Birth of Lord Krishna is very special

Birth of Lord Krishna is very special
Venue: ISKCON Boston
Dated: June 8, 2010

Today’s topic, I thought of Vaasudeva, who is Vaasudeva? Is there any Vaasudeva hear in Boston. Vaasudeva is son of Vasudeva. That’s the meaning of Vaasudeva son of Vasudeva. There may be somebody who is Vasudeva and then his son is Vaasudeva, sometime people do have name Vasudeva. But this Vaasudeva is

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Bhagavan Vaasudeva, Bhagavate unto Bhagavan. Not only son of Vasudeva, hence is Vaasudeva but He is also Bhagavate the Suprime Personality of Godhead, who has not become son of Vasudev. And Lord got this title. He took birth in prison house of Kamsa. Then He became celebrated as Vaasudeva, Jai Vaasudeva…Jai Vaasudeva.

Then there was darsana and whole dialogue and prays between Vasudeva and Vaasudeva and with Devki also, Devaki offered prayers. In conclusion Devaki also asked is it possible to have only two hands? As He had appeared as four handed. Then we could hide You then we could say, he has nothing to do with God he is just a child, he just has two hands. But if there are four hands it’s difficult to hide the ID of Supreme Personality. Then Lord obliged and He became two handed little baby.

He already had cloths on and He was smiling this is an exception. When children take birth do they smile? Do you remember what you did? Mothers know. First thing child does is he cries and that’s good news also when child cries means he is alive. If he doesn’t even cries forgets the smile part, if he doesn’t even cry then it could be trouble. So babies cry is welcomed, babies cry because they just were in big trouble.

punarapi jananam punarapi maranam
punarapi janani jatare sayanam

If someone walks out of the door crying, you could imagine what he went through when he was inside. Anyway in case of Lord, He was smiling. He is not suppose be taking birth. He has nothing to do with birth. He is ajanma unborn. This is His pastime, He likes to be a son. He is waiting for vatsalya rasa, He becomes a baby. He has a mother, He has father. Otherwise, om jai jagdish hare, all prayers, awe and reverence every time. It’s too much; someone approaches Him and prays to Him. Lord wants to experience something different. So He is appearing as a baby son of Vasudev, Devaki and He is smiling. He has all the clothes on, already He has clothes not that Vasudev, Devki order they go Loi bazar. He has all the ornaments on. The dimly lit prison room is filled with light and Lord appears. Even prior to that when Lord was in womb there was brilliant sun light. Not just one sun, koti surya samaprabha Millions of suns light was there in the prison house. Then Lord had this idea that he should be taken out of there, get me out of here. Oh, where would you like to go? Please bring it to Gokul. What who would bring it to Gokul? Of course you. But I am shackled. No just left me and see what happens.

Vasudeva was willing to bring Lord to Gokul and he attempted and lifted. Immediately all the bonds all the shackles were into pieces. And this is what happens when anyone accepts Lord within his life he becomes free from all the bonds. Not only Vasudeva that’s not the only exception anyone who accepts Lord he become free from all the bonds, all the string attached are cut.

Then he begins walking towards the door, there are many doors to go through. He already has the whole baby and he only has two hands and they are busy. How is he going to open the door? But not necessary, he doesn’t have to do anything; he just wants to bring the Lord to Gokul that’s all. That’s what he knows and he is ordered to serve and he is on the job and moving on. And as he come to the door what happened? Automatically lock is unlocked, door is opened, how?

Automatically. So this automatic business is not a new thing (laughter). This existed 5000 years ago. First time I went to airport with my luggage trolley and I came to the door and door was closed, but on the top it said entrance enter here but the door was closed. I parked my luggage on the side and moved forward to open, but again I did not open it, it opened automatically. But then this is old fashion nothing new it
existed 5000 years back we are just imitating.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not any saintly person, He is Lord Himself

Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not any saintly person, He is Lord Himself
Venue: Pune yatra
Dated: October 2005
Hare Krishna, say Hare Krishna

Thank you for this rare opportunity. Very sincere group of devotees, very serious students of Krishna Consciousness. I could see some of you having ipads, very serious business going on here; we are not used to this.

dharmasya glanirbhavati

So much decline, religion had declined to such a low level that now people say, oh every morning when I get up I give 2 minutes to God and not just that also before I go to bed another 2 minutes. 2 + 2 that is 4. Take it be happy God, 4 minutes for you and 23 hours and 56 minutes for myself, that’s the kind of the degradation.

Such descriptions are there in Caitanya Bhagavat also as Advaitacharya had come to do the advance party work and do the feasibility study. And then he does make many observations like this, the kali pooja and Bhattacharyas and others they were just chanting some mantras only in the bathroom while taking shower they don’t have additional time for God. While taking bath naturally the water is cold and they just scream as our brahmachari’s also do (laughter). So from those times to this time big difference finally by the sincere prayers of Advaitacharya then
Mahaprabhu appeared. But then again while doing His sankirtan only with selected group of devotees indoor, closing all the windows and doors. Some karma, jnana or anything, you are short or not 100% then out, and this was going on for good amount of time. Advaitacharya was certainly not happy thinking I am the one I prayed for Lord’s advance thinking that, I can’t handle the kind of situation that exist around. I cannot alone do,


Lord Himself has to make His appearance. Of course Lord was very-very kind to respond to my prayers and He is here and but look He is limiting His mercy to just select few pure devotees, but what about the others. One day Advaitcharya approached Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu grabbed His lotus feet and begged on behalf of all those fallen souls. My dear Lord make this mercy available to everyone, you are known as mahavadanyaya.

namo mahavadanyaya

It’s not just vadanyaya magnanimous charitable but you are manavadanyaya you are most magnanimous most charitable most merciful Lord. My dear Lord please be kind upon all the fallen souls. Merciful Lord how could He neglect, ignore humble plea of non other than Advaitacharya. Advaita is not different from Lord, advaita not two it’s like Himself another form Advaitacharya. So from that time onwards Caitanya Mahaprabhu was out on the streets of Navadvipa.

patrapatra-vicara nahi, nahi sthanasthana

No more discrimination, the person was pure or impure, whether he is patra, deserving candidate or apatra non deserving, whether this place fit place where Caitanya Mahaprabhu perform His sankirtan or this is fit unfit,
qualified not qualified, no more consideration, Caitanya Mahaprabhu started His mission.

udilo aruna puraba-bhage dwija-mani gora amani jage,
bhakata-samuha loiya sathe gela nagara-braje
tathai tathai bajalo khol ghana ghana tahe jhajera rol,
preme dhala dhala sonara anga carane nupura baje

Taking along hundred and thousands of devotees, the jewel of the twice-born, Lord Gaurasundara did sankirtana all over Navadvipa.

preme dhala dhala sonara anga

His golden, beautiful form this way and that way, back and forth, up and down while little tinkling bells jingle around His ankles that sankirtana of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Those tinkling jingling of the bells which took place 500 years ago is the one that vibration which turned on has now began to inspire the whole world. That sankirtan is the cause, Mahaprabhu’s sankirtana is the cause of all causes that sankirtana, that chanting that dancing that ecstasy that prem.

Niranjana Maharaj had been talking about love of the Lord, love of the God head, Krishna prem. Mahaprabhu taught the lessons about Krishna prem. Otherwise it was just a word prem, it was either written or spoken. But He translated that into action, He taught us what love is about, love for His devotes and then of course love amongst the devotees. Caitanya Mahaprabhu chanted and danced. He started at Srivas angan then He came out and then He was doing it all over Navadvipa, Navadvipa mandal. He was still not satisfied, I am still limiting myself, I am come out of house but I am only chanting within the boundary of Nadiya district or Navadvipa it’s not sufficient, then Lord broke all the bonds. Varnashram was binding Him, oh I am grahastha, I had to be at home, I have beautiful wife and my loving mother. So many of my friends and relatives, they are all over the whole world they were awaiting. Rest of Bharat rest of India was also awaiting, first arrival in their home, home towns, home villages. So Mahaprabhu took sanyasa breaking the heart of His devotees. Devotees found out that Catainya Mahaprabhu has taken sanyasa. They were thinking ok we will also go back home now and we will burn our house and also join Mahaprabhu all the possessions are useless now just burn them to ashes and just follow the path of Gauranga, this was the state of separation. Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sanyasa and of course many past times.

Finally He went to Jagannath Puri, His headquarter as per wishes of His mother Sachi mata. I know you have taken sanyas and there is no question of you returning home or staying with me pretty well stay here near.

Jagannath Puri is not very far from here you stay there, at least I will get some news of your some time to time. Mahaprabhu agreed and proceed to Jagannath Puri.

But the world was still awaiting, Mahaprabhu begins His travel throughout the area. Next 6 years He travelled far and wide every town every village. prithviteacheyata nagaradi grama sarvatra prachara haibe mora nama My name would be chanted in every town every village on this planet. He wasn’t thinking of just Bengal or Orissa or India. Mahaprabhu was thinking that whole planet.

prithvite ache yata

He continues His mission of spreading the holy name all over the world. He continues to travel South India. All the residence of Jagannath Puri were ready to go with Him just like the residence of Ayodhya were ready to go with Shri Ram, even the trees of Ayodhya were thinking, is it possible for us to join Sri Ram. But this was just a thought, they knew oh how unfortunate we are, we are bound we cannot leave Ayodhya.

Unfortunate we are, look everyone else is so fortunate, they are following Sri Ram but we trees cannot move. Similar or even more separation was in the hearts of the residences of JagannathPuri. Mahaprabhu’s condition, no I will go alone, and then they had to make a big bargain big deal. Ok at least one person; all right all right only one person was allowed and Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued. He was all the day, He was doing kirtaniya sada hari May be just little rest, some time, some night, half of the night then He would proceed again. He had left students of Puri behind but wherever He would go people were chanting, dancing with Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There was no publicity campaign, no one was putting banners or posters, who knows, only God knew from where all these people are coming and how did they find out that tonight’s kirtana is in this village. People of so many villages would come there in hundreds and thousands and Mahaprabhu would dance with them. He would make them dance. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was a very tall figure, 7 feet tall, not only 7 feet tall he had long arms.


His bhuja was long ‘ajanu’ reaching His knees. Any body’s hands reaching knees? Everybody’s, mine also reaching but not while sitting you stand up. Mahaprabhu was standing His arms were reaching His knees. Mahaprabhu would stand up His hands were reaching His knees. So He was tall and long arms not just that He would jump up high in the sky, no need of going on the stage, the artist or performer has to be on the stage, everyone could watch Him. But Mahaprabhu was going up and down and golden.

“bahu koti chandra jini vadan ujjaval”

Bhaktivinod Thakur describes in that Gaura arati song that Mahaprabhu’s face was effulgent. Effulgence of millions of moons, effulgence of together was emitting from lotus face of Lord and from the rest of the body also. Koti surya sama prabha The prabha, the effulgence, the golden body personality of Godhead was dancing in the mist of hundred and thousand of devotees and making them dance also. They were just like little puppets in His hands as He danced He was also looking them up and down. They all were going up and down, sometimes Mahaprabhu would do inspiring everyone saying haribol. As He did as He was lifting everyone and dropping, not only bodies were being lifting their souls were getting lifted and elevated, elevation Consciousness.

Wherever Lord went He was transforming lives of hundreds and thousands and these devotees were returning like the way back to their homes, villages struggling to walk difficult to walk, they were in ecstasy, trembling, falling and rolling getting up and going few more steps falling down again, hundreds and thousands were to reach their homes and that state of consciousness is one glimpse of the Lord, just one time they took part in Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sankirtan and all the mountains the heaps of sins were burn to the ashes Burning to the ashes.

Mahaprabhu travelling to South India then Mahaprabhu blessed Maharashtra also passing through Kolhapur, they had come to Kolhapur to take darshana of Mahalakshmi or give darshan to Mahalakshmi. There are two ways to look at it, those who want to prove that Mahalakshmi is not an ordinary and Mahaprabhu came to see her or Mahaprabhu came to bless her, give her directions. Then Lord comes to Pandharpur and spends some time at other places Srirangam was one place where Mahaprabhu stayed for four months (Chaturmasa) some places only one night or half the night . But He knew that if He would be there till the morning the whole village will be ready to walk with Him. He wanted to avoid that, before people get up Mahaprabhu move on to next village, like that He was moving very fast and He had good excuse to find His Vishvarupa. Have you seen my Vishva rupa? Have any one heard about Vishva rupa? In fact He knew He gave this reason to all the devotees in Jagannath Puri. I had to go, I must go, to find my brother Vishva rupa. When He was giving good reason why He should leave Jagannathpuri, vishva rupa had already departed, he was no more already on the planet.

Mahaprabhu knew this, He gave that as a reason and He was enquiring. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was in Pandharpur there He spent 11 days or could be 14 days, possibilities of spending 15 days . For 11 days He was in Chandra Bhaga river, He doesn’t have to take bath in Chandra Bhaga bhima ani chandrabhaga, tuja charni chaya ganga Bhima or handrabhaga, Ganga or Yamuna, all these rivers come from lotus feet of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. So He doesn’t have to take bath, water that emanates from His lotus feet but to set example. Mahaprabhu taking bath and dancing towards mahadwara and right in front of Lord Panduranga inside chanting and dancing in great ecstasy Mahaprabhu continues His travel. Near Satara Krishnavena sangam and He found a very rare scripture, Krishna Karanamrita. He already had one, He had taken Brahma Samhita. He had been carrying now another scripture from Maharashtra. Jai Maharashtra.

Krishna Karanamrita is very dear to the Lord and His devotees. So in this way Lord blessed South India and then central India, Maharashtra. And another time to Jharkhand forest through Uttar Pradesh, dharma Pradesh as it was known once upon a time, dharma Pradesh close to Vrndavan. So like this South, North, East, West He blessed India with His chanting. Then He left the job of spreading holy name outside India, Prabhupada writes this, left this job to International Society of Krishna Consciousness to Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada ki jai. Gets the credit for spreading chanting Hare Krishna all over the planet and already the holy name is spread in all the countries of this world. This is the beginning, prediction of Mahaprabhu is bound to come true.

If it was my prediction who knows, if it was Mr. Pawar’s prediction, who knows, but it is, I don’t know why I had remember that name. May Lord bless Him. But Lord is Supreme Personality of God head, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram (BG 9.10) This is bound to come true, as we see here a big gathering of devotees, we may be devotees of Krishna or Ram or Panduranga but for sure we are devotees of Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this age of kali one becomes a devotee of Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu that does include Krishna, Ram or Panduranga.

So we were devotees of Pandurang, Ram, Krishna. Now we are devotees of Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, this is good great fortune of all of us. There was a time in India, Maharashtra very little was known about Mahaprabhu or He was just being listed as just another saintly person like Meera, Guru Nanak or Tulsi.

Likewise they were saintly person who took sanyasa that is Caitanya like that was a talk used to go on when I was a school boy. I used to study, I had one lesson in my school. So then I used to think, when would it come then I realized the position of Caitanya Mahaprabhu by grace of Prabhupada when that day would come such a big offence committing India, Maharashtra committing offence listing Mahaprabhu in the list of sanyasi, swamis, devotees.

He is Supreme Personality Godhead. Now by the grace of his divine grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and his followers, thousands of devotees are becoming devotees of Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Gauranga This gives us a delight and gives us confidence that yes yes for sure Mahaprabhu’s holy name will reach every town, every village. There are already devotees here from half of the Maharashtra villages and towns, at least from 100 villages, 100 towns for sure but if not more. So from zero to 1 and 2 zeros, soon there will be another zero. You all are heroes. In every home there is a ray of hope now Mahaprabhu mentioned in the beginning Mahaprabhu started chanting and dancing with jingling bells, that is the cause of spreading sankirtana movement all over the world. Mahaprabhu is making us dance and we are confident that you will make others as you will touch the devotees, more souls you will transfer your ecstasy and share your realizations of Gauranga with others. They would get transformed; this is how Mahaprabhu’s mercy spreading started with the heart of Prabhupada and spreading from heart to heart transformation of the heart. Others were taking leadership Radhanath Swami Maharaj ki jai. Leader of leaders and there are so many other leaders from Chowpatty, Pune, Kolhapur and Belgaum, Aurangabad. I appreciate all the work of pushing on Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Prabhupada’s sankirtan movement is being done.

Goal of course is stop not till the goal is reached. What is the goal? Every town, every village of Maharashtra is one goal immediate goal for us. If you could go beyond the boundaries and bring it to more villages more towns, let us do our part within our life time, this is a task of many generations. Maya is strong and kali will stay in action and active so future generations will have to carry on this task of bringing the holy name in the towns and more villages. The work you are doing is the foundational work on the strong foundation, when the foundation is strong you could build sky scrapers.

I am confident that Srila Prabhupada is pleased Kunja Bihari, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is pleased with all the endeavors of all of us . Push on may Srila Prabhupada and Gauranga bles you, spread the holy name
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare
Thank you

Glories of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya

Glories of Lord Sri Krishna Caitanya
Venue: Noida
Dated: 20 th Feb 2018

Gaur Purnima mahotsav ki Jay! On the occasion of Gaur Purnima mahotsav, Gaur Katha Mahotsav is being organized, not inside Radha Govinda Dev temple and not even in the courtyard of the temple, but in Radha Govinda Dev ISKCON’s auditorium. Welcome to all of you for being here. Hari Bol! Lord is happy with you because you came. So we will sing a song, may be you are familiar with it. Sundar Lala, have you heard it?

Sundar Lala Saci-dulala, nacata sri-hari-kirtana me,
Bhale candana tilaka manohara, alaka sophe kapolana me.
Sire cuda darasi bale, vana-phula-mala hiyapara dole,
Pahirana pita-pitambara sobhe, nupura runu-jhunu caranon me.
Koi gayat hai radha-krsna nam, koi gayata hai hari-guna gan,
Mangala-tana mrdanga rasala, bajata hai koi rangana me…………………

Welcome again! You will see a small presentation of Gaur katha. I also have given a name, ‘Who is Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu?’ So appearance of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu! Not all are familiar with appearance. What is appearance?

It is birth day. We all are celebrating; in fact whole world is celebrating right now.

So Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, appeared on this planet before 532 years.

premarasa niryasa karite asvadana
raga marga bhakti loke karite pracarana (Cc Adi-lila 4.15-16)

This is from Caitanya Caritamrta. The confidential reason of appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is given in this. We are going to discuss this in brief. But in Caitanya Caritamrta it is a whole chapter.

So the general reason is dharma samsthapanarthaya , paritranaya sadhunam, vinasaya ca duskrtam. Like this three reasons are given. Sambhavami yuge yuge. This was also the reason but, along with this, there is a particular reason behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as stated in this sloka, appeared to relish prema rasa, especially madhurya rasa which is topmost.
The most important rasa amongst all rasas, maharasa or king of all rasas, is madhurya or sringar rasa. It is complete rasa, mellow, all other rasas are included in it. So such rasa, which includes santa, dasya, sakhya, vatsalya and madhurya rasa, complete with all rasas, to relish that prema rasa and also to distribute it. It is not mentioned here, but He will relish and then He will distribute that same rasa.

Krsna prema pradayate

As we say in pranam mantra, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to relish Krsna prema and to distribute Krsna prema. Oh, it is given here, pracarana,

raga-marga bhakti loke karite pracarana

So basically to relish Krsna prema and to distribute, propagate Krsna prema; this was internal reason behind the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

ei mata bhakta bhava kari angikara
apani acari bhakti karila pracar

So Lord became devotee. Ei mata bhakta bhava, He assumed bhava, sentiment of a devotee. And that devotee whose bhava He adopted is not bhakta, but she is bhaktin. Radharani’s bhava is like that. So He assumed Radha bhava. Apani acari bhakti karila pracar, and He set example for everyone. Preaching was also one of the intentions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance. Prema pumartho mahan.

Gaudadesh, the land where Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared is known as Gauda desa. So Gauda desa, is known as Pancaguada, there are five Gauda -desa. Panca-Gauda is in North India, Panca-Dravid is in South India. Bengal is also Gauda desa, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared there.
Which was that day when Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared? It was also 18 th Feb. In 1486, it was purnima, full moon day and eclipse was also there. Or it is said that moon made excuse on that day. He arranged eclipse and hid his face, which is having so many spots and stains on it, because he knew, today Caitanyacandra is going to appear. Like Ramacandra, Krsnacandra, same way Caitanyacandra!

