Glories of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya
Venue: Noida
Dated: 20 th Feb 2018
Gaur Purnima mahotsav ki Jay! On the occasion of Gaur Purnima mahotsav, Gaur Katha Mahotsav is being organized, not inside Radha Govinda Dev temple and not even in the courtyard of the temple, but in Radha Govinda Dev ISKCON’s auditorium. Welcome to all of you for being here. Hari Bol! Lord is happy with you because you came. So we will sing a song, may be you are familiar with it. Sundar Lala, have you heard it?
Sundar Lala Saci-dulala, nacata sri-hari-kirtana me,
Bhale candana tilaka manohara, alaka sophe kapolana me.
Sire cuda darasi bale, vana-phula-mala hiyapara dole,
Pahirana pita-pitambara sobhe, nupura runu-jhunu caranon me.
Koi gayat hai radha-krsna nam, koi gayata hai hari-guna gan,
Mangala-tana mrdanga rasala, bajata hai koi rangana me…………………
Welcome again! You will see a small presentation of Gaur katha. I also have given a name, ‘Who is Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu?’ So appearance of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Not all are familiar with appearance. What is appearance?
It is birth day. We all are celebrating; in fact whole world is celebrating right now.
So Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, appeared on this planet before 532 years.
premarasa niryasa karite asvadana
raga marga bhakti loke karite pracarana (Cc Adi-lila 4.15-16)
This is from Caitanya Caritamrta. The confidential reason of appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is given in this. We are going to discuss this in brief. But in Caitanya Caritamrta it is a whole chapter.
So the general reason is dharma samsthapanarthaya , paritranaya sadhunam, vinasaya ca duskrtam. Like this three reasons are given. Sambhavami yuge yuge. This was also the reason but, along with this, there is a particular reason behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as stated in this sloka, appeared to relish prema rasa, especially madhurya rasa which is topmost.
The most important rasa amongst all rasas, maharasa or king of all rasas, is madhurya or sringar rasa. It is complete rasa, mellow, all other rasas are included in it. So such rasa, which includes santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya rasa, complete with all rasas, to relish that prema rasa and also to distribute it. It is not mentioned here, but He will relish and then He will distribute that same rasa.
Krsna prema pradayate
As we say in pranam mantra, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to relish Krsna prema and to distribute Krsna prema. Oh, it is given here, pracarana,
raga-marga bhakti loke karite pracarana
So basically to relish Krsna prema and to distribute, propagate Krsna prema; this was internal reason behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
ei mata bhakta bhava kari angikara
apani acari bhakti karila pracar
So Lord became devotee. Ei mata bhakta bhava, He assumed bhava, sentiment of a devotee. And that devotee whose bhava He adopted is not bhakta, but she is bhaktin. Radharani’s bhava is like that. So He assumed Radha bhava. Apani acari bhakti karila pracar, and He set example for everyone. Preaching was also one of the intentions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance. Prema pumartho mahan.
Gaudadesh, the land where Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared is known as Gauda desa. So Gauda desa, is known as Pancaguada, there are five Gauda -desa. Panca-Gauda is in North India, Panca-Dravid is in South India. Bengal is also Gauda desa, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared there.
Which was that day when Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared? It was also 18 th Feb. In 1486, it was purnima, full moon day and eclipse was also there. Or it is said that moon made excuse on that day. He arranged eclipse and hid his face, which is having so many spots and stains on it, because he knew, today Caitanyacandra is going to appear. Like Ramacandra, Krsnacandra, same way Caitanyacandra!
And how is that Caitanyacandra?
bahu-koti candra jini vadan ujjvala
From whose body so much effulgence or from whose face so much effulgence is emanating, bahu koti, brightness of millions and millions of moons, that is Caitanyacandra. So the moon who shines in our sky thought, today let only Caitanyacandra appear. How can I show my face? Thinking like this, he hid his face. And on that day Caitanyacandra appeared. Saci garbha sindhau Hari indu, like that is also said. Hari indu appeared. Indu is moon. So Hari indu is, Haricandra is not Harishacandra. Hari who is moon only, Caitanyacandra is Hari candra and Hari indu also. So this Hari indu appeared, Sachi garbha sindhau, the womb of Sachi mata is compared to sindhu, ocean. So from womb of Sachi mata, Hari indu, Caitanya-candra appeared on that evening. Where did He appear? You are taking darshan of that tree (presentation), darshan
of that neem tree, this is ‘Duradarshan’. While sitting here, you all became Sanjaya. So under the same neem tree, you are seeing one kutir. Home of Jagannath Misra, Jagannath Misra nivas, Sachi nivas, here only Caitanya Mahaprabhu took birth. This is also known as Yogapith. He appeared under neem tree, that’s why He was named, what was His name? Nimai, say it, Nimai! Sachi mata used to call all the time, Nimai Nimai. She must be saying today also.
