Rukmini Haran

Venue: Amravati, Nov 2003

Srimad Bhagvatam chapters 52 and 53 and in the middle of chapter 52 there is pastime kidnapping of Rukmini. Rajo vaca King Pariksit was very inquisitive to know, Sukhdev Goswami has made brief mention of  “vaidarbhim bhismaka-sutam” (S.B 10.52.16) Rukmini is daughter of  King Bhismaka and as soon as topic of her marriage came King Pariksit became inquires to know please tell me more! “rucirananam” Rukmini very sweet faced “rucirananam”. “krsnasyamita-tejasah bhagvan srorum icchami”  (S.B 10.52.18) then the unlimited prowess of the Lord. Sukhdev Gosami begins narration “rajasid bhismako nama” so then once upon a time there was a King Bhismaka he was ruling state of kingdom called “vidarbhadhupatir mahantasya pancabhavan putrah” he had 5 sons “kanyaika ca varanana” (S.B 10.52.21). He had one very beautiful daughter, 5 brothers of Rukmini have been mentioned. Introduction to Rukmini “sopasrutya mukundasya rupa-virya-guna-sriyah” (S.B 10.52.23).

Rukmini she used to hear about rupa– form, beauty, virya, guna-qualities of Mukunda and result was “mene sadrsam patim” (S.B 10.52.23). I would like to have person like him as my husband. And then Krishna also had been hearing in Dwaraka about the intelligent Rukmini, the audarya – charitable, magnanimous personality of Rukmini, her beauty and her character and in Dwaraka Krishna also had made up his mind. I ever get wife I would like wife like this, the description that I had been hearing about Rukmini. So both of them were all set mind was set, mind was fixed. But there were difficulties; the eldest brother Rukmi was not in favour of this marriage. He was big stumbling block and Rukmini was thinking only Krishna could have solution. So she is “vicintyaptam dvijam kancit krsnaya prahinod drutam” (S.B 10.52.26).

She appointed, designated a confidential Brahman gave him a letter and send him to Dwaraka “dvarakam sa samabhyetya” (S.B 10.52.27). So he reached Dwaraka and he also entered
the quarters were Krishna was sitting there “kancanasane” His asana was golden made up of gold “drstra brahmanya-devas tam avaruhya nijasanat” (S.B 10.52.28). But when Brahman was at the door, arriving Krishna got up from his golden asana to receive the Brahman and he was well received, well fed, worshipped everything , everything was done appropriate as
if lord is called “ brahmanaya dev” Lord who worships Brahman or to whom Brahman is worship able, he is called “brahmanaya dev” he gets the name like that. So they how was the trip, how was everything all those formalities Krishna says “kim kaeyam karavamate” (S.B 10.52.35). Is there anything I could do for you sir dear Brahman? Brahman was not disclosing the purpose of his Dwaraka visit. And immediately he pulled out the letter of Rukmini , Rukimini uvacha and he read out the letter of Rukmini everything was in there self explanatory
and  several verses letter from Rukmini is here .

“sri-rukminy uvaca, srutava gunan bhuvana-sundara srnvatam te, nirvisya karna-vivarair harato nga tapam,rupam drsam drsimatam akhilartha-labhan, tvayy acyutanvisati cittam
apatrapam me”   (S.B 10.52.37)
. So these are words of Rukmini and anyone who hears “gunan” the qualities of you “bhuvansundar” as they enter the ears then “anga tapam” the whole fever of material existence “tapatraya” all goes down  and so like that who else is there in this world also equal you my Lord in vidya , knowledge wealth you are also of proper
sage , you  are Narshima , lion amongst men, “mano-bhiramam” you give pleasure to mind like that she goes on and yes she mentions my marriage is about to take place its matter of couple of days and you have to rush you have to come personally and take me away, get me out of here. And so 1st she has glorified Krishna and then made the proposal that he should accept her as his
wife for that he has to personally come, otherwise it will be too late. She also mentions there is a tradition in our family that the bride goes to “kuldevi yatra” there will be Kuldevi yatra and I will be going for dharshan of Kuldevi Ambika. So she is, Rukimini is so clever so smart and certainly not less intelligent like women are expected. That she also mentions yes please don’t visit are palace don’t enter the palace because there will be certainly fight bloodshed my brother is not going to spare you. So please find me so she is letting Krishna know as if Krishna can’t
think (laughs). But she also wants to say where could you meet me, meting point fixed designated meting point has to be there. So you meet me I will be going for dharshan of kuldevi ambika . After I am finished with pooja then on the way back to palace you catch me, you will find me and that is there you come take me away. Very smart right! Very smart she is again glorifying the Lord towards the end. So after Brahman had read that letter from Rukmini “brahmana uvaca, ity ete guhya-sandesa” (S.B 10.52.44).

You were asking me what you could do. What Lord could do? So now I suppose it’s clear to you, what you are expected to do as you are hearing this most confidential message letter
from Rukmini . “vaidarbhyahs as tu sandesam, nisamya yadu-nandanah” (S.B 10.53.1) so as Lord had heard message with rapt attention he might be hearing every single syllable letter of that letter, he had in hearing great interest . So after he had finished hearing immediately he
took the hands of Brahman in his hands both hands, that is American  culture, Vedic culture both hands means agreeing yes yes agreement there I am with you we  have same wavelength , we are together and I agree, I  am ready .  And Sri Bhagavan uvacha so he had still his hands he held the hands of Brahman then he is speaking he said you know “tathaham api tac-citto nidram ca na labhe” (S.B 10.53.2). Rukmini had mentioned in her letter that my “cittam” “cittam patram me” I am always going towards you, running to you. So Lord says something to correspond with that you know same trouble with me I am only thinking of Rukmini and no none else these days and you know may be littler embarrassing but I admit that I can’t sleep at night time , I am disturbed Iget up , I am lying down on the bed but I am only thinking of Rukmini “tam anayisya unmathya rajanya” (S.B 10.53.3).

He says I am ready something has to be done and he is giving indication that yes yes I am ready, I fully agree with the statement if you wish I could sign the agreement or treaty. Oh! Let’s not waste time doing that and immediately called him charioteer Daruka, “rathah samyjyatam
(S.B 10.53.4) quickly get my chariot ready and yes sir. So Daruka immediately he left the place to get everything ready then in few minutes time quickly he returned reporting to the Lord yes my dear Lord chariot is ready and even the names of the horses these are the names of the horses “saibya, sugriva, meghapuspa, balahaka” your chariot is equipped with thee 4 horses,
chariot that is equipped ready to be pulled by the horses 1,2,3,4. These horses it is ready my dear Lord. Pranjali folding hands he says “sammrsta-samsikta marga-rathya-catuspatham” (S.B 10.53.8) whole town was well decorated, yes ready to go “aruhya syandanam saurir dvijam aropya turna-gaih” (S.B 10.53.6) then Lord mounted the chariot along with the Brahman, two persons and the charioteer 3 persons are driving out, journey starts from Dwaraka “anartad eka-ratrena” (S.B 10.53.6). They left Dwaraka that time it was known as Anartadesh, Anarta like this was Vidrabha that was Anarta not anartha its anarta its name of a country where Dwraka was the capital. So Vidrabha “vidarbhan agamad dhayaih” (S.B 10.53.6).So left Dwaraka in the evening around sunset and when sun was rising in the east, Lord was already where in Vidrabha, he was here in one night. “raja sa kundina-patih, putra-sneha-vasanugah, sisupalaya svam kanyam dasyan karmany akarayat” (S.B10.53.7). So King Bhismak was getting ready for the marriage and he was doing so because he just couldn’t go against the wishes, the plan of his eldest son, Rukmi he was bit attached “putra-sneha-vasanugah”.Although we can’t compare Dhritrastra with this Bhismak, Dritrastra was attached to Duryodhana and Duryodhana lot no, no this is not right thing to do but he would end up doing so because he was attached to his son Duryodhana, same thing here.

He is Rukmini’s father so we don’t want to , he is a devotee he used to hear Narada Muni visiting, hearing about Krishna, Rukmini was hearing the remnants Mahaprasad, original Katha then Mahakatha, She is over hearing so he was a great devotee but unfortunately attached to his eldest son and then he was just going ahead preparing for the marriage and there is a  whole description how the town Kaundanyapur, everyone here knows this town as Kundanyapur. Bhagavatam says Kundinapur 5000 yrs, Kundinapur has become known as Kaundanyapur this happens with lots of names. So “sammrsta-marga-rathya-catuspatham” (S.B 10.53.8) so whole town was well decorated nicely cleansed like these ladies you see in India.  First  thing in the morning they do take care of their body little bit then they  clean front of the house, goshala, cowshed and lot of time they mix, in Maharashtra this tradition is also there, mix cow dung with the water make like a liquid, take one  bucket full of, after sweeping is done, they sprinkle that cow dung mixed with water, gives nice fragrance, after that is done they draw rangoli (maharaj asking the assembled devotees) you saw that decoration while you were taking Prasad yesterday that was called rangoli. So first sweeping then “sada” called in Marathi very common then rangoli then puja. Sp like that cleansed and King Bhismaka was not using ordinary water but rose water, water mixed with rose. Sometime these kings, these ladies take bucket they used to engage elephants, elephantstaking rose water and sprinkling it, big big roads, they have to sprinkle with rose water.

Whole town has to be fragrant. So what few buckets could do, they required so many elephants, they are taking water and they are throwing and has little fun there, entertainment. So “citra-dhvaja-patakabhis toranaih samalankrtam” (S.B 10.53.9). So flags are there and toranaih see these mango leaves, it’s also called toran or welcome gates. Sometimes else where it is described sometimes they would have so many flags all over the town that the citizens they would not be able to see the sun, there would be shade allover because of the flags. So many
flags all round, different decorative flags. And dhupa, different agarbati fragrance everywhere and different pujas, vidhivat everything is being done perfectly no whimsical, no mental speculation, everything authorized as per sastras. “bhojayitva” the Brahmans are getting their bhojan they are very happy. So “vacayam” they are reading different “mangalam vacayam”
different shuba what is that called?  “svasti vachan” “svasti vachan” svasti means auspiciousness. So to create auspiciousness different mantras are being chanted all over the town. So all this is happening while the town is being decorated. “su-snatam su –datim kanyam krta-kautuka managalam”  (S.B 10.53.11).
“su-snatam” rukimi has taken her bath, special mentuion of bathing of the bride on the day of her marriage big one it’s quite a affair with substances chandan and haldi and then Abhishek like we do Abhishek of deities. So this bride gets whole Abhishek that day ““su-snatam su
Sukhdev Goswami for some reason his attention is going to the teeth
of Rukimini, Rukmini “su-datim” nice arrangment of her teeth, nice teeth, “kanyam krta-kautuka managalam” and everyone is appreciating her that day and everyone is admiring her. “bhusitam bhusanottamaih” and she is decorated with best of the clothing  and
“purohito” the priest purohit they are also chanting “atharva ved” knowledgbale “graham-santaye” in order to please different planets, planetary systems, navagraha. So everyone is satisfied as a result auspiciousness is created by chanting different mantras. Sri sri rukmini dwarkadish ki jai…………………….

So Brahmans they are getting charities they are going on charity show and “hiranya” what are they getting? Brahman are getting gold and “rupya” silver, “vasamsi” clothes,  “tilams ca” til sesame seeds, “guda mistritan” mixed with guda. “til guda ghya god –goda bola” is a
tradition even today in Maharashtra specially they mix til sesame seeds with guda and they distribute that. So they were doing that and “dhenus” the cows are being distributed and like that. So as this is all going on in Kaundanyapur. Now Sukhdev Goswami describing what is happening with Sisupala, where is he now? What is he doing? The bride had been described now he has to describe bridegroom. So this “damaghosah sutaya” son of damaghosh that is Sisupala, Sisupala’s father Damaghosh and he is also, mantra chanting is going on wherever he is. And bridegroom he is also dressing and then they live because they have to come to Kaundanyapur from their “cedi-patih”  name of his country is “cedi” and so they
live for Kaundanyapur and  they have little army with them (laughs).

It’s not an easy thing they are also suspecting that Krishna may drop in, we would be better ready. So they have a army “sainyah paritah kundinam  yayan” (S.B 10.53.15) and he is surrounded by the army Sisupala is walking in the middle , no no he is walking he is in the chariot but all around him there is army. And whole thing is moving in the direction of Kundinpur, probably passed through Amravati while coming from the north, and others are coming also Salva, Jarasandha, Dantavakra, Viduratha, Paundraka see the big big
names they are all friends of Sisupala. They are also coming and “krsna-rama dviso” (S.B 10.53.18) they are enemies of Krishna and Rama and they are all coming. Now first Kundinpur
scene was described, Sukhdev Goswami then described Sisupala and then he is on the way to Kundinpur and then Dwaraka what is happening in Dwaraka “srutvaitad bhagvan ramo” as Balaramagot up in the morning then “kalaha-sankitah” he realized that oh! Krishna has gone to Kundinpur so there could be friction between opposing parties “bhratr-sneha-pariplutah” Balarama his bhratr prema his love for his brother aroused in his heart. Bhratr prema he became overwhelmed by that affection for his brother Krishna “dauji ka bhaiya Krishna kanhaiya” dwarakadish. So “tvaritah kundinam pragad” immediately he also left for Kundinpur with him he took “gajasva-ratha-pattibhih” caturangi sena his sena his army consisted of elephant, horses, chariots and the army that is walking 4 kinds. “bhisma-kanya vararoha, kanksanty agamanam hareh” (S.B 10.53.22).
Now attention now to Rukmini as she had send Brahman, he had come not back and this is the day of marriage now, it’s all set to go and “durbhagaya name dhata nanukulo mahesvarah”
(S.B 10.53.25) no one is in favor of me everyone is against, why is mahesvarah, even “dvei va vimukhi gauiri rudrani girija sati” no one is blessing me today. Where is Brahman? Where
is Krishna? Where is Dwarakadish? “evam cintayati” like this bala, this balika Rukmini was thinking “govinda-hrta-manasa”all way thinking, deprived of, be rapt   of Krishna’s
association and presence. She was only thinking “nyamilayata kala-jna netre” closed her eyes and she is praying, wondering what is going to happen next and “evam vadhavaah pratiksantya govindagamanam nrpa” (S.B 10.53.27). Sukadev Goswami why this, so Rukmini was in total anxiety, her left side thigh and “urur bhujo” chest and netram eyes and ‘vama” this all leftside “asphura” was trembling and by this was going on “atha krsna-vinirdistah, sa eva dvija-sattamah, antahpura carim devim, raja-putrim dadarsa ha” (S.B 10.53.28. so she saw the Brahman OH! She got the ray of hope he is here, he is here finally at least Brahman is here. She was expecting Krishna but at least Brahman is here “tam agatam samajnaya vaidarbhi hrsta-mansa” (S.B 10.53.31) so the good news Krishna is here he was not right there but he was in the town that’s the point he made and now by this time Balarama
also had arrived, reached and Krishna and Balarama were in town an d as the news spread of Krishna and Balaram’s arrival what happened?  “vidarbha-pura-vasinah” (S.B 10.53.36).

The residents of Vidarbha, please please pay  attention to this see what has happened to
these “vidarbha-pura-vasinah” residents of the Vidarbha “agatya” all came running and listen to this now “netranjalibhih papus tan-mukha-pankajam” (S.B 10.53.36). They were all taking darshan seen Krishna so this description is that they were filling up this cup little cups I have bigger cup, some have shallow cups some have deep cups depending upon on your eyes position, so they would fill up the cup with the beauty of Krishna and they were drinking the nectar. And then drink like ISKCON devotees especially from America the west they like to drink cup of sweet rice, after sweet rice everytime (laughs) they come with buckets,
Bhaktavatar’s cup is empty he is ready for another one. So they were filling up
the cups of the beauty. Sukadev goswami is describing like that “netranjalibhih papus tan-mukha-pankajam” filling the cups and drinking the nectar, now as Rukmini she was now relaxed, she knew how everything is going to work out as proposed or planned. So she got ready
and she is going to now Ambika mandir where we had gone yesterday and look at this, Sukadev Goswami is describing he is talking of the 3 persons, “padbhyam” so Rukmini is walking so her feet are walking not going on chariot, she is walking towards “bhavanyah pada-pallavam” (S.B 10.53.40) walking towards the feet of bahvani, but she is thinking of someone else’s feet. She is thinking of feet of “mukunda-caranambhjam” she is only thinking of Lords’s lotus feet, although she is completing the formality of going to Ambika, she is only thinking of Lord’s lotus feet. She is surrounded by so many Brahmans and so many mantras are chanted and so many of
her girlfriends are right there.

They are all decorated and “gayantyas ca stuvantasca” (S.B 10.53.43) there all prayers are
being chanted and “asadya devi-sadanam” she has reached, she has entered the devi
, residence of devi and she is praying now “bhuyat patir me bhagavan krsnas tad anumodatam” (S.B 10.53.46) Iwant pati. I want husband Bhagvan Krishna, but Bhagvan Krishna “patir me bhuyat” similar prayers are Gopi’s prayers to Katyani in Vrindavan, so she is praying so she has prayed like that and doing puja and she is returning now “ambika-grhat”
she is returning, going back to the palace of her father. She knows this is themeeting point now, so Rukmini is described here “deva-maya iva” the most beautiful specially crafted, specially
designed personality, body, the form “deva-mayam iva dhira-mohinim” (S.B10.53.51). and now everyone knew after darshan of Ambika, Rukmini would now be returning there is a designated path and on either side of this path all these kings from all over the planets all over the world Sisupal’s friends, they have lined up, they are all sitting on the chariots on the back of elephants, horses and Rukmini the procession shobah yatra is passing through the middle, Rukmini, the Brahmans and her friends, so it’s very beautiful description of “kundala manditananam”. She has earrings and as she is walking they are moving how they are moving and she has thin waist, Rukmini has and like that there is a description. “kuntala-sankiteksanam” her face is partially covered with hair, her long, blackish, beautiful hair and
because she doesn’t want to really look at these fellows she is not interested to show her face. So her face is kind of covered with hair and she has a veil. In the west or modern times they don’t put that on. So they are watching, they are watching and as they watch, so their minds are fixed and they lose external consciousness, some of them are losing external consciousness, they are holding the sword in the hand but (maharaja laughs) swords are slipping out of their hands. Some are collapsing from the top of the elephants (laughs) this way that way so as she is walking she is crushing them down by her beauty they were so captivated and they didn’t realize they are sitting on the back of the horse, then they are not able to do the balancing act they lost the consciousness. External consciousness this is Sukadev Goswmi is describing and then ok we have 2 more then comes Krishna Haribol………………………..

“ratham samaropya suparna-laksanam” (S.S10.53.56) So chariot mounted with the flag bearing symbol of Garuda, so Garuda flag and  so she saw the flag 1st and then she realized this must be him. And after few moments she realized that was him, he came so swiftly and Krishna gave a helping hand she was also very eager, she was kind of ready to jump. So little touch she was next to the Lord and Lord must have blown his conch shell and she was swiftly taken out of there. So Krishna is described as a lion all the assembled Sisupaland company are like jackals. They were jackals Krishna just took away Rukmini started heading towards Dwaraka Haribol…………………… so kidnapping took place then more things happened battle happened in this area this area, this is the way to Dwaraka right (maharaja asking Dwaraka ka rasta kaha hai? Devotees answering gujarat). And then finally the marriage has taken place in Dwaraka, Rukmini Dwarakadish marriage. So we have deities of Rukmini Dwarakadish.

Rukmini Dwarakadish
ki jai

Nitai Guar Premanande
Hari Haribol…………..

South India Tour 2012 : Day 1, Tirupati

Day 1 – May 23, 2012

Location – Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh, India)

Venue – Iskcon auditorium

Welcome to day 1 of South India Yatra. We also have Iskcon Tirupati devotees sitting here for the class today. All you visitors who have come from all over, Iskcon Tirupati devotees are your hosts and you are their guests.  So guests and hosts are sitting together. This is one family.

harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam

kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha

This is the solution of all problems. If there is electircty failure, we take shelter of the holy name and depend on Krishna.

So although this is the time for Srimad-Bhagavatam class,  we shall be discussing katha of Balaji. Anything related to the katha of Bhagvan is bhagvat. The devotees of the Lord are also called bhagvatas. There is bhagavat dharma also. All this has a relation with Krishna. aham sarvasya prabhavah. And our relation is also with Krishna. We belong to Bhagavan. Please accept this. It is not just a matter of your acceptance; this is the actual absolute fact. Sri Sri Radha Govinda is actual Bhagvan. Is your heart happy to see the form? This darshan is worth all the austerities.

It was such a transcendental and grand darshan. Did something move in your heart to see the Lord? Or was it just an ordinary scene. This is feast for the eyes. Festival for the eyes. Netrotsava. This is not just feast for eyes; this is also feast for the soul. This is nourishment for the soul. This darshan is food and water for the soul. You drink the Lord through your eyes when you see the Lord.

Our dear sri sri Radha Govinda. They are OUR dear. So one who is very dear, we are very fond of him and we feel like seeing him again and again. Our heart is eager to see such a beloved person. We want to see, meet and talk to such a beloved. We call by phone again and again to our beloved.

So this chanting Hare Krishna mantra is communication with the Lord. It is like having a dialogue with the Lord. If we are sleeping can we have a dialogue with the Lord? So please wake up, jiva jago. And do what . Call out for Krishna, talk to him. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

When we make this call in the dham then it becomes local call. Lord is already residing here. So it’s going to be cheap, and also clear. If a person is calling from New Zealand, you cannot hear clearly. But if you are locally residing here and if you call Balaji, Varadraaj, Govindaraj, Ranganath, Sri Rama , Lord Siva then it will be much easier . Let the Lord notice that you have reached here.

So we were discussing that darshan of the Lord is feast for the eyes. Eyes are just instruments to see, but the person who sees is the soul. In a dead body also there are eyes, but it cannot see, cannot talk. So actual seer and talker is the soul. So let the soul see. Soul is not at all interested in the forms of the material world. But we are showing him the forms of the material world. Therefore the soul is sad. It is vomiting. Because the forms that you are showing to the soul are not spiritual whereas the soul is spiritual.