And how is that Caitanyacandra?
bahu-koti candra jini vadan ujjvala

From whose body so much effulgence or from whose face so much effulgence is emanating, bahu koti, brightness of millions and millions of moons, that is Caitanyacandra. So the moon who shines in our sky thought, today let only Caitanyacandra appear. How can I show my face? Thinking like this, he hid his face. And on that day Caitanyacandra appeared. Saci garbha sindhau Hari indu, like that is also said. Hari indu appeared. Indu is moon. So Hari indu is, Haricandra is not Harishacandra. Hari who is moon only, Caitanyacandra is Hari candra and Hari indu also. So this Hari indu appeared, Sachi garbha sindhau, the womb of Sachi mata is compared to sindhu, ocean. So from womb of Sachi mata, Hari indu, Caitanya-candra appeared on that evening. Where did He appear? You are taking darshan of that tree (presentation), darshan
of that neem tree, this is ‘Duradarshan’. While sitting here, you all became Sanjaya. So under the same neem tree, you are seeing one kutir. Home of Jagannath Misra, Jagannath Misra nivas, Sachi nivas, here only Caitanya Mahaprabhu took birth. This is also known as Yogapith. He appeared under neem tree, that’s why He was named, what was His name? Nimai, say it, Nimai! Sachi mata used to call all the time, Nimai Nimai. She must be saying today also.

Because this lila, pastime is eternal.

Saci kahe mui dekho akasha upare divya murti loka saba yena stuti kare Realization of Sacimata, when she was giving birth to Caitanyacandra, Nimai, at that time she realized. Others must also have realized it. Hey look, who have appeared in the sky!

yam brahma varunendra-rudra-marutah stunvanti divyaih stavair
jagata bhariya loka bole hari hari
sei-ksane gaurakrsna bhume avatari

That day because of eclipse, millions of people were assembled at Ganges to take bath. Mayapur, birthplace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is at the banks of Ganges. So what the people were doing who were assembled there?

Hari Hari Hari Hari! Hari bol!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama  Rama Rama Hare Hare!

So, Jagata bhariya loka bole, at the banks of Ganges, the whole atmosphere was surcharged by chanting of Hari Hari. At that time,

Gaurakrsna bhume avatari

Nimai took birth from the womb of Sacimata. In Srimad Bhagavatam it is said, when Sri Krishna took birth at midnight of astami, at that time millions of demigods appeared and sang the famous garbha-stuti. Like that same Krishna is now appeared as Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and same scene is getting repeated. All demigods have assembled and they are singing glorifications. Flowers are being showered, apsaras are dancing, gandharvas are singing, many kettledrums and other instruments are being played.

Hari bali narigana dei hulahuli
Can you do hulahuli? Try it, go ahead. Very good! May be some gents are also trying. So, dei hulahuli, means Hari Hari!

svarge vakya nrtya kare deva kutuhali

When ladies were doing hulahuli on earth or in Nadia, in Mayapur, that time musical instruments were being played in svarga. And deva kutuhali, demigods were excited to take darshan of the Lord.

deva apy asya rupasya nityam darsana-kanksinah

Such is the beauty of Caitanya Mahaprabhu that demigods are also eager to take His darsan.

savitri gauri sarasvati saci rambha arundhati ara yata deva narigana
nana dravya patra bhari brahmanira vesa dhari asi sabe kare darasana

Gauri and Sarasvati and Saci, who is this Saci? Wife of Indra is also Saci. This is another Saci. Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s mother is also Saci. So this Saci, Rambha, Arundhati, narigana, ladies, what they did? They dressed themselves as Brahman ladies. So that no one can recognize them, ‘here is Saci, Rambha, Savitri, Gayatri’. Nana dravya patra bhari they came with varieties of gifts and they all were eager to have darshan.

Namo mahavadanyaya krsna prema pradayate,
krishnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah.

We will also do glorifications in these words. Or we will pay obeisances. Let’s chant, Namo mahavadanyaya krsna prema pradayate, krishnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah. This is pranam mantra of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is compiled by Rupa Gosvami in Prayag. When Rupa Gosvami met Caitanya Mhaprabhu, he chanted this pranam mantra first time. In this it is said, namah means I offer my obeisances again and again. Offer obeisance to whom? Namo mahavadanyaya namah, here again and again special features of Caitanya Mahaprabhu are given and then every time after that we have to add namah. Like that Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu namah. Namah in beginning and namah at
the end also. Namo namah! Obeisances again and again. Namo mahavadanyay!

So in this small pranam mantra, four specialties of Caitanya Mahaprabhu are mentioned, name of Caitanya mahaprabhu, His rupa, His lila and His qualities. So we will see where it comes. Namo mahavadanyaya, this is quality of Caitanya

Mahaprabhu. Which is His special quality? Namo mahavadanyaya, He is very merciful.

tuma bin ke dayalu jagat samsara

Amongst all the incarnations that have appeared in the world, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the number one. In case of mercy, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is matchless, even Krishna has left behind. Or Krishna became Caitanya Mahaprabhu when He became very merciful. Mahavadanyaya, this is quality of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Second is, again namah, namah krsna prema pradayate namah, so again obeisances. In this, lila of Caitanya Mahaprabhu is mentioned. Which lila, Krishna prema pradan, distribution of Krishna prema, this is lila of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then next is His name. Krsnay krsna caitanya namne, we have to go up to this. This is name of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So again obeisances, krsnay namah; but obeisances to which Krishna? Krishna Caitanya namne, the one whose name is Krishna Caitanya, obeisances to that Krishna. So there is little distinction between Krishna and Krishna Caitanya. My obeisances to Krishna but now which Krishna? Whose name is Krishna Caitanya, to that Krishna.

Now what is remaining? Rupa is remaining. Gaur tvise namah, again obisances, to whom? Obeisances to Gaur varna. Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is Gauranga, tvisa means complexion. Whose complexion is Gaur, hemango or gaur varna hemango, to Him obeisances.

So Namo mahavadanyaya krsna prema pradayate, krsnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah.

You can by heart it. Who know this mantra? Learned now? Will remember, at least for 2-4 min. By heart it! Then understand what is said in this mantra. So this is from Caitanya Caritamrta. It is special mantra, sutra. What kind of sutra? Paribhasita sutra, explanatory sutra! Every scripture has it’s own special mantra, sutra, one basis, foundation mantra. It is called paribhasita sutra. So this one is sutra of Caitanya Caritamrta.

anarpita-carim cirat karunaya avatirna kalau

Understand little little? Anarpita carim cirat, means which was not given since long time, to give such thing, karunaya avatirna kalau, in the age of kali, kalau, avatirna, He appeared out of mercy. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is by nature very merciful. So He couldn’t resist and appeared mercifully.

samarpayitum unnat ujjvala-rasam sva-bhakti-sriyam

Internal reason is mentioned here. Samarpayitum means to bestow, to distribute Mahaprabhu appeared. Unnat ujjvala rasa, which mellow? Unnat, elevated, topmost and ujjavala, brilliant, effulgent, rasam means madhurya rasa, to distribute prema rasa, which is also mellow of bhakti. All this is bhakti also. Sakhya rasa, bhakti in sakhya bhava, vatsalya bhakti, madhurya bhakti, and this is called rasa, bhakti, bhava, sakhya bhava, madhurya bhava. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to relish and distribute it. Then explanation of His beauty, harih purata sundara dyuti, dyuti means luster. Purata means gold, so how is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s complexion? Suvarna varna, golden form! Do you like ‘sona’ (hindi word)? Why not? ‘Sona’ is of two types, one is gold and other is sleep. Hiranyakasipu was very interested in both, that’s why his name became Hiranyakasipu. Hiranya means gold, kashipu means soft bed, both are ‘sona’.

But Caitanya Mahaprabhu was pure gold. Gauranga, go for Gauranga! Go for means what? Go and get it, run for it. Run to achieve Gauranga. He is real gold. Else is only chamak-damak, glitter, glow. All that glitters is not gold. Fire-fly runs towards the fire and then svaha, reduced himself to ashes. Like that people of the world get attracted towards glitter of the world. So forget it, abandon it, leave it and run. Run towards Gauranga! Gauranga!

It is also said that, this is prayer,
sada hrdaya kandare sphuratu vah sacinandanah

Sada, should be always like that, like what? Hrdaya kandare, hrdaya means heart, kandare means cave, innermost core of your heart, sphurate vah sacinandanah, vah means your, nah means our, Sacinandan should always manifest. Jay Sacinandan! Bhakti Vinod Thakur said one day will come when people from all over the world will gather together; will come to Bengal, will come to Mayapur also and will sing. What they will sing? Jay Sacinandan Jay Sacinandan! So the writer of this scripture, Krsnadas Kaviraj Gosvami prays, may that Sacinandan be ranscendentally situated within everyone’s heart. May He become the cause of your vitality!

There is another scripture known as Caitanya Bhagavat, in which pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu are described. And this is first lila sloka of Caitanya Bhagavat which starts with glorification. Who wrote Caitanya Bhagavat? Vedavyasa, Vyasadeva! During Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s time, Vyasadeva appeared again. And that time his name was Vrndavan das Thakur. He also appeared in Navadvipa. So Vyasa of Srimad Bhagavatam became Vrndavan das. Vyasa became Vrndavan das and he compiled Caitanya Bhagavat. We are trying to make you understand this so that you can understand glories of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Who is Caitanya Mahaprabhu? This is the title, theme of our presentation. Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Srila Prabhupada’s words, He is Supreme Personality. Which kind of Personality? Supreme and Godhead, the head of all Gods!

ajanu lambita bhujau kanakavadatau
sankirtanaika pitarau kamalaya taksau
visvambharau dvijavarau yuga dharma-palau
vande jagat priyakarau karuna avatarau!

This au au is coming at the end of many words; the reason is there are two persons. Ramah ramau ramah, it is dvivacan in sanskrit, ramau, bhujau, vadatau. So there is mention of two persons. Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu ki Jay! Both are glorified together. So how are they? Ajanu lambita bhujau, those who have long arms, aa means up to, so up to where? Up to the knees, their arms are extended to their knees. Kanakavadatau , their complexion is golden. Sankirtanaika pitarau, they are father of sankirtana movement, two founding fathers, Gaur and Nityananda. Kamalaya taksau, they are lotus eyed. Visvambharau, both are called as Visvambhara.

When Caitanya Mahaprabhu took birth, and there was name giving ceremony, I don’t know which day, but then Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s grandfather, Nilambar Cakravarti came there. At some distance from Yogapith, there is Belapukur, in Rudradvipa. In Navadvipa there is Rudradvipa, where Nilambar Cakravarti used to live. Father of Sacimata! So he came to Antardvipa, where there is Yogapith. He performed name giving ceremony, just like Gargacarya gave names to Krishna and Balarama. So this Nilambar Cakravarti came and gave name. What will be the name? Visvambhar! What will be the name of the baby? Visvambhar, maintainer of the whole world! Visvambharau!

Dvijavarau, topmost amongst brahmanas; both were appeared in brahmana families. Yugadharma palau, the dharma of this kali yuga, yugadharma, they will protect, establish it.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!

So they are founding fathers of sankirtana movement, sankirtanaika pitarau, and they are protectors of yugadharma. Vande jagat priyakarau, I offer my obeisances unto them who are benefactor of the whole world and are most merciful. Proof from sasras about Bhagavatta of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, there are many of them. We will discuss few from them. Bhagavatta means Godhood, He is Lord. What is the proof? There are proofs from scriptures. ‘It is given in sasras, so you shut up. We have proof.’ Every incarnation is mentioned in scriptures. If someone will say, I am God; then ask him in which sasra it is given? Bring scripture and show, where is your name? If it is there then obeisances otherwise kick him out. So in the beginning of Caitanya Caritamrta, like in the beginning of Srimad Bhagavatam, you can see CC 1.3 and SB 1.2.11. So Lord is known in three states. brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate brahma iti, paramatma iti, bhagavan iti sabdyate. Lord has three forms or Lord is
known in these three features. These three are advaya, yaj jnanam advayam, total sum of these three is one. They are not different. Not that Brahma is different and Paramatma is different and Bhagavan is different. They are one. He is Brahma, He is Paramatma and He is Bhagavan.

In Caitanya Caritamrita it is said, yad advaitam brahma upanisadi, He is called as Brahma in Upanisad. What is this Brahma? Asya tanu-bha, tanubha of Krishna or Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, tanu you understand? Tanu means body and bha means effulgence. The effulgence emanating from His body, in Upanisad it is called as Brahma, brahma upanisadi. Such an important thing! Ya atmantar yami puruna iti so ’syamsa vibhavah, and He is Paramatma. Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself is Paramatma. Sad-aisvaryaih purna ya iha bhagavan sa svayam ayam, He is the only one. Ayam means this, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Bhagavan, sad-aisvarya purna bhagavan. So in three lines of this sloka from Caitanya Caritamrta, Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself is Brahma, Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself is Paramatam and Caitanya Mahaprabhu is sad-aisvarya purna Bhagavan, like that His bhagavatta is described. And what is the last line?

na caitanyat krsnaj jagati para-tattvam param iha

To know Lord tattvatah is very important. Janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah, Krishna says, how to recognize Lord? Tattvatah! Then what is the result? Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti, no birth again. So Lord’s birth, His lilas, forms, qualities and His tattva! So na caitanyat krsnaj jagati para tattvam param iha. There can never be any truth greater than Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is the topmost. Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jay! Na caitanyat krsnat jagati, there is no other Absolute truth in this whole world.

In 10 th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, when Gargacarya was secretly giving names to Krishna and Balaram, in Gokula, in goshala, that time he said, this child Krishna appears in four different colors in four yugas. Asan varnah trayo hi asya, in three millenniums, three different colors, suklo raktas tatha pita! So he has mentioned three yugas, satyayuga, tretayuga and kaliyuga. In satyayuga Krishna or Lord was sukla varna, sukla means white; then rakta varna in tretayuga, means red like

rakta, blood, that color. And in kaliyuga, pita, means yellow, not ordinary yellow, tapta kancan gaurangi, molten gold color. When it is lightening, that brilliance, that is the color of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So idanim krsnatam gatah, Gargacarya says, now in this dvaparyuga Lord is in front of me, idanim krsnatam gatah, He is blackish in color; but in different different millenniums He accepts different different colors. What is of our interest in this? Pita, so pita means Gauranga, Gargacarya has mentioned that.

And in 11 th canto of Srimad Bhagavatam, it’s even more clear. Here nava Yogendrasas had came to king Nimi, dialogues in between them going on. So here question was asked, ‘please tell us in which millennium which incarnation, of which complexion, and what their specialties are?’ So in the answer, it is said, krsna varnam tvisakrsnam. Do you remember tvisa? What have you heard about tvisa? Gaur tvise namah, tvisa became tvise in caturthi (grammer). So that tvisa, how is it? Not tvisa krsna, but tvisa akrsna. Tvisa + akrsna= tvisakrsna. So krsnavarnam Lord will appear, and what He will do? He will describe, varnan, of Krsna, like this bhava. Or He will do kirtan. Krsna-varnam and tvisa, how will be His complexion? Akrsna, He will not be blackish, means how He will be? He will be whitish, gaur, Gauranga. Gaur and yellow match little bit, not much difference, right? Hari Bol! Tell the truth!

So tvisa akrsnam, then sangopangasra parsadam, sa means with this He will appear. Sanga upanga parsad, His associates will be with Him. Weapon will be Hare Krishna mahamantra or associates will also act as weapons. And this anga and upanga are divisions between Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s associates. Yajnaih sankirtana prayair, so which Lord will appear in kali yuga, in answer to this question this was told. Then it is said, people will do yajna, yajanti hi sumedhasah. Question was asked, ‘in each particular yuga, by which process Lord will be worshipped?’ So in kaliyuga, yajanti, people will worship Lord, by which process? Yajnaih, yajnah means by yajnas, which type of yajnas? Name is also given. Sankirtana yajnaih, in kali yuga Lord will be worshipped by sankirtana yajna.

And how will be those who will perform sankirtana yajna? Sumedhasah, they will be intelligent people. Those who are intelligent people in kali yuga, they yajanti, worship Lord by sankirtana yajna. It’s clear.

In Markandeya purana it is said,

golokam ca parityajya lokanam trana karanat,
kalau gauranga-rupena lila lavanya vigrahah

It’s not difficult. So what Lord will do? Golokam ca parityajya, there is place known as Goloka, where Lord resides, golokam eva nivasati, Krishna, Krishna Caitanya lives in Goloka. So He left Goloka and came here in this world. Why? Lokanam tarana karanat, people here were very much distressed. To liberate them, kalau gauranga rupena, in kali yuga, in Gauranga form, lila lavanya vigrahah, His vigrah will be treasure chest of rupa, lavanya and beauty, He will appear. No need of any interpretation!

gangaya daksine bhage navadvipe manorame
kali papa vinasaya saci garbhe sanatani
janisyati priye misra purandara grhe svayam phalgune
purnamasyam ca nisayam gaura vigrahah

There is one scripture known as Visva-sara-tantra. Whatever you want to know about Caitanya Mahaprabhu, most of it, almost everything is there. Gangaya daksine bhage, at the south banks of Ganges, there is very beautiful place known as Navadvipa. There, kali papa vinasaya, to destroy or to rip down the heaps of sins of the people of kali yuga, sacigarbhe, in the womb of Sacimata, janisyati, He will appear. He appeared 500 years before. How many years? 532 years! Write it down! Some serious students are here with notebooks. Or they don’t have confidence on their brains. Others unfortunately have confidence on their brains, on their memory. If you want to remember, what should you do? Write it down! To get right, write it down. We heard like this also. So for this purpose, write it down.

So janisyati, where? Misra Purandara, another name of Jagannatha Misra, in his home, He appeared. When did Lord appear? Phalgune, in Phalguna month! At what time in Phalguna? Purnamasyam nisayam, in the evening! And Mirabai has also said something. She also had realized Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Bhagavatta, Godhood. Mira’s songs are very famous. This one must be new for you. Aba to harinama lo laagi, what Hari is doing now? He is chanting Harinam. Sab jagako yah makhan chora, nam dharo vairagi, at one time He was thief of Vrndavan, now He has taken renunciation, Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

saba jaga bolata makhan chora,
nam dharo vairagi!
kaha chadi vahu mohan murali?
kaha chadi saba gopi?
mora mundayi gora kati bandhi,
mane na mani gopi!
mata yasomati makhan choran
bandhi jaki baha,
syama kisor bhaye nava gora,
caitanya jako nam!
pitambar ko bhava dikhavai,
kati kaupina base,
gore krsna ki dasi mira,
jasa na krsna bane na bane

So that Murali Mohan, that Gopinath, He has renounced all of them, taken renunciation means He left all of them, removed His hair and by holding kamandalu and danda He left. Yasoda used to tie Him up with mortar now His name is Caitanya, Hari Bol! She is saying, she is dasi of Gaur Krishna. One who used to say, ‘mere to giridhar gopal’, she realized. Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Mirabai were from the same time.

When six Gosvamis were in Vrndavan, Mirabai was also there in Rajasthan or in Vrndavan, wherever. So this is her realization. So Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed for 48 years on this planet. When He was Krishna, He stayed for 125 years. For how many years were Krishna’s
manifested pastimes? For 125 years! Rama exhibited His manifested pastimes on this planet for 11,000 years. Das shat das shatani ca, like that it is said. Das shat means thousand. Ten multiplied by 100 is 1000. Das shat and das shatani, 1000 and 10000 = 11000.

So for 24 years Caitanya Mahaprabhu played His Navadvipa lila. Navadvipa dham ki Jay! There are nine islands. How many dvipa? Nine! There is Simanta dvipa, there is Godrum dvipa, there is Madhya dvipa, Kola dvipa, Rudra dvipa, Jahnu dvipa, Antar dvipa, may be I missed some in between. Yes, you went there, right? Do you remember all names of dvipas? Stand up! Tell in sequence! (Antar dvipa, Simant dvipa, Godrum dvipa, Madhya dvipa, Kola dvipa, Ritu dvipa, Jahnu dvipa, Modadrum dvipa, and Rudra dvipa) very good! So these are Navadvipa. She has just returned from Navadvipa parikrama. Fresh in memory! Ten thousand devotees were doing parikrama. Hari Bol!

