Caitanya, no one is superior to Krsna. No one is equal to Caitanya, no one is equal to Krsna. And then he goes on anarpita-carim carat, Now some of these, all of the verses which are in the beginning of Caitanya Caritamrita first chapter, this is how the Panca-tattva or Caitanya tattva then Nityananda tattva and then Advaita tattva and then Gadadhar tattva, Srivasa tattva is described here beginning with caitanya tattva. And another thing, as I have no time and you started looking at your watches already. These fourteen verses I have mentioned to you. What are those 14 verses are called? What are they? Mangalacharan. Mangala prayers, invocations. Those fourteen verses are further commented upon by Krsnadas Kaviraj in following 7 chapters. First he had said these like a sutra form, these mangalacharan verses and several chapters is Chaitanya tattva, he talks about. Then he talks about Nityananda tattva in the fifth chapter. In the fifth chapter of Adi-lila he talks about Nityananda and the sixth chapter he talks about Advaitacarya and in seventh chapter he talks about Panca-tattva. So these 14 verses they go on and on, spread over seven chapters of Caitanya Caritamrta. So in the beginning he is talking what Caitanya tattva and you know tattva. We have to understand Lord. How? ‘janma karma cha me diyam evam yo vetti’. How? tattvataha evam yah vetti tattvataha. One who vetti, knows Krsna or Krsna janma karma or Krsna tattvataha, then what is the outcome? What is the ‘shrutiphal’ also what is the ‘phal’ the fruit of such hearing? ‘tyaktva deham punarjanma naiti’. For such person no more birth no more death. Are you interested in such things? No? Haribol! Yes no yes no. And Lord says,

‘punarjanma na eti mam eti’

He doesn’t attain another birth. ‘punarjanma na eti’, eti means to go, go towards another birth. He doesn’t have to go for another birth. ‘mameti’, instead he comes to me. Who comes to me? ‘evam yo vetti tattvataha’. One who knows Lord tattvataha. This tattva business is very very of prime importance. Lord has to be known by tattvataha. That is why again Lord says,

‘ manushynam sahastreshu kaschit yatati siddhaye
yatatamapi siddhanam kaschin mam vetti tattvataha’

So there are thousands and thousands. Out of thousands someone is coming to God consciousness, endeavoring to know God. But out of those who are endeavoring ‘yatatam’ ‘yatatamapi siddhanam kaschin mameti’. Someone out of those thousands who are religious or endeavoring to become religionist rarely some one knows me ‘tattvataha’, ‘kaschin mamvetti tattvataha’. So this is, so Prabhupada has emphasized, ya shastras have emphasized understanding Lord tattvataha. So Panca-tattva ki jay! So this is panchtattva. It is tattva, five personalities, tattva what? Five personalities.

‘panchtattva’. So you will hear more? Little more. I was just saying that these verses we are residing here, Prabhupada quotes them over again and again and again, throughout his purports and talks and lectures and morning walks and room conversations. So we the followers of Shrila Prabhupada ki jay! We have to also know these things. This is foundation of knowledge. So

anarpita-carim cirat karunayavatirnah kalau [CC Adi 1.4]

And it goes on that Krsndas Kaviraj Goswami is writing, something that Lord have not given for long long long time that something, that he did not give since long time, he came to give, deliver. ‘karunya avatirna kalau’. Out of His own kindness, that is His nature. ‘namo mahavadanyay’. He is magnanimous.

He is known for his ‘audarya’. ‘Udar’, from ‘udar’ comes ‘audarya’. Udar means magnanimous and one who is udar he is also that is called ‘audarya’ and then Mayapur is that ‘audarya dham’.

Audarya dham Mayapur ki jay!
Vrndavan is ‘madhurya dham’

Vaikunth is ‘aishwarya dham’, you know this. Vaikunth is ‘aishwarya dham’, full of aishwarya, full of opulence’s and Vrndavana is full of madhurya, sweetness and Mayapur is audarya, magnanimous. Lord shared the nector of Vrndavana, that is what it says,

samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam

Lord appeared, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to samarpiytum in order to give, deliver, what, ‘unnat ujjwal rasa’, that ‘madhurya rasa’, the sweetness of Vrndavan. There is madhurya rasa, there is also vatsalya rasa, there is also sakhya rasa, so there is not so much dasya rasa in Vrndavan. And there is vishrambha sakhya, sakhya rasa also could be aishwarya mishrit, mixed. That is another topic.