The soul hears the sound of spirituality. The soul and the Lord are very strongly related. Thus the soul vomits  at the sound, form, touch, smell of this material world. For many many lifetimes the soul has not eaten anything, nor has he drunk anything. Therefore it is sad. In order  to make this sad soul a happy soul, we have come to this tirtha yatra. And now we will do a lot of nourishment of this soul and make it healthy and strong and by the end of the yatra we will make this atma – a  mahatama. Or will you make it Parmatma? That is not possible. Parmatama is one, souls are many. This is never possible that someone becomes god.  god can never become god. He is always God. Not that once there was a soul who did lot of yatra, gave charity  and he became Parmatma. So those who do not know that the Lord is full of 6 opulences they get cheated.

This is free time for you; you are free for 24 hours. Such moments are very rare in our lives. Such moments or such days. This is a special mercy of the Lord that he pushed us out of our houses and brought us to the yatra. Are you lamenting for this deed of the Lord? Are you planning to go back? So this vairagya is good. Of course you might have come with your family also. But still lot of wordly things you have left behind. That which is not yours and you have been thinking it to be yours that is Maya. Srila Prabhupada explains this. So the Lord has liberated you from Maya.

Of course you have left Maya behind and you keep checking whether it is still there or not. Reduce these phone calls. Better to be less informed about Maya. No news is good news. It is better if you are not receiving any news.  You have brought your body; let your mind also be here. As much as you are present in the yatra, that much it will be favourable for us. Jnana and bhakti increases when vairagya in our life increases. So as much vairagyavaan we shall become, that much jananvaaan and bhaktivaan we will become.

If you want to measure how much progress one has made in bhakti, we have to see how detached he is. You might not have voluntarily thought that we are going to apply so much vairagya. But this situation in yatra is favourable to increase our vairagya and bhakti. This jnana and viaragya is to increase our bhakti. To push our bhakti.

So here our body has reached Tirupati. Let us keep our soul here as well. We will also need our intelligence. This yatra is not the task of a fool. So mostly in the yatra there will be sravanam kritanam vishnoh smaranam and within this is darshan also. Shravana is more important than darshan. There might be places which we will not be able to visit, but at least we can hear about them.

Recently in Mayapur HH Bhakti Vikas Swami had brought 1000 devotees for yatra and the theme of their yatra was sravanam kirtanam. So we have officially not thought over a theme for this yatra but srvanam kirtanam is most important. This hearing and chanting is the basis of our yatra. Simply by seeing we will not be able to understand anything. To progress in spiritual life and move ahead the strongest process is sravan bhakti and the basis of sravanam is harer naam eve kevalam.

Today and tomorrow you will be taking darshan in many temples. You have already taken darshan of Radha Govinda. Yesterday was arrival day, and this morning we wanted to take Mangla darshan of Radha Govinda. Charity begins at home. Of course Balaji is not a stranger, but there is more familiarity towards our temple deities.

One time one person asked Srila Prabhupada- We have so many temples why do we need more temples. Srila Prabhupada asked who is this  lady with you? He replied, my wife. And this boy – Srila Prabhupada asked. He replied, my son. Srila Prabhupada said, there are so many sons in this world why did you need one more son. To have my own son. Similarly I want  have my own temple.

So from here our yatra has begun this morning. Today and tomorrow also you will go and see other deities. Before darshan comes sravanam. What are we seeing, what is the glory of this place and deity?

I am also just a guest like you here. Actually Revati Raman prabhu, who is dham guru of Tirupati, he should have been narrating these pastimes to us. But he told me a few pastimes which I would like to share with you.

So the mountain you see opposite the temple is not an ordinary mountain. There are 7 different mountains here called Saptagiri. These hills are considered a part of Meru Parvat. Garudji brought these mountains here and this is also called Sheshadri – Shesh is Ananta Shesh and adri means mountain.  This is Anant Shesh on whose hoods Lord Balaji is residing.

One of these mountains is Vyenkat. And because the Lord is the master of this mountain, therefore he is called Vyenkateshwar. Vyenka means sin, and kata means cutting or burning the sins. So those who come here to Tirupati and take darshan all their sins are destroyed. But then do not commit sins again thinking that I will come again. Then it will become like kunjara shauchavat – bathing of an elephant. Do not misuse the potency of the dham.

At some distance there is a place call Kalahasthi temple of Lord Shiva. There was a man who was born in a Brahman family but he did not remain Brahman by activities. He did many sinful activities in his lifetime. One day by the grace of the Lord, he decided to go on yatra to Tirumala. When he climbed the hill and saw Balaji, he felt a burning sensation in his body. So his realisation was this burn is because my sins are getting burnt. The Lord liberated him from all sins. This is the first hand example of this cripple minded Brahman who did not remain cripple minded any more.

This is very ancient dhama and it is difficult to estimate how old this place is. Once upon a time there was a yajna that had to be performed.  Narada muni was also involved. Many Rsis were assembled and they were all discussing whom should we offer the results of the yajna to. Or rather they discussed that we should offer the results to the one who is the supreme of all. So many talks and discussions were going on but could not reach any conclusion. So they appointed Bhrigu muni. This pastime was narrated by Sukadeva Goswami to Maharaj Parikshit at the end of canto 10.

Bhrigu Muni first of all went to Kailash.  Shiva and Bhrigu are brothers. Shiva was born out of Brahma’s forehead- Rudra and Bhrigu is also Manas putra of Bramha. So when Shiva  saw Bhrigu, he stepped ahead to embrace his brother. But Bhrigu said stay away, go and take a bath, because there were ashes all over Shiva’s body. Shiva is vairagya murti so he does not pay attention to so much cleanliness. Shiva became angry and took his trident and ran behind Bhrigu. Mother Parvati had to come to protect him.  Bhrigu left but noted the behaviour.

So what was the yardstick to measure who is supreme? The tolerance level will be seen. He came to satya loka. Bhrigu did not offer obeisance to Bramha, rather he went and sat with his back towards Brahma and he became very angry. But he tried to tolerate his anger and did not let it come out.

Then Bhrigu went ahead to Svetadvipa where Laxmi was serving the feet of Narayana. He just entered without any prior notice. He entered and kicked the chest of Narayana. Laxmi had never experienced this before. She could not tolerate it. Bhrigu muni just kept standing there. Lord Vishnu started apologising; ‘my chest is so hard I hope I did not hurt you.’ Lord took the feet of Bhrigu and began massaging him.

Bhrigu Muni became satisfied with Lord Vishnu. He returned and narrated the pastime and declared that Lord Vishnu is the Supreme. Sri Sri Laxmi Narayana ki jay! Vishnu Bhagvan ki jay! vishvnu tattva ki jaya!

But Laxmi became very angry. She thought Lord Vishnu should have kicked him out, on the contrary he started massaging his feet. So much tolerance was inconceivable even for Laxmi. So Laxmi just left Narayana on svetadvipa, without giving any prior notice. She left very angrily just like Rukmini had left Dwarka and Dwarkadhish had to come looking for her to Pandharpur. She came down to find a place where she can just stay in seclusion. She came down to earth, in Maharashtra, in Kolhapur and is residing there since then. So this is the history of Kolhapur Laxmi. Just like Dwarkadhish had come to see Rukmini, lord Vishnu came to see Laxmi. He saw all over and finally came to Tirupati, losing all hopes, I have lost her forever.  He started residing in the peak of Vyenkat Parvat  in an ant hill. Mahalaxmi came to know about all this in Kolhapur. She realised there is no on to serve Him. I will not go there but I will send someone to serve Him.  So she arranged for a cow and a calf. With cow there will be milk and milk products and there can be lots of offerings for the Lord. So she asked Shiva to become calf and Bramha became cow. She sold this pair of cow and calf to one person who had thousands of cows. Mahalaxmi did a deal with the owner of these cows.

So with other cows and calves, Laxmi’s sold cow and calf were also grazing. She instructed them you should shed all your milk above that ant hill where the Lord is residing. And my prabhuji would get it.

So when all the cows would return to goshala, one particular cow would not give milk. The cowherd man thought -why she is not giving milk to us. The owner asked him to keep an eye on the cow, watching where she goes, to whom she is giving the milk. He saw that she is going to an ant hill and showering her milk there. The gaurd became very angry and threw his axe towards the cow. But suddenly Lord Vishnu came out to protect the cow. He got badly injured. The guard understood this is Bhagavan and I have harmed him.

So the guard brought his owner to the spot. The Lord became angry and cursed the owner to become a demon. He begged for forgiveness. The lord said, I have cursed you so it cannot change but after the birth as a demon you will be born as a king and you will have a girl child and I shall marry her.

So he became a demon and then became a king named Akashraja. He had a brother but none of them had a child. So both were worried. They thought of doing a Yajna and please the Lord. Before the yajna they were preparing the field by ploughing it.  When he was ploughing, his plough got stuck. He dug in that area and found a lotus flower with 1000 petals and in the middle of that lotus he found a girl child, her name was Padmavati. He brought her home. This is my daughter, he thought to himself.

She began to grow and soon grew up to a marriageable age. One time Padmavati was sitting with her friends in a park. That time Lord Vishnu went out hunting and was chasing an elephant. The elephant ran in the same garden where Padmavati was sitting with her friends. The elephant got lost, but Lord’s attention was caught by Padmavati. She was beautiful, she was not an ordinary lady. She is the alhadini shakti- pleasure giving potency of the Lord. We have also been created to give pleasure to the Lord. But we are very small potencies. But Mahalaxmi or Radharani or Sitadevi, they look like ordinary women, wearing sari etc. But they are not ordinary.  Rukmini is not an ordinary Maharashtrian lady. She was not like ladies from Nagpur or Amravati. Lord does not marry anyone from the mortal world. This is a different tattva. Laxmi, Sita devi, Radharani is not ordinary jiva atma. From Radharani, gopis are manifested and from them the queens of Dwarka and then Laxmi.

So when he returned home he started telling his mother about the beauty of Padmavati and she understood immediately. Bakula devi had told him that you married 16,108 times but I did not see even one of your marriages. I remained in Vrindavan. Vasudev and Devaki were with you. But I being your mother did not get the opportunity to witness your marriage. And he had also promised Akashraja that he will marry his daughter and this was Padmavati. Then they met formally and they liked each other.

Lord Srinivas said to his mother,  do you know that when Ravan came to kidnap Sita she had to stay in Lanka for 10 months. Then she had to undergo Agni pariksha so the Sita that stayed in the Lanka, was Chaya Sita.  So one time Sita told Rama, that Vedavati took so much trouble, remembered you so much, as if you were her husband.  She had no one in her mind, she was totally Rama conscious. What about her, what will happen to her. So here Lord Vishnu is telling to Bakula devi this Padmavati is Vedavati herself.

Bakula devi agreed and the preparations of marriage began. The Lord wanted to do such a wedding for her mother which was never performed in the past, nor will it be performed in the future. For this lot of money was needed. But here the Lord was roaming in a jungle and Laxmi was also not with Him. So he was asked to take marriage loan from Kuvera. Kuvera is the treasurer of demigods. But there has to be a guarantor and Bramha became the guarantor. There should be someone answerable. So one day this pastime happens here when Brahma is brought in front of Kuvera and Kuvera chastises him –‘ Why is it that still the debt has not been paid. Even the interest has not been paid.’

In Narayana Vanam, about 40 km from here, Lord Vishnu married Padmavati devi, in the presence of His mother. All the demigods attended this grand marriage ceremony. Now Lord started staying with Padmavati on Vyenkat Parvat. And he is still residing here.  Hare Krishna!



South India Tour 2012

Arrival Day – May 22, 2012
Location – Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh, India)
Venue – Iskcon Tirupati  Auditorium

Today we have come here in Tirupati for Bälajé darçana. But, although we have come for Bälajé darçana, the place where we are sitting now is not Vaikunth. This is Våndävana. Våndävana dhäma ké jaya!Did all of you take darçana of Çré Çré Rädhä Govinda and Ashta sakhés.dévyad-våndäraëya-kalpa-drumädhaùçrémad-ratnägära-siàhäsana-sthauçrémad-rädhä-çréla-govinda-devaupreñöhälébhiù sevyamänau smarämi

That Våndävana, våndäraëya-kalpa-drumädhaù is full of desire trees –  kalpavriksha. There are no ordinary trees. Våndävana kalpa-drumädhaù. Underneath one such kalpavriksha is a golden throne bedecked with jewel and upon that Çré Çré Rädhä Govinda are seated.Here the darçana that we are taking at Iskcon Tirupati, here the name of this Kåñëa is Govinda. Rädhä Govinda Ki Jay!preñöhälébhiù sevyamänau smarämiAnd in the service of Çré  Rädhä Govinda, eight sakhés are present. In most of the temples there are only Rädhä and Kåñëa. In some temples like Juhu (Mumbai), there are also Lalitä and Viçäkhä along with Rädhä Räsabihäré.
But here there are Lalitä , Viçäkhä and who else?  Südevé, Raìgadevé, Indürekhä. The fourth one, next to Rädhärani is Viçäkä. The one on the right of Govinda is Lalitä, then Champakalatä, Süciträ and last sakhé is Tuìgavidyä. In this way there is a beautiful and special jhänki (darçana) of Kåñëa here. We might be wondering have we come to Bälajé  Darçana or to Våndävana.With this kértana that we did in the beginning, our yäträ has auspiciously begun. Before this you did mostly  train yäträ or bus yäträ or some might have come by flight. There are many kinds of discomforts in the yäträ. There is no yäträ without discomforts. But those discomforts, that tapasya, that suffering purifies us.  We have left home, thus our comfort zone is finished. We have made our home a comfort zone, the zone where we try to remain happy, but where is  no comfort there either. We try but we are never successful there also.I welcome all of you to this South India yäträ. Two years ago we had gone for Badrinath yäträ and also Haridwar, Hrishikesh, Gangotri and on the way it was Ekadashi.  Last year we went for Dwarka yäträ. This year we are going to Bälajé, Käïcépuram, Rämeçvaram. So what remains now? We are going anticlockwise. Badrikashram, Dwarka, rameshvara. What remains is Jagannätha Puré. May be we could go to Puri next year. And also to Mayapur. Nrsimha chaturdashi festival is very huge in mayapur.Are here any new comers in this yäträ? For our first yäträ we had gone  to Jagannätha Puré, long ago, almost ancient time, In 2004 we went to Jagannätha Puré,Gangasagar. This life is also a yäträ. It is like a yäträ. One day we all have to go from here. There are no horses, no elephants.  We have to go walking. A plane might come from vaikuntha. This yäträ is to stop the yäträ of samsara, enough of it. Punar api jannam punar api maranam Punar api janani jathare shayanam Iha samsare khalu dustare  Kripaya pare pahi murare
Shankracharya, a very intelligent acharya, is praying, “ please protect.” Kripaya pahi. Oh Murari you have killed the demon named Mura. So you please kill my death as well. Please kill my death, pahi murare. Therefore he is remembering Murari.kåñëa tvadéya-pada-paìkaja-païjaräntamadyaiva me viçatu mänasa-räja-haàsaùpräëa-prayäëa-samaye kapha-väta-pittaiùkaëöhävarodhana-vidhau smaraëaà kutas teThere is an Alavara named Kulaçekhara. He is prayin , ‘this is a very good time.’ For what? kåñëa tvadéya-pada-paìkaja-païjaräntam. Your feet are like lotus. adyaiva me viçatu mänasa-räja-haàsaù and my mind in like a swan. Viçatu, please let my mind enter into Your lotus feet, Now itself. Better now! Why he does not want to postpone, see you late. präëa-prayäëa-samaye kapha-väta-pittaiù .When the death time will come  kaëöhävarodhana-vidhau. My throat will be choked with cough. Just like in Çrémad-Bhägvatam it is said – kaëöhe ghura-ghuräyate (SB 3.30.16) In that situation, smaraëaà kutas te .Your remembrance can become difficult my Lord! But now the time is good, I am in good mood. So please accept me. So the mood is not that you kill me now. No. But please accept me now in Your service and give me shelter of Your lotus feet.Itna to karna swami.. Now that we are sitting in the temple of Govind, we can sing this bhajan. Itna to karna swami We have done so much for you; at least you do this much.  How much? Itna to karna swami jab prana tan se nikale Govind naam lekar tab prana tan se nikale.What do we want?  Govind naam lekar tab prana tan se nikale. So this yäträ is the preparation of that moment. Art of dying. There is lot of preaching about art of living. What about art of dying? Dying is also an art. This is what our religion teaches us. It does not teach us to die, But it teaches us  how to die? Even a dog dies, but a human being should not die like a dog. präëa-prayäëa-samaye It will be very difficult. So please let me right now go to the yäträ, in the association of devotees. Let me take darshan of Your pastime places. So these moments will be useful in our life, these impressions that we are getting during the yatra will be in our mind. And we will be successful in our final examination.yaà yaà väpi smaran bhävaà tyajaty ante kalevaramtaà tam evaiti kaunteya sadä tad-bhäva-bhävitaù
At the time of death whatever kind of bhava or mood we will have, that kind of rebirth we shall get. Whether we shall get rebirth or no birth, all this depends on our mood at the time of death. One time one gold merchant, was on his death bed. He had very high fever. The Doctor checked his temperature. It was 106 deg F. The merchant started shouting, “sell it, sell it.  I purchased it  @ Rs. 80 now it is 160 so sell it.” As he said this he left his body. So the kind of mood we shall have that kind of body we shall get yaà yaà väpi smaran bhävaà tyajaty ante kalevaram
Hare Kåñëa, Hare Kåñëa, Kåñëa Kåñëa , Hare Hare/ Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare. So in this yäträ you please remain in the company of the Lord. So what should you do and how shall you BE with Lord. Staying in the place where the Lord resides is like staying with the Lord. SO how will you live with the Lord? Chant his holy name. Hare Kåñëa, Hare Kåñëa, Kåñëa Kåñëa , Hare Hare/ Hare Räma, Hare Räma, Räma Räma, Hare Hare.
Do not move ahead without the company of the Supremae Lord. Be with him in each and every step you move. Be in satsang all the time. This is not a professional tour, this is a devotional tour. Tirth yäträ should always be done with saints and devotees only. They will show youthe form of the Lord, they are His devotees. There is a lot of usage of your ears in this yäträ and with faith whatever is being said you follow, chant the holy name. Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu came to south India yäträ; he came to Tirupati 501 years ago. Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu took sannyas and then began South India Yatra. He came to Jagannätha Puré and then came to South India Yatra. What did he do in South India Yatra. Hotel booking? He simply kept chanting constantly. Kirtniya sada hari. What was the need of Him to chant constantly. He is Hari Himself, but still chanting constantly. Kåñëam  vande jagatgurum. Kåñëa Himself became guru, and by his example preached constant chanting of the holy name. He kept chanting constantly. And in the assembly of some special devotees he would also do katha. He would also go begging for alms to the houses of some brahmanas who are lakshapati (one who chants more than one lakh names of Kåñëa per day)So where ever  Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu would go, lots of devotees would gather around Him, when he reached Tirupati, thousands of devotees from nearby villages would gather near Him. How would the villagers know that Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu has arrived in the nearby village? (Answers from the audience – Sound of kirtna, inspiration from the heart)sarvasya cähaà hådi sanniviñöo, The Lord says I am in the heart of all. He is going from one place to another, he wants that more and more people should know the holy name. So he was communicating through the heart. That’s easy for Him. So the Lord would inspire them and thus they would all assemble.Then he would be in the middle of the crowd. äjänu-lambita-bhujau kanakävadatau His arms would reach His knees. Golden complexioned Lord, the preacher of sakértana movement, best amongst Brahmans,  vande jagat priya-karau karunävatärau. The one who appeared for the benefit of the entire world, I offer my obesiances unto Him. He is very tall, you must have seen in Mayapur temple, Panchatattva, very tall, very beautiful. When he would do kértana, all assembled people would do kértana.Just few minutes ago when kirtan was going on, no one knows who asked you all to stand up and dance, it is Lord Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu who inspired you to dance. Hari bol. We are like puppets in his hands and he is making us dance. He is Natraj, he is best of all dancers. Gauranga,. When he does udaëòa nåtya, what to say, they can only keep seeing him, they also start dancing and they would fill the heart of the Lord with Kåñëa premaa. So may the Lord also fill your heart with Krsna Premaa. Keep chanting and hearing with full capacity and then the Lord will fill your heart with premaa. He will replace the lust in our heart, our mind, our senses with Krsna pream. In this yäträ we can chase away that lust and let krsna premaa sit there, then “Paisa Wasool” (In Mumbai slang language), the fare of yatra was worth it.Once upon a time Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu  was doing Kirtana and it was summer time, like now. He was leading the chanting and his party was following at a distance. He was passing by a market and suddenly stopped by the dairy shop. He was thirsty and wanted to drink something. The shop keeper had a big pitcher full of buttermilk and he offered one bowl of buttermilk, but Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu was not looking at the bowl rather the pitcher. The shopkeeper understood and gestured that the Lord may drink it. Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu lifted it and drank the whole buttermilk.He is Jagannath, He is also Srinivas. The whole creation is inside him. When Yasoda said open your mouth, there was the entire universe in His mouth.  So there is nothing astonishing if He drank the big pot full of buttermilk.So after drinking when the Lord was proceeding, the shopkeeper said, what about the money?? Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu was empty pocket; rather there was no pocket in the kind of clothes He wears. Mahaprabhu replied ‘You can take from my kértana party following me.’ So the shopkeeper stopped the kirtana party and asked them to pay. They checked their pockets but had nothing as well. Then he thought for a while ‘ what will I reply to my wife.’ Thinking thus He was lifting the pot with his left hand, but he could not even move it. It was full with jewels and ornaments. He immediately understood that this miracle has been done by that kértana leader. He ran towards Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu. He offered obeisances to the Lord and Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu lifted him up and embraced him tightly just like Sri Rama embraced Hanuman, when Hanumanhad returned from Lanka after locating Sita. Sri Rama had said ‘thank you Hanuman.’ Sri Ram further said, ‘if I were in Ayodhya I would have given wonderful gifts to you. But now I am a Vanvasi so can I just offer you my embrace? Do you think Hanuman might have said, ‘No sorry sir.’ No. Hanuman was obviously jubilant at this offer.  This is all what Hanuman wanted. What more gifts could he pray for?So similarly when Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu  embraced the shopkeeper, his heart became filled with love and he was so much loaded with love that he could not stand, and he exhibited the ashta sattvic vikara,  all the symptoms of ecstasy. He somehow managed to walk and reach his shop. When the kirtna party saw him returning, (they had also seen him going towards Mahaprabhu ) they understood that Mahaprabhu has given him His mercy. They started shouting loudly, ‘ you have become very fortunate and wealthy – golokera premaa dhana hari naam sankirtana. So the Lord filled his heart with prema, so may the Lord fill your heart also with love, service and thoughts of bhagvad bhakti (devotional service to the Supremae). Hare Krishna.