So 24 years Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His pastimes in Navadvipa. In Caitanya Caritamrta it is called as Adi lila. Bal-lila, pauganda-lila, kishor-lila, all these are very sweet pastimes. Then for next six years Caitanya Mahaprabhu travelled all over India. Sriradhar bhave ebe gaura avatar, hare krsna nama gaura karila pracar So to distribute Hare Krishna mahamantra, Caitanya Mahaprabhu travelled all over India, for six years. In 1986 ISKCON organized padayatra. It started in 1986 from Dvaraka, we walked up to Mayapur. I was also coordinator of that padayatra. In which year Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared? 1486! So what happened in 1986? We were celebrating 500 th year anniversary. 500 th centennial of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance! So we had planned that wherever Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited, or at least we will visit places in South India. This was grand padayatra. International group of devotees! We started from Dvaraka on Radhastami day, 2 nd Sep. And from Dvaraka we went to Kanyakumari. In between we travelled many different places. So from Kanyakumari we went to Mayapur. 8000 kms in 18 months! Hari Bol!

So we also got opportunity to visit all those places where Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited during South India yatra. Then He travelled to east India also. From there He returned to Jagannath Puri. And again went to Vrndavan. He visited to Kuruksetra also. May be He had gone via Noida or via Delhi, Hastinapur. There are chances. What to say, during His travelling Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited my village also. Hari Bol! You may not believe. But this is the fact. Small village where I was born! So Caitanya Mahaprabhu passed through that village. Gauranga Himself, ajanulambit bhujau and sankirtanaika pitarau! So at that same village which is known as Aravade, Radha Gopal has arrived and last year we also established lotus foot prints of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Hari Bol! In South India at many places, wherever Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited, Srila Bhakti Siddhant Sarasvati Thakur established lotus footprints of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Tirupati is also one amongst them and Srirangam also, like that many other places. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived in Jagannath Puri for 18 years. There He performed His most confidential pastimes. Jay Jagannath! So in Jaganntha Puri, at a time, there was Lila-Purusottam Jagannath and prema Purusottam Caitanya Mahaprabhu. At a time and at same place, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu lived there for 18 years. So this is answer to ‘who is Caitanya’. If anyone will ask ‘who is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’; then you tell him only this much. What you will tell? Radha- Krsna nahi anya, that’s it, you said everything. Who is Caitanya Mahaprabhu? Sri krsna caitanya radha krsna nahi anya. Remember only this much. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave darshan to governor of Andhrapradesh, at the bank of Ganges. His name was Ramananda Ray. Have you heard names of Vishakha Lalita? So Vishakha became governor of Andhrapradesh. Yes and she used to attend all conferences and Vishakha getting on the phone. So in front of Vishakha, Caitanya Mahaprabhu could not hide His identity. He had to give His darshan. So He gave darshan of Krishna and Radha separately, krsna-caitanya radha-krsna nahi anya.

So in Vrndavan, kesighata vamsivata, dvadasa kanan, jaha saba lila koilo sri nanda nandan, so Kesighata or Vasivata or twelve other vana, forests; just like you heard names of those nine islands, same like that there are names of twelve forests. Madhuvan, Talavan, Bahulavan, Vrndavan, Kamyavan etc. Jamuna flows in between. In Navadvipa also many rivers flow, because of that there are nine islands. River flows in between two dvipa, islands. Of course there is Ganges, and Jamuna also flows there. So Navadvip and Vrndavan are of equal importance, or some times importance of Navadvip is more because there is all merciful Lord.

When Krishna becomes more merciful, then He appears in form of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So these both dhama are abhinna, non different. Goloka where Krishna lives, in that same Goloka there is Dvaraka, Mathura and Vrndavan. The topmost portion of Goloka is Vrndavan. But it has two divisions. One is Navadvipa and other is Vrndavan. Sometimes it is also known as Swetadvipa. There is one another Swetadvipa also, but this Navadvipa is called as Swetadvipa. So in Vrndavan, Krishna and in Navadvipa which Krishna? Krishna Caitanya!

Krsnaya krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah.
Dharma samsthapanarthay sambhavami yuge yuge

Founder of yugadharma, Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jay! Every millennium has yugavatar. The incarnation which appears in every kaliyuga is known as Gaur Narayan. But once in a day of Brahma, Gaur Krishna appears. There is difference in qualities of Narayan and Krishna. Of course they are one but Krishna becomes Narayan and He takes many more forms. The main source is Krishna. Krishna is not avatar. He is avatari. So this avatari Krishna appears once in a day of Brahma. Krishna at the end of Dvapar yuga, but which Dvapar? 4000 times Dvapar yuga comes in a day of Bramha. Am I saying right? Must be! It is said sahasra yuga paryanta. In one day of Bramha, 1000 mahayuga comes. Mahayuga means Satya, Treta, Dvapar and Kali, together is caturyuga, mahayuga. Like this yuga sahasra paryanta, 1000 times, so it will not be 4000. It’s 1000. I have never done this calculation before. Ok, so 1000 times Satya yuga, 1000 times Dvapar, 1000 times Treta and 1000 times Kaliyuga.

So there are 14 Manus in one day of Bramha. Each Manu’s duration is 71 mahayugas. Right now seventh Manu’s time is going on. His name is Vaivasvat Manu. Middle of the present day of Bramha is going on. So when 28 th Dvapar yuga of this Vaivasvat Manu comes, then Krishna appears. And in the kaliyuga which comes after this, which is 28 th Kali yuga of his duration, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appears. Hari Hari! So when Caitanya Mahaprabhu was going to make His appearance that was the time of Yugavatar’s appearance also. But Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared Himself and the yugavatar who was supposed to appear that time, Gaur Narayan, He merged into Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So again they became two in one. The purpose of Yugavatar is dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge, that also Caitanya Mahaprabhu fulfilled. So yugavatar and avatari Sri Krishna or Sri Krishna Caitanya appeared together. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself performed task of yugavatar, hare krsna nama gaur karila pracar. And then He also fulfilled the confidential reason of His appearance, for 18 years in Puri,
internal reason, to relish prema-rasa and to distribute prema-rasa, love of Godhead.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu did kirtan in Jharkhand forest, na bhuto na bhavisyati, like this never happened before and will never happen again. Now Jharkhand is a state. 500 years before there were so many animals, elephants and you name it and it is there. So many varieties of birds, and animals, Lord made them dance. Some elephants were drinking water and they saw Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu may have said or thought, ‘hey, what are you looking at? Chant Hari Bol!’ So elephants raised their front legs and Hari Bol! Hari Bol! Hari Bol! And deer and lion etc. rubbing their shoulders, so these animals did not remain animals. So this is Caitanya, who spreads caitanya, sensation, who invokes consciousness.

Gaurangera sangi gane nitya siddha kori mane, se jaya brajendra nanda pae

This is song of Narottam Das Thakur. In this he is saying, gaurandera sangi gane, those who are associates, followers of Gauranga Mahaprabhu, nitya siddha kori mane, they are not common souls. Not that they were conditioned and then became liberated. Nitya siddha, means Caitanya Mahaprabhu brought them from His abode with Him. Lord did not come alone. He brought with Him many many devotees. Se jaya brajendra nandan pae, those who will understand that Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s associates are nitya siddhas, what phal they will get? Se jaya brajendra nandan pae, they will attain or they will reach to Brajendra nandan Krishna. Those who will understand that gauranger sangi gana nitya siddha kori mana, they will achieve Krishna. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s promise.

Prthivita ache yata nagaradi grama, sarvatra pracar haibe mora nama. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said this. Before saying this He Himself was doing sankirtana. Apani achari jagate sikhaye, He taught through His actions. 500 years before at the time of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Vrndavan was in bad condition. Because of attacks of Muslims nothing was happening in Vrndavan. All Deities were sent out to different places. No yatras, no visitors, no parikramas, no sound of conch, no sound of bells, nothing was happening. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu reestablished Vrndavan’s glories. Sad-gosvami, vande rupa sanatanau raghu yugau sri jiva gopalakau, they constructed temples again, they reinstalled Deities, and they compiled scriptures. Vrndavan dham ki Jay! There are many scriptures based on Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You can read Caitanya Caritamrta, Caitanya Bhagavat, Caitanya Mangal, there are many dramas, and many more.

Gaurangera madhura lila jar karne pravesila hrdoya nirmala bhelo tar heart purifying pastimes are there in all these scriptures. Pasu pakhi jhure pasana vidare, suni jaira guna gatha  Like this is also said. What birds and animals do? They cry; stones melt, because of what? Suni jara guna gatha. Many more scriptures are there describing Mahaprabhu’s glories, and all. In the whole world, there is no other collection of scriptures like Gaudiya scriptures compilations, which is not having karmakanda, jnanakanda kevala visera bhanda. Only bhakti, prema rasa! And Srila Prabhupada had translated many of those scriptures. Caitanya Caritamrta was in Bengali.

Prabhupada translated it in English. Now you can get it in 100 languages. Hari Bol! Chinese people are also reading Caitanya Caritamrta. So people are reading in their own languages and understanding Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is arrangement of ISKCON founder acarya, Srila Prabhupada ki Jay! Foundation of Srila Prabhupada’s International society for Krishna Consciousness is Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sankirtana is being performed everywhere, nagaradi grama. Prabhupada started padayatras. Wherever ISKCON center or temple was, sankirtana was going on there. In same town devotees used to do nagar sankirtana. But ISKCON padayatra devotees are doing sankirtana all over the planet, till now they have walked many million Km, 250 thousand Km. and padayatries never step a single foot ahead without kirtan. They have spread Hari-
nama in 400 countries. In America, in Europe, or near England there is a small country known as Ireland, there is city called as Glasgow. We started padayatra from Glasgow to Moscow. It took five years. Everyday padayatries were moving ahead, from one country to another country, from one city to another city, like that.

Jagannath rathayatra mahotsava ki jay!

So Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to participate in Rathayatras in Jagannatha Puri same way Srila Prabhupada started rathayatras. Now all over the world rathayatras are being performed. Before rathayatra was limited only up to Jagannatha Puri, and 2,3 more cities of India. But now ISKCON is organizing rathayatras in 470 cities. Noida is one of them. Visvambhar prabhu is here. He also goes to many countries to organize rathayatra. 8-10 rathayatras only his family is doing, his father and their friend circle. Sri Gaur Nitai ki jay! Such beautiful Deities are installed everywhere. And construction of Temple Of Vedic Planetarium is going on, in Mayapur.

500 years before Nityananda prabhu was doing parikrama. He was taking Jiva Gosvami on parikrama. See what a team! Jiva Gosvami, one of the sat-gosvamis, from Vrndavan, his guide became Nityananda prabhu. He showed everything, told kathas. Nityananda prabhu had said, adbhuta mandira hoibe vikasa, gaurangera nitya lila hoibe prakasa, there will be astounding temple in Navadvipa. What will happen from there?

Gaurangera nitya lila hoibe prakasa From there Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s eternal pastimes will be manifested. Two weeks before there was Chakra installation. Deities are not yet installed, mandir is under construction. But Chakra is installed, Sudarshan chakra. It was grand festival. We were present there. Temple will open in 2020. Hari Bol! I think we all will be in Mayapur in 2020, celebrating grand temple opening. 2020 is chosen because, Srila Prabhupada started Mayapur festivals in 1972, so from 1972 to 2020, how many years? 50 th anniversary of Mayapur festivals will be celebrated. Not only this, 100 th anniversary is also there. What happened in 1922, in Kolkata? Bhakti Siddhant Sarasvati Thakur gave instructions to Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, ‘you look intelligent. In western world, preach Krishna consciousness in English language.’ Those instructions were from 1922, so how many years till 2020? 100 years! So after 100 years what happened? Perfection, accomplishment, siddhi of those instructions is going to be in the opening of this temple. Mayapur, Navadvipa is head quarter of ISKCON. You are invited, welcome for the opening of this temple.

Thank you!
Hare Krishna!

Material world is full of duhkha

Material world is full of duhkha
Venue: Los Angeles, USA
Dated: July 3rd 2004
om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Reading from Srimad-Bhagavatam canto 3, chapter 29, text number 3.

virago yena puruso
bhagavan sarvato bhavet
acaksva jiva-lokasya
vividha mama samsrtih


Devahuti continued: My dear Lord, please also describe in detail, both for me and for people in general, the continual process of birth and death, for by hearing of such calamities we may become detached from the activities of this material world.


In this verse the word samsrtih  is very important. Sreyah-srti means the prosperous path of advancement towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and samsrti means the continued journey on the path of birth and death towards the darkest region of material existence. People who have no knowledge of this material world, God and their actual intimate relationship with Him are actually going to the darkest region of material existence in the name of progress in the material advancement of civilization. To enter the darkest region of material existence means to enter into a species of life other than the human species. Ignorant men do not know that after this life they are completely under the grip of material nature and will be offered a life which may not be very congenial. How a living entity gets different kinds of bodies will be explained in the next chapter. This continual change of bodies in birth and death is called samsara. Devahuti requests her glorious son, Kapila Muni, to explain about this continued journey to impress upon the conditioned souls that they are undergoing a path of degradation by not understanding the path of bhakti-yoga, devotional service.

virago yena puruso
bhagavan sarvato bhavet
acaksva jiva-lokasya
vividha mama samsrtih

Translation : Devahuti continued: My dear Lord, please also describe in detail, both for me and for people in general, the continual process of birth and death, for by hearing of such calamities we may become detached from the activities of this material world.

Nice verse, all the verses are nice. Everything nice only is part of Bhagavatam. Devahuti is addressing her son, she doesn’t say my dear son tata or, she is addressing Him as Bhagavan, this word Bhagavan is addressed in this statement. Which doesn’t come in the beginning of this sentence could be anywhere. It is not Bhagavaan, Bhagavaan is Bhagavan, but when you want to address Bhagavaan you say Bhagavan that’s the difference. The bhavaan and bhavan some words like that. So someone said Bhagavaan, she thought it was not written correctly. But it is correct Bhagavan is Oh my dear Lord! She is interested not selfish, you could see she wants to know what is good, not just for herself but also good for everybody.

Mama and jiva-lokasya, something that is good for myself and all the living entities. Samsritih everyone is under going through a repetition of birth and death. So that is mama samsrtih or jiva-lokasya samsrtih, my suffering and suffering of all the living entities this samsrti going round and round and vividha, varieties many form its related birth and death and then related or in between birth and death there are varieties of kinds of sufferings vividha.

I would like to know have one could develop detachment – virag. Virag from this samsrti detach from this samsriti. yena purusa again r for all the purushas, purush here is not Supreme Personality of Godhead. We are human being condition souls, purushah trying to enjoy. Purusha means enjoyer. So human beings are also addressed here as purusha because that’s the position they take in this world purusha-enjoyer. They forget that they are prakrities and they take the position of purusha so they are yena purusha, viragah.

So that all the condition souls develop virag not rag, rag-virag. rag means attachment virag means just opposite of rag is virag. Sarvato bhavet, and this detachment of everybody under all circumstances. Sarvato Sarvatra and sarvato, everywhere and for everyone. So that is the enquiry by Devahuti. Srila Prabhupada is pointing out samsrti. So Srila Prabhupada, Sreyah-srti, Sreya means that is something beneficial for the welfare of the person that is called Sreya, sreyah-srti.

na ca sreyo ‘nupasyami hatva sva-janam ahave (BG 1.31)

Arjun says that in first chapter of Bhagavat-gita, ‘Oh! I don’t see any good coming out of this hatva I kill svajanam, my own people ahave in this battle. I don’t see any sreyah, sreyo na anupasyami, na anupasyami I do not see any good coming out of this. Some preyas may come out of this, sreyas and preyas we talk of this sreyas and preyas. Maybe something sreyas oh Lord maybe I am talking that I will get the kingdom I will get some immediate benefits maybe there some sreyas maybe there but I don’t see any sreyas in this.

Everybody is into what? Into preyas. Just do it, the latest mantra around the world. Meaning don’t even think just go for it. You feel good ok if you feel good then just do it. So as soon as you begin thinking like Arjun is thinking he wants to think. He is a member of a civilised society. She wants to think in long terms. Not what I get now and that’s all that I care about what I get out of this now. And then what happens later on no one wants to think about it. So these are the two paths. So samsrti has been mentioned in here and Srila Prabhupada is mentioning Sreyah-srti, She would like to know by hearing such calamities that samsrti, we may become detached from this activities of this material world. And then Kapil dev is going to talk of the samsrti, the suffering of birth and death especially the suffering of the condition soul within the womb of the mother it is to follow. Just go on hearing and one day you will get there soon one of these days you will get there its coming. And it’s real scary if you really read that chapter you will just be by yourself and read through the explanation what the living entity is going through in the womb of the mother. The hairs would stand on end. Upon the request acaksva-please explain please describe the samsrti.

And Kapil dev is really the naked face of the material existence. No sugaring of the pill, the pill as it is without sugar, the pill as it is present in the next chapter. What living entity has to go through the suffering
in the womb of the mother?

punarapi jananam punarapi maranam punarapi janani jatare sayanam
iha samsaare khalu dusthare krupayaa pare pahi murare

This is a prayer Shankaracharya considered it very intelligent prayer. And he is approaching Murari, o Murari oh Lord, you are killer of the Mura demon he was such a powerful demon and you killed him you are known as Murari. What about killing, kill my birth, kill my death, kill my disease otherwise no what good is your name Murari. You are known as Murari so please kill.

punarapi jananam punarapi maranam punarapi janani jatare sayanam

Janani the mother jatare in the womb sayanam sleeping. The germs and worms do they allow you to sleep in there? No. Is there light,? No night lamp there. So only darkness, you can’t even stretch your hands and legs like a little rainbow. And so many descriptions are there.

janani jatare sayanam iha samsaare khalu dusthare

This samsara is very very difficult, oh murari kripaya, kindly do something help me out of this. Very intelligent prayer. We don’t even know what to pray for, these acharays are teaching us how to pray and what to pray for.

Devahuti is teaching us what to ask for. So Lord is right there, He could give her the whole universe. Anything you like He is proprietor. But all that she is asking is get me out of here. Don’t give me anything from this world; I just want to be out of this world. See the difference.

shunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me

Without Govind there is nothing. Shunyayitam shunya means zero. The universe is also round right? Universe is Brahmanda, egg like shape, round. So it is like a shunya. You make a sign of zero and sign of universe they are both round. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said this whole universe is like a big zero. Shunyayitam whole universe is filled with so many many things, it is just shunya. Just zero just empty there is nothing. Where is Govinda?

Shunyayitam jagat sarvam govind virahena me

So that is the point of Devahuti. Please explain the samsrtih, drill this get this into our head, we are sick headed please get this in there. So that we understand once and for all suffering that is there so that we’ll develop virag. We will develop detachment and we will go for the devotional service which she has asked for in previous two verses.

Verse number 1 and 2 she is interested in devotional service. So how does one get to the devotional service? First comes the detachment. First thing first and then you go for devotional service. Of course you can start devotional service from day one you come to Hare Krishna, we are full of attachment but we chant

“Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”

Not that you become completely free and detached and then you touch the bead bag and chant Hare Krishna. This devotional service is so powerful that it is the beginning and the end, whole. The means and the goals same time. Sometimes the detachment is means and then Bhakti is the goal. And jnana is means and bhakti is a goal, bhakti is a complete thing. So this is lesson number one that everyone needs to learn in this material world. This is not a place for enjoyment. This is not a place for enjoyment; ok you could enjoy but be ready to suffer.

You are welcome to the club, you could enjoy but just be ready to suffer. And this is what no one wants to do. Everyone wants to only enjoy and not suffer, and that is just not possible in this world. You always get two things, two sides of a coin, you can’t have just one side of a coin, coin means two sides. And this world means
dvandva, dvandva – two.

Dvandvatitovimatsarah, that’s the goal. Dvandva tito, you go beyond these two things, everything has a counterpart man, and woman, black and? And like this there is a big big list, is entrap has a big big list you think we are exhausted? Nothing more can be said? And on that list is a happiness and distress. You are locals, foreigner this is a day time and soon there will be night. Theist – atheist like that goes on and on on.

So there is so much duality here. Two things you can’t just get one. So juts be ready for the other one also. It was Buddha dev Lord Buddha, his father would never let his children or son Siddharth his prior earlier name was Siddharth, he wouldn’t let Siddharth the young prince to go away form the palace always within the compound of the palace. He was growing and he was young man already and father would not let him go.

Because father’s idea was if my son steps outside the palace compound or takes a little tour and goes around he will come across some of suffering he will see suffering and he did not want his son to know that suffering exist. But the son was very very anxious Siddharth was anxious and then father said ok here is the chariot and charioteer and take a look. Have samsara darshan. So he went on the tour of samsara darshan.