Because this lila, pastime is eternal.
Saci kahe mui dekho akasha upare divya murti loka saba yena stuti kare Realization of Sacimata, when she was giving birth to Caitanyacandra, Nimai, at that time she realized. Others must also have realized it. Hey look, who have appeared in the sky!
yam brahma varunendra-rudra-marutah stunvanti divyaih stavair
jagata bhariya loka bole hari hari
sei-ksane gaurakrsna bhume avatari
That day because of eclipse, millions of people were assembled at Ganges to take bath. Mayapur, birthplace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is at the banks of Ganges. So what the people were doing who were assembled there?
Hari Hari Hari Hari! Hari bol!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!
So, Jagata bhariya loka bole, at the banks of Ganges, the whole atmosphere was surcharged by chanting of Hari Hari. At that time,
Gaurakrsna bhume avatari
Nimai took birth from the womb of Sacimata. In Srimad Bhagavatam it is said, when Sri Krishna took birth at midnight of astami, at that time millions of demigods appeared and sang the famous garbha-stuti. Like that same Krishna is now appeared as Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and same scene is getting repeated. All demigods have assembled and they are singing glorifications. Flowers are being showered, apsaras are dancing, gandharvas are singing, many kettledrums and other instruments are being played.
Hari bali narigana dei hulahuli
Can you do hulahuli? Try it, go ahead. Very good! May be some gents are also trying. So, dei hulahuli, means Hari Hari!
svarge vakya nrtya kare deva kutuhali
When ladies were doing hulahuli on earth or in Nadia, in Mayapur, that time musical instruments were being played in svarga. And deva kutuhali, demigods were excited to take darshan of the Lord.
deva apy asya rupasya nityam darsana-kanksinah
Such is the beauty of Caitanya Mahaprabhu that demigods are also eager to take His darsan.
savitri gauri sarasvati saci rambha arundhati ara yata deva narigana
nana dravya patra bhari brahmanira vesa dhari asi sabe kare darasana
Gauri and Sarasvati and Saci, who is this Saci? Wife of Indra is also Saci. This is another Saci. Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mother is also Saci. So this Saci, Rambha, Arundhati, narigana, ladies, what they did? They dressed themselves as Brahman ladies. So that no one can recognize them, ‘here is Saci, Rambha, Savitri, Gayatri’. Nana dravya patra bhari they came with varieties of gifts and they all were eager to have darshan.
Namo mahavadanyaya krsna prema pradayate,
krishnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah.
We will also do glorifications in these words. Or we will pay obeisances. Let’s chant, Namo mahavadanyaya krsna prema pradayate, krishnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah. This is pranam mantra of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is compiled by Rupa Gosvami in Prayag. When Rupa Gosvami met Caitanya Mhaprabhu, he chanted this pranam mantra first time. In this it is said, namah means I offer my obeisances again and again. Offer obeisance to whom? Namo mahavadanyaya namah, here again and again special features of Caitanya Mahaprabhu are given and then every time after that we have to add namah. Like that Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu namah. Namah in beginning and namah at
the end also. Namo namah! Obeisances again and again. Namo mahavadanyay!
So in this small pranam mantra, four specialties of Caitanya Mahaprabhu are mentioned, name of Caitanya mahaprabhu, His rupa, His lila and His qualities. So we will see where it comes. Namo mahavadanyaya, this is quality of Caitanya
Mahaprabhu. Which is His special quality? Namo mahavadanyaya, He is very merciful.
tuma bin ke dayalu jagat samsara
Amongst all the incarnations that have appeared in the world, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the number one. In case of mercy, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is matchless, even Krishna has left behind. Or Krishna became Caitanya Mahaprabhu when He became very merciful. Mahavadanyaya, this is quality of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Second is, again namah, namah krsna prema pradayate namah, so again obeisances. In this, lila of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is mentioned. Which lila, Krishna prema pradan, distribution of Krishna prema, this is lila of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then next is His name. Krsnay krsna caitanya namne, we have to go up to this. This is name of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So again obeisances, krsnay namah; but obeisances to which Krishna? Krishna Caitanya namne, the one whose name is Krishna Caitanya, obeisances to that Krishna. So there is little distinction between Krishna and Krishna Caitanya. My obeisances to Krishna but now which Krishna? Whose name is Krishna Caitanya, to that Krishna.
