Bhakti is pure and includes love with God and His Devotees

Bhakti is pure and includes love with God and His devotees

Venue: Yavatmal (Maharashtra)

Dated: 6th June 2017

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu started the sankirtana movement.sankirtanaika-pitarau

pitarau means two – Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Krsna and Nityananda Prabhu was Balaram. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was Ram and Nityananda Prabhu was Laksman.

They appeared in Bengal. The Lord comes for ‘dharma sansthapan’, for re-establishing the principles of religion.Caitanya Mahaprabhu propagated religion by the process of sankirtana. For this Maha Vishnu, Narada Muni, Radharani and team appeared with Him.
He established the dharma of ‘kaliyuga’. i.e. the Sankirtana movement.

We are not Hindus. God did not establish Hindu or Muslim or Christian. The Muslims said that people who resided on the banks of the Sindhu River are Hindus. Gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam or the Veda/Puranadoes not have the name Hindu. Dharma is either Bhagavad dharma or Varnasrama dharma or Sanatana dharma.For Kaliyuga the dharma is Sankirtana dharma.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu is God. He is Krsna. He descended to deliver us and for the upliftment of the conditioned souls Caitanya Mahaprabhu together with NityanandaPrabhu established the sankirtana movement.

Then 400 years later Srila Prabhupada took the task to spread this message.Srila Prabhupada preached alone in New York’s footpath at the age of 70. He had no associate,but as soon as Srila Prabhupada did kirtana, people were attracted.
Hare Krishna is God. This is Radha and Krishna.“j?v j?go, j?v j?go, gaurac?nda bole”
Who is calling? Gaura Chand (moon). “Get up!” He calls with the Hare Krishna mantra. He is telling us to take shelter of the Holy Name .

Srila Prabhupada started to preach all over the world, spreading the Dharma, the dharma of the Hare Krishna mahamantra. Now this preaching has reached Yavatmal. Lord Krsna has reached Yavatmal in the form of the holy name. An Avatar (incarnation) took place. The appearance of the Lord happened in one place, but Harinama appeared in all places for all persons. Each person has an avatar for himself/herself. We have to experience the feeling – anubhav, bhagwad sakshatkaar.This realisation or anubhav that Harinama is the avatar for this age is our goal of life.’I will see Krsna in this body with these eyes.’ This is the goal of life. It should be realised that HARE KRISHNA is Lord. Our Human form is for the realisation that the name is cintamani, the wish fulfilling stone. This is raskhaan (the mine full of mellows), this realisation that God and His Name are one, this realisation is the goal.

For this realisation we have to do sadhana throughout our life. To understand that Hare Krishna is Radha Krishna. For this the devotees are bringing on behalf of Srila Prabhupada, Parampara, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagwatam. Through these scriptures they are giving us the Hare Krishna mahamantra.
We do say that you should take the name. At the same time, we also guide you on how to do sadhana as per the sastra/scriptures. You are given all the do’s and dont’s.
There are 10 offenses against the holy name. By doing Japa with offenses we cannot realise God in the name. It has to be realised that the Name is nectarean. When we realise nectar, we are avoiding offenses. Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu (Nectar of devotion) is a guide on how to do japa. You all are becoming sadhakas, so you have to learn the 10 offenses to the holy name.

The 1st offense is sadhu/bhakta/jiva ninda or blaspheming the devotees who are propagating the holy names of the Lord. So chanting with blaspheming will not bear any fruit. It can take lifetimes with blasphemy. But we do not want to wait. We need to do something urgently. For example in business we want immediate profit, not that profit will come after lifetime. Similarly Hare Krishna is like a business. So the profit of japa is Love of Krishna and returning to the abode of the Lord. We do not want to stay here.

So there are 9 more offenses.
Kali means age of quarrel & hypocrisy (pakhand, tanta, dhong). Wherever there is quarrel and hypocrisy, there is the existence of Kali. We do not want kali in the Hare Krishna movement otherwise this will also become a den of kali. We HAVE to keep kali OUT . For this the progress has to be there – naam ruchi, jiva daya, vaishnav seva. We all are vaishnavas and we will progress. If hatred(dvesha), jealousy(irsha), blasphemy(ninda) is done in the Hare Krishna temple, it becomes like the general world. Drain this out and take shelter of Krishna (mam ekam saranam vraja).

Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to always do japa. To make this continuous chanting possible Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed – t???d api sun?cena taror api sahi??un?/ am?nin? m?nadena k?rtan?ya? sad? hari? – become humble, tolerant. Do not expect respect and always give respect. This will help to constantly chant the name of God.Caitanya Mahaprabhu has an expectation in Yavatmal, that all do sankirtana. If we always want to kirtana, follow the instruction of Chaitanya mahaprabhu.. And then those who regularly do kirtana will be glorified like how Hanumanji was glorified.Ravana also took the name of the Lord but with a different attitude. Thus glories came to Hanuman’s side and defamation to the side of Ravana (vikhyaat versus kuvikhyaat). There is so much difference in the character of Hanuman and Ravana.

You spread the glories of the holy name. Glories as in Srimad-Bhagwatam, Ramayana, Caitanya Caritamrita, etc. is to be spread all over. People are sad and this is a BIG problem. Lots of miseries are there – adibhautik, adhyatmik, adidevik. All are troubled by these miseries. Only the devotees know this. Yavatmal residents will be benefited by spreading the glories of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We will be purified by taking prasada. We will do cow protection.Even in China people are taking to vegetarianism.No intoxication
No illicit sex. Not following this is creating many problems. Men should follow the vow of a single wife and women should be pativrita (chaste )No gambling.These 4 are the dens of Kali. There should be no talks of what is in the mind ( man ki baat) but talk of Krsna.

There are as many number of roads as there are number of opinions.Having our own opinions without a base is cheating. This cheating is also gambling. So Krsna’s opinion has to be followed. Everything else is gambling. Therefore Srila Prabhupada gave us Bhagavad-Gita As It Is.This movement of Srila Prabhupada is very,very Important.
It is really good that everyoneis connecting. The Hare Krishna population is increasing, and this is good indication that Krsna’s opinion is being followed.

Srila Prabhupada said that Purity is the force. So this Hare Krishna movement is to be kept pure, in the mode of goodness. Raja guna (mode of passion) divides while satva guna (mode of goodness) unites. So to keep united we have to come to the mode of goodness.

‘He is mine, he is not’ is low class thinking. This type of thinking is not Krishna Consciousness. So purification is needed just as water is to be purified to keep diseases away.

Bhakti is pure and includes love with God and His devotees. Keep this in mind. You are all volunteers. Quantity increase should be complimented by increase in quality to decrease the influence of MAYA(illusion). Yavatmal volunteers should avoid the influence of Kali.

Love devotees!

A kanistha (low level) devotee is one who loves God, but hates devotees. Get promoted to madhyam (middle class) and Uttama (High class) devotees by loving God and loving devotees. A 3rd class devotee is one who hates. We do not want 3rd class devotees.

Hare Krishna

Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Varanasi

Chitrakoot – Ayodhya Annual yatra 2017

Title: Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Varanasi

Venue : Varanasi

“jiv jago, jiv jago, gaurachanda ” who is calling ?? Who is gaurachanda? Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki ..jai.

jiva jago, body is already awaken in morning for food and other bodily needs, we should take advantage of human body and chant Lords holy name. “Wake up, sleeping souls! Wake up, sleeping souls! How long will you sleep in the lap of the witch called Maya? Living like animal is also sleeping without dharma.

bhajibo boliya ese samsara-bhitare
bhuliya rohile tumi avidyara bhare

You have forgotten the way of devotional service and are lost in the world of birth and death.

You had prayed when you were in mother’s womb oh! Lord I will chant your name, please remove me from here. But as you took birth you forgot the Lord and you were filled with avidya ignorance. Mummy mummy Maya surrounded you. And in school and colleges also they teach avidhya not raja vidya raja guhyam. Physics and chemistry etc is avidya. And then overseas education loans and what not.

tomare loite ami hoinu avatara
ami bina bandhu ara ke ache tomara

Caitanya Mahaprabhu says I have descended just to save you; other than Myself you have no friend in this world. I am your bandhu, dinabandhu; I am your best friend. I have brought medicine for all your problems. Which is that medicine? Harinam.

enechi aushadhi maya nasibaro lagi’
hari-nama maha-mantra lao tumi magi’

I have brought the medicine that will wipe out the disease of illusion from which you are suffering. Take this maha-mantra—Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama Rama Rama, Hare Hare.”

Please ask for some medicine.

Bhakti Vinod Thakur says’s oh! Lord please give me harinam. You should also ask for harinam. If you don’t ask how will you get harinam.

(Gurudev singing jiva jago)

In Prayag after meeting Rupa Goswami and accepting his pray. Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Varanasi also called as Kasi. Varna river is flowing here and its only here that Ganga flows in north direction.

Along its entire north-south course of 2,520 kilometers originating in the high glaciers of the Himalayas in North India and ending in the Bay of Bengal in the East, it is here in Varanasi that the Ganges takes a broad sweep, forming a dramatic crescent, flowing in the reverse northern direction for a short distance of about 7 kilometers.

Then she flows and meets Gangasagar. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Kasi. Here also kirtan took place. Kasi is headquarter of mayavadis and also Haridwar these two place.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore strictly forbidden us to associate with Mayavadi philosophers.

“Mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa”

If one associates with the Mayavadi a philosophy, his devotional life is doomed. So we should not hear them.

Mayavadis says, I am Lord I am Brahman, they are filled with false ego you can’t find there trnad api sunicena taror iva sahisnuna.

Mayavadis used to say to Caitanya Mahaprabhu that he is sannyasi but he does not read vedansutra just keeps dancing and kirtan. He does not know his dharma. He keeps on dancing and moving around on streets of Varanasi.

Hearing this Caitanya Mahaprabhu smiled. First when he was going to vrndavan but that time he did not pay any attention to Mayavadis but this time while returning from vrndavan. He thought now I deal with these mayavadis. Tapan Mishra was first in Bengal and he had met Caitanya Mahaprabhu in bengal and he wanted association of Caitanya Mahaprabhu . Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to him you go to Varanasi. Now as Caitanya Mahaprabhu is in Varanasi Tapan Mishra met Caitanya Mahaprabhu and had prasad at his house. And his son latter became Raghunath Bhat Goswami.

So Raghunath Bhat Goswami one of the sad goswami was born in Varanasi and was son of Tapan Mishra. After prasad this child Raghunath would massage the lotus feet of Caitanya Mahaprabhu . Hearing this a desire would arise in our heart, oh! when I will get such chance to serve the Lord personally.
Mayavadis don’t desire such things because their god does not have body so forget of feet. This is destruction of bhakti. And this child would also get some mahaprasad of Caitanya Mahaprabhu .

Caitanya Mahaprabhu then went from Varanasi to Jagganath puri. Caitanya Mahaprabhu had instructed Raghunath Bhatta Goswami I am going you also come to Jagganath puri. So Raghunath Bhata Goswami stayed for 8 months in Jagganath puri and then Caitanya Mahaprabhu sent him to vrndavan. He loved bhagvatam and as Luv and Kush would sing Ramayana like that he would sing bhagvatam in three different melodies. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu liked his singing very much.

Mayavadis were reading vedantsutra and were offending Caitanya Mahaprabhu . A marathi Brahman heard it and he could not tolerate this. And he became very sad and he met Caitanya Mahaprabhu and said people are doing your offending you and this nama aparadha and vaishnava aparadha.

“mayavadi krsna aparadhi”

Prakasananda Saraswati a mayavadi sanyasi was in Varanasi and he had 60000 disciples. Caitanya Mahaprabhu was invited by him. Now in dharma sabha Prakasananda Saraswati was seating on vyasana and Caitanya Mahaprabhu came and sat at the door where people wash their feet before entering. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu was very humble. Prakasananda Saraswati was surprised and all of them got up. Oh! Why are you sitting here get up and sit on asan.

And half of them were defeated by Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s humility.
They asked to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, why you keep dancing and doing kirtan. And discussion started and vada vivad started. You are sanyasi you should meditate. You don’t sit; you just keep dancing.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu does kirtan and that’s meditation only. Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s Varanasi visit. And He stayed here for two months. And maybe He did kirtan on the streets nearby in the area where we are staying.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s in Varanasi did kirtan. And defeated Mayavada. He was digvijay sanyasai where ever He went He established harinam. And Prakasananda Sarawati became follower of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and also his 60000 disciples. He filled Varanasi with kirtan.

“jahnavi tatvane jaga jana lobha”

Arti of Caitanya Mahaprabhu takes place at bank of ganga and Brahma Shiv ; Sukdev goswami ; Naradamuni; come for arti .

And a famous dialogue between Sanatan Goswami and Caitanya Mahaprabhu it went on for two months. So based on these instruction there is a book written named as teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu .

U all should read this book it’s a advanced course. Sanatan Goswami is one of the associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu . He came with Caitanya Mahaprabhu from Golok. So what is left for him to be known.

Mahaprabhu said, “Guru mora murkha dekhi – My Guru Maharaja told me that because I am foolish and unintelligent, I am not qualified to study Vedanta. He said that instead I should always chant Hare Krsna and I should remember this verse:
harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha

(Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-lila 17.21).

Nimai pandit and he defeated many with His panditva . And one of them is Keshva Kashmiri.

Krishna had said “vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham”. You should read vedas to know the Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu . I know all about Vedas and to know me you should read Vedas.

My gurus told me just chant this mantra and its essence of all the mantras. That’s why Brahma said,

hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna hare hare.
hare rama hare rama, rama rama hare hare
iti shodashakam namnam, kali-kalmasha-nashanam;
natah parataropayah, sarva-vedeshu drishyater

Lord Brahma said,
The sixteen words-Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna
Krishna, Hare Hare; Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare-are especially meant for completely destroying all the contamination of Kali. To save oneself from the contamination of Kali-yuga, there is no alternative in all the Vedas except the chanting of this sixteen-word mantra.

First acharya is Brahma then others acharyas in disciplic succession till Srila Prabhupada and this mantra is the only solution and there is no mantra above this mantra. Who said this? Brahma, authority in our parampara.

In Kali who can read sanskrit and even if one can read no one can understand. Now people read news paper that’s their Veda. Common men can’t read vedantsutra. So they should chant the holy name. And when 4,32000 years will finish then there will be satyuga that time you can sit and read vedantsutra.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, I got this mantra in Gaya. He had gone from Mayapur to Gaya. He met Isvarpuri in Gaya. And once He would chant Hare Krsna He wolud be filled with Krishna consciousness .

He said to his guru,
What kind of mantra you have given to me? “japite japite mantra karela pagal” I have become pagal, pagala baba, I have become pagal, madman chanting this holy names “kiba mantra dila gosai, kiba tara bala”. And then guru ji said oh! that’s great you have achieved perfection of mantra.

There are 7 moksha puris, people go and stay at these places at the end of life and wait there to die so that they can achieve moksha. But devotees don’t expect moksha they want prem. Vaishnav wants pancham purushartha which is devotional services. And by chanting you all can achieve it.

Hearing to Caitanya Mahaprabhu all the mayavadis became bhakta and started dancing and chanting the holy name.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki… jai

Chitrakoot – Ayodhya Annual yatra 2017

Yatra is utsava which brings out utsaha
Venue: Varanasi (Chitrakoot – Ayodhya Annual yatra 2017)
Dated: 18 May 2017

So we all are in Varanasi near the banks of Ganga, there are 84 ghats in Varanasi that’s equal to number of species. This is our last session here in Varanasi. Some of you we say your realizations also today. Tomorrow you will move for Ayodhya dhama.

We will hear about the meeting of Sanatan Goswami and Caintanya Mahaprabhu and the teachings went for two months. And based on that there is a book written, Teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It’s also song of Lord.
Ya svayam padmanabhasya mukha-padmad vinihsrita

The wonderful song called Bhagavad Gita has been spoken by the lotus mouth of the Lord Padmanabha himself. Like Gita is said by Lord Krsna, these teachings are also said by Lord so it may be called as Caitanya geet. If we had two months we could stay here and we could read it here for two months.

When we die nothing goes back with us, everything stays behind. Here in Varanasi Manikarnika ghat and Harischandra Ghats both are famous where bodies are burned daily, the fire there goes on and on for 365 days continuously. Yesterday in boat we saw the bodies burning that brings out renunciationin us. Bhakti and Jnana also brings out renunciation and that’s permanent (tikau).

Caitanya Mahaprabhu had gone to Ramkeli to met Sanatan Goswami and Rupa Goswami and Anupam that meeting brought renunciation in all the three brothers. Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed them now wind up and come to Vrndavan; I am going you come and meet me there.
They got ready to go and that was enough for them no need think over it again. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said come to Vrndavan and finish on the spot they were ready no other thought. They were all ministers but they just left everything and went to Vrndavan. As they reached Hajipur they met Srikant who was Sanatan Goswami’s sisters husband. He was also working for the king. He was sent with 3 lakh golden mudras to buy horses for the king. He met Sanatan Goswami in Hajipur. Sanatan Goswami said : no I can’t wait for a second I have to go to Vrndavan. And his attire was also different not like minister; just to hide himself from public. Srikant gave him woolen blanket. Taking that Sanatan Goswami went to Vrndavan. Sanatan Goswami when he reached Varanasi he got the news that Caitanya Mahaprabhu was in Varanasi and how he filled Varanasi with kirtan. He asked people where Caitanya Mahaprabhu stayed and so he went to Chandrashekar’s house. Door was close but Caitanya Mahaprabhu said hye! Chandrashekar get a vaishnav who is sending at the door. No SMS nothing. How did Caitanya Mahaprabhu know that Sanatan Goswami had come? Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Lord himself. Chandrashekar said there is no vaishnav but Caitanya Mahaprabhu said somebody is there get him.

Chandrashekar got Sanatan Goswami inside. Caitanya Mahaprabhu ran towards him to embrace him. Sanatan Goswami said ; no no I am untouchable not clean but Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not listen he hugged him.

Once during mayapur festival many senior devotees had come. We used to chant sitting near Prabhupada. It was cold in Mayapur covering themselves with bed sheets. All had good new bed sheets. And I was a padayatri and my bed sheet was old. I was feeling bad then I went to my room and somebody knocked at my door and gave me new bed sheet. I was very happy and next day as I went for the program I left it on the stage and I was little sad. That time I had one English volume of CC madhyalila 20 chapter. When I got up and took CC to read; the same pastime of Sanatan Goswami and blanket was opened and I read it. Haribol

Caitanya Mahaprabhu now started glorifying the devotees.
aknoh phalam tvadrsa-darsanam hi
tanoh phalam tvadrsa-gatra-sangah
jihva-phalam tvadrsa-kirtanam hi
su-durlabha bhagavata hi loke (CCMadhya Lila 20.61)

“?‘My dear Vaisnava, seeing a person like you is the perfection of one’s eyesight, touching your lotus feet is the perfection of the sense of touch, and glorifying your good qualities is the tongue’s real activity, for in the material world it is very difficult to find a pure devotee of the Lord.’?”
“krsna bada dayamai”

Lord is merciful; he delivered you and removed you from the dirt of the material world. Is it right to say dirt or jail to material world?
Caitanya Mahaprabhu said how were you freed from the imprisonment of the king?? with lot of endeavors Sanatan Goswami got free from their custody.

prabhu kahe, — “tomara dui-bhai prayage milila
rupa, anupama — dunhe vrndavana gela” (CCMadhya Lila 20.66)

So Caitanya Mahaprabhu said your two brothers I met last week and I have sent them to Vrndavan.
Then Sanatan Goswami was introduced to Tapan Mishra and Chandrashekar. Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Chandrashekar get his hair cleaned and get clothes for him. Chandra shekar got new clothes for him. Sanatan Goswami said no no give me some old clothes. Now he was clean and he went to Caitanya Mahaprabhu but Caitanya Mahaprabhu was looking at the blanket.