Rasa Dance concluded and a brief overview of Kamsa’s strategy to kills Krishna and Balarama

So this is the divine, the best, so there was best music,
best dance because the best dancers Radha and Krishna and gopis they were
involved, there was whole team.

upavrtte, vasudevanumoditah, anicchanto yayur gopyah, sva – grham
bhagavatt-priyah” (S.B 10.33.38)
brahma-ratra, brahma-ratra upavrtte as
long as the night of Brahma, this dance lasted, that long and then Lord brought
that to closer. Even then gopis anicchanto
gopis where not willing to go away. But vasudevanumoditah,
Lord was pushing them, now you go, you have to go now. So finally gopyah, sva – grham yayur they returned
to their respective, gopyah, sva – grham
The gopis are so dear to Bhagvan Sri Krishna Ghanshyam, Shyamsundar
so with great reluctance they returned to their homes. So we are also very soon,
I know you don’t want to go, the way you are sitting since, you are satisfied
just being here. So study this section of Bhagavtam also, what we said in the
beginning we also remind you at the end,
ritrogam so the disease  we have,
heart disease, are hearts are full of desires, anarthas, lust and this is one
of the best cures it counteracts. The kama, the lust is counteracted by Prem,
Love, Krishna Prem, that is love. What we say in this world, I love you and all
that business is not love, its lust.

Love is something divine, something great, something
transcendental, love is not of this world, lust is of this world. So that lust
is just a reflection, perverted reflection of that original love between. So
what is at the top in the spiritual sky it appears comes to the bottom of this
world, love at the top, lust at the bottom. Because this world is compared with
a tree, tree on the bank of a lake. So when you see the reflection of that tree
on the bank of the lake, you see that tree, you see the roots upwards and
branches going downwards. What is at the top of the tree on the bank of the
lake, that is at the bottom. Cure for lust is love, love of Radha and Krishna
between two of them and it’s all pure, so study this Prabhupad has kindly
provided Krishna book and there are
commentaries and purports of all these verses in Bhagavatam, its right here. So
please study and understand it’s very confidential this but if we could
understand that it, that’s the end of are stay in this material existence, if
we could understand this subject. So we have briefly introduced this , not that
you did not know before but we have again reminded you of those pastimes and
praying to the Supreme Lord that we all ripe the results, the benefits of this
particular pastime of the Lord called Rasa Dance Maharasa. Those children also
performed very beautiful (Maharaj asking the audience) you liked their presentation
(devotees replied) Haribol (round of applause). There were some older mataji’s
also who performed, so young and old everyone could participate.

Soul has nothing to
do with young and old, soul is neither young nor old, man or woman
infact we are all women that is also we could understand, there is so much to
understand in this topic. So only Purusha, only person, in the position of
enjoying is just one and we are all meant for his pleasure, so we are to be
enjoyed by him. Instead of taking the position of to be enjoyed we take the
position of enjoyer that is called Maya, that’s not our position it will not
work out. There is only one Purusha we are Prakriti, we are nature, parts and
parcels of the Lord, meant for his pleasure. A soul what we are talking about,
relationship with Purusha we are Prakriti. So we have completed 5 days, two
more days to go. So tomorrow our subject matter is we will be killing few more
demons ( Laughs). So Kamsa was informed by Narada Muni, Kamsa for 11 yrs he had
no clue where is this Krishna and Balarama, but he was just sending demons, his
reprentatives there. They were just going no one coming back; they were going
with one way ticket svaha! Finished (laughter). Kamsa was dispatching them but
they were not coming back (Maharaj laughs). So his stock was getting exhausted
and that was the purpose, infact Kamsa did great service to Lord because Lord
had appeared to annihilate the demons. So what Kamsa had done he had gone all over
the world and defeated so many stalwart demons
and kind of made them slaves or friends and brought all of them to his
capital Mathura, right!. So he made Krishna’s job easy, there was no need for
him to go looking for them all over. Kamsa was just making offerings ok!  this one now,  take care of this one, take care of this one

So for 11 yrs this went on and finally Narada Muni had to
inform Kamsa. You know this Nanada mMaharaj’s children Krishna and Balarama
they are the one, that’s the 7th and 8th child of Vasudeva baba you understand
and once he got that clue, that information then he gets ready he calls all his
different ministers he had whole strategy once he knew where they were. And one
of the strategy the main thing to get Krishna and Balarama over so the best
person was selected and that was Akura who was a devote of Krishna, he was with
Kamsa but his heart, he was devotee the servant of Krishna and Balarama. So he
goes to Vrindavan riding the chariot, so how Kamsa prepares how he gets things
ready for a big festival in Mathura, wrestling match, scarifies etc. he sends
Akrura how Akrura goes in what mood, what consciousness. So and then the next
day as he is coming with Krishna and Balarama about to live the resistant that
he has to met, the protest was there, because he was taking their Krishna and Balarama

So again the Gopis we will come across Gopis, their feeling.
So that we will deal tomorrow and then day after his Krishna and Balarama
entering Mathura and finally killing of kuvalayapid that big elephant and many
things he encounter, Kubja will be there , dobhi one washerman, he will not
give clothes so how Krishna dealt with him. And finally Krishna and Balarama
walked entered the wrestling arena, you know how they walked?  They were carrying the tusk of the elephant Kuvalyapid,
Krishna consciousness was meant to Krishna and Balarama, to crush them. So when
Kamsa saw Krishna and Balarama with tusk and he was shaking (ha……..) (Laughter)
and then so. So upto killing Kamsa both the days we will have nice drama.

So we thank for your participation.

Rasa dance begins

So Krishna is now back with them and there are so many
different ways of meeting and dealing, embracing as many as many Gopis are
there, Krishna is meeting each one of them. There are several descriptions of
how what each Gopi does? How she deals with Krishna. It is mentioned about one
Gopi she had very unique way of meeting her Lord. What she did was she drank
Krishna with her eyes, drank the form of the Lord through her eyes and she took
him to her heart, made him sit down there and as soon as he was in she closed
the window door, so no one would notice. So in there she is meeting her Lord,
how someone know that she is meeting? Look, look her body is trembling look how
hairs are standing on end, look the tears gliding down her cheeks these are all
the symptoms.

Obviously the Gopis
meeting is a real union, they are united. So when soul meets the Supreme, soul
these symptoms, there we were mentioning about one particular Gopi. But when
devotees meet full Krishna conscious, meeting takes place, Bhakti yoga linking
is done and these symptoms. So one  Gopi
had this very unique idea of meeting her Lord in the heart, inner chambers of
heart. Because social customs don’t allow or she wanted more private meeting.
So she chose the heart to be the meeting place. And there were just million
ways how different Gopis are meeting the Lord. And that’s reunion that’s the
4th chapter of these 5 chapters “rasa  panch adhyaya, chapter 32 is the reunion
with the Lord, meeting and Lord also expresses the feeling “na paraye ham” (S.B 10.32.22). I am indebted to you all Gopis, the
kind of love that you have for me and your innocence I am just, I can’t repay
all this debt to all of you, I can’t compensate you, what you always do for me,
had been doing for me, what you did for me today and that chapter is concluded
with that statement and then finally the 5th chapter “Maharasa”.

govindo, rasa-kridam anuvrataih, stri-ratnair
anvitah pritair, anyonyabaddha-bahubhih.
(S.B 10.33.2).
At this time
Krishna expands himself and he is with every Gopi as many Gopis those many
Krishna’s “rasotsavah sampravrtto,
gopi-mandala-manditah” (S.B 10.33.3).

So this is decoration, beauty of Vraj mandal has been enhanced by this “rasotsavah”  “yogesvarena krsnena, tasam madhye dvayor
dvayoh, pravistena grhitanam, kantha svanikatam striyah” (S.B 10.33.3).

Between two Gopis
there is one Krishna. So that means one Gopi -one Krishna or between two
Krishna- one Gopi or between two Gopi one Krishna whatever way you want to say
yam manyeran nabhas tavad, vimana –sata
sankulam” (S.B 10.33.3)
. As Lord was about to begin the grand festival of
Rasa dance sky up there is filled with the aircrafts, aircrafts’ are hovering
all over. “divaukasam” The demigods they are taking their position
their sits “tato dundubhayo nedur” (S.B
different instrument they
are playing.

Wonderful Proposal of meeting with the Lord

Venue Pune: S.B – 1.5.31

yenaivaham bhagavato

vasudevasya vedhasah

mayanubhavam avidam

yena gacchanti tat padam

Translation: By
that confidential knowledge, I could understand clearly the influence of the
energy of Lord Sri Krishna, the creator, maintainer and annihilator of
everything. By knowing that, one can return to Him and personally meet Him.

Purport: By
devotional service or by the most confidential knowledge, one can understand
very easily how the different energies of the Lord are working. One part of
energy is manifesting in the material world; the other (superior) part of His
energy is manifesting in the spiritual world. And via medium energy is
manifesting the living entities who are serving either of the above-mentioned
energies. The living entities serving material energy are struggling hard for
existence and happiness, which is presented to them as illusion. But those in
the spiritual energy are placed under the direct service of the Lord in eternal
life, complete knowledge and perpetual bliss. The Lord desires, as He has
directly said in the Bhagavad-gita, that all conditioned souls, rotting in the
kingdom of material energy, come back to Him by giving up all engagements in
the material world. This is the most confidential part of knowledge. But this
can be understood only by the pure devotees, and only such devotees enter the
kingdom of God to see Him personally and serve Him personally. The concrete
example is Narada Himself, who attained this stage of eternal knowledge and
eternal bliss. And the ways and means are open to all, provided one agrees to
follow in the footsteps of Sri Narada
Muni. According to sruti, the Supreme Lord has unlimited energies
(without effort by Him), and these are described under three principal
headings, as above mentioned.

yenaivaham bhagavato

vasudevasya vedhasah

mayanubhavam avidam

yena gacchanti tat padam
(Translation repeat)

Wonderful proposal is here so we could meet Him Good news we
could meet Him Haribol…… Haribol…… if you are interested!   “If there is will there is a way” no will no
way, there no way you will meet Him “if there is no will there is no way”
forget it but those who are interested meeting Him it’s impossible this was
experience of those Bhaktivedantas you are here right! For some days they know
what the story line is. You know who is speaking here?  Narada muni is speaking and he is speaking
unto Srila Vyasadev, conversation between Srila Narada Muni and Srila Vyasadev
the two very great personalities infact they have been listed in the listed in
the list of incarnations. Krishna the source of all incarnations, chapter you
have just, these temple devotees have gone through chapter no. 3 and in there
you find the name of Srila Vyasadev, you find name of Srila Narada Muni. So now
these two great souls, these two incarnations of the Lord, empowered
incarnations of the Lord. They are meeting in Badrikashram almost on the top of
Himalayan Mountain. Badrikasram is on the top “Himalaya ki goda me” on the bank
of Saraswati they are meeting, Alaknanda the sacred branch of Ganga is also not
far from there. And one morning one beautiful morning like this one today is
this beautiful? It’s ok good one but more beautiful up there where everything
is so clear, no pollution, no car goes there (laughs) now the cars are also
going but when they had this conversation everything was clear, not only the
air was clear but the consciousness also was clear specially of Narada Muni,
Srila Vyasadev was facing some difficulty his pollution was bit, consciousness
was bit polluted and as a result he was despondent. As Narada Muni arrived from
up above from his travelling preaching mission and as he comes, he is never
quite, Narada Muni is never quite, he is always chanting “narada muni bajaye
vina radhikaraman name” Others say he is always chanting “Narayana Narayana”
but that’s not the case he  chants
Narayana Narayana but he also chants names of Radhikaraman he is very
confidential devotee of the Lord, associate of the lord, he has place in
Badrikasram he is worshipper of that Badrinaryan in this Bharatvarsa. There are
so many varshas yes and one of them is Bharatvarsa and the deity is Narayana
and worshipper is Narada Muni. So he chants the names, so while chanting the
names of the Lord he was arriving descending, landing there and then he saw
Srila Vyasadev and he did not seem very happy. Aaee….. what’s wrong with you?
You are not a family man (devotes laughing) and this is early morning hours
also, you should be jolly.

“brahma bhutah prasannatma na socati na kanksati” (18.54)
for realized souls there is no lamentation, no hankering “prasannatma” he is
always blissful” but look at your face. And then Srila Vayasdev “guhyam akhyati
prcchati” (NOI: verse 4) He disclosed his mind in confidence. He was having
hard time or in the terms which are used these days, he did not have a job
satisfaction (devotee’s laughing). He had complied so many scriptures, Vedas,
Purans, Upanisads and Vedantsutra, Mahabharat but still he was not happy with
the job that he had done of the compilation of all theses text. So here Narada
Muni is the Spiritual Master of Srila Vyasadev, so Srila Vyasadev said please I
would like you to do the review of my books, book review. So Narada Muni under
took the task and immediately came with the conclusion yes! Yes! Certainly I
could now see why you are not very happy “vasudevasya mahima hy anuvarnitah”
(S.B 1.5.9)

Where is Mahima of Vasudev? You have complied all the
scriptures, well you have sprinkled few drops here and there of some mahima of
Vasudev, but “hari sarvatra giyate” hari should have been everywhere on every
page, in every line, in every word, in every single syllable. “Vasudev
sarvamiti” Vasudev is all in all but you have kept Vasudev out of your all
these books or just little touch that’s the reason, you are not happy.  So as per observation and recommendations of
Narada Muni who was spiritual master of Srila
Vyasadev he under took compilation of yet another scripture and he
complied the final and the best scripture in existence and that was and that
still is? (Devotees-Srimad Bhagavatam)
Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai……… Srimad Bhagvat So while they were talking,
conversation continued after the book review statements of the “srnvanti gayanti
grnanti sadhavah”(S.B 1.5.11) you should compile a scripture that’s very dear
to the sadhu, the saintly persons, saintly devotees of the Lord, so that they
could do “srnvanti gayanti grnanti sadhavah abhignasha” all the time also by
reading that scripture they will be purified “te eva pasyanti achirena tavkam  padam bhujam” and if they study such
scripture, Bhagvatam, then as person hears and chants and recites and remembers
the result “te eva pasyanti” they will be able to see “achrena” they will not
take much time, what will they see? “padam bhujam” the lotus feet of the Lord and
then beautiful form of the Lord, beautiful face of the Lord. So as they were
still talking about the subject matter Srila Narada Muni is talking about this
previous life. In his previous life he was son of a maid servant well how did he
get there? How did he end up becoming son of a maid servant? Then we have to
talk of his previous yet another life in his previous life he was a Gandharva he
was very exalted person in a higher planetary system. And so many singers and
reciters were invited and it was expected that they would chant the glories of
Sri Krishna, “vasudevasya mahima” but there were also many young, beautiful
girls in the assembly. So he lost the track he was distracted, he lost his
focus forgot his mission and he ended up chanting the glories of demigods. He
forgot the Supreme Personality of Godhead and he was chanting ‘jai durge, jai
ambe’ (laughs). And as a result of that he was cursed to became son of a maid
servant in the next life, so now ok not now so the 2nd life as he was the son
of the maidservant that he what he is talking about in the present 3rd life
that he has now achieved and talking to Srila Vyasadev about his 2nd life,
middle life. So that time he was very lucky although son of a maid servant. It
was month of caturmasya the four months starting “sravan, bhadrapad, ashwin and
kartik” these 4 months are called as caturmasya. So some Bhaktivedantas had
come some Parivrajakacharya the travelling monks had come, the exalted devotes
of the Sri Krishna had come and they had camped up just outside his village and
I wanted to make the long story short, so that we could reach the conclusion or
come to where we are now, this verse we are way behind. So he had opportunity
to associate with these saintly persons, his mother used to go so he also used
to go behind the mother, he had no father, no brother he was the only child so
he used to go with mother, mother busy in the kitchen washing pots, cleaning
etc these were her services and the child used to be around the saintly. Aee ……..boy
come here, come here bring some water, bring some tulsi, bring Ganga jala,
bring this, take this and the child was running happily doing this and that for
these saintly persons and he would also listen to the message and one important
thing he did this is Narada Muni infact talking to Srila Vyasadev how he came
to Krishna consciousness?  How he became
devotee of Krishna? Like in our back to godhead magazine we publish articles,
how I came to Krishna consciousness? So that is the subject matter and Narada
Muni is talking how he came to Krishna consciousness? He says I had association
of devotees, I rendered some service to the devotees, I listen to some message
but I also ate lots of prasadam with their permission I took lots of prasadam
and while they were living you have heard, read that yesterday. As they were
living those Bhaktivedantas who very very kind to poor hearted souls, “kripaya
dina vatsalaha” they were very very kind “dinavatsalaha” the poor in

You have no money you are empty handed then also you are
poor but there is another kind of being poor, another way you could be poor,
poor in consciousness, of the two it s better to have no money but you are rich
in consciousness, you are rich in consciousness you have Krishna for you and
infact that’s all that you need, that’s all that soul needs. So these
Bhaktivedantas they were very you kind to me Narada Muni says “jnana guhya
tama” they gave me most confidential
knowledge one more time they may have summarized all the Bhagvatam or
something in essence one more time, one more time most confidential. So Narada
he was not Narada Muni that time he becomes Narada latter on. So one more time
he heard and “yena” in this verse 1st word is what? What is the 1st word?
“yena” by which , by which this refers to that confidential knowledge that he
had Narada Muni had received. I could understand clearly the influence of the
energy of Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, he could understand everything , he could understand
the energies of the Lord, different energies of the Lord about which Prabhupad
is talking in the purport and by knowing that one can return to him the
personality and meet him personally. So Narada Muni had received this knowledge
and he did met Lord personally he is talking about what he had heard but then
soon after this Bhagvat recitation very unfortunate thing happened to Narada Muni
he lost his mother. As she was going in the mid night to milk the cow and the
snake bite, snake bit and she was dropped died there. OH! What to do? But he
was prepared because he had all the knowledge not lost, he was equipped with
the knowledge, he was not lost, he was not bewildered, he was not confused he
exactly knew what to do under the circumstances. But certainly it was beyond
him the death of the mother, no child, no, no what to speak of child wanting
mother’s death no, he had never ever thought of such thing but he had no control
over so he took that as Lords arrangement. So he did the final rights, he
burned two things he burned the hut with that body of the mother also got
burned and now he had no one in the world, no property, no relatives but he had
that knowledge he had that confidential knowledge and what is the purpose of
that knowledge

“vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo” (B.G 15.15) I am to be
known the knowledge that one acquires (laughs) when have to understand which
knowledge helps us to understand him the Supreme Lord “raja-vidya, raja- guhyam
pavitram idam uttamam’ (B.G 9.2) the king of knowledge “adhyatmam-vidya,
vidyanam” (B.G 10.32) “adhyatmam-vidya” knowledge about the self who am I?
“athatobrhama jigaysa” Oh! Dear human being Oh! now finally fortunately you
have became human being, become  inquisitive, inquire find out who you are? And
what is this world that is all around you?
and when you are no more when you are died you would be wanting to turn
left or  right or go up and down you
should have all the plan , you should know everything, you should know vidya ,
you should also know avidya this is advice of Isopanishad not only vidya,
avidya also.

So Narad Muni had he was equipped with this knowledge so
as  he had no one around him so he starts
travelling, walking and walking and doing padayatra going through towns and
villages, industrial areas, the forest and the hills and he comes to a very
thick forest, forest was dark even in the middle of the day, the snakes were
crawling and owls they were making very scary sounds, fears animals were
roaming freely of course this was their home and in the midst of all that there
was little Narada he was young boy but he was not afraid of nothing he was only
thinking, he was remembering all that he had heard and read in the Bhagvatam.
He was thinking as the result of thinking of the Lord where is my Lord? Where
is my Lord? He was looking for the Lord; he was very angry and thirsty. But all
that he could see was a water body, so he quickly took bath and drank water
that’s all no food only water. He felt some relief then he sat underneath the
tree and he started meditating upon the Lord in the heart, looking, searching
and searching and he was just fixed, he was fully focused only thing he was
seeing and as per the description of the Lord and his beautiful form, he was
fixing his mind on that Lord Shyamsundar, he was thinking of Shyamsundar  form, lotus feet, the pinkish lotus feet and
the Lords ankle bells, Lords thighs are short, lords thighs are short and waist
is like a lady thin waist, Lord has big hips, Lord has a navel, broad chest,
long arms reaching his knees, short neck, raised nose, reddish lips, lotus eyes
blooming lotus eyes, broad forehead, beautiful curly hair and a peacock feather
“pitam bara arvinda netra” he was
wearing  pitambar so like that his palms were
also pinkish they were like a lotus, this part was like a lotus flower, that
part was pinkish, his fingers were lotus petal and the hands were very fragrant
also like a lotus not because some powder was applied there naturally the Lords
hands were fragrant. So he had been hearing the description of the Lord, the
talk of seeing the Lord in today’s verse, so now he was seeing the Lord in his
heart. And this was result of hearing about that Lord he wanted to achieve that
Lord, he wanted to see that Lord meet him personally and that is what was going
on here he was meeting the Lord in his heart. He had interview with the Lord he
was seeing the Lord face to face. That darshan that audience with the Lord did
not last very long, Lord disappeared and then he heard a voice this is ahead of
you, you will be reading this in the following verses and chapters.

When he heard the
voice yes that is it boy next time I will give you darshan in next life. So as
he was not able to see the Lord, he was not in front of him, within his heart anymore,
so that disturbed his darshan and Samadhi. Then he had to wait till next birth
and he became Brahma’s son, from the Lord, Brahma took birth and then Narada
Muni appeared and he had lots of darshans of the Lord always taking darshan of
the Lord, meeting with the Lord, dancing with the Lord and everything his life
was just God centered, Krishna centered. So by that confidential knowledge I
could understand clearly the influence of the energy of Lord Sri Krishna, the
creator, maintainer and annihilator of everything by knowing that one can
return to him and personally met him. And what about my life? I had to be
engineer, I had to be a doctor, I am already somebody, I have a job at 9.30 -10
o’clock I have to catch a bus.

