Pastimes of Krishna and Balaram

Dated: 16-8-13

Venue: Class at gurukul Honey pot Festival, Vrindavan

Hari hari hari….. Hari Hari….Hari bol….you don’t say hari bol?? Hari Om nahi (Maharaj laughs) hari bol….

“Krishna jinka naam hai Gokul jinka dham hai” you know this song? (Maharaj asking the gurukul boys) yes…..(boys replied) you know ok, all of you can sing after me also if you are hearing it for the first time.

“krsna jinaka nama hai, gokula jinaka dhama hai

aise sri bhagavana ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

yasoda jinaki maiya hai, nanda ji bapaiya hai

aise sri gopala ko (mere) barambara pranama ha”

bapaiya- baap, father, who is Krishna’s mother? What is name of krishna’s mother? Yasoda and father? Nanda Maharaj, Nanda maharaj –Yasoda maiya ki…………jai.

“radha jinaki chaya hai, adbhuta jinaki mayahai

aise sri ghana shyam ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

luta luta dadhi makhana khayo, gvala-bala sanga

“luta luta dadhi makhana khayo” what does Krishna do? He is stealing butter going door to door for doing what? To steal butter, one of krishna’s name because he steals butter what is he known? Makhanchor……………..Makhanchor ki………..Jai.

“gvala-bala sanga” – all day He is herding cow, how many cows? 9 lakhs, He is herding all day, is He getting any salary? You understand salary. So if Krishna stole little butter and ate but He is herding cows all day and in return He is eating little butter, is that ok? I think He deserves more than a little butter but He is just happy with little butter.

luta luta dadhi makhana khayo, gvala-bala sanga

aise sri lila- dhama ko (mere) barambara pranama ha”

krsna – balaram jai krsna balarama……………..jai, they are both Bhagavan, Krishna is Bhagavan and Balaram is He also Bhagavan? Yes and Krishna likes butter yes, what about Balaram what does He like? Honey

drupada sutaki laja bacayo, graha se gaja ko

aise sri krpa dhama ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

kuru pandava me yuddha macayo, arjuna ko upadesa sunayo

aise sri bhagavana ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

Dau ji ka Bhaiya…..Who is Dauji ? Balarama….and who is Dau’s Bhaiya? Krishna Kanhaiya.

Dau ji ka Bhaiya…………. Krishna Kanhaiya.

Dau ji ka Bhaiya…………. Krishna Kanhaiya.

Krishna Kanhaiya………. Dau ji ka Bhaiya

Krishna Kanhaiya………. Dau ji ka Bhaiya (kirtan)

Where did Krishna take His birth? Birth place of Krishna? you know? Where did Krishna take birth? In Delhi? In Agra?? In Mathura, Mathura Dham ki…………Jai and what about Balarama? Birth place of Balarama ? Gokul……..Sure? Where was Balarama born? Gokul, Gokul Dham ki…………..Jai.

Krishna Balarama Jai Krishna Balarama (Kirtan)

Who is elder brother? Krishna or Balarama? Who is elder-older? Balarama. So he was born first, He took birth first before Krishna. On what day? Which was the day? Monday? What is the name of that day? Purnima, that purnima is known as Balarama Purnima and then Krishna’s birth is on ashtami and known as Krishna Janamashtami, Very good. So purnima is not very far few days, few days to go. When is ekadashi?Tomorrow is Ekadashi, Ekadashi then Dwadashi thenTrayodashi, Chaturdashi and Purnima. So five days to go and then from that day purnima eight more days and then Sri Krishna Janamashtami Mahotsava ki ………jai.

So today you are celebrating Balaram’s, I mean at least you are remembering Him. You are remembering that He loves honey. So you’ll have another day butter, today you’ve honey pot then you’ll have butter pot, yes, 20 butter pots. Today many pots Oh!Cow dung pot! Cow Urine? Also yes Hare Krishna (kirtan)

Release your hands, very good, sit properly like yogis, how does yogis sit? Krishna has given us kartaal taal taali swar and taal Singing and then this is taal you don’t have to bring your own kartal that’s nice if you have but there is no problem if you don’t have because Krishna has given us our own taali. Hare Krishna (kirtan continues)

“Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya” meaning we offer our obeisance’s onto Vaasudev.

Why is Lord called Vaasudev? You know? Why is He called Vaasudev? Anyone of you know? Boys? I think you are boys also or teacher’s big boys, 11th 12th like that ok little boy (Someone answers) He is son of Vasudev, good very good. You heard? These Lords, two Lords, how many? Two Lords are sons of Vasudev hence called Vaasudev. Father’s name is Vasudev and children’s name is Vaasudev The difference is there you have to take a note of this we do not say Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya, Om Namo Bhagvate Bhagvaan, Vasudev is not Bhagvan. Who is Bhagvan? Vaasudev Vaasudev is bhagvan, Vasudev is father of Bhagvan. He must be a very important person a big personality he’s the father of Bhagvaan and not one Bhagvan two bhagvans. So those two Vaasudevs, so not only Krishna is Vaasudev. What about Balarama? Is He also Vaasudev? Yes? No? Yes because they are both sons of Vasudev so they’re both Vaasudevs.

So Krishna appeared in Mathura, Balarama first appeared in Gokul and Krishna appeared in Mathura. Balarama first appeared i n Gokul and Krishna appeared in Mathura and they were in Gokul for long time three years and four months Krishna and Balarama were together in Gokul

“Krishna jinka nama hai gokul jinka dhama hai” we could also say Balarama jinka nama hai gokul jinka dhama hai”. So finally they are residing in Gokul both of them and then they left Gokul, not only Krishna but all the residents of Gokul they left Gokul and then they came to Vrindavan and they were in Vrindavan for another three years and four months not far from here. Anyways let’s not get into it.

Krishna Balarama ki …….Jai.

So when they were small children, Krishna and Balarama, they both wanted to be the cowherd boys. But the cows are big Krishna and Balarama were small boys and the cows were big cows. So Nandababa proposed… you should take care of the small cows. Small cows are called calves, so Krishna and Balarama, they became Vastapal you know Gopal right Gopal “go” is cow, protector of the cow, caretaker of the cow. Who is Gopal? But before they became Gopal they were known as Vastapal, what is vasta? Calf you know vastasur? One demon called Vastasur because one demon he took the form of a calf, the demon took a form of a calf and he mixed himself with the cows and Krishna and Balarama “Dau look that one” is he here he is not a regular calf he is a demon. They’re all looking behind then Krishna what did He do, He gently walked upto that vastasur and caught hold of his hind leg and whirled him and he landed on the top of the tree there. The demigods arrived Jai ho…Jai ho…Krishna Balarama ki…jai, Shri Krishna Balarama ki …Jai.

So Krishna and Balarama were vastapal and then when they grew up in age and size then they were promoted the promotion you understand the promotion then they were promoted and then they became Gopal. So Krishna and Balarama they use to come to this region where we are sitting which is known as Raman Reti, Krishna and Balarama use to come herding their cows first herding calves, first calves and then cows. So that is why when Srila Prabhupada thought of building temples and installing deities he installs in the middle, in the middle who did he installs? Krishna and Balarama because those are the pastimes of Krishna Balarama all around here. Where you are sitting sometimes Krishna used to sit, where you are sitting right now Krishna and Balarama has sat there this dust here is touched by Krishna’s lotus feet take some dust that dust there, no dust only grass there touch the dust which is touched by Krishna Balaram’s lotus feet just little bit.

