Appearance day of Gadadhar Pandit

Appearance day of Gadadhar Pandit

Srimad Bhagavatam Class
30 April 2022
Iskcon Vrindavan

Srila Gadadhara Pandit avirbhav tithi mahotsava ki jai.

Nitai gaura prem anande Hari Haribol.

All glories to assembled devotees. Hare Krishna. Everyone is okay? Thank you for being with us this morning to do Nityam Bhagavata Sevaya. Hari Hari. So we are reading from canto ten chapter eighteen, Lord Balaram slays the demon Pralamba. Haribol.

Is this good news? So the verse is twenty two and today is as I said earlier, it is also the appearance day of Gadadhar Pandit ki jai.

So first we will read Srimad Bhagavatam and we will talk a little. Then we will also talk or remember Gadadhar Pandit as much as we could or I could manage to remember and share that remembrance. So we are at their mercy. Okay, so please repeat after me.

vahanto vahyamanas ca
carayantas ca go dhanam
bhandirakam nama vatam
jagmuh krsna purogamah

Thus carrying and being carried by one another, and at the same time tending the cows, the boys followed Krsna to a banyan tree known as Bhandiraka (SB 10.18.22)

Srila Sanatana Gosvami quotes the following verses from Sri Harivamsa (Visnu parva 11.18-32 ), which describe the banyan tree

dadarsa vipulodagra
sakhinam sakhinam varam
sthitam dharanyam meghabham
nibidam dala sancayaih

parvatabhoga dharinam
nila citranga varnais ca
sevitam bahubhih khagaih

phalaih pravalais ca ghanaih
sendracapa ghanopamam
bhavanakara vitapam
lata puspa sumanditam

visala mulavanatam
pavanambhoda dharinam
adhipatyam ivanyesam
tasya desasya sakhinam

kurvanam subha karmanam
niravarsam anatapam
nyagrodham parvatagrabham
bhandiram nama namatah

And the rest of the purport is just the translation of these verses which we have just read which are from Mahabharata.

They saw that best of all trees, which had many long branches. With its dense covering of leaves, it resembled a cloud sitting on the earth. Indeed, its form was so large that it appeared like a mountain covering half the sky. Many birds with charming blue wings frequented that great tree, whose dense fruits and leaves made it seem like a cloud accompanied by a rainbow or like a house decorated with creepers and flowers. It spread its broad roots downward and carried upon itself the sanctified clouds. That banyan tree was like the Lordly master of all other trees in that vicinity, as it performed the all-auspicious functions of warding off the rain and the heat of the sun. Such was the appearance of that nyagrodha tree known as Bhandira, which seemed just like the peak of a great mountain.

vahanto vahyamanas ca?carayantas ca go dhanam?bhandirakam nama vatam?jagmuh krsna purogamah
(SB 10.18.22)

Thus carrying and being carried by one another, and at the same time tending the cows, the boys followed Krsna to a banyan tree known as Bhandiraka

The description of the tree in the purport caught my attention, although this is the pastime of Balaram killing the demon Pralamba. Also this is in the middle of the act of the killing and hence it is described ‘vahanto vahyamanas ca.’ We will talk about the three verses very soon.

The friends of Krishna say ‘who do you think you are?! Krishna or even you Balaram, you and us, we are the same, all equals!’ Friendship is amongst equals, right? So that we see here and hence they’re playing with their friends and this demon has taken advantage. Pralamba has entered the gathering of the cowherd friends.

Pralamba is very long, lamba means long, very very long. Initially he looked to be a normal size but soon he became a long and tall demon and that’s why he came to be known as Pralambasura. Prabhupada asked his disciples ‘who is stronger, Krishna or Balaram?’ What did they say? Prabhupada was expecting a response, ‘is Krishna stronger or is Balaram stronger?’

Some said Krishna and some said Balaram. So Balaram Krishna, Krishna Balaram. Prabhupada said ‘look at Krishna and Balaram and the way they are standing. Isn’t Balaram taking support of Krishna even to stand?’ Jai Srila Prabhupada! So Prabhupada made a point that Krishna is stronger but in this pastime it doesn’t look like Krishna has proven his strength.

There was a wrestling match and Krishna has been defeated! Balaram’s party has won and that’s why Balaram is sitting on the back of Pralamba and Sridhama is sitting on the back of? Krishna! So about the trees, this tree that we are reading and hearing about, that tree is still there. You just have to come out on Vraja Mandal Parikrama and one day you will have darshan of this bhandira mentioned here.

Krishna and Balaram and friends were playing games, as they always do and therefore as we go on Vraja Mandal Parikrama we also play games, sometimes including wrestling matches. There were wrestling matches here and so we are also reminded of Krishna’s pastimes and the Parikrama devotees re-do the wrestling matches and the rest of us enjoy seeing the wrestling matches.

You heard the description of this tree which is huge and of course it is green and beautiful. There are blue birds flying around this tree and it is loaded with fruits and flowers and these trees are also devotees of Krishna. I was sitting under this tree here and it reminded me that it is a desire tree that even fulfils the desires of Krishna and his devotees.

These trees are so great and so nothing is inert in Vrindavan and everything is sac cid ananda.

cintamani prakara sadmasu kalpa vrksa
(BS 5.29)

I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, the first progenitor who is tending the cows, yielding all desire, in abodes built with spiritual gems, surrounded by millions of purpose trees..

Here the first line is mentioning the kalpa vrksa, the wish fulfilling tree and then the cows are mentioned and then lakshmi, Gopi’s are mentioned but the first item mentioned is the desire tree.

Prabodhananda Saraswati Thakur in his Vrindavan Mahimamrita, the glories of Vrindavan, glorifies the trees of Vrindavan like anything. These are his realisations about the trees of Vrindavan and the flowers which shoot or sprout or bloom. Even the leaves are sprouted and Prabodhananda Saraswati says ‘look, their hairs are standing on end.’

Just like one of the symptoms of ecstasy, the leaves are standing on end and the flowers are standing on end just like hairs that stand on end and the trees are ecstatic! So not just one tree which is mentioned here in this verse, all the trees of Vrindavan are like this. Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was touring Vrindavan when he went on Vraja Mandal Parikrama.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did Parikrama of Vrindavan and Vrindavan doesn’t mean just Loi Bazaar Vrindavan, no. That’s how the rest of the world thinks and even I thought that way that Vrindavan means just seeing Loi Bazaar which is in the centre. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu did not come to Vrindavan and stay at MVT guest house for the rest of the month or whatever duration.

No, he went all around Vrindavan and all the twelve forests of Vrindavan. Vrindavan is known for being Vrinda-van, forests full of trees, right? The biggest population is that of the trees in Vrindavan. So when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was touring Vrindavan, everyone was welcoming and greeting Gaurasundar in Vrindavan.

Of course they thought ‘this is our Shyamsundar. Shyamsundar is here!’ Gaurasundar had come, that was five hundred years ago but they had this realisation that ‘our Shyamsundar is back.’ So everyone was meeting and greeting and glorifying the Lord and serving, especially the trees and the Lord was mostly reciprocating with those trees.

He was reciprocating with everyone and he was also saying ‘Haribol Haribol Haribol’ and everyone was chanting ‘Haribol Haribol Haribol’ including the trees. So in Chaitanya Charitamrita it is described by Krsnadas Kaviraj Goswami how the trees were thinking. ‘Oh, our friend is here! Our friend is here!’

So they had to greet their friend and the trees had to give some gifts to their friend, so the fruit bearing trees were shaking their branches and tons of fruits were being downloaded, they were dropped and being offered to Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. As he continues his journey through Vrindavan, and of course he is chanting

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

The flower bearing trees, they shake their branches and tons of flowers, this kind of flower and that kind of flower. There was a flower abhishek, fresh and fragrant flowers being dropped from the top and the branches and they are like the hands of the trees dropping the flowers. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is feeling grateful ’thank you, thank you, thank you.’

He is embracing the trees, ‘thank you my dear tree.’ The next tree is saying ’me too.’ Then Mahaprabhu had to rush to that tree and embrace that tree and then ‘me too, me too.’ And the next tree and the next tree. In this way Mahaprabhu had to embrace all the trees of Vrindavan. It’s not a big deal for him. He could have become as many as the trees which were there, that many Gauranga’s.

He is Radha Krishna nahi anya so he could expand. Hari Hari. So these trees of Vrindavan play a very vital role in the pastimes of the Lord. What is Vrindavan without forests and without trees? Can we imagine? First of all it says Vrinda yaha vanam, there are lots of Tulsi trees and it is Tulsi Vrindavan. And the other trees are there and they are all great devotees, Hari Hari.

While performing the Sankirtan pastimes in Navadwipa, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s party was in Godrumadwipa and there is a Alm Ghat, like a mango grove and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s party had been chanting and chanting for a long time and they were hungry. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu brought them to this mango grove, ‘okay sit around.’ ‘The devotees were saying ‘we are hungry and what is this, there is nothing to eat here.’

And what did Mahaprabhu do? He planted a mango seed and quickly- in the spiritual sky there is no past present or future and everything is in present tense. And so quickly it grew leaves and flowers and fruits, raw and ripened fruits grew so quickly (Maharaja clicks fingers).

‘Okay say Maha prashade govinde.’ By the time they finished their prayer the fruits were ready and they were served and these fruits were so huge and delicious. Even a big devotee could not finish eating one of those mangoes. Someone else would think ‘that’s all you are giving us to eat, just one mango?’ So that was a great devotee, that mango tree was a devotee of the Lord.

So today five hundred years ago the other Pandit appeared, Haribol! We were not there to greet him back then but now we can welcome him. Su swagatam Gadadhar Pandit, welcome Gadadhar Pandit. That’s okay you don’t have to sing, I know you are all willing and ready to go but we don’t have seven days for recitation of Srimad Bhagavatam or Chaitanya Charitamrita katha.

We could welcome Gadadhar Pandit in our lives and so Gadadhar Pandit is very, very special. We could very easily say he was the topmost amongst the associates of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We could also say that there are two top notch associates, one was Balarama who is also standing at the right side of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. When we take darshan of Pancha Tattva

Dakhine nitaicand, bame gadadhara. On Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s right hand side stands Lord Nityananda and on his left is Gadadhar Pandit. In this way we remember Pancha Tattva also and Gadadhar Pandit is on top of the list

panca tattvatmakam krishnam bhakta rupa svarupakam
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam namami bhakta saktikam

I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord, Kirishna, who is nondifferent from His features as a devotee, devotional incarnation, manifestation, pure devotee, and devotional energy

The Lord appeared in Pancha tattva, five forms which are five personalities and so at the end of this prayer it is said ‘bhakta saktikam.’ So Gadadhar Pandit is the Sakti, energy of the Lord and what kind of Sakti is he? He is the hladini sakti of the Lord and who is this hladini sakti? Radharani ki jai! Jai Radhe.

So Radha had already appeared when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. When the Lord appeared then what happened?Sri Krishna Chaitanya Radha Krishna nahi anya. They are two in one, there is one Radha and one Krishna but there is also another form. Radharani has appeared in another manifestation and that is Gadadhar Pandit.

What I have heard and have understood is
that in Krishna’s Vrindavan pastimes as you all know, this is a well known fact that Radha and Krishna cannot be together all the time. The gopi’s also cannot be with the Lord all the time because the social norms are there and customs are there. A young boy and young girls together in one place and gossiping, it’s not possible, not possible!

Radharani of course wants to be with Krishna all the time, yes or no? You’re not Radharani so can’t say, but you know Radharani. So that which was then impossible was made possible. What was not possible in the nitya lila in Vrindavan, was made possible and Radharani appeared in her Gadadhar form in Lord Chaitanya’s manifest pastimes. She has become Gadadhar Pandit and now she can freely mix and mingle with her Krishna as Gadadhar.

Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ki jai!

No-one could object and no-one could suspect and that is what happened in this gaura lila. Gadadhar Pandit was with Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu throughout Navadwipa lila as well as Nilacala lila. From their very childhood they were together and they were playing together, they even went to school together.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to debate with Gadadhar while he was a Pandit. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a Pandit and he would always argue. He would also argue with Gadadhar Pandit and also Mukunda Datta and back then Gadadhar Pandit used to say ‘when will our friend Nimai Pandit become a devotee?’

He was more of a Pandit than a bhakta then and he was always having these debates. And so that did happen, as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was initiated by who? Iswara Puri in Gaya, that was when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s life changed and he stopped arguing with others including Gadadhar Pandit. Then he was looking for Krishna, ‘where is Krishna, where is Krishna?’

He asked this question one time to Gadadhar Pandit, ‘where is my Krishna?’ ‘Oh your Krishna is in your heart.’ As soon as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu heard this, actually he is Nimai and he has not become Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu yet and he has not taken Sannyasa yet, and so Gadadhar Pandit says ‘your Lord is in your heart.’

As Nimai heard this that the Lord is in your heart, he is immediately scratching and hurting his chest and digging deeper, he is attempting to open his heart like Hanuman. Hanuman had done this and you could see who is in his heart. I was in Bombay some time ago and it was summer season and I saw a big billboard. There was a young man who was depicted there and he had opened his heart. As we looked, we had to look at it as you couldn’t avoid it. There was a limca bottle.

So as Nimai was attempting to dig deeper to perform a open heart surgery or something, to look at the Lord of his heart or the Lord in his heart, then ‘no no no! Don’t do that, don’t do that! Look, take darshan of this deity because the deity is non different from Krishna. Or chant Hare Krishna.

Kali kale nama rupe Krishna avatare

The Lord appears in the age of Kali in the form of the holy name.’ Like that, Gadadhar succeeded in stopping Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s attempt to perform an open heart surgery. Saci Mata was watching this from a distance, what Gadadhar Pandit did for her Nimai and she had come on the scene and came forward.

‘Well done, well done Gadadhar. Thank you. I have a wish that you please stay with and around my Nimai. He may get into trouble like this again, who knows? I just saw what you did for him and how you protected him.’ Like that she strongly recommended that Gadadhar Pandit always be with Chaitanya Nimai.

One day Chaitanya Mahaprabhu out of ecstasy started calling out ‘bop, Pundarika Vidyanidhi, bop!’ No-one knew what he was talking about and who was this Pundarika Vidyanidhi? He was calling bop which means father. ‘Oh father Pundarika Vidyanidhi.’ In Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastimes Pundarika Vidyanidhi is?

Well there he is Pundarika Vidyanidhi but in Krishna’s pastimes he is?
Radhe vrindavaneshvari vrishabhanu sute.
King Vrishabhanu had appeared as Pundarika Vidyanidhi and at that time Pundarika Vidyanidhi was in Bangladesh and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu kind of called him over, ‘please come over.’

He had come and was kind of hiding or staying away in Navadwipa and Mukunda Datta proposed to Gadadhar Pandit, ‘would you like to see a very extraordinary devotee?’ ‘Oh why not? Please take me along with you.’ So that happens and Mukunda and Gadadhar have gone to see Pundaika Vidyanidhi because at that time he had migrated and is Navadwipa at the time.

So Pundarika Vidyanidhi was hiding in two ways we could say. He was staying away at a greater distance and in that way he was hiding away and he was also acting on his lifestyle which was a materialistic lifestyle. And he was hiding his true identity and nobody could recognise him. That is what happened as Mukunda Datta and Gadadhar Pandit arrived.

Gadadhar Pandit was witnessing this he and said ‘what is this? You said you were going to bring me to an extraordinary devotee and is this the extraordinary devotee? Look at the dress he is wearing and his sitting place and they are fanning him. Look there is a pond right there and this and that. The whole life is a life of luxury with no tinge of renunciation. This is some attached householder! This is not a Mahatma. Sa mahatma sudurlabha.’

Gadadhar Pandit was thinking like that and Mukunda Datta must have read the mind of Gadadhar Pandit and what he was thinking about. Then Mukunda Datta started reciting the words that Uddhava had recited one time in Vrindavan. As Pundarika Vidyanidhi heard this prayer he was a changed person and all the emotions aroused. He was trembling and he couldn’t even sit in his seat.

He fell down and he was rolling on the ground and screaming out the names of the Lord. Then Gadadhar Pandit thought ‘oh I am sorry. It’s good that I did not say anything offensive, but mentally I was certainly very offensive. Now I realise what kind of great devotee he is by seeing all the symptoms and ecstasy of this Pundarika Vidyanidhi.’

He thought ‘the only way I could rectify my mentality and for me to atone for my offences is if I become his disciple.’ And that did happen and then when Pundarika Vidyanidhi heard of this offer, ‘could you accept me as a disciple?’ Pundarika Vidyanidhi said ‘I am very lucky, very fortunate to have a qualified disciple like you!’ And that transaction did take place and here we see that Gadadhar Pandit is Radharani and he has become a disciple of Pundarika Vidyanidhi who is her father in Krishna lila.

Pundarika Vidynidhi has become her spiritual master as the spiritual master is the spiritual father and when Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa, he disclosed his thoughts and intension of taking sannyasa with only a few selected devotees and Gadadhar Pandit was one if them. There was also Nityananda Prabhu, Chadrasekhar Acarya and Mukunda Datta. There were only four or five persons and Gadadhar was one.

When the sannyasa initiation took place in Katwa, Gadadhar Pandit was right there And as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu travelled to Puri, ‘only a few persons could go with me!’ From Shantipura all the residents of Navadwipa wanted to go with Chaitanya Mahaprabhu but he said ‘no, no, no no.’ But Gadadhar Pandit was allowed and he accompanied the Lord to Jagannatha Puri and one time the Lord found a deity of Krishna at Jagannatha Puri.

He offered that deity to Gadadhar Pandit. ‘He is Krishna and you are Radharani. He is Krishna so you can serve and be with this Krishna.’ That is tota gopinath ki jai! So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also gave initiation to Gadadhar Pandit in a way. This was ksetra sannyasa. Gadadhar Pandit was a Brahmacari throughout his life. The other members of the Pancha Tattva were all married and out of five, only Gadadhar was single or unmarried, so Chaitanya Mahaprabhu gave him ksetra sannyasa.

‘This is Sri ksetra and you will be a sannyasi but you will have to stay right here serving tota gopinath.’ So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannatha Puri, this was his regular practice. He used to go to tota gopinath especially to meet Radharani, well meet Gadadhar Pandit because externally he is Gadadhar Pandit in a male form, but in their eternal forms they are Radha and Krishna.

So here in tota gopinath, Gadadhar Pandit used to recite Bhagavatam. The reciter is Gadadhar Pandit and who is in the audience? Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to listen to Gadadhar Pandit. The way Gadadhar Pandit used to recite Bhagavatam you can’t even imagine. We have heard how tears were rolling down his cheeks and he would drop those tears on the Bhagavatam.

Everyday the Bhagavatan was getting wet then drying up and then there the next day again. You can imagine the condition of the Bhagavatam, wet and dry and so..This is another thing but there was a time when Srinivas Acharya heard the news that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is no more and then he ran because he was on his way to Jagannatha Puri hoping to get darshan of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

On the way he found out that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is no more. ‘Okay at least I can still go and take darshan of Gadadhar Pandit and listen from him.’ This he did but Gadadhar Pandit said ‘the condition of my bhagavatam is so bad, could you get another copy for me?’ And Srinivas Acharya goes to find another copy of Srimad Bhagavatam but by the time he returns, Gadadhar Pandit is no more.

This was happening all the time to him. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu disappeared and everyone was gradually disappearing. Just like Srila Prabhupada disappeared, a big number. After that we are also dropping out but our race doesn’t stop, we keep marching. As Prabhuji said, we have come back home because this is Prabhupada’s home and coming to Vrindavan is coming to Prabhupada’s home. It is Krishna’s home.

We get to be with Prabhupada and associate with Prabhupada in Vrindavan dham ki jai! So then Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to come to Vrindavan and Gadadhar Pandit wanted to very much accompany him. ‘Oh Vrindavan! When are you going to Vrindavan?’ So Radharani is thinking ‘of course, I have to come with you!’