So this hearing about the Lord and making up mind of finding
the Lord or realize the Lord and finally met the Lord is this only for
selective few? Or everyone should be doing this? What do you think? Or well if
you are a soul, if you are a soul then you should have a goal of meeting the
Supreme Soul otherwise the whole thing is lost, are we soul? Is everybody a
soul? Everybody has a soul, what do you think? Everyone has soul? No, some are
thinking everybody has no soul! Some are convinced, this student is convinced
everyone has a soul or at least human beings, Christians say animals have no
soul, so let u eat them, they are meant for us to be exploited to be enjoyed.
Let’s think that’s their ignorance and move on to the human race, all human beings there is a soul in their bodies. You
can’t be living beings if there is no soul or life is because of, life comes
from life not from the matter, life comes from life and the Supreme lively
Personality of Godhead and He declares in Bhagavat Gita ( ) “mamait vancho jiva
bhauta stasa

All living entities
they are my parts and parcels, we are souls we are not these bodies, I am not
this hand, it’s my hand, I am not master hand, I am not master head, this head

belongs to me, I am the proprietor in other words I am the proprietor of hands,
head, belly and legs this belongs to me right there with little logic Prabhupad
use to use also this kind of logic. We could understand that there are two
things there is a “me” and “mine” this has been described in Bhagvatam as
“aham” and “mama”, “me” ani  “maza”  (maharaj says in maratahi)“mai” aur
“mera”  (Maharaj says is in hindi).

So this “mai”, this “aham”, this “me” that is soul and rest
is the body and rest is other kinds of energies of the Lord, external energies
of the Lord. So need of the soul is meeting with the Supreme soul, soul is looking
forward to meet the Supreme Lord, everyone is looking for the Lord, even George
Harrison said that you heard of George Harrison? He is no more but he was big,
big singer, his name was Harrison, he was follower of Srila Prabhupad he used
to chant  “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare
Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare”.

And he did big service, great service to Srila Prabhupad’s
mission in London by donating a big Manson which is known as Bhaktivedanta
Manor and he paid for the entire cost of the printing of the Krishna book long
time ago and in there, there is a picture of apple and the George Harrison
statement and he has signed also. So everyone is looking for the Lord knowingly
or unknowingly and he explains how, isn’t everyone looking for some rich
person? He wants to associate with rich person, he is attracted to rich people
or the riches , the wealth no one is expectation everyone is looking for
wealth, riches, where is money? Where is money? “divacarthe hyaa rajan kutum
bharne nava”

As soon as they get up Laxmi! Laxmi! Laxmi! They are
chanting the mantra, so they are looking for the wealth, Krishna has that
wealth, Krishna is always full of that wealth, He is Bhagvan, He is Dhanavan,
He is Bhagvan meaning He is Dhanavan , so if you are looking for wealth that
meant even according to  George Harrison
you are looking for wealthy most wealthy person, you find someone  wealthy person you are Oh! He is not wealthy
as that one and you find him, Oh! Here is another wealthy you go for him, like

Why is everyone interested in going to heavenly planets
because there are even more richer than Tatas and Birla’s, people you find
Kuber and others demigods, very very rich. But when there is someone even
richer than the Demigods and that is the Supreme Lord, so you will not be
satisfied, you will not be satisfied, by meeting a person that has wealth, you
will think oh! There is another, there is another more wealthy and the most
wealthy person is? Sri Krishna, so you are looking for that ultimate person,
most wealthy person. So this is just the wealth part, let’s go beauty and OH!
This person is more beautiful than you met him, OH! That one is more beautiful
and like that. This is how we are changing the bodies, because we are looking
for a beautiful person, OH! He is more beautiful, more beautiful he is
beautiful; he is more beautiful but the most beautiful is? Sri Krishna so that
search we are searching for a beautiful person that search  will end only when we met our Lord he is most
beautiful and knowledgeable, we know so many knowledgeable people, you may
thinking my professor is very knowledgeable, OH! But then I know someone else
is a Noble Laureate, he is more knowledgeable but the most knowledgeable is
again Sri Krishna.

What he spoke only for 45 minutes in the battle field of
Kuruksetra 5000 yrs ago that still is the truth, holds as the truth other some
knowledgeable persons and scholars are coming and going and what they have to
say is studied even one becomes popular for 50 yrs, 100 yrs, few 100 yrs and
then that is dumped until someone comes and proves that this is all wrong, it’s
all bogus. But what Krishna spoke 5000 yrs ago, so many scholars are trying to
understand even today and this Krishna is most knowledgeable and Krishna is
more is most powerful, he showed that his power by lifting Govardhan hill that
is nothing, his expansion Anantsesa is holding all the planets very very
powerful, so he is most powerful. So these are different opulence’s of the Lord
so our search for the beautiful person, wealthy person, what else?
Knowledgeable person, renounced person, famous person, strong person – Bhagvan
“isvaras, samagrasya, virasya, yashasa, shriya, jnana, vairagya, yashyeva”
these opulence’s are Krishna’s, God’s opulence and the soul is looking for that
person and going from one person to another person, from one body to another,
one planet to another, one universe to another, this search will end only when
we find the Lord of our heart when the soul meets the Supreme soul then we will
be satisfied, fully satisfied and not otherwise. And one could think of
searching the Lord only in the human form of life, not in other species of
life. “jala-ja nava-laksani” (Padma Purana)

There are 9 lakh varities of species in the water, the Vedic
texts are so precise “krmaya
rudra-sankhyakah”   the germs and
worms are of 11 lakhs of varieties, “paksinam dasa-lakshani” one million (10
lakhs) varieties of birds  and 20 lakhs
(200 thousand) varieties of plants and
30 thousand varieties  of animals,
you have been adding this is 80 lakhs and “manushyanam catur lakshani” the
human species are 4 hundred thousand  varieties,
4 lakhs varieties they are not all on this planet or not necessarily in this
universe but where ever. So this break down is there and all of these species
the human species are most rare species
because this offers us the most rare opportunity of coming to temple or
coming to God or thinking of God hearing about God or this dharma business this
religion business is only for human beings. I travelled long distance came from
Pandarpur , not a cat has come not a dog has come, only human beings, only
human being have come this is a proof, that Bhagvatam, this dharma, this
Krishna this chanting of the holy name , OH! This is only for human being.
Others just can’t even think it’s beyond them, only human beings could think so
everyone Prabhupad had to say everyone is rotting in this material world,
everyone is rotting, suffering.

I had to visit hospital in Nagpur few days ago, terrible
experience as I had to visit that intensive care unit, where even I could see
it was , I don’t want to even think and then
you die , life is tough . I was in Nagpur few days ago but I was in New
York few yrs ago on the wall someone wrote, some New Yorker, he had his
realization, he wrote his realization on the wall. He said oh! Life is tough
and then you die. And that was not all he had another short line at the bottom
then you are born again for another tough life, tough life tough, then you die
and then you are born again and again and again” no one wants this, no one
wants to die any one here? I have travelled and enquired in south Africa I was
there few months ago everywhere I have so I haven’t meet one person, I want to
die, I want to die, I want to die no one wants to die but everyone must die, we
don’t want to die, we don’t want to suffer, but suffering is there we were in
Gaya just few weeks ago and this Rahul right? Siddartha, Siddartha Buddha was
Siddartha before he wanted to see the world but his father would not let him
go. He had to stay only within the palace compound, no going outside, but he
was no, no! Father daddy no, I must no ………..….ok boy go. So he was given a
chariot and chariot driver and then he was going around, doing Bharat dharshan
and what he saw was? You know someone was terribly suffering lying on the foot
path and the flies he was very sick and what not. OH! What is wrong with this person,
he is sick, that’s why he is suffering, oh! He is suffering and this Siddartha
says does everyone gets sick? Sure will I get sick also? Yes one day sure , no
problem and then ok move on move on……and someone is struggling to cross the
road, he was not only having to feet but another support , stick ahee…..please
help me to cross the road , he had trembling body and he was falling down and
getting up. Ahe what’s wrong with person chariot driver oh! He is old He is
weak invalid now that’s why he is struggling. Does everyone get old? OH! For
sure and what about me? You will also no problem; you will also get old and
then ok carry on. Oh! What is this “ram nama satya hai, ram nama satya hai, ram
nama satya hai, Hye! What is happening here? I see that one person is enjoying
nice ride, while everyone is walking in hot sun. One person I just, people are
throwing flowers on him, he must be very special person? And everyone is saying
Ram Ram but he is just…. Ho! He is died person, what do you mean? All they will
bring him to Ghat “nigamboda ghat” and burn his body. What does everyone die?
Sure and what about me? Sure no problem (laughter) you will also die one day.
So he just had this little darshan as he was going around, father did not
wanted him to see his that’s way he is as keeping him within the palace. So
Siddartha said ok chariot driver I have its enjoy, I have seen the world
enough, no more I don’t want to see the world bring my chariot back to the
palace, chariot back in the palace and that night that very night, he was a
young man, young wife, young son also Rahul yes? That’s the name; he had a son called
Rahul. So he took off in the middle of the night goes to Gaya he becomes
enlightened. He wanted to find solution oh! I know the 4 problems I have made
the list no 40, not 400 problems but my problems are 4 “janma- mrtyu- jara-
vyadhi- dukha -dosanudarsanam” (B.G 13.9).

He had made e a list I have 4 problems that I will be facing
and if I don’t  solve them  in this life , I have to come back again, and
again those 4 problems and If I don’t tackle them in that life then another
life and another…….., I want to put full stop to this suffering. So severe
austerities and meditation and he becomes enlightened, he becomes Buddha and
then he wanted to enlightened others. He was one incarnation he is one of the
10 incarnations of the Lord, Buddha dev don’t think he belongs to only dalit he
is also are incarnation. So this Lord Buddha he made this lists 4 us these are
4 problems. Krishna also said this in Bhagvat Gita, Prabupad is talking here we
are rotting in this material world, suffering. So is there any alternative to
this suffering? Is there way out? Is this only we scare people? So they have
hard time sleeping at night , are scriptures only talking of negative things
and pointing out suffering of the world, humanity and individuals, no that’s not
the case, there is way out and that  way
is realization.

I am soul, I am atma,
I am atma I am sprit it soul, I am Krishna’s, I belong to God, I am his part
and parcel, I must met him . So there so much knowledge about these matters the
soul and Supreme soul and there is yet another kingdom of the Lord spiritual
kingdom of the Lord, no one knows about it, Krishna knows and 100s and 1000s of
pure devotees have confirmed this fact, pure devotees they have no tendency to
cheat anybody. Narada Muni, Madhavacarya, Tukaram Maharaj just to name few
there are 1000s of them100s and 1000s saying the same thing again and again and
again they are confirming this fact which have been said by Krishna in Bhagvat
Gita, described in Bhagvatam, scientist don’t know of course why should
scientist know? Just because your scientist you should know everything at least
there was one honest scientist. He was Newton or Einstein I don’t know he took
one particle of sand on the beach, he was on the beach. He said “I know only
just know only one particle I don’t know about all this particles all around
me, that much knowledge there is so much more to know, I know only little bit
just tiny bit I know. So tiny brains Prabhupad would say, we all have tiny brains,
tiny brain, with the tiny brain, how much could you know? And all that, people
are knowing is all about the matter, there is so much to know about the spirit
soul and the spiritual world. Oh! If there is matter, the Russian scientist came
to conclusion, oh! If there is matter there must be antimatter also, then its
complete combination they came to this conclusion. If there is matter there is
must be antimatter also. Well you  may
know something’s from this world in order to become javan or kisan or doctor or
engineer or some kind of professional and we all do that, we know about this
trade that line, computers, constructions or cloth making or building or
whatever different things each one of us.
But there is one thing that everyone must know about and that is the
soul, about soul everyone should have knowledge. About this world and worldly
things I may know something’s and he knows another thing, he is a science
student, he is commerce, he is arts, he is biologist, he is physicist, he is
zoology, he is botany, I am finish with the list (laughs) cosmology, astronomy
ok like that there are so many departments of knowledge and he belongs to this
department, that department but there is one department which is common for all
the souls, that is one knowledge that everyone must study. Prabhupad was taken
on a tour of Boston University and he visited all the departments 20-30 and at
the end he said where is that department that talks about the soul, you don’t
have such department this is incomplete, where is that branch of knowledge,
where is that faculty that teaches about who am I? I am studying about everything
else in the world, but I don’t know who am I? And this is a cause of suffering.
There is some so called enjoyment is there on the surface level which doesn’t
last very long “ahe samsparja  bogah
dukha yonaha evate” anyone who is enjoying he must suffer this is a law also of
this world. Those would wish to enjoy no, no we don’t stop you, go ahead enjoy
but be prepared to suffer, you may not want to suffer but you must suffer, you
have to suffer  these 2 things go
together, this is part of the knowledge this Gita will teach, be prepared, be
aware you want to enjoy ok but you will be suffering it is not  possible to enjoy to enjoy only, it is not
possible  to suffer only, its complete
package is 2 types of season sukha season and then dukha season ever
body’s  life has these 2 seasons but
Krishna consciousness talks about going above,
no sukha, no dukha only anand which has origin in the soul and Supreme
soul and by nature we are blissful. We talk about God and soul and Bhagvat
Gita, Bhagvatam OH! But is it accepted or proven by the scientist is it
scientific,of course it is scientific, Krishna is Supreme scientist and more
could be said. So why science has to put stamp of approval on what  Krishna has to say, what     God has to say, what Bhagvat Gita,
Bhagavatam has to say why? Oh! It’s just scientific everyone wants to, is this
scientific? Could you prove it scientifically, could be proven, it is a science,
to begin with this is a science, original science the best science, science of
the soul, science of God, sastra and “ya sastra
vidhim utrajyavartate kamakarakaha, na sa siddhim avappnoti, na sukham,
na paramgatim”

So study, continue your studies, study physics, study
chemistry, study this study that, study germs, study worms (devotees laughing).
So many persons they take one germ and the whole life they are focused on one
tiny germ, the movements and then the lifespan and the tendencies, liking and
disliking of that germ. Whether it’s a germ or something’s of that sort you are
studying whole life. So study little bit of that but lot of time should be
invested in studying who we are? Who is God? Where and how we exist and what is
my relationship with him? And once we have him, we have everything. Srila
Prabhupad used to say so one department, another knowledge, another property
this, that, there are different zeros there is no one then all zeros put together
one big zero. I will stop now, we are happy to see so many students from all
over the planet, all over the country have assembled here, this is a rare
opportunity for us, it’s beautiful to see such a scene. Young people of course
why should we wait till our bodies are rotten and then make an offering of the rotten.
The fresh flowers, the fresh fruits of this season and you’re the fresh fruit
of this season, of this season and you are the fresh fruit of this season, of
this world and all of you should be offered to the lotus feet of Sri Krishna.
Tamal Krishna Maharaj used to talk like this, garland of jivas Prabhupad you
have come to the west and here are 108 new Bhaktas as if they are like
garlands’ and they are offered to Prabhupad , you please offer them to Sri
Krishna, bring them to Sri Krishna offer the garlands of flowers or garland of
Fruits. So here we see nice offering why you should be serving Maya? You should
be serving Krishna, this is the proposal of Krishna, this is the proposal of
all the great sages and saintly person, ancestors have talked like this, only
when we start imitation of the west and as they made us the slaves for almost
1000 yrs the Muslim, the Dutch, the France, the Britishers then we lost the
tract, we got distracted and even after independence, ok we will have
independence so that we could have Ramraja we will established principles of
Ram, Krishna.

This was the vision
but again forgotten as soon as we had the 1st Prime Minister of India. OH!
These dams, bridges and factories these are for temples these are places of
worship for us. Although born in a Brahmin family as he was born in Brahmin
family but he was brought up and his education in the West, he was very much
influenced by the West. He used to get his clothes ironed in Paris and they
used to bring his clothes to Delhi from Paris ironed clothes then he would put
on his clothes. So he was influenced like that and he wanted his whole country
like that. Again the modern science we are modern and scientific and industry
and technologies the way to go. There were so many promises made up
technologies and industrial civilization, have not been fulfilled and the ill
effects of that modern technology and industrial life styles are about to are
in front of us. 10% of all Indian are having kidney trouble well because I
happen to read this 2 days ago, one out of every 10 every Indian are having
kidney trouble and heart trouble and there are so many other kind of troubles.
Someone has kidney trouble; someone has some other kind of trouble. Soon India
will be on the top list of the HIV, the AIDS we are leading there we getting
there, we will be number 1.

I was in Africa the
life span of South Africa has been reduced to 33yrs. Because more than half of
the population is suffering with the AIDS, shame! Matter of shame! The most
sick country in the world is America and the terrorism and we can’t even have a
sleep at night. You have nice bed, you could buy   bed but not sleep, you could buy food but
not hunger, there is no hunger, no sleep because of anxiety, there are so many
things. This is the spirit of enjoyment this is the result of enjoyment,
sufferings is here catching up with us. We should wake up so we can’t wake up
everybody at least we could star waking up few people, nice I could see here
good gathering here, woken up or waking up “tama soma jyotir gamaya” “get out
of the darkness go to the light” light of what?
Light of Supreme Personality of Godhead is light “Krishna surya sam maya
hai andhakar” or light of Bhagvat light of Bhagvat Gita. Be knowledgeable know you,who
you are? Then proceed, stop –think and proceed” so this is the proposal of
International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). This was what
Prabhupad all lifelong he was talking this language on behalf of Krishna and in
only 40 yrs ago there was just him, by himself and you would be happy to know,
I am sure you know already so many 100s and 1000s, millions of followers the
Krishna consciousness has reached 160 countries in 40 yrs, it’s good news or
no? Devotees- Haribol…………….this is just the begins that means people around the
world. This is just the beginning that means people around the world Krishna
consciousness is in big demand and this is the only alternative there is no
other way , there is no other way , there is no other way, Krishna is only way,
Krishna consciousness is the only way. The Holy name is the only way to get
Krishna. So continue with your studies and whatever else you had been doing in
your life but add Krishna know Krishna and spread this knowledge of Krishna
around which is called Krishna consciousness this sill do good to you, to your
family this is good for your family because your family is also souls family of
souls this will do good to our country to the humanity and all the living
entities will be benefited by this message of Bhagvatam. And then by knowing
that, that refers to knowing Bhagvatam, knowing Bhagvat Gita, one can return to
him, return to Krishna and personally meet him that’s why we said in the
beginning nice proposal wonderful proposal of meeting with the Lord and Narada
Muni is speaking from his personal 1st hand experience such meeting is possible
and we have birth right, it’s are birth to met Krishna, janma siddha hakka hai,
swatantraya maza janma siddha haka ahe ani to me midavnarach. Yesi sahar me, in
this city Lokmanya Tilak was making this declaration during the war with
Bristishers its are birth a right to live in a free country. And we will have
it we will fight with all might so that one day we are free nation, this is our
birth right. Just to make the country you could have such a determination, how
much more determined you should be to make our soul free, we are shackled, we
can’t even move, the goodness, passion, ignorance is not making us more , we
can’t even move, we are bound. Prabhupad’s  Spiritual Master said this political freedom
is not that important more important is to make the soul free from the shakcle
of these bonds of material existence.

That’s why 1922 Prabhupad was about to join Mahatma Gandhi’s
freedom  movement, he had already started
wearing khadi clothes, attending meetings, also going to Netaji Subhas
Chandra  Bose, his underground meetings.
But then as he met with Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati he said no, no more
important is to take up the mission of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu
seriously and make people free from illusion, free from ignorance, ignorance is
cause of suffering make them knowledgeable and Prabhupad took that instruction
very very seriously. Thank god! That instruction was given by Srila Bhakti
Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur and Prabhupad took it seriously as a result what is
happening? As a result we are sitting here today and some one is talking and
others are hearing and others will also talk further about this. So this started
in 1922 with Prabhupad taking this mission very very seriously, spreading the
knowledge, making people knowledgeable.

So you would like not to forget Krishna, we can’t forget he
is so wonderful, how could you forget him? Forget everything else, it’s all
rubbish all temporary, cause of suffering also embrace Krishna, go for Krishna,
met Krishna personally, met Krishna, start meting  Radha Kunja Bihari, he is Krishna see him,
see with the knowledge what you have heard and then stand before him and chant
his glories, chant  the holy name in
front of Radha Kunja Bihari, take Krishna Prasad and every person that you
care, I care for my parents, I care for my friends, I really want to look after
, I want to do something useful, if your thinking like this please share this
Krishna consciousness with them and then only you have done something tangible,
substantial for them otherwise this “ahar nidra bhaya maithun” business goes on
don’t think this eating ,sleeping ……roti, kapda, makan everyone is providing, the
bird society, animal society, just because they don’t have university and they
don’t have parliament and they don’t have super bazar or big bazaars like in
Pune,  we have big bazaar now. Is this
big bazaar going to make Pune happier? Don’t be in illusion, we guaranty Pune
will be more suffering in years to come. If Pune wants to show us hand and ask
us please! Give us your predictions, so we would say you are enjoying? Yes yes
you want to enjoy? Yes yes material way yes yes, you will suffer (devotees laughing).
And we don’t have to curse anybody why should we curse anyone, but we could
speak the truth, we guaranty  suffering,
I don’t have to do anything it’s all programmed, it’s all planned, so curb down
this enjoying spirit , independent of Krishna. Of course there is so much
enjoyment in relationship with Krishna, so much enjoyment so much to enjoy, We
are not inviting you to come and suffer with us, Radheshyam is not inviting, he
is going all over the country and brining young people or preaching to them, so
that they would suffer, nicely suffer. He is envious don’t think he is
suffering and he wants us also to suffer, infact he is enjoying and he wants to
see that everyone else also would enjoy. Enjoyment all the way, only enjoyment
“pratipadam purnamrita  rasa
svadanamsvadu svadu pade pade”. We guaranty that kind of happiness for
everybody, whole country, whole humanity could be enjoying, by following this
path shown by Krishna described in Bhagvat gita and Bhagvatam and could be

Any questions (students asking questions to maharaj ji)

Question 1: So many times we hear about philosophy, we
should love God, we should serve God, but at time of chanting we are not able
to concentrate and we are not able to relish it is somewhat like burden for us
there may be some falsie in hearing because Narada Muni heard form Bhaktivedantas
he heard it very intensely but how could we improve our hearing to have
substantial effect?