So when we touch this dust, who are we touching? We’re touching Krishna; we’re touching Krishna’s feet that has touched this dust. You are sitting on the nice straw mat that is why you are not able to touch the dust, devotees roll in the dust of Vrindavan they roll in the dust of Vrindavan because that dust is very sacred dust called Raman Reti. What is Reti? Sand ya so this Reti, this sand particles are Raman where RadhaRaman or Balarama has done the raman they have wandered they have played different pastimes over here, so it is known as Raman Reti.

Shri Krishna Balarama ki………………………….jai.

So after spending many years many more years in Vrindavan where did Krishna go? From Vrindavan where did He go? He went to Mathura, what did He do in Mathura? He killed Kamsa, who killed Kamsa? (Someone answers-Krishna) Krishna. And what did Balarama do? Did He killed someone else also? Other demons especially the brothers of Kamsa, kamsa had some 7 or 8 brothers, Pralambasura was already killed before they went to Mathura.

Then after killing Kamsa what did they do next? What did they do next? Who did they meet? Mother and father, names of mother and father? Vasudev and Devki not Vaasudev, Vasudev and Devki, then what happened?

Where did they go next? Dwarka well before Dwarka where did they go? They went to Ujjain to visit ISKCON temple. What was Ujjain known as that time? Avantipur yes, Avantipur you know where Ujjain is? Yes in Tamil Nadu? Madhya Pradesh, Where is Madhya Pradesh? (Maharaj laughs) geography they study right, so in Madhya Pradesh which is down south. Krishna and Balarama they went to Ujjain, Avantipur why did they go there? For studies Hari Bol. And who was their teacher Sandipani muni, Sandipani Muni Ki ……………..jai.

And Krishna and Balarama were taking lessons there any other friend also Sudama where was he from? From Sudamapuri, Sudamapur which is in Gujrat, Porbandar Bandar which Bandar, Porbandar. Bandar means port here not monkey and there are many other friends. How many students are there in this school? 200! Baap re baap, it’s a big number of student’s sounds good, that also was international school Sandipani Muni’s International School students had come from far and wide and there Krishna bramhachari and Balarama bramhachari they stayed in the ashram. You have seen their photographs? There is one famous photograph in ISKCON in which Sandipani Muni is teaching Krishna and Balarama, two students. Could we call them Krishnadas bramhachari Balaramdas bramhachari? Is that right to say? They became bramhacharis but they were Krishnadas and Balarama das bramhachari? no………not possible. We are das but they were the Bhagvan the Lords.

But they were also to set example before the whole world “yad yad achrati shretas” they also went to school and they are staying in the ashram, your ashram is right here? “bramhachari gurukule Vasandantoh gururhitam” bramhcharis, what do little bramhacharis do? Gurukule they go to gurukul they reside in Gurukul, gururhitam and they serve Guru dasavat servants like a very menial servant, very humble servants. Krishna and Balarama were serving, first of all they were very good students. He (sandipani muni) used to teach him some lessons during the day and by the evening time He use to pass the exam in the subject matter. In the evening He used to get a certificate, next day another faculty another art, science by end of that day pass the exam. You take long time right? You take one year but Krishna was taking just one day that’s the difference He’s Krishna.

Krishna and Balarama were very good students, so you also have to be very good, good students studying, doing your homework and also well behaved, very gentle. And then all the students’ bramhacharis they use to go to bed early, early to bed early to rise and then what happen that person becomes healthy, wealthy and wise. you like to be healthy wealthy wise? Then what you have to do you have go to bed early and get up early. So Krishna and Balarama but off course you know do you know? May be you don’t know! Krishna had difficult time in all the students lights turned off and they are in the bed and (Gurumaharaj making snoring sound) sleeping and snoring Balarama also. But one student and that use to be Krishna hard time to sleep and Balarama use to get up sometimes in middle of the sleep and use to find Krishna, Hey! Why you did not sleep go to sleep go to sleep soon time for mangala arati go to sleep. So then Krishna use to say, Oh you know I use to all night long I used to go into the forest “Radha Madhava kunja bihari gopijana vallabha girivara dhari jamuna teera vanachari”. Now every morning not every morning every night I’ve been going with the gopis and dancing with the gopis, so that was my daily routine, so although I’ve come here that’s why I have hard time sleeping at night.

Krishna Balarama ki……………..jai

So anyway Krishna has this difficulty but you don’t have you should not have difficulty. Then Krishna and Balarama and all the friends they use to go out “Bhikshamdehi” meaning what? bhikshamdehi meaning what? Dehi meaning, give what do you give, give some bhiksha give some alms, give some alms. So they use to go door to door doing Madhukuri, all hundreds of students going into Avantipur Ujjain knocking at the door bhikshamdehi bhikshamdehi. The bramhacharis are expected to go door to door begging is not the real reason give association to those grihasthas “Jare dakho tare kaho Krishna upadesh” give some upadesh to those house holders preaching is main purpose and then excuses is alms, madhukari.

So who do you think was most successful alms collector? Krishna and Balarama there used to be big loads of alms on their head, on their shoulder, on their hands. Because when they would go to some door onto the householder, the householder would see the beauty of Krishna and Balarama and they use to say Hey bring this bring that head of the family, some nice beautiful bramhacharis are here bring them some potatoes bring this bring that sabji bring and they were interested in having Krishna and Balarama right in front of their doors for long long time. They use to think if we stopped giving alms they would go next door and then we would lose darshan of Krishna and Balarama so how keep them longer in front of their door keep giving..keep giving..keep giving…hey bring this…bring that.

And other friends going other doors other gallies other lanes practically they would come empty pockets empty hands empty bags little something and Krishna Balarama bringing loads of alms. Then all the friends had good idea, they thought why should we go separately let us go with Krishna and Balarama go right behind them and we could assist them carrying extra luggage of all the gifts all the alms given by the householders so that is what they started doing and then all around Ujjain Avantipur big procession Krishna and Balarama in the front and all others behind.

Krishna Balram ki….Jai So like that you are in gurukul and Krishna and Balarama were also in gurukul remember Krishna Balaram’s days in gurukul, pastimes and learn.

Then there was time for dakshina gurudakshina when the students completes their education what do they do? give some dakshina well before that many pastime Krishna was asked to bring some firewood from the forest and who was accompanying Him that day? Sudama, Sudama and Krishna went as they went into the forest and collecting firewood soon there was the thunder and storm and rain and flooded and dark and night and they could not return to the ashram. Because when there was little wind and little rain they could have ran back to the ashram but they didn’t do so because they thought we’ve collected only little firewood we need more. So they were doing their duty collecting more firewood and as a result they were caught in the big lightening and storm and they couldn’t return.