Seeing looking at the world and he comes across, someone is trying to cross the road oh! Help hep help help. And he had not only two legs but Siddharth thought he was having third leg, he had a stick, so what you call stick, walking stick, cane. He had a cane bigger one and he was not straight but little bend down, like a rainbow. He was rainbow in the womb and again he is getting ready. He under some rehearsal, before you go into the womb you had to you can’t even stand straight or sleep straight you have to be in that form right little bend one. So towards the end of this life again bending is done so that it becomes little easier in the womb yeah so some rehearsal or some practice for previous some experience is there you being bend.

So why is this person not standing straight was Siddharth’s question. Oh he can’t he is old man now so he has a third leg. Why is he struggling? oh he cannot see he is asking for help. Person falls down he is getting up trying to cross the road such a struggle just to go 15 feet across. He is struggling he is old man the charioteer is explaining that Siddharth had no experience of this before. Oh what do you mean old man? Does everyone become old? Of course. And what about me? No problem surely so journey continues chuk chuk chuk chuk chariot goes.

And then he sees someone on footpath and he has leprosy and the flies all around, he is suffering like anything. Oh what is wrong with this one? He is sick he is diseased. Does everyone gets sick and diseased? Sure and what about me? Sure no problem. And journey continues the horses are going. And then they see a procession there. Everyone is walking but one person is having nice time. He is lying flat on a stretcher kind of situation and four persons are carrying him. They are singing, rama nama sat hai, rama nama sat hai Now they are remembering the name of Lord is reality name of Rama is the truth. Person is at the cremation this person is being taken to the cremation ground. Oh! Why is everyone else walking and why is that person not walking? Enquiry made by Siddharth. He cannot walk he is dead. So where are they taking him? To the cremation ground. And what will they do? They will burn him. Will he come back? No. Does this also happen to everybody? For sure. And to me? No problem. You are one the list.

So that was it the Siddharth said I have seen the world enough. Enough is enough please take my chariot back to the palace. And that night

when everyone was fast asleep, he never slept that nigh. What he had experienced during this samsara darsana tour that was on his mind. Oh! one day I am going to be old, one day I will also be sick not just once but again and again and one day they will be carrying me like that and I will not come back to the palace. So I want some way out of this. I want to end all this. So in the middle of the night he took off. Goes to Gaya sits under a tree and he is meditating. Result was enlightenment he becomes enlightened he is Buddha. Buddha comes from buddhi the intelligence. So he becomes enlightened because of this virag, virag mentioned here and he saw the suffering all around and he wanted to find solution to this problem. No patch up work some permanent solution. And that has been taught by yet another incarnation of the Lord that’s Buddha dev. That part is the virag part.

So Devahuti is interested in knowing please explain for my benefit and for everyone’s benefit this samsrtih, so much suffering is here. And by hearing this she is expecting that there will be, yena purusho virago, all the conditioned souls would become t detachment. They will give up this idea of trying to enjoy. So Krishna in Bhagvat- gita also,

“ye hi samsparsa-ja bhoga duhkha-yonaya eva te
ady-antavantah kaunteya na tesu ramate budhah” (BG 5.22)

An intelligent person will not indulge in something which has beginning and end. Ady-antavat infact this verse is also defining who is intelligent person? Which country is intelligent country? Or intelligent society. This is how you define, judge and come to conclusion, is this country ? is this individual? is this society intelligent one?

So Krishna says ady-antavantah na tesu ramate

One who doesn’t go for this business, adi-anta, beginning and end. Tesuna ramate budhah, budha the intelligent person does not go for something which has beginning and coming to an end. And there is always beginning and end to the ‘ye hi samsparsa-ja bhoga’. Materials advancement and civilisation is all about ‘ye hi samsparsa-ja bhoga’ our senses are brought in contact with sense objects. So samsparsa-ja contact of our senses with sense objects and nice contact samsparsa and Krishna says samsparsa-ja – this contact senses coming in the contact of sense object gives birth to ja means birth janma, samsparsa- ja it gives birth to what? Bhoga, the enjoyment.

When the sense is coming in contact with sense object that is bhoga. But Krishna of course is the most intelligent personality He says, duhkha-yonaya eva te Something that becomes the cause of your enjoyment, that gained you happiness that exact thing will become cause of your duhkha. Bhoga that is enjoyment duhkha that is suffering. Yoni means source yoni, yonaya many causes. But corresponding though something that gave you suffering, this is what Krishna’s point is, something that gave you bhoga that will turn into roga, disease or suffering.

‘ye hi samsparsa-ja bhoga duhkha-yonaya eva te’

Then He concludes ady-antavantah this beginning and end, na tesu ramate budhah, the intelligent person will not go for this. So this so called modern civilisation is total failure in understanding this simple point. That something which gives you happiness will give you suffering. Do you want suffering? No. then don’t go for bhoga.

Don’t want suffering don’t go for enjoyment. But if you want to enjoy be prepared to suffer. So Krishna Consciousness bhakti yoga that is what she is interested to know what is bhakti yoga please explain bhakti yoga? So one transcends goes beyond this happiness and distress, birth and death and all that. So this is the Krishna Consciousness those who have not understood this Krishna Conscious principle, God conscious principle they are in ignorance and they will suffer.

And Srila Prabhupada was fully aware of this samsrtih, he had also seen the naked face of this material existence he had full realisation. So being in Vrndavan he was only thinking, people are suffering people are suffering all over so he couldn’t just sit back and relax and enjoy being on the bank of Jamuna. He leaves Vrndavan goes straight to the capital of this age of Kali the New York. And showers few bombs there of

‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’

And hands out some invitations and he is conducting his twice a week discourses and he is inviting them please come take part. And he is explaining what Devahuti is interested in and for jiva loka for everyone’s benefit. So Srila Prabhupada explained this science of bhakti yoga. And he wanted many more to join him in this endeavour, in India he was attempting to increase expand his numbers. Those who had so many children he would approach, give me one son, no one gave all were attached. Then he comes to the West to America. We also wanted to probably join Prabhupada but our parents wouldn’t let us do so, biggest stumbling block in India to join were the parents. When I joined my mother was going to give up her life. I received a telegram.

But as he came over to the West the children here that was culture good luck they didn’t had to consult their parents. They were on their own but they had gone, they had come to some extent this virag some detachment. Cause of suffering is people around in this country, hell with this hell with that looking for some alternatives of course they found drug as the alternative. The drugs were bringing them higher and lower and higher and lower. Then Prabhupada said ok I have a drug that only keeps you higher you stay high forever you like that? Again, dvandva is
there duality, they wish to stay high but be prepared to go low. You go high you go low you go higher you go lower you go highest and you go lowest and no more going up then you stay there stay low.

Prabhupada said I have a drug you can stay high forever. There are so many joined and then everything started and that was all going on in New York only. Then there were invitations from the West-coast. First flight Prabhupada took was from New York to San Francisco that was first flight of his life flying in an aeroplane he had not flown before. And that’s when he was seeing out of his window and all the building looked like match boxes one on top of the other. When he got down he saw matchbox. Then gradually things expanded so Montreal was the third New York San Francisco Montreal, Montreal was the third. Where does Los Angeles fit in? It was fourth in the row.

Prabhupada makes this as his western headquarters. Los Angeles as his Western headquarter for his international society for Krishna consciousness. Spends months years setting standards training his followers aspiring them to go all over US and starting more centres. And then three grihasthas were chosen to go to Europe, to London.

Grihastha Prabhupada says what the gaudiya sanyasis couldn’t do my grihastha disciples will do now. He was proud of his grihastha disciples so they did it.

So London, Europe was opened up and then gradually other places and via Japan he had come to Kolkata in late 70’s. He had gone one time in middle he was not well and but as soon as he was better he returned but

everyone was thinking this is it Prabhupada won’t return. That was his
67 th year, so he went in 67 then he went in 70 end of 70’s.

The philosophy of Krishna consciousness is topmost

The philosophy of Krishna consciousness is topmost
Venue: ISKCON Bangladesh

Hare Krsna, say loudly Gauranga! Wake up call! As they say there are two famous mantras in ISKCON, one which puts you to sleep and one which really wakes you up. Do you know which one is which? Om namo bhagavate..(laughter) and the other one is mahaprasade!. You really jump with that.

aham purvam aham purvam, me first me first with all enthusiasm!
kabe habe sei din amar

When that day will come, when we will hear om namo bhagavate vasudevaya, that will really wake us up? We sit straight, attention! So maintain that posture. One straight line that is yogi posture. Bhogi is (Maharaj is leaning at side). yogi bhava, Krishna’s message is that you become yogis. Of course all over the world there is propagation ‘bhogi bhava’. What is your choice? Take a pick, yogi bhava, bhogi bhava. How many of you want to be yogi? So we welcome all the yogis here. Bhogis are not allowed here (laughter). Hari Hari Gaur Hari!

I told Bhakti Purushottam Maharaj, that I have come with stick (Maharaj holds danda). When anyone seems sleeping (showing danda). This is to pick you up from the ocean. Yeah sometimes when we travel in the west with this danda on the flight, entering the plane some people are scared. Or some also think this is fishing rod, because lot of time we go in summer time which is there fishing time. And we tell them, yes this is fishing rod. This is ocean of material existence and we are fish enjoying there. When devotees come, they fish them out, out of this world (applaud).

So we are happy to see many more devotees today. Seeing your happy faces, seeing your prasanna vadan we become prasanna, haribol. There is no power point as I was expecting, nothing worked here so I will just speak. (Maharaj speaks Bengali).

ami bolbar chesta karbo (Haribol)

Gaudiya vaishnavism is most excellent thing in this world, its super excellent, haribol! And that is the gift of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And that gift is meant for the whole world. By receiving that gift the whole world is getting benefited, united and developing their family spirit or friendly spirit. United nation of the spiritual world! That UNO could not do which is based in New York that is accomplished by International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

How many countries are representing here? If you are from out of Bangladesh, raise your hand. I was told that there are devotees on the safari, from 20 or 25 countries. 32 countries! And we just had Mayapur festival and we had devotees from 70 countries. And the last Krishna Janmastami was celebrated in 150 countries. So devotees, souls from all those countries are getting together, family spirit and getting united. What is uniting them is the Krishna Consciousness. That Krishna Consciousness is inherent, it’s part of soul. Soul is Krishna conscious. All the souls are basically Krishna conscious souls. Not only Indian souls, there is nothing like Indian soul and American soul and African soul.

Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai!

Long back when I was just a little boy in school in Maharashtra, we were shouting slogans. That was the time when China and India were battling. And India is friendly country wanted to invoke spirit of brotherhood. So all over India the school children were going on the streets shouting Hindi Chini Bhai Bhai. So I was a small boy and coming from Maharastrian village, I could not understand, hindi is language and chini is something that you eat and they are supposed to be bhai, brothers. So when I grew up, I understood, chini is referred to China, people of China are called Chini and people of Hindustan are called as Hindi. So later I understood the meaning that people of China and people of India are brothers.

Now when the two persons are brothers, what does that mean? What does that imply? When there is a common father, the two persons have common father then they are brothers. So people of China and people of India are brothers, that implies that they have common father. So who is our common father? Could Modi be the common father or president of China could be the common father of all the people of China and India? No way! Ok you got it, thank you!

So when I finally came to Srila Prabhupada, and he taught us Bhagavad Gita and I read Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Where in Krishna has declared, aham bija pradah pita mata dhata pitamah (BG 14.4)

I am the father of all the living entities.

tvameva mata cha pita tvameva tvameva bandhu cha sakha tvameva,
tvameva vidya dravinam tvameva tvameva sarvam mama dev deva

You are all in all. So then I understood, yes, all the people of China, all the people of India are brothers because common father is Sri Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

And I also wanted to talk on ‘the philosophy of Krishna consciousness is topmost, complete and perfect.’ 25 hundred years ago Lord Buddha appeared. And He propagated sunyavada, voidism. He rejected the Vedas.

veda nindakah nastikah,

Definition of who is atheist? One who rejects Vedas is atheist. So as a result he concluded everything is zero, sunyavada. He did it under some circumstances. He wanted to stop animal killing. Animal killing was so much going on that time. And they were pointing out, oh in karma-kanda section of Vedas, animal killing is strongly recommended. So He had to say, no Vedas. If the Vedas are encouraging you and inspiring you, authorizing that killing then no Vedas! Then Shankar appeared as Sankaracarya and he propagated what is called as advaitavada, nirguna, nirakarvada, also known as mayavada.

mayavadi-bhashya sunile haya sarva-nasa [Cc. Madhya 6.169]
Caitanya Mahaprabhu warned everyone, mayavada bhasya, if you hear that, your

devotion would be destroyed. In fact before Sankaracarya appeared, he was still up there, in Kailash, having a talk with Parvati.

mayavadam asac chastram pracchannam bauddham
uchyate mayaiva kalpitam devi kalau brahmana rupina (Padma Purana 6.236.7)

He said, ‘I will be making my appearance in the age of kali as a brahmana. And I would propagate mayavada which is asat sastra, false. He himself declared, what I am going to propagate is mayavada, it is going to be false, asat sastra. mayaiva kalpitam, I will be doing some kalpana, and I will propagate that. So that mayavada is also known as nirvisesa vada. There is no variety, no variegatedness in Krishna consciousness. Everything is one. Living entity and the Supreme Lord are one. As soon as there are many that means variety, visesa, vaisistya, many
features. He said no everything is one. A-dvaita, not two, a means no and dvaita means two, not two, means everything is one.

So Buddha had come to conclusion that everything is zero, what did he say? Everything is zero. And then Sankaracarya made some progress, he said, no no not zero, everything is one. So one was sunyavada and one was nirvisesa vada, advaita-vada. Then comes Sri Krishna Mahaprabhu. Someone else is also coming in between, but ok Caitanya Mahaprabhu comes. And His vani is Gaurvani, Krishna consciousness.

namaste sarasvate deve gauravani pracarine
nirvisesa shunyavadi paschatya desa tarine

So that Srila Prabhupada, we offer our obeisance’s unto lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. Keep eye on your neighbors, what they are doing (sleeping). This is additional duty. Help your neighbors. Love thy neighbors as thyself. So Srila Prabhupada protected. When this pranam mantra was compiled and devotee started saying this pranam mantra, Srila Prabhupada was preaching in West that time. That is why it is said, paschatya desa tarine, people of western world were saved protected from this voidism and impersonalism.

So after Sankaracarya the four sampradaya acaryas appeared. They all appeared in south India and they propagated, they wrote their commentaries on Vedanta sutra. They concluded the philosophy as two, davitavada. Not zero not one but two! Especially Madhvacarya really stressed on this two. So this living entity and the Lord being two was stressed so much, this became like a pendulum effect. Living entity and Lord is one, this nirvisesa-vada was stressed so much. In order to talk against or do khandan of this mayavada, these four acaryas they stressed on
two, daivta too much stress. Living entity and Lord they are kind of distant from each other. So this was also not fair, they are also very close and similarities are there, they are ghanista.

mamaivamso jivaloke jivabhuta sanatana

So this stressing two too much was unfair. Similarities were not stressed only dissimilarities were stressed.
Then Gaudiya vaishnava acaryas made their presentation. And that was Baladeva Vidyabhusana ki Jay! He wrote commentary on Vedantasutra. One time we Gaudiya vaishnavas did not have our own bhasya. As a result we were not getting rights of worshipping Radha Govinda, Rupa Gosvami’s deity in Jaipur. ‘You are not authorized. Where is your commentary on Vedantasutra?’ Then Baladeva Vidyabhusana was sent by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur to Jaipur. There was big sastrartha and debate and Baladeva Vidyabhusana won, he became victorious.

He wrote a commentary but he gives credit to Govinda to write commentary. It is like Srila Vyasadeva is speaking and Ganesh his secretary is writing. So Baladeva Vidyabhusana took pen and paper and Govinda was doing dictation. Bhasya was completed. Baladeva Vidyabhusana named that bhasya, Govinda bhasya. This is commentary compiled by Govinda. Govinda! Govinda! That bhasya, that philosophy of Gaudiya vaishnavas became known as ‘acintya bhedabheda tattva’. So it has taken 2000 years from Buddha to Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s time. From zero to one to two to one and two, acintya bhedabheda!

Then something more happens. As a result our gaudiya vashnavism became enriched. Before appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu all these four acaryas they had come to Mayapur, Navadvipa and Caitanya Mahaprabhu revealed Himself
unto those acaryas and had blessed them also.

So one time Nimbarkacarya was touring Navadvipa and he was in Rudradvipa. He was also blessed by four Kumaras there and they had recommended worship of Radha and Krishna and he was worshipping Radha Krishna in Rudradvipa. And as
he was worshipping Radha and Krishna, something amazing happened. Soon there was no Radha and Krishna, there was Caitanya at the place of Radha and Krishna.

sri krishna caitanya radha krsihna nahi anya

In the age of Kali and especially in Navadvip I appear in combined form.

ekatmanav api deha-bhedam gatau tau caitanyakhyam
prakatam adhuna tad-dvayam caikyam aptam

Original Radha and Krishna are ekatma, one spirit, one entity. For sake of pastime they become two, deha bhedo gatau tau. But now in age of Kali, the form of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, tad dvayam caikyam aptam, those two Radha and Krishna became one.

So that experience was given, offered by Caitanya Mahaprabhu to Nimbarkacarya. So during that darshan, there was dialogue between two of them and Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, I will be accepting two best qualities from each of those four sampradayas. From Sri sampradaya I will accept ananya bhakti and bhaktajan seva, unalloyed devotion unto the Lord and serving the vaishnavas. Then He said, ‘from Rudra sampradaya I will accept their two best qualities. This is based on Bhaktivinod Thakur’s Navadvipa Mahatmya.

So from Rudra sampradaya, sarvasva tadiya, everything is yours, that kind of spirit and then raga marga. From Madhvacarya I will accept advait khandan or defeating mayavada and nitya krishna murti seva. Madhvacarya and their
sampradaya is known for deity worship, taking care of Krishna, Udupi Krishna.

And from Kumar sampraday I will accept ekanta radhika asraya, exclusive surrender unto Radharani and also Gopi bhava. So this way Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu made His disciplic succession, His parampara, Gaudiya vaishnavism, complete and perfect. So there was

shunyavada-zero then there was one then two then two and one- bhedabheda tattva and further Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted these two qualities from each sampradaya. This way our Gaudiya vaishnava sampradaya, the Krishna
consciousness has become super excellent, Haribol!

So the evolution is complete now. There is no further progress or evolution or adjustment has to be made. It is complete and perfect. And this school of thoughts, this Gaudiya vaishnavism, Gaudiya vaishnava philosophy would be
propagated for next ten thousand years all over the world.

sankirtanaika pitarau

500 years ago we had founding fathers of this Hare Krishna movement or two, sankirtanaika pitarau.

ajanu-lambita- bhujau kanakavadhatau
sankirtanaika-pitarau kamalayataksau
visvambharau dvijavarau yuga-dharma- palau
vande jagat priyakarau karuna-avatarau

Two of them, that is why au au au, sankirtanaika pitarau, kamalayataksau, visvambharau, dvijavarau, yuga dharma palau, you see au au? Dvivachan, like Ramau, ramah ramau.

So these two are Gaur and Nityananda, they have given this super excellent Krishna consciousness. They both came down with this gift of Holy name,

golokera premadhana harinam sankirtana

Both of them were also relishing and propagating Krishna consciousness everywhere. Then Mahaprabhu predicted that His name will be chanted in every town, every village of this world, Hari Bol!

So Srila Prabhupada in order to make this prediction true and to propagate Krishna consciousness all over the world, spread Krishna conscious culture all over the world, spread Krishna conscious festivals all over the world, spread Mahaprasade Govinde all over the world, and spread the Bhagavat dharma and Bhagavat all over the world.

That instruction, Srila Prabhupada received from Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur in 1922. ‘You seem to be very intelligent young man.’ Do you think this was some kind of accident or was it arrangement? Caitanya Mahaprabhu was behind this. He made Bhakti Siddhanta instrument to say this, ‘you propagate in english language, all over the world, western world.’

And Srila Prabhupada took it so seriously. What was said may be just within couple of minutes became the whole foundational thoughts and planning and preparation so that Krishna consciousness will spread all over the world based on that dialogue which lasted for just couple of minutes. And Prabhupada was preparing all life long, life time preparation. So many hardships! You should study the life and teachings of Srila Prabhupada ki Jay!

Then he established Krishna consciousness movement in America and 14 times around the world he went and wherever he went Krishna consciousness was in big demand. And soon the Holy name reached so many towns and villages all over the planet. All the temples go out on the streets for nagar sankirtans in surrounding areas. Prabhupada asked us to do padayatras which is a medium, forum for propagation of the Holy name of the Lord. And we did padayatras in more than 100 countries. And ISKCON padayatris from 100 countries, they have walked 250 thousand kilometers, Hari Bol!