Vishrambha, vishrambha madhurya, vishrambha vatsalya, vishrambh sakhya bhav of Vrndavan. And the rasa of the Vrndavan, those mellows of Vrndavan, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to deliver those mellows, those rasas.

samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam
harih pura?a-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandipitah

And He has assumed the golden form and it is explained. One what have just now presiding, this is the external reason for Lord’s advent, to deliver, ‘paritranaya sadhunam’. To protect the sadhus, to nourish the sadhus Lord appears, so this he does. And every time He appears. So this is the common reason or external reason and to be followed by confidential reason. It is about to come. So this is, sachinandanaha’ and this is, this is the benediction. In mangalacharan, there is vastunirdesh, there is ashirvada and there is namaskar. This is ashirvada here. Krsndas Kaviraj explaines, mangalacharan constitutes of, the three different aspects of mangalacharan. Vastunirdesh, there is ashirvada and there is namaskar. So this is ashirvada for the listeners, readers of the Caitanya Caritamrta. This line here is ashirvada. What does and what verse is giving benediction or blessings to the readers or listeners of the Caitanya Caritamrta.

sada hrdaya-kandare sphuratu vah saci-nandanah

Let that Sachinandan, jay Sacinandan jay Sacinandan jay Sacinandan Gaurhari!!! So let that jay Sacinandanaha, Sacinandan inspire the readers, listeners within the core of their hearts that Gauranga’s mercy manifest. And then he says, we will take one or two more and then we have another, one more session. Right? On the third of march. Same time 7 to 8:30. So we will continue on seminar topic, same topic. So do little more. Now these two verses which are now coming up here. This is the confidential reason why, why Caitanya Mahaprabhu appears. This is the whole chapter, chapter third or fourth chapter of the Adil ila, the whole chapter talks about probably at least you remember the title, ‘the confidential reason for Lord’s advent’. Is that familiar? Are you? ‘The confidential reason for Lord’s advent’. So here he just making an indication and he gives whole elaboration on this topic, the confidentiality behind Lord’s advent and here are those couple of statements:

radha krsna-pranaya-vikrtir hladini saktir asmad [CC Adi lila 1.5]

I will go line by line here. Affairs between Radha and Krsna, affairs between Radha Krsna pranaya-vikrti, these dealings between Radha and Krsna. This is alhadini Shakti. Aalhad, this is a play of, both are playing with each other. Radha and Krsna. And there is pranaya which is much superior than prem. When prem becomes condensed is called sneha and then it becomes more condensed it becomes pranaya. It becomes more condensed it becomes maan and then raga, anuraga, bhava and mahabhava.

Beyond what we talk normally from Shraddha to prem. But beyond prem there are more more steps, that prem becoming more and more condensed, more solid. So this is one of those features of prem, that is called pranaya. So this is Radha and Krsna, an alhadini shakti Radharani, there is pranaya. That they deal with each other.

ekatmanav api bhuvi pura deha-bhedam gatau tau

Krsnadas Kaviraj Goswami says, ‘ekatmana’, Radha and Krsna are what? Ek atma. They are ek. They are one. ‘ekatmanv api’. Although or inspite of their being one atma bhuvi pura in this world. Long long time ago, this is the style describe. [children play outside] Hare Krsna. So they are one, but they become, deha-bhedam gatau tau, deha bheda, there is Radha, there is Krsna, gatau, this happened long long time ago. For sake of pastimes, performance of pastimes, although they are one ‘ekatmanav api deha bhedo’, they became two. And then what happened? Adhuna, now, now means five hundred years ago, ‘caitanya akhyam’. He became known as caitanyakhyam praka?am adhuna tad-dvayam caikyam aptam.