And next day Krishna…….Sudama…….who was calling out? Who was looking for Krishna and Sudama? Ya, Sandipani Muni was like a father teacher is like a father, so he had come carrying his lantern he was looking for Krishna and Sudama. He found them still busy collecting firewood, that was he was very very teacher was very pleased with the service attitude of his students Krishna and Sudama and blessed them. Krishna whatever you speak in the future would be just but the truth, the Vedas the knowledge will just come out of your mouth, out of your lotus mouth this is like a blessing of Sandipani Muni. So then towards the end I am ending also. Time for dakshina so all the students were giving some dakshina…Sawa rupiya….some lakshami, some gifts Sandipani Muni’s wife thought this Krishna and Balarama are very extraordinary students we should ask for some very special dakshina. And now what they ask for? Sandipani Muni and his wife this couple they had lost their son lost died so they had requested Krishna and Balaramay ou please bring our son back return him to us that would be an appropriate dakshina from you. And then Krishna and Balarama went to Prabha’s Kshetra near Gujrat and they jumped they jumped into the ocean there and they approached the died skeleton body of Shankhasur and looked into the belly of this demon. They had heard that this demon has eaten up the son of their gurumaharaj. But inside the belly the son wasn’t there so they took that body the dead body of that demon, it was in the form of the shankha- conch shell and that became Shankha of Lord known as “Panchajanya” now you know where they found this, when and where you know a little bit and then they went to abode of Yamaraj.

They thought we couldn’t find the son here he could be possibly there Yamaraj has brought him to his own abode. So when Krishna and Balarama appeared at the entrance of Yampuri they blew conch shells the blowing of conch shells was heard by all the residents of Yamraj. Who resides there all the sinful, to be punished souls all the characters. So as Krishna and Balarama entered and blew the conch shell which was heard by all those present there immediately all of them present there they had four handed forms and the crown and the earrings also they had the pitambars clothes.

They all started going back to home back to Godhead everyone was liberated by Krishna’s and Balaram’s presence in the hell. That abode of Yamraj just by being there then blowing the conch shell everyone all went back to home and then yamaraj understood the mission of why did Krishna and Balarama being there. Here’s son, whose son he is son of Sandipani Muni so they took the son of Sandipani Muni with them and went and they returned back to, where did they come back to? ashram but which ashram where was it? Sandipani Muni’s ashram on the banks of Shipra river in Avantipur and here is our dakshina please accept and having their son right here being offered by Krishna take him take him.

So this couple gurumaharaj and Kulapati Sandipani Muni and his wife they were highly pleased and they further blessed Krishna and Balarama and then Krishna Krishna Balarama ki …………jai. And then they came back to where did they come back to? Mathura they had gone from Mathura to Ujjain and they came back and then they stayed in Mathura for another 18 years would and then they battle with Jarasanda for 18 times…17 times…18th time they did not show any interest and they were running away to Dwarka ahe……Ranchod…Ranchod….Ranchod….meaning coward just see running away from the battle who was saying? Jarasanda was saying like that but when He arrived in Gujrat in Dwarka He was they all welcomed Krishna and Balarama, Ranchod rai ki…..Jai…..Ranchodrai ki….Jai Ranchodrai ki…jai.

So who were Ranchodrai? Krishna….Krishna only? Krishna and Balarama were welcomed by Dwarka.

So we’ll stop there, so I think some next item some next item, Balaram’s favourite item Balaram’s favourite dish, what is Balaram’s favourite dish? The honey that honey pot be there and let’s see what happens next.

(Kirtan) “Hare krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”