Now what is remaining? Rupa is remaining. Gaur tvise namah, again obisances, to whom? Obeisances to Gaur varna. Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is Gauranga, tvisa means complexion. Whose complexion is Gaur, hemango or gaur varna hemango, to Him obeisances.
So Namo mahavadanyaya krsna prema pradayate, krsnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah.
You can by heart it. Who know this mantra? Learned now? Will remember, at least for 2-4 min. By heart it! Then understand what is said in this mantra. So this is from Caitanya Caritamrta. It is special mantra, sutra. What kind of sutra? Paribhasita sutra, explanatory sutra! Every scripture has it’s own special mantra, sutra, one basis, foundation mantra. It is called paribhasita sutra. So this one is sutra of Caitanya Caritamrta.
anarpita-carim cirat karunaya avatirna kalau
Understand little little? Anarpita carim cirat, means which was not given since long time, to give such thing, karunaya avatirna kalau, in the age of kali, kalau, avatirna, He appeared out of mercy. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is by nature very merciful. So He couldn’t resist and appeared mercifully.
samarpayitum unnat ujjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam
Internal reason is mentioned here. Samarpayitum means to bestow, to distribute Mahaprabhu appeared. Unnat ujjvala rasa, which mellow? Unnat, elevated, topmost and ujjavala, brilliant, effulgent, rasam means madhurya rasa, to distribute prema rasa, which is also mellow of bhakti. All this is bhakti also. Sakhya rasa, bhakti in sakhya bhava, vatsalya bhakti, madhurya bhakti, and this is called rasa, bhakti, bhava, sakhya bhava, madhurya bhava. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to relish and distribute it. Then explanation of His beauty, harih purata sundara dyuti, dyuti means luster. Purata means gold, so how is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s complexion? Suvarna varna, golden form! Do you like ‘sona’ (hindi word)? Why not? ‘Sona’ is of two types, one is gold and other is sleep. Hiranyakasipu was very interested in both, that’s why his name became Hiranyakasipu. Hiranya means gold, kashipu means soft bed, both are ‘sona’.
But Caitanya Mahaprabhu was pure gold. Gauranga, go for Gauranga! Go for means what? Go and get it, run for it. Run to achieve Gauranga. He is real gold. Else is only chamak-damak, glitter, glow. All that glitters is not gold. Fire-fly runs towards the fire and then svaha, reduced himself to ashes. Like that people of the world get attracted towards glitter of the world. So forget it, abandon it, leave it and run. Run towards Gauranga! Gauranga!
It is also said that, this is prayer,
sada hrdaya kandare sphuratu vah sacinandanah
Sada, should be always like that, like what? Hrdaya kandare, hrdaya means heart, kandare means cave, innermost core of your heart, sphurate vah sacinandanah, vah means your, nah means our, Sacinandan should always manifest. Jay Sacinandan! Bhakti Vinod Thakur said one day will come when people from all over the world will gather together; will come to Bengal, will come to Mayapur also and will sing. What they will sing? Jay Sacinandan Jay Sacinandan! So the writer of this scripture, Krsnadas Kaviraj Gosvami prays, may that Sacinandan be ranscendentally situated within everyone’s heart. May He become the cause of your vitality!
There is another scripture known as Caitanya Bhagavat, in which pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu are described. And this is first lila sloka of Caitanya Bhagavat which starts with glorification. Who wrote Caitanya Bhagavat? Vedavyasa, Vyasadeva! During Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s time, Vyasadeva appeared again. And that time his name was Vrndavan das Thakur. He also appeared in Navadvipa. So Vyasa of Srimad Bhagavatam became Vrndavan das. Vyasa became Vrndavan das and he compiled Caitanya Bhagavat. We are trying to make you understand this so that you can understand glories of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Who is Caitanya Mahaprabhu? This is the title, theme of our presentation. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Srila Prabhupada’s words, He is Supreme Personality. Which kind of Personality? Supreme and Godhead, the head of all Gods!
ajanu lambita bhujau kanakavadatau
sankirtanaika pitarau kamalaya taksau
visvambharau dvijavarau yuga dharma-palau
vande jagat priyakarau karuna avatarau!
This au au is coming at the end of many words; the reason is there are two persons. Ramah ramau ramah, it is dvivacan in sanskrit, ramau, bhujau, vadatau. So there is mention of two persons. Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu ki Jay! Both are glorified together. So how are they? Ajanu lambita bhujau, those who have long arms, aa means up to, so up to where? Up to the knees, their arms are extended to their knees. Kanakavadatau , their complexion is golden. Sankirtanaika pitarau, they are father of sankirtana movement, two founding fathers, Gaur and Nityananda. Kamalaya taksau, they are lotus eyed. Visvambharau, both are called as Visvambhara.