Answer: There is nothing wrong in the Holy name the same
holy name that Narada Muni chanted has been handed down to us to this day. So
it has same potency “Krishna caitnaya rasa vigraha nama cintamani rasa vigraha”
it’s full of juice and it’s full of ananda, so how you apply is important and
what is the other way? Ok you are in a boat the boat is in ocean and some
difficulty with the boat, should you be jumping in the ocean again? Is that how
you would be saving yourself? Fix the boat, repair the boat, something is wrong
with the boat, just fix it then you will survive, you will cross over. Not that
there is something wrong with the boat so I will just jump of the boat but then
you will be in deep trouble of the deep ocean. So having faith in chanting holy
name that is also required, so anyone who could give us, that faith association
of those faithful devotees.  Prabhupad
gives example of jaundice, sugar candy is the way the person eats sugar candy
but says OH! Because of the sickness of jaundice, sugar candy also tastes very
bitter, says no get me another type of medicine, no there is no other type of
medicine you want to be cured this is the only medicine, it’s the only medicine
and if the person goes on eating that sugar candy then he will be cured and as
he is cured he will experience the sweetness of the sugar candy and the time
will come. Hye! Get me more, Get me more sugar candy it’s finished go and buy
it. So Holy name is very very sweet, there are list of 10 offences in “Nectar
of Devotion” one should be avoiding “apradha sunya hoiya laho Krishna nama”.

So become free from aparadha endeavour to become free from
aparadha and faithfully keep chanting the Holy names of the Lord. Caitanya
Mahaprabhu took to the chanting and he went mad, Narada Muni              was enjoying, Caitanya Mahaprabhu
was also enjoying and he goes to his Guru Maharaj, OH! This holy name is so
sweet, OH! What kind of mantra you have given to me? “japite japite mantra
karela pagal” I have become pagal, pagala baba, I have become pagal, madman
chanting this holy names “kiba mantra dila gosai, kiba tara bala”. So much bala,
so much strength, so much sweetness in this chanting I have just gone mad, I
can’t help, I can’t just sit, I have to get up and what is this? So the same
mantra this chanting of the holy name is the same mantra very kindly delivered
to us by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the properties, you could talk in that
terms the properties of the holy name and the soul are very similar, they have
similar characteristics, they belong to same world, same family they have
eternal connection, relationship, so just push yourself , don’t stop, keep
going, keep chanting, you could discuss further , take advice, what changes
could be made in your some habits or some life style, your dealings with others
or matter of the world. The holy name is potent and sweet, so encourage
everyone to chant don’t stop, success is in not stopping, don’t stop, beg holy
name my dear holy name, I beg you please reveal unto me, just forgive my
offences, give me intelligence OH! Holy name that I could avoid offences. You
could be personal with the holy name because holy name is Lord himself, you
could reveal your heart to be holy name and holy name is very very kind, could
listen to your sincere prayers.

Question 2: Maharaj you talked about Lord Buddha, god is god
since eternity nobody becomes God, but in case of Lord Buddha we see that at
certain point of time he gets enlightenment, he performed austerities like what
is the purpose of his behavior he performed austerities, he neither went to
gurukul, neither anywhere?

Answer: (maharaj laughs) well he is God he doesn’t need to
go to gurukul but on the other hand to become God realized he is performing
austerities and penances and meditation. If you would not do so, he is teaching
by his example. “yad yad acarati sresthas” (B.G 3.21) he doesn’t have to ,
Krishna went to ok Buddha did not go to gurukul and became disciple of spiritual
master but Krishna went to Ujjain and he became disciple of Sandipani Muni, it
wasn’t necessary  he is God, it’s not
necessary for him to become disciple,  he
is source of all knowledge .

Ram he also becomes disciple, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu he had
his Guru again he found his Guru in gaya the same town, Caitanya Mahaprabhu had
gone to Gaya, Buddha had attained his enlightenment, he was enlightened in Gaya,
same Gaya Caitanya Mahaprabhu found his spiritual master. So they don’t need to
accept spiritual masters but they are playing these roles, setting examples so
that we would learn from that. But as a God they may not sometimes follow whole
thing, all the steps there is some formal acceptance of spiritual masters,
rather Guru’s also, who has 24 gurus? Dattaraya, Dattaraya he had 24 gurus,
even prostitute, a child and there is a whole list, a pigeon, earth, water,
fire and like that there is 24 so he is learning from them. “cetya guru” Lord
in the heart, Parmatma in the heart he is the 1st guru, infact because we don’t
listen to him, Lord in the heart then he comes out or comes in front of us in the
form of spiritual master or Lord speaks his message through somebody through
his pure devotee who plays a role of Spiritual Master, so Lord would like to
talk to the soul. The soul and the Supreme soul they are sitting next to each
other, Kathoupanisad describes how this body is like a tree and on this tree
there are to birds, one is Atma and other is Parmatma, they are just next to each
other they are neighbors’, forever everybody that has soul the Lord is there. So
he is speaking but we are go dull headed and what not, so we don’t listen to
what he has to say so same Lord is then trying to teach us through the agency
of spiritual master and there are so many other agencies around that we could
learn from if Buddha didn’t accept formal initiation he is a Lord he doesn’t
have to or he heard the Lord in the heart what he saw he came to conclusion.
Those things the dead bodies was his gurus (laughs) made him think seriously it
that ok (maharaja asking student).

(Student asking questions to maharaja) what about austerity?
Like it seems that if we follow him no needs to do austerities?

Answer: Without austerity you cannot achieve anything one of
the big, big austerity in this world these days is to stay together, to stay
together is a big austerity. So wife and husband they don’t want to perform
that austerity, so many others , so many nations are getting broken into
pieces, there is a big crowd in brahmachari ashram. Anyways that is one
austerity, there are varieties of austerities to be performed by body, some by
tongue “vacha”, some by mind, austerities one must perform in every staya,
treta, dwapar, kali there are different means to achieve that goal or
purification, the austerities are there, with austerity comes the purification
“tapo divyam putrakayena satvam esmad suddhe bhrama saukhayam tvam anantam”

So as one performs austerities “tapa” “tapa” “tapa”, Brahma
heard these two words in the very beginning he did not know what should I be
doing? What is my goal? What is expected of me? And he was curious to know
“athato brahma jigyasa”  he heard two
words, two letters “ta” and “pa” and as he puts those together “tapa” “tapa”
“tapa” “tapa”.

He goes back to the lotus he sits there and he performs
austerities.  So very 1st and
the only being that time in the whole universe he starts his spiritual life
with austerities and that tapasya, purifies one and with that comes the real
ananda, real bliss, real life, so tapasya is for cleansing, cleansing body, to
make our talk refine in our speech, no vulgar language, no nasty, dirty things
and speak the truth this is austerity, be kind and with mind of course whole
things start with the mind if mind is not purified then the words, through the
words and through the body we will be committing sins and offences. So the
austerity of mind is there, of the speech, of the actions, Krishna describes
this in Bhagvat Gita. So austerities ya! He peformed Budhha performed and so we
also perform. Chanting of Hare Krishna is tapa, this japa is tapa, this japa is
yagya, this japa is archana this japa is dhyana, so tapa is there. “samo damas
tapah saucam” (18.42) Krishna is talking “brahama- karma svabhavajam” so
tapasya is there. Ok so thank you very much.



Glories of Lord Krishna

Venue: Vrindavan, 31/8/2010 Hare Krsna! Guar Haribol! Sri
Krsna Balarama ki jaya!

So glorification of the Krsna, I did not know the topic, I
thought it was birth of Krishna.  Makes
no difference.  Radha Govind Maharaj is
also doing, Radha Govind Maharaj is also glorifying Krishna. And I am sure
devotees all over the world are glorifying Krishna. How many devotees must be
talking about Krishna right now? Any guess? Anantakoti! When Anantsesa was asked to glorify Krishna, Anantsesa!
So he asked how long he has to glorify Krishna. And he was told not, not for
very long no, no, not, how long he glorifies Krishna, how long he would keep
holding the planets on his hoods. He was wondering how long I have to keep
holding. So he was told, you glorify Krishna and as soon as you are finished
glorifying Krishna then you don’t have to hold those planets you could throw
them off. Then Anantsesa said “Oh!
Let me start and I have thousand mouths and each mouth will be talking
different glories of Krishna. Not the thing will be coming out of all the
thousand hoods, he is sahastravadan
and he is talking different topics, with each of his mouths and there is a
large gathering, listening to him near each hood there is a gathering of
devotees (laughs).

And they must be going from one hood to another hood just to
check out what is next door topic. So he started glories of Krishna and he was
chanting and he was chanting and he was chanting and he is still chanting and
not finishing. He is holding the planets and he is also glorifying Sri Krishna,
glories of Krishna are unlimited. We may not be always talking but we always
also think of Krsna or glories of Krishna. “Munijana
manasa hansa, Munijana manasa hansa”

the munis, the sages, their minds are like  lakes and in that lake there is hansa, there
is swan, the topics which they think about Krishna that’s the swan. And in
their lakes of their minds all the glories of Krishna are floating or swimming
like a hansa,  Swan swims in the lakes.
And each one thinks, all those would be talking about Krishna today or giving
Bhagavatam. Each one is going to be talking differently; no two Bhagavatam
classes are going to be similar. They would say Krishna, Krishna, that is similar,
the rest, there will be different glories, different angles. They will be
chanting, “Hare Krsna hare Krsna Krsna
Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”.

I was thinking I should stop because the topic is glorifying
Krishna. But then I was thinking, this is glorifying Krishna. This chanting is
glorifying Krishna. So why stop? That’s the topic. Chanting is glorifying
Krishna. So talking about “Sri
Radha-Krsna padaravinda bhajanandena mattalikau” (Sri Sri Sad goswami astaka)
Six Goswamis of Vrindavan. They are“Sri Radha-Krsna padaravinda bhajanmatta”
intoxicated like bees (Maharaj making the sound of bees hmmm…..) going from
flower to flower. They don’t think anything else, where is the nectar, where is
the nectar. So goswamis, Radha-Krsna pada arvinda bhajan. The bhajan or
glorification of the lotus feet of Radha-Krsna, Radha-Krsna bhajan ananda. And
then they are getting lots of ananda, that’s why matta. They are absorbed in
the ananda of glories of Krishna or glories of the lotus feet of Krishna or
lotus face of Krishna, lotus hands Krishna, lotus face of Krishna, the lips of
Krishna, the flute of Krishna, the crown of Krishna. So many topics or the form
of Krsna, pastimes of Krishna, Dhama of Krishna, the devotees of Krishna. We
can talk about one devotee of Krishna, so many devotees to talk about. was told
we should be talking about birth of Krishna. So I was kind of some thoughts
about Krishna Janmotsava ki jay! Are you getting ready? Preparing the biggest
Birthday party. Someone who has nothing to do with the birth is taking birth.
Supposed to be ajanma, Krsna is ajanma,
birthless. But it is not that kind of birth. Ajatasya hi dhuvam mrtyu, one who
take birth he does not or he has to die. Krishna never dies, so never takes
that kind of birth either he just appears, does his pastime. And he appeared
not far from here, just few miles. How fortunate we are, we are sitting in land
of practically birthplace of Krishna. “Jayati
te’dhikam janmana vrajah srayat indira sasvadatrahi” (Gopi geet)
so this,
this land is even better than Vaikuntha. This Vrndavan or this Mathura, because
Lord took birth here, after birth in Mathura, how many years ago? (devotees
saying 5000 yrs) Everyone says that He appeared 5000 years ago. That you could
close your eyes, 5000 years. But to be more precise we have to do little
calculation (laughs). First of all Lord disappeared 3102 years prior to Jesus,
B.C. it’s called, before Christ. 3102 years prior to Jesus He disappeared.

So how many years ago Lord Krishna disappeared? Quick! We
don’t have much time. 5112 years ago Lord disappeared. How long was He on the
Planet? 125 years. So we have to add 125 to, very good! 5237 years ago.
Remember this number 5237 years ago Lord Krishna appeared. So this is 5237th
birthday of Krishna that we are celebrating. Haribol!! (Round of applause). And Lord Krishna appeared 8 days
after Balarama. We just celebrated Balarama’s appearance. So, was Balarama 8
days older? One year and 8 days. He was one year and 8 days older. Gargasamhita
has some statements. It is mentioned He was 5 days in the womb. So something
like that but not 8 days for sure. One year has to be added and then some days.
So Lord appeared, made his appearance, this is not new thing for him; He
appears here again and again and again. This is, no one thinks like that but
this is fact. So many times Lord appeared in Vrindavan, in one single day of
Brahma he makes his appearance. So, it was just, so everything is, we know,
like Prabhupada says. He says different things and Srila Prabhupada says, we
even know telephone number of Krishna. We know his name and address and his
relatives, even phone no. of Krishna. So, when He appeared, where he appeared,
what time of the day or night He appeared, night time? We also know what time appeared,
exact spot where He appeared is known. Nothing, no speculations required, no.
We don’t have to imagine anything about the Lord.

So as He appeared, vasudev
aiksata (S.B 10.3.10)
, that beautiful Lord, Sukadev Goswami says, Vasudev
aiksatam, Vasudev saw and Sukadev
Goswami is showing us Krishna, “Look here is Krishna!”
He describes
Krishna and he says, “This kind of Krishna was seen by Vasudev.” Virocamanam Vasudev aiksatah. He is
glorified; Sukadev Goswami is glorifying Krishna, glorification of Krishna. He
is best glorifier of Krishna. And so, Vasudev saw, so through the eyes of the
Vasudev we could see, we could see through the eyes of the sastracaksusa. The
sastra shows us or Sukadev Goswami, he saw and then description is there. And
we could hear or read that description, the way Vasudev was right there, Lord
was right there in front of Vasudev. So it is easy to see. He is right there
and he is being glorified or adbhutam balakam ambuje ksanam caturbhujam (S.B
10.3.9), so that wonderful balakam, child, ambujeksanam, lotus eyed, He has
four hands and pitambaram, He has cloths on, that’s wonderful! Right? He has
cloths on, He has just taken birth and he has cloths on. Devaki went on some
shopping, go to Loi Bazaar quickly to get some pitambar, to get some ornaments,
no He appeared, Mukut He has, He has crowns, sahstrakuntalam, when child is
born, normally no hair. But this boy has sahstrakuntalam, lots of fully grown
hair and other ornaments and that kind of, virocamanam Vasudev aiksatam.
Vasudev has seen and then Vasudev’s Prayers, Devaki is praying, then Lord is
also addressing the parents and towards end what does He say? Please get me out
of here, get out of, bring me to Gokul. So how was Vasudev? He is tied, he
cannot even move, chains around hands and feet and he is asked to “Oh! Bring me
to Gokul”. “What do you mean bring me to Gokul? I cannot even go one step
forward and I have to bring you to Gokul?” But as he has gone ahead, picked up
the child, what happened next? Shackles have been broken into pieces and
Vasudev is free!! Haribol!! So it’s not only Vasudev becomes free as he takes
Krishna, we could also be free. As soon as we have Krishna, we grabbed Him or
we accept Him or we surrender unto Him or we see Him.

“Premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah
sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti, santah”,
all the time the santas, the saintly
persons are seeing Lord within their heart. So when one comes to that stage is
completely freed. Are we bound? We may think Oh! Vasudev is bound by the
chains. Are we bound? I am free, running I am, could go wherever I wish to go
to. But “prakrteh kriyamanani gunaih
karmani sarvasah” (B.G 3.27),
we are totally bound. Big big ropes of three
gunas are binding, we can’t even move, we could also be free as Vasudev became free.
We could also be free by accepting that Lord one who appeared. He did not
appear just for Vasudev, He appeared for all of us. He took birth; Lord took
birth so that we don’t have to die or Lord took birth to kill our death, to
kill our death Lord took birth. “Janma
karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah (B.G 4.9
) then what happens tyaktva deham punar janma naiti, mam eti,
he comes to me. So this is the outcome, this is the benefit. Lord appeared,
Lord took birth so that we don’t have to die or we don’t have to take birth
again. So Vasudev has now Krishna and, “Ok, at least I can move but so many
doors and the guards everywhere. How am I gone to?” But he is just, he is just
following, ’Your wish is my command’. So this is Lord’s wish. He is just moving
forward and as this is common knowledge, we all know.

Although there was extra security, additional security was
employed, but they were all snoring to fast asleep and no one was awake so
Vasudev’s path was clear. Now he was coming to the doors which were locked.
They were all falling apart, opening doors. How they were opening?
Automatically, automatically, so automatic system existed that time also, it’s
not a new thing. When first time I went to the airport, I had my trolley with
my luggage and I came to the entrance, said entrance but it was closed and I
have to get in. So I parked my trolley and I went forward to open but it is
just opened! Before even I touch the door it just opened. Now I, What is
happening? Is it ghost! automatically! (Laughs).  I have no experience of these automatic doors.
I was surprised but then I realized, it was not a new thing.

5000 years ago the automatic system existed and we have
imitated, duplicated that original automatic arrangement. And then Lord is out.
Vasudev and Vaasudev, they are both out of the prison. The first person to meet
or greet the Lord was, who? Who greeted? Anantsesa, Balarama had appeared, so
he has come. Anantsesa, expansion or form and he has come to render service
also to the baby Krsna. Its rainy season, it’s raining outside. So the
umbrella, Anantsesa is right over Vasudev, is moving with Vaasudev and
Anantsesa is right behind. It’s not the ordinary snake. Sometimes people don’t
understand. It was rainy season,so lots of snakes around, so this was not one
of these snakes, Snakes loose their homes. They became homeless in rainy season
because all the holes, snake’s holes are filled with water and they have no way
to go. So they keep crawling, so, but this was not one of those snakes. It was
Anantsesa serving, and now Vasudev was going through Mathura town. What was he
going? What time was it? One’o clock. May be around, prayers and all those,
coming out of those doors. So around one’o clock Vasudev is going through
Mathura. And the moon what kind of moon? Is there light? Some moonlight. What
kind of moon? Normally the moon, astami’s moon is half moon. But that night,
have you taken note of this? That night what was the shape of the moon? full
moon, full moon appearing at midnight, this never happens. On full moon night,
moon appears, when sun is setting, moon is rising. Both the things happen,
setting and rising happens at the same time, full moon. But this is a night of
astami. Moon is supposed to be half, rising at midnight. But that night the moon
could not remain half. The moon became full moon because moon has become so
happy. “Oh! In my dynasty, Lord is
appearing in my dynasty”.

So he is jubilant, very happy and he has blooming face, full
face. Purnendu sundar mukha, purna endu,
complete moon, appeared only one time at midnight and that was the appearance
night of the Lord. So there was some light and Vasudev is going through Mathura
streets and lanes and everything is quite. Everyone is fast asleep, including
the dogs. I heard this from Radha Govind Maharaj, he said even dogs were
sleeping. They had to sleep otherwise Vasudev could be in trouble, right? You
could imagine? Vasudev going through the streets and as soon as the dogs, some
movements, someone moving, what do the dogs do? They bark. And if they would
bark seeing Vasudev then what would happen next? Some people would get up and
they would see, “Aye! Vasudev!!”
They would mobile Kamsa then Kamsa coming, so to stay out of that trouble Lord
has arranged. So even dogs were sleeping. And then Vasudev has come to the
banks of Jamuna, Jamuna Maiya ki jay!
So the rainy season, so flood everywhere. Vasudev has to cross  Jamuna. He is kind of unstoppable also, he
has to just go.

The waters are rising, Jamuna is anxious to touch, touch of
Krishna’s lotus feet, so he is moving in, the waters are rising. He is getting
into more trouble. But by this time, the river Jamuna has taken note of this
child here” He is the Lord and I would be marrying him in future. So I better
help him out now. If I don’t cooperate with Him to go across and He will
remember at the time of marriage ceremony and then so the marriage proposal may
be rejected”.  So and the Acaryas also
say that Jamuna was remembering, when Ram had to across the Indian Ocean to go
to Sri Lanka, and the Ocean was little, not very cooperative or not prompt,
Lord was waiting and waiting and he was not coming forward to extend his
cooperation. And then Ram becomes furious and He took bow and arrow and then
lots of agitation in the Ocean, so this Lord, the same Lord, He has come, so He
may also do something like that. Take some action the way Ram. So she gave a
way to Vasudev and Vaasudev to go across Jamuna. And when they were on both
eastern bank of Jamuna.

The Gokul is some distance away, Gokul Dham ki jay! And
Vasudev is, he is going through different moods here. He sometimes, he is
running with the child and sometimes he slows down, he moves very slowly, a
slow motion picture, very slow. And then quickly he changes the gear and he is
running again. Why these two speeds? Because of two moods, two speeds are
there. So he is thinking, I better run and bring child to Gokul otherwise who
knows just in case Kamsa finds  out
that  I am not there, child also is not
there so he may try to catch up with me , so I better run and bring child to
Gokul. While he is running e is also thinking, but soon I will get there and I
have to leave this child and come empty handed or I will be deprived of the
association of the child so I better move as slow as possible so that I have association
of the child for longer time and he slowing down. But then he is thinking, what
if Kansa come? I better run. So he is going through this slow and druta,
drutavilambita gati. Sometimes he is going fast, sometimes he is going slowly.
So finally he has come to Gokul and entered Nanda-Bhavan and entered the
quarter. Yasoda had given birth to a baby daughter and exchanging babies. Then
Yasoda has given birth to another, confidential matter, not just one child, two
children, boy and girl, Krsnanuja. That’s why the baby is described as
Krsnanuja. Krsna-anuja, anuja, anu means follow, ja means taking birth. Someone
else has taken birth and then, the baby daughter is anuja. So two Krsnas
merging and one from Mathura, one from Gokul, Yasodanandan, Devakinandan and
then baby daughter back to Mathura. And then more pastimes, more glories, Sri
Krishna. Janmastami Mahotsav ki jay!

All over the world this festival, I heard last year ISKCON
had Janmastami celebration in 160 countries. Haribol!! So there were times only
India used to have celebration. The year Prabhupada went to America, he was on
the boat. Where did Srila Prabhupada celebrated Janmastami That year, in 1965?
On the ship, on the boat. I was just reading about it. So in India and on the ship,
two places. Then Srila Prabhupada has done glorification of Krishna,
broadcasted Krishna. Propaganda, Prabhupada says, our mission is to propaganda
of Krishna, propagate Krishna, glorify Krishna, advertise Krishna, promote
Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. Prabhupada is never tired of, he never writes only Krishna, Krishna,
Supreme Personality of Godhead
. So much other propaganda the Hindu world
has done, the demigods and this and that, so many Bhagavans, Brahmaneffluence, mayavad
nirvisesa-sunyavadi pascatya tarine
. But Prabhupada, he has promoted
Krishna as He is not only Bhagvad-gita as it is but Krsna as He is. He has
presented not only Brahman and Paramatma, but Bhagvan eti sabdyate. Bhagavan,
he has emphasized Bhagavan. All nara, nari, all the ladies and gentlemen,
children they are all happy. And this big celebration,`karati katha, gaati
gaane’. They are talking about Krishna, singing his glories. And Tukarama
Maharaj is,” I am also attracted to that Govind who appeared in Gokul”.