So Gadadhar Pandit was following Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and from time to time Chaitanya Mahaprabhu would notice and say ‘oh, you’re still here. Go back.’ Then after a while again the Lord would continue and then notice and say ‘you’re still here, go back.’ Then the Lord managed to go all the way up to Cuttack from Jagannatha Puri and then the Lord had to cross a river and so Chaitanya Mahaprabhu jumped into the boat and Gadadhar Pandit wanted to follow him into the boat.

But Mahaprabhu said ‘no, you can’t come.’ And Chaitanya Mahaprabhu proceeded and Gadadhar Pandit collapsed and he was rolling on the ground and there were pangs of separation. Of course he had to return home and he was getting older and he was not able to reach the head of his deity. He was not able to extend his hands to offer the deity a turban or flute and so what did the Lord do?

His deity kind of sat down. ‘Okay now you can go round and serve me conveniently’ and that deity tota gopinath is still sitting. Hari Hari. In the same deity Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wound up his pastimes by entering that deity of tota gopinath. The Lord entered that deity which Gadadhar Pandit used to worship, or rather Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had given him that deity which he was worshipping and Mahaprabhu also becomes a part of that deity.

‘Okay you can continue to serve the deity and myself’ and that is what Gadadhar Pandit did for the rest of his life which was only for another eleven months after Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s departure. Gadadhar Pandit also departed, he could not bear the separation from Gauranga and so he also departed. So what? Nothing more to say.

There’s so much to say but,

Gadadhar Pandit avirbhava tithi mahatsava ki jai!
Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai!
Nitai Gaura prem anande hari haribol.
Srila Prabhupada ki jai.
Sri Krishna Balaram ki jai.
Vrindavan dham ki jai.
Trees of Vrindavan ki jai.
Vrinda devi Tulsi Maharani ki jai.
Gaura prem anande hari haribol.

Past times of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

Topic : Past times of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
Place : Mayapur Dham

I highly appreciate your presence and association this morning. I heartily welcome you all from all over the world. Yes, from Middle East also, from here and there, everywhere devotees have come to celebrate Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s 536th birthday. It’s a birthday party. So this is about to happen, just ot get into the mood of that day, that’s tomorrow, the appearance day, and we asked to talk about Gauranga. Thank you Srila Prabhupad also for doing the foundation of this International Society for Krishna Conciousness, as a result we are here in fact. We should be also remembering and thanking, Srila Bhakti Siddhant Saraswati Thakur, Prabhupad for giving instruction to Abhey Babu, 100 years ago. You, he said few things, you are very intelligent and go to the west and you know the rest.

So I always think that this instruction although eminated from the lotus mouth of Srila Bhakti Siddhant Saraswati Thakur, but the actual speaker of this instruction, or the instructor is Gauranga. Instruct him, he is the right person. I want to make him he is the one from million or few billion people, but he is the one. My senapati Bhakta. He has come right there. He is in front of you. Instruct him. So these must be dications of Gauranga to Srila Bhakti Siddhant Saraswati Thakur and hence the instruction and then you know, result of all that is we have assembled here today. So, anyway, I alos had a thought of one verse, which I will read out from Caitanya Caritamrta, this is Antya Lila Chapter 1, text number 32. You are familiar with this, you are expected to be familiar with this verse, if you are Gaudiaya Vaishnav, not just any other kind of, there are other Vaishnav’s also but we are, what kind of Vaishnav’s we are, we are Gaudiaya Vaishnav.

anarpita carim cairat karunayavatirnah kalau
sanaroayitum unnatojjvala rasam sva bhakti sriyam
harth puratasundara dyuti Kadamba sandipitah
sada hrdaya kandare sphuratu vah savi nandanah
(CC Adi lila 1.4)

So it is not on board and so I will just read the

Anarpita – not bestowed; carim – having been formerly; cirat – for a long time; Karunaya – by causeless mercy; avatirnah – descended; Kalau, (what’s the meaning of Kalau) – in the age of Kali; smarpayitum – to bestow; unnata , (is everybody saying , please repeat, it is purifying you could hear and recite also, let this go to your system one time, one another time, or againg, this is all nectar, purifying nectar) – elevated; ujjvala rasam – the conjugal mellow; sva-bhakti – of his own service; sriyam – the treasure; Harih – the Supreme Lord; purata – than gold; Sundara – more beautiful ( I think you are getting idea, right by going through the word meaning, you are picking up some bits and pieces and then put them all together in the form of translation) ; dyuti – of splendour; Kadamba – with a multitude; sandipitah – lighted up; sada – always; hrdaya kandare – in the cavity of the heart; sphuratu – let him be manifest; vah – your; saci nandanah – the son of mother saci.

Translation and Purport by Srila Prabhupad,
Srila Prabhupad ki Jai.
So the translation first, please listen attentively and please wake up also, just in case you are already at trance.

May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Srimata Savi devi be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. This is Rupa Goswami talking or saying, we will find that out soon, but just to let you know, who is talking or who has talked or compiled this verse, it’s Rupa Goswami. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, he has appeared in the Age of Kali by his causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before: and what is that the most sublime and radiant mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.

This verse is from Vidagdha Madhava, 1.2 also appears in adi lila 1.4 and 3.4. So this verse appears in Caitanya Caritamrta, how many times, 3 times, those who did not respond to my question. In his commentary on Vidagdha madhava, Srila Vishwanath Chakroborty Thakur remarks. So. Vidagdha Madhava is Srila Rupa Goswami’s work or Drama and now Srila Vishwanath Chakroborty Thankur is remarking his remark and Prabhupad has quoted or included that in his purport here.

mahaprabhu Suphirtaim veena hari lila
ras swadan anurpatir eti Bhavah

Meaning of that quote in Sanskrit

Without the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, one cannot describe the past times of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, unquote, therefore Srila Rupa Goswami said, now Rupa Goswami’s quotation, is everyone with us. It is quite a task for me, it’s double role for me and somehow I take this additional role of waking up souls.

om ismakam hrdya rupa guhiyam
saci nandano hari paksha singha sufurutu

May Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is exactly like a lion, that kills all the elephants of desire be awakened within everyone’s heart, for by his merciful blessings one cannot understand the transcendental past times of Krishna.

anarpita carim cairat, so verse begins like that anarpita, never before offered and ciram cairat and after long time it is being offered and who is offerer, who is making offering that is Saci- Nandana, Saci Nandana, Saci Nandanah: karunayavatirnah kalau so that Saci Nandana, he is offering something, what that is , not yet mentioned, what he is offering, but how he is offering “Karunaya” by his causeless mercy, he is full of Karuna, infact “karunam kuru mayi karuna bharite” As we pray to Radha Rani also, Oh you are full of Karuna and what about me getting, just a few drops of that Karuna, “karunam kuru mayi karuna bharite”. You are full of Karuna, so little bit of the Karuna could that come in my way, O Rahde, we pray this, it is another song of Rupa Goswami, he ends that song like that. So Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s Karuna, but Gauranga Mahaprabhu, who is Gauranga Mahaprabhu?

Sri Krsna Caitanya Radha Krsna nahi Anaya

Why is he full of Karuna or more Karunamay then Sri Krishna. “Namo Maha Vadanyaya “ Krishna is Vadanyaya, but Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Maha Vadanyaya, how did he get promoted from Vadanyaya to Maha Vadanyaya, because he is not alone this time.

antah krsnam bahir gauram (cc adi lila 3.81)

They are two in one, two in one, ekatnabv api bhuvi pura dega bhedam gatam tau (CC adi 1.5). This is the statement from CC again, Radha and Krishna are one atma, “ekatmanav” ek atma, ek atma, ek atma, Radha and Krishna are one, ek atma “ekatmav api” although they are one atma, In mean they are one, “deha bhedam gatam tav, you get something out of this.
Radha Madhav ki Jai….

They are appearing before us “deha bhedum gatau tau”, they become two deha bhedum, they assume two forms, from one they become two and then later on 536 years ago, what happen “tad adhuna caitanyakaham”, adhuna means now, now, “tad adhuna caitanyakhyam”, they assume the name Chaitanya, “tad dvayam caikyam aptam, tad dvayam caikyam aptam”, those two, they were one, they are one, they become two, well, we could say 5000 years ago, it is very difficult to say, it is also used the word “PURA”, PURA means long long time ago. So they were two 5000 years ago, 500 years ago what happen “tad dvayam caikyam aptam”, they become one and that is Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

“Radha bhava dyuti suvalitam” another dyuti “Radha bhava dyuti suvalitam naumi Krsna svarupam”, naumi means Namah, I offere my obeisances again and again unto that svarup, that svarup, which svarup is this, this is Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s Svarup and “Radha bhava”, that svarup has radha’s bhava and radha dyuti, radha bhava dyuti suvalitam, two things there is different from just Krsna Savrup, Krsna from, this Gauranga form has radha bhava and radha’s dyuti, dyuti. We have one prabhuji Radha dyuti, very famous devote, he cooks for you all year after year and he had been cooking all lifelong in fact. Radha Dyuti, Jaya Pataka Maharaj gave him name Radha Dyuti. So Dyuti means Kanti, ,means complexion, effulgence, radiance. “Radha bhava dyuti suvalitam”. So in Sri Krishna Chaitanya, it is radha and Krishna, and Radha is very very kind , yes, you know about Radha “Mahabhava Thakurani”and “Karuna Murti Radha Rani. So this “karunayatirnah kalau” . In kaliyug Lord has appeared and he is full of Karuna and that Karuna, we are making a point, that Karuna is because of Radha Rani being next to Krishna, always requesting him to, she should get mercy Lord please. Be kind to this one, that one, that American, that Chinese one, that African one, this one, that one.

samarpaytum unnatojjvala rasam, lokanam cha trankarant Golok cha paritagya

Shastra’s mention, what did Gauranga do, golokam cha paritajya, how would you translate this, sarva dharman paritajya, give up all varieties of religion and then”golokam cha paritajya” what did Lord Gauranga do, he gave up or he left Golok behind wherever it is, golokam cha paritajya,” Lakenaan trankarant, people of this planet, specially earthly planet.

Bharatvarsh ki Jai….

“Lokanaam trankarant” to give relief to the suffering humanity and bestow them with the mercy with
hare Krsna hare Krsna Krsna Krsna hare hare
hare Ram hare Ram Ram Ram hare hare
amrit Chaddi vish mange, sai hai murkha,

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says, I am giving up the nectar, those who demand, give me poison. They are the fools. So the foolish people of this world, Lord Gauranga came to give the nectar, otherwise they were begging for and they were also getting poison, so Mahaprabhu came to offer the nectar.

golokera prema dhana harinaam sankirtana

“golokera prema dhana” this is the wealth, the holy name is a wealth of Golok. “golokera prema dhana” so lord Gauranga left his Golok, his own abode, he comes down to give nectar, give the holy name to the whole world, technically here mention or something similar. “samarpayitum unnatojjvala rasam” in order to offer the mellow called the Madhurya Bhava, Shinagar rasa or Gopi Bhava, Radha bhava, braj Bhava.

So Bhaktim shriyam, so braj bhakti, the Madhurya Bhakti, vatsalya bhakti, sakhya bhakti.

Harih purata sundara dyuti Kadamba sandiptah(CC adi 1.4)

And he has hari as now assumed the dyuti, it is very sundar dyuti, sundar beautiful. I think word sundar says more talks of more than the word beauty. Sundar lala, sundar, beauty is not so much, beauty in word beauty but sundar is, these are limitations of other languages specially English language has its limits. As Dharma is dharma is dharma, you can’t say religion, that’s not translated. Religion is not same as dharma. Dharma is something complete and perfect, religion is something else. So “sundar dyuti” as Rupa Goswami is writing this in his Vidgdha Madhav. While writing sundara, there is so much saundarya, he is thinking about in his hear, in his heart, in his consciousness that whole saundarya, the beauty has manifested and he is talking about sundara dyuti and what kind of dyuti , the beauty or the complexion. “purata sundara” golden complexion, golden complexion but then not just golden, but “tapta kancana”, not just kancana, but tapta kanchana – molten Gold.

Gauranga, so having described Gauranga, introducing, how he looks like, his complexion and he is the one who kindly comes appears in this age of kali and he comes after long, long time, after how long, he has come back once in one day of Brahma, otherwise Krishna has said in Bhagvad Gita, “sambhavami yuge yuge” there are so many avatars, avatar after avatar, he appear age after age after age, “Yuge Yuge” but gauranga’s appearance is “Kalpe kalpe” this is another, you know Kalpe, Brahma’s , it is in English Brahma’s day, what is it called Brahma’s day is called “Kalpe”. So once in one day of Barhma, “kalpe Kalpe”in Bhagwatam this term in found. Kalpe Kaple, the same thing with Krishna also, avatars they appears, they take avatar, “sambhavami yuge yuge” but avatari Sri Krishna.

ete camsa kalah pumsah krsnas tu bhagavan Svayam (SB 1.3.28)

Svayam Bhagwan appears only once in one day of Brahma, middle of the day 14 manu’s during the period of 7th manu, vaivasvath manu, each manu has 71 cycles of the four yuga’s, catur yuga’s, they make round 71 times then that is one manu’s period. So during such time, manu’s time 28th cycle of satya, tretha, dwapar, Kali. This one is the 28th cycle and there will be 29th and soon there will be 71st and then 0, 1, 2, 3, next manu like that. So during the 28th cycle of this catur yuga’s in Dwapar yug, Krishna appears and the following after Dwapar comes Kali, Gauranga appears. kalau pratham sandhyayam it says kalau pratham sandhyayam sandhi means joint where the Dwapar Yug and kaliyug, the transition , the joint, the very first sandhi period of Kaliyug, Gauranga appears. only 5000 between the two, Krishna’s appearance followed by Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s appearance. Sri Krishna Janamasthami Mahotsav ki Jai, Whenever that happened we know exactly when that happened and then Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appearing in Mayapur.

Mayapur Navadvipa Dham ki Jai……………..

536 years ago, so same Krishna has appeared but now he has appeared as, along with Radha Rani, Hari, hari and you know this. You know these things Krishna never appears alone, the whole, everybody appears, all associates of Krishna appear when Krishna appears and all the associates of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahprabhu appear when Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Gauranga appears. In fact the whole Golok descends, with this we have to, just remind you, I am expecting that you would know this, that Golok has two divisions. Golok has two parts, one is Vrindavan and the other part is Navadvipa, also called as Shveta dvipa, so other technical name shveta dvipa but this shveta dvipa is not shir sagar where shirodakshi Vishnu is lying on the serpent couch, Sankarshan. But shveta dvipa it is part of Golok, there are two divisions. So again it is not, so Radha Krishna are in Vrindavan and so is Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu in shvetadvipa, part of Vrindavan or Golok eternally not that in a quickly Radha and Krishna they become one okay I am going now I go with my new form, they didn’t exist befor3e and now in emergency they are on the

kaler dosa nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah
kirtanand eva krsnasya mukti sangah param vrajet
(SB. 12.3.51)

This Kaliyug time, world is in big trouble, I better go and then Radha Krishna became quickly one and they proceeds towards “Yogapeth” that is not the case, that is not the case, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is eternally there in Golok

golok-namni nija dhamni tale ca tasya (Bramha samhita 5.43)

Golok is Nij Dham of Radha and Krishna and Golok is also Nij Dham of Gauranga. Eternally they are there. The pastimes of both of these places when put together that is a complete presentation. Those are the lila of Golok, Lila’s in Golok. So what happened, so Krishna appears, he appears in every Kalpa, once in a kalpa. So 5000 years ago Krishna appear and Radha rani and asth sakhi’s and the cowherd boys and everybody and Nand and Yashoda and the cows and everybody and then Gauranga Mahaprabhu appears 500 years ago, 536 years ago, so this is the continuation of that pastime, then Krishna’s pastimes becomes complete. Radha’s Radha Krishna’s pastimes in Vrindavan, they take place they are manifest and then this is Acharya say this is parishist lila, Caitanya Mahaprabhu lila, you know parishist, end of the book, they add some additional material for reference appendix or afterwards, preface for before the book writing preface and there is always afterwards, some thoughts after the book is completed. Some more text to be said otherwise, it is not complete. So Caitanya Mahparabhu’s lila’s are Radha Krishna’s Lila’s, they are like parishist, they are like appendix but additional doesn’t mean that they are less important. They are of equal importance, in fact you would not fully understand the main body of the book and the contents unless you refer to the appendix also or you study, understand, digest that. Then you will have complete picture of that book or the content of the book. So Gauranga.

aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas tad-dhama vrndavanam
ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena va kalpita
srimad bhagavatam pramanam amalam prema pum-artho mahan
sri-caitanya mahaprabhor matam idam tatradarah na parah
(chaitanya Manjusha)

This is from Chaitanya Manjusha, scripture called Chaitanya Manjusha, “caitanya mahaprabhor Matam” Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s opinion is described or mentioned here as the vest that we read from Caitanya Charitamrit which is Rupa Goswami’s compilation that says “samarpayitum unnatojjvala rasam”, Lord appeared, Gauranga appeared to share unnatojjvala rasa, unnata – elevated, ujjvala – conjugal rasa, the mellow which is Madhurya Rasa, so this is part of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s opinion wherein he says Radha Bhava dyuti. No, no first of all he said aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas , you should all these are all like teachings of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, you should all worship..
Vrindavan Dham ki Jai………………..

There are so many things to say. So Krishna has become a devotee of Krishna, Krishna has become devotee of Krishna. Panca tatvatmakam krsnam bhakti rupa svarupakam, I will not say the rest but I think that is enough for us “panca tatvatmakam krsnam” five tattva, the first tattva is bhakat Rupa, Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahparbhu has become the Bhakat Rupa, he has assumed the form of Bhakta. Gauranga Mahaprabhu has become bhakti of Bhagwan, of Krishna “apni acari jagat sikhai”(CC adi lila 3.20) by his own example he is teaching the whole world.

“samarpayitum unnatojjvala rasa sva bhakti sriyam”, So Krishna in Bhagwat Gita said, you do this, “man mana bhava mad bhakto, mad yagi mam namas Kuru (18.65), patram puspam phalam toyam(9.26), do this do that , but he is not doing himself, he just said, you do this, you do this, you do this, you do this, so same Krishna appears as Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu whatever he has asked as Krishna or in Bhagwat Gita and elsewhere, or in the other gita, Uddhav Gita is also there, so many other things. So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu follows that, he becomes a devotee and follows all those instructions, so he became a great devotee of aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas, this is siddhant. He is doing now, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is worshipping Krishna
Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna Krsna hey ( CC Madhya Lila 7.86)

He is worshipping Krishna and how to worship Krishna in the age of Kali, he is also teaching. In the age of Kali you worship Krishna by

tretayam yajato makhaih
krte yad dhyayato vishnum
dvapare paricharyayam
kalau tad dhari Kirtanat
(SB 12.3.52)

Bhagwatam also said that in Satya Yug, you do this , tretha, in Dvapar do this and in Kalau tad dhari kirtanat, in Kaliyug yuga you have to do Hari Kirtan. So this is what Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu does. Shukdev Goswami also said, “kaler dosa nidhe rajann”(SB 12.3.51) Kaliyug is full of faults, asti, asti, asti, asti means there is, not hasti, if we say hasti, then you are talking of elephant and if you say aasthi, then you are talking of the bones. So you better be careful, there is asti, the is hasti and there is Aasthi, there are three different words with entirely different meanings. So be careful while pronouncing. So astihy eko mahan gunah, no hasti, there is one elephant in Kaliyug or Kaliyug is full of bones, you know “asti eko” there is one good quality of this age of Kali and that is “kirtanad eva Krsnasya” so Sukhdev Goswami also said this. So Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu comes down and he is chanting the holy names of the Lord

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

And he loves Vrindavan aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas tad-dhama vrndavanam not only vrajesa tanayas should be worshipped but dham is also worshippable. So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu expressed his so much, his love for Vrindavan. No I will not explain how he expressed. As soon as he started chanting Hare Krishna, you know, when he was initiated in Gaya guru more m?rkha dekhi’ karila ??sana(CC adi lila 7.71).