Krishna enters forest with His cows and cow herd boy friends

Venue: Braja mandala parikrama, Surbhi kunda
In Srimad Bhagvatam there is description of Vrindavan all over, as we seeing here at the banks of Surbhi kunda crystal clear water. Our obeisance’s to the Kunda here, Krishna comes here all the time with His cows and His cowherd boys. We should understand that where ever we see a kunda Krishna has come there with His cows. He comes to water His cows and as cows are drinking the water He also drinks the water, while drinking cows are not using hands they are drinking with their mouth, Krishna also drinks water like the cows with His mouth (laughter) Haribol……………Haribol
So Krishna has done this lila at surbhi kunda and other kundas “ittham sarat svaccha jalam padmakara sugandhina nyavisad vayuna vatam sa gogopalako acyutah” (S.B 10.21.1) Sri Krishna enters the forest He enters Kamavana also where there is svaccha jalam in the kundas like this- crystal clear water. Padmakar they are full of lotuses. In the past we had come and this kunda was also filled with lotuses. Devotees who came to this kunda came back with bunches of lotuses. As Krishna enters the forest “vayuna” from there is a cold breeze ventilation throughout the forest.
Vayu is blowing in one direction not like a whorl wind as during rainy season, the wind is blowing over the kundas which are full of lotuses. As air touches the cooling water the air also becomes cool, the fragrance of the lotuses is also carried by the air. So as this air moves on whole forest becomes like a air conditioned –cool and fragrant. Krishna comes with “sa gogopalako” with cows and cowherd boy friends,
“kusumita vanaraji” (S.B 10.21.2) and on the banks of the lake there are flowering trees, like this (maharaj showing a famous kadam tree at the bank of surbhi kunda) this is most famous kadam tree ki…………….jai. Rupa goswami says “oh! when I would be able to see Krishna” Krishna wearing the garland of kadam flowers, this kind of matches with His golden rope yellow clothing so they also have yellow round flowers “kusumita vanaraji susmi bhrnga” (S.B 10.21.2) there are lot of bumble bees. And as they drink the nectar from the flowers they become maddened intoxicated and they begin singing “hmmm……………hmmmmmm………” whole atmosphere is filled with humming sound. “dvija kula” and there are lots of birds of various kinds ( maharaj asking the devotees do you hear? The sound of the birds?) You cannot hear such sound in Bombay. Birds sing songs (Dinabandhu prabhu tells- its king fisher) Dinabandhu prabhu knows the name of the birds. Maharaj says king fisher airlines (laughter) and the sounds they kind of echo they resound, birds sing and there is echoing the sounds goes to wherever there are other lakes and other ponds.
So Vrindavan is full of lakes kundas like this “ sarah sarin” there are rivers flowing and “mahidram” there many mountains like Govardhana you also have seen Badrikashram mountains , Kedarnath mountains and more mountains are ahead of us. So all these sounds are all over echoing back and forth and whole atmosphere is surcharged. “madhupatir avagahya carayan gah” so then Madhupati enters the forest.
He is master of madhu He is also master of madhu mass which is spring, madhu and madhav are two months of spring and madhu is one of them. As the master of spring season enters the forest everything gets transferred just like spring. Wherever He goes there is spring like season lots of flowers lots of birds chirping, birds singing “carayan gah” and He herds His cows and He does this with “saha pala balas” cowherd boyfriends and Balarama. “cukuja venum” He places His flute on His lower lip and playes His flute.
We have to imagine in this context Krishna playing flute, He is forest and He is playing flute, everything is quite so krishnas flute playing reaches far and wide. “tad vraja striya asrutya venu-gitam smarodayam” (S.B 10 .21.3) the first party to hear venu gitam are the vraja striya – the young ladies of vraja. Krishna is in the forest and gopis are in their respective villages and homes and they are hearing this venu geet. “smarodayam” and the feeling are aroused as they are hearing the venu geet “smara” is also cupid of love- spiritual love- madhurya bhava, the conjugal bhava is aroused in the gopis . ‘kasit paroksam krsnasya sva sakhibhyo anavarnayan” (S.B 10 .21.3) and as gopis hear flute playing of Krishna some of them begin talking about Krishna leaders of different group they begin talking about krishna. Elderly gopis motherly gopis also hear flute of Krishna they have different feeling vatsalya
“tad varnayitum arabdhah smarantyah krsna cestitam” (S.B 10 .21.4) and they are reminded of Krishna oh! Krishna is playing flute first of all they remember the form of Krishna and then what follows is remembering lilas His pastimes then Krishna’s dealing with the gopis when He meet them previously.
“tad varnayitum arabdhah smarantyah krsna cestitam nasakan” Sukhdev Goswami says they become disturbed because they are very much excited as they have heard Krishna’s flute. They feel shy they do not kind of want to reveal their intimate relation with Krishna so they hide all this “nasakan’ they would like to talk although stopping they are only talking to their most confidential associates. As they are also talking they also wouldn’t like to show the connection what they are hearing no …no I am just talking I am not hearing anything. “smara vegena” and this is because of influence of the madhurya bhava within them. You are familiar with “ vaco vegam jiva vegam udaropasta vegam” in case of gopis its smara vegan which is pushing gopis.
“viksipta manaso nrpa” they are kind of disturbed as they hear, they are kind of trying to hide their connection, their conjugal thoughts their voice is also getting choked up, they are trembling, their body trembling as they hear the flute and their eyes are full of tears. As Sukhdev Goswami is describing state of gopis like this he is also having very similar feeling these, he could not hide that so in the middle of his presentation He is addressing “nrpa” oh! king Parikshit. Sukhdev goswami is describinfg all these state of affairs of gopis king Parikshit is also exhibiting some of these symptoms. So Sukhdev goswami “Hye! King what are you doing” don’t exhibit those symptoms. So our acharyas have given deeper meaning why in the middle of the presentation sukhdev goswami is addressing king Parikshit as “nrpa”.
Sukhdev Goswami describes some kind of talks, what kind of talks the gopis are doing.
“barhapidam nata vara vapuh karnayoh karnikaram bibhrad vasah kanaka kapisam vaijayantim ca malam” (S.B 10.21.5)
They have heard the flute of Krishna and immediately Krishna’s form is in front of them like television. ‘barhapidam” first is the peacock feather on His head and this is the most special feature of krishna’s form or beauty. And He is “natavara vapu” and His form is like that of an actor, Krishna dresses himself meticulously as if come press crue is awaiting, some television crue is awaiting for interview.
“karnayoh karnikaram” and gopis are reminded sukhdev goswami is also remembering that Krishna places a flower in His ear karni is a special flower compact yellow color. Sukhdev goswami He has 2 ears but only one flower so He is placing the same flower on each of the ears, so same flower sometimes He keeps it on one ear and then on another. “kanaka kapsam vasah” and He has golden rope “vaijayantim ca malam” and He wear very special mala and there are multiple descriptions of this vaijayanti mala. More commonly known description is that vaijayanti mala is made up of 5 different flowers of different colors. So now He is dressed like that and Krishna is already in the forest and then
“randhran venor adhara sudhayapurayan” He places His flute on His lower lip the flute becomes excited and ecstatic and begins singing and there are more descriptions that whether Krishna playing the flute or venu is playing herself. “gopa-vrndair” and He is surrounded by His friends “vrndaranyam sva pada ramanam” and He is entering Vrindavan, vrndaranyam – vrinda devis aranyam – vrindadevis vana Vrindadevi ki…………………….jai, forest is named after Vrindadevi. As he enters vrindavan He lives His foot prints of the ground Vrindadevi is pleased vrindavan is very very happy to have that touch of Lords lotus feet, those foot prints are like decorations on the body of Vrindavan. “savpada –ramanam” and as Krishna places, vrindadevi makes arrangement that Krishna has as soft feeling when He touches the ground so she places leaves so Krishna has a nice experience of walking on the soft ground. “pravisad gita kirtih” and krishna enters He is surrounded by His cowherd boyfriends and they all talking about Him.
“iti venu raman rajan sarva bhuta manoharam“ so this sound, sound of the flute is sarva bhuta manoharam- attracting minds of all the living entities. “srutva vraja striyahbnsarva” and again the real party audience for the flute playing are those gopis, they are hearing, they are talking, they are stoping they are embracing , they are talking and like that……Krishna is spreading the sound of the flute all this goes on. Then each gopi talks, every gopi is talking and what do they talk is the subject matter of this chapter of the 10th canto 21 chapter of Srimad Bhagvatam, venu geet this is the background the context and then gopis begin talking, you may like to see hear this sometime in future.
Jai Krishna Kanaiya lal ki…………………jai
Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari ki………………….Jai
Gaur premanande …………………….Hari Haribol