When Caitanya Mahaprabhu took birth, and there was name giving ceremony, I don’t know which day, but then Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s grandfather, Nilambar Cakravarti came there. At some distance from Yogapith, there is Belapukur, in Rudradvipa. In Navadvipa there is Rudradvipa, where Nilambar Cakravarti used to live. Father of Sacimata! So he came to Antardvipa, where there is Yogapith. He performed name giving ceremony, just like Gargacarya gave names to Krishna and Balarama. So this Nilambar Cakravarti came and gave name. What will be the name? Visvambhar! What will be the name of the baby? Visvambhar, maintainer of the whole world! Visvambharau!
Dvijavarau, topmost amongst brahmanas; both were appeared in brahmana families. Yugadharma palau, the dharma of this kali yuga, yugadharma, they will protect, establish it.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!
So they are founding fathers of sankirtana movement, sankirtanaika pitarau, and they are protectors of yugadharma. Vande jagat priyakarau, I offer my obeisances unto them who are benefactor of the whole world and are most merciful. Proof from sasras about Bhagavatta of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, there are many of them. We will discuss few from them. Bhagavatta means Godhood, He is Lord. What is the proof? There are proofs from scriptures. ‘It is given in sasras, so you shut up. We have proof.’ Every incarnation is mentioned in scriptures. If someone will say, I am God; then ask him in which sasra it is given? Bring scripture and show, where is your name? If it is there then obeisances otherwise kick him out. So in the beginning of Caitanya Caritamrta, like in the beginning of Srimad Bhagavatam, you can see CC 1.3 and SB 1.2.11. So Lord is known in three states. brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate brahma iti, paramatma iti, bhagavan iti sabdyate. Lord has three forms or Lord is
known in these three features. These three are advaya, yaj jnanam advayam, total sum of these three is one. They are not different. Not that Brahma is different and Paramatma is different and Bhagavan is different. They are one. He is Brahma, He is Paramatma and He is Bhagavan.
In Caitanya Caritamrita it is said, yad advaitam brahma upanisadi, He is called as Brahma in Upanisad. What is this Brahma? Asya tanu-bha, tanubha of Krishna or Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, tanu you understand? Tanu means body and bha means effulgence. The effulgence emanating from His body, in Upanisad it is called as Brahma, brahma upanisadi. Such an important thing! Ya atmantar yami puruna iti so ’syamsa vibhavah, and He is Paramatma. Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself is Paramatma. Sad-aisvaryaih purna ya iha bhagavan sa svayam ayam, He is the only one. Ayam means this, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Bhagavan, sad-aisvarya purna bhagavan. So in three lines of this sloka from Caitanya Caritamrta, Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself is Brahma, Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself is Paramatam and Caitanya Mahaprabhu is sad-aisvarya purna Bhagavan, like that His bhagavatta is described. And what is the last line?
na caitanyat krsnaj jagati para-tattvam param iha
To know Lord tattvatah is very important. Janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah, Krishna says, how to recognize Lord? Tattvatah! Then what is the result? Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti, no birth again. So Lord’s birth, His lilas, forms, qualities and His tattva! So na caitanyat krsnaj jagati para tattvam param iha. There can never be any truth greater than Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is the topmost. Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jay! Na caitanyat krsnat jagati, there is no other Absolute truth in this whole world.
In 10 th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, when Gargacarya was secretly giving names to Krishna and Balaram, in Gokula, in goshala, that time he said, this child Krishna appears in four different colors in four yugas. Asan varnah trayo hi asya, in three millenniums, three different colors, suklo raktas tatha pita! So he has mentioned three yugas, satyayuga, tretayuga and kaliyuga. In satyayuga Krishna or Lord was sukla varna, sukla means white; then rakta varna in tretayuga, means red like
rakta, blood, that color. And in kaliyuga, pita, means yellow, not ordinary yellow, tapta kancan gaurangi, molten gold color. When it is lightening, that brilliance, that is the color of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So idanim krsnatam gatah, Gargacarya says, now in this dvaparyuga Lord is in front of me, idanim krsnatam gatah, He is blackish in color; but in different different millenniums He accepts different different colors. What is of our interest in this? Pita, so pita means Gauranga, Gargacarya has mentioned that.