Lord said, rest is fine but what about this blanket? Sanatan Goswami understood Lord is not happy with my blanket. So he went to Ghat and he was looking whom should I give the blanket. he gave his blanket to a Bengali yatri .Yatri said oh! are you joking? you want my old blanket? are you serious? Sanatan Goswami said yes yes. So he took the old blanket . Caitanya Mahaprabhu was now very happy to see the torn and old blanket with Sanatan Goswami.

This Madhya lila 20 chapter longest chapter it has 400 sloks. Mostly teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu are included in it.
HH Radha govind maharaja and HH Guar Krsna maharaja also talk on Sanatan Sikshaye. This katha and teachings will only go with us nothing else. Keep it safe. Think over it; mediate on it. These Katha you can tell others who did not come for yatra. By hearing katha and doing kirtan we can have darshan of the Lord.

kirtaniya sada Hari, carry on. Many new devotees have committed to chant now onwards and some left tea.
Yatra saphal means getting more attached to the Lord and renunciation for the material world. Yatra is utsava which increases our utsaha. It’s said where there is Uddhav there is utsava and then there is utsaha. Go back with all enthusiasm. Other devotees will not recognize you. They will say oh! He was so complacent but now he is so enthusiastic. What did he have?

Keep preaching; distribute books;
bharata-bhumite haila manusya janma yara
janma sarthaka kari’ kara para-upakara …This is perfection of life
Jai Srila Prabhupad ki jai

The miseries of Vrajvasis after Krsna left Vrndavan

DATE: 19th February 2017

VENUE: Mayapur
Gaura bhakta vrnda!!
Radha Madhav ki jai!!
Pancha Tattva ki jai!!
Brhad Bhagavatamrita ki jai!!
Srila Sanatana Goswami ki jai!!
Srial Prabhupada ki jai!! Nitai Gaura premanande.

Thank you for joining us again today. We’ll continue where we left of yesterday. So yesterday Narada Muni was travelling all over. Where is Narada Muni now? He is in Dwarka and what time of the day did he arrive there? Morning hours. There is no need to guide him to get to the palace of Sri Krsna because he had been there many times. And how did he look like? He looked like a ghostly haunted mad man. And where is Krsna? He is in the palace, inner chambers still in the bed. He has not done- early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise. He is just lying on and Uddhava, he normally would sit next to His bed. But that day, he wanted to leave Krsna alone.

Krsna was not in good mood. He was in some kind of distress. So Uddhava was sitting at the entrance of the palace. He was not alone. There were several other members including Balaram and Rohini and Rukmini and Satyabhama and Kamsa’s mother Padmavati. You remember her? And there he comes. They all noticed and then they got up, received him. They even wiped his face, calmed him down, made him to take a seat. As they inquired, he started speaking. And he begins giving explanation of the state of his mind affairs and why he had been acting like a mad man.

So as he started to speak, again the emotions, ecstasies aroused. His eyes are again full of tears. And he begins glorifying Uddhava. He said, ‘Could you please bring me to Uddhava? Help, help. Is he here? Could I see him?’ Uddhava was not very far. He was right in front but he could not recognize because his eyes were also full of tears. He was not able to see and things were not normal. Then he was also thinking, ‘Oh! Maybe I don’t deserve meeting with such an exalted, most favored devotee of Krsna. So could I atleast have little dust? ‘padaika rajo’ If not meeting face to face. Atleast please get me dust of his feet. That will pacify me. I’ll attain shanti, ‘santir bata me antaratmanah’.

tadiya-padaika-rajo ‘tha va bharet
tadaiva shantir bata me ‘ntaratmanah (6.7)

And then he talks on about his realization of Uddhava. He says, “This world has never ever seen devotee like Uddhava. Nobody in the distant past, ‘puratanair adhunikaish ca’ and the present, means those who are in Dwarka. No one has received anugraha, benediction or favored as much as Uddhava has received. ‘mahattamo bhagavatesu’, amongst the maha bhagavatas, he is mahattam. He is the topmost, He is ‘maha vibhutih’, full of opulences, great soul.’ And he says, ‘This is just not what I say or I have heard.

But ‘svayam ucyate ca yah’(6.8)
Lord Himself has talked in His turns about Uddhava.

purve pare ca tanayah kamalasanadyah
sankarshaëadi-sahajah suhridah shivadyah
bharya ramadaya utanupama sva-murtir
na syuh prabhoh priyatama yad-apekshayaha (6.9)

Lord has tanaya, sons like Brahma and others. And He has brothers like Sankarshan, Balaram and others. ‘suridah’, he has friends like Shiva and others. And He has ‘bharya’ wife like Rama, Lakshmi. But Lord has said this Uddhava is priyatama. Other devotees are priya, dear to Me but Uddhava is priyatam. And that’s the title of this chapter also. This is the 6th chapter of the first part of Brhad Bhagavatamrita called Priyatam. Lord even said, ‘utanupama sva murtir na syun prabhoh’, he is even more dear to Me than Myself. So in the commentary on this verse, who wrote the commentary on Brhad Bhagavatamrita? Sanatana Goswami himself, author commentary. So he is commenting. And he quotes from 11th Canto where Lord said, ‘My dear Uddhava, neither Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva, Lord Sankarshna, the goddess of fortune nor indeed My own self is as dear to Me as you.’

So that’s supporting statement of what Narada Muni said. This is what supports Lord’s own statement.

bhagavad-vacanany eva prathitani puratanah
tasya saubhagya-sandoha- mahima-vyanjakany alam (6.10)

So Lord’s this vacan, this statement and many other statements from the past, from the scriptures reveals the great good fortune of Uddhava, how he is the most favored, most dear devotee. ‘gitani yadu pungavaih’ and these days, the descendants of Yadu dynasty, they also sing glories of exalted position of Uddhava. They know Uddhava how much dear he is to the Lord’, this is Narada Muni talking to all those who are assembled there. And in that assembly of course Uddhava is sitting right there in the midst of those Dwarka vasis.

And Narada Muni said,
pravishya karëa-dvareëa samakramya hrid-alayam
madiyam sakalam dhairya- dhanam lunöhanti ha haöhat (6.12)

So when I heard about Uddhava, his glories there in Hastinapura, Pandavas said so much about Uddhava, ‘pravishya karna dvarena’. I was open minded. So all what they said, entered my karna dvara, entrances of the ears and that reached my ‘hriday’ heart. And when all that reached my heart, they kind of attacked my heart, invaded my heart, pervaded, took over my heart.

And that plundered my dhairya, being sober, being steady, being fixed and all that. There were no more. After I heard, I became agitated. I became ecstatic, excited. And as the result, I ended up here in Dwarka.
Again in the commentary, Sanatana Goswami is quoting another verse. This is again in 11th Canto, 11.11.49.

‘athaitat paramam guhyam srnvato yadu-nandana
su-gopyam api vaksyami tvam me bhrtyah suhrt sakha’ (S.B 11.11.49)

You know Uddhava Gita? They say, you heard? That is in the 11th Canto. It is a Bhagavad Geet. That song of God has name of Krsna, Bhagavad Gita. That’s krsna’s name. But the other Gita, the speaker is Krsna, same speaker. But that Gita gets the title? That becomes Uddhava Gita. This is Bhagavad Gita and that’s Uddhava Gita. So like in Bhagavad Gita, in the 4th chapter, Krsna says, ‘You are very dear’. ‘bhakto si me sakha ceti, rahasyam hy etad uttamam’ (B.G 4.3)

You remember? ‘I am going to speak very confidential things to you Arjuna. And why to you? Because you are My sakha, bhakta and sakha. You are My devotee and friend, very dear. That’s why I am going to reveal the confidential truth unto you.’ So Krsna said that to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita.

But Uddhava Gita, He said that similar thing to Uddhava. ‘Oh beloved of Yadu dynasty, because (1) You are my servant, (2) You are My well wisher and my friend, I shall now speak to you the most confidential knowledge. Please hear as I explain these great mysteries to you.’ So this is yet another statement in the verse of Lord Sri Krsna Himself where He glorifies Uddhava and expresses His affection, love, confidence, friendship He has with Uddhava.

Parikshit uvaca, so when Uddhava heard all these from Narada Muni, he couldn’t stand it like the previous persons. Yesterday we mentioned how he went all over starting with Prayag and South India, then to Amravati. Where is Amravati? Capital of Indra is called Amravati. Then he goes to Satya loka, Brahma loka and goes to Kailash, goes to Vaikuntha. From there he goes to Sutala planets. From there he goes to where Hanuman resides, like that. So as he was meeting those devotees and glorifying them, each one of them said, ‘No, no, no, no, not me Narada. There is someone else more dear than myself. So please go to them, meet them.’ So same thing happened here. Uddhava also does not admit, ‘no, no. There is someone more dear. In my opinion, my understanding there is yet another one. Not just one, but many and many of those, very favorite, most favorite devotees. Uddhava was thinking like this. He gets up he goes forward. He grabs the lotus feet of Narada Muni, takes all the dust, kind of embraces feet of Narada while he is remembering those’

Prasad bhara Bhaga Jnanah,

Those who receive prasada, the benediction, more special benediction. And as he is thinking of those devotees, of course he is thinking of devotees in Vrndavana, the vrajvasis. There are different kinds, some vraj vasis devotees in sakhya rasa, some vatsalya rasa, some full of madhurya rasa. And he is feeling fallen. I am fallen, compare to them, I am even lower, low class. ‘hina dina’ and thinking like this or remembering those devotees he begins now shedding tears and there is emotion mentions here.

Matsaryat Sattvikat Pramudam Gatah

Out of transcendental or sattvik jealousy, he is jealous. This is not a mundane or envy, jealousy governed or caused by passion or ignorance. But this is, shudh sattvik bhava has aroused and he is feeling jealous. Sanatana Goswami is saying so much here. I am just throwing few drops, just sprinkling. After aarti, they throw, sprinkle few drops. There is an ocean here. There is a sindhu here. I am just sharing some bindus from that sindhu. There is an ocean but this is just few drops. I am missing so much. I am skipping so much. Not that I am grasping or understanding so much also. I am just touching, floating at the surface trying to dive. But we could only dive deeper as per our capability. Different birds could fly at different levels only. Sparrow has its level. Garuda has its level.

So, bhava of jealousy, Sanatana Goswami explains that; intolerance of others good fortune.

‘parasya utkarsa asahaniya’. Others fortune, you cannot tolerate. You can’t stand it. That’s called jealousy. Rather in this jealousy he entered, is a difference between the worldly jealousy, being jealous and the jealous nature of the transcendentalists. In the jealousy, he entered even deeper into the trance of his attraction unto Krsna. Just as devotees in the conjugal mood become more blissfully attached to Krsna when jealous of his other lovers.

Even if you don’t get all that in first reading, you have to go back, homework for you to understand, realize or accept this as a truth. Realization is yet another, accept this truth. This is jnana. From jnana we have to transform that into vijnana, the realization, practical application or assimilation. We hear only for information or just a knowledge gathering. We do not want to store that. The goal is to assimilate. Transformation, not just information. There is lots of information technology these days but where is the transformation. We would like to see the transformation of our hearts or consciousness which Prabhupada used to call as revolution in consciousness.
‘Srimad Uddhava uvaca’, now Uddhava is addressing to Narada.

sarvajna satya-vak-shreshöha maha-muni-vara prabho
bhagavad-bhakti-margadi- guruëoktam tvayeha yat

He addressed Narada Muni, four addresses, four ways. There must be reason why he is saying each one of this. ‘sarvajna’, ‘you know everything. But what you just said is not the right. But you know what is right. Why are you talking like this, that I am most favored. No, this is not right. I know you know. You must know who is most favored. ‘sarvajna-vak-shreshtha’, your statements are topmost. You are maha muni vara. You are not only Narada Muni but you are maha Narada Muni. Prabho, you are my master.’

‘bhagavad bhakti margadi gurunoktam tvayeha yat’

And you have said you have written so much. And you have spoken so much about this marg, this path of bhagavat bhakti; Narada bhakti sutras is famous. You were there at Narada kund, not far from Govardhan hill. You know, you are also aspiring to join the rasa dance considering that to be the topmost. ‘unnata ujvala rasa’, which Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared to deliver that ‘unnata ujvala rasam’. All you just said about me and more, it’s self -evident to me. I knew it was true before you said it. And so did others.’

The commentary Srila Sanatana Goswami writes, ‘Oh knower of everything. Because Narada Muni was addressed as ‘sarvajna’, meaning ‘Oh knower of everything’. This quote on quote hints that Narada is aware who indeed are Krsna’s most favored devotees lead by the divine Srimati Radharani. You know this. ‘idanim yat vraje gatva’. And he is going to show his first- hand experience.

He said, ‘Very recently I went to Vrndavana. I was in Vraja. Well, while on the way to Vrndavana I was also thinking. I was kind of proud of my very special position. How Lord loves me the most. I am most favorite devotee. I was thinking like this. And my pride, at the sky was the limit. Like a mount Meru, that was the height of my thinking. Me must be the special one, chosen one.’ But then he says, ‘As I reached Vrndavana, what I experienced there, immediately my that mount Meru like pride crumbled and crushed, became a pile of dust.’

idanim yad vraje gatva kim apy anvabhavam tatah
maha-saubhagya-mano me sa sadyash curëatam gatah (6.16)

‘sadyas curnatam gatah’, if you take Ayurveda medicine, there is a ‘churna’ powder. So my pride became churna like that, crushed.

tata eva hi krishëasya tat-prasadasya cadbhuta
tat-premëo ‘pi maya jnata madhuri tadvatam tatha (6.17)

So then he said, ‘Oh that was amazing sweetness that I experienced or I understood.

‘maya jnata madhuri’, maya- by me, jnata- I realized. What did I realize? Madhuri – the sweetness. I experienced sweetness of what? He mentioned three items here; the amazing sweetness Krsna’s mercy, amazing sweetness of love for Krsna, receiving and reciprocating loving Krsna. And third thing, amazing sweetness of those who possess that love, means devotees of Vrndavana.

So as Uddhava was talking like this, he didn’t want to talk more about these matters of what he experienced. He just said quickly in condensed form.

gayam gayam yad-abhilashata yat tato ‘nushöhitam yat
tat sarvesham su-viditam itah shakyate ‘nyan na vaktum
natva natva muni-vara maya prarthyase kakubhis tvam
tat-tad-vritta-shravaëa-rasatah samshrayetha viramam (6.19)

And then Uddhava said, ‘You know I offer my obeisances again and again unto you oh Narada. Let us not pursue this path. Let us not talk more about these matters. Let us just give viram. Let us stop talking about this. ‘sravana rasatah’, topics about the rasa, braja, renu, dhenu and venu. Denu – the cows of Vrndavana, renu- the dust of Vrndavana, venu- the flute of Sri Krsna. All these talks are of rasa. Let us put full stop to these talks.’

The reason being, Uddhava is thinking that if you continue talking then certainly, talks about the Gopis and Radharani and their loving dealings with Krsna and Krsna’s special favors for gopis and then specially Radharani; if these subject matters are spoken in the assembly here, who is sitting? The queens of Krsna from Dwarka here. How would they feel if they hear that their husband has yet another some lovers. He loves them more than us. This won’t be appropriate. That’s one concern. The other concern is, one of the person in the audience, is not sitting right there but not far on the bed. He is lying. But He is not sleeping. He is up. He is hearing. And if He hears about residence of Vrndavana and hearing about gopis and Radha, He is going to go deeper into that stress state of His mind. There will be further agitations. So better not talk more of these matters.

Therefore, anyone familiar with Brhad Bhagvatamrita, again Srila Sanatana Goswami commentary, knows very well that what Uddhava said and did in Vraja. And what confidential ambition he revealed there. It is no secret what Uddhava discovered in Sri Vraja dham. That the gopis headed by Sri Radhika are the most intimately favored by Sri Krsna than Himself. But at the present company, Uddhava wanted to avoid pursuing this topic.

‘parikshit uvaca’ , Parikshit said to who? To Uttara. Everything is Parikshit uvaca. Even what Narada Muni said and Uddhava said, this person said. And all this is spoken by Parikshit Maharaj unto Uttara. And where is this dialogue happening? On the bank of Ganga. Which part of Ganga’s bank? Just outside Hastinapura.

shri-parikshid uvaca
tad-vakya-tattvam vijnaya rohiëi sasram abravit
cira-gokula-vasena tatratya-jana-sammata (6.20)

So everyone assembled there at the palace entrance was hearing. So was Rohini. And by hearing, Uddhava has just now started talking but that was sufficient for Rohini to arouse, some emotions, memories. And she has been transported to Vrndavana. What was it like in those good old days when she was also in Vrndavana. While Kamsa imprisoned Vasudev and Devaki, the other queens of Vasudev, they were hidden for protection purpose. And Rohini was in palace of Nanda Maharaj in Gokula. Later on she also went to Nandagram with all the residence.

‘cira gokula vasena’, she had spent lots of time in Vrndavana. Amongst all those who are sitting there, Balarama also, He had stayed in Vrndavana. So Rohini did. They are mother and son. Everyone else had no clue of what Vrndavana is or residents of Vrndavana are. The residents of Vrndavana had high regards for Rohini. They respected her so much. So this Rohini mata uvaca,

shri-rohiëy uvaca
astan shri-hari-dasa tvam maha-durdaiva-maritan
saubhagya-gandha-rahitan nimagnan dainya-sagare

‘tan’ all those residence of Vrndavana. Uddhava has been addressed here as Haridas. When we hear Haridas, lots of time we are reminded of, Bhagavat mentions three Haridas. Uddhava is one of them. Yudhisthira Maharaj is the other one and Govardhan. He is not only Haridas but Haridas varya- the best among Hari dasas. He is Govardhan. That talks of exhalted position, Uddhava is addressed here by Sri Rohini as Sri Haridas. Because Uddhava has just given some hints, how dear are these residents of Vrnadavana, how close. So much favored, favorite devotees of Sri Krsna are the residence of Vrndavana. He was giving some hints.

So by hearing this, she says, ‘maha durdaivam maritan’, you are talking of great good fortune of those residents of Vrndavana. But I could say from my own experience, ‘Oh! They were on the verge of death.’ Because Krsna and Balarama, They left for Mathura. Gopis were trying to stop Them and all that. And Krsna said, ‘ayase’, I am just now coming. But then, he did go and did His business of killing Kamsa. And he should have come back. But he didn’t. He stayed on. Not for short time, He stayed on and on and on for 18 years. And then instead of going back to Vrndavana, He moved on. He went away further, further came to Dwarka. In between from Mathura, He also had gone to Sandipani Muni’s ashram for studies.

Rohini says, ‘saubhagya gandha rahitan’, what are you talking about good fortune of these residences of Vrndavana. They didn’t even get smell, ganda, not even ganda of that saubhagya, of that good fortune. They are most unfortunate devotees, all of those Vrajbasis.