My Spiritual master said, you are fool, you are good for nothing. All that you could do is just Chant Hare Krishna. You can’t do that meditation of Satya yug, Yagna’s are verey expensive and Archana is , no one does these days fully, properly. These times you could only do is chant the holy name. So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu started chanting the holy name immediately, instantly because his chanting was so pure and offence less, he become fully Krishna conscious. His love for Lord and for his dham aroused and he was ready to run where, Vrindavan.

Vrindavan Dham Ki Jai……….

He was running to Vrindavan, so barely they manage to control him and bring him back to Navadvipa side and there are so many other instance where Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s love for Vrindavan. So we are suppose to be loving Vrindavan, loving Lord and serving the Lord, then he says

ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena va kalpita

that you worship or you wish to worship the lord, yes you wish to worship, then he firmly recommends vraja vadhu vargena va kalpita, you should worship Krishna, the ways Gopis, Radha Rani worshipped Krishna, or Nanda Yashoda worshipped Krishna, or Sudama or other sakha’s Subal worshipped Krishna. He is strongly recommending his Braj Bhakti, Braj Bhakti Vilas, Braj Bhakti. Srimad Bhagwatam Praman amlam, and you wish to read scripture, study scripture, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu recommended hear and read what?

Granthraj Srimad Bhagwatam ki Jai……

And other scripture and then Gaudiaya Vaishnav also have added so much dimension and additional scriptures, we already have, I mean, some other religions are very proud to say the book, the book of the religion. The book of the religion, how many book, one book, Bible, the book of the religion. Kuran, the book of religion but we don’t have just a book, but we have a library of books, did you get that I mean, there is no time to elaborate this but it is something to think about. It is a book and then Prabhupad said, it is like a pocket dictionary, these are the religious scriptures they are like pocket dictionary and this Gaudiaya Vaishnav literature and Bhagwat, Purana’s and Veda’s and Vedant Sutra and Maha Bharat, it is a ocean and this is unlimited and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to hear this all the time.

this is favourite pastime to hear “Krishna Karamrit”or Jaidev Goswami’s “Geet Govind” bhagawatam or he would listen to his own compilation, shikshasktam “Ceto Darpan Marjanam, Bhav maha davagni nirvapanam” only he complied, okay , it is for you folks, you may recite this ,study. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu used to spend whole night , sleepless nights, he would just take one of those eight verses and contemplate and dive deeper into it and discuss the thoughts and the commentaries , his commentary, sharing that with Svarup Damodar and Ramanand Ray, all night long he is reciting scriptures, including his own only scriptures, that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu write, his name could be attached to, this shikshastakam, “Shrimad Bhagawatam Pranam Amalam” Pranam Amalam, amal puram, spotless, all the scripture Chaitanya Mahaprabhu recommended for us to read and he read or hear himself, they are spotless Purana’s, spotless scriptures. There is not mal, no dirt, no tama, raja or satva guna there, they are all gunatita, Shudha satva, full of shudha satva and “prem upmartho mahan” and this is very special thing “Prem upmartho” rest of the world is, they are, they fight or strive for four achievements or purusarth, they call four purusharth, “Dharma, Aarth, Kaam, Moksha.” That’s the limit.

Moksha, but our Acharya’s “Kavalyam Narak aayte” that merging in Brahma, this is hellish. So Chaitanya Mahaprabhu added this dimension, I mean, it already eternally exist this dimension of prema, butCaitanya Mahaprabhu – he practiced and propagated this premarthomaha Prema pum artha instead of purusartha pumartha pum and purush is the same word and this is a premarthoamaha is a very special contribution of Caitanya Mahaprabhu well everything is a very special extraordinary exceptional contribution sarasiromani sarvavtar, sarvaavtar sarasiromani is the essence of all forms and incarnations of lord and what he has to offer is also super excellent condensed and nectarine And all the items from golok not from swarga not from Vaikuntha not from Dwarka or Mathura either from only from Vrindavan so that lord and he is offering this to the most fallen people of this age of kali people like us the fallen and this is and he did the inauguration 500 years ago by appearing and practicing and propagation he’s doing both things lord is relishing the holy name naam nache jiv naache naache premodhon naam naache jiv naache living entity is dancing naam is also dancing the holy name is dancing premdhan is dancing so Mahaprabhu he danced and he relished the chanting and dancing himself and he propagated at the same time all this propagated shared shared shared and he’s known that’s why he’s known as most magnanimous and this dham is also mayapur navadwip dham ki jai this dham is also avtariya dham this is where lord became saudariya udariya vadaniye mahavadaniye from here he propagated the madhurya vrindavan madhuriya vrindavan is known for madhuriya and mayapur navadwip is known for what? avdaraiya he shared Vrindavan Leela’s and Radha Krishna he shared everything from Vrindavan here and distributed and predicted that this the gifts which he had been distributing during his manifest Leela they will be distributed in every town every village of this world nothing happened to you I thought you were saying haribol or something else horrible haribol “Prithvi te aache Joto Nagar adi gram sarvatr prachar hoibe mor naam” my name hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare hare ram hare ram ram ram hare hare will reach where every town every village of Bengal of India every country every continent every nook and corner of this planet so you think it’s going to happen already happened? no fully? but good beginning Srila Prabhupada ki Jai!

So Prabhupada he founded this international society for Krishna consciousness on behalf of well Radha Madhav also and Pancha tattva and he traveled himself 14 times around the planet became known as jet age parivrajka acharya what kind of parivrajakacaraya? Jet age this is the age of kali jet age well so he did air yatras he also asked us to do padayatra all approaches all the complete strategy so that holy name will reach every town every village so what we are seeing what has happened in last 50 years devotees from how many countries stay in Mayapur ? From 60 countries devotees stay in Mayapur and during Mayapur festival time devotees from 70-80-90 countries come this is a different year so don’t look around and count oh! Where are they? So, already holy name has reached those many countries of course not all town and villages in those countries but the number of villages and towns and cities that holy name has reached thus far only in 50 years how many remaining years? 9,500 I don’t know it started 500 years ago golden period Caitnaya Mangla is golden period last for how long 10,000 year period is golden period why is it called golden period? Gauranga this is Gauranga’s times these are Gauranga’s times whose time are these ?

Guarnga times avtirne gaurachandre vistirne prema sagare eaina majanti majanti te maha anartha sagare Prabhodananada Sarasvati Thakur says Gaurchandra has appeared avtirnaye gaurachandre vistirne Prema sagare he expanded the ocean of love of godhead tainn namajanti those who do not jump into this ocean and swim and go deeper and drink the nectar for those who do not do this te majanti Anant sagare there are two oceans he is talking about prem Sagar and maha anaarth Sagar not only anrath Sagar mahaanartha Sagar so the choice is yours which? Take a pick. So, Mahaprabhu is making this available through Krishna consciousness movement this ocean is expanding expanding expanding so that more and more souls would jump in and that’s the life otherwise we are like fish out of water and lord is offering not just water but nectar so suffering fish join in Jump in get in so this is an invitation to well you already have joined so you could tell others appeal to them invite them to join Nityananda mahajan pathi aache naam jive karan

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare! Gaurprema anande Hari Hari bol!

Occasion Vyasa puja celebration in Pandharpur

Occasion Vyasa puja celebration in Pandharpur
4th July 2017
Online class
Hare Krishna
Srila Prabhupada ki jai
Nityananda Prabhu ki jai

All the assembled viewers, listening or watching us. Today here in Padharpur, we are kind of in middle of the Vyasa puja, celebration festival. So very bigger event here in Pandharpur. Its yearly festival, on occasion of commencement of chatur masya. Today Shayani Ekadashi biggest day here. In Pandharpur for Lord Vitthal. And I am happy Lord gave me birth on this day, which is big day for Lord of Pandharpur. My family they worshipped Lord Vitthal, my father used to come here walking, for darsana of Panduranga and when we were children we would be waiting for our parents. I waiting for my father also to return.

Here darsana of Lord is always very special, each person comes in front face to face with the Lord. So, when my father would return from Pandharpur l would be waiting of course. As our children attraction is for mahaprasadam that would be brought back for us. And those who could not go on pilgrimage to Pandharpur they used to receive pilgrims and touch their feet and embrace them thinking that they have just come from dhama. After meeting Lord and after touching the Lotus feet of Lord.

One time even pilgrims coming to Pandharpur they did not only touch Their feet but put head on the lotus feet of the deities and embrace the deity. But those days are gone now.” So, my family they worshiped Panduranga Vitthal, and Lord gave me birth on this big day like today. Millions of pilgrims are here in town today and ISKCON devotees are also are here in big number.

This year’s Vyas puja festival has special flavor or dimension. Jananivas Prabhu from Mayapur arrived today with the “Nityananda paduka “ its shoes of Lord Nityananda they have been travelling around the world to do the fund raising for TOVP and today I had invited Jananivas and Brajvilas Prabhu also to come on occasion of Vyaspuja with the paduka of Nityananda. Nityananda is Adiguru, Guru of all the Gurus. He is original Guru and we were blessed, I was blessed by presence of Lord Nityanada His padukas, His Lotus foot prints, His shoes, sandal’s are non-different from Him.

Also there was initiation in Pandharpur today. Just right in middle of Mangal arati that time they arrived and we offered Abhishek to paduka’s of Lord Nityananda and worshiped them.

I felt that after five hundred years Lord Nityananda again returned to Pandharpur again on this day of my birthday and the assembled devotees, disciples are very generous. Of course, Jananivas Prabhu, Brajvilas Prabhu and myself we did appeal to the assembled devotees, disciples for their generous contribution. Financial assistance for completing TOVP. And response was tremendous beyond our expectation. Raised to some close to seven crore rupees. I think that was highlight of the Vyas puja today. That took quite some time this TOVP presentation and fund raising so will continue this evening, with more offering from disciples.

So, may be some of you are watching, hearing, witnessing the proceedings of Vyas puja activities here of course most the offering where in Hindi some in Marathi and there are also some English offerings. So, I am getting news of devotees, disciples around the world gatherings different part of the world celebrating this occasion.

I am grateful, thankful of course as a I said that during the day that we are all the glories are ultimately offered to our Prabhupada and predecessor Acarya and ultimately Lord Nityananda or Balarama who is original Guru, adi-guru. We are there to receive and listen to offering glories that is infact glories of the Lord and we offer that unto Them, They are to be glorified, Nityananda, Balarama.

Also my Vyas pooja book has been printed this time it is heavier ,thicker and bigger. Vyas pooja book with more offerings more than ever. So go through those offerings and they also would be uploaded on the websites. So, that you could have privilege of accessing those offering from your God brother’s or sister from everywhere. I take your leave now. I have to get ready for next event this late afternoon, Vyas puja continuation on the stage.
Hare Krishna

Radha Madhav Goldren Jublee Festival

If we love Prabhupada cooperate
Occasion Radha Madhav Golden Jubilee Festival
March 4, 2022

Today “pashchatya-desha-tarine, is the theme. I must offer my pranam mantra unto Srila Prabhupada. We could all offer this pranam mantra unto SrilaPrabhupada. Let’s all say this, that includes ‘pashchatyadeshatarine’

nama om vishnu-padayakrishna-preshthayabhu-tale
visvambharaudvija-varauyuga-dharma palau

Sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda Sri-advaitagadadhara


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

Srila Prabhupada ki jai.
Gauranga Nityananda ki jai

Gauranga, Gauranga, Nityananda Gauranga
Gauranger nitya-seva haibe vikasa

This was prediction of Nityananda Prabhu, prediction or His will as Nityananda Prabhu took Jiva Goswami on Parikrama. He once said, ‘ekhane", I don't know it was this exact location, "ekhane eka adbhut mandir haibe prakash There will be one temple and he describes that "adbhut mandir" astounding temple will be built from where the glories of Gauranga will be broadcasted all over the world. So that temple is none other than this one. That is this temple which Srila Prabhupada had vision and 50 years ago, he did the inauguration, he did the ground breaking ceremony of this temple.

So, 50 years ago as Srila Prabhupada had arrived here to hold a celebration firstever Gaura Purnima festival. By that time Srila Prabhupada had very successfully made Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction come true, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur ki jai You could see two Prabhupada's here this scene is 100 years old and it is ever new, never becomes old, now that place is with us, Ultadanga junction road, just recently we managed to get and develop and you know all about that.

So, instruction was given there, there also 'pashchatya desha tarine’ Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur used the term,or say in 'Western country, Western world', he spread Krishna Consciousness, Bhagavad Dharma in English language and with that Srila Prabhupada also made Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s prediction come true and that was ‘My name will reach every town,every village, all over the planet, all over the world.’

So, 50 years ago when Prabhupada was here, Gauranga Mahaprabhu's prediction had already become true or Srila Prabhupada executed the will of Gauranga by that time.

But what about Nityananda Prabhu's will and his prediction aboutthe temple. "The adbhut mandir " astounding temple that he talked about. So, 50 years ago inauguration, ground breaking, happened and Prabhupada had a big vision, 350 feet tall. I just checked with Brajavillas, what is the height and he said 350 feet. That was the Prabhupada’s vision, Prabhupada also was talking about and he was working on getting 350 acres of land. How much we have,we have,we doubled it, we have 700 acres of land.

Prabhupada also was talking about city of golden avatar with 50,000 residents and we think we have may be 5000 also by now and more to come. So, not just the temple, once we have completed this TOVP project, we have more things to go,we have to work on whole city of golden avatar, but before we do that we have this remaining task, this is time already the appreciation are happening.

So many devotees have beginning with Ambrish Prabhu ki jai and Svaha Mataji ki jai and the list is very very big. You all have, we all have, I also did something something. For all the sacrifices I would like to on behalf of Radha Madhava, Gaura Nityananda, Panchatatva, on behalf of Srila Prabhupada and on my own behalf I would like thank all those devotees for whatever you have done.

praner arthe dhiya vacha

In four ways you serve, or sacrifices are of four kinds, anyway I will not discuss the whole thing. Prane give your life, life air gives you prane then the arthe, the economy development, "money talks and everything walks, money talks everything walks, money is sweeter than honey.

"laxmi is required for service of Narayan".
Prane ararthe dhiya- Some give their ideas, their fertile brains and they come up with ideas. And then others, vacha- they do, they talk it up, they spread the word around or the intelligent ideas, they share with others. So this way, I think we all have participated thus far, only little more to go, little more to go. And will be done. So, Nityananda Prabhu has to be pleased now. He is Adi Guru, and then Srila Prabhupada representing Adi Guru Nityananda Prabhu. He started this TOVP work, gound breaking 50 years ago and it has taken extra time. We don't have to get into the details or reasons for the delay, it's the monumental task also, it takes time. So, now I have been saying this past few days that two years from now when we will come to do the grand opening of TOVP. I mean this is not just another temple, we have all local temples, maybe state temple, this temple in Maharashtra, or temple in Karnataka or Temple in Uttar Pradesh or Ujjain, we have in Madhya Pradesh.

Some temples are like, national importance, but this one is of global one, the universal one. As the holy name reaches every town, every village, I keep saying this, from 'Nama to dhama', as living entities globally receive the nama, they begin chanting, 'Hare krishna Hare krishna, krishna krishna Hare Hare…Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare'

And that 'nama' brings them to dhama. Which dhama do they have brought to, Mayapur dhama ki jai. I don't like to say this, but Mecca, this is our Mecca. This is the temple for every single devotee around the world and every Gaudiya Vaisnava, would be coming and we are talking of next ten thousand years. For next thousand years, all over the planet, in every town, in every village, as holy name reaches them, they would be wanting to come to Mayapur dham and come to this temple, this TOVP temple to take darsana of Sri Sri Panchatatva, Radha Madhava Ashtasakhi, Prahlada Narsimhadev. I think it is going to be this way somewhere and parampara.

So this is very unique temple and it is the adbhut mandir, in that sense also, this astounding temple, and maybe we get the credit for building and completing this temple. All future generations will thank you for building this temple. Prabhupada says Bombay is my office, Mayapur is my place of pilgrimage, Vrndavana is my home. So, this is a place of pilgrimage of Srila Prabhupada and all the Gaudiya Vaisnavas. So, we have this opportunity to complete the project, the temple and dedicate unto all the future Gaudiya Vaishnava generations to come.

So let us all get behind this, this one, this task is common for all of us, so we beg everyone's participation, cooperation, that reminds me, "If you love me cooperate ", Prabhupada said, "If you love me", Prabhupada would like to see that we co-operate with each other or we co-operate with the authorities or some of our leaders who are responsible for completion of this project.

We should extend our cooperation in every possible ways and by doing so, we will be exhibiting, expressing our love for Srila Prabhupada. 'You all love Prabhupada? ' (asks Maharaj ji ) anyone here does not love Prabhupada. I love you Prabhupada, that's nice to hear that, but Prabhupada wanted to see that translated into action. Show your love for Prabhupada, don't just say 'I love you Prabhupada', that also must be said, we do say, but time to translate that into action, our love for Prabhupada. And that will be seen now, next 2 years, we would like to see your love towards Prabhupada especially in relationship with this Project. It is Srila Prabhupada's dream project and it is our duty to complete this project and offer this onto Guru and Gauranga, Guru Srila Prabhupada, Adi Guru Nityananda Prabhu, and 'Gauranga',, 'Nityananda' 'SrilaPrabhupadaki jai
'NitaiGaur Premanande – Hari HariBol'.
Thank you.

The glories of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

The glories of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

19th September 2021

I have reached from Noida to Nagpur. Iskcon Nagpur ki jai. We have come to Dr Shyamsundar, Sharma Prabhu’s village and today is a special day. It is the appearance day of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur ki jai.

namo bhaktivinodaya
sac cid ananda namine
gaura sakti svarupaya
rupanuga-varaya te
(Srila Bhaktivinode pranati)

I offer my respectful obeisances unto Saccidananda Bhaktivinoda, who is transcendental energy of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is a strict follower of the Gosvamis, headed by Srila Rupa.

You must all pray in this way and recite this mantra. Did you all repeat it after me? Hari Hari. So his name is Sac cit ananda Bhaktivinode. He was sac cit ananda and his name was also the same. Gaura sakti svarupaya. Gauranga! So he is the form of the strength of Gaura and he distributed this strength of Gauranga.

Rupanuga-varaya te, of all the followers of Rupa Goswami he is the principle one. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur ki jai! Yadi Bhaktivinode Thakur na hoite, if Bhaktivinode Thakur had not appeared then what would have happened to all of us? Actually this is true of all the Acharyas and of the lord also. Yadi gaura na hoite or yadi Prabhupada na hoite or yadi Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur na hoite to ki hoite.

Nothing further could have happened if they were not here. What else can we say? We were about to say that Srila Bhaktivinode was a great Acharya but who can understand just how great he was? Who can understand his greatness and his glories? He was present during the British rule period and this was also a very difficult time in India and the situation was tough for India.

He was born in the year 1838 and his disappearance was in 1914. We are talking about 1914 and not 2014 and so you can just imagine the time when he was present here. He was the district magistrate of his time and actually the English would not give many Indians many responsibilities and only a few hand picked Indians would be given some authority.

One of these persons was Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur and as the district magistrate he was considered to hold a big position in those days. He was in charge of the whole district and that district was none other than Jagannatha Puri Dham. He became the magistrate of Jagannatha Puri and if you have ever been to Jagannatha Puri then you may have seen that even today his old home is still standing there.

If you do ever go to Jagannatha Puri then be sure to go to see the home of Bhaktivinode Thakur, this is on the path of the Rathayatra route. This is also where Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur was born and in this place Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur began his life’s mission, you could say. As the district magistrate he annihilated the demons.

paritranaya sadhunam
vinasaya ca duskrtam
(BG 4.8)

In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.

There was one black magic tantric who was calling himself god, he could do some magic but he was arrested by the orders of Bhaktivinode Thakur. He was imprisoned and then he died later in in prison. So Bhaktivinode Thakur had an intense desire that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Gaudiya Vaishnava lineage be preached everywhere and that it may be spread further.