And padayatris do not take one foot out, in front without chanting Hare Krishna mantra. One of our teams started walking from Glasgow in Ireland, Glasgow to Moscow, 5 years every day, devotees were walking and walking, chanting and dancing and in other continents also, so many places. Padayatris not only chant in towns and villages but in between the towns and in between the villages also. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction is being made true, more than true. So this Krishna consciousness movement, holy name and holy books and holy Prasad and holy men, this is the gift of Gauranga to this whole world. As

devotees receive Holy name, wherever living entities, Australia, America, Canada, here there everywhere, they receive Holy name of the Lord. In the beginning they receive holy name then they receive so many other things. They get to know so many many things. They begin reading or sometimes they read first then they chant Hare Krishna. Then from Nama to Dhama, nama the noly name brings you to holy dhama. Everyone who begins chanting the Holy name of the Lord, they come to know about Mayapur dhama ki Jay! Right? And immediately as they chant the holy name of the Lord, they keep thinking, I wish I would like to go to Mayapur one of these days. I want to go to Mayapur.

Mayapur Dhama ki Jay! I want to go to Vrndavan. Yes or no? Then Mayapur becomes our Makka, more than Makka. Hari Bol!

Srila Prabhupada established headquarters of Krishna consciousness movement in Mayapur, the birth place of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We would also want to say that Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction of spreading the holy name to every town and village was fulfilled by Srila Prabhupada. Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s prediction was made true by Srila Prabhupada. Nityananda Prabhu also made one prediction. What was that?

adbhuta mandir hoibe prakasa gaurangera -nityaseva hoibe vikasa

‘There will be astounding temple’, as Nityananda prabhu was taking Jiva Gosvami around Navadvipa, he pointed out, ‘there will be astounding temple, adbhuta mandir hoibe prakasa.’

So that adbhuta mandir prediction also made true by Srila Prabhupada. TOVP ki Jay! Temple Of Vedic Planetarium! It’s almost ready. This year last month we had Sudarshan chakra installation. When that temple will open, ten thousand, how many devotees are here right now? (1,200 something!) So ten times as many devotes, could sit or whatever, not sleep, stand at a time in TOVP. It is that much huge. And that temple will be finally open in four years’ time. 2022! Make note in your diaries. So be there.

That will be 50 th anniversary of ISKCON Mayapur festivals. And that would also be the 100 th anniversary of instructions; Prabhupada received instruction from Bhakti

Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur in 1922. Add 100 year, it becomes 2022. Instruction received and instruction fulfilled in 2022. And that is going to be your temple. That is the temple of the whole world, all the devotees from every town, every village, that is their mother temple. Temple of temples! Which will further unite the world; plans made to propagate Krishna consciousness to different frontiers. ‘How to flood the whole world with Holy name and Krishna consciousness’, this is always plan in Mayapur’s GBC meetings. So the way Krishna consciousness is uniting people, uniting all the countries, all the races, economic backgrounds and genders and colors; there is no other institution, no other organization, no other religious institutions or any other body is accomplishing this task as ISKCON is doing or Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Hare Krishna movement is doing.So world needs Krishna consciousness movement, world needs

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!

World needs Bhagavatam. So what you have accepted and relishing this Krishna consciousness, you should always think how you could care that with others, propagate it far and wide. This is the topmost welfare program on the planet.
Very unique and matchless!

bharat bhumite manusya haila janma jara
janma sarthaka kari karo para upakara

Do this para upakar, propagation of Krishna consciousness.

sarve sukhina bhavantu sarve santu niramayah
sarvani bhadrani pasyantu na kvacit dukhabhabhavet

This is one of the prayers. Let every one be happy. Do you wish this? Is this your prayer? Sarve sukhina bhavantu, sarvani bhadrani pasyantu, let everyone experience auspiciousness. Sarve santu niramayah, let everyone be free from

I remember, there was hospital opening and I was invited to be guest speaker. And I was praying, sarve santu niramayah, let everyone be free from disease. Owner of the hospital said, ‘maharaj! What will happen to my hospital? If everyone will be free from disease, I better then close’. So certainly that doctor or owner of the hospital, he was not thinking

sarve sukhina bhavantu, sarve santu niramayah

Let everyone be diseased, let my hospital be full, all the indoor beds of indoor patients. Par dukhe sukhi! That is avaishnava. Vaishnavas are par dukhe dukhi. That is why Srila Prabhupada left Vrndavan. He was sukhi in Vrndavan but he left Vrndavan because he saw the whole world is suffering. So take to this Krishna consciousnmess seriously. Understand this Krishna consciousness movement and Krishna consciousness. Relish Krishna consciousness and share this Krishna consciousness; like the ants as soon as they come across a grain of sugar, before they doing mahaprasade govinde and eating, they invite all the ants to come.

Then they are all around there and then mahaprasade govinde.

Lord Vishnu Praises Lord Siva

Lord Vishnu Praises Lord Siva
Venue: Mayapur
Dated: April 5, 2018

Sri Suka Uvaca
evam bhagavata rajan
srivatsankena sat-krtah
amantrya tam parikramya
saganah svalayam yayau (SB 8.12.41)

Sukadeva Gosvami said: O King, having thus been praised by the Supreme Personality, who bears the mark of Srivatsa on His chest, Lord Siva circumambulated Him. Then, after taking permission from Him, Lord Siva returned to his abode, Kailasa, along with his associates.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravart?  Thakura remarks that when Lord Siva was offering obeisance’s unto Lord Vishnu, Lord Vishnu arose and embraced him. Therefore, word srivatsankena is used here. The mark of Srivats adorns the chest of lord Vishnu, and therefore when lord Vishnu embraced lord Siva while being circumambulated, the Srivats mark touched lord Siva’s bosom.

Have you seen a photograph, a picture of Vishnu and Siva embracing? Then someone should paint the picture. I am sure it exists somewhere. Lord Shri Ram embracing Hanuman is there. You have seen? When Shri Ram appreciated and was very grateful for what Hanuman had done for him, for Shri Ram. And Ram had given a deep embrace to Hanuman. Well done, well done Hanuman. And lord praised Hanuman. Hari Hari. Hanuman was held in a deep embrace by Shri Ram and here Lord Siva has been held in a deep embrace by Vishnu. This is giving an idea may be Oh! When that day could be mine? It is a very high idea or but that’s possible and that happens. Lord does embrace his devotees. He praises them, appreciates them and is grateful also for what they always keep doing for Him. And then occasionally He embraces them. And when that happens, Oh! That’s it. Could anyone ask for anything more than that?

tuka mane aadi, na urechi vegadi

Tukaram Maharaj, Saint Tukaram from Maharashtra, he said this. Tuka mane aadi Lord embraces His devotees. na urechi vegadi, then there is nothing remaining to be asked for, to be achieved, to be attained. King Prataprudra also, received such benediction of embrace of Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Has Chaitanya Mahaprabhu praised him what for he was?

tava kathamrtam tapta jivanam kavibhiriditam kalmasapaham 

He was reciting. He was asked to recite ‘Gopi geet’ and as Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu kept hearing and hearing, are you hearing? Some of you or one of you was not hearing. Gopis had said then King Prataprudra had recited, repeated,

bhuvi grnanti ye bhuri-da janah

Those who recite this Gopi geet, recite Krishna katha, recite, propagate, and make it available everywhere, bhuri dajanah. They are magnanimous people, most magnanimous. So said King Prataprudra which was said by gopis, when Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard this, oh you are that Bhurida. You are the one giving charity of this kathamrit, gopi geetamrit to me. You are magnanimous. And lord was feeling very grateful for having received this gift, charity of Gopi geet recitation. As he said and Mahaprabhu was lying down and King Prataprudra was also massaging the lotus feet of the Lord. Lord gradually started getting up. While getting up He said to Prataprudra I could have given you a big reward, big gift in return for what you have given to me but you know I am just sannyasi, renounced. I don’t have anything, I am empty pocket. I don’t have even pocket. I don’t have even kurta with a pocket, what could I give you? But if you don’t mind, could you please accept my embrace instead of all other kinds of possible rewards? And saying so Mahaprabhu took lead in approaching King Prataprudra and He grabbed him and held him in a deep embrace. That could be the best reward for all that devotee does for Krishna, finally, he could be held in deep embrace of the Lord. So that has happened here, I mean these are rare occurrences.

sa mahatma su-durlabhah (BG 7.19)

He is mahatma, such a vaishnava is very rare. And Lord is happy with, oh he passed the test. Sat-krtah, Lord applauded him, Lord applauded, praised Siva. So what kind of Lord applauded Siva?

bhagavata srivatsankena

That kind of Lord, first of all He is mentioned as a bhagavata, Bhagavan is going to be, He is appreciating. He is praising and He is going to be embracing. Bhagavata, what kind of Bhagavan? Srivatsankena, Srivatsa-one of the opulences mentioned here is vatsanka. On His breast, on His chest, He is eternally holding onto Laxmi. He is Laxmidhar. He is Giridhar, He is Murlidhar. So many kinds of dhar, holders. And He is holding Laxmi on His chest. And He is not a holder of just one Laxmi, laxmi sahasra sata sambhrama sevyamanam Of serving, the millions of, I mean this is Krishna. Here is Visnu dealing with Siva here. But He is also originally Krishna. In Vrindavan, He is Krishna. In Vaikunth, He is Narayan or Visnu. And in Kailash, He is Siva. In Mahesh dhama, He is Sadashiv. Siva is also somebody, not like one amongst us here. We are just tiny living entities, but Siva is not a jiva. Siva is Hari har. He is Hari and also he is har. And he is dealing with Visnu, here Hari har. So bhagavata srivatsankena, Lord has been glorified or described or introduced as Bhagavan with opulence’s and one opulence mentioned aisvaryasya samagrasya, this is first one.

aisvaryasya samagrasya viryasya yasasah sriyah (Visnu Purana 6.5.47) 

Like that goes on. So, the wealth, how wealthy He is? Samagra, samagra means everything that exists is His. You cannot compare. Could Lord’s wealth be compared with yours or with Tata’s or Rockefeller, could be compare? No. You cannot compare. Nothing belongs to Tata, Ambani or Rockefeller or George. He was also wealthy. Nothing, they own nothing. So it can’t compare. Oh this much is my wealth and. Lord has more, you can’t say that. You are zero, you are nothing. And that’s the beginning, that’s the realization. Lord is to be realized like that.

bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka- mahesvaram

Srivatsankena that Lord, sat krtah- is praising. He has praised Siva and Vishwanath Chakravarty Thakur is a one who is reading in between lines and inside story, is revealed onto him. Sukhdev Goswami is not specifying but Vishwanath Chakravarty Thakur is concluding Srivatsankena, reason hy Srivats is mentioned this is they must have embraced and that Srivats touched Lord Siva as they embraced each other. There is a touch. It’s kind of complete praise, right? From a distance, oh you are there and one who is praising is here and he is saying something on the microphone. That’s nice, that’s nice praise but finally shake hand and then finally embrace that praise is complete praise. The whole hearted praise. Samagra-complete praise with no reservation or not holding back. Lord is praising and to the extent of embracing Siva.

amantrya tam parikramya

And then Lord Siva has, lila has come to an end. Pastime is getting over here. He had come all the way, all the way. svalayam yayau- so where he has come from his aalay, from his abode, with some purpose in mind. He wanted to take darshan of, such darshan he never had. Lord as a woman, Lord looking like a woman. And there are womanly forms. Radha, gopis and women are there. Those are shaktis.

In shakti and shaktiman, Lord is shaktiman but here shaktiman has assumed the woman form. There are not shakti’s, shaktiman has become woman. And He had bewildered those asuras. He had to deal with asuras. Hari Hari.

So Lord’s purpose of becoming woman, taking a form of woman also over once the nectar was handed over to the Demigods. Lord had wound up His pastime and the form. He was a regular Bhagavan again. But then comes the Siva, he was curious. Oh! I missed it. I missed it. My dear Lord, please just once, just once. And okay have it. And then get darshan, Lord has become woman.

So, tam parikramya. So Siva is taking permission to go. Okay permission given, you may go. So he is before going he is doing parikrama of the Lord.

parikramya saganah svalayam yayau

And along with as a whole entourage they had come with Siva. He is never alone. Uma Parvati is also had come and the bhuta’s, the pishacha’s and they were all around. They never leave him alone. So saganah-with all of them. Svalayam yayau- He is alay. Siva’s alay is mentioned Kailash here.

devi mahesh hari dham suteshu suteshu

This is devi dhama. And above this devi dham, above the brahmanda is Mahesh dhama. And then Hari dhama. Then Sri Ram or Ayodhya dhama. Then Dwarkadhish dhama. Then Mathuradhish dhama. Then Krishna dhama, Golok dhama. Of course, Dwarka and Mathura are the part of Golok.

So, Mahesh dhama is also abode of Siva and half of Mahesh dhama is Vaikuntha. It is like Vaikuntha. It is part of Vaikuntha. The lower half of Mahesh dhama is part of this devi dham. And Lord Siva is Sadashiv in that Vaikuntha part of Mahesh dham and he is Kalbhairav, and he is Rudra and there is a time for destruction. Siva takes his Rudra form and begins

playing dim dim dim dim dim damroo he plays holding his trishul in other hand and begins his tandav nritya. Agitating, activating the modes of nature. Especially ignorance and this is all doing with empowerment of Lord Anantshesh whom he always worships and then destruction is on. So Siva is Harihar, he is Hari in that half of the Mahesh dham which is part of Vaikuntha. He is Hari and down there is Har. Siva is quiet a mysterious personality of godhead.

ksiram yatha dadhi vikara-visesa- yogat (Brahma-samhita 5.45)
What is ksiram? Ksira-chor Gopinath, milk. Dadhi is dahi, mishti dahi.

So milk becomes dahi, yogurt, and that yogurt is Siva. Ksiram is Hari and dahi, the yogurt is Siva. sanjayate na hi tatah prthag asti hetoh Brahma is giving us this understanding. Siva tattva he is described in Brahma samhita.

sanjayate na hi tatah prthag asti hetoh

So Visnu is the cause and Siva is effect. Now the milk is cause and yogurt is effect. The effect or the yogurt is not different but also not the same. Yogurt is not different from the source or the cause and it is also not similar. So Siva is not different but not same. So that Harihar, Harihar ki jai. So even he was bewildered when Lord is becoming woman, very powerful effect. Most powerful woman and he has not become some living entity woman. Some living entity has accepted woman form. Lord has his Visnu tattva and he has assumed the form of a woman. So I was going to say you could imagine. We can’t even imagine the power, how much power of that womanly form.

balam me pasya mayayah
stri-mayya jayino disam (SB 3.31.38)

Kapil Muni is talking to His mother.Just see just see, balam me pasya mayaya, just look at the balam, the power of the maya. In what form? stri mayya. In the stri form. In the woman form, just see the balam. The power of Me or the Lord’s power has been invested in that form bewildering power. Power to bewilder.

So what to speak about Lord, living entity woman could not exhibit so much power. Jayino disam, some emperor he has just now returned conquering the three worlds. And now he is back home, back in the palace. The Kapil Muni is describing talking to his mother that he is back home.

bhruvi-jrmbhena kevalam

As a woman, what does She do? Moves Her eyebrows. Oh that’s it. What happens next? Immediately he falls, the emperor, the conqueror of all directions. Haribol, king aa rahe hai. Now the king is here, emperor is here. But as soon as he is back in the palace in association of the woman, she moves her eyebrows and he falls at her feet. Begins licking her feet. Just see the power of My maya, but it is My maya that has to be powerful. If it was of your maya, my maya might not be so powerful but it is My maya. Lord’s maya has the way powerful.

balam me pasya mayayah

Just see, so, what Kapil Dev said about the power of my maya in the form of a woman? This is the exhibition or illustration. Okay prove it, you just said balam me pasya mayaya, my maya is very powerful in the form of a
woman. Is there any example, any illustration? Okay. Here is,

mam maya, duratyaya

My maya is very very difficult, insurmountable to transcend, to get out of the clutches of this maya.

So the demonstration of that power of maya in form of a woman is here. Mohini murti, Lord who is Mohan, Manmohan or Madanmohan. Mohan means the attractor. That Madan has become personified in the form of the Lord as a woman here. Mohini, that Mohan has become Mohini Himself. Mohini murti, that Mohan, the bewildering energy and the power has
become murti. Taken a form personified in the form of this Mohini murti. And Lord is trying out; I mean He did not picked one of us to exhibit the extent of His power. He has picked up Siva, yet another powerful personality. For us, not much power you could be just brushed aside and you are gone, finished, lost. But, lord Siva has been picked up. You are going to try My maya, show My maya to you. Lord Siva has, he has some desires. Lord is behind all these. In heart of Siva, there is a desire Oh, I would like to see, I would like to take darshan, some inspiration.

divya jnana hride prakashito
divya jnanaof course there was other kind of jnana.
aham sarvasya prabhavo mattah sarvam pravartate
iti matva bhajante mam budha bhava-samanvitah (BG 10.8)

I am seated in the heart of everybody and from Me comes knowledge or ignorance also. So Siva has been inspired like that. He comes down. And there is a whole lila, pastime. Like one Lord is dealing with other Lord. There are two Lords. They both are Lords. Well one Lord is incomplete Lord or he is half Lord and half not Lord. He is a Harihar. One is full-fledged Hari, other one is Harihar. And Lord full on exhibition of his power as a woman that bewildering energy and that energy has done its job. And Siva has gone, is bewildered and has lost his intelligence. He could not discriminate any more. And this is what happened. This is a beginning.

dhyayato visayanpumsah sangastesupajayate
sangat samjayate kamah kamatkrodho bhijayate.
krodhadbhavati sammohah sammohatsmritivibhramah
smritibhramsad buddhinaso buddhi nasat pranasyati (BG 2.62-63)

So this is one after the other, one after the other, one after the other. If we don’t check dhyayato, contemplation. If we don’t check their contemplation on the sense objects then sangah, the association to attachment. From attachment comes lust and if lust is not fulfilled then what happens? kamat krodhobhijayate. One becomes angry,krodhadbhavati sammohah. And when person is taken over by anger which comes from passion.

Kama esa krodha esa rajo-guna- samudbhavah (BG 3.37)

From the passion comes kama and krodha. Lust and anger are Prabhupada says as Mr.Anger and Mr. Lust. They are brothers or the followers of each other. kamat krodhobhijayate. So passion, person in full of passion,

kamat krodhobhijayate krodhad bhavati sammohah

When person is krodha, full of anger cannot think straight, is bewildered buddhinaso then one completely loses his intelligence. And when intelligence is lost which is also compared to the driver.

yantra rudhani mayaya

All these connections are there. We are sitting in yantra. The body is yantra and who is a driver in this yantra in this machine? Intelligence. And the horses of the senses the mind is he rein and the soul is a passenger and who is a driver? Intelligence is a driver. And the driver is a drunkard and then what happens? It is going to be off the cliff into the ditch of the bridge, into the gutter. Buddhi nasat, cannot think anymore. Lost the control, when one loses the control over his machine, over his wanderings? When intelligence is lost. Anyway, so that did happen. Siva lost his intelligence. He was bewildered and started running after, after that woman. And Lord is running earlier on. Lord is taking a tour He is going by brahmachari ashrams. Remembered? These ashrams, the sage ashram, the brahmin ashram. Now bringing to their attention, just see, just see, and just see. Just see the power of My maya to begin with and even Siva like personalities could be bewildered then what to speak of you? And
to the extent that Siva passes semen and that he has come to kind of senses pacified.

Prabhupada is commenting in one of the purports when that happens, person begins thinking. And Oh! What happened? Just now what happened? What was happened? So Siva by God’s grace, Krishna’s grace has quickly come to conclusion. And I was wondering if this pastime had not taken place and Siva had not passed semen then what about the gold and silver? From the semen that Siva passed that created all gold mines everywhere and silver mines. They are caused by the semen of Siva. So who knows so many different things that Lord is accomplishing by performance of this pastime. Also the production of gold and silver which is caused by this pastime. If that pastime had not taken place, oh! No gold no silver, no valuable elements. But that also bewildering also.