‘Nimagnan Dainya Sagare’

They are all drowning in the feelings of separation. They are missing their Lord. For them, whole world was vacant without Lord of their heart. The Vrajvasis feel most unfortunate because they view themselves as totally neglected by Krsna. And you are talking of good fortune?

Further comment- Living in Dwarka, Rohini has been able to forget to some extent the misery of the Vrajvasis. But now Uddhava is stirring her memories. She has been managing to forget. But as Uddhava has just now spoke, this has stirred up her memories again. She talks,

aham shri-vasudevena samanita tato yada
yashodaya mahartayas tadanintana-rodanaih

So I was in Gokula. I was in Nandagram also. So after Krsna and Balaram went to Mathura, Kamsa was killed. Vasudev and Devaki were freed. Then Krsna and Balaram were sent for Their higher education to Avantipura, present day Ujjain, at Sandipani Muni’s ashram. As Kamsa was no more, there was nothing to fear. So I was brought back by my husband Vasudev from Vrndavana to Mathura. Later on I came also along with him to Dwarka. But while I was there and Krsna was not there- He was in Mathura, elsewhere in Sandipani Muni’s ashram. Yashoda not having her darling, Yashodanandana around; she was heart broken. Even the stones were melting by hearing the tales of her suffering. What to speak of those ladies which were the gopi ladies. They were ‘jivan mritanam’, they were like living corpses, barely surviving. They were trembling, shaking and remembering, ‘When is He coming? Why He is not coming?

So when Krsna returned from His studies, He was there for 64 lessons, one day one lesson. And by the evening, he was getting certificate. Next day lesson will begin, by the evening He would wear that hat, the graduation hat. So finally when They returned to Mathura,

na hi komalitam cittam tenapy asya yato bhavan
sandesha-caturi-vidya- pragalbhah preshitah param

I only briefly shared the state of affairs of Vraja. What Vrajvasis are going through. I thought after hearing my reporting of what Vrajvasis are going through, Krsna would probably run, rushed back to Vrndavana to meet those, His most dear devotees. But nothing of this thought. He didn’t go. I was expecting. I had suggested. I had recommended how they are missing Him. Instead, forget His going, what did He do? He sent you. Who is ‘you’ here? Uddhava. And why you?

‘sandesa-caturi vidya pragalbhah prestitah param’

Because you are expert messenger. You are expert in conversation, delivering messages. So He picked you up and sent you. ‘Uddhava I cannot forget Vrndavana. I am remembering cowherd boys. I am remembering this party, that party.’ He was saying this. He should have gone but instead He sent you.

Commentary- Much to Rohini’s surprise, Krsna didn’t respond with deep concern. And when Uddhava delivered Krsna’s message to Vrajvasis, they didn’t recover from their situation or devastation. On the contrary, they showed even more extreme symptoms of distress. The situation became worst.

‘ayam eva hi tesu tvat-prabhoh paramo mahan,
anugraha prasado yas tatparyenocyate tvaya’(Text 25)

Is this your Lord’s greatest favour and mercy on them? He didn’t go. He sent you. Rohini continues, ‘I witnessed. ‘mama pratyeksam’, while ‘krishno vraje ‘vrajat’, vraje- in the forest of Vrndavana. avrajet- whenever He went

mama pratyeksham evedam yada krishëo vraje ‘vrajat
tato hi putanadibhyah keshy-antebhyo muhur muhuh

While He was there, one demon after the other, one after the other, a long queue. They were coming, starting with Putana. Putana was the first demoness Krsna killed. The last one killed was Kesi. It’s mentioned here. Kesi was killed then during the day, Vyomasura was killed.

‘muhur muhuh’ , again and again Krsna had to killed. ‘daitye bhyo’, some demons and some demigods also. That Indra, torrents of rain, Vrndavana was flooded. And there was Sakata went and Arjuna trees uprooted. Then calamity after calamity. ‘vrajvinashakah’. After mentioning these kinds of terrorist attacks, one after the other,

ko va nopadravas tatra jato vraja-vinashakah
tatratyas tu janah kincit te ‘nusandadhate na tat

But for Vrajvasis, wherever there was attack, their concern was only to protect Krsna everytime. There came Trnavarta and Krsna is up there in the sky. Everyone cried, ‘Krsna! Krsna! Where are you?’ Same thing, Putana. When she came, she was a regular size lady, five and a half feet. But when Krsna sucked poison for sure, I don’t know whether milk was there or no milk, drank her life. And while that was happening, she grew in size. And when that body was lifeless, where was Krsna? He was still holding on the breast still drinking. He was little tiny baby. He remained the same size. Putana grew in size. But He remained the same size, maybe one foot tall. They were all running, ‘Where is Krsna! Where is Krsna!’ They started running starting from the feet of Putana. Running and running, it took some time to reach her knees. Some more time to reach her waist and the stomach, the big belly and the breast. Going around the breast, ‘Where is He? Where is He? (Laughter) And then He was clinging there. He was still sucking.

So their concern was always the protection of Sri Krsna. They never cared about themselves. This is the point that Rohini is making. The residences of Vraja were simply happy to have Krsna in their midst. At the end of that comment, Sanatana Goswami writes : nonetheless, the Vrajvasis’ concern is only how to keep Krsna happy. They never considered protecting themselves from the attacks of demigods or demons. That’s the point.

‘krsna indriya priti tal bale’

So they are full of love for the Lord. So they used their bodies, everything in service of the Lord. Whenever He was in difficulty, Krsna was in trouble or attacked, they were only thinking of Him and saving Him, protection of Him.

‘mohita iva krsnasya mangalam tatra tatra hi’

Little siddhanta how this works, because Krsna’s maya called Yoga maya. It’s Yoga maya’s influence upon all those residents of Vrndavana. Some kind of special current thinking, the feeling, willing, all governed, all influenced by Yoga maya. Some were Yoga maya’s influence.

‘mahatmanas tu mama partha daivim prakrtim asritah’(B.G 9.13)

That person, who takes shelter, who is governed by Yoga maya. So all those residents are under the influence by Yoga maya mohita. This is how they think. What do they think? ‘krsnasya mangalam’ mangalya of Krsna, the welfare of Krsna, all auspiciousness to Krsna. This is when one takes shelter of Yoga maya or he is controlled by Yoga maya. ‘icchanti sarvada sviyam napeksante ca karhicit’ as if entranced by whom? By Yoga maya. The magic, this is how Yoga maya functions, as if entranced in each events. They wanted to assure Krsna’s welfare. They never thought about themselves.

There is some more very interesting comment. Acting through his Yoga maya potency, He delivered them from paying attention for their own safety. So they were thinking and acting differently. Acting through Yoga maya’s potency, Krsna is acting through Yoga maya. Krsna is not there on the spot but wherever He is, ‘parasa saktir vividaiva sruyate bala kriyaca’.

This is the Lord. He has His energies.

There are so many varieties of His Shakti, His energies. And then jnana shakti, bala and kriya all the different activities are through the agencies of different shaktis. So Krsna acting through His Yoga maya potency, He is delivered them from paying attention to their own safety. And they were not thinking of their own safety. ‘raksisyati iti visvasa’ this is one of the 6th symptoms of surrender, saranagati. So residence of Vrndavana are also following this principle of saranagati. Vrajvasis, however manifested the affection of this surrender spontaneously without having to practice it. They don’t have to read Nectar of Devotion in the morning, go to Bhakti sastri course, talks by Bhakti Vignavinashak Maharaj teachings. And during the day you are trying to practice; he said this or Rupa Goswami said that. This is natural for them, spontaneous. They attained to perfection. They don’t have to practice. It comes. ‘sva bhava sauhrdenaiva’

This is natural and their fondness, they are fond of Krsna. ‘yat knicit sarvam atmanah’ They are dedicated.
‘nanda sunoh ’ What is the goal? What is ‘nanda sunoh’? Son of Nanda Maharaj. ‘hey radhe…’ ‘sunoh’ doesn’t mean listen to this, suno suno (Laughter). There ‘nanda sunoh’ means son of Nanda Maharaj. To address son of Nanda Maharaj, then it becomes ‘nanda sunoh’. Manu would become ‘mano’; yadu would become ‘yado’. So it says, ‘nanda sunoh’. This is a different one. ‘nanda sunoh sukhaya’, for the sukha, happiness, for pleasure of Nanda Maharaj’s son, they are naturally doing everything. So called love in the material world is always motivated by some selfish desire. Right? You know that. But in Sri Vrndavana dham, everyone loves Krsna without any motive.

tadanim api namisham kincit tat prabhuna kritam
idanim sadhita-svartho yac cakre ‘yam kva vacmi tat

And even then, the Lord did nothing for residents of Vrndavana. For the Yadus, this was pleasing to hear about. Those who were in Dwarka, they were happy. They have Krsna with them. But for the Vraj vasis, their sympathizers, it could be intolerable. Rohini is also not able to tolerate this. The residences of Vrndavana are suffering. They want Krsna. They want you! Of course Krsna is not there in front. He is lying on the bed. And you do nothing.

shri-parikshid uvaca
tac chrutva dushöa-kamsasya janani dhrishöa-ceshöita
jara-hata-vicara sa sa-shirah-kampam abravit

And having heard this, next speaker is ‘kamsasya janani’. Janani-Kamsa’s mata. We heard that yesterday. She is coming on the scene again. She is feeling inspired to contribute, also speak out. ‘dhrsta cestita’ She is speaking boldly and not ashamed, she is not even chaste lady. We heard yesterday the illicit connections and the demon son born, Kamsa. It is also mentioned here that when Kamsa was killed, all the wives and intelligent people were rejoicing. They were very happy. Haribol!! There is a big celebration. The demigods were showering flowers and Apsaras were dancing. Gandharvas were singing, beating of drums. But it is said, this lady was lamenting.

‘jara hata vicara sa sirah kampam abravit’

Now as she is speaking, she is old, she is very elderly, she is shaking. Or maybe because of her angry feelings. When you are angry, then also your body trembles. You become red. Your lips, eyes, ears also change the complexion. And the old age also has spoiled her thoughts. She is wicked. Yesterday we have heard about her. She is a gossip monger. She was known for that. Now she is going to say something.

shri-padmavaty uvaca
aho batacyutas tesham gopanam akripavatam
abalyat kaëöakaraëye palayam asa go-gaëan (6.31)

Those gopas, those cowherd, they are merciless.’ It’s concerned towards Krsna. ‘They are merciless!’
Tobe continued…..

Vrajvasis Only Wanted Krsna Nothing Else

Dated: 20 February 2017
Venue: Mayapur

So we welcome you. It is our third session, third presentation of Brhad Bhagavatamrita, as part of this Sravan Utsava being held here during Mayapur festival this year. ’ Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Narasimha Maharaj was just saying this, ‘The subject matter is not easy. First of all it is not a matter, it is a spirit. And hence, it is difficult for the materialist as we are.

We beg unto the feet of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is the one. He is magnanimous one, very kind. And kindly He has made this seemingly difficult subject matter available to us, the fallen souls with the aim of lifting us up.

‘anarpita-carim cirat karunayavatirnah kalau
samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam’ (C.C Adi 1.4)

After long long time finally Lord appeared out of His own karunya, kindness. kalau means this age of Kali. samarpayitum, in order to deliver, give, share with us the unnata ujjvala rasa, offering rasa but not the ordinary kind. Unnata, the topmost. And that rasa is madhurya rasa. The madhurya of Vrndavana. Vrndavana is madhurya dham. This one is audarya dham. Krsna becomes extra ordinarily, audarya, magnanimous. He shares that madhurya here, in this dham, relish and share, both.

Experience that Radha bhava, that unnata ujvala rasa and share that. So we are in the right place. It’s the right time. Our time has come. This idea’s time has come for us to receive this. So Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu has instructed and inspired His team members, Sad Goswamis Vrndas to talk about, to write about, to reveal this unnata ujjvala rasa. As per ‘visesa’ of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sanatana Goswami, he is executing the will of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So are the other Goswamis. Quite a good size team. As a result, this Brhad Bhagavatamrita has come about.

Srila Prabhupada found this society for Krsna consciousness. He is making this rasa, this nectar, this madhurya available. And as we read the first day, he strongly recommended the MUST reading of this Brhad Bhagavatamrita. So it was the wish of Srila Prabhupada also that his followers, the members of his Hare Krsna movement would get this nectar, drink this nectar and become intoxicated.

And one day, like we saw what happened to Narada Muni. That is prayojana. That is the goal. I wanted to atleast briefly share the 6th and 7th chapters of the first part of Brhad Bhagavatamrita. We are only not even half way through the 6th chapter. Today I wish to, not walk through but run through this chapter. So stay alert. The eagerness, the laulyam, the greed also has to be there. Haribol!!!

I may not be able to pay attention whether you are up or not. So I am just appealing to you all to be savdhan, as King Parikshit also had said that to mother Uttara. And we were also dealing with Sanskrit texts in our previous two presentations. Now we’ll deal more with the English texts. Ready to go, take away. I was trying to translate as much as I was able to do so and convey that. But that takes little extra time.

Time is of the essence and we have no time. Time is running out. So you know where we are. You are supposed to be here. Hearing or reading is to be one thing. But that is only the beginning. That is not the end in itself. When we continue to hear what we had heard or read, we continue to contemplate upon. This is called mananam. Now we’ll not talk about all that.

So sravanam, kirtanam, mananam, is like remembering, contemplating, reflecting upon. That way we assimilate that. From accumulation, assimilation becomes possible with the help of contemplation. And the subject matter contemplated upon and then assimilated and then that has become your property. We’ll be benefited by what we assimilate. Just like after eating, we digest that, make that into rasa and get energy ; blood and other things happened. Then we are strong. Something similar is here.

So don’t leave the subject matter behind and you are moving on. Take matter with you.
‘muni jana manasa hans’, Geet Govind. The munis, you are all munis, rsis and sages. The subject matter becomes hans and begins making movement in your consciousness, in your heart.

So you know Krsna is still in bed. Others are at the entrance of the palace. Narada Muni has already arrived. And he has already explained why he is what he is, the way he is looking like. He has given explanation. And then different personalities assembled there are making contributions talking. Even Padmavati is talking. She is quite a talkative person. We’ll be hearing her again and again today. She makes some accusations and counter accusations. She has some misunderstanding. And others get on the case and respond to what she had just now said.
Now Rukmini is speaking. Of course everyone is speaking from their own experience, their own realization, their encounters with the Lord.

kim api kim api brute ratrau svapann api namabhih
madhura-madhuram pritya dhenur ivahvayati kvacit
uta sakhi-ganan kamshcid gopan ivatha manoharan (Chapter 6, verse 39)

At the night times, she says. She is with the Lord during the night time also. She knows, He begins calling the name of cows and Cittra and Mridanga mukhi. How many names? 900,000 cows and those many names. So He begins calling them.

‘sakhi ganan’, He calls the names of His girlfriends in the middle of the night, His cowherd boyfriends, ‘hey! Subala, Sridama! Where are you? Come here! Where are you? You are there! (Laughter).

samabhinayate vamsi-vaktram tri-bhanga-parakritim
kadacin matar me vitara navanitam tv iti vadet
kadacid chri-radhe lalita iti sambodhayati mam
kadapidam candravali kim api me karshati paöam
kadapy asrasarair mridulayati tulim shayanatah

‘abhinayate’, and then I have seen with my own eyes. In the middle of the night, He sleeps, sees some dream or Sometimes His transcendental form bends in three places ‘tribanga lalita’ and He pretends to place the flute to His mouth. Sometimes He says, “Mother, give Me some fresh butter!” Sometimes He calls to me, “Shri Radha! Lalita!”

And then He addresses me, ‘Hey chandravali! What are you doing?’ Chandravali of Vrndavana in Krsna’s Vrndavana pastimes, she is the one who takes the role of Rukmini. And Radharani is Satyabhama. The right wing gopis and the left wing gopis. That is why Satyabhama is short tempered or she gets angry on the case of Sri Krsna. Rukmini would never do that. Chandravali doesn’t do those things.

Krsna turns to Rukmini saying, Hey! What are you doing?’ and saying so, He pulls my garments. He holds my sari and He is pulling. It is like a business as usual or every other night very frequently, this goes on.

adyapi drishöva kim api svapan nishi
krandan shucasau vimanaskataturah
dattvambaram murdhani suptavat sthito
nityani krityany api nacarad bata (6.41)

Just last night, He saw something. I don’t know what? He started crying. ‘He became very depressed. Weeping in grief, He covered His head with a blanket and pretended to sleep. Today He has not done any of His regular duties. He didn’t get up, no brushing teeth. He hasn’t done this, no shower, no changing cloths. He is just in the bed.

kim api kim api kurvan jagrad apy atma-citte
shayita iva vidhatte tadrisham tadrisham ca
vayam iha kila bharya namato vastutah syuh
pashupa-yuvati-dasyo ‘py asmad asya priyas tah (6.42)

Then Satyabhama uvaca. She says to Rukmini, ‘Not only night time, I have seen Him doing same thing during day time also. What are you talking about only night time, day time also. As if He is day dreaming. We the queens are just in the name only. His real queens, dear, near ones are in Vrndavanab those gopis, ‘pashupa yavati’, the protector of the cows. The cowherd girls, they are much more dear to Him than we all queens are.That is her realization, conclusion.

shri-baladeva uvaca
tatra masa-dvayam sthita tesham svasthyam cikirshata
tan na shaktam maya kartum vagbhir acaritair api (6.46)

Balaram is speaking. Even I was there for two months in Vrndavana. First Krsna had sent Uddhava from Mathura to Vrndavana. Krsna was still there in Mathura. Then later on, from Dwarka, he had sent His brother Balaram. Balaram said, ‘I did everything possible within my might to make these Vrajbasis normal, to pacify them. But, I was not successful in doing so. All that I did or all that I said, it really did not make much difference to those Vrndavana vasis.

ananya-sadhyam tad vikshya vivdhaih shapathaih shataih
tan yatnad ishad ashvasya tvarayatragatam balat (6.47)

On number of occasion, I had to promise this and that, hundreds of promises I had to give to all those residences of Vrndavana. ‘Yes, yes, for sure I will send Him to Vrndavana. I’ll bring myself, I made all these promises to those residences of Vrndavana. Somehow I managed to escape. It was very hard, they were not letting me go. You promise?! You really promise?! Are you sure you will send our Krsna back to Vrndavana?! I made so many promises and then I ended back in Dwarka. Then Balaram says to those assembled there, ‘I requested Krsna. You should find some excuse to go to Vrndavana and save their lives. If you want to see them alive, better rush. Go, go, go at once to Vrndavana.

gantasmiti mukhe brute hridayam ca na tadrisham
manasasya hi bhavasya bhavet sakshi-prayojanam (6.49)

‘Krsna said, okay okay, I will go’. But Balaram says, “The way Krsna said, ‘I will go’, I was not convinced. He said so, but I was convinced He’ll not go. Because He didn’t take my appeal very seriously. I realized, whatever He said He didn’t translate into actions. He did say He would go but it’s long long time ago. And He is still here, He has not gone. We haven’t heard of His any plan of visiting Vrndavana.
Now Krsna heard what Balaram had just now said. And this has made a big difference to Him.

idam akarnya bhagavan utthaya shayanad drutam
priya-prema-paradhino rudann uccair bahir gatah (6.50)

By hearing this, He jumped out of the bed because He is governed by the devotees’ love for Him. He came running out where everyone had assembled. As He was running toward them, He was loudly weeping.