And in 11 th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, it’s even more clear. Here nava Yogendrasas had came to king Nimi, dialogues in between them going on. So here question was asked, ‘please tell us in which millennium which incarnation, of which complexion, and what their specialties are?’ So in the answer, it is said, krsna varnam tvisakrsnam. Do you remember tvisa? What have you heard about tvisa? Gaur tvise namah, tvisa became tvise in caturthi (grammer). So that tvisa, how is it? Not tvisa krsna, but tvisa akrsna. Tvisa + akrsna= tvisakrsna. So krsnavarnam Lord will appear, and what He will do? He will describe, varnan, of Krsna, like this bhava. Or He will do kirtan. Krsna-varnam and tvisa, how will be His complexion? Akrsna, He will not be blackish, means how He will be? He will be whitish, gaur, Gauranga. Gaur and yellow match little bit, not much difference, right? Hari Bol! Tell the truth!
So tvisa akrsnam, then sangopangasra parsadam, sa means with this He will appear. Sanga upanga parsad, His associates will be with Him. Weapon will be Hare Krishna mahamantra or associates will also act as weapons. And this anga and upanga are divisions between Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s associates. Yajnaih sankirtana prayair, so which Lord will appear in kali yuga, in answer to this question this was told. Then it is said, people will do yajna, yajanti hi sumedhasah. Question was asked, ‘in each particular yuga, by which process Lord will be worshipped?’ So in kaliyuga, yajanti, people will worship Lord, by which process? Yajnaih, yajnah means by yajnas, which type of yajnas? Name is also given. Sankirtana yajnaih, in kali yuga Lord will be worshipped by sankirtana yajna.
And how will be those who will perform sankirtana yajna? Sumedhasah, they will be intelligent people. Those who are intelligent people in kali yuga, they yajanti, worship Lord by sankirtana yajna. It’s clear.
In Markandeya purana it is said,
golokam ca parityajya lokanam trana karanat,
kalau gauranga-rupena lila lavanya vigrahah
It’s not difficult. So what Lord will do? Golokam ca parityajya, there is place known as Goloka, where Lord resides, golokam eva nivasati, Krishna, Krishna Caitanya lives in Goloka. So He left Goloka and came here in this world. Why? Lokanam tarana karanat, people here were very much distressed. To liberate them, kalau gauranga rupena, in kali yuga, in Gauranga form, lila lavanya vigrahah, His vigrah will be treasure chest of rupa, lavanya and beauty, He will appear. No need of any interpretation!
gangaya daksine bhage navadvipe manorame
kali papa vinasaya saci garbhe sanatani
janisyati priye misra purandara grhe svayam phalgune
purnamasyam ca nisayam gaura vigrahah
There is one scripture known as Visva-sara-tantra. Whatever you want to know about Caitanya Mahaprabhu, most of it, almost everything is there. Gangaya daksine bhage, at the south banks of Ganges, there is very beautiful place known as Navadvipa. There, kali papa vinasaya, to destroy or to rip down the heaps of sins of the people of kali yuga, sacigarbhe, in the womb of Sacimata, janisyati, He will appear. He appeared 500 years before. How many years? 532 years! Write it down! Some serious students are here with notebooks. Or they don’t have confidence on their brains. Others unfortunately have confidence on their brains, on their memory. If you want to remember, what should you do? Write it down! To get right, write it down. We heard like this also. So for this purpose, write it down.
So janisyati, where? Misra Purandara, another name of Jagannatha Misra, in his home, He appeared. When did Lord appear? Phalgune, in Phalguna month! At what time in Phalguna? Purnamasyam nisayam, in the evening! And Mirabai has also said something. She also had realized Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Bhagavatta, Godhood. Mira’s songs are very famous. This one must be new for you. Aba to harinama lo laagi, what Hari is doing now? He is chanting Harinam. Sab jagako yah makhan chora, nam dharo vairagi, at one time He was thief of Vrndavan, now He has taken renunciation, Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
saba jaga bolata makhan chora,
nam dharo vairagi!
kaha chadi vahu mohan murali?
kaha chadi saba gopi?
mora mundayi gora kati bandhi,
mane na mani gopi!
mata yasomati makhan choran
bandhi jaki baha,
syama kisor bhaye nava gora,
caitanya jako nam!
pitambar ko bhava dikhavai,
kati kaupina base,
gore krsna ki dasi mira,
jasa na krsna bane na bane
So that Murali Mohan, that Gopinath, He has renounced all of them, taken renunciation means He left all of them, removed His hair and by holding kamandalu and danda He left. Yasoda used to tie Him up with mortar now His name is Caitanya, Hari Bol! She is saying, she is dasi of Gaur Krishna. One who used to say, ‘mere to giridhar gopal’, she realized. Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Mirabai were from the same time.