He therefore prayed to lord Jagannatha to have a son to assist him in fulfilling his desire to preach the message of Lord Chaitanya, the Hare Krishna Mahamantra through Sankirtan. So lord Jagannatha Swami heard this cry or prayer of Bhaktivinode Thakur and he got a son who was none other than Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur ki jai.

His given name at birth was Bimala Prashad because at the Jagannatha temple Bimala Devi is present and so Bhaktivinode Thakur was thinking that this son of mine is the Prashad, blessing of this Bimala Devi and so he gave his son the name Binala Prashad. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur wanted to retire from his government duties to dedicate himself completely with all his energy to Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s mission.

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur’s name was Kedarnath Datta in those days, or you could say that this was his family name. The English government would not give him leave so instead he was transferred to another place called Krishnanagar which was close to Navadwipa Mayapur. So Bhaktivinode Thakur had been thinking of retiring and then residing in Mayapur and although the English government would not give him leave, they transferred him to Krishnanagar which was close to Mayapur.

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur could then take his mission further whilst being in Mayapur Dham. He is called the seventh Goswami till this day because the work that the six Goswami’s did in Vrindavan was done by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur in Mayapur Dham.

vande rupa sanatanau raghu yugau sri jiva gopalakau
(SadGiswami Astaka)

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the six Gosvamis, namely Sri Rupa Gosvami, Sri Sanatana Gosvami,
Sri Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami, Sri Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Sri Jiva Gosvami, and Sri Gopala Bhatta

Looking for Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastime places in Mayapur, writing books, inaugurating Parikrama of Navadwipa Manndala and in this way increasing and spreading the glories of the Dham and revealing the Dham were just some of the works of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur.

This he did in Mayapur and this is exactly what the six Goswami’s had previously done in Vrindavan. Hari Hari. So in Maypur or Navadwipa there are nine islands, dwipa’s and one of these is Godrumadwipa. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur started to stay in Godrumadwipa. His home was previously in Jagannatha Puri and now he started living in Swarupganj in Godrumadwipa.

That place is better known as the Samadhi of Bhaktivinode Thakur and he didn’t just stay there alone but this was the very important time when four prominent Acharya’s from our disciplic succession were staying there together. Jagannatha das babaji Maharaja was the siksha guru of Bhaktivinode Thakur and he was there along with Bhaktivinode Thakur’s student Gaura Kishore das babaji Maharaja. His student was also present and this was the son of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur was Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.

So these four prominent Acharya’s were there at the same time, staying together and conversing about the scriptures and taking association of each other. This is exactly what the six goswami’s were previously doing in Vrindavan. They would gather in the courtyard of the Radha Damodar temple and speak on Sastra and that is what was happening here in Mayapur.

Our four Acharyas were together here and in those days our Abhay Charan De was in Culcutta as his connection with the disciplc succession had not yet been made. So together these Acharya’s wrote many books because they were all mostly great writers and they were also poets. The whole world is now singing their bhajans and poems including the bhajan which Srila Prabhupada would sing before each and every lecture he gave.

jaya radha madhava kunja bihari?gopi jana vallabha giri vara dhari
yashoda nandana braja jana ranjana?yamuna tira vana cari
(Jaya Radha Madhava)

Krsna is the lover of Radha. He displays many amorous pastimes in the groves of Vrndavana, He is the lover of the cowherd maidens of Vraja, and the holder of the great hill named Govardhana.
He is the beloved son of mother Yasoda, the delighter of the inhabitants of Vraja, and He wanders in the forests along the banks of the River Yamuna.

This bhajan has been written by Bhaktivinode Thakur as was the Sandhya Arati bhajan kiba jaya jaya gaurachander. Also in Iskcon Krishna Balaram temple in Vrindavan they sing one bhajan every morning during Mangal Arati which is

vibhavari sesa, aloka pravesa,
nidra chari’ utho jiva
bolo hari hari, mukunda murari,
rama krsna hayagriva

The night has come to an end and the light of dawn is entering. O jiva soul, arise and give up your sleep. Chant the holy names of Lord Hari, who is the giver of liberation; the enemy of the Mura demon; the supreme enjoyer; the all attractive one; and the horse headed incarnation, Hayagriva.

Then there is the bhajan Jiv jago jiv jago which is also a composition of Bhaktivinode Thakur as is Udilo aruna puraba bhage, dwija mani gora amani jage. This is an important bhajan and on and on and on.

Yashomati nandana, braja baro nagara ?gokula ranjana kana is also Bhaktivinode Thakur’s bhajan. In all these bhajans his feelings of devotion are there along with the explanations of the lord’s pastimes, whether that be Gaura lila or Krishna lila. All these are thoroughly described and one can understand what is on his mind and what is in his heart through these compilations. A man is recognised by his speech, just let him first speak.

If you give a man a microphone and let him talk you may soon find out that he is a fool number one. As soon as he opens his mouth, within a minute you will find out what a fool he is. But this is not the case with Bhaktivinode Thakur because as soon as he opened his mouth, the speech that would come forth from his lotus like mouth would produce these wonderful bhajans.

These were his bhajans and Srila Prabhupada said that in Iskcon we have the bhajans of Bhaktivinode Thakur and Narottama das Thakur which they have sung, and these are non different from the words of the vedas. Bhaktivinode Thakur also wrote many books including Navadwipa mandal parikrama and if he had not written this book we would not have known where to start Navadwipa mandal parikrama or what pastime took place where and so forth.

The whole guideline and approach to Navadwipa parikrama has been given by Bhaktivinode Thakur in this one book. Another important book is Jaiva dharma which literally means the dharma, duty of the Jiva, living entity. It is a very interesting book in the form of many conversations that take place. He establishes the principles of Gaudiya Vaishnavism in this book Jaiva Dharma.

He also wrote many commentaries- especially Chaitanya Charitamrita and one commentary called Amrita Pravaha Bhashya. Srila Prabhupada has written the introductions to each chapter in his Chaitanya Charitamrita which have been take from this Amrita Pravaha Bhashya of Bhaktivinode Thakur. Hari Hari. What other books has he written, anyone knows?

There is Harinam Chintamani. We are people who chant the holy names and therefore we have our Japa sessions and in this book Harinam Chintamani Bhaktivinode Thakur speaks about how offences against the holy name should be avoided during and it is explained what is an offence against the holy name.

This book Harinam Chintamani is a dialogue between Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Haridas Thakur which has been written in book format and this book is Harinam Chintamani. He has written many other books and you can also call Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur a social scientist. During his time the principles of religion or dharma were being disturbed or not complied with and instead demonic principles were being taught in society.

That is when Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur studied the whole situation and made one list of the pseudo transcendentalists, like Aula, Baula and Sahajiya, Gauranga Nagari and so on. There were many sects such as this who were tainting the name of the Gaudiya Vaishnava lineage and there was diffusion alongside a lot of preaching against the principles of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur set all this straight and his son Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur took this task further through his preaching work and then Srila Prabhupada took this preaching even further and gave Krishna consciousness to the whole world. These principles are now being put into place but it was Bhaktivinode Thakur who initially pointed all this out and said ‘no, no this is all wrong. This is not right, what is happening and this is a fault.’

kaler dosa nidhe rajann
(SB 12.3.51

My dear King, (although) Kali yuga is an ocean of faults

So in doing this he established the principles of religion, dharma samsthapanarthaya which is what the Acharya’s do, they establish the religious principles. First the lord establishes these three principles

paritranaya sadhunam
vinasaya ca duskrtam
sambhavami yuge yuge
(BG 4.8)

In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.

First the lord appears on the scene and then paritranaya sadhunam, he protects the devotees and secondly he tries to annihilate the miscreants, which he successfully does so. The lord does this and when the lord is not here on this planet performing his pastimes, in between his different incarnations the Acharyas of the disciplic succession fill in the lord’s role and do the work that the lord would have done if he was personally present.

So to reestablish the principles of religion is the work of the lord but saksad dharitvena samasta sastrair. The lord gives the Acharya the energy to do this work just like Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur has done everything he has. It was also not an easy task and in those days people did not even know the birthplace of lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

There were so many different places claiming to be the birthplace of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur put a full stop to all this nonsense. This was possible with the help and guidance of his spiritual master, Jagannatha das babaji Maharaja’s and babaji Maharaja was carried in a basket to Navadwipa, not by Bhaktivinode Thakur himself but by another devotee.

Just like when a farmer wants to dig a lake someone will have a water detector, there are persons who can use this and they tell the farmer where to dig and where there will be water underneath. They wave this machine around and it detects where the water is. In this way Bhaktivinode Thakur detected the proper birthplace of lord Chaitanya with the help of Jagannatha das Babaji Maharaja.

He wanted to detect the birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and so he wondered here and there and then he finally reached the place we now call Yogapith, the birthplace of lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. At this time Jagannatha das babaji Maharaja was one hundred and thirty years old and just like we see in his photo, he could not even sit straight.

He could not even open his eyelids which had drooped low and somebody had to open his eyelids and only then could he see. That Jagannatha das Babaji Maharaja suddenly became so energised upon seeing the birthplace of lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu that he jumped out of his basket in which he was sitting and he started shouting ’Haribol Haribol Gauranga Gauranga.’

So it was established that this was the place. Jagannatha das Babaji Maharaja got the credit for doing what? For signalling the birthplace of Gauranga Mahaprabhu. ‘This is the birthplace of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.’ What can we say about Bhaktivinode Thakur? The great preaching which is currently going on in terms of Nama Hatta and Bhakti Vriksha has also been established by Bhaktivinode Thakur.

You can say that he is the originator of this preaching and he also wrote one book called Godruma Kalpataru and in this book he has made predictions as to who will do what and how much preaching they will do in the future. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja has taken the leadership in Iskcon of this Bhakti Vriksha Nama Hatta and he has started this preaching.

This concept is originally of Bhaktivinode Thakur and there is also a bhajan that he has written

nadiya godrume nityananda mahajana
patiyache nam hatta jivera karana

In the land of Nadiya, on the island of Godruma, the magnanimous Lord Nityananda has opened up the Marketplace of the Holy Name, meant for the deliverance of all fallen souls

He is herein reminding us all that the founder of the Nama Hatta is lord Nityananda because Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had sent lord Nityananda to Bengal to preach. So Nityananda Prabhu who is the Adi Guru, the original Guru, preached in Bengal and in that very disciplic succession Bhaktivinode Thakur came and gave shape and form to this Nama Hatta program. This Nama Hatta preaching began for the deliverance of all the conditioned souls.

This is also another great contribution of Bhaktivinode Thakur. It is he who predicted that one great soul will soon appear and that this great soul will preach this message all over the world. He also said that those who will follow the teachings and instructions of this great soul will come to India and to Navadwipa and they will all come together and chant ‘jaya sacinandana jaya sacinandana jaya sacinandana gaurahari.’

This was the prediction of Bhaktivinode Thakur in relation to Srila Prabhupada’s coming and how there will be preaching all over the world. People from all over the world will come to India and to Navadwipa, Mayapur to sing the glories of Sacinandana. This was the prediction of Bhaktivinode Thakur and we can see how it is coming true.

His own son said to his grand disciple Abhay Babu, ‘you look like an intelligent young man. You go to the western countries to preach the message of lord Chaitanya!’ In this way, to make true the prediction of his father, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur is giving this order to Srila Prabhupada. Two days ago it was the anniversary of Prabhupada’s departing for this journey to the west in 1965.

He preached all over the world and therefore the prediction of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became true and now people from all over the world are coming to Navadwipa and they are singing ’jaya sacinandana jaya sacinandana.’ I have just remembered that we were going on Padayatra once in Orissa and there was one headmaster of a school where we visited and stayed for a while.

Where was this place, the village where now there is an Iskcon centre as well? Yes, Bhadrak. So here Bhaktivinode Thakur had been the first headmaster of this school and we got a record of all the headmasters the school had ever had. They had a list which is an updated list of the headmaster till this day and on top of the list was the name of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur as headmaster.

What can we say about these great sages, Acharyas to whom we are so much indebted? We can only try our level best to pay this debt back and we can do this by understanding their instructions and following them. We can take inspiration and energy from these teachings and then preach them further. This is exactly what Srila Prabhupada said, ‘do as I did!’ I am also doing a little bit myself. One of the final instructions of Bhaktivinode Thakur was to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur.

He told him to perform and lead Navadwipa Mandal Parikrama and he said that whoever does this Parikrama, by their doing so, the whole world will be liberated. So during the centennial, the hundredth birth anniversary of Srila Prabhupada, we had a t-shirt printed. All the devotees on Parikrama were wearing this t-shirt during Parikrama. On this t-shirt was printed a quote of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur.

The quote was ‘by performing Parikrama, one can liberate the whole world.’ This was the order that Bhaktivinode Thakur gave and so following this order, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur performed Navadwipa Mandal Parikrama eight times along with his thousands of disciples. So whatever work Srila Prabhupada performed was the work of Bhaktivinode Thakur also.

One Acharya takes the preaching work to a certain limit or level and then the next Acharya takes over to further this work and he fructifies it and establishes it. Then the next Acharya comes in succession and takes over to continue the work. No single Acharya finished his mission in his one lifetime so the Acharyas who are to come along in disciplic succession develop the mission further.

So we can say that this current time is ours, it is us devotees turn now we can say and so the work that Bhaktivinode Thakur once performed, was furthered by Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur and then Srila Prabhupada preached the same mission all over the world. He said ‘do as I did.’ So he wanted that whatever he had started, we all preach further and increase that work. Hari Hari.

So we should pray at the lotus feet of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur so that he may give us energy, intelligence and loving devotion so we may become instruments in helping to further this movement. In this way we may be able to please him. Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur’s appearance day ki jai. Gaura prem anande hari haribol.


Hare Krishna to Everybody,
So as all of you know, today is very special day, “Mohini Ekadashi”. But today is the Mangala Tri Sparshi Maha Dvadashi. Most of you must have heard by now the glories of this special Ekadashi. It takes place after long, long time. Somebody told me 200 years before this ekadashi, so special auspicious ekadashi came, and of course I have heard one sadhu baba telling that Ambrish Maharaj, came to Mathura to observe this special Ekadashi Vrat.

That was this Mangala Tri Sparshi Maha Dvadashi and this is very special because, you know on ekadashi tithi, we observe ekadashi, sometime ekadashi came on…………. , but today it became very special, which is some time ekadashi, sometime dvadashi and little bit triyodashi also. Tri Sparsh three tithi touching on today’s day so that is why it is very, very special and also if someone observes today’s ekadashi that he will get the result of observing one thousand ekadashi, very special. So lot of time, we observe ekadashi that is we do it. Sometime Nirjala ekadashi, sometime drinking ekadashi, by drinking water, milk, fruits and whatever we could offer.

So today is very auspicious day and I am very grateful to his Holiness Lokanath Swami Maharaj and kirtan Ministry to give me opportunity today to associate with so many devotees through zoom conference, zoom link and also I beg blessings from Maharaj because today is also my birthday. So I would like to pray Maharaj to bless me and to keep me under the shelter of his lotus feet. Maharaj you extended me you love and affection as you have been showering upon me since last many, many years, because love and affection of pure devotees that is only hope in our life. Someone like you, who has taken Harinaam Sankirtan so much in your heart, so to get blessings from you is very special for me, specially on this special tithi on my birthday and also same time I pray all vaishanava’s who have assembled here, please pay for me and please bless me, so that I can stay in devotional service up to the end of my life and continue on works. This continuation is very challenging, very challenging though Mahaprabhu being very merciful introduced Holy Name.

namnam akari bahudha nija sarva saktis
tatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalah
etadrsi tava krpa Bhagavan mamapi
durdaivam idrsam ihajani nanuragah

Mahaprabhu has set example for us, he is not relying for himself, he knows what will be the situation, so by taking our role he is saying “durdaivam idrsam ihajani nanuragah”. It os so durdaiv, that we have no Anurag. So much challenges now a days, so it is a big challenge to cope up with devotional services. One day, I was discussing from Chaitanya Charitamrit with my God Brother. We were discussing about that how Mahaprabhu do this.

This is unique thing that Krsna Prema “anarapit charit chart karunaya avtim karo” never given this was long, long time. What Mahaprabhu did samarpitam, he completely give, not arpitum, samarpitum, samyak rupen arpitam, samarpitum, Unnatt ujjawal Rasam. Very high class delagiving melodious, very unnatt, ujjawal. Subh Bhakti shrayam that Bhakti Sambhav, that Mahaprabhu beautiful things that Mahaprabhu has done, but we were discussing about our Krsna prema. Both of us, have realised then I said, yes we are here with somewhat of this prema, and we are discussing, so much hearing, so much lectures that what Mahaprabhu has given is there any hope that we will get his Krsna Prema in this life?

With more and more studying the scriptures, we know the greatness of Krsna Prema, look like it is going more and more far away, very difficult to reach, to attend this, so, is there any possibility that we can get Krsna Prema in this life. So that prabhu my God Brother called me, he said very interesting thing. He said, Maharaj, forget about our entering into Krsna Prema, this kaliyug is so challenging , if we can manage our life in such a way that up to our death, up to the time of leaving our body, we can manage to mental control our mind Kanthi mala and tilak than everything will be fine, that we can maintain in our devotional life. Mahaprabhu has given me the most simple process “durdaivan idrsam ihajani nanuragh”. It is our durdaiv that we have no anurag, so today, it is ekadashi tithi, very special tithi, Madhav tithi, actually this fasting, this tapasaya, it is not so essential for devotees. What is not necessary to do is tapasya, going through the I know all of you presently in this conference you are all observing Ekadashi vrat for sure but what Shastras says Ekadashi vart means only eating one time night time no eating. Night no sleep, Ekadashi no eating, no drinking, no sleeping, what to speak of no sleeping, you cannot even lie down on the floor. Whole night you have to chant HARE KRISHNA and offer lamp to Bhagwan Shri Hari. Whole night no sleep.

Next day morning you cook very nicely and offer to Govinda. That Parashadam……feed to all vaishnava sanyasi then taking the permission during the Parana time then you accept that, that is Ekadashi.
Now please tell me how many of you observing Ekadashi, none of us. I think somebody may be doing but rarely, who will do like this? But our Acharyas doing very much simple, understanding the situation of while reading Purana I think this have been ………………..our all answers………. just reference from ……….and you take Anukampa, Anukampa means not only ………..but Anukampa’s literal meaning very little is taking. Just maintain so that you don’t get acidity, only equal of acidity, acidity you got not too much acidity. So that you can …….. Ekadashi means is not Anukampa in mahaKampa that is problem in observing Ekadasi.

Once I was having Bhagavatam sngraha samillan,all those birth Bhagvatam came to Mayapur that was …………………Dashmi next day is Ekadasi, Bengali, Karmi Bengali that have found . So on Dashmi’s night I announced that tomorrow is ekadasi but we have Ekadasi prashad … will give you ….

Then they said no no we all do what is Ekadashi , what is Ekadashi prashad. We offered Ekadasi prashadam. Bengali one day no rice means very difficult. Bengali need Morning rice, afternoon rice, evening rice, and then no rice, next morning they need …..No rice how can we survive.

Then … I told we are very sorry that distributing ekadashi prashad very difficult this people said No Maharaj, Ekadashi means like this prashad one day will do 30times ekadashi. So that is Prabhupada’s mercy and Acharyas mercy today because it is special ekadashi, if anybody can offer to do Nirjala ok, or just take water , take milk, just take fruits. Or take anukalpa, then to take anukalpa, 3 times anukapa, 2 times anukalpa………………

So anyway so much glories to Ekadashi tithiso much glory to Ekadashi tithi, will discuss about holyname utsav , because ekadashi has two meaning, Ekadashi upvasa, everybody thinks upvasa means fasting that is general meaning of Upvasa, is fasting dont eat anything.