praphulla-padma-netrabhyam varshann ashruni dharaya
sa-gadgadam jagadedam paranugraha-katarah (6.51)

They could see from His blooming lotus like eyes. They were specially blooming that morning. They were shedding not just few drops but stream of tears flowing from His eyes and His voice choked up because of compassion has now aroused in His heart for those residence of Vrndavana.
‘gadgada ruddhaya gira’ His voice is chocked up. With voice choked up, He wanted to say something.

shri-bhagavan uvaca
satyam eva maha-vajra- sarena ghatitam mama
idam hridayam adyapi dvidha yan na vidiryate (6.52)

Sri Bhagavan uvaca, ‘yes, yes. It is true. It must be truth. What you just said My dear Balaram and others also, Rohini also. You know My heart is hard hearted. How hard in my heart? Like a diamond. Diamond is supposed to be very hard. So hard like a diamond. That is the condition of My heart. Hence, it is not splitting into two parts or many parts.

balyad arabhya tair yuktam palanam vihitam ciram
apy asadharanam prema sarvam tad vismritam maya (6.53)

You know from the day I was born,I was there in Gokula, all those residences of Vrndavana, those elderly ladies, My parents and My friends, they protected Me. I was born and then brought up by all these residents. It takes a village for the child to grow. So I grew in the village. Whole village, all those villages were helping Me, playing different roles so that I could grow. They offered Me, their love and affection. Extraordinary, it cannot be compared. But trouble is, all of that I have forgotten. I must do something.

astu tavad dhitam tesham karyam kincit kathancana
utatyantam kritam duhkham krureëa mridulatmanam (6.54)

All those residences of Vrndavana are very soft and look at Me, I am cruel. I caused so much sufferings to the soft hearted souls, devotees.

bhratar uddhava sarvajna preshtha-shreshöha vada drutam
karavaëi kim ity asmac chokabdher mam samuddhara (6.55)

Oh! Uddhava, you are sarvajna-all knowing, prestha-dear, sreshta- you are topmost amongst the dear devotees. Please quickly say what should I do? Please tell Me at once. And please lift Me from this ocean of distress.’ Question was raised, asked to Uddhava but Devaki was little quick. Even before Uddhava could speak, Devaki said. What did she say? ‘You should give your best well wishers whatever they want’, she said that to Krsna. Residents of  Vrndavana are Your best well wishers. So You should give whatever they want.

tatah padmavati rajya-dana-bhita vimudha-dhih
mahishi yadu-rajasya vriddha matamahi prabhoh
apy uktashravanat purvam rama-matravahelita
sva-bhartu rakshitum rajyam caturyat parihasavat (6.57)

And when Padmavati heard this, she thought, ‘what if Krsna would decide to give the whole kingdom of Dwarka? Anticipating that Krsna might even offer to the residences of Vrndavana, ‘take whole Dwarka. I offer that unto you.’ So Padmavati said, ‘No no no no. Don’t make this offer.’ She is pretty smart lady. She said, ‘You know, Krsna was there in Vrndavana for 11 years. So all that residents of Vrndavana spent on Krsna for His maintenance, His lodging, His boarding, clothing, some transportation, whatever the grand total of all those expenses, we’ll make them twice as much and give them to the Gokula vasis. Let them be happy. Because they maintained Krsna, took care and all the expenses. And while Krsna was in Vrndavana, He was herding the cows. They had employed Him but they were not paying any salary.’ And she says, ‘I will ask Garga muni. He is very expert in calculations. I will ask him to do all these calculations, how much maintenance, lodging, boarding, this and that expenses and also the daily wages. All day He used to herd the cows. So daily wages per hour, 20 dollars per hour, whatever. (Laughter)
At least we’ll let them know this salary they should have paid. It is up to them. We will not insist. If they are not going to pay, that’s also okay. But who will pay? Whatever they have spent on maintenance of Krsna, we’ll pay this.

Although Krsna had distinctly heard what Padmavati had said, but Krsna just ignored her. As if He had not heard what she had to say. And He continues His presentation.

bho vidvad-vara tatratya-khilabhipraya-vid bhavan
tesham abhishöam kim tan me kathayatv avilambitam (6.61)

Sri Bhagavan says, ‘please tell Me, Oh Uddhava. You are sarvajna also. You visited. I had sent you on that mission. What do they really want from Me? What is their expectation from Me? Please tell.’

shrimad-uddhava uvaca
na raja-rajeshvarata vibhutir na divya-vastuni ca te bhavattah
na kamayante ‘nyad apiha kincid amutra ca prapyam rite bhavantam (6.63)

Uddhava says, ‘same thing like ‘na dhanam na janam na sundarim’. They don’t want any of these items. They have no interest, they don’t want kingdom. ‘na divya vastuni’, no items, no gifts they are interested in. ‘na kamayente’, even the heavenly pleasures, they are not interested, except You, they don’t want anything else. Only You and You they want. They don’t care for anything else.

Then Uddhava is sharing experience from his Vrndavana visit. He had gone with Krsna’s letter and met everybody there. That time he found out, that will need little explanation. That Krsna and Balaram had gone to Mathura. Intention was to kill Kamsa. And that mission was accomplished successfully. Some cowherd men and some cowherd boys also had gone with Krsna or ahead of Krsna. So after wrestling match was over, when killing was over, residents of Vrndavana were ready to go back to Vrndavana. But Krsna surprised them all. He surprised Nanda Maharaj. He said, ‘Baba, baba, Nanda baba, you may leave.’ ‘What do you mean, you may leave?’ ‘You, and I’ll stay behind. But here are some jewels and other gift items. Give them to all My dear and near ones; to My mothers, those young girls and others different items. And I’ll return.’ So as He had promised gopis when He was leaving Vrndavana for Mathura, ‘I’ll return’, and second time now to Nanda Maharaj, ‘I’ll come. I’ll come.’

So when Nanda Maharaj returned to Vrndavana, everyone was expecting Krsna also to return. But where is Krsna? Nanda Maharaj said, ‘here are some gifts for you. Krsna sent some jewellery. Take them, have them.’ All those residences were totally disappointed and they blasted Nanda Maharaj. ‘Why did you leave Krsna behind and come with the gifts? We don’t care for these gifts. We want Him, we want Him. We condemned you!’ They were very heavy with Nanda Maharaj. For three days, he was so utterly miserable that he couldn’t even say one word. He became speechless. He was just hiding. He was not able to show his face to residents of Vrndavana thinking, ‘I committed a great blunder. I didn’t bring Krsna with me.’ But then after 4th day, he addressed the assembled residences of Vrndavana.

‘You know He has sent these gifts as token of His love for all of you. Please accept. I guarantee you. He’ll definitely return. And He is a gentleman. Promise is a promise. He will definitely return. I guarantee you.’ So he kind of managed to pacify the Vrajvasis. And they put on those jewellery and different gifts thinking that when He does return and see us with His gifts around our neck or waist, He’ll be pleased. He will be happy with us. Extra blessings He’ll offer.

shrimad-uddhava uvaca
shrutva te tatra vishvasya sarve sarala-manasah
bhavat-pritim samalocya-lankaran dadhur atmasu (6.70)

All the residents were simple. They accepted the words of Nanda Maharaj. But then Uddhava says, ‘You know Your father promised them that You’ll return. For sure You’ll return. But that hasn’t happened. You didn’t keep Your promise. You were there for 18 years in Mathura. You didn’t go to Vrndavana. Instead you have come to Dwarka, very far away from Vrndavana. They almost died from disappointment. I also promised but they were disappointed. I was just making promises. I made every effort to keep them alive by promising that You would surely come back. And then I returned. But You haven’t gone. Please ask Your elder brother what state they are in. I went and returned. You also sent him, He has come back. You can ask him state of affairs in Vrndavana.’

Lord Krsna, Dwarkadhish, so much feelings have aroused that He wants to communicate with residences of Vrndavana. ‘Please get me some papers and ink. I want to write a letter addressing each one of them. I will do it with My personal handwriting. I will not get it typed by someone else. I will handwrite and sign also; yours affectionately Sri Krsna.’

The essence of what He is thinking of writing this is, He is addressing, ‘My dear friend, please know that as soon as I settle the duties before Me and satisfy My relatives here, I will return in no time. I will be there.’ So another promise. He could have gone. But He is ending up with only writing a letter instead. So Krsna is writing.

But Uddhava is reminding again, ‘Those people want nothing but Your lotus feet. What will this letter do? It was quite a serious moment. But Padmavati also wants to say something, ‘ahah! So foolish Devaki, now I understand.’ Because Devaki had earlier proposed that the well wisher should be given whatever they want. Padmavati was remembering, ‘I understand why you are in favor of Krsna’s going there, back to Vrndavana. Uddhava is also proposing. I know those residents of Vrndavana want Him back in Vrndavana, so that Krsna could herd their cows. They are so lazy. They don’t want to take care of their own cows. They just want to employ our Krsna. I know, that’s why they want Him back in Vrndavana. Now I understand why they want Krsna. They want Him to go herding cows’ every day. So they could sit and relax, watch television and have good time. Let Krsna herd the cows in the forest. What kind of forest?

bhishaëe durgame dushta-sattva-jushöe sa-kaëöake
samrakshayitum icchanti dhurtah pashu-ganan nijan (6.80)

Oh! That forest is very dangerous forest. It is very difficult to walk through. In the middle of the day, they are sometimes dark thick forest, thorns everywhere, the fierce animals, snakes everywhere and tigers everywhere. And they want Krsna to herd the cows in such a forest. Oh, I see.’

But Rohini responded to what Padmavati had just said. She said sarcastically, ‘you virtuous lady.’ Rohini is making the point, ‘No no, they can’t survive. Herding cows or not herding cows is not the issue. They just want to have Him, see Him, be with Him, serve Him, take care of Him, love Him. Sometimes while He is moving, something comes in the way passing by some tree trunk. He is kind of hidden. He is little boy. Tree trunks are big in size. So momentarily they are not able to see Him. They get afflicted for the fraction of section as He is not visible.
‘sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda virahena me’

If the trees are the obstacles, block Krsna from the side even briefly, His companions start shedding tears and calling anxious, drawn out voices, Krsna! Krsna! Krsna! And she glorifies Vrndavana to her heart content. Rohini, she knows Vrndavana.

This Padmavati has never ever seen Vrndavana. What does she know? Rohini knows. There are lakes with sparkling water. There are fragrant lotuses everywhere. The swarm of bees and birds flying everywhere. There is a cool fragrant breeze. They are fragrant, cool and gentle. When the air is like this, then it is very pleasing. Air should be cool, fragrant and gentle, gently flowing.

Contrary to this, it’s not pleasing. You could imagine that. So air in Vrndavana is like that. Yamuna maiya ki jai!! There is Yamuna maiya with full of lotuses. And the waves are like hands of Yamuna. She holds those lotuses in her hands, as if extending offering them to Sri Krsna. ‘Have them please. Here, here they go.’
Then there is Govardhan. Giriraj Govardhan ki jai!! So much you could talk of Vrndavana. She spoke some things.
On the banks of Yamuna there is the soft and cool sand. Everything is ‘ramaniya ramyam’, pleasing and the flowers, twelve forests of Vrndavana.

It takes one month to go around. Navadvipa is very kind. So you could go around in one week. Bhakti Purusotama Maharaj says, ‘In Jagannatha Puri, it is even more kind. In one day you can complete Sri Ksetre Parikrama.’ So it takes one month. At every step you could experience the glories, the beauty of the Vraja. You say this forest is full of fierce and dangers. ‘himsa rahite’ This forest is ‘himsa rahite’, it is devoid of violence. There is no violence. Even animals are gentle like cows.

Like when Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu was going through that Jharkhand forest chanting
‘Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”

What happened? All those animals were no more like animals. They looked like animals but they were like residences of Vrndavana. Could you imagine deer and tiger walking next to each other, rubbing shoulders. Deer is not scared at the tiger. He knows tiger is next to me. And Mahaprabhu has seen tiger and deer. They were embracing each other. And next scene was, Caitanya Mahaprabhu noted, they were kissing each other. When Mahaprabhu saw that scene, Vrndavana! Vrndavana! This is Vrndavana. He was on His way to Vrndavana. Jharkhand forest is like a half way through. But in that forest, He felt like being in Vrndavana. Because even animals there had no hatred, no violence. They were friendly. After hearing this, Padmavati said, ‘if this is true, then why those animals in Vraja are now in danger of dying? Because no one is taking care of them. (Laughter) They want Krsna to come and take care of them. That’s why the animals are in danger. No one is looking after them. They want our Krsna to go and become cowherd boy and herd cows. Now I understand.

Krsna, He is addressed here as Gopala of Vrndavana. He is still in Dwarka but addressed as Gopala. So hearing all these, Gopala felt anxiety as He kept hearing and His face dried up. As He glanced at Balaram’s face, what did He see? He saw that Balaram’s eyes were full of tears. He was shedding tears profusely.

Baladeva uvaca. He said, ‘not just the cows and not the human residents of Vrndavana but the whole entire existence of vraja, all aspects of Vraja, the creepers, lushes, bushes, even the rivers and mountains, they all are going through this vipralambha bhava. Sambhoga and vipralambha, union and separation. They are all suffering the pangs of separation from you. They are losing their weight all these animals. They stopped eating. They are thin, emaciated. The peacocks, river Yamuna and mountains like Govardhan, residence of Vraja were on the verge of death. He is talking on when he visited.

What to speak of the cows, the bulls, the calves Lord Krsna used to herd. Oh dear brother Krsna, some of the people live only on the hope that your promises were true. Better not to ask to hear more news than this. Krsna, I can only tell You if You don’t show Your kindness to them soon, then what would happen? Yamaraj will soon show them his kindness.’

ISKCON’s hearing marathon, Sravan marathon is on BRIHAD BHAGAVATAMRITA- Day one

ISKCON’s hearing marathon, Sravan marathon is on


Date    : 18 February 2017

Venue :  Mayapur


We are happy that Mayapur Festival coordinators, organizers have organized this Sravana Utsav. This sravana utsav has  added a feature to Mayapur Festival. We are happy, are you happy that this Sravan Utsav is happening here? Haribol. Even I am happy you are attending and you are here today. We welcome you. ISKCON marathon, hearing marathon, Sravan marathon is on. You are getting lots of doses. This is 3rd one? You had breakfast and lunch and now this is dinner and another speaker is preparing meal for you or nectar for you. You had been taking advantage of this hearing, this nectar and becoming nectarean in your consciousness; which is called Krsna consciousness. By the end of this Sravan Utsav, you should becoming mahatmas. Your atma should become maha. Not just big body, maha body but maha atma. We come to dham. What is the main business? To hear and to chant specially in Mayapur dham. Sadhu sanga, nama sankirtan, bhagavat shravan, dhama vas and vigraha aradhana are the five limbs, maha angas of our devotional practices . So sadhu sanga, nama sankirtan, bhagavat shravan, we do that in dham. That is dham vas. And then we are worshipping,

Radha Madhav ki jai!!
Pancha Tattva ki jai!!
Prahlad Narsimhadev ki jai!!
Srila Prabhupada ki jai!!

Every speaker has a topic of course naturally. And we also have a topic which you have been hearing and reading about, part of the promotion. What is our topic here? Brihad Bhagavatamrita. Brihat means grand, very big. Brihad Bhagavatamrita, and ‘amrita’ is nectar and Bhagavatamrita, nectar of Bhagavat. Srimad Bhagavatam is also nectarean. This is yet another scripture that we are talking about. Brihad Bhagavatamrita, which is the essence of bhagavat. If you have been thinking that Bhagavatam is nectarean, then you wait till you hear Brihad Bhagavtamrita  and you will be amazed. The necatrean nature of this Brihad Bhagavatamrita, it’s essence of Bhagavad, it is further condensed, boiled down. Like Prabhupada said, ‘boiling down the milk’. Milk is nourishing and sweet but when you boil it down, it is more nourishing and more sweet, nectarean; like that ksheer of kshirchor Gopinath.

So this is a work compiled in 16th century by Sanatan Goswami. He is senior most of our Goswamis of Vrindavana.

‘vande rupa sanatanau raghu yugau sri jiva gopalakau’

Those six Goswamis and amongst them Sanatana is considered foremost. Although we are rupanugas but even Rupa Goswami considers Sanatana Goswami as his spiritual master. So that Sanatana Goswami, he has left treasure in Hari bhakti vilas, Sri Krishna Lila Stava Dashama-charita the commentary on the 10th Canto of Bhagavatam. Among all the scriptures, the granthas that he has compiled, Brihad Bhagavatamrita is at the top. This is his main contribution. Sanatana Goswami is associate of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Gaura lila. He is also one of the manjaris in Krishna lila, Lavanga manjari and there is another name also, Rati manjari. We get to hear from that Sanatana Goswami. We could say much more but we have to somewhere say that Sanatana Goswami has left behind this Brihad Bhagavatamrita for us. We are thankful, grateful. And by his mercy, we beg at his feet as we go through, do little study of this Brihad Bhagavatamrita, the secrets or essence of Bhagavat will be revealed unto us.

Srila Prabhupda has recommended study of his Brihad Bhagavatamrita. He says, ‘must’. I’ll read that out to you what Srila Prabhupada wrote in the purport of Caitanya Caritamrita, adi lila chapter 5th, 203, that is – ‘Sri Sanatana Goswami Prabhu, the teacher of the science of devotional service, wrote several books, of which the Brihad-Bhagavatamrita is very famous; anyone who wants to know about the subject matter of devotees, devotional service and Krsna must read this book’. Strongly recommended by Srila Prabhupada.

Elsewhere in Antya lila, Caitanya Caritamrita, Srila Prabhupada writes again. First Sanatana  Goswami compiled the book called Brihad Bhagavatamrita to teach people how to become devotees, execute devotional service and attain love of Krsna.

Gopiparanadhana Prabhu, Srila Prabhupada’s  dear disciple who also used to assist Prabhupada with the translations, commentaries of Srimad Bhagavatam; he took trouble, he was knowledgeable. He is no more as you know. This is his work, he translated Brihad Bhagavatamrita in English. And BBT has kindly printed and it is available for some time now which will be using here as we make the presentation. So we are also thankful to Gopiparanadana Prabhu.

Little introductory statements about Brihad Bhagavatamrita. What does it refers to, what is its origin. Who is its speaker and listener, like that.

We want to read from Brihad Bhagavatamrita itself.

‘bhagavad-bhakti-shastranam ayam sarasya sangrahah’

This is compilation or collection of ‘bhagavat bhakti sastra saar’. These terms are self explanatory, if you try to understand as they are. If you could understand as they are without need of translation. It is very difficult to translate. You lose its import or deeper meaning. But anyways we will also try to as much as necessary and possible, try to translate or explain.

‘bhagavat bhakti sastra’, that you understand, Science of devotional service. And this is the essence compiled collected.

‘shrinvantu vaishnavah shastram  idam bhagavatamritam’

So the name Bhagavatamrita comes here. There is an appeal here, ‘srnvantu  vaishnavah’, vaishnavas may listen to this,

‘sastram idam bhagavatamritam srnvantu’

So first of all, this sastra, this Brihad Bhagavatamrita is for vaishnavas; not mukti kami, bhukti kami, siddhi kami. There are some other kamis, parties. But this is for the vaishnavas. We’ll not define vaishnavas, who is vaishnav. You all are vaishnavas here? If you are vaishnavas, raise your hand. What happen? Some of you are not vaishnavas? You are vaishnavis (Laughter). All vaishnavas, vaishnavis raise your hands. Still some of them are not sure. I was going to say, ‘If you are vaishnavas or vashnavis, please stay, other may vacate.’ Because this is only for the vaishnavas and vaishnavis. ‘su gopyam’, because something very confidential is going to be spoken.