Transcendental dance of Sri Krishna – rasa dance

Performing devotional service in Kartik on of this ceremonial function is called “araja vrata” or “Damodhar vrata”. Uraja vrata is observed in Kartika October-november especially in Vrindavan there is specific program for temple worship of Lord in His Damodhar form. Damodhar refers to Krishna being bound with the rope by His mother Yasoda. It’s said as Lord Damodhar is very dear to His devotees so the month known as Damodhar or Kartika is also very dear to them. The execution of devotional service during uraja vrata in month of kartika is especially recommended to be performed as Mathura Mandala- Braja mandal.
This system is still followed by many devotees they go Mathura or Vrindavan and stay there in month of Kartika especially to perform devotional service during this period. In Padma Purana its said the Lord may offer liberation or material happiness to a devotee but after some devotional service has been executed particularly in Mathura during month of Kartika the devotees wants only to remain only pure devotional service unto the Lord. The purport is Lord does not reward devotional service to ordinary persons who are not serious about it. But even such unserious persons perform devotional service according to regulative principles during kartika within the jurisdiction of Mathura in India are very easily awarded Lords personal service. Haribol………………..Guara Haribol, Haribol………………..Guara Haribol.
Padma purana ki ……………………………..jai.
Today is not month of kartika, today is last day of month of ashwin, ashwin and kartika put together is sharad ritu or autumn season. So its end of one month and today as month is ending its purnima its very special purnima -sharad purnima also known as “Rasa purnima” so we have different verse on the board from the 10th canto please repeat.
Sri – badarayanir uvaca
“bhagavan api ta ratrih saradotphulla-mallikah,
viksya rantum manas cakre, yoga-mayam upasrit ah” (S.B 10.29.1)
TRANSLATION : Sri Badaraya?i said: Sri K???a is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, full in all opulences, yet upon seeing those autumn nights scented with blossoming jasmine flowers, He turned His mind toward loving affairs. To fulfill His purposes He employed His internal potency.
PURPORT: As we begin the famous narration of Lord Krishna’s rasa dance, a dance of love with beautiful young girls, questions will inevitably arise in the minds of ordinary people regarding the propriety of God’s romantic dancing with many young girls in the middle of a full-moon autumn night. In his description of the Lord’s rasa dance in K??na, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, rila Prabhupada painstakingly explains the spiritual purity of these transcendental activities. Those advanced in the science of K??na — the great teachers, or acaryas — leave no doubt that Lord K?sna is full and satisfied in Himself, free of all material desire, which is, after all, a sense of incompleteness or lack.
Materialistic persons and impersonal philosophers stubbornly reject the bona fide explanation of sri krishna’s transcendental nature. There is no reason to deny the beautiful reality of an absolute person able to perform absolute romantic activities, of which our so-called romance is merely a shadow or perverted reflection. The irrational insistence that material activities cannot be a reflection of the perfect, spiritual activities performed by God reflects the unimaginative emotional disposition of those who oppose the reality of sri Krishna . This psychological disposition of the nondevotees, which leads them to fervently deny the very existence of the absolute person, unfortunately boils down to what may be succinctly described as envy, since the overwhelming majority of the impersonal critics eagerly pursue their own romantic affairs, which they consider quite real and even “spiritual.”
The actual supreme lover is Lord krishna. The Vedanta-sutra begins by declaring that the Absolute Truth is the source of everything, and even Western philosophy was born in a somewhat awkward attempt at finding the original One behind the apparent many of material existence. Conjugal love, one of the most intense and demanding aspects of human existence, can hardly have nothing at all to do with supreme reality.
In fact, the conjugal love experienced by human beings is a mere reflection of spiritual reality, in which the same love exists in an absolute, pristine state. Thus it is clearly stated here that when K?sna decided to enjoy the romantic atmosphere of autumn, “He resorted to His spiritual potency” (yoga-mayamupasrita?). The spiritual nature of Lord krishna’s conjugal affairs is a major theme in this section of the srimad-Bhagavatam.
A woman is attractive because of the sweet sound of her voice, her beauty and gentleness, her enchanting fragrance and tenderness, and also because of her cleverness and skill in music and dance. The most attractive ladies of all are the young gopis of V?ndavana, who are Lord krishna’s internal potency, and this chapter tells how He enjoyed their brilliant feminine qualities — even though, as srila Visvanatha Cakravart? ?hakura has mentioned, Lord K?sna was an eight-year-old boy when these events took place.
Ordinary people prefer God simply to be a witness of their romantic affairs. When a boy desires a girl or a girl desires a boy, sometimes they pray to God for their enjoyment. Such people are shocked and dismayed to find out that the Lord can enjoy His own loving affairs with His own transcendental senses. In truth, Sri K?sna is the original Cupid, and His exciting conjugal pastimes will be described in this section of the Bhagavatam.
When Lord K?sna descends to the earth, His spiritual body seems to take birth and grow as He displays His variegated pastimes. The Lord could hardly allow His boyhood to pass without exhibiting the supreme loving affairs between a young boy and young girls. Thus Visvanatha Cakravart? ?hakura quotes srila Rupa Gosvami as follows: kaisora? saphali-karoti kalayan kunje vihara? hari?. “Lord Hari perfects His youth by arranging loving pastimes in the groves of theVrndavana forest.”
So the topic is wonderful, Krishna is wonderful – Krishna’s pastimes are wonderful but our mind is not always wonderful so wonderful, so it becomes difficult to relish the wonderful pastimes of wonderful Lord Sri Krishna. No problem we have help of all acharyas we have help of king Parikshit also who is helping us understand Krishna’s most wonderful pastimes “sri-radhika-madhavayor apara madhurya lila guna rupa namanam prati-ksanasvadana-lolupasya vande guru sri caranaravindam” this is a topic of our previous acharyas the topic is Radha-Madhav, the topic is “radha-madhavayor apara madurya lia” madhurya –lila is also the topic at every step “prati-ksanasvadan-lolupasya’ they have become addicted in relishing these pastimes. ‘radha-krsna padaravinda-bhajanandena matttalikau” matta they are intoxicated, you cannot take them away from these topics of “radha-krsna bhajananda’ they are enjoying these pastimes.

Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared after long long time He appeared why did He appear? “kalau avatirnah kalau samarpiutum unnat ujawal rasam” Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to deliver those pastimes what pastimes? ‘unnat ujawal rasam’ that rasa from that rasa come “rasa dance” from rasa come rasa. I give you some rasa while some one is serving you sabji what do you say? Hey prabhu rasa…rasa…juice…..mellow, so essence of the sabji is rasa. So there are 12 rasas and 5 principle rasas and of all those ‘unnat ujawal rasa” of all those 12 rasas unnat – the topmost rasa, which is ujawal, which is brilliant rasa, effulgent rasa is madhurya rasa. Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared to deliver that rasa to His followers of course. Madhavendra puri pada had already set the scene by relishing himself those pastimes and talking about those pastimes he was the first acharya in our line and that’s where we have different branch, we differ from Madhvacharya so sometime extend and what is the special dimension our sampradaya – our parampara has this ‘madhurya lila-guna-rupa-namnam”.
Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu spend His time during the day He would chant “Hare krishna Hare krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare” this was for the public for everybody chanting of the Holy name ‘Hare Krishna” He did had Bhava of Radharani and the complexion of Radharani also relishing radha-krishna pastimes, radha –madhav pastimes, radha-shyamsundar pastimes.
So today is that day and than that night tonite Lord Krishna enjoyed those most wonderful pastime “bhagavan api ta ratrih” those nights, we thing it is only one night but here there is mention of many nights “ta ratrih” why is it? One night became as long as Brahmas night, so one was equal to many many nights. Hence the ratrih or the night has been mentioned as many nights. So “bhagavan api ta ratrih” so when that night was there evening time and it was “saradotphulla-mallikah” Lord is seeing around the blooming Jasmine buds, jasmine flowers, Prabhupada also mentions them as mallikah flower, they are mentioned as mallikah in Sanskrit text and they are also translated as jasmine flowers. So when Lord saw those flowers He was reminded of the autumn season “viksya rantum manas cakre” rantum manas cakre in His mind something happened in His mind. That evening when He saw those jasmine or malikah flowers that was evening time getting darker Lord immediately manas cakre within His mind or He made up His mind to “rantum” He wanted to enjoy oh! This night would be good night appropriate night for me to enjoy “rantum”. From ram comes Ram also, ram means to enjoy, form ram comes Raman reti, Radha raman raman also has ram.
So He had this thought Oh! Let me enjoy this is right night for me to enjoy “yoga-mayam upasritah” or as Lord desires to enjoy that night immediately Yogamaya got into action and Lord is thinking of meeting Gopis that night and enjoy the peak the best part of that night is going to be ‘rasa dancing” with Gopis. So this is a display by the influence of Yogamaya, arrangement of Yogamaya the Lord is be performing rasa dance. What makes us dance or the materialist dance or they become the dancing dolls or puppets in the hands of women, hands of lust and that is Mahamaya Prabhupada is describing, two kinds of Maya – Yogamaya “yoga-maya upasritah” . Chapter 29 to 32, five chapters Sukhdev Goswami will be describing these are all like “rasa dance” chapters and this is all display of Yogamaya, verses the Mahamaya of this material existence Srila Prabhupada is helping us to understand, he says Yogamaya because it is “bhagavan api ta ratrih” He is Bhagavan and His activities are Yogamaya activites or Yogamaya is in action. So there is relationship between this verse here wherein there is mention of two things one is ratrih –night mentioned here and “rantum” – enjoyment mentioned here, this has relationship with Lords statement to Gopis.
Krishna steals Gopis garments pastime at Chirghat “hemante prathame masi” (S.B 10.22.1) it was month of hemant after kartika, kartika is sharad ritu and when kartika ends new season, after autumn comes new season hemant ritu. So in that hemant ritu gopis perform special vrata and they worship Katyayani and their purpose was they wanted “nanda –gopa sutam devi patim me kuru te namah” (S.B 10.22.4). As Prabhupada is writing they are chanting mantra repeatedly oh! Katyayani give us Krishna as our husband, oh! Katyayani give us Krishna as our husband…………………..give Krishna as our husband, they were doing japa, chanting repeatedly “nanda –gopa sutam devi patim me kuru te namah” so that went for one month. And at the end of that month as Lord was pleased He arrived at the scene and they were bathing in Jamuna. He stole their garments climbed up the tree and said – come on come on and He has also briefly spoken to them and there He said towards the end of His dialogue with the gopis Krishna said “yatabala vrajam siddha mayema ramsyatha ksapah” (S.B 10. 22.27) OH! Now you may go, He had returned their clothes and He joked, He had little fun transcendental fun. Now you may go go now girls and return to Vraja your desire is fulfilled for in my company you will enjoy the coming nights after all the purpose of your vow to worship goddess Katyayani was to be with me to enjoy my company. So Lord said yes yes in future nights we will do that in future nights “ramsyatha ksapah” ksapah-nights. So many nights have passed gopis were thinking ok one night, two nights…..10 nights….30 nights….1 month….10 months from that time Lord Krishna said-coming nights we will get together I have understood what is your intension you had been praying to katyayani. She has blessed you I am here I am accepting you for my company I understand I can read your mind, so we will do this in coming nights so you may go now.
So as that was said some 10 months prior now today or tonight this evening Lord is thinking oh! I have promised gopis my company during the nights oh! That night could be this night, this night could be that night and hence here “bhagavan api ta ratrih”, ta ratrih- ta ratrih refers to some particular night the night which the Lord had mentioned yes yes we will enjoy future night so that night was going to be this night tonight. He is Bhagavan, He is atmaram but still He has this desire He wants to enjoy the company or He has promised. Sukhdev Goswami goes on explained or described that night moon bright moon has risen “tadodurajah kakubhah karair mukham” (S.B 10.29.2) Sukhdev Goswami is a great poet poetic way he is describing that moon is rising in the east and the moons rays- karair, moon rays are described as if those are hand of the moon and that moon with his ray like arms is holding a brush in his hands and he painting that horizon with pinkish color or he is sprinkling some kind of powder or painting that horizon and he is also comparing this horizon “priyah priyaya iva dirgha darsanah”. As if horizon is a lady who was waiting for her husband to return, husband was for long time and finally he is back and as he comes there is a meeting between wife and husband they are looking at each other, some time the husband may remove the veil like that and see her beautiful face.
So like that those kind of dealings are taking place between the moon and the horizon, little romantic description these kind of scenes are favorable for pastimes like this, dealing like this. And next thing Lord is doing now Lord this is the setting of the scene just few words have been said and then acharyas are talking more, filling in the details or elaborating the whole scene of rasa dance. As Lord only desired “ rantum manas cakre” immediately magical way Yogamaya arranged whole scene not only the moon was there the flowers were blooming, the cool breeze was blowing, the peacocks were dancing and the whole thing was happening in the banks of Jamuna which was flowing nearby. Lot more could be said it’s not a ordinary thing, yogamaya made arrangements for the Lord, the topmost, most wonderful, most confidential, most pleasing pastime the Yogamaya is going to move out of her way. So Vrindadevi the whole team that does the preparation sets the scene before Radha Shyamsundar and billons of gopis “laxmi sahastra satasambrahma sevyamanam” before they come whole setting of the scene is there.
So kind of scene is ready the next thing Lord is doing is “jagau kalam vama-drsam manoharam” (S.B 10.29.3) Lord played His flute with His pancham svara- high pitch and sound going al over Braja mandal travelling sound and when “nisamya gitam tad ananga-vardhanam” (S.B 10 .29.4) and that sounding flute playing of Lord Krishna has been heard “nisamya gitam” as gopis have heard those sounds and its mentioned here and Prabhupada also explains that the original kamadev – kandarba – the God of incharge of transcendental lust that is Krishna. So Krishna is playing His flute and immediately their desires have been aroused or with that they are reminded- yes yes don’t you remember I had said – one of those future nights we will be together and this sound of this flute has conveyed yes yes that night has come , that night is tonight gopis come. And they all rush and there is whole description what they were all doing, they were doing this “duhantyo” – milking cows or they were cooking in the kitchen, they were putting garments they were bust this way that way. But as they heard the flute playing they immediately rushed and they are heading towards Krishna in the vamsi vata. And king Parikshit he says what? King Parikshit says this is like Prabhupada helping us to understand this pastime this relationship between Radha, Krishna and gopis, this is most difficult thing to realize, understand. Because one is the realm of prema but those who are under the attack of the lust they have hard time understanding Krishna’s pure transcendental loving affairs full of love full of prema.
King Parikshit says oh! Sage Sukhdev Goswami he had just started describing the scene this rasa dance and immediately hey! stop stop oh! Sage the gopis knew Krishna only as their lover not as the Supreme absolute truth so how could these girls their minds caught up with the waves of modes of material nature? free them self from the material attachment. Question has been posed and nice purport has been complied king Parikshit was sitting in the assembly of great sages and other important personalities listening to the words of Sukhdev Goswami. If he was Sukhdeb Goswami and king parikshit he would not have interrupted but seeing that who else is in the assembly he had to raise this question. According to Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur as Sukhdev Goswami began speaking of gopis conjugal love for Krishna, the king noticed the expressions on the some of the faces of the more materialistic person present there, he was looking side long glances hey! What are they thinking?. So Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakur is pointing out that king parikshit took note of the expressions on the persons sitting around him, some of the more material persons and realized the doubting lurk in their hearts. This was their doubt not king parikshit,s doubt he could smell. Face is the index of the mind seeing their faces he could read their minds oh! I know what is in your heart? What is doubt? What is your question?.
Therefore although the king thoroughly knew the purport of Sukhdev Goswami words he presented himself as experiencing personal doubt, so that he could eradicate the doubts of others this is why he asked this question which we just had heard. So even the team Sukhdev Goswami and king parikshit they are helping us to understand, they are giving us kind of glasses wear these glass first put on these glasses first before you look at the rasa dance or before you want to understand this pastimes. And in response while Sukhdev Goswami is responding to this question and Prabhupada teaches us all the time these things. Sukhdev Goswami has quoted persons who constantly direct their lust, anger, fear, protective affection, feeling of impersonal oneness, or friendship towards Lord Hari are sure to become absorbed in thoughts of Him. There are many statements but this is one statement “kamam krodha bhayam sneham’ if you do that for Krishna or you target that towards Krishna then that impurity that bhava, fear they get eradicated or that lust even lust of course this has to understood that there is no tinge of lust in gopis or Radharani.
But admitting that there was some lust, the reply is but that they are directing that to Krishna so “nityam harau vidadhato yanti tan mayatam hi te” (S.B 10.29.15) tat- maya- they become full of Krishna, they become Krishna conscious as they direct their lust, that person is purified. And then gopis have come “svagatam vo maha bahagah” (S.B 10 .29.18) welcome welcome, whatever they were doing they left that in the middle they there with Krishna 1000s of them are arriving and so welcome is there. At the same time He is asking why have come oh! What brings you here Krishna is very tricky. Like you ring someone, you phone someone and as the person at the other end picks up the phone hey! What do you want? You are the one who telephoned the other gentlemen and he picks up the phone and hey! What do you want what’s the matter? Not that that person wanted something. So Krishna is the one who played the flute, gopis have come, gopis should ask oh! why did you call us what is the reason that you are calling us.
But contrary happening Krishna says why have you come? So not a straight path transcendental crooked ness we see in this pastime and then there are 5 chapters pastimes are there. (maharaj says) I just want to read the very last statement and we will conclude.
“vikriditam vraja-vadhubhir idam ca visnoh sraddhanvito nusrnuyad atha varnayed yah,
bhaktim param bhagavati pratilabhya kamam hrd-rogam asv apahinoty acirena dhirah” (S.B 10.29.39)
So vikriditam this pastime, this krida – rasa krida of visnoh Krishna with vraja-vadhu, the damsels of vraja, so this pastime of Radha Krishna and gopis. One who listens to this, at the end of the 5 chapters there is phalasruti – what is the benediction ? what is the benefit of hearing, reading, studying these pastime? Not that you are not…no.. please study, please read this part but how to do that “sraddhanvito” –with faith in the speaker who is speaking and again what kind of speaker “anusrnuyat” not only srnuyat but anusrnuyat. You should listen these pastimes from someone who has listened like, You should listen these pastimes from someone who has also listened from someone and that person has also listened, meaning by adding this “anu” –srnuyat, parampara principle has been stressed otherwise its very dangerous very risky business, misunderstanding Krishna is guaranteed. If it is not heard properly from proper person a proper dose also, one tablet or as per prescription of the physician you take the dose, not the same amount of dose for every person at every different level that also is prescribed or accordingly the expert preachers will talk.
And not only one should hear but “ varnayed” one who describes these pastimes what is the benediction? “bhaktim param bhagavati pratilabhya kamam” such person will achieve bhakti unto Bhagavati the Supreme Personality of Godhead “param bhakti’ supreme devotional service and what would be the other side benfit? “kamam hrd-rogam asv apahinoty acirena dhirah” kama – the lust in the heart or hrd-roga, you heard one disease called heart disease, heart problem lot of people in the world has what problem? Heart disease but that not the kind of disease Sukhdev Goswami is talking about he is talking of the disease condition of the heart kama full of lust , heart full of lust he describes this as hrd-rogam. The person with hrd-rogam, the heart problem quickly he will become “aphinoty” he will be able to drive away that roga that kama from his heart. And that person will become sober-dhirah-peaceful in his mind by listening to these pastimes of radha and krishna. So tonight is very especial night, beautiful night Prabhupada decribes most beautiful night and tonight devotees also they keep sweet rice, so that when Krishna and radha whenever they want to its long night, sweating and sitting down to eat little snakes sweet rice and then what ever are the remnants the next day devotees take that sweet rice or even the moon rays they enter the sweet rice .
So it very especial sweet rice devotees get the next morning Krishna has very special night tonight, please take note of tonights moon very special moon and it is not a sun and moon moon according to our acaryas this is not the moon from the heavenly planets that participates in Krishna’s pastimes or plays his role in krishna’s rasa lila pastime, its another moon the transcendental moon specially appears to participate in krishna’s pastimes. So please read more read Prabhupada’s Krishna book and read these pastimes talk about these pastimes.