There is another good meaning of upvasa you would like to know which does not mean upvasam – fasting. Another meaning is UPUVASA – UPU means close VASA means recite – place to recite, up – up mantra or Upa means close. So Upvas another meaning thst is today is the day we stay very close to Hari. Very close to Hari, so today is known as Hari vasra, in Bengal they say be…….bearvashram mens bear means marriage vasram is today, day of marriage bear vashram.

Today is Hari vasra dev Hari , most important is not just fasting , fasting purpose is of course there is others, secondary ,good results, one result will be if you spend time in eating and cooking three times in ……………… with reference ……………… to be more close, chanting , reading engage in devotional service sitting with devotees all kinds of thing that will keep very close to Sri Hari, Archana, may times arti, Archana, pleasing the deity, stay as close as to ….then this ……………..we have to stay close to god, we have to take association of God but in this kaliyug, how can we take association of God. Yogi, Rishis they take association of Lord thru meditation, they meditate to parmarth, and we are absolutely unfit to this eligible…. We get association thru meditation, Rishi that will fire sacrifice yagya Purush, Fire sacrifice, that take association of God, then those doing Archana, they enter in temple room diety room they do archana they get association of God, but finally for all these things you have to be first qualified, you have to be pure then you are eligible to do Tapasya, to do meditation. To enter into deity room you have to be brahaman initiated, so May cleanliness one has to maintain, then you get association of the Lord, the deitys around.

A yagya purush … yagna, yogis to Parmarth. What about the fallen souls like us, especially like me. Mountains of sinful activities, body, mind, thoughts. With every respect ……….we are in the situation in Yuga,………….mandas mand…….so are we really manda bhagya, yes we are manda bhagya.

For the Maha prabhu, we met us most fortunate we are manda bhagya but Maha prabhu made us most fortunate giving this opportunity ……………..still you can take ashray just now, Mahaprabhu made us fortune ,Prabhupad made us fortunate. One devotee told Prabhupad that I am so fortunate that is came to this ………..Prabhupad said you are not fortunate I made you fortunate, what is they make us so fortunate ………………that is their business, Mahanta swabhave……
This Mahant…….this is more artistic …personality they don’t have any personal agenda, personal business. They go out, Prabhupad is greatest example of that, and we have no personal agenda. So that he went out – Mahanta Swabhav…………………………., all over the world distributing this Holyname Distributing Krishna.

Kaliyuga – there is two things that associate with Krishna – Krishna fortunate have not come , it came as Gauranga mahaprahu birth, Charnavata antakrishna bahirko, two forms he came one is holy name – Kalikaye namrupe Krishanavata, Kaliyug people are not eligible to achieve, has to …..Krishan to Deity …..To deity to Yagya, tapasya, dhayana. Guruve. But Holyname is so merciful that we can associate. Holy name does not consider anything, dose not ….for us to be qualify in chant holyname. Be pure in holy name. This is the difference in all other processes, be pure, as be pure then you stay in this arena.

Holyname is not ….rather by chanting Hare Krishna one become pure. How merciful is Holyname, How mercy full is Holyname. There is no consideration of desh, kaal, pada. No rules and regulation for chanting Holy name, wherever, whenever, whoever can chant holyname, that the good result, Dashrath chanted Ram nama, Ajamil – Narayana, Dhruv maharaj – Om namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya, all chanted Holy name, interestingly, my observation is from scriptures ……chanted holyname Rama , Ram, Rama, you become free from sinful reacts…………………..Ajamil- he chanted Narayan, Narayan and he became free from the clutches of Yamaraj. Then he has to do ….. Dhruv maharaj, he chanted – Om namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya, ……he saw Supreme personality of God head Lord Narayan, ……….but what gives Krishna Prem. Holyname is Krishna Prem, that is most important.

Upnishad is describing ………………….16 holyname added to syllabus, all the kalikanam ………….
By this will get Krishna prem, ………………..holyname chanted by anybody, anywhere, anyplace, even in the toilet also. Can you imagine in toilet we can chant Hare Krishna, we can’t do deity worship, We can’t do tapasya, gyanchar, reading bhagvatam all are restricted holyname not restricted.

As all of you must have heard this – Gopal guru story, Gopal guru said, Mahaprabhu and some devotee went for nature call, Gopal guru was company him with lota water, they must be going to field somewhere ,there not attached bathroom that time, toilet, so Prabhu was attending his nature call and gopal guru was seeing his face, so the Prabhu was biting his tongue, after attending nature call and he came back, the Gopal guru asked that prabhu that vaishnav when you were attending nature call I saw you were biting your tongue why is that? Then Prabhu said that by chanting his holy name by chanting and chanting I ………………..i can stop chanting so I bite my toungue to stop.
So he is struggling to stop chanting, we are struggling to chant nicely and how struggle is that we cannot itself properly how strong……………….

Dear `vaishnav he is struggling to stop chanting because he is attending nature call, so then Gopal guru said Prabhu we are not chanting that time doing nature call if that time we leave body and death will come.when Maha prabhu heard this he like this …..its small boy Gopal, Gopal guru……………….Gopal guru said this to Mahaprabhu ……..holyname, anybody, anyone, anytime.

So my time is almost out its 6:30 now, 4-5 minutes I will give one story ………………….
This Holyname is only centre because, Abhinattam nam nami, naam Chintamani Krishna, Chaitanya rasa vigrah. Abhinattam naam nami, abhinaah, that is very intresting, when we are chanting Krishna means………..Krishna , is non difference name is Krishna, holy name…….non difference Lord rama.

So once……..i tell you very briefly, so there is one business man in a village that he has being doing his house hold activity very nicely, but he never doing any dharma, religious activity. One day his good fortune Narada muni came to his house and said, oh my dear one you are very busy in doing household activity but not doing any dharma karma, when you will die what will happen to you.

Narad muni what can I do, I have so may things to do I do my business, take care of my children to go for shopping I have no time to do, to chant holyname. Narad muni said if I give I advise you something which will not hamper all your activities timewise but still you can do. So what is that, when you go to toilet …..that time you chant Rama, Rama, Rama. This business man thought, that is very good idea I am not loosing any thing I am anyway free so whenever he go to toilet he chant Rama, Rama, Rama, Rama Very loud. One day happened Hanuman ji was flying in the sky on top of his house Hanuman ji heard Rama, rama, Rama, Rama, Hanuman ji thought ohh! Rama bhakt is here, I must take darshan of Rama bhakta and then go, so Hanuman ji landed in his courtyard then chanting holy means chanting in Deity room so Hanuman ji stayed in Deity room there is no body, so he thought he is cooking and chanting but there is no body, them in bed room lying down and chanting Rama, rama, Rama, but there is no body. So where is this Rama naam coming from then finally he found rama naam coming from toilet, he very angrily what nonsense is this this ……. He is chanting holyname inside toilet bathroom.ok I will give good lesson to him .very angry, sitting outside …this man will come, very angry mood sitting there, wil give a good lesson to him.

This man inside dosent know what is happening outside, he is loudly telling Rama Rama Rama, finishing all his…..everything open the door ,outside Hanuman sitting …..slap on his face , you fool you don’t know where to chant holy name. My Prabhu’s name you are chanting sitting in toilet. Be carefu, never chant like this. You should sit in nice place and chant holyname. Then thus this business man got the message……..good slap on his face.
Then Hanuman said to Lord Rama……………………..
The Katha is going on and details varies from person to person, so Rama Chandra was sitting in the simhasan and putting his hand on face on his cheek, like this. Hanuman comes inside and pay obsiences then Ramachandra took out his and becom straight like this then Hanuman saw tha Ramchandra cheek has swollen, hanuman saw that and asked my lord how this happened to you, also he could see there is marks of fingers on Ramchandra , what is this cheek, cheeks of ram Chandra,then he got very angry.who can dare to slap you, who slap you, who can dare to slap you. Tell me , he is very angry I will kill him.who is that person did to my lordlike this. Just imagine somebody slap o Ramchandra how will hanumam tolerating. jumping up and down please tell me who is this. I will kill him Ramchandra smile, hanuman my dear, who ever slapped me you will kill him, yes tell me who is that person Ramchandra said you have slapped me, me?how can you say like that. Lord Ramachandra rajan think about this, how can I slap you, you are my lord , worshipped lord.

Ram Chandra said do you remember you slapped anyone today, yes yes I slapped one person in toilet chanting your holyname, that foolish person dosent know anything chanting your holyname sitting in toilet I slapped him. Ramchandra explained because you slapped hime while chanting holynamethat is the reasoni am not different from holyname. You slappd him slap came on my face.

These are transcendental past time to teach us that how holy name is non different from Krishna. But its not only that, it is not only that holy name is non different and equal to Krishna. There is something more, holy name is better than Krishna. Holyname is more powerful than Bhagwan, that ……everything, more powerful, more merciful than bhagwan that ……….in this kaliyug there is merciful manifestation of supremepersonality of Godhead, you came this Kaliyug KALIKALE NAAM RUPE KRISHNA AVATARE…..That has been also put in Ram Chandra story ……………..

All the monkyes and hanuman they are throwing stones to make bridge they are writing Rama, Rama, Rama. Rama holyname is so powerful stones are floating. Ramachandra thought oh my name is so powerful if I throw the stone what will happen. Day time he cant do it in front of everybody so nighttime when everybody is going to sleep Ramchandra walking to ….to check whether write his holyname he himself wil put it.everyone want to sleep Hanuman was …….. Hanuman saw …… night where is is going whether saying anything from far he was observing. Ramchandra wait and throw the stone into the water then stone drowned into the water then Hanuman was clapping from behind oh lord you are thinking you are so powerful that even throwing stone will float, your holyname is so powerful than you the supreme personality of god head.

SO THESE ARE THE Katha ……………I don’t know but what ever it is its softenciate the philosophy.
Then some body is telling ibig problem if people come to know, then Prabhupad cannot do anything,……then he added something. This means the lord, that if you cares somebody is protected, if you leave somebody will be drowned just like stone drowned in water. whoever is under Your shelter they are safe, those there are not under your shelter will drowned in the material world.
So like this so many nice things have been spoken by great simple personality to substanciate the ….lesser things of Krishna Consciousness with knowledge.

So very nice to associate with all of you, blessings of His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj and blessings of Srila Prabhupad. He has put us altogether creating very nice family and nice home where we all living together irrespective of what background we have come from which country, which religion, what background we do not know but we are all together chant. YAGYAHI SANKIRTAN PRAYE

Chant holyname in Assembly……………………..chanting holyname means many people do together, its great opportunity some this auspicious tithi, I have been offered this opportunity by association of greatt personality, devotees. So I thank His Holiness Loknath Swami Maharaj and kirtan ministry. thank you all, please excuse me in the presentation there is anything wrong off the track. Please excuse me for that.


Thank you very much, His Holiness Bhakti Purushotam Swami Maharaj we are extremely greatful to you on behalf of the ISKCON KIRTAN MINISTRY we would like to really thank you and express our heartfelt gratitude for giving us your wonderful association this morning on the Ekadashi Shravan kirtan festival and on very auspicious tithi of Mohini Ekadashi as well as your wonderful appearance day the 64th Birthday today. Thankyou for giving us your blessings sharing the glories of holyname. Wonderful Kirtan and glories of Ekadashi and beautiful pastime on the importance of how the holyname is more powerful than the lord himself or they are non different the name and the lord himself.

So I would request everyone present in this forum right now kindly raise your hands and very loudly although you may on mute but let us offer one Hare Krishna Mahamantra chant for the well being , good health of Maharaj on this auspicious birthday.

His Holiness Bhakti Puroshatam Swami Maharaj ki Jay!!
Jagat Guru Srila Prabhupad ki Jay!!
Upastith Bhaktvrind ki Jay!!
Nitay Gaur Premanande Hari Hari Bol!!

Nityananda Trayodasi Class

Nityananda Trayodasi Class

14th February 2022

om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah
sri caitanya mano ‘bhistam sthapitam yena bhu tale
svayam rupah kada mahyam dadati sva padantikam

ajanu lambita bhujau kanakavadhatau
sankirtanaika pitarau kamalayataksau
visvambharau dvija varau yuga dharma palau
vande jagat priyakaro karunavatarau

I offer my respects unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu, whose arms extend down to Their knees, who have golden yellow complexions, and who inaugurated the congregational chanting of the Holy Names. Their eyes resemble the petals of a lotus; They are the maintainers of all living entities; They are the best of brahmanas, the protectors of religious principles for this age, the benefactors of the universe, and the most merciful of all incarnations. (Caitanya bhagavata 1.1.1)

Jai sri krsna caitanya prabhu nityananda sri advaita gadadhara srivasadi gaura bhakta vrnda

hare krsna hare krsna
krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare

Gaura prem anande hari haribol. Today is the appearance day of lord Nityananda and on this mahotsava, great festival day of Nityananda Troyodasi Iskcon Noida ki jai!
We will also say Iskcon Aravade and Iskcon Ujjain ki jai, Iskcon Tirupati ki jai and Iskcon Ekachakra Gram ki jai.

I am saying Iskcon ki jai to all these Iskcon centres because today on the day of Nityananda Troyodasi all these temples had their opening festival previously and I have attended all of these festivals. So just like Iskcon Noida temple opening- Sri Radha Govindadev ki jai. Only by the mercy of lord Nityananda have all these temples been opened and that too according to the auspicious times and circumstances.

So I have already said that even in Ekachakra Gram the temple opening was a few years ago. This Ekachakra Gram is the Dham where lord Nityananda appeared and here also Iskcon has opened a temple- Sri Gaura Nitai ki jai! So when the deities over there, Sri Radha Vrindavan Chandra were being installed a few years back then I also stayed back at Ekachakra Gram.

This is a great day and why would it not be because Nityananda Prabhu himself is so great as he is lord Balaram himself and is lord Balaram not great? There is no one greater, or more glorious or magnanimous in this world.

mattah para tram na ‘nyat
Kincaid asti dhananjaya
mayi sarvam idam protam?sutre manigana iva

There is nothing whatsoever higher than Me, O Dhananjaya. All this is strung in Me, as clusters of gems on a string.

So the Lord himself is saying here that ‘you will not find anybody greater than me.’ So there are two of them, there is Krishna and there is Balaram and although they separate they are essentially one so they again become two as Krishna and Balaram. Balaram hoila Nitai. So lord Balaram has become Nityananda Prabhu on this day in 1474.

These are all historical facts, things which have previously happened and we have the facts here and we have every detail. The year was 1474 in the month of Magh, January to February in the Shukla Paksha – bright fortnight of the moon. Also it was the day of Trayodasi, the thirteenth day and that is today. Lord Nityananda appeared today and also the place of his appearance is there and it is called Nitai bady.

We call this his birth but actually it is not like an ordinary birth which the lord takes like the living entities do. Lord Nityananda is a-janma, birth less because he does not take birth and yet he is still being born and taking birth. That place where he took birth is here even today and I have been there many times and I have seen this birth place. By that place there is a lake which is called Padmavati Kunda and why is it called this?

Lord Nityananda’s mother was Padmavati and she gave birth to the lord and his father was Sri Hadai Pandit who cannot be an ordinary personality. The lord does not become the son of any ordinary person. The lord is Nitya which means always, and Ananda is bliss and sonthe lord is always blissful and alsohe plunders this bliss from the devotees.

ha ha prabhu nityananda, premananda sukhi
kripabalokana koro ami boro duhkhi


My dear Lord Nityananda, You are always joyful in spiritual bliss. Since You always appear very happy, I have come to You because I am most unhappy. If You kindly put Your glance over me, then I may also become happy.
(Savarana sri gaura pada padme, Narottama das)

We were just singing this bhajan. So the lord’s father is there and over there the Yamuna also flows. Yamuna Maiya ki jai! So today the lord appeared in this dham, Ekachakra Gram. The people of this material world do not realise or understand the lord’s birth and activities. They do not even have any basic knowledge of the lord so what to say about understanding the lord’s birth?

But the demigods know and not only do they know but they are the ones who pray for the lord’s appearance and the lord then says ‘yes, yes. I am going to take birth in the material world very soon.’ The demigods know when the lord will appear and where he will appear. They get this information and they appear where and when the lord takes his birth like Ekachakra Gram.

yambrahma varunendra rudra marutah stunvati divyai stavai

Prostrations to that Lord Narayana whom the Lord Brahma, Varunadeva,Indra, Lord Rudra and Maruta devas pray with divine hymns
(Gita dhyana sloka 9)

They sing this Stuti and there is pushpavristhi where flowers are showered from the sky upon the lord and so many musical instruments are playing. So amongst all this, a welcome was being made today in the year 1474 in Ekachakra Gram. There are so many things to say and I am a fallen living entity so how much can I say with just one mouth? That too in a limited amount of time.

The pastimes the lord in Dwapara Yuga with lord Krishna which lord Krishna and Balaram played together in Dwapara Yuga in Vrindavan and then later in Mathura, all these pastimes were being played like child’s play. These were being performed for the sake of the residents of Vrindavan and later Mathura and the residents were being shown the different pastimes of their lordships.

Who were the lord’s playing these pastimes with? Children are always playing with friends of the same age and we know this by observation. So in the same way when Nityananda Prabhu was just a child he would play. His play was a exhibition of his own pastimes that had already been performed in dwapara yuga and also he would act out the pastimes of lord Rama from treta yuga.

From whenever Vamana lila had taken place, the lord recalled that and played that pastime also as well as the pastimes of Parasuram. All these pastimes were performed with children who were residents of Ekachakra Gram. They were playing as the friends of the lord and they were all the previous cowherd boys of Krishna lila. So alongside them the lord would perform these pastimes of playing based upon the former pastimes that he had performed as the supreme personality of godhead.

They would play and enact these pastimes all day, there was no other play so they would not play cricket or kabaddi (an Indian sport). There was no playing computer games, no. He would play his own pastimes and only Nityananda Prabhu knew the stories of all these pastimes and therefore you can call him the story writer. Just like when there is a drama performance it is called a play or an act. So the writer of these dramas or plays was lord Nityananda Prabhu himself.

The director was also Nityananda Prabhu and he was also the leading actor. For others who may have needed make up, he would be the make up artist putting make up on their face and so like this everyday they would play. This is the description given in Chaitanya Bhagavad and like this Vrindavan Das Thakur is describing the pastimes of Ekachakra Gram.

There are pastimes of lord Krishna and lord Rama. There are pastimes of lord Parasurama and Vamana and all these pastimes and how they were performed is all described in Chaitanya Bhagavad. These are the games the lord played with the boys and his friends were all cowherd boys. They would spend most of their time in the company of lord Nityananda and sometimes they would even have overnight stays with the lord.

The parents of these boys had no problems and no issues about this. There were never any complaints about the fact that their boys were constantly playing with the lord and actually they were happy that their children were associates of lord Nityananda and were staying with him all the time. In this way the whole of Ekachakra Gram loved Nityananda Prabhu and indeed he was the sweet darling of all the residents of Ekachakra Gram.

He was no doubt a friend of the boys of the same age but even the elder persons loved him so much- everyone loved him so much. We cannot talk about all these pastimes but when they all asked the lord, ‘how do you know all these pastimes, who has taught you all the pastimes of lord Krishna and pastimes of lord Rama?’

So the lord replied ’these are all my own pastimes so how can it be that I don’t know them?’ He would not say it straight forwardly that I am the same Balaram and in treta yuga I was Lakshman but he would answer like this and say that ‘these pastimes are my own and I have performed all these previously in the past yugas. That is why I know these pastimes very well.’

When these pastimes were going on one day it so happened that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Nimai was born in Mayapur, Navadwipa and lord Nityananda understood this. He therefore immediately started shouting loudly ‘Nimai! Nimai!’ Also he started shouting

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

His cried penetrated through the whole universe and in this way Nityananda Prabhu welcomed Gauranga Mahaprabhu. ‘Welcome, welcome! I have already reached here on this earth planet and now you have come too. Welcome.’ So gradually he wanted to join Gauranga Mahaprabhu and just like it is difficult to separate Krishna and Balaram who are always together, lord Nityananda and Gauranga Mahaprabhu are the same and therefore they appeared in the same place.