When six Gosvamis were in Vrndavan, Mirabai was also there in Rajasthan or in Vrndavan, wherever. So this is her realization. So Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed for 48 years on this planet. When He was Krishna, He stayed for 125 years. For how many years were Krishna’s
manifested pastimes? For 125 years! Rama exhibited His manifested pastimes on this planet for 11,000 years. Das shat das shatani ca, like that it is said. Das shat means thousand. Ten multiplied by 100 is 1000. Das shat and das shatani, 1000 and 10000 = 11000.
So for 24 years Caitanya Mahaprabhu played His Navadvipa lila. Navadvipa dham ki Jay! There are nine islands. How many dvipa? Nine! There is Simanta dvipa, there is Godrum dvipa, there is Madhya dvipa, Kola dvipa, Rudra dvipa, Jahnu dvipa, Antar dvipa, may be I missed some in between. Yes, you went there, right? Do you remember all names of dvipas? Stand up! Tell in sequence! (Antar dvipa, Simant dvipa, Godrum dvipa, Madhya dvipa, Kola dvipa, Ritu dvipa, Jahnu dvipa, Modadrum dvipa, and Rudra dvipa) very good! So these are Navadvipa. She has just returned from Navadvipa parikrama. Fresh in memory! Ten thousand devotees were doing parikrama. Hari Bol!
So 24 years Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His pastimes in Navadvipa. In Caitanya Caritamrta it is called as Adi lila. Bal-lila, pauganda-lila, kishor-lila, all these are very sweet pastimes. Then for next six years Caitanya Mahaprabhu travelled all over India. Sriradhar bhave ebe gaura avatar, hare krsna nama gaura karila pracar So to distribute Hare Krishna mahamantra, Caitanya Mahaprabhu travelled all over India, for six years. In 1986 ISKCON organized padayatra. It started in 1986 from Dvaraka, we walked up to Mayapur. I was also coordinator of that padayatra. In which year Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared? 1486! So what happened in 1986? We were celebrating 500 th year anniversary. 500 th centennial of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance! So we had planned that wherever Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited, or at least we will visit places in South India. This was grand padayatra. International group of devotees! We started from Dvaraka on Radhastami day, 2 nd Sep. And from Dvaraka we went to Kanyakumari. In between we travelled many different places. So from Kanyakumari we went to Mayapur. 8000 kms in 18 months! Hari Bol!
So we also got opportunity to visit all those places where Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited during South India yatra. Then He travelled to east India also. From there He returned to Jagannath Puri. And again went to Vrndavan. He visited to Kuruksetra also. May be He had gone via Noida or via Delhi, Hastinapur. There are chances. What to say, during His travelling Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited my village also. Hari Bol! You may not believe. But this is the fact. Small village where I was born! So Caitanya Mahaprabhu passed through that village. Gauranga Himself, ajanulambit bhujau and sankirtanaika pitarau! So at that same village which is known as Aravade, Radha Gopal has arrived and last year we also established lotus foot prints of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Hari Bol! In South India at many places, wherever Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited, Srila Bhakti Siddhant Sarasvati Thakur established lotus footprints of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Tirupati is also one amongst them and Srirangam also, like that many other places. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived in Jagannath Puri for 18 years. There He performed His most confidential pastimes. Jay Jagannath! So in Jaganntha Puri, at a time, there was Lila-Purusottam Jagannath and prema Purusottam Caitanya Mahaprabhu. At a time and at same place, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived there for 18 years. So this is answer to ‘who is Caitanya’. If anyone will ask ‘who is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’; then you tell him only this much. What you will tell? Radha- Krsna nahi anya, that’s it, you said everything. Who is Caitanya Mahaprabhu? Sri krsna caitanya radha krsna nahi anya. Remember only this much. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave darshan to governor of Andhrapradesh, at the bank of Ganges. His name was Ramananda Ray. Have you heard names of Vishakha Lalita? So Vishakha became governor of Andhrapradesh. Yes and she used to attend all conferences and Vishakha getting on the phone. So in front of Vishakha, Caitanya Mahaprabhu could not hide His identity. He had to give His darshan. So He gave darshan of Krishna and Radha separately, krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahi anya.