(Followed by Bhajan-
Gokilichya sukha)

Lokanath Maharaj on Great wisdom of India and knowing our real self

Venue: Pune Destinations, places all over India, what brings us together here is Krishna,
we never think of that, what is bringing us together is, who is he?  What is that?
You may say that Radheshyam has brought us together, or you IYF leader
made such arrangement. But that person is just a secondary cause or
intermediate cause, the cause of all
cause is Shri Krishna
“sarva karana
I do not see any other reason for us being here today, but Krishna. This is the spirit of Bharat
Varsha, now a day’s known as India, What
binds people together is only Krishna consciousness culture
. Even the
Britishers they had this realization, while they were trying to defeat, the
Indians are weaken their forces so divide them and then they realized. OH! All these Indian people are bound with
bonds of Krishna consciousness;
God consciousness is binding them together.
If we wish to divide them we need to weaken these bonds, break these bonds, we
have to minimize their faith in their Krishna consciousness, in their God
consciousness, in their Bhagvat Gita like that in their culture. Once we
successes doing so, then  we will capture
India and well they did it, kind of successed
ruling this country for over 200 years. And you probably are thinking
ours is independent nation now, India attained independence in 1947.

Now question is have
we really become independent? Or have we become even more dependent than ever
before. May be there was just only one country ruling India prior to 1947 and
who knows how many countries are now ruling this India. Political freedom is
just one thing. We have become the rulers Indians have become Prime minister,
President and Chief Minister but what are we ruling? What are they ruling? The
same stuff same old wine in new bottle
this is not a wine (laughs). Have we become Indians, have we became Bhartiyas.
In true sense we do hear or read the advertisement saying what “Be Indian by Indian” did you hear this?
“Be Indian by Indian” but dhoti is Indian, patlun is “meri patlun enlishstan  ki , mera
juta hai Japan ka”
not  Kolhapur ka, Kolhapuri
jutas, shoes are very famous
atleast  in Maharastra . But we are proud
of wearing jeans, boots from Japan and coats from Middle East and Cigars from
who knows from where. Important things are all that we care for and for that we
have all fast transportation means of transportation like air cargoes, ships in
the ocean are going back and forth speedily and fast means of communication and
with that lot of export , may be some export more import goes on.   But these are some goods but with that also
lot of foreign thinking, foreign life style. There was English lifestyle one
time now we wish to learn lifestyle and practice, imitate lifestyle from all
over the world. Globalization is a buzz
you heard Globalization, the pizza huts are here and MacDonald they
are part of our culture. School children they get their lunch packets from
MacDonald’s who knows what they are eating and we very proud of this
nonsense.  Has educational system changed
in last 60 years? Have we renounced the Darwin’s theory of evolution, although
it has no room in our culture, in our religion, in our shastras. The Education
talking of or explaining that our origin is Amoeba, we come from amoeba. Amoeba
“Ba” means “BAAP”. Our “BAAP” our
great great great great great great grandfather is Amoeba. HARIBOL…………

Isn’t that a big joke in Maharashtra we call “VITHOBA” as our “BAAP”Panduranga who resides in Pandharpur
is our Supreme father. Or as we read Bhagvat gita

“aham sarvasya prabhavo  mattah sarvam pravartate” (B.G 10.8 )

Krishna says I am the origin of everything that exists “aham bija- pradah pita” I am the father , I am the seed  giving father of all the living the entities
Krishna says, is this not holding truth, is this not truth anymore or since the
introduction of the theory of Darwin’s theory of evolution. Srimad Bhagvatam
explains how when the world was created first and for there was a creator and
then comes the creation. There is no question of if you accept the creation,
then you have to think of there has to be creator. This microphone system has
been created by creator. Everything around us here fan, pole this sheets here,
cloth there, there is a creator. So why not creator for whole entire creation
of the universe. So Lord Krishna says I
am that creator
and that creator Created Brahma and empowered him to
create. So the first creature in this creation is Lord Brahma. And if you want
to again say who is your “ba” “baap”
then you could also say Brahma is the first creator he is the original not the
original but he is the further creator of this universe.

Now Brahma is not
made up of just one cell. Brahma is a full fledged personality, highly
intelligent with four heads that shows how much evolved he was. How much
thinking and planning he had to do that one head was not enough God gave him
four heads “catur mukhi Brahma” and
He is the first one to come into existence; from the lotus that sprouts from Garbhodakshayi Vishnu and Brahma is
born. Then he further creates he creates all entities, all the species
simultaneously. 8 million 400 thousand varieties of species how accurate, how
exact this is science if you are talking of science you have to be very
precise. Can any scientist born or dead, living dead any scientist could say
that there are “x” number of species in creation. Yes have you heard your
scientist belong to that what community (laughs) for your connection you have
some relationship with the scientific world and the scientist. So do they say
how many species are there? No they don’t say, they can’t say, they don’t know.
But one who knows who is Supreme Personality of Godhead “ Abhigya and Svarat”. Abhigya means he is knower of everything
and Svarat means He is also independent.
Independently powerful and knower
of everything.  And not only this number
8 million 400 thousand varieties of species then we hear further break

nava-laksani” (Padma Purana) “jala-ja”
those who take birth and reside in jala, in water there are 900 thousand
varieties of species in the water, “krmaya  rudra-sankhyakah” krimi the germs, worms are 11 lakhs
varieties of germs and worms “paksinam
the birds how many birds one million (10 lakh) varieties of
birds  and 20 lakhs (200 thousand)
varieties of plants and  30 lakhs
varieties  of 4 legged animals. 400
thousand varieties of 4 lakhs varieties of human beings when you add this grand
total is someone writing down, you write you will get all the 9+……………. 9 lakhs
varieties of aquatics, 11 lakhs germs and worms, 10 lakhs birds, 20 lakhs
plants and 30 lakhs animals, 4 lakhs human species grand total is 84 lakhs “caurasi lakh yoni” species 8
million 400 thousand varieties of species were created in the very beginning of
creation billions of years ago. We human beings have existed Brahma is the
first he is even super human he is not only human, super human was created in
the beginning of the creation. So we could say “we are Brahma ki aulaad not Bandar ki aulaad”. As Darwin is
proposing evolution from amoeba this happened that happened. Ok finally there
was a monkey, apes they were mostly evolved species some 6-7-8 thousand years
ago and from monkeys comes the present day batch of human beings. Monkeys they
were walking on 4 legs then for some convenience what did Darwin say?  Why does one species go into another into
another, natural selection. So from apes they selected, they choose, they made
different attempts. So monkeys gradually started standing up on their hind
legs, and their 4 legs transformed gradually into the hands the tail
disappeared. This is how human being came into existence so we are Bandar ki
aulaad. Bhagvatam says “we are Brahma ki
we are coming from Brahma he is the first living being. So if this
was really independent country then immediately in1947 we could have dumped,
thrown into garbage that Darwin’s theory of evolution. Which  was never approved, never recognized  by Bhagvat Gita or Bhagvatam, by
Madhavacharya  or Ramanujacharya or
Shankaracharya or Tulsi das or Narsigh Mehta or it’s a big list no one neither
did Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada approved of this. Life comes from life
only not from the matter and original life is Krishna everything comes from
Krishna, Krishna is the Supreme scientist. Prabhupad was  talking all along all the time based on
Bhagvat  Gita and Bhagvatam which is
nothing but what? Only truth is spoken in Gita and Bhagvatam. So some kind of
dream of so called father of nation Mahatma Gandhi that once India is
independent, what we would do? We will establish Ramrajya was the dream.
Instead of Ramrajya what is getting established? Rakshas raj,  Ravaan Rajya. Ravaan is that person, who
becomes the cause of tears, cries, agonies, sufferings of others that person is

At the time of Ram some almost one million years into
the past, one Ravaan existed, now how many? ghar ghar mein. Every town and
village has Ravaan, if not every home you will find some kind of big or small
size of Ravaan who is making life miserable of people around him, People under
him. So many people OH! That British raj was much better. Why did we get into
this? So there was a big question have we become independent? All over ideas,
thoughts, goods everything is being imported
and everything that is original, spiritual, eternal, beneficial is being
neglected like anything. There was a time the students travelled from all over
the world to India, Nalanda, Takshashila
these are some of the big big names of universities students would come and
study there and return to their respective countries with the certificate. Yes!
Yes! I am degree holder from Nalanda, I am from Takshasila. They would be
recognized unless they have this degree they were not considered knowledgeable

Now a day you have to have Howard or Cambridge degree. Travelers
came so many persons came to India to learn even Jesus Christ was here 2000 yrs
ago travelling into India going to Jaggaanath puri there is a understanding
that he took part in Rath yatra. Jai
The Chinese came from all countries from all over the world.
Chinese traveler came what was his name? You know the name little difficult
name so he travelled he was impressed, he was amazed by the quality of life,
education and culture everything the knowledge, the body of knowledge. So on
back home, back to China, not back to Godhead (laughs) he made copies of so
many scriptures. All that you need to know is there in Shastras  not only about soul, supreme soul, but
everything about the management, about ruling the country, about the cooking ,
about the architect, about chemistry, physics everything that you need to know
is right there in Shastras. Even paka shastras, Stapatya shastra, all the
shastras right there, dealing with all aspects of knowledge complete body of
knowledge. So he made copies of many many scriptures and he had a boat loaded
with these scriptures. Now he was sailing back home, back to China travelling
and he also he had some Indian scholars they were also travelling. Once the
scriptures are there the scholars would explain, interpret the shastras, give
the purport, the text of those shastras. So they had to travel through
different oceans, the seas before reaching China. So on the way they had a
troublesome time, there was a storm, big waves. The boat was rocking and only
way to survive through that rocky travels in the ocean was to download or off
load some of those bundles of scriptures. So they were considering seriously
considering almost came to conclusion that we have to dump some of these boxes
of books into the ocean so that boat becomes lighter hence they will survive,
so bigger chance of survival. So While they were about to do it, these scholars
traveling from India accompanying said no! Hands off stop, what’s the matter
they explained, the load is too heavy we have to minimize the load. They said
you better dump us into the ocean, these scriptures are very very valuable even
more valuable than our lives, you take our life throw us into the oceans but
take these scriptures with you.  And by
the grace of God they passed the test things were back to normal and they
managed bringing everything to China along with the scholars. The point is not
very difficult to understand the whole world realized the value of the body of
knowledge that existed in India spoken even spoken by God, spoken by Krishna
and that body of knowledge spoken by Krishna is what is it called? (Devotees
answered) Bhagvat Gita as it is.

The body of knowledge, information that speaks about Krishna
is Bhagvatam and other shastras and
other scriptures, other books and knowledge. People around the world they were
recognizing how valuable how important were these scriptures and culture,
religion and life style, the values based on these shastras. Books are the basis, which book is the
basis, Bhagvat Gita is the basis, Bhagvat Gita is the basic book, Bhagvatam is
the basic book like that, scriptures are the basis, books are the basis, the
foundation and then everything could be based on that knowledge. So if we wish
to bind India together, this country together then as we as we pointed out
which was even realized by Britishers we said what is binding us is Krishna ,
God , the shastras, Krishna consciousness, the culture that binds us together
otherwise there will be total disintegration we will be all into fractions like
atoms, be it individual atom  with no
bond in between them this is the elements two parts of hydrogen (H 2)  one part of oxygen (O) is there but they are
not H2O , only H2 is there O is separate . What binds them together are the
bonds even they are created by the Lord, so Krishna is that catalyst, Krishna
is that doer, creator He is all in all and by is grace only our spirits are
being revived, and our attention is being drawn to the origin of all of us and
that’s Krishna, our attention is being attracted to ourselves are real self
what is that real self? What is it? What is our real self?. The soul which is the goal of our life, the
supreme soul
. What if you gain the whole world Bible says “what is you gain the whole but you lose your soul what did
you gain?
questions being raised by Bible. So whole world is busy
collecting some matter, but what matters more is the soul than the matter. It
doesn’t matter really what really matters is the soul that is what we are. This
human form of life is meant for knowing ourselves, our soul and then take care
of that soul, take care of our self. We hear this mantra all the time take care
of yourself. The parents say the same thing , your friends say, your neighbors’
say,  the president of India must also be
saying the same thing take care of ourselves , take care of ourselves but have
you ever thought who is that self? Who is that soul? Is the body our self? No can’t
be. We are in the body we are not this body we are in the body, this is the
lesson number 1 taught by Bhagvat Gita. “dehino
smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara, tatha dehantara-praptir dhiras tatra na
muhyati” (B.G 2.13)

So we are “dehi”
not “deha” deha  is one thing
and dehi is yet another thing, deha
is matter
and dehi is anti matter, even Russian scientist are coming to such
conclusion. Did you hear, read about this? Easy journey to other planets
Prabhupad wrote this book some 30-40 yrs ago. He said those Russian scientists
are coming to conclusion that if there is a matter there must be antimatter then
it could be complete. They were thinking, they were only thinking but this was
concluded long time ago at the beginning of creation this was made known to the
human beings that matter and antimatter exist both exist. But scientist only 40
yrs ago they only started thinking OH! There must be antimatter also. So matter is the body, antimatter is the
spirit soul
and we are the soul.
This is ABC, ABC of the spiritual knowledge so “happy happy we shall be when we learn our A and B and C and D” also. So ABC is we are sprit souls, you
have to know ABC before you become PhD, do you know any PhD person he doesn’t
know even ABC but he is PhD. We have to know the soul and then you will know
all, make progress and become PhD learned. So we are meeting about the time
that Krishna and Arjuna had met in, we are meeting here in Pune, around the
time Krishna and Arjuna had met were? In  Kuruksetra some 5000 yrs ago.

In few days from today to be precise just on Sunday, this
coming Sunday you have seen already you are aware Gita Jayanti festival whole world is going to be celebrating Gita
Jayanti. Jayanti  menas appearance, Gita appeared or even
technically Gita took birth, Jayanti, Hanuman Jayanti and this Jayanti, Krishna
Jayanti then Gita Jayanti means Gita’s birthday. Gita was born who gave birth to Gita? In which womb
did Bhagvat Gita take birth from?  Which
womb? Instead of being the womb it was mouth of “ya svayam padmanabashya mukha padmat vinisrita” from the Lord,
what kind, what kind of Lord? Padmanabh Lord with lotus navel, with his lotus
mouth, from the lotus mouth Gita appeared on Mokshada Ekadashi day on the day Ekadashi,  GIta appeared and immediately liberated
someone “Mokshada” means giver of
liberation. Bhagvat Gita liberated who was the first one to be liberated Arjuan
was liberated and so Gita was born in Kuruksetra
on Mokshada Ekadahsi
day what time? What time did Bhagvat Gita appeared,
took birth? I was born in early morning hours 40 minutes after 3 in the morning
we always say like that. So Gita was born there must be sometime what time did
Bhagvat Gita take birth? Some guesses. The beginning of the day, beginning of the
battle you said beginning of Ekadashi. What time sun rises? These days, 6 in
Pune what time in Kuruksetra? There are different time right, in Bengal and
here there is 1 hour difference. You know what time sun is rising these days so
around that time there was blowing of conch shells. Krishna and Arjuna’s
chariot had come on the scene “svetair
haier  yuktair mahiti sandane stito”  hari hari ………..

“mahiti sandane”
great chariot, beautiful chariot,  beautifully carved and decorated chariot drawn
by the horses “svetair haier  yuktair” the horses the color of the
horses what color? Sveta (maharaj pointing at devotees and saying) you are
wearing the dhoti; kurtas color white horses were drawing the chariot. And in
the back sat  Madhav and Pandav were
sitting in that chariot. Madhav is Krishna and Pandav here one son was sitting
Arjuna was sitting and Madhav he had became the chariot driver. Arjuna was “rathi” Arjuna was “rathi”
as the soul is “dehi” in the deha,
so Arjuna was rathi in the ratha he was the main person it was meant for him,
chariot was meant for him, meant for rathi, meant for Arjuna, it was Arjuna’s
chariot but along with rathi there was “sarthi”
Important person is “rathi” and along with him there was “sarthi”
just to drive the chariot, driver and who was the driver? Parthasarthi who was sarathi? He was Parthasarthi, son of Prtha who
is prtha? Kunti her  another name is
Prtha, Prtha’s son partha and his sarathi, he is Parthasarthi, he was driving
the chariot and then some developments are taking place. Arjuna such a great
warrior, the archer, the disciple of Dronacharya only one person was better
archer compared to Arjuna and that was Ekalavya and as soon as Dronacharya
found that out. OH! I am your guru give me daksina, yes sir yes Guru Maharaja Order,
give me your right thumb here it is. So not Ekalavya who became the number 1
archer? Arjuna . So he was there, but by seeing all those family and friends
there he was melted, he stepped down he got into bodily concept of life, he
forgot he was a sprit soul, forgot the Supreme soul, forgot that he had to execute
the order of the supreme soul, instead of understanding following what he wants
and just do it, just do it he started thinking independently. He cut of himself
from the Lord or Lord’s wish, Lord’s vision, Lord’s desire or Lord’s plans,
Lord’s strategy. Because he was in illusion full body concept, bodily conscious
and then he made connection with all those present there. NO!  NO! NO!
NOT possible no can’t do. Then Krishna had to speak up and what Krishna
spoke has became known as what is it known as? What? What did you say? Say it
(devotees saying) Bhagvat Gita as it is
(maharaj saying) Bhagvat Gita as it is.

So then Arjuna heard Bhagvat Gita and what did he say at the
end “nasto moha” “ nasto moha” (B.G 18.73)
finished he was in full illusion in the beginning’ so Krishna has a
demonstration OH! Here here is a person with full illusion now see what happened
watch him watch him Krishna took one sample person in total illusion,
bewildered he doesn’t know what to do, what not to do , he is lost, gone, so many
questions had crossed road. Then Krishna spoke Bhagvat Gita and the same person
at the end dialogue, what was his conclusion? What was that hearer’s  resolution I am free from illusion, illusion
is gone finished “nasto moha smurti”
my memory has been revived “gata
no more doubts I am free from doubts and ok then what, are you
going to do something? Yes yes I am ready “karisya
vachnam tava”
you just order me your
wish is my command; your wish is my command you just order me I am ready to go
So as this one person one sample person who was in full of illusion etc. What
became the cause of freedom from illusion?
Bhagvat Gita, same Bhagvat Gita is available today does that Bhagvat
Gita have same potency 5000 yrs ago? Or by using and using and using some say
this that potency is minimized or lost. This is only foolish conclusion “ purnam adah purnam idam” (Sri
Isopanishad) purnam adah this is purnam, adah that is purnam and edam purnam
this is also purnam “purnat purnam
. Anything that comes from purna becomes also purna. When you
take purna out of purna what is the balance? Also purna, do you any experience
like this? This is another world it’s out of this world 1-1=1 not zero. So many
people could take that potency from this and be benefited and original potency remains
complete never minimized. So many have been benefited by this potent scripture,
words of God, to this day it’s intact all potency all knowledge. So what is our
position? We are in position of Arjuna before the dialogue the beginning of the
battle of Kuruksetra 1st day as he arrived he was in illusion, that’s our
position in this world. And if you want to come to conclusion yes you have to
say “nasto moha” no more illusion, no more doubts “gato smi” I am properly situated in my constitutional position. We
could also come to that conclusion, realization by doing what? What? It’s
obvious by hearing what? Bhagvat Gita ki
please study Bhagavt Gita and be happy and  “HARE
Any question if someone has (devotees asking questions to maharaj

Question 1:  While explaining the descendants of creation
you said that Brahma ji created all of us but actually we have heard every soul
will be given the post of Brahma and we will be falling from that course right
now we are in a fallen condition. So initially we are in Brahma’s stage and so
could you explain this?

Answer:  We all become Brahmas 1st there are lots of
Brahmas, so I suppose lot scope for all of you to go through that stage Brahma
and then come down. But more easy understanding is that may an exception of
them. Something more to say about that the Lord picks up the most pious
person  and he is given the post of
Brahma in each universe the most pious person occupies the post of Brahma. So
we also become grain and someone eats the grain many things happen.

Question2: Why
did Jesus come to India?

Answer: Well
everybody used to come to India to learn yoga he came to India. India was a big
seat of learning so Aquarian gospel, one kind of Christian scripture explains
about his travels over sea or his absence from Middle East. For learning matter
or so called scientific things people look forward to go to West and to learn
about the spirit, spiritual matters, Bharatvarsha is the one, India is the one.
All the countries all the scholars, all the persons aspiring to acquire
knowledge they always travel to India. So this traffic has only kind of stopped
few centuries’ or otherwise in the past they always travelled. Jesus is a pure
vaishanav so hence there is a greater reason for him to come to India. India is
full of vaishanavs one vaishanva is attracted by other vaishanav or there is
lot of assemblies of vaishanavs all over India that’s why they used to come to
met Vishnu and met vaishnavas “sadhu
sanga sadhu sanga sarva satre koi lava matra sadhu sange sarva siddhi hoi”
If you want to become wrestler what do you do? You go where wrestles get
together right? You want to become actor what do you do? You go to Bombay. So
like that you want to be yogi, you want to be devotee you want to be vaishanav,
lover of God, love thy Lord with all thy heart where do you go? You go to the
country, go to the people where ever they are. So India was known like that but
some different kind of propaganda has been made and now that kind of traffic
but even some people to this day they come looking for yoga or Guru, come to
India lot of these travelers, tourists coming to India they go to Rishikesh and
many go to Goa also (laughs)but we are not promoting. India is not promoting we
are ashamed, we want to hide our culture and God we want to show them something
else. All the tourist coming to India they are all encouraged to go to Taj Mahal
on the way there is Mathura, Indian government does not talk so much about
Mathura while they want to make sure all the travelers go to Taj Mahal to see I
don’t know what they go to see there the tomb, a dead place. There is a life in
Mathura, Vrindavan they won’t like to show the life of India, we would like to
show some dead place like a Taj mahal. We have lost the spirit and we are
trying to become matter, materialist our self. So many people are coming to
India now to do business with India so many countries are coming and signing
contracts with India. India is booming, Bill Gates is going to be investing
some billion, so many billions of dollars in to India   and India is delighted. But all holy places,
Holmen, Holy Scriptures all being neglected,  so different values. So West is doing there
Dharma of promoting this amoeba culture or 5 star hotel culture or Bhogavada,
gratification of senses and luxuries life ok they are flourishing, West is
doing their job what they knew what their Dharma is, but if India also giving
up their own Dharma also does the same stuff that West is expected to do or had
been doing then who would look after Dharma? Who would protect Dharma? Srila Prabhupad was the one who really
cared for India’s culture and religion and he did everything possible within
his might to protect and to revive and propagate the culture of India
consciousness had been always available in India. So this western culture is
becoming all there is globalization of it. But where is globalization of
Bhagvat Gita, there was Atal Bihariwajpe I know I heard  directly as he was invited to temple opening
of our Radha Parthsarthi mandir in New Delhi some 4-5 yrs ago. He gave such a
fiery speech and he said yes India has to globalize Bhagvat Gita. If India is to take any kind of
globalization that is Bhagvat Gita
(round of applause). He had just become
Prime Minister and we are proud of such Prime Minister “pradhan mantri ho to aisa”. But then that was 1st and the last
time we heard from him (devotees laughing) about globalization.  Our leaders’ have different sets of values
not proud of Bhagvat Gita or Gomata or Ganga .