Lord Rama and Lakshman were born in the same palace and when they were Krishna Balaram, Balaram was born in Gokul and as soon as Krishna was born he went there within one night because he could not keep away from lord Balaram. ‘Take me too, take me also!’ ‘Where do you want to go?’ ‘To Gokul where Balaram is.’

So within the very same night of lord Krishna’s birth they were together. In this pastime it is a little bit different and also lord Nityananda has been born in another place and that too quite some time before lord Chaitanya. But as soon as he found out that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had appeared on this earth he wanted to come to him, to meet him and wanted to be with him and play with him.

Together they are going to play some pastimes, some games and those pastimes are of dancing and kirtan.

dharma samsthapanarthaya
sambhavami yuge yuge

In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium
(BG 4.8)

So lord Krishna is saying that he appears to reestablish the principles of religion and lord Balaram is saying this too as he also comes at this time and so in this way we can see that Krishna Balaram are not different from one another. So they will both together reestablish the religious principles in kali yuga.

ajanu lambita bhujau kanakavadhatau
sankirtanaika pitarau kamalayataksau
visvambharau dvija varau yuga dharma palau
vande jagat priyakaro karunavatarau

I offer my respects unto Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Sri Nityananda Prabhu, whose arms extend down to Their knees, who have golden yellow complexions, and who inaugurated the congregational chanting of the Holy Names. Their eyes resemble the petals of a lotus; They are the maintainers of all living entities; They are the best of brahmanas, the protectors of religious principles for this age, the benefactors of the universe, and the most merciful of all incarnations. (Caitanya bhagavata 1.1.1)

What has been said here? Karunavatarau. There are two incarnations of mercy. Krishna has become Gauranga and Balaram has become Nityananda and these two lords are the incarnations of mercy, Gauranga and Nityananda. This is the same as saying who is Dauji’s brother? Krishna Kahnaiya is Dauji Balaram’s brother.

So in kali yuga this Dauji Balaram has appeared as Nityananda Prabhu and the religious principle of this age is the chanting of the lords holy names. So both these lords have come together to propagate the religious principles. So lord Nityananda Prabhu is still in Ekachakra Gram but as soon as he hears that Gauranga has arrived he is getting ready to leave Ekachakra Gram. He has to move on and as he is desiring this, to move on from Ekachakra, what happens?

The lord has many energies and amongst them the energy displayed here is his will. Whatever he desires happens by his own will and that certain energy of his acts accordingly. There is also his lila shakti, his pastime energy which is called yoga maya and she makes all the arrangements according to the lord’s desire. So lord Nityananda desired to leave Ekachakra Gram and gradually approach Mahaprabhu so they could both together propagate the principles of religion further.

So you could say that in the final pastimes of the lord in Ekachakra Gram, one great saintly personality, a sannyasi comes there and he becomes the guest of Hadai Pandit and Padmavati. He is welcomed with much respect and all arrangements are elaborately made for his stay. His meal is ready and they ask him to please (cut).

This is a very difficult situation but Hadai Pandit realises that he has to agree to what the sannyasi has requested from him. ‘Yes, this boy is now yours and we give him to you.’ They certainly did not have a desire to give their darling son to this travelling sannyasi and also this had happened before in treta yuga. When sage Vishvamitra had arrived, as you all know, he had something he wanted.

What is it he wanted? ‘I want Rama and Lakshman.’ So Vishvamitra in treta yuga and this travelling sannyasi in kali yuga are asking for the same thing. There, Vishvamitra wanted the sons of king Dashratha and over here this travelling mendicant wants Hadai Pandit’s son. At that time he was Lakshman and now he is Nityananda. So at that time king Dashrath with a heavy heart said, ‘yes, you can take Rama and Lakshman, do as you desire.’

So the same thing happens here with lord Nityananda and the lord is now leaving but he doesn’t want to go straight away to lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu. He first wants to see Gauranga or Nimai become older. ‘Let him grow into a young man. At the moment he is just a child or youth and after all he is a scholar. He is known as Nimai Pandit and he teaches sastra but he does not as yet perform bhakti, devotional service.’

Lord Nityananda wanted to see that ‘when the lord is a devotee, a preacher of bhakti and his spiritual master Iswara puri will give him the maha mantra

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Then Gauranga will start his pastimes of kirtan and dancing, at that time I will join him and we will carry forward further this Sankirtan movement.’ So the lord has set off away from Navadwipa and lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is twenty years old or so at the meeting of both lords. Then at the age of twenty four Chaitanya Mahaprabhu takes sannyasa and so for four years till the lord takes sannyasa he is propagating the Sankirtan movement everywhere along with lord Nityananda.

udilo aruna puraba bhage,
dwija mani gora amani jage
bhakata samuha loiya sathe
gela nagara braje

tathai tathai bajalo khol
ghana ghana tahe jhajera rol
preme dhala dhala sonara anga
carane nupura baje

When the rising sun appeared in the East, the jewel of the twice-born, Lord Gaurasundara, awakened,
and, taking His devotees with Him, He went all over the countryside towns and villages

They played the mridanga, and the cymbals chimed in time. Lord Gauranga’s shimmering golden features
danced, and His footbells jingled
(Bhajan Bhaktivinode Thakur)

In the kirtan of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu there were devotees who were also dancers and they would dance throughout the whole kirtan. Nityananda Prabhu was also a leading dancer and in this way Gaura and Nityananda stayed together and together they preached Nama Sankirtan. There were many pastimes performed during this time like when they went to the home of Chand Kazi along with a tumultuous kirtan.

Chand Kazi was against the Sankirtan movement and was trying his best to stop the Sankirtan movement of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. ‘Who is this Chand Kazi to stop our kirtan?! Kirtan will not stop!’ So with a great kirtan party and with a maha kirtan, lord Chaitanya and Nityananda went along with Advaita Acharya m and thousands of persons who joined them from who knows where?

There were not so many people in the whole of Bengal or Nawadvipa, that many people had gathered there and not just ordinary people but the demigods in the guise of ordinary people reached this party. Such a wonderful kirtan took place which lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Nityananda prabhu were leading. Whenever there is any trouble or obstacle in preaching the holy names and devotional service of the lord, the lord himself destroys these obstacles.

So Gauranga and Nityananda Prabhu were all destroyers of such obstacles and actually we know that Nityananda Prabhu is Adi Guru, the original spiritual master just as lord Balaram is. He is Guru Tattva and the original adi guru as lord Balaram and lord Nityananda is non different from him. So this guru was given an order by lord Chaitanya which was

suno suno nityananda, suno haridas
sarvatra amar ajna koroho prakas prati ghare ghare giya koro ei bhiksa
bolo `krsna’, bhajo krsna, koro krsna-siksa iha bai arna boliba,
bolaiba dina-avasane asi’ amare kohiba

Listen, listen, Nityananda! Listen, Haridasa! Make My command known everywhere! Go from house to house and beg from all the residents, `Please chant Krsna’s name, worship Krsna, and teach others to follow Krsna’s instructions.’ Do not speak, or cause anyone to speak, anything other than this.
(Caitanya-bhagavata Madhya-Lila 13.8-9)

‘Everyone must chant by my order!’

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Everyone must speak about Krishna and read Bhagavad Gita. So hear the lord is making three points which are worship of Krishna, hearing the message of Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavatam and kirtan of Hare Krishna. ‘Go to each and every home and preach this message of Krishna,’ lord Chaitanya ordered lord Nityananda. Therefore

nadiya godrume nityananda mahajana
patiyache nam hatta jivera karata

In the land of Nadiya, on the island of Godruma, the magnanimous Lord Nityananda has opened up the Marketplace of the Holy Name, meant for the deliverance of all fallen souls
(Bhaktivinode Thakur Bhajan)

Bhaktivinode Thakur has written here about Nama Hatta Prachar, the marketplace of the holy name and the founder of this marketplace is Nityananda Prabhu who preached devotional service and who maintained this preaching. The pastime of the deliverance of Jagai and Madhai is related to this preaching mission of lord Nityananda.

The lord’s preaching partner was Haridas Thakur, and who is this Haridas? He is Brahma Haridas and this implies that lord Brahma from the trinity of Brahma, vishnu and Shiva became Haridas Thakur or Brahma Haridas. He was the preaching partner of Nityananda Prabhu and so this wad a team and hence this preaching was a team effort. So once they both together had set off on their usual preaching mission when they came across Jagai and Madhai.

They tried to preach to them but were not getting any success in doing so but they still were not giving up in their attempts to preach to these two dacoits. ‘If we can convert these two then our lord’s name will become even more great.’ Because of Gauranga Mahaprabhu many unworthy persons were getting liberated and so Nityananda Prabhu was thinking ‘if Jagai and Madhai who are so sinful and low, if they can be delivered then our lord’s name will become all the more great.’

People will then say ‘such low persons are now liberated?! Wow! It will be the talk of the town!’ This is exactly what has happened, right? Jagai and Madhai were delivered five hundred years ago and right now we are sitting here meditating upon this pastime and thinking about it and remembering it. Along with this the names of Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu’s names are being further glorified.

That day lord Nityananda was indeed successful and Jagai and Madhai made some serious offences as they were drinking wine from a clay pot or container or bottle and then that very thing they threw on lord Nityananda. As soon as they did so, there came blood flowing from the body of lord Nityananda, from his head. When lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu found out about this he called immediately for his Sudarshan Chakra.

The lord cannot tolerate Vaishnava Aparadha, and this is an offence at the lotus feet of the greatest Vaishnava lord Nityananda. Here lord Nityananda is playing the role of a Vaishnava in these pastimes. ‘Who is the offender at the feet of lord Nityananda? Whether it be Jagai or Madhai or both of them, what will I do now? With my Sudarshan Chakra I will
finish these two sinful offenders!’

So lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu himself has reached that place and there lord Nityananda Prabhu stops him from using the Sudarshan Chakra. ‘No, no. In this yuga to kill the sinful living entities you will not use any weapons. You will not use bow and arrow or a mace or Sudarshan Chakra.’ Lord Parashurama used an axe so like this lord Nityananda is saying ‘oh lord, you will not use any weapon.’

Nityananda Prabhu is reminding lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in this way and he says further ‘if you want to destroy the sinners then how will you do so?’

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

So the lord saved Jagai and Madhai’s life and we could say he gave them a second life. They both came to the lord’s shelter and they promised that ‘from today we will give up all our sinful activities. No more meat eating or intoxication and no more gambling or illicit connections. We will give up these four great sinful activities of kali yuga. We take this vow and so please give us protection.’

Lord Gauranga and Nityananda Prabhu gave the shelter of the holy name to Jagai and Madhai.

dina hina jata chilo, hari name uddharilo,
tara sakshi jagai madhai

The holy name delivered all those souls who were lowly and wretched. The two sinners Jagai and Madhai are evidence of this
(Ishta deve vijnapti, Prarthana Narottama das thakur)

So the greatest of sinners will be delivered and who will deliver them? Hari name uddharilo. The holy name will deliver them! ‘So you may say this but is there any proof of it?’ Someone may ask like this. ‘Yes, yes we have that proof. The witnesses to this mercy are Jagai and Madhai,’ Narottama das thakur is saying this. ‘Tara sakshi jagai madhai. When Jagai and Madhai can be delivered by the holy name then is there any doubt which that can be left?’

They were famous as the most sinful men and so sinful they were that even upon seeking for a more wretched sinner, you would not be able to find one. This is how wretched they were and so if the holy names can deliver that Jagai and Madhai then wherever they may be in this material world, the holy name will deliver all other sinful persons.

The lords Gaura and Nityananda and their team proved this statement and along with this a prophecy had been made

p?thivite ache yata nagaradi grama
sarvatra pracara haibe mora nama

In every town and village, the chanting of My name will be heard
C.C Antya 1.117)

This Sankirtan movement was started in Navadwipa Mayapur and it will reach every town and village, wherever on this earth any sinful man may be hiding, all these persons will be delivered by the holy names. The founding fathers of this Sankirtan movement are both Gauranga Mahaprabhu and Nityananda Prabhu and this is the religious principle which they have given us.

dharma sansthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge

To protect the righteous, to annihilate the wicked, and to reestablish the principles of dharma I appear on this earth, age after age

On this day lord Nityananda Prabhu appeared and following him lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared and together they are the founding fathers, having inaugurated this Hare Krishna or Hari Nama Dharma you could say. They have started the Gaudiya Vaishnava lineage and they have given form to devotional service unto lord Sri Krishna.

This Hare Krishna movement, Iskcon’s founder acharya is Srila Prabhupada. So whatever is happening is what was predicted by lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and lord Nityananda and just like in the pastime of Jagai and Madhai they were delivered by the mercy of lord Nityananda and the holy name, this is happening everywhere and many sinful people are being delivered like this.

This preaching is happening in Noida as well and we can call it the greatest philanthropic work and we have to take it more further. Along with the temple openings of Iskcon centres and the installation of the deities, lord Nityananda has also come and he has come to Noida. He has in this way become a resident of Noida and with him Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is here also and with them are Sri Sri Radha Govinda Dev.

Both of the lords are devotees because Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has become a devotee and lord Nityananda Prabhu also has become a devotee. Both of them are the supreme lord

Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam

Krishna is the supreme personality of godhead
(SB 1.3.28)

And so Gaura Nitai both have become devotees and who do they worship? They worship Radha Govinda and when they were present here on earth they were themselves performing Sankirtan and this is a form of devotional service.

Sravanam kirtanam visnoh
smaranam pada sevanam
arcanam vandanan dasyam
sakhyam atma nivedanam

Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Lord Vi??u, remembering them, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, offering the Lord respectful worship with sixteen types of paraphernalia, offering prayers to the Lord, becoming His servant, considering the Lord one’s best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him (in other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words)—these nine processes are accepted as pure devotional service
(SB 7.5.23)

This sravan and kirtan, hearing and chanting is devotional service and so lord Balaram performed this devotional service and became a devotee and so whose devotee is lord Nityananda? Radha Govinda’s devotee and he is the devotee of Jagannatha. Jagannatha Baladev Subhadra Maiya ki jai.

So the lords stayed in Jagannatha Puri as well and there are many pastimes which took place there, pastimes of lord Nityananda and Gauranga Mahaprabhu. There are many kirtan pastimes during Jagannatha Rathayatra of the two lords and along with Radha Govinda and Jagannatha Baladeva and Subhadra Maharani, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai have been installed here in Noida.

On the day of today these deities were installed and how many years ago was this? Okay eight years ago so today is the eighth anniversary. So I am seeing now that there is a big crowd in the darshan tent today and every year I used to be there also and I am there in spirit today also although you are seeing me via zoom and I am seeing you right there. (shouts of Haribol).

So I have become a part of Iskcon Noida at this time of the installation anniversary celebrations by speaking and hearing the pastimes and glories of lord Nityananda. I have become a limb of this temple and this is my service for this festival. So the festival and celebration is throughout the whole day, whether you are in Noida or NCR. If you have not yet reached then do so quickly and loot the Ananda, the joy which lord Nityananda is giving out to one and all.

If you can loot this joy then do so and with all these festivities there is Harinam and the bhajan is that one is throwing jewels and diamonds of the holy name of lord Rama. So during Harinam there will be distribution of the jewels of the name of lord Rama and you know all this anyway. During today’s Japa talk there was an interview on television and someone from Benares were being interviewed.

So they were asked ‘so what did you see in Noida during all your sightseeing? Did you like Noida, is it nice and clean?’ They asked ‘is it this or that and what was the best place you saw in Noida that you liked the best?’ So the reply of the journalist was ‘I liked Iskcon Noida!’ This person had gone and seen the whole of Noida and seen everything there but they said that the best place in Noida is Iskcon Noida ki jai!

Well here in Iskcon Noida we have Gaura Nitai and Radha Govinda Deva is here in Noida along with Jagannatha Baladeva and Subhadra Maharani. There are all festivities happening here for Jagannatha and it is so beautiful and well decorated and most importantly, this place will deliver everybody, liberate everybody making everybody a devotee.

Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Gaura prem anande hari haribol.

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.7.39 ISKCON Vrindavan

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.7.39
ISKCON Vrindavan
9th Sept 2021

Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya
Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

Jaya Om Vishnu pada paramahamsa parivrajakacharya ashtottara shata Shri Srimad His Divine Grace Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja Prabhupada ki jai

Prem se kaho Shri Krishna-Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadhara, Shrivasadi Gaura bhakta Vrinda ki Jai

Mayapur dham ki jai
Ganga Mayi Jamuna Mayi ki jai
Bhakti devi Tulsi Maharani ki jai
Sama veta bhakta vrinda ki jai
Harinam Sankirtan ki jai
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu ki jai
Granth Raj Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai
Nitai Gaura prem anande Hari Haribol.

All glories to the assembled devotees. Hare Krishna and welcome to all of you and thank you as well for being present here. Great devotees have said – actually once the devotees requested Lord Krishna and then he appeared at that time and there was also sankirtan. Prahlad Maharaja was there also and what was he doing? He was playing Kartalas.

Indra was also there and what was he doing? He was playing the Mridanga. Sukadeva Goswami was there singing in his own Bhava and speaking Bhagavat Katha. The lord also appeared along with his associates and there was a request at that time at the lotus feet of the lord. ‘Just as you have appeared here now, in the future whenever and wherever there is talk of you, will you please appear there as well?’

‘Tathastu, so it shall be.’ Hari Hari. Actually the Bhagavatam itself is the form of the lord and so whether the lord himself appears or the Bhagavatam is present, there is no difference because the Bhagavatam is the form of the lord. The lord went back to his own abode and that is the time when Kali Yuga appeared and at this very same time Bhagavatam also appeared.

That is also when

kalau nasta drsam esa
puranarko ‘dhunodita?
(SB 1.3.43)

Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the Age of Kali shall get light from this Purana.

So the lord appeared in the form of Bhagavatam as Suta Goswami is explaining in the Bhagavatam. Sri Uddhava is saying to the lord ‘oh my lord if you are leaving then take me with you, I also want to come!’ So the lord said ‘actually I am going to stay here.’ To this Uddhava replied ‘oh then if you are staying then I shall stay as well.’ So in what form will the lord stay?

In the form of the Bhagavatam. The lord said this and indeed he did stay and he is also amongst us here today in the form of Granth Raj Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai! In that same Bhagavatam it is said

nasta prayesv abhadresu
nityan bhagavata sevaya
bhagavaty uttama sloke
bhaktir bhavati nai??hiki
(SB 1.2.18)

By regular attendance in classes on the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.

Srila Prabhupada also has given us Srimad Bhagavatam. Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Prabhupada had taken the Bhagavatam along with him when going to foreign land and Srila Prabhupada commented that ‘no, no. The Bhagavatam has not gone with me but in actual fact I have gone along with the Bhagavatam. The Bhagavatam has take me there.’

Granth Raj Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai. So books are the basis and Bhagavatam is the basis. What is the form of Bhagavat Dharma? Actually we shouldn’t say ‘what is the form?’ We should say ‘who is the form?’ ‘What’ makes it an item or a thing but actually it is a personality so we must ask ‘who is that?’ The answer is that the form of the Bhagavatam is the supreme lord himself.

The basis of our dharma is Granth Raj Srimad Bhagavatam, and this Bhagavatam is being distributed even now, did you know this? Whole sets of Bhagavatam are being distributed and this campaign is called Bhadra Purnima Abhiyana. So the coming Purnima will occur on the date of the twentieth of this month and in celebration of this occasion, Iskcon.. (cut)

So the plan to distribute Srimad Bhagavatam in a grand way has been going on for some years now and will happen this year as well during the time of Bhadra Purnima. So what is the relation between the distribution of Bhagavatam and Bhadra Purnima? Well actually it is a straight forward explanation in where Sukadeva Goswami has recited Srimad Bhagavatam, right?