Glorification of Aindra Prabhu

Date: 6th July 2011, Venue: Pune (On  occasion of 25thanniversary of 24 hours sankirtan in Krishna Balarama temple His Holiness Lokanath Maharaj ji talking to the 24 hours sankirtan team in Krishna Balarama and glorifying Aindra Prabhu on phone)

Aindra prabhu ki……………jai, we miss him on this day such a wonderful association, so much inspiration especially in the kirtan, sankirtan movement. I also like little bit kirtan, so we were colleagues and I remember from the kirtan we did together during Kartik in front of Krishna and Balarama or in Mayapur in front of Pancha tattva, he is sitting next to me. The sad part
is he is not with us; the good part is he is gone back to Krishna and joined our Shyamsundar in Vrindavan.

I think this is 25th year, 25th anniversary of the kirtan that he inaugurated, it started in 86 we arrived in Mayapur for the 500th anniversary Caitanya Mahaprabhu appearances, so hard work. So I wish he was with us this year also in celebration of completion of 25th year of “akhanda” –Non stop kirtan in Krishna Balarama Temple.  World famous Krishna Balarama temple is known for its “Non Stop” kirtan probably it’s the only temple. Srila Prabhupada wanted this and Aindra Prabhu he fulfilled
Prabhupada,s desire of having “Non Stop” kirtan in Krishna Balarama temple, all glories to him.

Besides the Holy Name he was attached to the Radha Shyamasundar he would do kirtan in front of them and then he would also go on the altar, so many days, every week and dress Radha Shyamasundar we remember him as pujari of Radha Shyamasundar . And I also remember when ever gave class he just stand in front of Radha Shyamasundar,s  altar and listen to class from there and sometimes he would also ask questions or make some comments. He had very deep
philosophical insight for the realm of Radha, Krishna and Manjaries and Gopis, he was into that bhava.

And then his personal Deities number of Silas that he had collected, biggest collection on the planet. He has Guara Nitai and Vrindadevi. Last month I was there and I was given tour of his quarter we spend quiet sometime with the Deities and all the devotees who were team members of his 24 hours Sankirtan party and then I was also pointed out at a clock at the wall it had no hands it was stand still and one devotee said purposely Aindra Prabhu put that clock which did not move – meant in Vrindavan there is no influence of time transcendental. I kind of became emotional and speechless on the occasion like this. So we miss him, we take inspiration and we have responsibility of pushing
on the 24 hour kirtan at the Krishna Balarama temple. I understand some more devotees have joined and there is quite a steady team and kirtans are going on and on and on………that way keep Aindra Prabhu alive. And last time I was with the kirtan team in Aindra Prabhu,s quarters I asked devotees would you like to see Aindra Prabhu dead or alive? And the y said of course we want to see him alive, we want to see him alive. Then I proposed them to do kirtan and Aindra Prabhu
would be there, wherever there is kirtan Aindra Parbhu must be there where else he would go.

Almost conditioned by the kirtan he can’t be away from kirtan or without kirtan. Keep performing kirtan, chanting 24 hours push on his service, his project and that would be the best attribute on occasion like this to Aindra Prabhu. (Maharaj asking the 24 hours kirtan team devotees in the
Krishna Balarama temple) is Krishna Balaram temple full? Reply- yes ok now I would let you carry on. Aindra Prabhu was offered Raj Bhoga –remnants of Krishna Balarama, Radha Shyamsundar, Guara Nitai, I was trying to watch on Iskcon I missed and I was kind of wondering where then I found out you all were not in the temple but in the Balarama Hall. Ok so my obeisance
at the lotus feet of Aindra Prabhu and my obeisance to all assembled vaishnavas

Srila Prabhupada ki ……….jai

Aindra Prabhu ki…………………jai

“vancha kalpatarubhyas ca krpa- sindhubhya eva ca pattitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah”

Harinaam Sankirtan ki………jai

24 hours kirtan in front of Krishna Balarama ki………….jai.

Guara premanande ……………………..Hari Hari bol

Childhood pastimes of Krishna and Balarama

He is Vasudev, we have both Vaasudevas. Krishna is Vaasudev, Balarama is also Vaasudev. By that definition, son of Vasudev is Vaasudev. And om namo bhagavate, that’s important part, Bhagavate. And they are both Bhagavan. There are some other Vaasudevas but not necessarily Bhagavan. Here Krishna and Balarama, they are both om namo bhagavate vasudevay. Krishna Balarama ki jay!