So in Vrndavan, kesighata vamsivata, dvadasa kanan, jaha saba lila koilo sri nanda nandan, so Kesighata or Vasivata or twelve other vana, forests; just like you heard names of those nine islands, same like that there are names of twelve forests. Madhuvan, Talavan, Bahulavan, Vrndavan, Kamyavan etc. Jamuna flows in between. In Navadvipa also many rivers flow, because of that there are nine islands. River flows in between two dvipa, islands. Of course there is Ganges, and Jamuna also flows there. So Navadvip and Vrndavan are of equal importance, or some times importance of Navadvip is more because there is all merciful Lord.
When Krishna becomes more merciful, then He appears in form of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So these both dhama are abhinna, non different. Goloka where Krishna lives, in that same Goloka there is Dvaraka, Mathura and Vrndavan. The topmost portion of Goloka is Vrndavan. But it has two divisions. One is Navadvipa and other is Vrndavan. Sometimes it is also known as Swetadvipa. There is one another Swetadvipa also, but this Navadvipa is called as Swetadvipa. So in Vrndavan, Krishna and in Navadvipa which Krishna? Krishna Caitanya!
Krsnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah.
Dharma samsthapanarthay sambhavami yuge yuge
Founder of yugadharma, Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jay! Every millennium has yugavatar. The incarnation which appears in every kaliyuga is known as Gaur Narayan. But once in a day of Brahma, Gaur Krishna appears. There is difference in qualities of Narayan and Krishna. Of course they are one but Krishna becomes Narayan and He takes many more forms. The main source is Krishna. Krishna is not avatar. He is avatari. So this avatari Krishna appears once in a day of Brahma. Krishna at the end of Dvapar yuga, but which Dvapar? 4000 times Dvapar yuga comes in a day of Bramha. Am I saying right? Must be! It is said sahasra yuga paryanta. In one day of Bramha, 1000 mahayuga comes. Mahayuga means Satya, Treta, Dvapar and Kali, together is caturyuga, mahayuga. Like this yuga sahasra paryanta, 1000 times, so it will not be 4000. It’s 1000. I have never done this calculation before. Ok, so 1000 times Satya yuga, 1000 times Dvapar, 1000 times Treta and 1000 times Kaliyuga.
So there are 14 Manus in one day of Bramha. Each Manu’s duration is 71 mahayugas. Right now seventh Manu’s time is going on. His name is Vaivasvat Manu. Middle of the present day of Bramha is going on. So when 28 th Dvapar yuga of this Vaivasvat Manu comes, then Krishna appears. And in the kaliyuga which comes after this, which is 28 th Kali yuga of his duration, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appears. Hari Hari! So when Caitanya Mahaprabhu was going to make His appearance that was the time of Yugavatar’s appearance also. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared Himself and the yugavatar who was supposed to appear that time, Gaur Narayan, He merged into Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So again they became two in one. The purpose of Yugavatar is dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, that also Caitanya Mahaprabhu fulfilled. So yugavatar and avatari Sri Krishna or Sri Krishna Caitanya appeared together. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself performed task of yugavatar, hare krsna nama gaur karila pracar. And then He also fulfilled the confidential reason of His appearance, for 18 years in Puri,
internal reason, to relish prema-rasa and to distribute prema-rasa, love of Godhead.
Caitanya Mahaprabhu did kirtan in Jharkhand forest, na bhuto na bhavisyati, like this never happened before and will never happen again. Now Jharkhand is a state. 500 years before there were so many animals, elephants and you name it and it is there. So many varieties of birds, and animals, Lord made them dance. Some elephants were drinking water and they saw Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu may have said or thought, ‘hey, what are you looking at? Chant Hari Bol!’ So elephants raised their front legs and Hari Bol! Hari Bol! Hari Bol! And deer and lion etc. rubbing their shoulders, so these animals did not remain animals. So this is Caitanya, who spreads caitanya, sensation, who invokes consciousness.
Gaurangera sangi gane nitya siddha kori mane, se jaya brajendra nanda pae
This is song of Narottam Das Thakur. In this he is saying, gaurandera sangi gane, those who are associates, followers of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, nitya siddha kori mane, they are not common souls. Not that they were conditioned and then became liberated. Nitya siddha, means Caitanya Mahaprabhu brought them from His abode with Him. Lord did not come alone. He brought with Him many many devotees. Se jaya brajendra nandan pae, those who will understand that Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s associates are nitya siddhas, what phal they will get? Se jaya brajendra nandan pae, they will attain or they will reach to Brajendra nandan Krishna. Those who will understand that gauranger sangi gana nitya siddha kori mana, they will achieve Krishna. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s promise.