Okay very good and so the confirmation of the fact that Sukadeva Goswami has recited Bhagavatam can be found in many places in the Puranas such as Padma Purana. So Kali Yuga was just thirty years old and so it was not even ripe as yet. That was when Sukadeva Goswami recited Srimad Bhagavatam to King Parikshit. So the recitation of Bhagavatam was started by Sukadeva Goswami on the Navami, ninth day of Bhadra Purnima when Sukadeva Giswami sat outside Hastinapura (New Delhi) on the banks of the Ganges.

For how many days was the recitation of Bhagavatam? So start counting from the ninth, Navami. So ninth, tenth and then Ekadasi, Dwadasi and so for seven days and what was that seventh and final day? Purnima of course, that is when the Bhagavatam recitation of Sukadeva Goswami came to an end. So in one sense this is an anniversary that we celebrate on Bhadra Purnima of the recitation of Bhagavatam originally spoken by Sukadeva Goswami.

Just like we are celebrating Srila Prabhupada’s one hundred and twenty fifth birth anniversary and so whenever this Bhadra Purnima comes every year it is celebration of the anniversary. Just like Janmasthami which we have just celebrated and so like that.

So in Bhagavatam, Sloka 12.13.13 it is said and actually this is not a common folk tale for children like once upon a time there was a king and a queen, no not like this. Well actually if there was a king, that king was Lord Rama and the queen was Sita. So what was I saying? Yes we were speaking about Bhadra Purnima and In Bhagavatam it is written in 12.13.13

dadati yo bhagavatam
sa yati paramam gatim
(SB 12.13.13)

If on the full moon day of the month of Bhadra one places Srimad-Bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it as a gift, he will attain the supreme transcendental destination.

So this is a great opportunity to distribute or at least try to distribute one set or two or ten, twenty, fifty, hundred or five hundred sets of Bhagavatam. Will you all try? Yes, no- no yes? Yes, yes? Haribol! Thank you very much.

rayah kalatram pasavah sutadayo
grha mahi kunjara kosa bhutayah
sarve ‘rtha kamah ksana bhangurayusah
kurvanti martyasya kiyat priyam calah

(SB 7.7.39)

One’s riches, beautiful wife and female friends, one’s sons and daughters, one’s residence, one’s domestic animals like cows, elephants and horses, one’s treasury, economic development and sense gratification — indeed, even the lifetime in which one can enjoy all these material opulences — are certainly temporary and flickering. Since the opportunity of human life is temporary, what benefit can these material opulences give to a sensible man who has understood himself to be eternal?

What happiness can these material possessions give one? It could happen to us that when we actually understand this then we will start to turn away from material life, we make a U-turn. When we actually see what this material world is like, when we see it’s reality then

janma m?tyu jara vyadhi
duhkha dosanudarsanam
(BG 13.9)

Perception of the evil of birth, death, old age and disease

So one great personality was once insisting ‘show me, show me, I want to take darshan of Bharat, India.’ So his father did not want to take him out but he was so obstinate and wouldn’t listen. What was the name of this person? Siddharth. So his father finally said ‘okay go’ and so he put him on a chariot and there was a charioteer of course as well.

So he saw one scene where people were chanting ’Ram nama satya hai- the name of lord Ram is the only truth.’ So Siddharth had never before heard of nor had he seen
such a sight. He asked his charioteer ‘what is this, what has happened?’ The charioteer answered ‘this man is dead, he died. They are taking him to the place he now belongs.’

‘What they will do there?’ Siddharth asked and the answer he got was that the body will be burned to ashes. So Siddharth asked ‘will he not come back from there?’ To this the charioteer replied ‘no, he is gone – finished!’ Then Siddharth asked the driver if everyone dies and the chariot driver answered ‘yes, every person has to die.’

In a fearful manner Siddharth asked slowly ‘will I also die?’ ‘Oh yes, everyone must die- no problem you can die as easily as everyone else’ the driver said. So they continued on their way forward and an old man was trying to cross the road and Siddharth was watching as the old man was sometimes falling and he would stand up again with great difficulty. So again he questioned his charioteer, ‘what is this?’

‘This is old age whereupon one becomes old and nears his death’ the charioteer answered. ‘Oh do all people become old?’ Siddharth asked. ‘Oh yes, yes. Everyone becomes old and you and I will also become old one day, no problem.’ Then as they continued they saw a very sick person who had leprosy. So he was in a very bad and sorry state and of course he is not the only one as this is a common thing in the material world.

People are reaching the ICU nowadays. ‘If we die then how will we die? We will die in style! We will be admitted into a five star hospital. We usually go to five star hotels and restaurants and therefore we will also in the same way not go to a government hospital. If we die then we will die in style by going in the ICU.’ Just like when someone asks a dying man ‘how are you sir?’ He will answer ‘I am fine, I am fine.’

He is in the hospital bed and is going to die in a few days and he is saying that he is fine. He doesn’t even know what it is to be ‘fine’ and so actually he has been fined. Once all the family members of a dying man arrived and they were desperate, telling him ‘father, oh father. You only have one or two breaths left in you.’ The family were devotees of Bhola, lord Shiva. So the sons requested their father ‘father, chant the name of Bhola.’

What did the father say? ‘Coca cola.’ Sarvabhauma Prabhu often tells us this story. Coca cola. He was requested to chant the name of Bhola but no, coca cola. So all his life he was addicted to coca cola and so where did he go upon his death? Coca cola loka. Is that in America? So lord Buddha then saw a sick person – oh look flies are coming, we haven’t died yet but flies are already here.

Lord Buddha asked ‘Does everyone become sick?’ His driver answered ‘oh yes, everyone becomes sick.’ ‘Well will I become sick?’ Lord Buddha asked and the driver replied ‘oh yes no problem. For sure you will.’ So after witnessing these two or three situations lord Buddha said ‘I have now seen enough of this world and I have no desire to see anything more, enough is enough. Please take this chariot back to the palace.’

Then on that very night (cut). So all these problems which are there he was thinking, there must be some solution but what is that solution? What is the way out? He wanted to find the answers to his questions. So then he left for Gaya where he became Buddha which means enlightened.

So in the same way we must also make this decision that ‘enough of this world.’ When will we go back home and reach our goal, our destination? It could be that you can make this process even faster, increasing your speed whilst on the way towards your goal. We are in the process, on the right track but we are moving very, very slowly.

We are on the right path in going back home back to godhead but we are doing this so slowly, walking slowly with a carefree attitude. We move whilst asleep, awake or getting up or whilst looking back over our shoulders and in doing so we are thinking ‘are we doing the right thing or not?’ But if we are actually serious then we will speed up. Srila Prabhupada would say ‘do it in this lifetime, in this lifetime finish this all up and go back home, back to godhead.’

So nine o clock, nine fifteen what time do we- oh okay nine o clock. The senior devotees are all sitting just here so we must be careful. So have you all risen above all these thoughts yet or not? Actually these are just the ABC’s because spiritual life actually starts at the point of asking these questions. In this Sloka it is said

kurvanti martyasya kiyat priyam calah
(SB 7.7.39)

Since the opportunity of human life is temporary, what benefit can these material opulences give to a sensible man who has understood himself to be eternal?

So one will naturally be pleased and proud of ruling a great kingdom but this kingdom is temporary. After a hundred or two hundred years everything will be gone. An intelligent person should come to the conclusion that material opulences can never give one happiness. Who knows the truth of what we have just read? How many people know the truth of this?

manushyanam sahasreshu
ka?hchid yatati siddhaye
(BG 7.3)

Amongst thousands of persons, hardly one strives for perfection; and amongst those who have achieved perfection, hardly one knows me in truth.

One in a thousand or in a million people could maybe understand the truth of what we have just read. This conclusion should be made but those who reach this conclusion are very rare. The conclusion should be made that materialistic people are only after one thing which is economic development. This is why Prahlad Maharaja is teaching, right? He has said that the blind are leading the blind.

Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah
(SB 7.5.31)

The blind are leading the blind

All the so-called leaders of the world are blind and the citizens are also blind and they are being guided and are following these blind men who are leading them. Have you ever seen a sheep when it is walking? You will never see the head because where is it? Always facing downward towards the ground and so if the first sheep in the front falls into a ditch then the rest will also follow and slowly fall right in as well.

So the leaders are blind and if the citizens blindly follow behind then what will be the outcome? That is why you must be careful!

Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah.
(CC Madhya lila 17.186)

The solid truth of religious principles is hidden in the heart of an unadulterated, self-realized person

Panthah means path and therefore we should always walk on the path which has been shown to us by great souls. The teachings that are going on here now are of those of a Mahajana and who is that? Prahlad Maharaja, who we cam also call a Maha Bhagavata, a great devotee.

prahl?do janako bh??mo
balir vaiy?sakir vayam
(SB 6.3.20)

Prahlada Maharaja, Janaka Maharaja, Grandfather Bhishma, Bali Maharaja, Sukadeva Gosvami and I myself know the real religious principle.

He has also gained his knowledge through the teachings of another great devotee, Maha Bhagavata who is none other than Srila Narada Muni. So the first Maha Bhagavata is Narad Muni, the second is Prahlad Maharaja and third is Sukadeva Goswami. These three great devotees are leading us and guiding us and we must follow these leaders. So who is our leader? Prahlad Maharaja is our leader here. Prahlad Maharaja ki jai!

He will give us our eyes back because otherwise what has Kali-yuga done? Taken our eyes away and therefore this Bhagavatam is giving us eyes and vision to see again. Maybe I should quickly read only and not talk?

The entire world is described in Bhagavad-gita as duhkhalayam asasvatam – miserable and temporary. Economic development may be pleasing for some time, but it cannot endure. Thus many big businessmen are now very morose because they are being harassed by various plundering governments.

Is this true? Are there any persons present here from Delhi to confirm? Or anyone from Agra who can say from their own mouth that this is indeed a fact.

In conclusion, why should one waste his time for so-called economic development, which is neither permanent nor pleasing to the soul? So do you all agree with this which is being said? Do you understand this?

On the other hand, our relationship with Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is eternal. So what is it? Eternal. It is not flickering and temporary like our relationship with the material world. The other side is this eternal relationship just like the lord is eternal and we are also eternal.

Nitya-siddha krsna-prema. The pure souls are eternally in love with Krsna, and this permanent love, either as a servant, a friend, a parent or a conjugal lover, is not at all difficult to revive. Listen to this carefully because here there is mention of a discount. Especially in this age, the concession is that simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra one revives his original relationship with God! What is this? It is a discount.

Harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam
(CC Madhya 6.242)

In this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, the only means of deliverance is the chanting of the holy names of the Lord.

Thus the living entity becomes so happy that he does not desire anything material.

Na dhanam na janam na sundarim kavitam va jagad-isa kamaye
(Siksastaka 4)

O Lord of the universe, I do not desire material wealth, materialistic followers, a beautiful wife or fruitive activities described in flowery language.

That’s all that Srila Prabhupada has quoted. Repeat after me. A very advanced devotee in Krsna consciousness does not want riches, followers or possessions. So think deeply about these words and meditate upon them.

Rayah kalatram pasavah sutadayo grha mahi kunjara-kosa-bhutayah
(SB 7.7.39)

One’s riches, beautiful wife and female friends, one’s sons and daughters, one’s residence, one’s domestic animals like cows, elephants and horses, one’s treasury, economic development and sense gratification-indeed, even the lifetime in which one can enjoy all these material opulences – are certainly temporary and flickering.

The satisfaction of possessing material opulences, although perhaps of a different standard, is available even in the lives of dogs and hogs – so this is an important point, hogs and dogs. They cannot revive their eternal relationship with Krsna. In human life, however, our eternal, dormant relationship with Krsna is possible to revive.

Therefore Prahlada Maharaja has described this life as arthadam. Here somewhere Prahlad Maharaja has used this word arthadam. There is adruvam as well which means you cannot put any faith into that. Just like we say ‘what faith can we put in this material world?’ Also though the word arthadam has been used which is meaningful.

Our lives have a reason, some meaning and there are some duties to follow and there are many reasons to why we live.

Consequently, instead of wasting our time for economic development, which cannot give us any happiness, if we simply try to revive our eternal relationship with Krsna, we will properly utilize our lives. Haribol!

So I will repeat this last bit which is the end of my talk today. Consequently, instead of wasting our time for economic development, which cannot give us any happiness, if we simply try to revive our eternal relationship with Krsna, we will properly utilize our lives.

I wish you all success, this is my desire and with this I end my talk here.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.18 ISKCON Ujjain

Srimad Bhagavatam 1.2.18
Iskcon Ujjain

16th September 2021

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

Welcome to all of you and thank you all of you for being present here. Nityam Bhagavata Sevaya is the process that Srila prabhupada has given us according to the bhagavatam as well. This is why we are speaking from the bhagavatam and also srila prabhupada’s memorial festival is currently being celebrated and along with this we are celebrating his holiness Bhakti Charu Maharaja’s seventy sixth appearance day, vyas puja mahotsava.

So in this way the list is quite long and big and on top of that we can definitely add one more item which is the recitation of srimad bhagavatam because we are celebrating the anniversary of this occasion as well. Have you heard of the campaign of bhadra purnima? In front of the temple I read some promotional material about this.

So I also thereupon remembered that we also had a message sent here that for the first time we are celebrating the anniversary of the bhagavatam that Sukadeva Goswami has spoken all at once. Another order of Srila Prabhupada was ‘read my books’ and so throughout all of Iskcon we are celebrating in this way.

A way to celebrate this occasion is by distributing the jewel of all literatures, srimad bhagavatam. We are distributing the bhagavatam but also we should listen to it’s narration. It’s not that you should only distribute the bhagavatam but also Prabhupada has said again and again ‘distribute my books, distribute my books, distribute my books.’ We have not paid much attention to anything else he may have said because we have become impressed or have understood this one instruction ‘distribute my books.’

So he has said ‘read my books, read my books, read my books’ but he has not said this all at once and again and again because along with this he has also said ‘study my books.’ Hari Hari. So we are celebrating the anniversary of first time the hearing and chanting of Srimad bhagavatam took place through Sukadeva Goswami.

I am not sure if this is the right sloka but I have selected this one and it is the first canto, chapter seven, sloka eight. Please repeat after me.

sa samhitam bhagavatim
krtvanukramya catma jam
sukam adhyapayam asa
nivrtti niratam munih
(SB 1.7.8)

The great sage Vyasadeva, after compiling the Srimad-Bhagavatam and revising it, taught it to his own son, Sri Sukadeva Gosvami, who was already engaged in self-realization.

After he completed the writing of srimad bhagavatam, Sri Vysadeva taught it to his own son Sukadeva Goswami who was already engaged in realisation of the self.

Srila Prabhupada ki jai! So I was speaking and some talks were happening in regards to Srila Prabhupada’s one hundred and twenty fifth birth anniversary which we are celebrating. Srila Prabhupada ki jai! So remember this, that for the whole year this occasion will be celebrated and the inauguration has been done by Modi-ji himself. You all must have heard about this or read about it.

So we have also celebrated Sri Krishna Janmasthami as well. Sri Krishna Janmasthami ki jai! This is also a birth anniversary, that of lord Sri Krishna. So Srila Prabhupada’s one hundred and twenty fifth anniversary and Sri Bhakti Charu Swami’s seventy eighth birth anniversary shows how much we are celebrating this year.

We have just celebrated the five thousand two hundred and forty eighth Sri Krishna Janmasthami. Haribol! So if you want a challenge or if you want to challenge this calculation then you can make your own attempt or otherwise you could just accept this. I will just quickly say how we got this calculation of five thousand two hundred and forty eight.

This is a fact that Lord Krishna appeared three thousand one hundred and two years before Christ, you understand BC, yes? So the year which we are in now is two thousand and twenty one. So we will add these two numbers up of two thousand and twenty one to three thousand one hundred and two. Plus one hundred and twenty five years which is how long Krishna stayed on the Earth and then ended his pastimes.

The lord also came here in Ujjain, in Avantipura and he performed his pastimes here also. Nanda ke ghar ananda bhayo jai kanaiya lal ki. So before Christ, lord Krishna departed for his own abode and so adding this to two thousand and twenty one what is the grand total? Five thousand two hundred and forty eight which is how many years ago lord Krishna was born at the house of Nanda Maharaja. Nanda ke ghar ananda bhayo jai kanaiya lal ki.

So Nanda Maharaja celebrated this and this is called Nandotsava and this happened that many years ago. So Srila Prabhupada is speaking in connection to this, about when srimad bhagavatam was spoken after five thousand years after lord left the planet. If we go into the details of this then we can see that the very day when krishna left this planet to go back to his abode

yada mukundo bhagwan shamam tyaktva svapadam gatah tad dinath kali rayantam sarva sadhak badhaka
(Brahma vaivarta purana)

TRANSLATION When Bhagwan Mukunda, Krsna Shyam left this planet and went to his planet from that day kaliyuga has come. And it is an impediment everywhere and particularly in devotional service.

There is one sloka like this in the Veda’s where it is said that when Mukunda Sri Krishna returned back to his abode, from that day forward Kali Yuga began. On on the very same day what started happening? People’s religious principles started becoming irregular and who was doing this? Kali and his influence. Kali is a person because everything is eventually a personality.

When the Pandavas found out that Krishna was no longer on the planet, Arjuna had gone to Dwarka to meet lord Krishna and he had spent so much time there. For a long time he didn’t return and he spent seven months in Dwarka after which he returned and the Pandavas heard the worst news of their life.

When Arjuna came back with this heartbreaking news, just by seeing the look of misery upon Arjuna’s face, the Pandavas understood what Arjuna was going to say. So upon hearing this news the Pandavas retired and also as soon as Queen Kunti heard this news she could not live for one moment longer. The Pandavas and Draupadi tried to keep strong and control themselves but we know this is not possible and so they immediately handed the kingdom over to King Parikshit.

He then became the emperor of the world and during his rule he witnessed Kali in his personified form cutting the cow with a sword which Kali wanted to kill but then ‘oh please excuse me. Please forgive me’ which the King then did. So I am extending this Katha I know. So the King gave Kali four places where he could stay.

Abhyarthitas tada tasmai sthananik alaye dadou
Dyutam panam striyah suna yatra adhamass chaturbidhah.
(SB 1.17.38)

Suta Goswami said, “Maharaj Parikshit, thus being prayed for by the personality of Kali, gave him permission to reside in four different places where gambling, drinking, prostitution and slaughtering of animals are performed respectively.”

So these are the places where Kali was permitted to reside where gambling and drinking, including drinking tea take place. You must be thinking okay ‘so no tea so we can have coffee’ but no, that will also not do. Then there is slaughtering of animals and also women in the form of time bombs (cut).

So chanting of

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

So then chanting like this he (HH Bhakti Charu Swami) became unconscious and then came to the shelter of Srila Prabhupada. So this is the personality bhagavad and therefore the worship of bhagavatam should simultaneously be done alongside the worship of the person bhagavad. So Maharaja took shelter of both the bhagavad’s srimad bhagavatam and Srila Prabhupada and for the first time ever in history and only a few months later Srila Prabhupada got all the senior devotees to come together and held a meeting with them.

He spoke to them and then told them that this boy (Bhakti Charu Maharaja) will spread Krishna consciousness throughout the whole world. Srila Prabhupada was told by his spiritual master Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Maharaja where to go. ‘Go to the western world and preach in English language this bhagavad dharma!’

But to do this anybody who wants to join the movement has to abide by these four regulative principles. So Prabhupada said this for the first time when he came to the west and the students asked him what these four principles are. No intoxication, no gambling, no illicit sex and no meat eating. So how many of you sitting here are ready to do this and follow these four principles?

Raise your hands. So all of you who are sitting here at the moment are not raising your hands but when Srila Prabhupada asked them they all raised their hands. ‘We are ready! We will follow these principles!’ This showed that it was now the beginning of the end of the age of Kali. So the beginning of the end means for the next ten thousand years it will be the golden period of Kali Yuga.

This has been mentioned in the Chaitanya Mangal and so this was the golden age with the American boys and girls. It was mostly boys and girls because older people would not come forward. Also this kind of thing is usually for the younger generation and so with their help Srila Prabhupada registered this movement of Iskcon.