Hiranyakashipu, right? They like Hiranya they like gold and they like kashipu means soft bed. This gold produced from this act, which was a lusty act. Full of lust, gold produced and that gold continuous to bewilder that glitter of that gold. Its origin in this sinful act, sinful thought, ending up passing semen. So as he has come to senses.

api cet su-duracaro
bhajate mam ananya-bhak
sadhur eva sa mantavyah
samyag vyavasito hi sah

That also things comes into the picture here. Although the act was abominable, he immediately came to the senses and has situated himself.

swarupen na vyavasthithi,

His swarupa as Siva, sadhur eva sa mantavyah, that person should be accepted as sadhu. And Lord has accepted him as sadhu.

vaishnavanam yatha shambhu,

That leader of vaishnavas is involved with this pastime. Lord has used him. But immediately he has reinstated himself into his position. And he has come to his senses, so Lord is appreciating this. Okay some kind of fall he had or about to happen but he got his act together. Quickly, he got his act together. He was not fallen forever or for a longer time. Also proving that Lord Visnu or Krishna are Achyuta and everyone else is chyuta. Including Siva could be, he could fall. Lord Krishna and all His different incarnations well some of them gunavatar ae there they are not infallible. They are fallible. They could fall. And he is an example.

Now Brahma running after his daughter that’s a fall. This never happens to the Lord. Lord never falls down. Maintains His position but others could fall down and here,

yashantam na sura asura saganah, devaya tasmayi namah

I offer my obeisance’s unto the Supreme Lord whose end is not understood by sura, suraganaha. Suras, the demigods and asuras, demons they do not understand. So that also we could understand here. How Siva doesn’t sometimes understand or he misunderstands or Brahma misunderstands. Indra misunderstands Lord or doesn’t completely understand the Lord. Now what does speak about asuras. Asuras, they don’t understand extent of the Lord.

And then Lord has, Lord Visnu has praised Siva and also given benediction. Okay, enough is enough. You tried, right? You wanted to see, yes? You wanted to see my woman form. Did you see? How was it? Did you learn some lessons? I think you did. Good boy, now I bless you, Lord has just now said I bless you.

seyam guna-mayi maya na tvam abhibhavisyati (SB 8.12.40)

From hence forward, this will not happen to you again. I bless you. You have learnt your lesson. So, Lord has blessed, empowered Siva, praised and embraced him. Siva is taking permission, does circumambulation and mounts his nandi. I am sure; he is not walking back to his abode. He is riding on the back of nandi, the bull. It was slow, slow but steady. And he has taken everyone along with him. Returned to his abode, leaving his pastime behind as a history. As a major event, universal and important. And lessons to be learned hence it has been included in the Bhagavatam for us to study. Study this case. Different cases to study, this case should be studied by vaishnavas or aspiring vaishnavas, sadhakas and learned something. Come to conclusions, the power of maya never be curious to know about maya. Oh! I would like to see. Could I see? Could I see? Could I see? And insisting and insisting. Okay, go ahead. Don’t touch, don’t touch, and don’t touch the fire. But child is insisting. Okay,
go ahead and he is burnt. Now,
okay now you know.
Hari haribol.

Damodhar lila and killing of vatsasura

Damodhar lila and killing of vatsasura
Dated : July 2004 (Bhagvat Saptah-Day one)
Hare Krsna!

Thank you for coming in this endeavor of worshipping Bhagavatam. We took Bhagavatam on the procession today. When we want to glorify someone, the players also do, when someone wins the match, they lift him, really give him lift. So we lifted Bhagavatam to worship Bhagavatam. Of course we were chanting Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare! We glorified that Bhagavatam. Bhagavatam is incarnation of Krsna. There are many forms, that is one form which stands before us. Bhagavatam is also the Lord, Lord’s pastimes are also the Lord, non different than Lord. His dham is Bhagavat svaroop, non different. Sva, His own rupa, another form of the Lord.

Everyone runs to see Rukmini Dwarakadhish. I don’t want to minimize the importance of running to Rukmini Dvarakadhish, and seeing them, but Prabhupada did emphasize hearing. Unless you hear you will not understand or really see. That’s why Bhakti Siddhant Saraswati Thakur one time asked one of his followers, who had left the dharma sabha where Bhagavat discourse was on and he went away and returned. ‘Where did you go?’ ‘I went for darshan’, he thought my spiritual master will be pleased to hear such reply. Instead he asked, ‘so how was your eye exercise? You went, you opened your eyes and closed them many times. So how was your eye exercise? I was here teaching technique or science of how to see Krsna, with the help of Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita and you ran away in middle to see.’ So this way our previous acaryas and certainly Srila Prabhupada has emphasized hearing process.

That’s certainly number one business, nitya siddha krsna prema sadhya kabu naya sravanadi suddha citte karah uday We all have love for the Lord. It is not something to be purchased from the market near by. It is in there, it is part of you. So how to get it out? How to manifest it? Sravanadi suddha citte karah uday, sravan, then citta shuddha, consciousness is pure then Krsna prema uday, manifest naturally. So Srila Prabhupada certainly wanted us to distribute his books. He also wanted us to read them, not only read them but study them. Many of us read but not everyone studies Prabhupada’s books. Anyway we will attempt to study Bhagavatam, contemplating on Bhagavatam. This is very very favorable time, nice time. Any time is good, shubhasya shighram.  If it’s a good think. Do it when? Tomorrow? No. this evening? No. Do it now. When there is the best thing to do then you don’t have to check our watch, one day, no. but there are certain times certainly beneficial. We get more benefit out of those times. And this is that time. Staring from today is also Caturmasya, right? Today marks beginning of Caturmasya. What is business of Caturmasya? Eat less, circular was distributed, don’t eat salt, sweet voice. So minimizing, cutting down eating sleeping etc and maximize certainly hearing and we would like to do that. Today also guru pornima, it’s guru day, also Brhaspati var (wednesday).

We don’t do this as a money making thing. That is why Prabhupada was against this ‘saptah business’. Yeah this has become a business. Contract has to be sign. How many lacks? They are not shy about this. And some other reasons why Prabhupada was against this reciting for 7 days, but he was not against reciting Bhagavatam. It’s popular thing and few extra people do come in the name of Bhagavata katha. So we could take advantage of that trend that tradition. And don’t do this this and this while studying Bhagavatam or reciting Bhagavatam.

So last time we did childhood pastimes of Krsna, Krsna in Gokula, circumstances before His birth, Bhumi-devi crying and demigods go to Brahma, and Brahma said, ‘let’s go to Supreme Personality of Godhead’ and Lord heard the prayers. Prabhupada said ‘wireless communication’, from the beach of Svetadvipa Brahma communicated. He was on the beach and Lord was in Sveta ocean. Sveta means white, why white? Because there is milk all around, Lord in the middle. And He said, ‘ok, sure, you go ahead, you Demigods you take birth’.

So they took birth and then Lord also took birth. And then He was taken across through Jamuna to Gokula and baby girl back to Mathura and an attempt to killing and that did not work out and more pastimes. Krsna was 6 days old and what happened? Putana! And she was killed, then name giving ceremony was there, Gargacarya came. Krsna Balarama’s names, privately in a goshala, no big affair. He did not want; otherwise news will easily reach Kamsa and then more trouble. Why invite trouble.  Then more pastimes and Krsna as child eating dirt; ‘open your mouth.’ What was inside? Whole universe was inside. ‘Oh you heard that I ate dirt. Ok you may see inside. There was so much dirt, whole universe, it is made of dirt. I took few pinches. Please look inside. Not only dirt, there was water, fire, air and ether and earthly planet was there. Bharat varsa, New Delhi Agra highway road and Bhaktivedanta Swami Road and Jamuna and there is Gokula too and as Yasoda looked more closely, there was Yasoda inside chastising Krsna.

Wonderful Krsna! But He was thief also. Nice child but stealing. So, so many complaints; everyday complaint box would get full. Yasoda said ‘you have to prove.’ Then attempts were made to catch Krsna, red handed or white handed? Butter in hand then hand becomes white. White handed. Bluish hand covered with white butter. So many attempts were made to catch hold of Krsna. One lady was successful. And her name was Prabhavati.  She caught hold. She thought she caught hold of Him and dragged Him. As she got closer, she started yelling, ‘Yasoda please come, I caught hold of your son look.’ And she enters Nanda bhavan. Yasoda comes running. This lady’s face was covered like this.

(Guru maharaj shows with action, Vrajwasi ladies cover their face with sari) Brajavasi ladies! With one hand she was dragging Krsna. She said ‘look, here he is.’ And Yasoda went close, ‘remove your veil please’. And when she really looked there was no Krsna, there was son of Prabhavati. You could imagine the embarrassment of Prabhavati. She was thinking, I am the one, I will get the special reward. I will be in the front pages of Mathura newspaper, ‘thief was caught by Prabhavati’.  But instead her son was there. Then she rushed out of Nanda bhavan back to her home. On the way to home there was Krsna waiting for her. He said, ‘Ok, next time you try this, I will become your husband.’

How could Krsna be a thief? Who is a thief? We are. Everything belongs to Him. So that is just pleasure pastime. Not for His pleasure but everyone was highly pleasing with Krsna’s stealing butter. Ladies got up early morning. Why would they get up early morning? If Krsna comes to steal and butter is not ready, He will go disappointed. Keep all ready, just in case thief comes to steal. So there was competition for getting up early in Vrindavan to prepare butter. So many pastimes stealing butter related. And everyone just loved this Krsna, the butter thief.

One day stealing took place in Yasoda’s own home. Krsna was hungry and then Yasoda runs to kitchen to take care of milk dropping the hungry child middle of, He was drinking the breast milk. She just threw Him on floor and ran to the kitchen. Krsna was very angry. He did not like this and He became so angry that His lips were trembling with anger and He broke that pot in which Yasoda was churning butter that morning. And He was hungry so He did stealing. Yasoda came. He was watching. He thought He was smart. He was seeing this way and that way. But Yasoda was smarter. She came from behind. Krsna still noticed and not only she was coming, she had a stick. And He jumped down and ran. And attempts were made to catch hold of Him.

Yasoda is well built and Krsna is liitle. He is running and she is running behind Him. It took a while to catch hold of Him. Even yogis can not catch, but Yasoda caught and trying to bind Him. Not Him only but also the mortar. Why mortar? Because mortar also has to be punished. What is mortar’s fault? Mortar helped Krsna to climb up and reach butter. So one who helps stealing, he also gets punished. So Krsna and the mortar both are getting punished. She trying to tie and ‘two inches short’ story and finally it worked out.

And He wanted to do some more naughty things. He crawled as mother Yasoda was busy in some other activity. Behind at the backyard two trees were waiting from a long time. Yamalarjuna trees, they were cursed and blessed at the same time. So now was a blessing time. Otherwise also these trees had good time. They were with Krsna, seeing Krsna in court yard of Nanda maharaj. That’s not the curse.  Would you like to be tree in the court yard of Nanda maharaj, anyone here? Many hands are there. Anything in Vrindavan, anybody. And so Krsna uprooted those two giant trees. They crashed and there was dust storm.  Everyone came running. ‘What happened?’

Yamalarjuna trees were liberated. They were sons of Kubera. And they were trying to untie the knots. ‘May I help you’? These two demigods asked, seeing Krsna in awkward condition, ‘May I help you?’ Krsna’s response was, ‘thank you for the offer but this knot has been tied by my mother. Only someone with equal amount of affection could untie this knot. This is knot of affection, my mother’s affection for me. You won’t be able to do untie this.’ So they had circumambulated Krsna and went happily. So right in there in the middle of this story, Sukadeva Gosvami describes another pastime just in two verses, beautiful. One lady she comes with big basket of fruits. And ‘please buy fruits. I have this fruit, that fruit. Kela lelo, amruda lelo, buy gvava, by chikoo.’ And she is going around and around more to Nanda bhavan than any other place. Because this fruit vendors, they come with intension of hoping to get glance of Krsna, to meet Krsna. The selling business is just secondary thing. Primary goal is how to get to meet Him, see Him. So for sure, Krsna heard, ‘take fruits, buy fruits’ and Krsna, ‘oh fruits,’ was excited and hurriedly ran out of the door of Nanda bhavan.

Sukadeva Gosvami describes, Krsna who is sarva phal pradah, the Personality Of Godhead who gives fruits to everybody, fruits of their labor to everybody, every time, that Personality is now in need of fruits. He is giving fruit to everybody but now He becomes phalarthi, He likes to get a fruit for Himself. Those were not the time for dollar, rupees and currencies. Those were time of barter system. So Krsna caught hold with both hands, full of grains. Lady is now comfortably sited. Potential buyer is there. Krsna is coming with His small, baby steps, taking longer, and that is fine with her. She wants Krsna as long as possible in her site, vision. So she could take darshan. What fun is it if He ran out and ran in with fruits? No, she wanted it, ‘take your time baby’. He is coming and He is trying to hold those grains tight. Tighter as He holds, they are spilling more, they are losing the grip. First of all how small fist, just a little child, how many grains could He hold. And by the time He reached, He had hardly anything there. But she took it and she is returning now.

He has been described as Acyuta, means what? Infalliable, but the grains are falling from His hands. He is Acyuta but grain is cyuta. He can not even hold dhanya (grains). So He is loosing grains. So she accepted those few left over grains and in exchange she is giving fruits to the beautiful darling of Yasoda, and as she is looking at Him, fully focused on the beauty of the Lord, beautiful moon like face, blooming lotus like face. And while doing so she lost the track, how many fruits she is handing out. She also wanted to stay longer and she knew as soon as she stops He will turn around and go away. What good is that? She is trying to keep Him longer. So in the process she emptied her whole basket.

And He is also looking for more fruits. You have some more you know. We hear sometimes, when you give, He takes note of that and what you haven’t given, Krsna notice that. He tries to go deeper into the person. ‘Hey that’s moha, you know.’ So Krsna knows what he has kept. Krsna would like everything.  So this is what this lady has done. She has given everything. But is she the looser? Look at her basket. It is getting full of jewels, diamonds and rubies.

Sukadeva gosvami, middle of all this lila, he has talked of this pastimes and then Krsna was rescued, Nanda maharaj came at the site, and picked up baby and was delighted to know if the baby is safe. He started to pray to the Lord for protection of the child.

And following that there was big ista-gosti held in Gokula dham. All the leading citizens gather together. They wanted to review all situations and come to some conclusion. Is there some way out? Elderly persons, in the forest, there are 12 forests in Vrindavan and Gokula is Brihad vana, big vana, Brihad Bhagavatam like that. So in Brhad vana, Gokula, all the elderly persons after experiencing the recent disasters, terrorist attack; Nanda maharaj and others have gathered. And in that assembly there is Upananda, who is eldest brother of Nanda maharaj.

There are five brothers. Nanda maharaj is number three,  Upananda is number two. So Upananda is there in the assembly and he is well known for, first of all he is superior, he surpasses everybody in two things. First of all in age he is eldest member present and in jnana, experience also he is most experienced. That’s not always the case, right. You may be oldest but you may be.. Hiranyakashipu was very old but so far jnana is concerned he was just a baby. And Prahlad maharaj was older in jnana, and his father was older in age. But Upananda was older in age and in jnana, experience. He was also known for, someone who is always concerned, care for Balarama and Krsna.

So what he had been doing, he had been travelling all over Brajamandal. He had been thinking that we have to leave this Gokula.  We have to get out of here to a safer location. No one appointed him but because of his concern for Krsna and Balarama and other residents of Gokula also, he had been doing this research. And travelling and travelling and he had just now returned from his travel, and he is proposing, ‘you know we have to leave this place. We care for all residents of Gokula, and for everyone’s benefit, especially for the benefit of Krsna and Balarama we have to leave this place. And it is seen that target of these attacks are children and specially Krsna and Balaram.’

And he is reminding everyone ‘do you not remember, that Krsna was only 6 days old, Putana appeared. Luckily Krsna managed. Then Krsna was 3 months old, then Sakatasura, he just kicked the cart, flying and broken into pieces, but attempt was there, trying to kill this child. Then he was 100 days old, 3 months old and Trinavarta came, took the baby in sky. Of course baby did not mind. He was enjoying seeing whole Braja, great opportunity to fly in the sky, free. And Krsna became heavier and heavier and He killed the demon. And before us this ghastly disaster you could see, the trees uprooted and Acyuta, Lord Narayan is protecting our children but how long, you know. One of these days, who knows? So far so good, protected, but we can’t take risk. We have to go, take everything with us, all the residents, all the cows, all the basic needs. We have to leave this place.’

‘Where to go?  What are you talking about? Do you any concrete proposal?’ ‘Yes yes I have been travelling through out Brajamandal and I have found a place. Place called Vrndavan. Let’s go to Vrndavan.’ Are you ready? (Hari bol!) Then what about katha? You have taken sankalpa. We are in Vrndavan! As we listen to katha of Krsna and Vrndavan, we are in Vrndavan. We are with Krsna, trying to become part of Krsna’s pastimes, witness those pastimes through the eyes of the Bhagavatam.

Bhagavatam has two pages. See through one page with this eye and another page with another eye and there is window through which you could see things, sastra chaksusa.

‘And that Vrndavan is very appropriate, suitable place for cows.’ Always the concern is cows. ‘For the cows very good place and for us also.’ And especially he is mentioning, ‘there is one mountain called Govardhan. There is lots of grass and creepers and lakes, everything is there. Beautiful place I have come across. And we should go there right away.’ Now he made this presentation, proposal in front of residents of Gokula and he says, ‘if you like we will go. If you think its good place then we go.’ What do you think what was the response of the residents? Jay Jay they said sadhu sadhu, speaking sanskrit now. Forgot english! Yes that’s what they said, ‘sadhu sadhu, wonderful. Yes let us go to Vrndavan.’ And they got ready to go to Vrndavan. They have long way to go. Residents of Vrndavan are also singing on the way.

So everything is ready to go. Everything is getting loaded into bullock carts. Every family has at least one bullock cart or more. So many cows and so many bulls.  And that’s the mode of transportation. Krsna had never gone, His travels were limited to Brhad vana, more into Gokula, into the town, around the bank of Jamuna. This was the first time He was going on very long travel. Going to another country. ‘Mummy mummy where are we going?’ ‘We are going to Vrndavan.’ ‘Vrndavan!! Why Vrndavan?’ ‘You know there are big big playgrounds, you can play there.’ ‘Hey!!’ Krsna started jumping in the cart.  So there are so many carts. Cart after cart after cart. Carts were mainly for elderly folks, old people and children and ladies were in the carts. Everyone else were walking. And Cows were all the way in front. And priests were chanting the prayers. And they also have weapons for protection of cows. Cows have been described repeatedly ‘the wealth’, go-dhan of Vraja. So they used to protect them. So they are going. They left Gokula.  There is no one in Gokula. They all left. Ghost town! And they went in northerly direction.

There mention of this special cart where is Krsna, Balarama and Yasoda and Rohini, four of them in one cart. We also hear that, everyone would like to have his cart next to this cart and Krsna makes them experience. Everyone was thinking, ‘my cart is next to Krsna’s cart. Everyone else’s cart behind or ahead, my cart is just next to Krsna’s.’ Krsna is expanding, His cart has been expanded, He had expanded.  So because it was getting late, sunset time, they camp at the bank of Jamuna. Some distance in north. Whole camping has been described. The next morning as they got up, they wanted to cross. So what they do? They tied carts, one cart to another. What is this going on?  Bridge! They are walking, and crossing, many bridges like that. Other cowherd men carrying calves little baby calves on their shoulder and swimming Jamuna, going across. And as they are swimming across with the calves on their backs, who is swimming right behind you think? Mother cow! So many men are carrying the baby calves on their shoulders and they are swimming and the Cows are swimming right behind. Thousands of them are swimming across like that. Go mata ki jay! And now they all have reached Vrndavan. Vrndavan dham ki jay!

We are in Vrndavan now. There are 12 forests. All of them put together is we call Vrndavan but one of those twelve forest is also Vrndavan. Between Jamuna and Govardhana is Vrndavan forest and beyond also. So after entering Vrndavan they parked their carts in semi circular format. And made that as compound and they started residing there. Temporary housing facility and they stayed there for several years. According to Visvanath Chakravarti Thakur, Krsna stays for 3 years and 4 months in Gokula and He stays 3 years and 4 months, where they have just now come, Shakatavarta. Probably you have heard the name Chatikara. You go to Delhi Agra highway; then you take turn to go to Krsna Balaram temple, the Bhaktivedanta Marg. So at that junction, highway, you are turning left to go to Krsna Balarama temple. So that junction, there is village called Chatikara, that’s where they parked their carts. Big area! So 3 years and 4 months there and finally from there they go to Nandagrama. Krsna stayed for 3 years

and 4 months in Nandagrama. And then comes Akrura to invite Krsna to Mathura. So just to give idea where is Krsna now? Where is his family? So here at this place, Krsna becomes a calf-herd boy. He was given the task of herding calves. He was little boy and He could only manage herding little calves.

choti choti gaiya, chote chote gvala,
chotoso mero madan Gopala

Everything is chota, Krsna chota, cow choti choti everything choto. So Krsna is very anxious to take this assignment. So with this sakhya bhava, in Gokula basically vatsalya bhava; He is spending time with Yasoda and parents and little bit sakhya, few friends. But having come to Vrndavan, now the friendship became more dominant, sakha bhava. So He has to be away from home playing with friends, so this calf herding pastime, more opportunity to be with friends and more play, to give excuse to be away from family but play with friends.