Prthivita ache yata nagaradi grama, sarvatra pracar haibe mora nama. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said this. Before saying this He Himself was doing sankirtana. Apani achari jagate sikhaye, He taught through His actions. 500 years before at the time of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Vrndavan was in bad condition. Because of attacks of Muslims nothing was happening in Vrndavan. All Deities were sent out to different places. No yatras, no visitors, no parikramas, no sound of conch, no sound of bells, nothing was happening. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu reestablished Vrndavan’s glories. Sad-gosvami, vande rupa sanatanau raghu yugau sri jiva gopalakau, they constructed temples again, they reinstalled Deities, and they compiled scriptures. Vrndavan dham ki Jay! There are many scriptures based on Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You can read Caitanya Caritamrta, Caitanya Bhagavat, Caitanya Mangal, there are many dramas, and many more.
Gaurangera madhura lila jar karne pravesila hrdoya nirmala bhelo tar heart purifying pastimes are there in all these scriptures. Pasu pakhi jhure pasana vidare, suni jaira guna gatha Like this is also said. What birds and animals do? They cry; stones melt, because of what? Suni jara guna gatha. Many more scriptures are there describing Mahaprabhu’s glories, and all. In the whole world, there is no other collection of scriptures like Gaudiya scriptures compilations, which is not having karmakanda, jnanakanda kevala visera bhanda. Only bhakti, prema rasa! And Srila Prabhupada had translated many of those scriptures. Caitanya Caritamrta was in Bengali.
Prabhupada translated it in English. Now you can get it in 100 languages. Hari Bol! Chinese people are also reading Caitanya Caritamrta. So people are reading in their own languages and understanding Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is arrangement of ISKCON founder acarya, Srila Prabhupada ki Jay! Foundation of Srila Prabhupada’s International society for Krishna Consciousness is Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sankirtana is being performed everywhere, nagaradi grama. Prabhupada started padayatras. Wherever ISKCON center or temple was, sankirtana was going on there. In same town devotees used to do nagar sankirtana. But ISKCON padayatra devotees are doing sankirtana all over the planet, till now they have walked many million Km, 250 thousand Km. and padayatries never step a single foot ahead without kirtan. They have spread Hari-
nama in 400 countries. In America, in Europe, or near England there is a small country known as Ireland, there is city called as Glasgow. We started padayatra from Glasgow to Moscow. It took five years. Everyday padayatries were moving ahead, from one country to another country, from one city to another city, like that.
Jagannath rathayatra mahotsava ki jay!
So Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to participate in Rathayatras in Jagannatha Puri same way Srila Prabhupada started rathayatras. Now all over the world rathayatras are being performed. Before rathayatra was limited only up to Jagannatha Puri, and 2,3 more cities of India. But now ISKCON is organizing rathayatras in 470 cities. Noida is one of them. Visvambhar prabhu is here. He also goes to many countries to organize rathayatra. 8-10 rathayatras only his family is doing, his father and their friend circle. Sri Gaur Nitai ki jay! Such beautiful Deities are installed everywhere. And construction of Temple Of Vedic Planetarium is going on, in Mayapur.
500 years before Nityananda prabhu was doing parikrama. He was taking Jiva Gosvami on parikrama. See what a team! Jiva Gosvami, one of the sat-gosvamis, from Vrndavan, his guide became Nityananda prabhu. He showed everything, told kathas. Nityananda prabhu had said, adbhuta mandira hoibe vikasa, gaurangera nitya lila hoibe prakasa, there will be astounding temple in Navadvipa. What will happen from there?
Gaurangera nitya lila hoibe prakasa From there Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s eternal pastimes will be manifested. Two weeks before there was Chakra installation. Deities are not yet installed, mandir is under construction. But Chakra is installed, Sudarshan chakra. It was grand festival. We were present there. Temple will open in 2020. Hari Bol! I think we all will be in Mayapur in 2020, celebrating grand temple opening. 2020 is chosen because, Srila Prabhupada started Mayapur festivals in 1972, so from 1972 to 2020, how many years? 50 th anniversary of Mayapur festivals will be celebrated. Not only this, 100 th anniversary is also there. What happened in 1922, in Kolkata? Bhakti Siddhant Sarasvati Thakur gave instructions to Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, ‘you look intelligent. In western world, preach Krishna consciousness in English language.’ Those instructions were from 1922, so how many years till 2020? 100 years! So after 100 years what happened? Perfection, accomplishment, siddhi of those instructions is going to be in the opening of this temple. Mayapur, Navadvipa is head quarter of ISKCON. You are invited, welcome for the opening of this temple.
Thank you!
Hare Krishna!