‘su-gopyam praha yat premna jaiminir janamejayam’

and spoken with love and devotion. Who has spoken?

‘jaiminir janmejayam’

Jaimini has spoken this. Jaimini rsi is the speaker and he has spoken to Janamejaya. Who is Janamejaya? Son of Maharaj Pariksit.

‘munindraj jaimineh shrutva bharatakhyanam adbhutam’

’Originally this Brihad Bhagavatamrita is a part of Mahabharata or it is a supplement of Mahabharata. You understand supplement? At the end of the book, there is a supplement or book is published and other small or bigger supplement, additional supplement is published or spoken. So the popular Mahabharata that we know or read about which is available and famous was spoken by Vaisampayan. Vaisampayan is the speaker and again Janamejaya, same person is listener, hearer.  That is Mahabharata that is available now we all read. But there is another Mahabharata which was spoken by Jaimini. That Mahabharata is not available. The supplement  also was not available. And that has been made available by Sanatana Goswami and that is Brihad Bhagavatamrita. Present day Mahabharata which is available, which everyone reads also has a supplement called Hari vamsa. Mahabharata and its supplement is Hari vamsa. Jaimini spoke Mahabharata. And then he came up with supplement,  that was Brihad Bhagavatamrta. It wasn’t available. It was revealed unto Sanatana Goswami or Sanatana Goswami, who is knower of the past, present and future, he grasped it. It was made available unto him.

 ‘divya jnan hrde prokasito’ and then he put that into writing and that is Brihad Bhagavatamrta.

So this Brihad Bhagavatamrta which was spoken by Jaimini to Janamenjay was originally spoken by King Pariksit. After King Pariksit finished, completed hearing Srimad Bhagavatam from Sukadeva Goswami and he was getting ready to  say bye to the world  and that snake, bird snake was making progress, coming in the direction of King Pariksit, then and there comes Uttara, mother of King Pariksit. And she wants to hear, ‘Please, tell me what did you hear from Sukadeva Goswami?.’ She had no access, she was not there. She was in the palace but she came running and rushing towards the scene. She knew this is purnahuti, the completion of the recitation of Bhagavatam must have taken place. Before my son leave the body, leave the world, I would like to see him. So she has come to see him. And then she making a special request, ‘Please share the nectar with me, share Bhagavatam with me.’ And then King Pariksit spoke. At least King Pariksit had 7 days. And how much time now Uttara had? Who knows, maybe 7 moments or 7 seconds or 7 minutes?

So within that short span of time, we don’t know how. King Pariksit has spoken and Uttara heard it and here it is. And here it is with us that speech, that narration of King Pariksit.  He is fully Krsna conscious. He is diving, swimming in the ocean of rasa, rasautsava for him. So that King Pariksit is speaking this.

‘uvaca sadaram raja parikshin matri-vatsalah’

uvaca raja Prariksit, raja Pariksit uvaca. You understand? ‘raja pariksit uvaca’, king Praiksit, ‘uvaca’ said. ‘sa adaram’ sa-with, adaram-great respect for his own mother.

He is also described as ‘matri vatsala’, so much affection he had for mother. And mother,


And that mother is utsuka, very very eager. For what? ‘rasotsukah’, very eager to hear the rasa, drink the rasa of ‘govinda-kathakhyana-rasotsukah’.

The Sanskrit is full of adjectives, so many adjectives. ‘govinda katha’, what kind of Govinda katha? Adbhuta Govinda katha, amazing, wonderful Govinda katha, ‘rasotsukah’, she is eager to hear. Are you eager also? Not so much? Haribol!! That is one of the qualifications of listener or hearer. He has to be utsuka, very eager.

So this Brihad Bhagavatamrta has been compiled in two parts. That’s two parts. And it has two heroes also.

Narada Muni is the hero of the 1st part. And Gopa Kumar is the hero of the second part of Brihad Bhagavatamrita. You all know Narada Muni. He is a global trotter. Narada Muni ki jai!! Some of you probably are preachers. We preach on only one planet. But he preaches inter planetary travels, one planet to another planet. Not just only one country to another or one continent to another. One planet to another planet and he could go to this world to another world. Trans World  Airlines- TWA. Sometimes in the past, in America there was an airline called TWA, Trans World Airlines; means transcending this world. But that didn’t even transcend this planet, what about transcending this world. But they just had given the name Trans World Airline. But Narada Muni is a transcendental traveler preacher. He could transcend these universes and go beyond, go to Vaikuntha also. And  shuttling between this universe and that universe. That Narada Muni is the hero, explorer, seeker of the truth in the first section. Second section is the Gopa Kumar, he is simple but  pure hearted devotee, very naive personality. He also travels and explores higher and higher realms.

The first section of Brihad Bhagavtamrita, there are 7 chapters called Bhauma, means this planet.

Second is called Devya, means devaloka, the heavenly planets.

Third is called Prapanchatit, prapancha; made of five great elements, this material existence. Prapanchatit, beyond this prapancha.

The fourth one is called Bhakta, the devotees.

 Fifth one is called Priya means dear.

 Sixth chapter is called Priyatam, most dear devotee.

And seventh chapter is called Purna, the complete.

We have of course limited time. There is no way we can complete the study of the entire Brihad Bhagavatamrita. We would be doing little samplings. We’ll take little sections, little portions and relish that. That is what we could do. If you were here to stay forever, then we could have. Even dog could take part in it.  Haribol!! You saw it?

So Narada Muni, he comes across or hears  about some devotee.  He goes there, he glorifies that devotee, that person to his heart’s content. ‘You are topmost. You are the best. There is no one parallel to you.’ He says all these. But then that devotee says, ‘No no no, that’s not true. Look there! That one, he is even greater, better, superior, higher, great person, devotee. Please go to him.’

Then Narada Muni rushes there and he glorifies that person so much. But then that person says, ‘No no no not me, I am sorry. Look there! that one.’.  Narada Muni runs there. Unlike this, every time he meets devotee, he says, no no no, so and so is better,you better meet him. So he begins his travel and explorations and evaluation, glorification of a Brahmin in Prayag; who was holding a festival. Saligrama sila was being worshipped. Lots of Prasad distribution, you go there. But that Brahmin says, ‘No no no. That King is in South India.’ He goes to South India. But that King, rajarsi, saintly King devotee says, ‘No no no not me. Go to heaven.’

So on bhumi, first chapter Bhauma, they talk of this Brahmin in Prayag and King in South India. Narada Muni goes to heavenly planet, that the King had said. He says, ‘Indra, he is extra ordinary devotee.’ Then Indra says, ‘no no no. You go to Brahma. So Indra and Brahma in heavenly planets. Then Brahma says, ‘no no no. Go to Kailash. Shiva is the one,

‘vaisnavanam yatha shambhuh’

When he goes to Kailash, Shiva said, ‘no no. That Hari dham, Vaikuntha dham, those devotees are even superior to me.’ As Narada Muni was in Vaikuntha, they say, ‘no no no, go down there. You see that bhakta? Prahlad, Sutala planet? And Prahlad says, ‘no no no, Kimpurusa varsa, Hanuman is great servant of the Lord.’

So bhakta Prahlad and Rama bhakta Hanuman says, ‘you better go to that Bharata varsha, the earthly planet. Those Pandavas, oh! They are great devotees. Lord spends so much time with these Pandavas.’ Narada Muni ends in Hastinapura. But then Pandavas say,’ no no no. You know He spends only some time with us, comes and goes. But there is one devotee. He is always with one devotee and that is Uddhava. Uddhava is a great devotee. He is like a shadow of the  Lord. Whenever Lord goes, he goes. He wears the same clothing as Lord, mahaprasad of the Lord. He never goes to the tailor. When Lord discards some cloths,  he picks up and puts them on. And he also very much looks like the Lord, svarupa siddha. He is minister of the Lord, friend of the Lord, cousin of the Lord and what not. He is the one. And these days, you’ll find him in Dwarka.’

So Narada Muni goes to Dwarka. So just now, we summarized five chapters. With this speed, now we are going to slow down. I wish few days that we have together to recite, hear, study this Brihad Bhagavatamrita, we’ll read this chapter 6 and if possible 7 also or part of 7th. The 6th chapter is called Priyatam (The Most Dear Devotees). Priy-a-tam, good, better, best like that. So there is Priya, dear devotee is mentioned in earlier chapters. Now in this chapter, there is talk of Priyatam.

Is the translation, everything going on okay? The Russian devotees and translation?

So this is now. It is throughout but here also. ’sri pariksit uvaca’, Parikshit says, and he is speaking unto who? Who is speaking to? Uttara, mother Uttara, Parikshit’s mother.

shri-parikshid uvaca

tac chrutvarye maha-prema- rasavesheëa yantritah

maha-vishëu-priyo viëa- hasto ‘sau vismritakhilah (Chapter 6, text 1)

He says, ‘arye’, addressing his mother, ‘Oh noble lady’. When Narada Muni in Hastinapura, he heard about and he rushed to Dwarka, ‘maha prema-rasaveshena yantritah’.

So when he heard about Uddhava, Pandavas had already glorified Uddhava. By hearing about Uddhava, qualities of Uddhava, devotion of Uddhava, Uddhava, Uddhava, ‘maha prema rasa aveshena’. He became full of ‘maha prema rasa’. No translation required, no? this is better to say, ‘maha prema rasa aveshena’.

‘avesa’, he was filled with maha prema rasa. Now this ‘maha prema rasa’, the thoughts of Uddhava was now controlling him, handling him. He was being governed by those ‘maha prema rasa aveshena yantritah’. He had no freedom. He was governed by what? ‘maha prema rasa’, was making him dance, talk or whatever. He had no freedom. Narada Muni is described as ‘maha Vishnu priyo’. ‘maha vishnu’ or ‘bhadrinarayana priyo’, He is at that level bhakti, devotee. He had the vina in the hand. But because he was overwhelmed with this devotional ecstasies and feelings, although he was holding but he was not able to play. He was so excited. He is running, rushing, jumping to,

‘sada dvaravatavasa-bhyastantah-pura-vartmana

So he has reached Dwarka. No one is telling him,he just went straight, turns left, right there and he ends right in front of palace of Sri Krsna. How did he manage? He didn’t stop and said, ‘Hey! Please tell me which way to go? I want to go to Krsna’s palace.’ He didn’t enquire but he reached, exactly in front of the palace of the Lord. Reason being; he had visited Dwarka many times in the past. So he knew how to get there. He had practiced going there. In the Bhagavatam, we know how many times he had gone. Quite often Narada Muni would go. He was going door to door, home to home to see weather Queens were happy. So because of his frequent visit to Dwarka, previous visits, he was able to reach the final destination which was for him Sri Krishna in Dwarka, in one of His palaces.

I’m just reminded, some devotees, I heard this in London. Someone had died. And they were driving to the cremation ground. They were being guided by GPS. So go there, 5km away, turn left, this that. And when they reached at the cremation ground, the GPS said, ‘You have reached your final destination.’ (Laughter). Devotees had heard this many times before but today that day, they have really heard this; ‘You have reached your final destination.’ This is where finally you end. Narada Muni’s final destination was Sri Krsna, His lotus feet. So he has reached there.


Prasad is the palace. It’s amazing how he reached.  It is because he had gone there many times in the past.

bhutavishöo mahonmada- grihitash ca yathetarah

And when he reached here, he was like a ghostly haunted person. The way he was acting, behaving and doing all of sorts of things. All assembled there, ‘What is happening with our Narada Muni?’ So what did they see?

bhumau kvapi skhalati patati kvapi tishöhaty aceshöah

Narada Muni was, while trying, coming in the direction to reach the palace, they were watching him coming. He was stumbling, he was tripped, ‘patati’ he was falling down and then getting up. But once he is up, he is just motionless like a pillar. The next moment,

kvapy utkampam bhajati luöhati kvapi rodity athartah

His body is trembling, shaking. Then next moment, ‘luthati’ he collapses and begins rolling on the ground. The next moment he is crying in great distress.

‘kvapy akroshan plutibhir ayate gayati kvapi nrityan

Then other moment he is shouting out loud. See the changing from moment to moment. The next moment he is with his vina. He is singing, nicely singing and playing, he is also dancing. And his is all happening because

sarvam kvapi shrayati yugapat prema-sampad-vikaram

Because he had acquired the sampati, the wealth of what? What kind of wealth? ‘prema sampati’. As a result there are all these transformations, vikar taking place in his personality.

‘he man-matar idanim tvam savadhanatara bhava’

As King Parishit was about to begin his narration of this 6th chapter, he says, ‘

‘sthiratam prapayanti mam sa-dhairyam shriëv idam svayam’

My dear mother, pay full attention. Be attentive, be steady, fixed, focused ‘sa dhairyam’, with all patience. What now I have to say, please listen to this.

So it is also reminder for us, the listeners. ‘sadhu savdhan, vaisnavas savdhan’.

In that chanting tape, Prabhupada said, ‘Sit properly’.

The army, the policemen, just before the parade or something, they assembled, talk to each other, gossiping or space out. And the commando comes and first thing he says, ‘savdhan!. Then immediately they stopped everything else, ready for the next command. They say, ‘Left! Left! Left! Right left!’ They follow that command. He says savdhan. King Parikshit also to his mother, ‘savdhan uttara bhava’. Be savdhan and listen to this.

The morning that Narada Muni arrived in Dwarka, that day was very special or very unusual morning in Dwarka for Dwarka vasis in Krsna’s palace. Something abnormal was going on.

‘tasminn ahani kenapi   vaimanashyena veshmanah

antah-prakoshöhe suptasya  prabhoh parshvam vihaya sah (text 4)

So that morning  Lord Krsna, He was in some kind of distress. He was suffering. He was up, He has woken up. But He was still lying on the bed with His face covered with the cloth or pillow. And all those who normally come and meet Him, greet Him and take up in palace work, affairs, activities, they all had come and they are all waiting. Uddhava, he had gone in the chamber where Krsna was sleeping but not up, realizes that He wants His own time space. He didn’t want to be disturbed, Uddhava goes outside and he sits at the entrance of the palace. There is some kind of terrace arrangement and he is sitting there. Around him are,

baladevo devaki ca rohiëi rukmiëi tatha

satyabhamadayo ‘nyash ca  devyah padmavati sa ca

These personalities are also sitting. You are painting a picture of that morning? Dwarka, the palace, Lord Krsna is still on the bed. Where is Uddhava? At the entrance and he is surrounded by Balarama, Devaki, Rohini, Rukmini, and many queens have also come including Satyabhama, which is one of the big names  among the queens. ‘padmavati sa ca’, and there is a lady called Padmavati. It’s a new character for most of you. ‘kamsa mata’, she is the mother of  Kamsa. Her name is Padmavati. What is she liked for? What is she known for?

pravritti-hariëi kamsa-mata dasas tathaparah

She always like to gossip, famous for prajalpa, spreading rumours and there are so many ladies, dasis also sitting around, waiting for Lord to get up. So that they could serve.

Sanatana Goswami, not only he wrote  and compiled Briahd Bhagavatamrita texts but he wrote a commentary called ‘Author commentary’. He wrote a commentary on his own work, own scripture called, ‘Dik darshini’, so that the readers will have a deeper understanding of the subject matter giving an additional facts, circumstances, missing links. So Gopiparanadhana prabhu has also not only given the original Brihad Bhagavatamrita texts and translation of it, but commentary also. Not fully but partially translated. Some parts of the Dik darshini are included. The commentary of this verse is part, precisely why Krsna was disturbed. Parikshit will reveal to his mother a little further in his narration. It’s only mentioned that Krsna was disturbed. And King Parikshit didn’t say more. He wants to save this for little later thinking, ‘If I say everything now, my mother Uttara will be disturbed. This is too early. I will reveal this little later on.’

And in the same commentary Sanatana Goswami writes about this famous or infamous character Padmavati. In Padma Puran, there is a little mention that, first she is Ugrasena’s wife. Her father is King Satyaketu. So one time, Padmavati had gone to her father’s place, sometime soon after her marriage with Ugrasena. There comes a messenger of Kuvera who was a demon called Drumila. And he had disguised himself as Ugrasena. He did whole make up like Ugrasena. And Padmavati thought, ‘This is my husband coming.’ But he was the demoniac messenger of Kuvera. He came and he did his business. He seduced her. And the child born of this union, illicit union was Kamsa. Now you know why Kamsa was what he was.

tushëim bhutash ca te sarve vartamanah sa-vismayam

tatra shri-naradam praptam  aikshantapurva-ceshöitam

So when they all were siting, waiting, already going through the extra special, extraordinary situation at palace, Sri Krsna was up but not leaving the bed. They were facing that situation and here comes Narada Muni. They were surprised the way he was acting. And they had never seen him acting like the way he was acting that morning. It was obvious for them that something was seriously wrong. All the residence of that palace, Uddhava,  Balarama, Rohini, Rukmini and others, they thought there is something seriously wrong. But they couldn’t conclude what exactly was happening.  They were not coming to any conclusion. ’What is wrong today? Why is our Lord not getting up, meeting us, greeting us, involving us?’ Nonetheless they now had to attend to Narada Muni’s arrival. They were already in some kind of trouble and here is another one. Here comes Narada and he is also acting very abnormally. And then, they have to face that situation.

utthaya yatnad aniya  svasthyam nitva kshaëena tam

premashru-klinna-vadanam prakshalyahuh shanair laghu (Text 5)

So when they saw Narada Muni, they all got up, went forward, ‘This way, please come, please come.’ And they brought him to that entrance they were themselves waiting at. They were trying to make extra efforts to calm him down, normalize him. They took a cloth and wiped his face which was all wet with the tears. And then gradually they started addressing, talking with Narada ji gently and simply they spoke . What did they speak?

adrishöa-purvam asmabhih kidrisham te ‘dya ceshöitam

akasmikam idam brahmams  tushëim upavisha kshaëam

They said, ‘Never ever we had seen you the way you are looking today. ‘ceshtitam’, your behavior, suddenly what happen! Never in the past we have seen but today you are acting like this. ‘tushnim upavisha ksnam’, please sit down here. Quietly calm down, calm down.’ He was made to sit down.

shri-parikshid uvaca

sa-gadgadam uvacashru-  dhara-milita-locane

yatnad unmilayan natva sa-kampa-pulakacitah (Text 6)

Narada Muni replied in chocking voice. He had all the symptom, they were kind of subdued, withdrawn. But as soon as he was asked, ‘What is wrong with you?’ As he wanted to respond and immediately he reverts back into the previous mindset. And all those symptoms are again becoming visible. That body begins trembling, tears are there. Narada uvaca, and Narada now gives the reason, ‘I had no choice. I did not do anything so that I would act the way I am acting. But I will tell you what is the cause. Why I am acting like that.’