So he went around the world – jet aged Parivrajakachrya. What sort of Parivrajakachrya? Jet aged. So the preaching was of srimad bhagavatam, the jewel of all scriptures. Prabhupada used to say that books are the basis. And the books he is speaking of is bhagavad gita and bhagavatam and also for the gaudiya vaishnava’s there is Chaitanya Charitamrita.

So we are speaking and having katha of srimad bhagavatam which Srila Prabhupada has given the whole world. So before Prabhupada did this or rather gave this to the world, we were speaking of how the bhagavatam appeared and who the original speaker was. So King Parikshit is the medium via whom this all happened and the guru is Narada Muni who is actually the guru of so many personalities who have then written so many books.

Dhruva Maharaja’s guru is Narada Muni, Prahlad Maharaja’s guru is Narada Muni. He has his disciples all over the universe and so everything must be done by asking the guru for advice, by taking his input. ‘I am dissatisfied, why? I have written so many books but I am not happy.’ Vyasadeva is thinking like this and so his guru Narada Muni did what? He did a book review.

When books are published nowadays there are book reviews and people give their comments and so Narada Muni said ‘oh now I understand why you are angry and upset. You have spoken much in the matter of religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation in the Vedas, Purana’s, Mahabharata and in this book and that book. As many books as you have written till now, in none of these have you described the glories of Sri Vasudeva. Vasudevah sarvam iti, Vasudeva is all in all.

But you have spoken of so many things in so much detail, religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and liberation. But where is the katha of Vasudeva or the pancham purusartha, the fifth principle which is love or bhakti. So after taking this advise Srila Vyasadeva wrote one more scripture. And finally his final book- did you get scared as I said ‘finally?’

It was too loud but it was to wake you up a bit and just for emphasis, you know? So he wrote one book and that is the king of all scriptures – srimad bhagavatam ki jai!

srimad bhagavatam puranam amalam yad vaisnavanam priyam
(SB 12.13.18)

Srimad-Bhagavatam is the spotless Purana. It is most dear to the Vaisnavas because it describes the pure and supreme knowledge of the paramahamsas.

According to the opinion of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu himself and according to the bhagavatam, srimad bhagavatam is amala purana, it is perfectly pure. ‘A’ means negative, not existing and mala means dirt, so it is dirt-less. Actually any bonafide scripture purifies our consciousness and our thoughts.

So Sukadeva Goswami stayed in the womb of his mother for sixteen years thinking that if he were to come out then the falsity and contamination of this material world would influence him. ‘This is why it is better for me to stay here where I am.’ So he stayed in his mother’s womb and for how long did he stay? How many years? It wasn’t for ten months or one year, two years, ten years or twelve years. No he stayed for sixteen years!

You can just imagine how difficult that must’ve been for the child, how much inconvenience he bore. Then Vyasadeva called Krishna so that the child could be born and so his wife could gain some relief. So upon arrival, Sri Krishna promised Sukadeva Goswami, ‘first just come out at least. Then you will be safe and I will protect you.’

So he then took birth but as soon as he did, there was no performance of any ceremony or samskara because he immediately started running towards the forest and his father ran after him.

putreti tan mayataya taravo ’bhinedus
(SB 1.2.2)

His father, Vy?sadeva, fearing separation from him, cried out, “O my son!” Indeed, only the trees, which were absorbed in the same feelings of separation, echoed in response to the begrieved father.

Srila Vyasadeva ran after his son and only this much has been said. The acharyas have written commentaries upon this and they say that Vyasadeva shouted ‘putra!’ (Son) but Sukadeva Goswami didn’t hear anything. Do you hear the crowing of the cock? There are three different ways in which the cock crows just to wake you up.

So the cock will crow slowly but you wont wake up so he will crow a little higher this time but still you don’t wake up. This is what sukadeva goswami was like and so in the teachings of Srimad Bhagavatam this bhakti process has been taught by him. Sukadeva Goswami was also very learned and also renounced and so he went to the forest immediately after birth. Sukadeva Goswami wanted to speak the bhagavatam so that upon listening or reading it what would we then do?

We would distribute knowledge of the bhagavatam. The search continued and Vyasadeva would send his students to go and search for Sukadeva Goswami. Upon finding him, because Sukadeva Goswami was further inquisitive about self realisation, his father Vyasadeva taught him more through srimad bhagavatam.

sa samhitam bhagavatim
krtvanukramya catma jam
sukam adhyapayam asa
nivrtti niratam munih
(SB 1.7.8)

The great sage Vyasadeva, after compiling the Srimad-Bhagavatam and revising it, taught it to his own son, Sri Sukadeva Gosvami, who was already engaged in self-realization.

This is is written in the sloka of today about how firstly Srila Vyasadeva compiled the bhagavatam and then sukam adhyapayam asa- he taught it to his son Sukadeva Goswami. So after Srila Vyasadeva had read the bhagavatam which meant there was sravana and kirtan (hearing and chanting) of the lord, he had become realised in the process of devotional service and realised the lord.

What then happened? Kali Yuga became thirty years old and that is when King Parikshit is cursed with only seven days to live whereupon a snakebird will come. So King Parikshit became ready and wearing only one loincloth he went to the banks of the river Ganges and sat down. The whole world received the news of this and only the lord knows how it spread so quickly and so far. So the brahmanas assembled and asked him what he wanted and he said ‘whatever may happen

Ante narayana smriti
(SB 2.1.6)

Somehow or other one should remember Krishna at the time of death.

This is when Sukadeva Goswami arrived on the scene and he hadn’t even worn any clothes, had he or not? No because Sukadeva Goswami was thinking-have you not read the gita? What has the lord called the body?

vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya
(Bg 2.22)

A person puts on new garments, giving up old ones

‘Why are you thinking that I have not worn any clothes? I have previously also worn so many clothes!’ I’m already wearing one set’ (the body). Upon seeing him all the great sages and King Parikshit stood up to receive him with respect. So Sukadeva Goswami’s katha starts in the first canto, nineteenth chapter. We will now have to end this katha but the time we are going back to is the age of Kali being thirty years old.

This information is in the padma purana where it is clearly written that when Kali Yuga was thirty years old Sukadeva Goswami started his narration of bhagavad katha on which date? Navami, the ninth day was when the Katha began and from there how many days did the Katha continue? When must it have ended? Anyway I am not going by the calendar as such. So in the day of purnima which is the seventh day was when the katha ended.

And which purnima was this? Bhadrapada purnima (the seventh day) and what is the date today? You have all forgotten, yes today is the tenth. So when must the katha have started? Yes, today is the third day of the katha. So in the twelfth canto chapter thirteen, sloka thirteen of bhagavatam there is mention of Bhadra Purnima where it is said that if on the full moon day of the month of Bhadra one places srimad bhagavatam on a golden throne and gives it as a gift, he will attain the supreme transcendental destination.

sa yati paramam gatim
(SB 12.13.13)

he will attain the supreme transcendental destination.

So param gati means going back to godhead. So in either gita mahatmya or bhagavad mahatmya it is said and we also have gita marathon in the month in which the lord spoke bhagavad gita. In the same way we are having bhagavatam distribution in the same month when Sukadeva Goswami spoke bhagavatam, Haribol!

Are you all pleased about this? You did not cry out Haribol or show any signs of happiness. (Shouts of Haribol)! So this was by force, not natural. So now in the matter of distribution of bhagavatam sets, last year Iskcon, I think in mostly India they distributed twenty thousand sets of Srimad Bhagavatam.

And this year we have also started in some places and so just like Srila Prabhupada used to say ‘it’s never too late.’ I was in Pune last year and I heard that Iskcon Pune has made a target and that they are alone going to distribute five thousand sets of bhagavatam. So see to this Iskcon Ujjain, and see who is going to win this marathon as they are the real winners.

All glories to Srimad Bhagavatam.

Radhastami Class 2021

Radhastami class
14th September 2021

Nanda ke ghar ananda bhayo- there is a great occasion of joy in the house of Nanda Maharaja. In the same way today there is joy in Icchakaranji. So there was joy in the house of Nanda and this Katha of what occurred many years ago. Sri Krishna Janmasthami Mahotsava ki jai! And today there is joy in the home of king Vrishabhanu.

You have all heard the name of Nanda Baba and Nanda Nandan and you must have heard of Yashoda also. Who is talking, making noise? So we know less about Radharani and we could say that may be because talks in relation to her are confidential. So king Vrishabhanu was a king and Kirtida was the mother of Radharani.

So five thousand two hundred and forty seven years ago – if I say it in English you will remember it better. So that is when Radharani appeared here on this day! (Shouts of Haribol)! And to celebrate the appearance of Radharani all the people of Vraj went running to that place. The whole of Vraj- you understand Vraj, yes? Vrindavan Dham ki jai! Vrindavan is also called Vraj so Vraja Mandal or when we say Vraja Mandala Parikrama.

Vraja or Braja, Vrindavan and so the whole of Vrindavan- do you know Gokul? How many of you have been to Gokul? If you have been then you can put your hand up otherwise do not put it up. I do know that you you have hands so.. (laughter). Okay so this is nice, many of you have been to Gokul. So just a little away from Gokul there is another village which is called Rawal. In the village of Rawal on the banks of the river Yamuna Radharani appeared.

So Radharani appeared and just like Krishna, Radharani’s birth is not like my or your birth.

janma karma ca me divyam
evam yo vetti tattvatah
tyaktva deham punar janma
naiti mam eti so ‘rjuna

One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

Krishna is saying to Arjuna that ‘my birth and also Radharani’s birth, how is that birth? Janma karma ca me divyam.’ Radharani and Krishna’s birth is Divya, transcendental. Hari Hari. In actual fact Radharani is never born, she is a-janma. When we are born what happens? We take a new body which is not actually our own. There are many births that one takes.

punarapi jananam punarapi maranam punarapi janani jathare sayanam,?iha samsare bahudusare krpaya’pare pahi murare
(Bhaja govindam verse 21 Adi Shankara)

So you have had many births and each time we stay in the womb of a mother who may be a woman or a female dog or otherwise a female donkey. You may also get a mosquito mother and so in every life we get a mother and father. So every time we get a new birth we have a new body, a new form. But the form of Radharani when she appears is the same as it is before her appearance.

That is why she appears or you may say she incarnates in this world rather than being born like an embodied living entity. So Vrindavan is the abode of the lord so Vrindavan Dham ki jai! It is also called Goloka.

goloka namni nija dhamni tale ca tasya devi mahesa hari dhamasu tesu tesu te te prabhava nicaya vigitas ca yena govindam adi purusam tam aham bhajami
(BS 5.43


Lowest of all is located Dev?-dh?ma [mundane world], next above it is Mahe?a-dh?ma [abode of Mahe?a]; above Mahe?a-dh?ma is placed Hari-dh?ma [abode of Hari] and above them all is located K???a’s own realm named Goloka. I adore the primeval Lord Govinda, who has allotted their respective authorities to the rulers of those graded realms.

So the abode is called Goloka. So one you know is Gokul where Rawal is situated just close by as I was saying. So Radharani comes and appears in Goloka Dham. So in the same way Lord Krishna also comes down to this earth planet and whenever he does he brings Radharani with him. She stands behind him when they appear.

tapta kanchana gaurangi
radhe vrindavaneshvari
vrishabhanu-sute devi
pranamami hari-priye

O Srimati Radharani, I offer my respects to You whose bodily complexion is like molten gold.
O Goddess, You are the queen of Vrindavana. You are the daughter of King Vrishabhanu, and are very dear to Lord Krishna.

Radharani’s name is fixed up and she also has many other names apart from Radharani, she has a thousand names. Vishnu or Krishna have a thousand names and so Radharani has a thousand names as well and all these names are eternally there. In the same way Radharani’s form is eternally the same and her form is always the colour of Tapta kanchana gaurangi- she is the colour of gold.

We are sometimes black or white or blue or yellow or whatever else but Radharani’s form is the same one form forever. Tapta kanchana gaurangi radhe vrindavaneshvari. So from Goloka Radharani appeared on the auspicious day of today in Rawal which in close vicinity to Gokul. How many years ago was this? Five thousand, two hundred and forty seven years ago!

So the day was today and it was during the midday period Radharani appeared. So it was the month of Bhadra and it was the light fortnight. Krishna was born in the dark fortnight and that is why there is that saying ‘why are you dark and I am white?’ Or ‘you are dark and I am white.’ So Radha is light skinned and Krishna is dark skinned because Krishna was born in the dark fortnight he is dark.

Radha was born in the light fortnight, Shukla – do you understand Shukla Paksha? So in this fortnight Radha had appeared so she is light, or the colour of molten gold because this colour is even more beautiful than the white complexion. Yamuna Maiya ki jai and so king Vrishabhanu was on the banks of the Yamuna and he saw a lotus flower in the waters.

From that lotus flower there was radiating bright golden light and therefore great inquisitiveness arose in the king’s mind. ‘What is this wonderful glow which is coming out from this lotus flower?’ So he went forward and looked inside and there he saw in the lotus a small baby girl. At that very moment he heard a voice from the sky which thundered ‘oh king, accept this girl as she is your daughter.’

Haribol! The king thereafter took the small baby girl in his arms and ran back to his palace where he put this baby girl in front of his queen, Kirtida. Jai Radhe jai Radhe! There was no limit to their joy upon seeing the baby girl and therefore they were swimming in an ocean of happiness, having attained Radharani as their daughter.

So this news was spread all over Vraja ‘jai Radhe jai Radhe! Radha has appeared so please come, you all come, come!’ Everyone was sent an invitation and great big groups of people came to take darshan of her on the same day she was born. She was born and instantly on the same day each and every household in Vraja got the news of her birth. Every person in Vraja got the news that Radharani had taken her birth.

This news they received even faster than an SMS which is the thing these days, you all know SMS? So there must have been such wonderful communication that the whole of Vraja heard the news and all the people of Vraja dressed up in their best clothes and ornaments and proceeded hurriedly towards Rawal with many gifts for the baby girl.

In these great groups of people were present Nanda baba from Gokul along with Yashoda and Rohini and they had also bought along with them Krishna and Balaram. So at Radharani’s first birthday party Krishna Balaram were present there also. Sri Krishna Balaram ki jai! The king and queen had put the baby girl in a beautiful decorated cot and everyone used to go to that cot and have a look inside to see the baby girl.

All the people would bless the baby in auspicious ways, wishing her a long life and like this. So there was a big queue to see her just like there was here today when you were all waiting to bathe Radharani. In the same way there must have been a bathing ceremony for Radharani that day in Rawal. So here in Icchakaranji you were bathing the deity form of Radharani a while ago today and the experience the residents of Rawal and the Vrijavasi’s experienced back then is the same experience we tried to have today when we were bathing the deity form of Radharani.

Have you ever seen such a vision which the residents of the village Rawal and the Vrijavasi’s experienced? Has there ever been a bathing like that? Here people are done with bathing in thirty seconds then finished. With much difficulty you get a little bit of water to take bath and sometimes there is much shortage of water as well and so where is the question of bathing?

Just like Radharani herself is transcendental and very special, in the same way her Abhishek is also of the same nature and this was performed by Kirtida and king Vrishabhanu along with the Vrijavasi’s. And on this day you all residents of Icchakaranji have performed this Abhishek in the same way. (Shouts of Haribol)!

So that same Radharani is present here in the form of her deity and the deity is also called an incarnation of the lord or his potency. The lord appears or incarnates in the form of his deity and in this way he gives us all an opportunity to serve him in various ways.

sri vigraharadhana nitya nana
srngaira tan mandira marjanadau
yuktasya bhaktams ca niyunjato pi
vande guroh sri caranaravindam
(Guru Astaka 3)

The spiritual master is always engaged in the temple worship of Sri Sri Radha and Krishna. He also engages his disciples in such worship. They dress the Deities in beautiful clothes and ornaments, clean Their temple, and perform other similar worship of the Lord. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.

So the spiritual master arranges in such a way- Srila Prabhupada ki jai! Being Iskcon’s founder Acharya, he has made arrangements for us in such great ways and he has given us Radha Shyamasundara. He has done this in more than one hundred countries. Just like we have celebrated Sri Krishna Janmasthami
and now today Radhasthami is being celebrated in one hundred and fifty countries! Shouts of Haribol!

This I have told you to give you this information that Radharani has reached so many countries. She has reached Burma? Yes she has reached there. And China? Yes she has reached China and today we have devotees present here from China. You can stand up Chinese devotees, and so this Mataji has come from China, Haribol!

Where is our Maharaja, Sri Krishna Chaitanya? He has come from New York and Gaura Krishna Prabhu has come from Denmark and so this shows you that the lord has reached so many countries. The people of these countries had never before even heard the name of Radha or Vrindavan and today in these very same countries Radhasthami is being celebrated! Shouts of Haribol!

So her birthday party being celebrated today is not just here in Icchakaranji but actually it is being celebrated all over the universe. So the lord appears in his deity form, Vigraha, which you understand? It means the deity form which is called Vigraha. In the deity form the lord incarnates and this very deity form we worship. This worship is called Aradhana, do you understand this word?

Radha is always performing Aradhana, worship and therefore her name is Radha which is derived from the word Aradhana. Krishna and Radha also appear in the form of their names.

kali kale nama rupe krsna avatara
(CC Adi-lila 17.22)

Krsna descends in this Kali yuga in the form of His holy name

So what Yuga, age are we living in now? Kali yuga. So the lord appears in this age in the form of his holy name and what name is that? In fact there are many names but what are the the foremost names?

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

There is one God and Hare Krishna means Radha and Krishna. You all are continually hearing ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna’ and so this Hare is Radharani. So the word is actually Hara and Hare is the vocative case of Hara. When you call out to Hara that is a call out to Radha just like when you call out to Sita the vocative would be Site. If you call out to Gita it becomes Gite. In the same way to call Hara we must call out ‘oh Hare, oh Radhe.’

Krishna Krishna Radha Radha
Radha Raman Radha Raman
Raman Raman Radha Radha.

So these are all names of Radha and Krishna. There are sixteen names in the Maha Mantra with thirty two syllables but the names are only two, one name is Radha’s and the other is Krishna’s.

(Maharaja sings Kirtan of Radha Radha Krishna Radha).

We have left Radharani over in Rawal in the Katha we were speaking. And so all the people have gathered and Krishna Balaram have also reached there and they are now walking towards the cot to see the baby girl and they want to congratulate the baby girl. They were about one years old and so were not even walking properly yet. They were learning how to walk, so the lord is learning how to walk!

So as the lord reaches the cot he is trying to hold onto it and in doing so he falls over but then finally he catches hold of the cot and holding onto it he goes to take a look inside. There he sees the baby girl and at that same moment the baby girl also looks at Krishna. Shouts of Haribol! So this was the first meeting of Radha and Krishna.

There’s one more thing which I can also tell you now and that is that when king Vrishabhanu found the baby girl on the banks of the Yamuna in the lotus, upon seeing her he found that her eyes were closed. Then after taking the baby girl back to his palace he still found that her eyes remained closed.

So with great pleasure he was thinking that ‘my daughter is so very beautiful but she is blind. She is not opening her eyes.’ So because of this both the mother and father of the baby girl were very sorrowful but she was not blind at all. She had purposely kept her eyes shut as she was thinking ‘I will use my eyes in the first instance by taking darshan of Krishna. I do not want to see the faces of any others.

I would like to see Krishna.’ So as Krishna was looking upon Radharani’s face, she immediately knew that it was the lord because she is all-knowing just like Krishna is. So Krishna didn’t have to touch her or say ‘hey Radhe! I have come so open your eyes.’ So Radharani knew instantly that ‘the lord of my life has arrived.’

They both are the life of each other, Radharani’s life is Krishna and Krishna’s life is likewise, well who is it? It is Radha. So Radha opened her eyes and took darshan of Krishna and therefore as she opened both her eyes to take darshan, it could be seen that she had great big eyes. Hari Hari. Jai Radhe.

(Maharaja sings Kirtan of jai Radhe).