So when Krsna first time proposed, Yasoda said no no you are going into forest? Forget it. She was not ready. Stay home. You are still tiny baby. You don’t have to go to work at this age. But He was insisting and then Nanda maharaja took Krsna’s side. Father and mother debating. And Krsna and Nanda maharaj won the debate. And Krsna was allowed to go out, to be cowherd boy. First day Nanda maharaj, he gathered small group of calves and he had friends. They had small group of calves also. And Nanda and Yasoda personally were accompanying Krsna and Balaram, training them, how to control the cows, how to turn them. They gave little ropes in the hands of Krsna and Balarama and little sticks. ‘But don’t go deep into the forest ok, come back before lunch.’ ‘Yes yes daddy, yes yes mummy.’

So they were proceeding towards forest and then lots of playing and then they came back. This is going on for some days and one day; once upon a time, at the bank of Jamuna, other side now, everyone is staying at western bank, and now Krsna and Balaram and others are going across Jamuna to estern bank of Jamuna. They are herding their cows and one demon arrived on the scene. With the aim of killing Krsna and Balarama, he has come. And Krsna noticed. And this demon has come in the shape of calf. Easy right? So many calves there, one more calf. So demon thought it’s easy, no one will notice me. But Krsna noticed, not only noticed, He brought in notice, ‘hey Balarama, you see? What about him? That’s not regular calf, strange kind of.’ ‘Yes yes, something we had never seen. This is extra one.’

Krsna showed him to Balarama and Krsna is moving forward then closer and closer and closer to that calf. As He got there, He caught hold of that calf’s two hind legs and the tail. And then next thing He did, whirling and demon felled on top of a big tree. The demon lost his life in this process. And as he has been thrown, whirl around and thrown, this calf, it was no more calf, it was gigantic demon form. Big from and he was so heavy. That tree fell down with so many other trees. Demigods they were highly pleased, and they started showering flowers. And all the cowherd boy friends they were kind of hiding. Krsna was handling the demon. They were not sure what could be outcome of this. So they were maintaining safer distance and watching from behind the trees. And once the demon was killed then they came forward and sadhu sadhu, well done.

Next thing they are doing is some special kind of fruit tree. So the tree fell and there are so many fruits and all the cowherd boys are running after the fruits. There is breakfast time. Someone lost life and no big deal. They just wanted to enjoy fruit. Ran for the fruits!

So like that they would have good time, herding calves and playing with friends.  And another day they were all thirsty. These are two pastimes. One demon killing which was Vatsasur and there is more. There is news of Vatsa the calf.  Some residents of Vrndavan, ‘hey Krsna you killed the cow, you have to take bath. You have to take holy deep now for self purification; go take bath in Ganga.’ So Krsna was willing but He doesn’t leave Vrndavan. How does He manage? He creates Ganga from His mind. That is Manasi Ganga. When you do Brajamandal parikrama, you take darshan of Mansi Ganga. So that comes from mind of Krsna. Krsna takes bath, everyone taking bath now in Mansi Ganga. Some other pastimes also mentioned in connection of this Mansi Ganga. This is one of them.

So another day boys were thirsty. There was another demon coming. He is Bakasur, brother of Putana. Putana has been killed. Now second member of family, he has come as big duck. So they drank water and suddenly they saw big big huge size duck. So Bakasura comes with big pointed beak and catches hold of Krsna and he swallows. Where is Krsna now? He was just playing with the friends and demon came and he just swallowed Him. And cowherd boys were right there. Where is Krsna? Seeing His friends disturbed and Krsna inside the throat is becoming very very hot and very bitter also. Could you swallow something that is so hot and bitter? You will vomit. So this demon vomits. And what came out? Krsna! Krsna held beak of this demon and Bakasur also was killed.

We are rushing because idea was to kill another demon today. Aghasur! So Putana is sister, and Bakasur and Aghasur are two brothers. So Aghasur’s time for killing. Cowherd boys, as the news spread of Krsna killing another demon, residents of Vrndavan, Nanda maharaj reminded of Garga muni’s prediction, ‘this will happen, that will happen, but Krsna will always come victorious, always depend on Him, He will protect you.’ And the way he predicted is exactly happening. They all are talking.  So these topics are giving great pleasure to residents, protectors of the town, Nanda maharaj and ohers. This Rama Krsna katha they are absorbed, this is their life.

mat cittah mat-gat pranah, bodhayantah parasparam
kathayantas ca mam nityam tusyanti ca ramanti ca

Krsna says in Bhagavad Gita. Same thing; residents of Vrndavan are busy, absorbed talking about Krsna. We also wish, before we talk what we have to do? You have to hear, you have to read. Otherwise what would you talk about? Whatever you hear about, you talk about. Gramya katha! Simple thing! What goes in, input, is the output. If katha goes in, katha will come out. You will relish. We also wish to how Krsna katha is topic of devotees. Krsna is expecting that we talk about Krsna, hear about Krsna, hear more and more and then do mananam. Krsna is reminding us, ‘you hear Me, hear and then come back tomorrow to hear more, but in mean time what happens? Mananam, bring those pastimes back to the mind, contemplate, relish and take them in again. Just like cows or animals they eat twice. First time they gobble up, grazing, and when they sit down, then what do they do? Chewing the chewed. They bring whole thing back into the mouth, then chewing it finer and finer and they assimilate it into the system and they get nourished.

So here we hear, gobble up in couple of hours. Then we have 22 hrs more. To do what? Bringing these pastimes back into the mind and relish them, then they will become our property. Then we will not forget them. Bring them back again.

So the person who did this katha, I told you in beginning only, he was Gokarna. This is part of Bhagavat Mahatmya and he was reciting this Bhagavat for seven days for the benefit of his brother Dhundhakari. Dhundhakari was kind of not good fellow. His brother Gokarna showed special mercy. This person was turned into ghost in fact. Dhundhakari had no body, just subtle body. So he took shelter in bamboo which had seven knots. Otherwise the wind comes, they he will go away. It ‘s not heavy 100 kg body, just 50 gm body. So he took shelter of this bamboo of seven knots. So what was happening, at the end of each day, one of the knots was getting opened. And another recitation, another day, by the end of second day, one more knot was opened. Like that the end of the seventh day, that bamboo was no more and there comes out four handed beautiful person.

And mean time there was one aircraft that had come from up above, the trance airline, TWA, and landed and airhosts were signaling please come please come. He was about to got the steps and take his seat, but before they took off, this Gokarna said hey hold on. What’s the matter? In audience I have so many listeners, not just one person. I was expecting you would bring big jambo jet and board everyone to take back home. But how come only one person is boarding the plain? Haridas, Visnudas, they were captain, airhosts, they said, the question was raised by Gokarna that the speaker is same, same subject matter was shared by me with everyone and they all were listening. So how come not the same fruit. How come one person become capable of going back to Vaikuntha and everyone else is staying behind? Why there is discrimination? What went wrong?

Several things were pointed out by these Haridasas. One of these is mananam, this contemplation, what had been heard. This person was thinking, contemplating, relishing, bringing into the mind and others were not doing. This was the reason. Faith of the listener is also other factor. But main thing was pointed out, mananam. So sravanam kirtanam, and the mananam pat. So he said, ‘but we have no problem. You can organize another katha and let them follow the guidelines that we have just mentioned and we will have bigger plane next time.’ and that is what happened. Another katha was organized, Gokarna spoke. Eveyone who was attaining that katha, ‘hey mananam, hey mananam. Unless we do mananam, no going. Mananam mananam. And we need to have attention. Turn off mobile phone and children … ‘ like that.

And everybody was so alert, so respectful. No offenses, attention and the result was at the end of those seven days of recitation of Bhagavatam, big jambo jet arrived. And this time Lord personally accompanied pilots and the staff. And everyone was shown the door of the aircraft, please get in please and the engine started and everyone went back to the Lord.

So the quality of hearing, contemplation, attentions, etc. kind of few things mentioned there in Srimad Bhagavat mahatmya. These things mentioned by four Kumaras, also how fund should be raised.  Just like at the time of marriage you raise funds somehow. First thing mentioned by four Kumaras is fund raising and invitaion. And they have given little draft, how to invite, and what should be location, where should be katha to be conducted and which part of the year. What kind of speaker has to be vaisnava, Hari bhakta and like that it goes. The main thing is hear about subject matter. So we are trying to stick to what Sukadeva Gosvami speaks and how Prabhupada has explained that in purports, something from purports and something from previous acaryas. We are going to try to share this with you. Hare Krishna

Aghasur killing and Brahma Vimon lila

Aghasur killing and Brahma Vimon lila
Venue: Pune
Dated: December 2004 (Bhagvat Saptah)
Hare Krishna

Do not think that this kirtan is not part of Bhagvatam. Essence of Bhagvatam is singing.
Last verse of Bhagavatm 18,000th verse talks about this Harinam.

nama-sankirtanam yasya sarva-papa vinasanam

This is conclusion. It was last day, 7th day of Bhagavtam recitation and Sukadeva Gosvami said,

kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah
kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet

Kali yuga is full of faults and mukta sangah, one becomes free, liberated of sangah, attachment to this world by kirtan. eko mahan gunah, there is only one good quality of this age, chanting of the holy name of the Lord.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu did that. Krishna appeared 500 years ago and then in the evening He would sit down with His most confidential associates and recite Bhagvatam.

srimad Bhagvatam praman amalam prema pumartho mahan

sri ciatanya mahaprabhor matm idam, this is opinion, philosophy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And who is He? He is topmost authority. There is no one equal to Him, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So He says Srimad-Bhagvatam is authority, why, amalam, there is no dirt, contamination, kaitava dharma. Recitation of it develops love of Godhead, prema pumarto mahan.

Prabhupada also gave us this process. Chanting, dancing, and hearing Bhagvatam. Srimad Bhagvatam is foundation of Bhagavat dharma. By studying Bhagvatam we protect the principle of Bhagvat dharma and by doing that dharma protect us. May this Bhagvat dharma protect everybody. Soon this is going to be the dharma for everybody all over the planet.

So today we will hear killing of Aghasur and Brahma vimohan lila. We will also see drama presentations. It becomes easier. One photograph is equal to thousand words. When we go through Bhagvatam, we get to know Krishna, then we serve Him more, we love Him more. Go to the source, understanding from Sukadeva Gosvami. If there is anyone who knows Bhagvatam, that is Sukadeva Gosvami. So we follow the parampara, through acaryas, through Srila Prabhupada. First thing first, so what is the first thing, hear.

So Krishna and Balarama were 5 years old. They have become calf herds. They were very eager to go to forest, so anxious that one day Krishna had an idea. Today we will have picnic. Today we will not eat breakfast at home. We will take breakfast in forest. So that morning He blew His buffalo horn that woke up all the boys. He just blew His buffalo horn and with that goes the message also. They understood that we have to take our breakfast packets and leave early today. They all got up; there was no snooze and all, because they didn’t want to miss Krishna. What if Krishna will leave for forest and we will leave behind. What is there without Krishna? These are the thoughts. If we will have such thoughts then we are qualified to go back to Goloka. That’s why we have mangal arati, we practice getting up early everyday.

So boys got up and they are thousands of them and all of them were carrying four items, breakfast lunch packet hanging on their sticks and everyone had flutes. The calves were in the front and calf herd boys behind them. Sometimes Krishna goes ahead of everybody else. He wants to see some beauty, scenery. Then other boys would run to be with Him. Everybody would say, I want to touch first, I want to touch first. There is competition to get Krishna, catch Krishna. If this is the purpose of competition then competition is transcendental, Krishna centered.
Everyone was doing different things. Many cowherd boys were playing flutes. Some were imitating different birds, bhramars etc. Everyday they would get great pleasure doing this. Sukadeva Gosvami says oh, how fortunate are these boys to be with Krishna all the time, to play with Krishna! How many pious activities they must have performed? Even all the residents of Vrndavan are so fortunate. In what words I could describe their fortune?

Everything was going so smoothly. Everyone was absorbed in Krishna and something came to disturb. Now comes Aghasur. This is not against the will of the Lord. Lord’s Yogamaya sakti was inspired by the Lord to bring demons, because cowherd boys were not taking their meals. Everyone was just enjoying, they forgot all eating part. Now Aghasur is going to come and then will look at their watch oh it’s breakfast time. And of course Lord appears to destroy the demons, one of the reasons. Mother earth was feeling burden.  So everyday demons were being killed by Krishna; all those who were on hit list. List became smaller and smaller.

So this demon came and he was watching Krishna and cowherd boys enjoying. He was inspired by Kamsa. He was younger brother of Bakasur and Baki. Baki is Putana. So he became 12 mile long python. He was just lying on the main road. He was thinking, oh that boy is the one, leader of the team, killer of my brother and sister. Now I will kill him along with all his friends. So this was his sankalpa. He was demonic person and was very hungry. His lower lip was right on the ground and the upper lip was touching the clouds.

Cowherd boys were seeing and they could not understand what this is? His teeth were like mountain ranges. Tongue was like express highway. It was deep and dark inside, like a cave. Some cowherd boys were thinking looks like it is part of Vrndavan’s beauty. But others thought, no this is living one and waiting for us. As these two parties went closer, oh very bad smell. It is certainly a python and he had a nice breakfast and that’s why very bad smell, flesh smell. We are getting into some trouble here. But even if it is real one, we have nothing to worry. Krishna is there, let’s go. They all entered in the mouth of Aghasur, clapping and singing. Cows entered with their tails upraised. Krishna was listening all their conversation and He knew although demon was motionless, doing good act, making His friends think that it’s a statue. He wanted to stop His friends, but they were so many and it was too late. Many of them had already entered.

Krishna has now two things to do, kill the demon keeping in mind that His friends are inside the body of the demon. Demigods assembled behind clouds. They said ‘alas, so far Krishna was outside but now He also entered in the mouth of Aghasur. He has also not realized that this is Aghasur.’ They were in total anxiety and they were screaming. News reached to demons party also and they were very happy, singing dancing. ‘Finally we got him.’

Of course Krishna had a plan. He knows what to do. He is boss and boss is always right. So as everybody is inside, Aghasur closed his mouth and swallowed everyone. By this time cowherd boys each one them and cows also lost their lives. Krishna began to grow in size and forced the demon to open his mouth. Sukadeva Gosvami is describing that his eyes bulged and he lost his life.

Demon was killed but Krishna’s friends were still unconscious. Then just by the merciful glance of Krishna, all His friends and all the cows got up. They were brought back to life. They were not aware what happened. They all got up as nothing had happened and came out of Aghasur’s body. Demigods showered flowers on Krishna and His party. Apsaras began dancing. Kamsa and party were having good time but it did not last for

long. Now demigods were having good time. Gandharvas were singing and apsaras were dancing. So having described Aghasur killing pastime, Sukadeva Gosvami is concluding, Krishna killed this demon when He was kumar, 5 years old and cowherd boys were there, they had witnessed the pastime. But only when He entered in His pauganda age, that is after 6 years old, one year later, the cowherd boys talked about this pastime to their parents.

Practice was whatever wonderful they see, the highlight of that day, the cowherd boys when they return, they make their parents sit down and then evening news time. In each home, cowherd boys shared all the pastimes. This becomes talk of the town.  Whatever happens during the day, by the evening time everyone gets to know. So this was daily practice. But this particular pastime of Aghasur killing, the cowherd boys shared with their parents and others after one year. So this was final statement of this chapter. Krishna killed demon Aghasur. This was mercy on the demon because Krishna entered in the body of demon. Yogis are struggling; Krishna would enter in their heart and will sit there. Here Krishna entered in demon’s body. Sukadeva gosvami says, if one remembers Lord, brings Him into his heart once and remembers Him at least once, he will attain salvation. Even bringing Him in by force, only once, that’s enough for salvation.

So Krishna entered in Aghasur’s body and he was seeing and thinking about the Lord, he attained perfection. Sukadeva Gosvami says, if that is the case with demon then what to speak about that person who always think about Krishna, meditating on Krishna, mind is fixed upon Krishna, what to speak of him, great fortune.

So for next 30 seconds think about the Lord, bring Him into your heart, pray to Him then salvation is guaranteed. Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, mora mana Vrndavan, my mind is Vrndavan for Krishna to enter. So take Krishna in. Nama prabhu is another form, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!

So end of this chapter leads next chapter. King Parikshit’s question, how come after one year everyone found out Aghasur killing. This sound very mysterious! Certainly I see Krishna’s hand here otherwise how come for one year no one heard about this pastime?

We are very fortunate because we are drinking Bhagvatam. What is easy eating or drinking? Drinking is easier.
pibata Bhagvatam rasam alayam It is juicy, so drink.

muhur aho  rasika bhuvi bhavukah

You all are rasikas, one who like rasa, juice, nectar is rasika. So Parikshit maharaj says, we are very fortunate as you are sharing this kathamrita with us. He called himself kshatra-bandhavah, so called kshatriya, because the way he had treated the Samika Rsi. He was very thirsty and he saw Samika rsi sitting in trance. For the first time king Parikshit thought look at the hospitality of this sage. I am asking for water and he is trying to avoid receiving guest. He is just making a show of being in trance. Then he takes a dead snake on his arrow and put that around the neck of the sage. Shringi had cursed, ‘the person who had done this have to die after 7 days.’ Then Parikshit maharaj sits down to listen Bhagvatam for seven days, as he was having only seven days. We also sometimes listens Bhagvatam for seven days, because we also have to die one day, each of us. Someone will die on Monday, someone will die on Thursday, so that seven days, connection.

So Parikshit maharaj is thinking, the way I have treated that sage, I am kashtra-bandhavah. You are great spiritual master, sharing kathamrita. You are doing this from last four days now. Beginning of the tenth canto was fourth day. So may be its afternoon of fourth day.We are wealthy, getting enriched. Wealth of holy name, Lord’s pastimes, these riches satisfy the soul. Other worldly riches may satisfy the body and senses but deep within there is always dissatisfaction. Again and again you are feeding us kathamrita, so he is expressing gratitude.

Suta Gosvami says, as Badarayani, Sukadeva Gosvami heard about Parikshit’s inquiry, something changed with him. For a while there was complete silence. The speaker is in trance. He looses all his external consciousness because he is reminded of exciting pastime that took place during that one year. He was thinking, this is very very confidential thing. He was trying to skip over. But immediately after the inquiry, he started looking inward, observing the pastime and lose external consciousness. It took lot of effort to Sukadeva Gosvami to come in external consciousness and respond to the inquiry made by Parikshit maharaj.

Additional information is provided by our acaryas. They said, this is not the first time that he went into trance. This used to happen from time to time. Janame jay, son of Parikshit had all the instruments ready, drum, conch shells, all the sankirtana samagri. Whenever this would happen, they would sing out loud, beating out drums, blowing conch shells, and after that Sukadeva Gosvami would be again with them and then he would continue.

Ok he is back with Parikshit and others and he addressed king Parikshit, you are Bhagavat uttam, topmost amongst all person Bhagavatas. And he said, you make the katha very fresh, the way you inquire, the way you take interest. You never said I know this, I have heard this many times. You are enlivening me making these ever fresh topics more fresh. Like debauchees, the sex mongers the way they take kin interest in sex related topics, they relish, contemplate; just like that you are also keeping the topic alive. But of course your topic is about prema love, and the other topics are about lust.

Sukadeva Gosvami said time to time, please listen with attention, that does not mean that Parikshit maharaj was sleeping, but just to get his attention more. The submissive inquiry made by the disciple, then the guru is impelled to share that is very confidential. From submissive disciple nothing is hidden. Spiritual master reveals everything to submissive disciple.