So Narada Muni, he is remembering what he had heard in Hastinapura. What Pandavas had said about Uddhava.

shri-narada uvaca


maya samam sangamayadhvay uddhavam

tadiya-padaika-rajo ‘tha va bharet

tadaiva shantir bata me ‘ntaratmanah (Text 7)

Uddhava  is the one very fortunate, most favorite devotee of the Lord. And Narada Muni says,’ Please please arrange my meeting with Uddhava.’ Trouble is when he was full of tears and trembling all this, although Uddhava was right in front of him, he didn’t recognize him. He says, ‘I want to meet Uddhava. Could you please arrange my meeting with Uddhava?’ Then in second thought, he says, ‘Oh! If that is not possible or maybe I don’t deserve meeting with him, then atleast, ‘tadiya padaika’ some dust from the feet of the great devotee Uddhava. Could you please get me some dust from his feet’ and if I get either darshan, if not darshan, atleast dust. Then I will be peaceful, pacified, satisfied. Oh! Please, please arrange my darshan with him.’

Narada answered the question about cause of his strange behavior. He started explaining reason for his strange behavior. He will be talking more what transpired, what happened which resulted in his strange behavior.

So Narada Muni will be sharing and Uddhava like those previous devotees, each one, ‘no no no, not me.  You know there is someone else.’ So Uddhava is also going to say, ‘no no no, not me. Those vraja vasis, those cowherd boys and parents of the Lord and the gopis and Radharani. They are the Priyatam. They are the greatest of all devotees.’ And then others will be also talking. Balaram is going to talk. Rohini is going to be speaking. Padmavati is also going to contribute. And while all they are talking, who is hearing? Lord Krsna is not far from there. He is listening to all of this. Then what happens to Him. What is transpiring and transformations and finally when He gets up, what He would be talking and doing. It’s quite a drama.

Spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world

Venue: Bhaktivedanta Manor
Date: 2nd May 2016

There are nice arrangements here, three mridanga players and one harmonium player, dozen kartal players. Good size audience also sitting relaxed. Yes, you are relaxed, but that was not the case 50 years ago. When Srila Prabhupada started his kirtans in the Western world, there was no one but him and him alone in New York chanting on the footpath. In India we call footpath. I don’t know in America how they call them, Sidewalk? So Prabhupada would sit there, literally sit there, no asana. Prabhupada had all the traffic, honking of horns and what not. There was no one to play mridanga with him. Prabhupada just with his hand cymbals sitting there and chanting Hare Krsna (Maharaj chanting Hare Krsna in Prabhupada tune)

There was no mridanga, no chorus either, no one to follow. So he was looking very strange to Americans. Sadhu from India with shaved head, paint on the face, wearing bed sheets. But the maha mantra was certainly powerful and will always remain so powerful. And has the direct connection, relationship with all the souls. So, as Prabhupada was chanting, he had many of those Americans, ladies and gentlemen would stop to hear Prabhupada. They had no idea of what he was singing. But, something would just grab them and stop them. Then he would stop at the middle, just as we sing and stop. So Prabhupada would sing and then he would stop and talk. That’s what we are doing. And then he would show them photographs of Radha Krishna and he would explain. This is the God, flute player, Krsna The Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then, they were ignorant Westerners. They would ask, “If that is God, what is the girl doing there? Next to God, what is the girl has to do?” (Laughter) They had no idea, no clue. That was not some girl from New York, from anywhere out of this world. (Laughter). Krsna is not from this world, so isn’t Radharani.

So Srila Prabhupada was picking up his followers from footpaths. He would announce as it was announced here, ‘Tomorrow morning there is Srimad Bhagavatam class’. So he would announce twice a week here, his satsang programs at storefront. Later on it became known as Matchless Gift. Still it is known as The Matchless Gift, 26 Second Avenue. So that’s where his followers gathered twice a week. Prabhupada would make them sit down and talk to them. Get them up, stand and teach them the dance called, which became known as ‘Swami step’. In ISKCON we see that as soon as the kirtan begins, the bodies begin moving. That is ‘Swami step 50 years ago Prabhupada taught. He would feed them, get them to sit down and feed them. Who would cook? He would be the one who would be cooking for guests’ arrival. He would be cooking for hundred guests or sometime more. They all sit down and then there was no one else to serve. Who would be serving? Swamiji would be serving. They would have full belly up till neck and they would walked out. Who would be cleaning? Swamiji. Not only the hall but the pots in the kitchen. That’s how single handedly with so many trials and tribulations. So it started with one person 50 years ago and then now it is all over the universe, all over the world. International Society for Krishna Consciousness ki jai!!

We are celebrating the 50th anniversary of ISKCON. Sometimes there was a report in the Newsweek magazine that said, “The fastest growing religion in former Soviet Union is Hare Krishna! Haribol!!! God knows where they got the statistics. We didn’t know. (Laughter) They said there are 700,000 followers of Hare Krsna in Russia. Quite a big number. Srila Prabhupada had gone there in 1975. In the very first visit he initiated also Ananta Shanti prabhu. He just passed away few years ago though. So Prabhupada started there also. He initiated one Russian, now it is flourishing all over including all over Russia.

I just heard today Radha Gokulananda deities were in New Delhi on the stage. Prabhupada held pandal program in 1971. He had just arrived with his Western followers and he was travelling from city to city holding big big pandal programs. You understand pandal? It was LIC ground in New Delhi, very prestigious location. Radha Gokulananda were presiding deities in that pandal which was attended by thousands. And from there they were transported to London. They are presiding over here now. So from Jaipur to New Delhi pandal festival to Bhativedanta Manor. Radha Gokulananda ki jai!!! So like that another pandal was held in Mumbai and they had another set of deities. They would transfer them to one of ISKCON temples. Radha Govinda, the first temple of ISKCON. They were also part of another pandal. Srila Prabhupada, he was empowered and chosen. He became ‘nimitta matram bhava savya-sacin’ Krsna said that. “You become nimitta matram.” This battle is going to be fought and won. He was just becoming the instrument. Arjuna “You just become instrument.” So Arjuna did. So that was Sri Krsna. When He appeared as Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu 528 years ago.

‘namo maha vadanyaya krsna prem pradayate
krsnaya krsna caitanya namne gaura tvise namah’

‘sri krsna caitanya namne’, of the name Sri Krsna Caitanya. I offer my obeisances unto Sri Krsna Caitanya namne, Lord whose name is Sri Krsna Caitanya. And ‘gaura tvise’ I offer my obeisances unto Gaura tvisa, means golden complexion. When He appeared as Sri Krsna, He was Shyamsundar, Ghanshyam. ‘Ghana eva shyam’. Now He has appeared as Gauranga. So I offer my obeisances unto that ‘gaura tvise namah’.

‘namo maha vadanyaya’, I offer my obeisances unto that Lord who is now the most magnanimous.
‘namo maha vadanyaya’

What kind of God if He is not magnanimous? God has to be magnanimous. But this Godhead Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, is most magnanimous among all the avataras. ‘sarasiromani kevala ananda kanda’.

‘sri krsna caitanya prabhu doya koro more
toma bina ke doyalu jagat-samsare’

‘toma bina ke dayalu’, who else is there dayalu, magnanimous, kind, charitable as you are? No one comes closer. Not Sri Rama, not Sri Krsna.

People are more fallen in this age of Kali. So Lord becomes more kind. The might of kindness that Krsna exhibited is not sufficient for uplifting the people, the fallen people of this age. So that Sri Rama, that Sri Krsna appeared as Sri Krsna Caitanya becoming very very kind.

namo maha vadanyaya krsna prema pradayate’ and I offer my obeisances unto the Lord who is ‘krsna prema prada’.
So what is so special about this? Sri Krsna Caitanya, He is ‘krsna prema prada’, krsna prema da; giver of Krsna prema. ‘krsna prema pradaya’, unto such Lord I offer my obeisances. So this short prayer mentions the name of the Lord, form, gaursundar form, name, naam, guna, rupa, His quality. He is magnanimous and His lila is giving Krsna prema. Naam, guna, lila of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu is mentioned in this prayer, compiled and offered by Rupa Goswami first time ever in Allahabad, Prayag.

So that Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu met Srial Prabhupada, ‘nimitta’, empowered him. And we call Srila Prabhupada also as the senapati bhakta; commando in chief of sankirtan army. You all are army man and he is commando in chief.

As per instructions of his spiritual master, he went to the West. His target was New York, the capital of the age of Kali. Kali’s capital is New York. He was heading towards New York. This is where senapati bhakta showered the bombs of the holy name.

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

The other bombs, they cause destructions. This holy name bomb if you want to call it, this becomes the cause of construction.

‘ceto darpana marjanam bhava maha davagni nirvapanam’

This world is on fire, this samsara dava nala. And we are being caught in the middle of the fire and burning. Life is on fire, senses are in fire. So what does this maha mantra do, maha mantra bomb? ‘bhava maha davagni, devagni means fire, nirvapanam’ extinguishes the fire. The forest fire is extinguished. Then what happens? You know the forest fire, in the forest whatever, only destruction, ashes everywhere, the barren land. But in same place as the holy name is chanted, extinguishes the fire. And in that place,

‘sreya kairava candrika vitaranam’

The lotuses begin blooming. There is the fire, sometimes ago the fire in our heart and our life. There is no fire, this holy name extinguishes the fire. In same location nice creepers, the bushes, nice greenery, the lotus, ‘Shreya kairava candrika vitaranam’

So we are calling this bomb but it does different kind of job. The outcome is different. The commando in chief, we talk about army in our temples also there are Temple Commander. Each ISKCON has temple commander. Sounds like army (Laughter). We have bullets also, not only bombs. What are these bullets? Gulab jamuns (Laughter). It melts your heart. No destruction again. No holes in your heart.

Books are called time bombs not only bombs. In due course of time, those books are being distributed profusely all over the world. Millions of books have been distributed. So Srila Prabhupada was empowered to kind of executing the will of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. It’s a big mission. Supreme Personality of Godhead’s mission will. We could call predictions also, to make Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s predictions come true.

‘pritivite ache yata nagaradi gram, sarvatra pracara haibe’

Whose name will be chanted? ‘mora naam’, Krsna’s name. He says ‘mora naam’, My name. So He is Krsna, so Krsna’s name. ‘mor means peacock in hindi or Sanskrit. ‘mayur’ names won’t be spread now. Peacocks name won’t be spread. Lord’s holy name. So after departure of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, 450 years, nothing was happening. Everyone was wondering atleast in India, ‘What happen to the prediction? Is this going to come true? The holy name is still being chanted only in Mayapur, in Jagannatha Puri. Some places, asta prahar kirtan here, there and Orissa, Radha Kund, Shyam kund.

So holy name, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is ‘dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge’ So He appeared, Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared, Krsna appeared. Why the Lord appeared? ‘dharma samsthapanarthaya’ What is dharma for this age of Kali? Yuga dharma. Which yuga is this? Kali yuga. Every Kaliyuga, every times Kali yuga comes. Yuga dharma of Kali yuga is harinaam. Everytime, I don’t know whether you took note of emphasizing. Everytime Kali yuga appears, yuga dharma is harinaam. So this is not the first time Kali yuga has appeared. You don’t have to invent a new will. It already exists. You just check out what was done in the previous age, previous Kali yuga. Everytime there is a Kaliyuga. In Brahma’s one day there are thousand Kaliyugas, thousand Satya yugas, thousand Treta yugas, thousand Dwapara yugas. Everytime there is a Kali yuga,

‘harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam
kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha’ (B.N.Puran 3.8.126)

So Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared and He did the inauguration of chanting the holy names of the Lord. ‘hari hari’ He would chant all the time. Lord was chanting and dancing, not doing rasa dance but sankirtan ; dancing in the kirtan. ‘kirtaniya sada hari’, all the time chanting and dancing. Early morning He would chant. He gathered all the devotees of Navadvipa.

‘udilo aruna puraba bhage dwija mani gora amani jage
bhakata samuha loiya sathe gela nagara braja ‘ (Arunodaya-kirtan)

He would gather early morning hours all His followers, devotees and, ‘tathai tathai bajalo khol’ so many mrdangas. There were 108 mrdangas, but they were sounding like one mrdanga is being played. Here we could count this one, that one (Laughter) which one to follow. Singer is struggling trying to follow (Laughter).

They would play hundreds of mrdangas sounding like one one mrdanga being played. ‘tathai tathai’

When mrdanga is played, “dhik tam dhik tam dhig etan” that’s one of the bold. ‘kathayati mrdanga’ ‘mrdanga uvaca’, Mrdanga says, when it is ‘dhik dhik’, I condemned you. You are condemned. Kirtan is going on here but you are not here. Those who are not in the kirtan, ‘dhik dhik dhig etan’. I condemned you, those who are not part of this kirtan. Mrdanga talks, conveys his feelings, his expression. Here Mahaprabhu in the middle of kirtan, ‘nupur baje’, His tight ankle bells and around His ankles, that’s jingling, tingling. So all these instruments being played must be played very expertly. That in between taals, there is a time for hearing the tingling and jingling of the bells allowing some space in between.

‘prema dhala dhala sonara anga, carane nupura baje’

That golden form moving to and fro. More than that Mahaprabhu is not just doing some steps. He is Nataraj. He is best of the dancers. There is no match. And very complex steps also. Not just simple new bhakta. He is expressing all the emotions, the dancing. He is tuned in by the emotions and feelings. Feelings are expressed through the dance, through the gestures. So Mahaprabhu would dance. So the morning kirtan and then kirtans all the time, chanting and dancing. Mahaprabhu had gone mad. They were not understanding Mahaprabhu. They would think, ‘there is something wrong. May be He needs some massage, some oil for cooling down. He has become mad, pagal.’
One time, He approached His spiritual master, Isvara Puri,

‘kiba mantra dila gosani kiba tara bala
japite japite mantra karila pagala’ (C.C 1.7.81)

‘What kind of mantra have you given, oh dear spiritual master’. ‘kiba mantra dila gosani kiba tara bal’ There is so much bal, there is so much strength in this maha mantra. It has made me pagal. I have gone mad. What kind of mantra is this? This mantra takes charge of me and handles me anyway and every way. And Mahaprabhu would also do kirtan all night long, nocturnal kirtans. Whole things started at Srivasa Thakura’s, Srivasa angan. Srivasa is Narada Muni. Narada Muni appeared as Srivasa. Narada Muni is famous for his kirtans. So when he appeared as Srivasa at his house, kirtan started. Whole sankirtan movement started at Srivasa Thakura’s residence, courtyard. All night long they would sing, dance.

Then Mahaprabhu took sannyas and He travelled all over India. South India, more in South India. Wherever He went big crowds, hundreds and thousands of people would come. Who knows? God knows from where they were coming. No invitations, no posters, no banners, no SMS. The word would spread, ‘In such and such town or village tonight, there is kirtan.’ They would all come in big numbers. And Mahaprabhu in the middle of that huge crowd and talk less and chant more. That was the program. They would sing. Mahaprabhu would not give big lecture. He would just get them to chant and dance. In the middle of the crowd, He was very tall, tallest amongst all assembled there.

You have seen Pancha Tattva? Who has seen Pancha Tattva in Mayapur? Good number. You know the size of Mahaprabhu. In the middle is Mahaprabhu, so that size, actual size of Mahaprabhu 500 years ago. Of course, He could be taller. It’s up to Him. He was Vaman, then He became Trivikrama. You know that Vaman dev, He was a dwarf.

‘Ok, go ahead, take three steps.’ And then He kept growing and growing. Then He started taking steps. With that height and size, in one step He covered the earthly planet. And second step, He covered the entire universe. So Lord could be smaller than the smallest and taller or bigger than the biggest. So that’s size, Pancha Tattva size. 500 years ago, He exhibited that size. So that size, Mahaprabhu in the middle of the large crowd. So He would stand out, easy for darshan, right? Wherever they are standing, Mahaprabhu is visible. The first feature, He is tall and another special feature, the Personality of Godhead, Their arms are long not like us, the human have. Arms reaching the knees, that’s why Lord is called ‘ajanu lambita bhujau’ ‘janu’ means knees. ‘ajanu’ means upto. ‘bhujau’ means two. One ‘bhuja’, ‘bhujau’ that’s two reaching ‘ajanu’, reaching the knees. So then Mahaprabhu do ‘bahutule’, raising arms. First of all, He is tall and then the long arms are raised. Even more easy to see and take darshan. Not only that. He would jump high in the sky called ‘ udanda nrutya’. There are different ways Mahaprabhu would dance. One is the ‘udanda nrutya’, He would fly. Then everyone taking darshan of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. They were not just taking darshan, they were witnessing, watching or taking photographs, selfies. (Laughter) They would be integral part of that kirtan. They were also performing or they were made to perform by Lord’s will. All present had no choice but also chant and dance. By His will only they had come there. They had no idea what brought them there, what is going to happen next. Why are we going there? Who is going to come? They are just going. Because Lord is in the heart. So Lord was making that connection from within. It’s easy for Him to communicate, right? He is in the hearts of all the living entities. “All those villages, five, ten, twenty villages, Mahaprabhu is deciding, ‘Today I am going to invite people of this village, that village, that village.” And He is sitting in the heart. “Okay, get up! Begin walking, go, go, go, go, go! And they have come there and Mahaprabhu makes them sing and dance like a puppet in His hands. Hariiiii bol!! Just like He is lifting all of them and they go down. Again lifting, shaking and doing different things, getting all nonsense out and purifying them. Like cloths in a washing machine. Cloths go through a lot inside. They come out clean. So there is a purification. They become pure devotees in one program. In one program, it was sufficient to become pure devotees. What kind of kirtan are they performing?

There was another time, the devotees have come from Bengal to Puri to attend rathayatra festival. And then spent 4 months with Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannatha Puri. So as parties were arriving, King Prataparudra was on the roof of his palace. He was witnessing arrival of kirtan party. But he didn’t know everybody, many new faces. Sarvabhauma Battacharya was with him. ‘Oh, that one! Who is he? That one! One with the beard? ‘Oh, that’s Advaita Acharya’. ‘And those bluish garments? Who is wearing? Who is that? Who is that one?’ ‘That’s Balarama, Nityananda.’ ‘balarama hoilo nitai’. Like that, who is that, who is that? Like that he was being introduced from a distance. ‘Who is that one? who is behind that one?’ That time King Prataparudra made observation. ‘I have heard kirtan before, same mantra, same khol, mrdanga, kartal. So many things are similar like any other kirtan. But this, there is something special about this chanting that these devotees are doing. Please tell me, what is this kirtan? What kind of kirtan is this?’ And then he was told. ‘ Yes, this is prema kirtan. ‘krsna prema pradayate’. Mahaprabhu appeared and we offer our obeisances unto that Lord because ‘krsna prema’, he is the giver of Krsna prema. So how does He give Krsna prema, in what form? Does He give some few kilos of Krsna prema? The bag full or pocket full? In what form does He give Krsna prema?

This Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. This is Krsna prema.
This is Krsna prema, full of Krsna and Radha, names of Radha and Krsna. The name is not different from the form.

That’s the understanding.
‘abhinnatvan nama naminoh’,

Nama and nami, not two. ‘abhinna or bhina. ‘bhina means different. ‘a’ means no. No difference between nama and nami. So Krsna, person Krsna, name not two, one. So when the holy name is chanted.

So these prabhus were doing this Krsna prema kirtan, pure kirtan, offenseless kirtan. They were experiencing love of Godhead, Radha Krsna prema as they chanted. So that was Krsna prema kirtan performed. That is also our goal.