Question 3:   Jesus Christ was a great personality even
though his audiences were not so elevated he did not give them clear idea about
God, he had knowledge of God he could have done that why he couldn’t do that?
Because that there is much turmoil between Hinduism and Christianity?

Answer: Jesus was expert preacher and preaching to the faithless is
offence, preaching to the faithless is
an offence.
So when Krishna was specking Bhagvat Gita he was talking to a
vaishanav  “bhakto se me” you are my devotee, you are my friend. So he
revealed everything unto him. But Jesus had to preach      “thou shall not kill” Krishna didn’t
have to say to Arjuna, Arjuna “thou shall not kill” but while Jesus had to deal
with his audience he had to say “thou shall not kill” you are all killers. So
according to their faith and their depth of understand etc, Jesus only preached
only so much but not that he did not know why more than that why we understand
from his life. He said I have more to tell you but not now, I will come back
and I will tell you more, may be by that time you would be ready for more. So
like that he knew the level of his audience, degree of faith of his audience
and accordingly he preached ok let’s stop here.

Thank you very much for coming from all over the
country  and hearing, keen interest in
Krishna consciousness Nitai Guar
Premanande Hari Haribol………



Lord Krishna the butter thief

Thank you for coming in this endeavor of worshipping
Bhagvatam, we took Bhagvatam on the procession today and if you want to glorify
somebody we really take him on your.
Those players they also do when someone wins the match they lift him
really give lift. So we lifted Bhagvatam it is above everything else also. It
was on the head and it was even worshipped on the way (laughs) at least one
resident ran out the lamp to worship Bhagvatam of course our chanting.


Glorifies that Bhagvatam, Bhagvatam is incarnation of Krishna,
of Rukmini Dwarakadish there are
many forms that is one form that stands before us. And if everyone identifies
with that form as the Lord and worships and does “mad-bhakto madyaji mam namskuru” etc (B.G 9.34) then we find with difficult we say OH! Holy name is also
the Lord, Bhagvatm is also the Lord, His pastime are also Lord nondifferent
from the Lord and dhama His “Bhagavat swarupa” non different “Bhagavat swarupa” Sanskrit word is Bhagvat
swarupa his own rupa this is yet another rupa, another form of Lord this
Grantharaj Srimad Bhagvatam. Everyone runs to see “Rukmini Dwrakadish” I don’t want to minimize importance of running
to “Rukmini Dwrakadish” and seeing them but Srila Prabhupad did emphasize
hearing unless you hear you will not understand or really see.  That’s why Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur
one time asked one of his follower who had left the Dharma shabha where Bhagvat
discourse was on and he went away and returned. Hye!  Where did you go? I went for darshan he
thought my spiritual master would be pleased to hear such reply and instead he
was asked few questions. So how was your eye exercise? You went you opened your
eyes closed them many times so how was the eye exercise?

I was here teaching techniques or science of how to see
Krishna with the help of Bhagvatam and Bhagvat Gita and you ran away in the
middle to see. So this way all previous acharayas certainly Srila Prabhupad
emphasized hearing process as number one yes certainly number one business. “nitya suddha Krishna prema sadhya kabhu
nahe sravana adi suddha citte  karaho
we all have love for the Lord it is not something to be purchased in
the market nearby, no it is in there it is part of you, so how to get it out?
How to manifest it? “sravana adi shuddha
citte karaho udaya”
sravan then chitta, shuddha consciousness, pure and
then Krishna prema udaya will manifest, It is but natural. So Srila Prabhupad
certainly wanted us to distribute his books; also wanted us to read them not
only read them but also to study them. Many of us read but not everyone studies
Prabhupad’s books. Any way we will make little attempt of studying Bhagvatam,
contemplating on Bhagvatam. This is very very favourable time, nice time any
time is good, any time is good “subhascha
shigram”. “subhascha shigram”
it’s a
good thing do why tomorrow, no this evening, no now “subhascha shigram”.

So this is the best thing to do then you don’t have to look
at your watch or what day this one is, no! But then there are certain time
certainly favorable more beneficial get more out of those times, this is that
time starting from today.  Today is also
“caturmasa” right, today marks the beginning of caturmasa and what is business
of caturmasa? Eat less, circular was sent round saying don’t eat salt, sweet
voice don’t eat this (laughs). So minimize, cutting down eating, sleeping etc
and maximize certainly hearing and we are we would like to do that, today also is
purnima and guru purnima. Its guru’s day also Brahaspatiwar today is Brahaspatiwar,
today is day of Brahaspatiwar he is
spiritual master of this Demigods this thursday so many favourable things,

So two yrs ago we were also here reciting Bhagvatam for 7
days well again. It is business of everyday “nityam bhagvat  sevaya” is
the recommendation and if we could encourage everyone or  some of you after 7 days,  8th day also you study 9th
day also you go to studying
Bhagvatam.  If you develop some
attraction and you end up spending more time studying Bhagvatam we will
consider our katha that’s perfection we have no real attachments to these 7
days thing. But we don’t do this as money making thing that is why Prabhupad
was against this sapta business
because this has became a business, contract has to be signed. How many lakhs
before.  Ya! They are not shy about this
so Subhas (laughs) had many contracts we have not signed any, any underhand’s,
no deals (laughter). And ya! Some other reasons why Prabhupad was against this
7 days reciting for 7 days but he is not against reciting Bhagvatam, its
popular thing few extra people do come in the name of Bhagvat Katha. So you
could take advantage of that trend that tradition don’t do this this this then
study Bhagvatam, study Bhagvatam so that is what we wish to do, so lastime we did
childhood pastime of Krishna, Krishna in Gokul little Krishna.

Circumstances before his birth and “Bhumi” crying (Maharaj makes crying sound) and goes to Demigods
and they could not help out then goes Brahma and he says…lets all go to
the Supreme Personality of Godhead and  he
heard the prayers. Prabhupad says wireless (laughs) so wireless communication.
He could not speck face to face from the beach of Svetadwipa he communicated.
He was on the beach and Lord was in the middle dwipa Svetadwipa. Sveta –white,
sveta means white, white  island because
of the milk, milk all around Lord in the middle and He said ok sir you go ahead
you take birth so they took birth and then Lord also took birth in the middle
of the night then He was taken across Yamuna to Gokul and baby girl back to
Mathura and attempts of killing and that did not work out and then more
pastime. Krishna was 6 days old then what
happened? Just testing you Putana and she was killed.

Name giving ceremony was there Garga Acharya comes Krishna
Balarama’s names were given, hidingly, privately in a goshala no big affair,
they did not want to make a big thing no otherwise news could easily reach
Kamsa and more trouble why invite trouble so they did this quietly then more
pastime Krishna as little child eating dirt. Aa…… your mouth and aaa……..there
what was inside? The whole universe was inside OH! You heard that I ate dirt
ok! You may see inside there was so much dirt (laughs). The whole universe
which is made up of dirt, earth, so yes I took few pinches no you can see
inside. Not only dirt there was water, fire, air, ether and earthly  planets were there Bharatvarsha was there, New
Delhi-Agra highway road (laughs) and Bhaktivedanta Swami Road and Jamuna. And
Hye! There is Gokul too and as Yasodha looked more closely there was Yasodha
inside chastising Krishna wonderful. But he
was a thief also nice child but stealing, stealing mentality (laughs) so he
would steal. So many complaints Yashoda and everyday complaint box would get
full everyday (Maharaj laughs audience also laughing). But she says you have to
prove, you have to prove and attempts were made to catch Krishna
red handed or white handed (Maharaj asking) red or white handed? (Devotee
answered blue blue). When butter in the hand then hand becomes white, white
handed, blue bluish hand covered by the white butter. So many attempts were
made to catch hold of Krishna, but there one lady she successed , her name was Prabhavati  you heard of her? No. She was successful, she
caught hold she thought she caught hold of him and dragged him and dragged him
and as she got closer she starts yelling hye! Yashoda please come come come I
caught hold of your son look and she enters Nanda bhavan and Yashoda comes
running to check out this lady she had her, she was covered, her face was
covered like this (laughter) you know how Brajwasi ladies are (Maharaj
demonstrating  the Brajwasi ladies cover
their face  great round of applause
followed by laughter). She was dragging Krishna, then she said look you wanted
me to catch hold here he is and Yashoda looked and she went closer and said
remove your well please and when she really looked there was no Krishna that
was husband of Prabhavati (laughter). You could imagine the embarrassment of
this Prabhavati (Maharaj and audience laughing). Finally she caught him I am
the one I am the going to get special reward
my name in front page of Mathura Newspaper (laughter) thief was caught
by this Prabhavati. But instead (laughs) husband was there so she rushed out of
Nandabhavan back to her home on the way to home the little lane there was
Krishna (laughter) waiting for her. He said ok OH! No, no actually I made
mistake actually that was the son of prabhavati . He said ok next time you try
this on me I will turn into your husband, I just became your son, so like that
and how could Krishna be a thief who is the thief? We are “ sastenu danda
manate”  everything belongs to him. So
that was just his pleasure pastime not his pleasure but everyone was highly pleased
with Krishna stealing butter, ladies getting up early morning why would they
get up early morning? Thinking if Krishna comes to steal and butter is not
ready, he may go disappointed, I have to get up early keep it all ready just in
case thief comes he could steal. So its competition for getting up early in Vrindavan
they would prepare butter. So so many pastimes just butter related stealing butter
related pastime and everyone just loves this Krishna, the butter thief.

So then 1 day
stealing one took place in Yasodha’s own home. Krishna just stole started
stealing butter because he was hungry, he was hungry and then she runs to the kitchen
to take care of the milk dumping the hungry child in the middle of the he was
just drinking the breast milk she threw him on the floor and ran to the
kitchen. Krishna was  very angry he did
not like this he became so angry that his teeth like that trembling  teeth and lips are trembling out of anger and
in lot of anger and broke the pot Yashoda was crunching butter that  morning and he was hungry . So he found
hanging from the ceiling a pot so stealing Yoshoda came. He thought he was
smart he was seeing this way that way. But Yashoda was smarter she came from
behind (laughs) Krishna soon noticed and not only she was coming she had a
stick in the hand. He jumped down and ran and attempts were made to catch hold
of him. Yahoda is little well built “prithu kati tate” heavy and Krishna is
little, he is running and she is running behind it took quite a while to catch
hold of him, even yogis can’t catch but Yashoda caught. Trying to bind him not
him but also the mortar why mortar? Because mortar had also has to be punished
what is mortars fault?  That mortar
helped Krishna had climbed up the mortar so that he could reach so one who
helped stealing he also gets punished yes. So Krishna and the mortar both are
getting so she is trying to tie and its 2 inches shorter story you know and finally
it worked out and then He wanted to do some naughtier things he crawled as
mother Yashoda was busy with some other activities, behind the backyard two
trees were waiting there for long Yamala-arjuna
trees. They were cursed and blessed at the same time, so now was the blessing
time otherwise also these trees had good time they were with Krishna seeing
Krishna in the courtyard of Nanda Maharaja, that’s not a curse (Maharaj asking
question to the audience) would you like to be tree in Nanda Maharaj’s
courtyard anyone here?  many hands are
going up, anything in Vrindavan (laughs) anybody.

Then so Krishna uprooted those two gigantic trees and they
crashed and the dust storm and everyone came running what happened? So we
described 2 yrs ago we were up to there, a kind of through little more lighter,
just summarizing  little abstract now.  The Yamala-arjuna were liberated they were 2
son of Kuber and they were trying to untie the knots may I help you these to
demigods seeing Krishna in that awkward position may I help you. Krishna’s
response was thank you for the enquiry of offer for help but the knot has been
tied by my mother, only someone with equal amount of affection could untie this
knot. This is knot of affection my mother’s affection for me, you won’t be able
to help you with this. So they had circumambulated Krishna and went away back
happily and so right in there in the middle, middle of the dust storm and
everyone has come running.  Sukhdev
Goswami he describes one pastime just in two verses he describes the fruit lady
she comes with the a big basket of fruits and “krinihi bhoh phalaniti” (S.B
please buy fruits have this fruits, have that fruit “kela lelo amrut lelo” buy guava, buy chikoo
different fruits she is saying by names. And I mean see she is going around
round and round more around Nanda Bhavan than any other place (laughs) because
these fruit vendors they come with intention of hoping to get glance of Krishna
meet Krishna, bump into him somehow, this sailing business is just a secondary
thing primary goal is how to  meet him,
see him. So for sure “srutva satvaram
acyutak phalarthi dhanyam adaya yayau sarva
phala pradah” (S.B 10.11.10)

Krishna heard take fruits, buy fruits, buy fruits, buy
fruits and Krishna He heard OH! Fruits fruits fruits call, he got excited and
hurried he ran out of the door of Nanda Bhavan.
Sukhdev Goswami describes Krishna who is “sarva phala pradah” the Personality of Godhead who gives fruits to
everybody, fruits of their labour to everybody, every time that Personality is
now he is in need of fruits, he is giving fruits to everybody but now he has
become “phalarthi” phala-arthi
likes to get a fruit for himself, otherwise he is always giving fruits
but  now he wants fruit for himself. So
he knew that it’s not going to be free and those were not the time for these dollar
or rupee, currencies, those were the times for bartering. So caught hold of few
in both hands full of grains and he is walking out of the door lady is now
comfortably seated, potential buyer is there. Then Krishna is coming he is
taking baby steps, he is taking little longer and that is fine with her. She
wants Krishna as long as possible in her sight vision so that she could keep
talking dharshan, what fun it is if Krishna had ran out and ran in with the
fruits no! She wants him to take little extra time, take your time, take your
time baby. He is coming and he is trying to hold those grains tighter as he tries
to hold they are spilling more he is losing; he is holding thegrip on the
grains. First of all such how small fist such a little child how many grains
may be 20 grains, small grains he had but by the time he reached on the way he
had hardly anything there (laughs).  She
took it and she is returning now “phala
vikrayini tasya, cyuta dhanya kara dvayam” (S.B 10.11.11)
Krishna the both
hands, kara-kara “tava kara kamal” kara dvayam-two, dvi-two, both hands were
full and “cyuta dhanya” beautiful he has been described as “acyuta” means what?
Infallible he doesn’t but the grains are falling from his hands “cyuta dhanya”
he is acyuta but dhanya is cyuta, he can’t (laughs) even hold dhanya, he is
losing that dhanya.

“phalair apurayad
ratnaih, phala bhandam apuri ca” (S.B 10.11.11).
So she accepted those few
left over grains in exchange she is giving fruits to the boy, beautiful darling
of Yashoda and she is looking at him, she is fully focused on the beauty of the
Lord, the beautiful face moon like face. The blooming lotus like face of the
Lord and while doing so, she lost the tract how many fruits she had handed out
and she also wants him to stay longer, she knows as soon as she stops He would
turn around go away and what good is that. She is trying to keep him longer so
in that process she has emptied her whole basket and you could see as many He
is trying to balance them and he is looking at more fruits right (laughs). Hye!
You have some more you know (laughs). Because we hear sometime that Krishna
what he gives he has taken note of that but what you haven’t given, Krishna is
taking note of that more than what you have given, given not given, so not
given what you have more, He tries to dig deeper into the purse and tries to
get as small coin as possible right (laughs). So Krishna knows what he has
kept, Krishna would like us to give everything “manas deho geho jo kishu more arpila tava pade nanda kishor” So
this is what this lady has done given everything you could see. Is she a loser?
Look at her basket (video is being played in the background) it is full of
jewels, diamonds and rubies. Jai shree

So Sukhdev Goswami middle of all this Lila he has talked of
this past time and then Krishna was rescued  Nanda Maharaj came to the site he picked up
baby and was delighted to know is baby safe he started praying to the Lord, praying
to the Lord (laughs) not to the baby, for the protection of the child  and following that there was a big istagosti
held in Gokul dhama, all the leading citizens they gathered together they
wanted to review the whole situation and
come to some conclusion, is there some way out  “gopa –
(S.B 10.11.21) elderly
persons “brhadvane” “brhad-vane” in
the forest which are there 12 forests of Vrindavan and Gokul is called “brhadvan” brhad meaning a big one
“brhad bhagvatam”  brhad there are many
brhad, brhadvrat , sannyas, brahmachari vrat, celibacy this is brhadvrat. So
there are many brhadvan so in brhadvan Gokul all the elderly persons after
experiencing the recent disaster, terrorist attack “nandadayah samagamya” (S.B 10.11.21) Nanda Maharaj and others are
gathered “tatropananda-namaha, gopa
jnana-vayo-dhikah” (S.B 10.11.22)
and in the assembly there is Upananda who
is eldest brother of Nanda Maharaj , there are 5 brothers, Nanda Maharaj is
number 3, Upananda-number 2, 3 more . So Upananda is there in assembly he is
very well known for first of all his “jnana-vayo-dhikah”
. He is superior he surpasses everybody in two things first of all he is “vayo” in age he is the eldest member
present and so far for “jnana” the
experience in those he is also most experienced.






Overview of Canto 1 of Srimad Bhagvatam and Glories of Maharaj Yudhisthira

S.B 1.13.16 Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupad,
Srila Prabhupad ki jai……………………

Translation: Having won his kingdom and observed the birth of one grandson competent to
continue the noble tradition of his family, Maharaja Yudhisthira reigned peacefully
and enjoyed uncommon opulence in cooperation with his younger brothers, who
were all expert administrators to the common people.

I repeat the translation (Translation repeated)

Purport:  Both Maharaj Yudhisthira and Arjuna were unhappy from the beginning of the Battle of Kuruksetra,
but even though they were unwilling to kill their own men in the fight, it had to be done as a matter of duty, for it was planned by the supreme will of Lord  Krsna. After the battle, Maharaj  Yudhisthira was unhappy over  such mass killings. Practically there was none to continue the Kuru dynasty after them, the Pandavas. The only remaining hope was the child in the womb of his daughter-in-law, Uttar? And he was also attacked by Asavattama, but by the grace of the Lord the child was saved. So
after the settlement of all disturbing conditions and reestablishment of the peaceful order of the state, and after seeing the surviving child, Parikshit, well satisfied, Maharaj Yudhisthira felt some relief as a human being, although he had very little attraction for material happiness, which is always illusory and temporary.

yudhisthiro labdha-rajyo,  drstva pautram kulan-dharam

bhratrbhir loka-palabhair,  mumude paraya sriya”

“Dhrtarasta quits home” is the chapter and here in we hear about Yudhisthira Maharaj he has everything he has a kingdom,
he even has a grandchild, the brothers cooperating  very expert in administration and “parayasriya” lots of opulence what
more do  you want? Everything is there and of course what he has and his brothers have is Krishna, that is the main
thing, He is everything to them, Krishna is all in all to the Pandava brothers, then all other thing and then they have meanings also, even the wealth has some meaning, when there is Krishna or the wealth could give “mumude” if enjoyment, happiness, peace could be achieved with the wealth, if wealth is used Krishna consciously in service of Krishna and not
otherwise. So he has wealth and he has Krishna dharma, artha, kama, moksha and of course prema  also. These five brothers have prem for Sri Krishna not just the four purusarthas, dharma, artha………… lot of people of course go for they do not start with dharma, they start with artha and they go only where? Kama the whole life is just to things artha and kama, hence no satisfaction, no not possible life has to start with dharma and everything falls in its place. You go all the way to moksha and some go, fortunate one’s all the way to prema platform. Just artha and kama is not enough it will not give peace, not give you happiness it is said “Yes yes you could buy bed with your money but no sleep”

“You have nice soft bed but all sleeplessness all night long” “Yes you could buy food with your money not the appetite” So not with the money you could have happiness or enjoyment or peace it is not that cheap. No by bread alone is also Bible says “Not by bread alone you could survive, you could be happy there is much more to life than just money and bread and other things you could purchase with the money. Prabhupad reminding the whole world yes everything is another zero this achievement that
achievement all these zeros, there has to be what? There has to be one then one zero-10, two zero-100, three zero like that it has meaning otherwise Oh! One zero, two zero, 100 zero is like one big ……….zero. you may be so called hero with all zeros that one is important, that one that one is Krishna and that is how infact this Pandava brothers they won the battle five on one side and
hundred on other side, how was it possible?

“vijayastu pandu putranam” The law is law that governs this world is you may know, you may not know but the law functions it is upheld by Him the Supreme controller, what is the law?  “vijayastu pandu  putranam” And the victory of the Pandu putranam, OH! Yes guarantied the victory of the son’s of Pandu

Radha Madhav ki jai………………Why? Why not? Why victory of Pandavas because “esham pakshaye janardhana” because on side of Pandavas there is Janardhan, there is Krishna, victory is guaranteed.