One, that was one, which had become two, now it has become one again and now his name is Caitanya. They were two. They have become one and that is Caitanya Mahaprabhu and that Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is now,

radha-bhava-dyuti-suvalitam naumi krsna-svarupam

I offer my obeisances unto that svarupa of the Lord who is now known as Caitanya Mahaprabhu and he has bhava of Radharani Radhabhava dyuti and complexion of Radharani, emotions of Radharani, radha bhava radhakanti and unto that svarupa. I offer my obeisances. And then this is last one we will talk about which is the reason why Lord why Lord Sri Krsna in Golok, he is thinking and then appearing as Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So what are the thoughts of the Lord? What transpired which resulted in him taking that form called Caitanya form? Not Caitanya, Sri Krsna Caitanya, Radha Krsna nahi anya. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu, no Krsna. Krsna is thinking. Krsna is thinking. Krsna can think. Right? He is a person. He has feelings. He thinks. Thinking, feeling, willing.

sri-radhayah pranaya-mahima kidrso vanayaiva [CC Adi lila 1. 6]

So he is thinking of three things. He is very curious, very anxious to know three things. The first of those three things is: ‘sri radhayah pranaya mahima kidrso’. Radha’s love, what kind of love is that? Radha loves, Radha loves. Who? Krsna. So Radha prem. In other words Krsna has become anxious to know Radha prem. What kind of love she has? What kind of, how much, like that. Love Radha. Radha prem, Radha’s prem, that’s one question.

svadyo yenadbhuta-madhurima kidrso va madiyah

When that Radha with her love for Me, she loves Me and as a result she is relishing something, something happens to her, her emotions are stirred up, and her heart’s condition is of certain kind and so I would like to know ‘madhurima kidrso. Of course I am ‘madhura’,

madhuradhipate akhilam madhuram

I am ‘madhura’, I am sweet, I am sweet, I am madhura and she is relishing my ‘madhurya’, my sweetness. So it’s like Krsna is interested to know His own ‘madhurya’ but He doesn’t know how much sweet He is. Like sugar doesn’t know how much sweet sugar is. Who knows? Who knows? An ant knows.

When an ant is eating sugar, an ant knows. Sugar doesn’t know. So Krsna wants to know how much sweet am I. Only Radha could tell because she is relishing, ‘asavad’. My ‘madhurima’, she is doing ‘asavad’, my sweetness, she is relishing. So I want to know. And finally saukhyam casya mad-anubhavatah kidrsam veti lobhat And what kind of experience of Radharani? What is her experience? Ok, I am so much sweet, ok, this way how I am sweet, when she is relishing that sweetness what is her experience, what is her ‘anubhav’, what is her ‘sakshatkar’, what are her realizations, when she is experiencing my sweetness? So Krsna becomes, here it says ‘veti-lobhat’, Lord becomes very very greedy. He is very very curious and anxious to know answers to these questions which you have heard. So how could I find out answers to all these questions? It is only possible, it is only possible, if I become Radha. I take Radha’s position, I take Radha along with me, I do develop emotions of Radha, Radha ‘bhava’, Radha consciousness. If I become Radha conscious, if I become conscious of Radharani,

tad-bhavadhyah samajani saci-garbha-sindhau harinduh

Then he wants to, then he says, then he ‘ajanihi’, he took birth. These thoughts on His mind. Very greedy and anxious to know answers to these questions he took birth. Where? ‘sacigarbha sindhu’. He took birth in Saci’s garbha, Saci’s womb,which compared here with Sindhu, like an ocean. Saci’s womb is like an ocean. Because Lord is going to appeared as a Chandra, so Chandra appears, where does Chandra appeared? On the horizon. If you are on the banks of some ocean, you experience like the moon is kind of rising, right out of the ocean, the ocean is giving the birth to that moon. So Saci mata’s womb is Sachi garbha Sindhu. Harinduh, Lord appeared as hari indu, indu is what? Indu is moon. He appeared as Indu.

Hari indu or Harischandra. Hari appeared as Chandra. Hari indu. Caitanya Chandra ki jay! He appeared as Chandra. He appeared as Chaitanya Chandra. And now after Adi-lila and Madhya lila when he goes to Jagganathpuri He is going to for the reason, confidential private reason for which He had appeared and He had all these questions on his mind, so He is going to have that whole experience being Radha, Radha bhava and this is what is happening in Jagganath puri ,specially this is happening in Gambhira. He is in this mood now and this Shikshastak and all this is, which ends with ‘ashlishya va padaratam pinashtu mam’, this is all Radha bhava. Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki jay!

Sri Sri Panca-tattva ki jay!! Ok, so like that there is more, this is just the beginning, I would like you to read, study this. It is a part of your study material and then about Panca-tattva, so to be continued next session.

Thank you!! Gaur premanande haribol!!