One time Mahaprabhu was returning from performance of kirtan. Summer time, and Mahaprabhu was thirsty. Walking and walking as they were returning to their home base kirtan party. Mahaprabhu ahead of party, party was behind. And He was passing through market place. So He came across some dairy products. There is a butter milk shop, butter milk was being sold. Mahaprabhu goes there and asked, “Is there anything to drink? Can I have anything to drink?” So the shopkeeper, he filled up one glass, ‘Have it’. So Mahaprabhu, instead of looking to glass which was being offered to Him, He was looking at the whole pot. (Laughter) So shopkeeper thought probably he needs the whole thing. ‘Have it!’ So the shopkeeper ignored it. Mahaprabhu lifted huge pot to be sold all day long to others. Mahaprabhu lifted and He drank the whole pot. You couldn’t drink. He drank. That’s the difference between Him and us. That proves who He is, was then Supreme Personality of Godhead. So after drinking, He was satisfied and He was ready to go. But the shopkeeper said, ‘Oh….money?!’ Mahaprabhu said, ” There is no money. Empty pocket, no pocket.’ What to speak of empty pocket but no pocket. But he said, ‘My people are right behind Me. They are grihastas and others businessmen. They must be loaded.” So He would make them pay the bill. So Mahaprabhu proceeded and followers were there in front of the shop, passing by the shop. The shopkeeper said, “Oh!!! ‘What’s wrong? What happen?’ ‘Was that your leader? he described. He said, ‘He drank all my buttermilk but no payment. All drink but no payment. He said, you will be making the payment. They were travelling and preaching. They were on the road quite some time. They had pockets but they had no money, empty pocket. That was genuine, that’s a fact. So, they show their empty pockets. ‘Sorry, we can’t pay.’

And they were leaving also to catch up with Mahaprabhu. The shopkeeper realized that now buttermilk is no long and there is nothing to sell, better go home. So he was thinking the pot is empty, he was trying to lift that with his left hand. That requires less strength. ‘Bayen Hath Ka Khel’, they call, like Krsna lifted Govardhan Hill, not with the right hand. Right hand is supposed to be strong. Lord just used His weaker hand, left hand. And not the entire hand with all fingers. Finally lifted on the weakest finger. So this shopkeeper, he was trying to lift his pot. Rubies, diamonds and what not! As followers were leaving, the shopkeeper said, ‘Tell your leader that today’s buttermilk is my offering unto Him, free seva. Just convey my message.’ So when he had said that, then ready to go home. In the meantime his pot got filled.

This lila is compared to that fruit vendor lady that had come to Gokul selling her fruits. And then, baby Krsna managed to hand few grains. Most of the grains were all dropped on the way too. But the lady was sitting and selling fruits. And then she gave all, empty whole basket, ‘Have it, have it, have it.’ At the end, then the whole basket was filled with. So that Krsna filled there and Caitanya Mahaprabhu now had filled this buttermilk pot. Haribol!! Then this man, shopkeeper ran and said, ‘This is the job of that leader! Who else?’ Then he caught up with Mahaprabhu and offered obeisances to Mahaprabhu. Mahaprabhu gave a deep embrace to him. And then, just by that touch, now his heart became filled with Krsna prema. He was so much loaded with love of Godhead that he couldn’t even stand erect. Because he was loaded, he fell on the ground and was rolling on the ground. He was exhibiting all the symptoms, the tears, trembling. So he had the best of the whole world that day. He got lots of wealth which he could bring home. And his heart filled with Krsna prema by Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
So Mahaprabhu did that 6 years travelling around, His madya lila spreading the holy name. Then the holy name was to be spread all over the world and Prabhupada was chosen, made ‘nimitta matram’. Prabhupada, he became founder of International Society of Krsna Consciousness. Prabhupada did say that, Caitanya Mahaprabhu purposely, He didn’t spread. He could have spread the holy name personally all over world. But He left this job of spreading the holy name all over the world or beyond the boundaries of India. He left this job up to ISKCON. This job was left to International Society for Krsna Consciousness. And that is what is happening, spreading and spreading the holy name . And as we chant everywhere, we have become known as Hare Krsna. These are Hare Krsna people. Why they are Hare Krsna people? Because they chant,

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare,
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

Okay we’ll sing one song and then Hare Krsna Hare Krsna.

Use all your Talent for Serving the Lord

Use all  your  talent for serving the Lord
Date: 26 Feb 2017
Venue: Mayapur dhama
Occasion: Disciple gathering


‘gauranga’ bolite habe pulaka-sarira
‘hari hari’ bolite nayane ba’ be near

When will that opportune moment come to me when there will be shivering of the body as soon as I chant Lord Gauranga’s name? And after the shivering, while chanting Hare Krishna, when will there be tears pouring down from my eyes?

Easy to sing but to practice this is not easy, like in Vrindavan they say Radhe Radhe but it was difficult for Sukhdev Goswami  to say Radhe. He was talking for seven days but he did not say Radha even once because  as soon as he would  say Radhe then all gone he would loose  external consciousness  and his voice would chock.

We go on saying Gauranga, hye  Govind!!!  Who said that? Draupadi and immediately unlimited sari came.

“nayanam galad asru dharaya”
“nayane ba’ be near” very important lines filled with meaning  something to think upon

So Lord Appeared Nitai Chandra appeared not far from here. But we don’t fully realize where we are now, once we realize that we are in Mayapur dhama the Lord’s eternal dhama then we would have those signs but we don’t realize.

That time Ganga was flowing right here 100 and 1000s of people had come because it was  lunar eclipse to take holy dip in Ganga and they were all chanting Hare Krsna. This was the scene at the bank of Ganga. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu  took birth in morning as Holy Name.

ara kabe nitai-cander koruna hoibe
samsara-basana mora kabe tuccha ha’be
vishaya chariya kabe suddha ha ’be mana
kabe hama herabo sri-brindabana

When will that day come when Lord Nityananda’s causeless mercy is bestowed upon me so that my desire for material enjoyment becomes very insignificant?

When my mind is completely purified, being freed from material anxieties and desires, then I shall be able to understand Vrindavana and the conjugal love of Radha and Krishna, and then my spiritual life will be successful.

Material attachments, liking and desires when I would feel like spitting at them and when they will become insignificant.

We come to Mayapur so many times, this is my 44th time I m coming to Mayapur I am breaking all the records. When that time will come so that I could see Mayapur and  Vrindavan as it is. This will happen when all mind sense gratification would stop. Then  that person will feel presence of Guarnaga here. Right now Guaranga is performing Lila at 12.30 pm he is going to Radhkunda, in Mayapur also there is Radhakunda. At yogapita there are Radha Madhav deities and Prabhupada gave the same name to the deities Radha Madhav.

rupa-raghunatha-pade hoibe akuti
kabe hama bujhabo se jugala-piriti
rupa-raghunatha-pade rahu mora asa
prarthana koroye sada narottama-dasa

When shall I be very much eager to study the books left by the six Gosvamis? One has to learn of the conjugal loving affairs of Radha-Krishna through the teachings of these six Gosvamis.  Narottama dasa always wishes to understand this conjugal love under the direction of the six Gosvamis.

Six goswamis are first generation and Narottam das Thakur  second generation so he is praying for their mercy. For us also they are worshipable acharyas. So we could pray to the acharyas Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Thakur and others.

In 1917 Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Thakur founded guadiya math. It’s said  “serve Gaur name, Guar kama and Guar Dhama” Hare Krsna movement is like essence of Gaudiya math.

Bhakti Vinod Thakur is seventh goswami. What six goswami did for Vrndavan Bhakti Vinod Thakur did for Mayapur, he wrote so many books. With help of Jagganath Das Babaji Maharaja he pointed out the birth place of Caiatanya Mahaprabhu. Bhakti Vinod Thakur was carrying Jaganath Das Babaji Maharaj  to that place and finally the whole world knew about the birth place of Caitanya Mahaprahu.

So today we have here second generation seniors, juniors and few children. So the acharyas would have dharma sabha and the  six goswamis would sit together and do what ??

“nana-sastra-vicaranaika-nipunau sad-dharma-samsthapakau”  in the courtyard of Radha Damodhar  temple and study sastras.

So our  acharyas would meet here in Mayapur and that resulted in Caitanya gaudiya matha foundation and eventually it took form of ISKCON. So we are indebted to the acharyas. So can you imagine we belong to such a great lineage.  So we have assembled here and made connections with the acharyas and all the way to Viswanath Chakrawarti Thakur and all the way to Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

So this Guar Pornima is 531st, 531 years ago Caitanya Mahaprabhu  appeared.  Like sun appears and disappears Caitanya Mahaprabhu  does His lila -manifest or unmanifest.

Bhagirath Muni brought Ganga and Shiva held her so he is called Gangadhara. Ganga flows from Gangotri to Gangasagar. When Ganga was going from Gangotri to Gangasagar she heard Gaur Pornima is coming so she stayed here and celebrated Guar Pornima here. So Ganga was here for Guar Pornima festival. So long long long long ……long time ago Ganga was passing from here. So I mean to say Guar Pornima is being celebrated since a long time.

Some years ago I was Angeles, they were celebrating 200th birth day of the city. I asked how many years old is the city they said long long years …how many ?? 200 years. I thought they would  say millions of years.

So point is this dhama is eternal. It’s safe to b here, better leave Pune, Kolkata, New Zealand and New York they will be no more all will be drowned. Markandye rishi he saw all turned into dust but here this dhama was eternal.  It’s wise to come here, this is our home and  finally we should  come back to dhama.

Once a devotee said while sharing his realization  in Vraj Mandal Parikrama, when I was in new Zealand I always heard and thought of going back home but now as I am in Vrndavan I feel like I am at home. So this idea of going back home is disappeared.

Everything is temporary . When I will become purified and free from all designations, Narottam Das Thakur is praying.

We reside in the  body, “ nava-dvare pure dehi”  we are residing in house with 9 gates.

“yantrarudhani mayaya” we are always traveling in the body this yantra this machine, so that creates all attachment. So when I will give up this attachments  and see Vrndavan Mayapur and become eligible to stay in Mayapur Vrndavan. So Prabhupada has given us this mayapur dhama, 50  years ago no one knew Mayapur. I found out Mayapur 44 years ago, Sikhimahiti Prabhu found out Mayapur 41 years ago. People of Bengal did not know about Mayapur and now millions  know about it.

Once a jambojet filled with devotees all over the world and devotees were singing maha prasade govinde in the plane, no air host all devotees serving each other. Then all the devotees stood up to dance and captain came ohh! please stop or we will have to do emergency landing and days are not far when each town and village will know about Mayapur and there will be Haribhakta all over.

We were kind of first international batch coming to Mayapur  and now many are coming.  Master plan of Mayapur is coming up, long term plan next 50 years how Mayapur  would look like and TOVP  completion.

We have joined Srila Prabhupadas family we should pray to Lord, thank Him we got connected to parampara. So keep marching forward don’t look back,  what is the destination?? Mayapur jai

Stay busy chanting Hare Krsna and following 4 regulative principles strictly, studying bhagvat.  Use all your talents for serving Lord and go on padayatras  that’s also our mission, Prabhupada told me to do padayatra.


Srimad Bhagavatam Class Mayapur

Venue: Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir
Date: February 25, 2017
Speaker: HH Lokanath Swami
Subject: Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.10.15-17
Transcriber: Madhumati Priyasaki dd


Sri-prahrada uvaca

varam varaya etat te
varadesan mahesvara
yad anindat pita me
tvam avidvams teja aiavaram

viddhamarsasayah saksat
sarva-loka-gurum prabhum
bhratr-heti mrsa-drstis
tvad-bhakte mayi caghavan
tasmat pita me puyeta
durantad dustarad aghat
putas te ‘panga-samdrstas
tada krpana-vatsala

Prahlada Maharaja said: O Supreme Lord, because You are so merciful to the fallen souls, I ask You for only one benediction. I know that my father, at the time of his death, had already been purified by Your glance upon him, but because of his ignorance of Your beautiful power and supremacy, he was unnecessarily angry at You, falsely thinking that You were the killer of his brother. Thus he directly blasphemed Your Lordship, the spiritual master of all living beings, and committed heavily sinful activities directed against me, Your devotee. I wish that he be excused for these sinful activities.

Although Hiranyakasipu was purified as soon as he came in contact with the Lord’s lap and the Lord saw him, Prahlada Maharaja still wanted to hear from the Lord’s own mouth that his father had been purified by the Lord’s causeless mercy. Prahlada Maharaja offered this prayer to the Lord for the sake of his father. As a Vaisnava son, despite all the inconveniences imposed upon him by his father, he could not forget his father’s affection.

varam varaya, this is the prayer. I pray, aham varam varaya, I beg for benediction. te- to You unto You. Who are you? – vareshat. You are vareshat, vara eshat. You are the Master of the benediction, Maheshwara and Ishwar, the top most Ishwar, unto You I beg for benediction. Aham varam varaya, I beg for benediction. So, the Lord of course always hears the prayers of powerful, (curtain opens) Nrsimhadev bhagavan ki Jai!, He immediately gives darsana.

Then the Lord finally appeared in this age of Kali as Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki Jai!! and continued to give benediction. So, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He got the benediction from his spiritual master as he went to Gaya and he was given this “Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”. namo maha vandanyaya…maha vandanyaya, not only vadanya- magnanimous, or benedictor not an ordinary kind, but not only that mahavandanyaya very kind,

namo maha-vadanyaya
krishna-prema-pradaya te
krishnaya krsna-caitanya-
namne gaura-tvishe namah,

He is going to give prema-prada, giver of prema. Krsnaya Krsna Caitanya namne, now His name has become Krsna Caitanya, Krsna has become Krsna Caitanya and gaura-tvishe namah and his complexion is no more Shyam, ganashyam but Gaura sundar. Antah Krsna inside Krsna, bahir, outward, gaura, inside shyam complexion, but outwards he is guara,- Radharani outside and Krsna inside, “Radha bhava duti sa Lalitam naume Krsna swarupam”, that’s Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is His lila. He is setting an example, i.e. “tasmat gurm prapadhyata”. You must have spiritual master so the Lord is accepting a spiritual master. When He descended He had brought the gift of the holy name “goloka eva premadhana harinam sankirtana” or even before he appeared on Gaura Purnima day. He appeared in the evening. But during the day, His chanting was already on. He started the benediction, benedicting the whole. He was little baby and He also started getting the ladies to chant Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna. One day He was crying and then Saci mata started “Hare Krsna Hare Krsna “ and the child stopped crying and enjoying the hearing and chanting and throwing the hands and legs, ecstatic, news spread around and ladies were very curious. Really this happens? When he cried and then the chanting starts and he stops crying? When he was not crying they tried pinching him to get him to cry and then they start chanting and then it worked, when they chanted, ah it worked! It’s working. He stopped crying!

What would the child do when he eventually grows big can be seen or observed when he is in the cradle. There is some symptom from which you could predict. This is what He would want to do when He grew older- chant and dance and benedict the world. So, he received the mantra and as Mahaprabhu returned from Gaya to Navadvip he was already chanting and dancing and by the time he reached Navadvip he was no more Nimai Pandit. He was a Pandit, scholarly, very grave you know as pandits are. He was a different person altogether. Everyone was wondering, what’s wrong with this Pandit and he is not Nimai Pandit any more chanting and dancing, gone mad.

Mahaprabhu in fact goes back to the spiritual master. He has another meeting with him. He enquires from him, “kiba mantra dila, gosani, kiba tara bala japite japite mantra karila pagala”,(CC-Adi:7.81) What kind of mantra have you given? Oh, Guru Maharaja. Japite japite karila pagal. Pagala, Pagala baba in one temple in Vrndavana, mad baba. What kind of mantra is this? It has so much power. This mantra has taken charge of me, and making me chant and dance and this happens and that happens to me. I cannot even stand. I fall and crawl and roll. Do your chanting and this is the result of pure chanting? Mahaprabhu’s chanting was pure chanting, offense less chanting.

Then the chanting started in the courtyard of Srivas Thakur. Kirtana started in Srivas Angan. Where did it start? Don’t say angam, it is angan, There is some pronunciation difference and angan means courtyard. Not Angam, means part of the body. Lots of devotees end up saying Srivas angam not angan. Srivas Angan, Angan. (Maharaja makes devotees repeat) Good, you passed the test.

So those nocturnal kirtanas, only pure devotees were allowed in. There is screening at the entrance and as soon as they enter some tinge of karma, jnana and siddhi. Immediately those things will beep, beep and be beeping out. So Mahaprabhu in the association of the purest of the pure devotees, the core group, was chanting and dancing. So, it was limited to Srivas angan and it was limited to the pure devotees only. But Advaita Acarya was not very happy with that program. Kirtana was nice, but it was indoors and not accessible to one and all. So Advaita Acarya approached Mahaprabhu and made a humble appeal, “ Lord please come out with this kirtana. I am the one, I prayed and you responded to my prayer and you are here. I was seeing the fallen condition of this world. I saw dharmasya glanir bhavati decline in religious principles. Then I wanted you to come and do dharma samasta apartaya, to establish the principle of religion once again, but you are not doing that. You are just… I didn’t ask you to come and dance in the midst of pure devotees. Impure, contaminated and fallen souls also should be benefitted.” Then Mahaprabhu heard that prayer and then kirtanas were happening all over Navadvip mandal. “… jage kelo nagara braje”. Early in the morning when the sun is rising in the east Mahaprabhu will gather so many, many devotees and non-devotees and He will begin his chanting and dancing.

Tatayi tatayi Hatayi hatayi …gana gana…(instruments are being played) preme…, Mahaprabhu with his raised arms and he has the bells tied around his ankles. Preme dola dola sonar anga- now it’s His anga form, golden form, swaying. Could go wild also, going round, going high, up and down all things would happen as He performed kirtana. Bhakti Vinod Thakur is saying note “carane nupura bhaje” yes, ankle bells. All the instruments are playing so wonderfully, tactfully, expertly, and these instruments allow the tinkling of the bells could also be heard. Those instruments are not even drowning the sound of the tinkling of the bells around the ankles of Gauranga. Must be really good drummers and mrdanga players otherwise we should hear, only hear mrdanga, not Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, what to speak of other instruments.

So, Mahaprabhu takes sannyasa because he wants dharma-samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge – to establish dharma in the age of Kali. So the Lord is going to take sannyasa and travel all over. He goes to Katwa and takes sannyasa – free, no more bonds, no strings attached and He is free to fly and move. He wanted to go to Vrndavana, but then He was tricked and brought to Shantipur. There were more kirtanas there. I just wanted to remember Mahaprabhu’s kirtana pastimes in different locations. Which different places did He chant and dance, going over the pastimes. It’s also our kirtana mela time here and it would be to inspire us to do kirtana, keep doing kirtana. And what is making us chant and dance? Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the cause of all that we are doing now.

Because Mahaprabhu chanted, we are chanting or He is making us chant. That’s his kindness. And because he danced, one of the dances of Mahaprabhu, even one of the kind of kirtana is called uddanda, uddanda kirtana. A kind of normal kirtana, everyday affair, but sometimes there was uddanda kirtana. Uddanda1 He would really be mad, and His ecstasy would become so very intense and He would really fly high in the sky. That was also happening at Shantipur and once He is up in the sky, He would drop, coming crashing down and hitting the ground. Sacimata was watching those kirtanas. That kind of uddanda kirtana, landing on the ground kind of kirtana. She was praying to mother Earth, “Dear Earth, please, please make sure my Nimai…. Although He was Sri Krsna Caitanya may be for the world He was Sri Krsna Caitanya, but for the mother, Saci He was her Nimai …. doesn’t get hurt. Mother Saci is praying to mother Earth, Please, could you kindly oblige.”