And he begins narration. Next two chapters he talks about the pastime which took one year. After killing Aghasur and bringing His friends and cows back to life, Krishna brought all of them to bank of Yamuna. Krishna said, we are now away from that ghastly scene. Do you see how nice is this place? Sand is so soft, everything so clean, nice smell of lotuses, sounds of chirping birds. So now we will take our Prasad here. Mahaprasade Govinde ….. everybody is excited. There are two popular mantras, one put you to sleep, Om namo Bhagavate Vasudevay and then Mahaprasade Govinde, you jump up in the air. `We will eat here. Let our cows drink water and graze fresh grass here. There is lot of fresh grass here.`

So they opened their packets. Krishna was in center, so that everyone could see Him. Not darshan of His back. How is it possible? If I will sit in the middle, only those who are in front and some of this side and that side could see my face. But literally they were all able to see Krishna. Our acaryas, Jiva Gosvami, Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur, they said, what Krishna does, Krishna is facing everyone. He is facing in all direction. He expands is one theory and other one is He moves so fast that everyone feels that He is right in front of them.

The cowherd boys are laughing and making others laugh while honoring prasadam. How do they offer prasadam? Krishna is there. Their Deity goes with them. So everyone was enjoying and then some of the cowherd boys noticed, where are the cows? Everyone was in anxiety. They are scared now. Some of them tried to get up to find the cows but Krishna said no no everyone sit down. You were hungry. You continue and I will bring them.

He did not even wash His hands. He got up; there was yogurt rice in His hand. He went from one forest to another but no sign of cows. It took a lot of time. When He returned to His friends to give report, all His friends were not there. And it was getting late, time to return home. Everyone’s parents must be waiting; the cows must be waiting for calves. He also searched for His friends but He could not find them. Krishna came up with idea, because these other mothers were also used to think, ‘will we ever have Krishna like son? Yashoda is so fortunate. Is it possible that we will have Krishna like son?’ Is there anybody like Krishna? So only Krishna could be Krishna. And the cows also, ‘He drinks breast milk of Yashoda but He never drinks our milk directly from our udders.’ Krishna had already taken note, so that time has now come.

So as many cowherd boyfriends he had that day and as many calves were there, he expanded Himself. Everyone’s look was different, voices were different, likings disliking was different. Age, complexion of body, the dress they were wearing that day, the long or short stick they were carrying that day, Krishna becomes like that with all those things they were carrying. And this way He was proving everything is expansion of Lord. He became all the forms and each form was Vishnu tattva, no more jiva tattva.  So they returned as usual in evening, playing flute and doing funny things as they used to do. So all the cowherd boys entered in respective homes and all the calves entered in respective goshalas. Sukadeva Gosvami describes the reactions of the mothers. It was different that day. As they were playing their flutes while returning, all the mothers stopped their household duties and ran out to greet their sons. They picked them and embraced them. But today there was some special additional rasa. They had never experienced it before. But they don’t know what’s going on. In cowsheds, the calves are drinking milk of mother cows with their tails upraised and the cows are licking the bodies of calves. Gopi mothers and cows, their affection for the children, for the calves increased.

Next morning they are getting up and going in forest and whole day different pastimes, then in evening they returned and mothers are greeting them. But today’s greeting is more pleasing than yesterday. Tomorrow’s will be even more sweeter. And as days and weeks and months passed like that, they began to experience, is this Krishna? This must be Krishna. So for one year each cowherd boy is Krishna and He is holding stick and beating another calf, beating Himself. Hundred and thousands of them, but only one person, He was playing all the roles.

Few days before completion of one year, the cows and cowherd men were on the top of the Govardhan hill and cowherd boys and calves were in the valley. Krishna and Balarama were there in the valley. So what happened? The cows noticed their calves in valley and they all came running and meet their calves. Men were trying to stop them but it was like a big powerful magnet is attracting them and they are not able to keep them. So all the cows end up in the valley and all men also were dragged there. Cows started licking bodies of their calves and the elderly men noticed that their children are in the valley.  So they left the cows with calves and they ran to their children. Each one was picking his child and smelling his head, so many sweet affectionate dealings. And Balaram is witnessing all this. He was doubting, is this normal thing? The boys and calves, something is different.

Krishna said, ‘one year before, that day, may be it was your birthday or something Balaram and you were not with us. And we were taking lunch at the bank of Yamuna and cows went missing. I went searching for them and I returned my friends also went missing. So just me, I have to do this. It is confidential, between you and me.’ Few more days passed. In fact on the day one, when Krishna did not find calves, He had realized this is job of Brahma. So after one year Brahma comes. He had taken boys and calves and hidden them. He wanted to see, without friends and cows, how Krishna functions. He must be bewildered. Our one year, is Brahma’s few moments. He had gone and quickly returned. When he returned, he was expecting there will be only Krishna, but nothing was changed. It was just as usual. Krishna’s pastimes continued like always.

Brahma was wondering, did Krishna steal and bring them back here? He wanted to double check. So with his mystic power he saw they are there. Double set! So he was thinking which one set is real one? When he was thinking like this, then there was no cowherd boys and no calves, all disappeared. There was only Krishna.  And still in His left hand He had yogurt rice. And even before Krishna made all these cowherd boys and calves disappear, Brahma also had noticed that whole creation is worshipping each of those forms. And each of those forms has become four handed form. So he realized that all those forms are Krishna and then they all disappeared and there was only Krishna.

Brahma realized that he had done blunder. He wanted to bewilder Krishna but he ended up getting bewildered himself. He immediately jumped down from his carrier and felt flat on the ground touching the lotus feet of the Lord. He paid obeisances again and again and he was crying. He was doing abhishek of lotus feet of Lord with his tears. He tried to control himself and got up. With humility, his hands are folded and his body is trembling, he offered his prayers.

He returned Krishna’s friends and calves. So now they are exactly at the same spot where they were eating their lunch, one year before. Krishna returned from forest, finding calves. Cowherd boys asked, ‘Hey, you returned so quickly. You are so fast.’ So the pastime continues, Krishna eating in the middle. And then they returned to their homes playing their flutes. That night they shared with their parents Aghasur killing pastime which was happened one year before.

Hare Krishna!

Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Appearance

Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance
Venue : ISKCON Bangladesh
Dated : 8th March 2018
Hare Krsna,

This is a Bangladesh and technology doesn’t work here. We are still in 500 years old Bangladesh here, ‘prachin Bangladesh.’So we have little presentation here. We want to project that on the screen, so you could also see. Now you will not see only I will see. So I will see and I will show you and talk to you about what I see.

Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprbhu ki Jay!

We have just celebrated Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s 532nd birth anniversary. Nice thing to see but you cannot see. I’m seeing the beautiful form of Gaura sundar here. And basically we would like to remember the Lord Gauranga.

Or who is Gauranga ?
Gauranga ke?
Gauranga ke? Nice.

And we have a limited time, i will go faster. And half of the time prabhu is going to talking and I will talk half of the time, so that reduce time on further. Then we would like to do another kirtan towards the end.
Kirtan mela ki Jay! You like kirtan? Haribol

Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprbhu or Sri Krsna appeared as Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He appeared to relish the Prem Rasa or Radha bhava, He assumed Radha bhava.

radha-bhava-dyuti suvalitam navami krsna svarupam

The complexion of Radha rani and the emotions of Radha rani to relish prem rasa And His purpose also was to share and propagate love of Godhead.

He appeared as we said earlier, appeared in Bengal. Bengal is called Gaudadesh.
And from Gauda desh comes Gaudiya Vaisnava “Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya” Haribol!

Sravanam then Kirtanam! You hear and then talk.Lord appeared as Caitanya Candra on falgun Purnima. As if the moon wants some excuse so that he doesn’t have to show his face to the world.Chandra was thinking my face has so many black spots.But, Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s face is “bahu-koti candra jini vadana ujjvala” So let the world see Caitanya Candra. So he hid his face ‘candragrahan’.He appeared in ‘Navadvip Mayapur’. Appeared under a neem tree, he gets the name “Nimai”

Sacimata called him all the time Nimai, Nimai Nimai..nice name. Do you like this name?So sweet.Nimai, Nimai.
NilambarCakraborty had come and he gave official name ‘Vishvambhar’ His name would be ‘Vishwambhar’.At the time of appearance of Vishvambhar or Gauranga or Krsna Caitanya or Nimai, so many names. He also has a sahasranam, Gaura sahasranam. As there is Vishnu sahasranam, there is also Gaura sahasranam.He has thousands of thousands of names.
So at the time of appearance of Gauranga the Demigods had appeared in the sky.

“sacigarbha sindho”

The garbha the womb of Sacimata is compared to the ‘ocean’.

‘saci garbha sindhau harindu’

Indu meanscandra, a moon. So Haricandra or Caitanyacandra appeared from the womb of Sacimata which was like ocean.

saci kahe — muñi dekhon akasa-upare
divya-murti loka saba yena stuti kare (CC Adi 13.83)

She was wondering who is up there in the sky? As she was hearing ‘stuti’ praise.

jagat bhariy? loka bale — ‘hari’ ‘hari’
sei-k?a?e gaurak???a bh?me avatari (CC Adi 13.94)

On the bangs of Ganga that day being moon eclipse thousands of people were chanting HariHari!HaribolHaribolHaribol.So that time Gaurkrishnabhumeavatari.

hari bali narigana dei hulahuli
svarge vadya-nrtya kare deva kutuhali (CC Adi 13.96)

All the ladies were doing hula huli, huludwani.So men were doing HariHari and ladies were doing hula huli.Haribol!

savitri gauri sarasvati saci rambha arundhati
ara yata devanari gana nan-dravye patra bhari
brahmanira vesa dhari asi sabe kare darasana (CC Adi 13.105)

All these ladies Sarasvati and Arundhati and Savitri and Gauri and Saci, wife of Indrathey all appeared there dressed like some local brahminis.

namo maha vadanyaya krsna-prem- pradaya te
krsnay krsna caitanya namne gauratvise namah

Rupagoswamicompiledthis prayers and offerd at the Lotus feet of Caitanya Mahaprbhu at Prayagraj. He is offering his obeisance’s. That is why this prayers begins with ‘namaha’. It begins with ‘nama and ends also with ‘namah’ meaning obeisance’s. He is offering obeisance’s unto the Lord whose name is krsnaykrsnacaitanyanamne. He says I am offering my obeisance’s to Krishna. Which Krsna?His name is Krsna Caitanya. He was Krsna now He has become Krsna Caitanya. I offer my obeisance unto him. So His name is Krsna Caitanya.

Nama : Krsna Caitanya
Rupa : Gauratvise namah
Quality : namo mahavadanyaya.

I offer my obeisance’s unto that Sri Krsna Caitanya who is Gaur kanti. Gauranga, His complexion is Gaur Varna.So in this prayer he is talking or mentioning the name as Sri Krsna Caitanya, form as Gauranga or Gaursundar.And the quality is namomahavadanyaya, He is magnanimous, most Magnanimous.

sri-krishna- caitanya prabhu doya koro more
toma bina ke doyalu jagat-samsare

No one is as magnanimousas you are. So this is quality of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and remaining is ‘lila’. What is his ‘lila’? What are His past times?

“krsna-prem-pradaya te”

You are the giver of Krsna prem.Pradaya, da’ means giver and “pra” means giving so much, to everyone to everywhere profusely giving. So that’s prada- ‘pradayte’.So like this in this small sweet compact prayer Rupa Goswami has mentioned nama, rupa, guna, lila of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

asan varnas trayo hy asya g?hnato nuyugam tanuh
suklo raktas tatha pita idanim krsnatam gatah (SB 10.8.13)

When Garga muni was in Gokul giving name to Krsna and Balarama, name giving ceremony. That time he said, this child now has appeared as “krsnatamgatah”. He is Krsna and also looks Krsna, blackish complexion.

In Dvaparyuga He appeared Krsna in blackish complexion. However in other edges He appears in ” sukla, rakta, pita varna”. In satyugs He appeared in suklavarna white complex and tretayuga He appeared in reddish raktavarna and in kaliyuga He appeared in pita varna, golden.

krsna-varnam tvisakrsnam sangopangastra-parsadam
yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi su-medhasah (SB 11.5.32)

Bhagvatam also says He will appear as Caitanya Mahaprabhu and He will do,
Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna, Krsna he!
He will do varna, He will describe Krsna.He will also chant ‘Hare Krsna’.
‘tvisakrsnam’ but His complexion will be ‘akrsna’ He will not be black. “akrsna” –a means no and Krsna means black. He will not be black. He will be white, whitish which is closer to the golden complexion.


He will appear with, sangopangaastraparsada so many associates. They will appear all over Bengal.Haribol!In your country ‘amar Bangladesh, sonar Bangladesh’. Because Caitanya Mahaprbhu appeared in Bengal so this called ‘sonar Bangla’. HariHari!

gaurangera sangi-gane nitya-siddha kari mane

All the associates of Gauranga, they were ‘nitya – siddha’. They were not sadhana –siddha, like we are trying to become sadhana – siddha. But they were siddha up there with the Lord, they came down and appeared to the Lord.

golokam ca parityajya lokanamtrana-karanat

In ‘MarkandeyaPuran’ it is mentioned that ” Lord will abundant or will leave behind Goloka and come down here, appear in Navadvip.To give us relief from so much suffering here.

kalau gauranga-rupena lila-lavanya- vigrahah

Hence mentioned in the ageof Kali-Yuga’, gauranga-rupena lila-lavanya-vigrahah, beauty of vigrah form of “Gauranga.
In another VisvasaraTantraShastra, there is mention of Gauranga’s the prediction appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

gangayah dakshine bhage, navadvipe manorame

On the banks of Ganga in Navadvip Lord will make His appearance.
Why would He appear? What would He do as He appears?

kali-papa- vinasaya, saci-garbhe sanatani

To destroy the sin or even the papvasanathe thoughts of sin would be destroyed by Him. He will appear as darling of Sacimata.

janishyati priye misra-purandara- grihe svayam

His father would be purandara means the best of the bramhanas. This was mentioned long long long time ago, prior to the appearance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It’s written down and it says,

phalgune paurnamasyam ca, nisayam gaura-vigrahah

Which day? Which time of the day?

Phalgun paurnima at the time of moon rise, He will make His appearance”.

Meerabaiki Jay!She was the great devotee of ‘GirdharGopal’. She was on the planet around the same time as sixgoswamisof Vrndavan. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was also there, at the same time in Rajasthan, inVrndavan. She was also there in Rajasthan, Vrindavan.She had realization that ‘Gauranga’ is ‘Krsna’.

saba jaga ko yaha maakhan choraa,
naam dharyo vairaagee!
kita chodi vohu mohan murali?
kita chodi saba gopi?  (Meera bai)

What happened to your butter stealing past time? You don’t do that anymore? You have became renounced vairagi’?

maata yasomati maakhan kaaran
baandhi jaaki paav,
shyaama kishore bhayo nava goraa,
caitanya jaako naam !

He is son of Yadhoda, sometimes Sheused to tie Krsna because He steals butter. Now that Shyamkishorhas become Navagaura and His name is now ‘Caitanya Mahaprabhu’.

gora krishna ki daasi meeraa,
rasanaa krishna base !

She said I’m Gaurkrsna dasi,Meera.

So Gauranga appeared in NavadvipMayapur and His main lila was ‘Krsna kirtana’. Of course He wasNimaipandit one time a Scholar. Then His father departed He had gone to Gaya for shradhaseremony. There He received the Holy name of Lord from IshvarPuri and from that time onwards Nimai changed. That serious scholar, had become pagal-madman’. By the time He returned Navadvip from Gaya He was gone madman. Even He goes back to His Guru maharaj and enquired from him.

‘kiba mantra dila gosani kiba tara bala
japite japite mantra karila pagala’ (C.C 1.7.81)

What kind of mantra have you given to me? So much power in this mantra its shaking me up, waking me up, sometimes I dance, sometimes I tremble, sometimes I shed tears, roll on the ground and I have gone mad. Oh! What kind of mantra have you given to me?

So that Mantra is


Of course His chanting was offence less, power chanting.

nitya-siddhakrsna-prema ‘sadhya’ kabhunaya

By hearing the love in the heart is awoken. And that time onwards He was into kirtana.

‘kirtaniya sadahari’
udilo aruna puraba-bhage, dwija-mani gora amani jage,
bhakata-samuha loiya sathe, gela nagara-braje

He was taking thousands of devotees along with Him chanting and dancing all over Navadvip.

tathai tathai bajalo khol, ghana ghana tahe jhajera rol,

The mrdangas (khol) resounded “tathai, tathai,” and the jhanjha [large metal karatalas that look like small cymbals] in that kirtana played in time.

preme dhala ddhala sonara anga, caranne nupura baje

Golden Gauranga is dancing in the middle of kirtana and around the ankles, the anklets are tinkling ring bells.

nama bina kichu nahiko aro, caudda-bhuvana- majhe

And this is Bhakti Vinod Thakur’s realization that there is nothing better to be had in this 14 world planet system better than the Holy name is, nothing!

Nama Sankirtan ki Jay!
Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jay!
Gauranga Mahaprbhu appeared to give this Gift to the whole world, the gift of holy name.

By serving cow we will become protected

By serving cow we will become protected
Dated: 20th March 2018

One devotee walked with umbrella and was trying to hold it over me, immediately I was reminded of a tough time. When first time Krishna had to leave for cow herding then mother Yashoda approached Krishna, please take a pair of shoes. Krishna refused. No no I can’t wear shoes; cows don’t not have shoes, but if you insist that I should wear the shoes then bring shoes for all the cows first. Nanda Maharaj had 900 thousand cows, each cow has 4 feets, and then how many shoes are required, 36 lakh. Which Bata, Tata company will provide shoes? Mother Yashoda gave up the idea of insisting to wear the shoes. Instead atleast you take the umbrella, it is very hot out there, and again Krishna’s condition was to first bring umbrella for all the cows. How many umbrellas are required? 9 lakh umbrellas are required. Krishna said cows have feet, but they don’t have hand so we require someone to carry the umbrella. So 9 lakh people also walking next to the cow holding umbrella.

Mother Yashod gave up the idea, she couldn’t manage 9 lakh people. During all the cow herding past times of Shri Krishna in Vrndavan He always walks bear feet behind the cows. So don’t think you are the only ones going on Brajmandal parikarma without shoes, Krishna has also gone around without shoes, around Vrndavan. He has gone around without shoes without umbrella, then He did little preaching to mother Yashoda.

He said mother “dharmo rakshati rakshata” if you protect dharma then dharma will protect us. Krishna said serving cow, taking care of cow, this is our dharma. Then our own protection is guaranteed if we take care of the cow, protect the cow so the cow. Lord Krishna not only has delivered talk discourse of this topic He has practically demonstrated throughout His lilas importance of cow and importance of serving the cow. The Cow is centre of our culture and religion. Krishna’s one of principal past time is gocharan lila Cow herding, calf herding pastimes.

What does God do this question came this morning in question answer session? What does God do every day that priest the minister was not able give the answer but we know the answer is very simple. I know you also know the answer you already have the clue. So what does Krishna do every day, He is a cow herd boy He is hearding cows. The Supreme personality of Godhead is master or controller of all the universe all what He does in Vrndavan is herding cows, taking care of the cows.

namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana- hitaya ca
jagad-dhitaya krishnaya govindaya namo namah

This way Krishna has established the importance of cows and brahmanas in Krishna Consciousness. We are doing puja of cows today as it was instructed by Krishna to Nanda Maharaj. Krishna said worship cows, brahmanas and Giriraj. We have done some puja of cows. Go Mata ki Jai. We should serve vaishnavas, brahmanas.

vancha-kalpatarubhyas ca kripa-sindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo vaishnavebhyo namo namah.

And then soon we will worshiping Giriraj this way Krishna’s instruction is followed.
Giriraj Govardhan ki Jai.

The cows and Govardhan are very closely connected closely related. We could hear if you hear the name Go-vardhan, there is cow connection right there in the name Go-vardahn. The cow become healthy because of the grass available at the Govardhan, the water, shades of the trees available at Govardhan. The cows enjoy being around Govardhan. The cow herd boy also very happy being around cow and Govardhan. They can contemplate, meditate upon Govardhan and Krishna, cow herd boys, so that one day we also be promoted to get an assignment as cow herd boys.

Don’t think I am engineer, doctor I cannot be a cow herd boy but Krishna is a cow herd boy. If you want to be doctor, engineer then continue in this world, but if you want to come back home be prepared to become a cow herd boy, herding cows taking care of cows. Anyone interested in going back home, going to Krishna going to vrndavan , then pray to this dham, pray to cow, Giriraj and you will become eligible and have adhikar of entering Krishna’s past time and being a cow herd boy. Go mata ki jai.

Before you leave pay your obeisance to the cow