“dharma-ksetre-kuru-ksetre samavete yuyutsav
mamakah pandavas caiva kim akurvata sanjay” (B.G 1.1)
kim akurvata sanjay To Sanjay! OH! Sanjay! Please! Tell me “kim akurvata sanjay” Sanjay what happened? What is going on? What is the outcome of all this? Could you please tell me? And while he was enquiring Dhrtarasta says OH! They have assembled. You know my son’s and son’s of Pandu, they have he
could have said they have assembled in Kuruksetra but he couldn’t say just Kuruksetra he had to say “Dharma-ksetre-kuru-ksetre” OH! They have assembled in Kuruksetra and that Kuruksetra is dharma-ksetra. There is no need of him even to ask this question. Now what is the outcome of this? Outcome is clear the battle is taking place in dharma-ksetra, the religious place and the son’s of Pandu are dharmik, son’s of Pandu are God conscious or Krishna conscious this place is certainly going to favour son’s of Pandu and yes as this was the first statement of Bhagavat Gita. What is the last

“yatra yogeshvarahkrsno yatra partho danur-dharah” (B.G 18.78) Tatra four things you will find yes so the battle
has not been concluded, he just giving narration of what is going on the battle field running commentary as the cricket goes on there is someone gives running commentary. So Sanjay sitting few hundred miles away from Kuruksatra he is sitting
in Hastinapur, he is able to see not only see but hear and also he could tell what is the mind of this person or that person. Now Arjun thinks like this, goes beyond just seeing and hearing but even the feelings of this person that person are known, he knows Sanjay knows and this was of course  possible by “vyasa  prasadat shrutvan” At the end of Bhagavat gita Sanjay very honestly admitting OH! This is imposible seeing, hearing and feeling but this become possible to me OH! Drhtrastraji
this became possible “vyasa prasadat” This was mercy of Vyasadev, he gave me such a power to see and hear and to
know. So that Sanjay even before much conclusion of battle he is saying where ever there is Arjun who is Dhanurdhara, Dhanurdhara , Kulandhar here Dhanurdhara holder of the bow, Gandiv “Where ever such Arjun  and Yogeshwar Krishna there you will find four things Shri, Paryasreya, the opulence would be there, lots of Laxmi would be
there “ tatra, shri , tatra, vijaya” there is victory that goes there.

“yudhisthiro labdha-rajyo” He became victories, he gained the kingdom, yes where there is Krishna and Arjun or even
Yudhisthira  same family there is opulence, there is  victory, there is what? “bhuti” extra oridinary power and there is “niti” also morality  and all this is there in this family we findright here. Hence the family is very very happy family they are victories, they have again the kingdom they have opulence and on the top of this, all opulence everything is giving them lots of “mumude”happiness and peace and this is source of all this is Krishna because they have Krishna on their side and this is the 1st canto, I am changing my topic here of Bhagvatam, it will remain not newspaper news. It’s the 1st canto of
Bhagvatamand the scene is being set here the entire 1st canto including this statement and “The Drhtrastra quits”,
chapters 5 to this, following 19 chapters of Bhagvatam this is all Suta Goswami specking and where is Sukhdev Goswami? He speaks only in the 2nd canto of Bhagvatam it is also the case with Gita, although Bhagvat Gita meaning song of God,
entire 1st chapter of Bhagvat Gita is mostly the song of Arjun (laughs) the words of Arjun except for just few words have been spoken by Krishna, just few words, 1st chapter 25th verse not even entire verse is spoken by Krishna
“pasya” just see OH! You wanted to see Arjun, yes now your chariot is between the two armies now you are  much closer
to the enemy camp “pasya pasya” now see “pasyaitam sarvetan kurun iti” (1.25) One… Two… three… four
words have been spoken by Sri Krishna in the 1st chapter of Bhagvat Gita. He only specks in 2nd chapter of Bhagvat Gita similar arrangement is here with the Bhagvatam entire 1st canto 19 chapters spoken by Suta Goswami speaking. They have assembled in Naimsharanya at the beginning of Age of Kali, they are expected to be there 4100 yrs. 88,000 sages have assembled
Shunaka Muni is their leaderand Sukhdev Goswami is sitting on a big ashan and everyone else is there 88,000 “om namo bhagvate vasudevaya” Srila Vyasadev writes this at the beginning and then he  complies 3 verses in the chapter which is Mangalacharan of Bhagvatam and then he mentions yes sages have assembled and soon in the 1st chapter and sages are asking question, 6 questions have been asked and the lastquestion  they asked was? What was the last question?

“dharmah kam saranam gatah” “dharmah kam saranam gatah”     (S.B 1.1.23)

The Lord departed “dharma jnana di bhi saha” He took everything with him as he departed for his own abode OH! Then what happened to the dharma? Whose shelter did dharma –religion, Krishna consciousness take?That was the ending question. So the answers to these 6 questions are given by Suta Goswami in the
following two Chapters

narayanam namaskrtya,  naram caiva narottamam, devim sarasvatim vyasam, tato jayam udirayet (S.B 1.2.4)

That is 2nd Chapter of the 1st Canto, his pravachan begins first questions by sages then hispravachan is beginning and in the beginning of the pravachan he is offering his obesciences to Narayana and others Saraswati. He is remembering his Spiritual

“ sata uvacayam pravrajantam anupetam apeta-kratyam” (S.B 1.2.2) OH! Sukadev Goswami
is being remembered OH! That my Spiritual Master who recited the Srimad Bhagvatam he did not undergo any purificatory process as soon as he took birth he ran “pravrajantam” he ran towards the forest and behind him ran Srila
Vayasdev  putreti tan-mayatay taravo bhinedus tam sarva-bhta-hrdayam munim anato smi (S.B 1.2.2) (laughs)  Like we say “nama om  Vishnu padaya Krishna preshthaya” this is his prayer he is offering his prayers to Sukadev
Goswami.“putra……putra….. putra…… putra…… putreti”

He was addressing and Srila Sridhar Swami Maharaj describes putra meaning he said 1st then “putra….. putra……” explains like that but only tress “taravo bhi” only trees responded d trees were also saying “putra….. putra……” (Laughs) and he explains more nicely, what trees were talking. OH! Even we are not attached to our fruits, we keep fruits ready  and people just come and take our fruits away we don’t run after them, but look at you, you are running  after your fruit, your son look at you, we are much better!

“tam sarva-bhta-hrdayam munim anato smi” (S.B1.2.2) Unto such Muni Sukadev Muni who is sitting kind of in the heart of everyone, everybody even the treess knew the feeling of Sukadev  Goswami and to such Sukadev Goswami I offer my most humble obeisances. Beginning like that chapter 2, 3 he answers the six questions asked by the sages and he has now explained. OH! Whose shelter did dharma take and ending of the 3rd Chapter he is talking of Bhagvatam. The religion took shelter in the Bhagvatam Lord had returned to his abode living his another form behind or he appeared in another
form. “kalau nasta-drasam esa”  “kalau nasta-drasam esa” (S.B 1.3.43)

The people of Age of Kali they lost their eye sight, there was darkness all around under this circumstances “puranarko dhunoditah” (S.B 1.3.43) This Bhagvatam which is brilliant as sun, appeared on the scene

“idam  bhagavatam nama puranam brahma-sammitam” (S.B1.3.40) This another
incarnation, Lord incarnated in the form of  Bhagvatam and you know I have heard this Bhagvatam from Sukadev Goswami
as he was narrating this Bhagvatam to King Parikshit  and I was just sitting next to King Praikshit. I was kind of front rows, sitting right there and

“yatha-mati yathadhitam” “yatha-mati yathadhitam” (S.B 1.3.44) As much as I have realized, understood now I repeat the message of Bhagvatam unto you and he was about to recite Bhagvatam, right there at the end of the 3rd Chapter, but what happened?  Where did another 16 chapters come from? To make the total of 19 chapters of the Bhagvatam. Well they did not allow him to just go ahead and speak, wait a minute! Wait a minute! What did you say? OH! You heard Bhagvatam from Sukadev Goswami and you wish to narrate that, repeat that recite that Bhagvatam message unto us. OH! Before you do socould you tell us little more about this Bhagavatam? Did someone compile this before? And who was the person who compiled it? And what inspired him? Give us little background, before you talk of that Bhagavatam and also tell us about this king Parikshit that you mentioned and Sukadev Goswami. So basically  they want to know about three things know  more about Bhagvatam, know  more about king Parikshit that, know  more about Sukadev Goswami. Before Sukadev Goswami would repeat, recite that Srimad Bhagvatam and this is how this 16 chapters come into existence and so the chapter 4, 5, 6 is the meeting between Srila Vyasadev and Narada Muni this takes place in Badrikashram, Narada Muni has just now returned early morning hours from his travels and Srila  Vyasadev is sitting there on the banks of Saraswati, doesn’t look very happy. OH! Whats wrong with you? (Maharaja askinga devotee sitting in audience are you sleeping? No he is looking behind, now when anyone is pointed out there that person looks behind meaning not me may someone else behind so that others would know that it’s not me, finger was
pointed towards me but that is wrong some one behind me).

So what’s wrong with you Srila Vyasadev, so he explains I did you know so much job writing, but no job satisfaction.  You are familiar with the job satisfaction; I wrote this scripture that scripture, you know big pileof them, 108 Upanisads and Vedas and Purans 17 of them and Vedansutra and Mahabhatarat my God! But you know I am not happy, I am not just happy, could you please tell me? And of course he has approached his Spritual Master and OH! Where is

“vasudevasya mahima hy anuvarnitah” (S.B 1.5.9) Narada Muni does some
book review work, book review, all the work that he has done Narada Muni does
the review and his remark is OH! You have stressed so much on dharma, artha,
kama, moksha business but where is? “vasudevasya mahima hy anuvarnitah” (S.B 1.5.9) You have not emphasized the glories of Vasudev that is a flaw besides few other comments this is as the gist. The main the missing thing is Vasudev is missing or he is there but just little bit, but just little bit no he has to be there everywhere on every page and every statement there has to
be connection of Vasudev not that once in a blue moon, occasionally or every chapter once or once in one canto, no.. He has to be everywhere “ado madhye ante” everywhere he has to be there “vasudevmahima” and then there is more conversation Narada  Muni how he came to Krishna consciousness? We have in BTG how we came to Krishna consciousness? So the 6th Chapter of 1st Canto Narada Muni is talking how he came to Krishna consciousness? son of a sudra but luckily during the caturmasya, Bhaktivedantas  they just stationed camp just outside his own village and mother use to go everyday washing pots and he used to sit and listen and may be do little menial service to those Bhaktivedantas. Ahe…boy bring that water, bring some flowers bring this, bring that. Little boy what he could do and then with permission he says of those sages I used to take little
mahaprasad also may be lots was not given little boy. So this Bhagvatam you know I just mentioned, so what I heard was Bhagvatam it changed me, the revolution in my consciousness took place because I heard Bhagvatam . I was serving those Bhagvatas also and eat some prasad and then entering to the 7th Chapter of 1stCanto then Narada Muni lives for some more travels and then Suta Goswami is talking about king Parikshit and he begins that from events starting from after the battle of Kuruksetra. The battle is kind of concluding and here is Asvatthama killing the 5 sons Of Draupadi and he thought that once
Duryodhana hears this news that I have killed 5 sons of Draupadi, he will be jubilant. But that was not the case even Duryodhana did not approve of such heinous act and then of course Drupadi, the whole disturbance in the family and
they heard of this worse possible news then Pandav brothers, Krishna on the scene what to do now? And the conclusion was Krishna very expert and how to resolve?

Now he is son of our Spiritual Master but look he was aggressive and trying to way, what to do? What not to do? So they only punished him by insulting him not killing but take his hair of, jewel of and that was like take his honor of which is worse than killing for someone who is known personality. So then this was after the battle of Kurukstra, Krishna he had come to
Hastinapur and after spending few months there trying to pacify Yudisthira Maharaj. No! No! It wasn’t you who was responsible for battle and killing it was me, I wanted this   he was trying to give so many good reason, facts but Yudisthira Maharaj was just not ready to forget he was no I am responsible look sixty six hundred forty million people
killed because me, so that I could be king “lambdharajo”

So Krishna was trying to control pacify and it wasn’t working but Krishna was finally ready to go to return to Dwarka as he was seating in the chariot there comes Uttara running “pahi pahi mahabaho” “pahi pahi” Please protect, please
protect! Whats wrong there was Uttara, she was pregnant child still in the womb and Asvatthama he had not he had no learnt his lesson, although he was insulted and all that he made Parikshit Maharaj, Uttara’s child in the womb the target.
OH! He is the one after 5 sons he is the one, he would continue the dynasty. “kulandara” mentioned here so I would kill him, so he threw Brahmastra, brahamastra not a small astra not a little bullet or little, missile, this is the most powerful astra in existence coming in the direction of the womb and the child in the womb of Uttara and she runs, rushes towards Krishna and herehe goes Krishna has his weapon making circles around the womb and protecting the child and as he was still kind of seating in the chariot. Kunti comes forward he still wishing to go, wanting to go to Dwarka, queen Kunti comes forward and offers her famous prayers, Kunti’s prayers there are so many sets of prayers throughout Bhagvatam. The very set of prayers is by queen Kunti in bhagvatam in the 8th Chapter. And Srila Prabhupad gave whole lecture series in Mumbai on the prayers of queen kunti, there a book and “vipadaha santu tah sasvat” (1.8.25) Most famous verse let there be calamities OH! My Lord, my Lord again and again that prayer and “krsnaya vasudevaya  devaki-nandanaya ca nanda-gopa-kumaraya  govindaya namo namah” (1.8.21)

It’s very sweet and simple but very simple easy to remember kind of prayers, but full of meaning to Kunti she offers that prayer and many other prayers. Krishna was determined to go but then Yudisthira was there again his is not looking very happy and so
then. I have to go little faster because we have many lectures to cover, before Harisvari prabhu comes. So Krishna doesn’t go Krishna gets down from the chariot because I need to stay givelittle more association, more time to Yudisthir Maharaj and the family and then whole family goes to Kuruksetra because Yudisthir Maharaj is thinking so much of the battle and so many people killed, he goes to the same battle again and Pandav brothers go and Krishnagoes and there was another reason why they go there was our grandfather Bhisma lying on bed of arrows. Some time has passed and 10th Day of battle of Kuruksetra he failed and for more than a month close to some 52 days he was on those bed of arrows and this was the time for his depature and Krishna wanted to be there at the time of his departure and also Krishna wanted grandfather Bhisma to speak to Yudisthir Maharaj, you know I have spoken so much but I couldn’t pacify him, there is any influence hardly any or little effect is there. So let grandfather Bhisma speak, so grandfather Bhisma speaksand whole speech was directed to Yudisthir Maharaj and as a result he feltcompletely pacified and peaceful, finally he is peaceful as mentioned here“mumude” he is enjoying. And then grandfather Bhisma departs Krishna comes back to Dwaraka, no through Hastinapur he returns to Dwarka, so there is a chapter
Krishna returns to Dwarka, Krishna entering Dwaraka and then some 35 yrs later,35 yrs later Yudisthir Maharaj is organizing yet another what you would want to call mega event, a big event this time Asvamedh yagya, horse sacrifice, he had
done Rajsuya sacrifice before now asvamedha yagya and he is doing it for 2-3 reasons one is for yagya funds are required treasury of  Yudisthir Maharaj was now getting depleted,exhausted some more funds were required, so he sends his brothers to raise funds in the name of this sacrifice, the remaining funds would be used to run the admistration, the kingdom and if such event is organized for sure Krishna would come, he would not come for small ribbon cutting ceremony. No it has to
be big big thing he is a very very very very important person. So it has to be very big event, biggest event organized in Hastinapur and then Krishna is invited, Krishna comes and Krishna returns to Dwraka this time Arjun goes with
Krishna to Dwaraka . And now few more months to go before Krishna would no more be on the planet, his family is wound up, sacricital war at Prabhassetra. Another reason why Arjun was taken with him with the Lord to Dwarka at the endall men were
finished ladies returned 16,108wives were handed over to by Krishna personally you take  care of them, you take  care they are in your custody now ok! And soon Arjun is heading for Hastinapur , prior to that just prior to Krishna’s departure, Krishna is meeting uddhava and Krishna meets our Maitre Muni and the one of the last person Krishna remembers is Vidura just see….. Remembering Vidura, please convey this message unto Vidura, I can’t see him, I wish he was here as I am departing departure but please convey this message. And these two gentlemen Uddhava, Mahabhagvatas and Maitre Muni they had the message so Krishna departs and these 2 personalities also live for the north, one is heading for Badrikashram, on the way to Badrikashram Uddhava meets Vidura in Vrindavan and talks about Krishna, Krishna is no more on the planet, so he is thinking of
Krishna remembering Krishna trying to be close to Krishna by talking about Krishna, talking about Krishna to Vidura. He talks everything about Krishna except one thing; he does not say nothing about departure of Krishna, why should I be carrier of such a bad news no, no I don’t want, so he did not say a word about Krishna’s departure. The Vidura meets Maitre muni in Haridwar and there is chapter after, chapter after there are few cantos infact the dialogue, converasation between Maitre Muni and
Vidura, the creation so many topics they are dealing with. From there Vidura returns to Hastinapur and the result of that he is talking to his brother Dhrtarastra, result of that is this chapter quitting, “Dhrtarasta quits home” and then, but we did not mention was, King Parikshit  has already taken birth after Kuruksetra battle he was attacked by Asvatthama, Krishna goes to Dwaraka, while around that time king parikshit has taken birth he is already some 36 yrs old now king Parishit. Yudisthir Maharaj was ruler of this world for 36 yrs, till the time of Krishna’s departure for his own abode now Arjun returns with the news. They are already suspecting they have already seen so many bad symptoms and they had almost concluded OH! Does this mean , Does this mean that , Does this mean, Does this mean, Does this mean Krishna……………they knew they kind of knew but they didn’t want to say it talk about it or conclude that way but finally as Arjun returns after spending 7months in Dwaraka. And there was anews Krishna has gone back we also, we go then no more interest in ruling the kingdom immediately
they enthrone King Parikshit as a emperor they retire timely they go towards north and to the lord ultimately and then king Parikshit is ruling he is a emperor and this is the beginning of the age of kali. The kali begins the day
Krishna left this planet “sham tyaktva svapadam gataha yad? mukundo bhagavan”

“mukundo bhagavan Sri Krishna the day  he left this planet, this earthly planet From that day appeared the kali and what kind of kali “sarva sadhan badhakaha” The kali that causes disturbances to whom, specially the  sadhakas, those who are
doing sadhana practing their Krishna consciousness the badha, the obstacles are caused by this kali “sarva sadhan badhakaha” and there he kali was there taken assumed the role of a king dressed  like a king harassing a cow those dharma, bull dharma same family, mother cow personification  of dharma and then King Parikshit action response to that he was ready to slaughter that kali but then there a chapter called the punishment as well as reward yes. Yes, oh! Where could I stay? Please! So punishing was appropriate but It is considered forgiving is even superior principle then the punishment. So punishment and
reward is also there. Where could I stay? Could I stay somewhere OH! You could stay in 4 places what is that?

“dyutam  panam striyah suna” (S.B 1.17.38) Four places“dyutam”– gambling, “panam” – intoxication, “striyah” – prostitution, “suna” –meat eating four places and also the black money, the gold there you could
stay and the kali got the places, shelter in kings kingdom and then he was ruling e ruled for some about  3o yrs.
King Parikshit is about 66 yrs old now, approximately 66 yrs and once he is out in the forest and on that day another piece of information he was wearing the crown made up of gold. When Krishna, Arjun and Bhima had gone to Jarasanda to
battle with him and Bhima had finally killed. So when they returned to Hastinapur they brought different things, some opulence’s some wealth, some gifts and one of them was Jarasandha’s golden crown and it’s said that particular day (laughs) King Parikshit was wearing that gold Jarasandha’s gold, Jarasandha’s wealth in form of this crown and that influenced his whole thinking kali entered through this gold, this kind of crown which was made up of gold and this thought oh! Water water could someone get me some water and he saw Samyaka rishi there sitting there in trance. No! No! Here he sits he is
pretending because he doesn’t want to give me water, he wasn’t in any kind of trance or padmasana but as soon as I asked for water immediately he had taken this asan. So this kind of thought and wanting to insult him picks (Hari…..) up snake around and soon comes the Shringi the son immature you fool! Foolish son how could you do this? Cursing Mahabhagvat  King Parikshit. NO! No but this was the age of kali even Brahman where immature in talking such hasty whimsical decisions ready to curse King Parikshit like personalities Mahabhagvat King Parikshit got the news he could have counteracted sending his whole army but no! No! he takes it in another spirit I am such a offender I must be punished this dying in 7 days it’s nothing, I should have received severe punishment he is thinking like that and he is getting ready now and he renouncing everything crown, clothes just loin cloth walks out sitting on the banks of Ganga there and there come the hero oh! Thank you (laughter) timely so there comes our Sukadev Goswami andhe has been glorified so sages wanted to know tell us more about Bhagavatam who compiled? Etc… the history context and tell us more about Parikshit and tell us about Sukadev Goswami so throughout the 19th Chapter occasionally here theresome an especially in 19th Chapter there more we hear about Sukadev Goswami and
now the two personalities have met and King Parikshit as I am on the verge of death and under this circumstance you please tell me “paramam  gurum” (SB 1.19.37) You are yoginam, you are guru of the whole world, you are even guru of the yogis please tell me what is the duty under this circumstance? What should be done? And so that enquiry was made by King Parikshit and then the very last statement of the 1stcanto ofBhagvatam is “pratyabhasata
dharma-jno bhagavan  badarayanih” (SB1.19.40)
Sir Suta Goswami said the King thus spoke and questioned the Sages using sweet language then great and powerful personality the son of Vyasadev who knew the principles of religion began his
reply. Questions were now being reused by King Parikshit and what was the reply? That follows and one more time there is “om nama bhagvate vasudevya” Not that I am going to begin my, some of you are probably wondering, these two
prayers are very famous in ISKCON as soon as you hear “om nama bhagvate  vasudevya” (maharaj makes a sleepy face)
(Laughter) But as soon as you hear “mahaprasade govinde” every one jumps (laughter) So I don’t want you to get into
sleepy state by hearing “om nama bhagvate vasudevya” but it’s time for Prasad so that 2nd Canto is now from whom? Sukadev Goswami and 2nd Canto begins and all cantos and like that…….

Thank you (greatround of applause) His Holiness Lokanath Maharaj ki jai………………Srila Prabhupad ki jai……………………………….