Then Mahaprabhu as per His mother’s desire heads to Jagannath Puri and temporarily forgets Vrndavana. That was his destination, but HIs mother wants Puri. So, Mahaprabhu arrives there and Mahaprabhu is always moving, whatever description that we get to read about Him, He is moving from place to place. There is no talk of His walking to any place. He never walked. He only danced. Every step is a dance and every word is a song. So, he is singing a song, Hare Krsna song. As soon as he sings the song, in kirtana, others are also singing. Those three brothers, Govinda Gosh, they were singing. Swarup Damodar is singing and Mahaprabhu listens. As soon as he listens, Krsna makes an appearance. As difficult as it is to say because He is Krsna, but Krsna makes His appearance. He becomes Krishna Conscious and all these symptoms are visible and in His personality.

nache kande gai, Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami says Caitanya Mahaprabhu is also nache- dancing, kande-crying and gai singing. These were the three things he was predominantly doing. Nache kande gai. As soon as the kirtana begins, He begins dancing. He is excited. In Jagannath Puri, kirtanas continue there and Sarva Bhauma Bhattacharya has been liberated. Mahaprabhu wants to begin his extensive travels. “Radha rabhave Gaura avatar. “Hare Krishna nama Gaura karila prachar”. He is in Radha Bhav. He has appeared in Radha Bhav to experience Radha’s emotions. He assumed Radha’s emotions and with that mood and mission Mahaprabhu leaves Jagannatha Puri and his Madhya lila pastimes, next 6 years from now he will come back and leave twice.

So, the South India tour begins and then He comes back and goes on an East India, Bengal and Bangladesh tour. Then he goes back. , He goes to North India on tour to Vrindavan through Jarkand forest.

On the South India tour he is chanting and continues. We always see Mahaprabhu, as soon as we say Mahaprabhu, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu there is one image which always comes into our mind and what’s that image? Krsna’s image as soon as we see Krsna’s flute playing. With Ram it is immediately the bow and arrow. There are so many pastimes, so many other forms and darsanas, but then it is always bow and arrow Sri Ram. As soon as we say and remember Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu we immediately remember which form? (audience answer inaudible) Haribol! Haribol!!!

It means he is ready with the kirtana, braje rasa lila navadvipe sankirtana. Kirtana mela…braje rasa lila means flute playing. The flute appears as mrdanga. I heard or read that the flute from Krsna‘s pastimes appears as a mrdanga in Gauranga’s Sankirtana pastimes. So Mahaprabhu goes to South Inida and his chanting and dancing continues. He also chants Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna hey. Hey means addressing, Hey Krsna. Krsna Keshava Krsna keshava Rama Ragahava Rama ragava rama ragahava rakshamam. This is also Mahaprabhu’s chanting, “Hariharaye nama Krsna yadavaya namah gopal govinda ram srimadhu sudan”. Different chants are there. These are some of the famous ones.

Hare Krishna mahamantra and Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna hey, hariharaya are some of the mostly chanted mantras or names by Mahaprabhu and his associates. So even as Mahaprabhu is going from village to village and to the in between villages of course he is also doing padayatra. We could say or do little promotion of padayatra here Mahaprabhu is doing padayatra as a walking festival.

Taking all the trouble to connect with the souls to deliver his mercy benedicting the whole world. He is going on foot and practically knocking on the doors, “I’m here I’m here! jiv jago, jiv jago, gauracanda bole” is here wake up wake up. “kota nidra jao maya-pisacira kole”, so as he is going, he is not only chanting. stana asthana nahi vicar, “patrapatra-vicara nahi, nahi sthanasthana”, chanting the holy name anywhere and everywhere. So this is the right place, sthana or asthana this not the good place. He is not even considering that. Sthana Asthana nahi vicar. This is not the consideration. Patra, this party deserves to hear. These are not deserving candidates. There is no such discrimination. Anywhere everywhere and to anybody, everybody jare dako jare dhako tare kaho, so as he is going the people, the travelers, passersby, they were immediately, instantly attracted to Mahaprabhu.

Even before they hear His chanting, His beauty is the killer, all that demoniac nature is finished just by seeing Him. You are gone. Ajanu lambita bhujo. He was out of this world, not from this world. He was in this world, but not from this world, and of course He is not that He is the another person. The Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared with all His beauty and His 6 opulences. Those who looked at him, His one glance was enough, to arouse all the ecstatic feelings. They have become suddha bhakta, a pure devotee. Just look at him. He has become a pure devotee. Just one darsana, one glance at him and of course this must be the causeless mercy of Gauranga Mahaprabhu.

This is His arrangement. We are taking darsana, but he gives darsana, then you take darsana, right? But I am going for darsana! I’m going for darsana! Fine, you are going to go and take. If He gives, then you take, right? So, everyone gets a different degree or amount of darsana. Everyone doesn’t get the same darsana. Partial darsana “ye yatha mam prapadyante”, Lord is also doing calculation, normally he does this, “tams tathaiva bhajamy aham”. But here Gauranga Mahaprabhu looks at him, and He gives Himself fully, “Take Me! Have Me. I’m yours!” and He appears in their hearts.

Hryadaya kantare suratuva saci nandana. When would that day be mine? When would that day be mine? When would that day be mine? But Mahaprabhu, as he was travelling He was giving His darsana, and immediately they would want to go with Him. They would forget where their town is or what was their earlier destination. By seeing Mahaprabhu, and then hearing, chanting with him, just momentarily, they have just become His. Mahaprabhu would perceive Himself like a big magnet and all these iron particles being dragged behind. But no, no, no he would embrace them off, “ Please proceed on your way, I will go this way.” And then he will come to that day’s final destination. It is 9 ‘o’ clock . What happened? Gauranga!

We are not even half way through what I have. We need Brahmas night here. For evening programs so many people would come – there was no promotion, no advertisement, no billboards, no hand bills, Mahaprabhu will go to some village and that evening people would come from so many surrounding villages to that program. He is there surrounded by hundreds and thousands of people, because He is very tall like our Pancatattva Gauranga’s height. That’s the life size, actual size. He could be bigger or smaller also.

So all around Him, He would stand out, everyone is only up to his vest or shoulders and He would stand out and everyone could see Him and then he would raise his arms, ajanu lambita bhunjau …and then He would jump so everyone would see Mahaprabhu and He would inspire them to chant and dance and raise their arms. “You please chant also, Haribol, Haribol! Haribol!”

So He was like the puppeteer and all others were puppets. He is picking them and dropping them and all the others were jumping, dancing and by the end of one program they all have become pure devotees. (audience clap). They have become enriched, as their hearts become filled with premadan which is “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”. So Mahaprabhu returns to Jagannatha Puri and the kind of kirtanas He would perform in Jagannatha Puri especially during Ratha-yatra time. Jagannath is in chariot He is Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Radharani. His time has come. The private personal reason why He appeared, radha bhav and there is a dealing going on between Krsna and Radha and the kind of words he utters only Radha and Krsna knows. Except one more person found out also and he is Rupa Goswami and he wrote, Sri Krsna manobistam, able to access to the mind of Gauranga.

Those kirtanas during the Ratha-yatra were extraordinary kirtanas, a very special Ratha yatra mood. Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu ended up going to Vrndavana now. In Jarkand forest that kirtana was with all animals, tigers and deers and everyone around was chanting and dancing. The whole forest was transformed and it was no more Jarkand forest. Mahaprabhu saw a deer and tiger next to each other walking, rubbing shoulders and the next scene he saw was them embracing each other. Then they were kissing each other. Mahaprabhu says, “Hey this is Vrndavana! This is Vrndavana” Vrndavana dham ki, Jai! “I was on the way to Vrndavana, but this is Vrndavana”. The consciousness, no enmity, no envy. It’s like that. See the power of holy name. Only the Lord could do such a thing, He is also the personality of Godhead. He could even transform lower creatures into pure devotees.

Then Mahaprabhu ended up in Vrndavana and in Vrndavana Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami says, “on the way to Vrndavana his ecstasy grew hundred times, normal ecstasy became hundred fold or greater on the way. When he reached Mathura, it was one thousand times greater, and as he enters the forest of Vrndavana, it was one hundred thousand times greater, height and depth and vastness of that ecstasy.” So that’s how ecstatic the Lord was as He toured Vrndavana. On the way, he was greeted in Vrndavana “Our Shyamsundar is here!” Gaurasundar was there, but they all thought it is our Shyam sundar. The cows were coming, surrounding and liking his body expressing their vatsalya. The birds were there also pacamgay the 5th high pitched note. They were singing. Peacocks were dancing. Mahaprabhu was embracing the trees. The next tree will say, “Me too” and He had to run to that tree and embrace it. Like that He was passing tree after tree. Those trees were showering their flowers upon Gaurasundar. They didn’t have to buy flowers for pushpa abhishek. But pushpa were not coming from Singapore or Hawaii. They were right there – shaking and trembling in ecstasy and their fruits were being offered.

Mahaprabhu sees a peacock. He sees the neck of the peacock and the complexion resembles the complexion of Krsna. He collapses and starts rolling on the ground and the two Prabhus had a difficult time catching up with him. Finally they managed.

Mahaprabhu is circumambulating Govardhan hill, and with His tears hHe was doing the Abhishek for Giriraj. Many a times those who go on Govardhan Parikrama carry a pot with a hole, but they sit in the car with that so that it would last longer (laughter) one kilometre per liter.

Mahaprabhu was shedding His tears all around and bathing Govardhan hill and He was also chanting. One time while sitting on the banks of Yamuna and chanting, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare” His complexion changed. He was no more Gaurasundar. He was Shyamsundar. He became so much Krishna Conscious, that his real color manifested.

Then Mahaprabhu was on the way back, at Prayag he did also kirtanas. The waters were low, but it was described that Mahaprabhu flooded the Ganga with all his kirtanas. Varanasi also had special kirtanas and all Varanasi vasis became mad and there was a big crowd running after him and He finally returned. That’s where he remained and spent 18 years in ecstasy as he chanted and heightened. Swarup Damodar was singing and as he sings louder, Mahaprabhu will jump higher. Uddanda kirtana.

So, may that Gauranga, benedict all of us, the whole world that is our prayer. Prahlad Maharaja is praying to Nrsimha, “Please, I know my father offended You, but please excuse him, and give him a benediction.” So, likewise we could pray to Gauranga Mahaprabhu, even if you don’t pray, that’s His mission, causeless mercy. He is known for His causeless mercy. We could still pray. Pray for ourselves and pray for our family members, forefathers and people of the world so that Mahaprabhu’s benediction in the form of the holy name, “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare” reaches far and wide.

Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki, Jai. Gauranga! Gauranga!

Prabhupada’s Kolkata connections

Prabhupada’s Kolkata connections
Kolkata is janma bhumi and the whole world is karma bhumi of Srila Prabhupada
Dated: 14 August 2015
Venue: Kolkata
Occasion: ISKCON 50th Anniversary Kolkata

Hare Krsna, a pretty serious group here in Kolkata. All hundred countries representatives are here today. Many of you must have come here for first time in Kolkata, I welcome you all here. And many Prabhupada disciples and grand disciples are here. Haribol! Quite a grand number.

Yesterday HH Bhakti Purosottam Maharaj was saying “the grand disciples are more dearer to Srila Prabhupada than us.” Haribol

Father loves his children but father loves his grand children more, that’s the experience of the world also. So not only we direct disciples of Prabhupada love him but what about you all, do you all love Prabhupada also? Haribol. I know how much you love Prabhupada.

Srila Prabhupada is our loving spiritual father and yours loving grand spiritual father. In his home town we have assembled, Kolkata dhama ki…jai. We have a different relationship or approach with Kolkata then most of the other people of Kolkata. For us this is a holy place birth place of Srila Prabhupada and today you are going around exploring Kolkata. I was also thinking as you are going around Kolkata you are going back to the old days, how Kolkata was 100years back. What happened here? What happened there? And for us what happened in relationship with Prabhupada in Kolkata?

Kolkata is Prabhupad’s janma bhumi, have you heard this term before ‘janma bhumi’, janma is birth and place is place. And then Prabhupada has his karma bhumi also, janmabhumi-place of birth and karma bhumi- place of activities. Of course place of activity of Srila Prabhupada is all over the world, he went 14 times all around the world.

I was thinking as we are going around Kolkata visiting Prabhupad’s pastime places. When I went to New York for first time in 1978, the day after our arrival we took a tour of places in New York we were visiting all places of activity of Prabhupada his karma bhumi. We were just Giriraj prabhu that time and myself and there were few others who had travelled with me that time from Mumbai then to New York. We had one more disciple of Prabhupada called Puru Prabhu, he was incharge of Prabhupada museum in New York. He used to take devotees around places of New York. So we had a nice tour as you all are going Kolkata having tour of his janma bhumi places, we had visited his karma bhumi places in New York. We had visited Tompkins Square Park. Haribol. There is a tree under that tree Prabhupada used to give a talk to assembled devotees. First public chanting took place at Tompkins Square Park.

Then we visited 26 second Avenue the matchless gift shop, ISKCON’S first center ever. Now we have over 500 centers, in every town there is a center and 1000s of namahatta center. But ISKCON’S very first center was in New York-The matchless gift shop, we visited that. Then we went to Bowery, the drunkards of New York that Pabhupada used to mix and mingle, travel and preach, that’s called Bowery.

Then river side the yoga center where Prabhupada used to do his kirtan. Like that we went around New York visiting Prabhupads places. Here you including myself going to visit Prabhupad’s house. My guide here told me, half of the town was owned by Suvarna Malik family, Suvarna means gold. People used to say you are Abhya Mohan Dye then what’s this Malik. Prabhupada said Malik is a title given by mohammadin rulers. When Prabhupada was born and brought up but prior to that there was ruled by mohammadin for almost 1000 years. So this title was given by Muslim rulers. Prabhupada was explaining Malik means Maalik they used to be the maalik – the owners –big land lords, business men and the whole economy was in their hands. Prabhupada was staying with his grandfathers they were Malik. Even the person who took Prabhupada to meet Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur in 1922 at Gaudiya matha in Bagbazar was also Malik.

The MG road as we were coming here we saw MG road- Mahatma Gandhi road, Prabhupada’s house is on MG road. In 1896 Prabhupada was born Guar Mohan Dey his father and Prabhupada recalls how when he used to get up he used to hear “ding ding ding….” What was that ding ding ding? Bell ringing and counch shell blowing. Prabhupada would get up these sounds were like alarm bell, bell is ringing and conch shell is blowing and Prabhupada would get up. This was the home atmosphere, father devotee and deity family and worshipping family. Well we say life time preparation prior to his departure yesterday 50 years ago from Kolkata. Again Prabhupada was born in Kolkata, he was given instruction to go to the West and preach in English language that instruction also came in Kolkata and he also departed for the West from Kolkata quiet a coincidence, Kolkata connections.

So life time in preparation, that preparation did not begin with the instructions of Bhakti Siddhanta ‘you to the west preach in English language.’ But I was thinking that life time preparation began with his birth in Kolkata and even coming in contact with Bhakti Siddhanta Sarawati Thakur he was preparing that was also part of life time in preparation before he was leaving for the West. The way he was born and brought up, as he was born this boy is very special boy he will establish over 100 temples. So this prediction also took place at Kolkata.

Guar Mohan Dey very religious, very pious gentleman, so many sadhus coming to his house. So they would come to Guar Mohan Dey’s home also. Sadhus coming for prasad, sadhus coming for satsanga and Guar Mohan Dey would appeal to these sadhus “please bless my son so that he becomes devotee of Radha Rani.” There are so many tuitions going on all over but Prabhupada was getting Mridanga lessons. They had their own small Radha Krsna deity and Prabhupada and his sister together would worship Radha and Krsna. The boyhood days worshipping Radha and Krsna. He used go to Radha Govind temple, did you visit?

We hear in lilamrit, Prabhupada as a small boy would spend hours in the temple, attend arti. Little Abhya used to just stand and stare at pujari offering arti to Radha Govind and for hours he would look at the deities of Radha Govind, Radha Govind ki….jai

So later on Prabhupada installed RadhaKrsna deities in ISKCON Kolkata, he named those deities Radha Govind and then in New York first deities he installed he again gave the name Radha Govind deities, Haribol. So these are the connections whatever Prabhupada did, his life time preparation he had been doing himself learning and latter on he taught to the whole world.

When he started temples in Mayapur and other places and here he started food for life. No one should go hungry in radius of 10 miles around the temple. This spirit he had picked up in Kolkata as he was born and being part of. He himself ofcourse was lover of prasadam. He used to love kachoris and he used to fill his pockets, hands are full, mouth is full of kachoris. Because they used to see his mouth always filled with kachoris, he was called as kachori mukhi. He is kachori mukhi- his mouth is always filled with kachoris.

He wanted his own ratha, elders were organizing big big ratha yatra festivals, big chariot, big Jagganath. But he wanted his own ratha yatra festival. So Guar Mohan Dey was going around looking for a chariot, either they were too big or too expensive. So in time they were returning home disappointed they could not find any ratha, but as they were returning home they saw in a small lane there is a ratha and they entered that lane. One lady was selling the ratha and bargain was stopped at deal was closed and price was affordable and Guar Mohan Dey immediately bought that chariot. And Prabhupada would organize ratha yatra festival in Kolkata with his friends and he used to insist, hye! When we conclude ratha yatra we must have prasad distribution. His elder sister Bhavatarini Mataji, Pisima as they call her here, she used to cook for Prabhupada. Many Prabhupada disciples have seen her she used to spend lot of time in Mayapur and Vrindavan. So Abhaya used to instruct his sister, hye! You have cook prasad.

Kolkata’s one name before Britishers rule was Govindpur. So as he was growing he went to school, Motilal school, britishers could not pronounce Motilal such a nice name so they spelled it Mattilal. Motilal School founded by Malik family so Prabhupada went to that school. Then he went to Scottish church college, as he was growing he was getting influenced by independence movement Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. Prabhupada used to attend some of their gatherings. And on another side Mahatma Gandhi also, Prabhupada was getting influenced. He started wearing khadi clothes and then around that time Malik took Prabhupada to see Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. They both offered obeisance’s to him and they had not even sat properly, Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur said “you seem to be very intelligent you should preach Bhagvat dharma all over the world” that instruction came and then Prabhupada was having debt independence is a priority. Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur said, no no there is another kind of independence we have to fight for and then Prabhupada said “I was defeated.” And in that very first meeting he was convinced that “Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur is my Guru Maharaj.” Then he executed the will of his Guru Maharaj, for that 50 years ago on 30th August 1965 he departed for the West from Kolkata. So this is quite a historic place for us. And ISKCON Kolkata has explored all the hidden treasures they have discovered. We are very thankful to ISKCON Kolkata authorities.

I would just say that when Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited birth place of his guru maharaj Iswarapuri it’s in Bengal, which he visited with all owe and reverence. And one thing he did he took some mud with him. They call it dirt; dirt is not a good word. So he took some mud from there that mud have touched the lotus feet of his Guru maharaj. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu did this. And then everyday Caitnaya Mahaprabhu would take few particles of that scared mud from his Guru maharja’s birth place and he ate that honored that . So this way we could see how significant is the birth place of spiritual master and how that should be honored, remembered and contemplated upon and take inspiration from also. We should also take lot blessings from this place. This place will bless all of us to carry on Prabhupada’s mission.

Srila Prabhupada ki…jai
Kolkata dhama ki…jai
Radha Govind dev ki…jai