Are you all expecting their arrival? (Haribol!!………….. Claps). They are coming, they are coming, they are coming! They are here, they are here, they are here! Better late than never expecting. This community was expecting Krishna Balarama for quite some time, 15 years? They were also wondering whether Krishna Balarama coming or someone else is coming. There were also some debates or some different desires and finally who is coming? Krishna Balarama is coming haribol……… Is that ok? Krishna Balarama is coming? (Yes!!) So no one told me what the topic was. So I (laughs), so I thought, Krishna Balarama, carry on.

As this is a childhood pastimes of Krishna and Balarama

“vanam vrndavanam nama pasavyam nava-kananam

gopa-gopi-gavam sevyam punyadri-trna-virudham” (S.B 10.11.28)

From Sukadev Goswami, “vanam vrrndavanam nama” This is Upananda speaking. There are in Gokul they have istagosti, community istagosti. Just now Yamal-arjuna trees, they have been uprooted, they felled and they crashed. They were wondering, trying to figure it out. Old review is on and in that big assembly Upananda, brother of Nanda Maharaj, he has a proposal, where as Vrindavan is “pasavyam nava-kananam”. He had been going around. He was very much concerned; the security was a big concern. For security reasons he had been travelling all over Vrindavan, all over Braja. He was thinking of relocation “We have to leave this place”. He had been thinking ahead of the rest of the members of the community.

Not only he was concerned but he wanted to do something about it. Being concerned is one thing but he was one step ahead forward. So he had travelled and travelled all over Braja. There are 12 forests of Vrindavan and he is thinking of one of those forests called Vrndavan, all forests are not called Vrindavan, each one of them have their own name. He says “vanam vrrndavanam nama”. There is a forest called Vrndavan. Nava-kananam. It is new to us. “pasavyam” What is so special about this Vrindavan. It is good for our cows, pasus pasavyam. Good for the animals first concerned, major concerned. If we go there what about our animals? Is that good place for our animals also? Yes yes, before even query is there.

“gopa-gopi-gavam sevyam” and also sevaniya, the Gopa and Gopis, Gopa-Gopi, translation is not required. You understand Gopa, you understand Gopis. Cowherd men, cowherd ladies, girls. sevyam. It is wonderful place to reside and worship. And another very special feature, pun?yadri-There is punya adri. There is a very auspicious mountain, punya adri. Adri is mountain. trna-virudham and he is full of green grasses. Everywhere there are grass, waters, lakes, shades, caves.

“punyadri-trna-virudham, tat tatradyaiva yasyamah’

And his proposal is, “today only we leave for that place. How do we go?” sakattaan yunkta ma ciram. (S.B 10.11.29) “Get all the oxcarts ready”. ma ciram. “Do not, no delays”. Ma ciram, do not, no delays. Rush, get your carts ready, “godhanany agrato yantu” cows will be in the front and the carts behind, “bhavatamm yadi rocate” This is my proposal. If you so desire we could do this. This is only proposal. And in response of this proposal

“tac chrutvaika-dhiyo gopah sadhu sadhv iti vadinah” (S.B 10.11.30)

aika dhiya means unanimous, eka means one, dhiya- intelligence, everyone’s intelligence is on the same wave length. You say this in America (laughs). So aika dhiya, everybody’s dhiya, the intelligence is fixed on this idea. They are all unanimous. And how did you find that they all are unanimous? They all said,” Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu! ……………Very nice! Very nice! Wonderful! We are for this proposal. Let’s go

“vrajan svan svan samayujya yayu rudha-paricchadah” (S.B 10.11.30)

And they immediately got up, they returned to their respective homes and their axe together, got their oxcarts together, loaded all the paraphernalia rudha-paricchadah, loaded T.V. sets (laughter) not required it’s the last of thing. Doordarsan, (laughter) T.V. in India is called Doordarsan, something that is at the great distance bring that closer and watch it. But for them Krishna Balarama was that darshan.

“vr?ddhan balan striyo rajan sarvopakaranani ca anahsv aropya gopala” (S.B 10.11.31)

So, who get to sit in the cart? The old folks in the cart, “balan” children they go into the cart, Striyah- ladies in the cart. Everyone else is walking. Culture, we get to know the culture also. We get to know the mode of transportation also. If you want to shift look for a cart (laughs), bullock cart, “yatta atta-sarasanah” (S.B 10.11.31)

But they also have some weapons, bows and arrows because they have to travel through the forest. And the cows, godhanani puraskr?tya. Take note of this, They are carrying wealth with them. What is that wealth? godhanani. Dhan is wealth. What is dhan? The cows. They are carrying their wealth in the form of the cows. Economic development begins with plants and the cows. Godhanani puraskr?tya they are in the forefront. Srngan?y apurya sarvatah, many bugles. Bugles are, “get ready! Get ready!”. Inspired to signal. “Time to go, time to go. Get everyone ready, turya-ghosena mahata, out loud they are playing their bugles. Yayuh saha-purohitah (S.B 10.11.32)

And they are also taking their purohita, the priests, chanting mantras, all auspiciousness. In this connection it is to be noted, Srila Prabhupada writes short purport, “Although inhabitants of Gokul were mostly cowherd men and cultivators, they knew how to defend themselves from danger and how to give protection to women, the old men, the cows and the children, as well as to the brahmanical purohitas.

gopyo rud?ha-ratha nutna- kuca-kunkuma-kantayah” (S.B 10.11.33)

Sukadev Goswami is describing ladies, the beauty of the ladies, goswami. Their breasts and youthful bodies and kumkum on the breasts. Well decorated in every possible way here, Banarasi sarees (laughs). ya thats popular one, Silk sarees. Lots of opulence of that sort. Lots of ornaments, earrings and bangles. They are loaded with all that.

“krna-lila jaguh pritya niska-kanthyah suvasasah” (S.B 10.11.33)

Although they are well dressed there is no bodily concept. They are not looking in mirror and busy with, ‘how I look! Where did you purchase that one? (laughter) That’s not the topic. Wonderful ladies wonderfully dressed! suvasasah, suvasa, vasa, suvasa, vasa means dress, suvasa? Wonderfully dressed. niska-kanthyah, their lockets hanging from their necks, very valuable gems. And in the midst of that krsna-lila jaguh pritya, krsna-lila jaguh, they are singing lilas of, Krsna-lila, Ram, Balaram-lila prityah, the great pleasure. They were chanting glories of the Krishna and Balarama

“tatha yasoda-rohinyav ekam sakat?am asthite rejatuh krsna-ramabhyam tat-katha-sravanotsuke” (S.B 10.11.34)

So there is one cart. In that one cart, there are hundreds and thousands of carts. Each family has one cart. Old folks, ladies, children are sitting in the cart. And in one cart there is Yasoda, Rohini, Krishna, Balarama. They are sitting in one cart. sakat?am, sakat means cart. Yes, “sakatam asthite rejatuh krs?na-ramabhyam tat-katha-sravanotsuke” (S.B 10.11.34)

They are very very eager, utsuka, they are very eager, very anxious to talk about katha, “krsna-ramabhyam katha,  “vrndavanam sampravisya sarva-kala-sukhavaham” (S.B 10.11.35)

So as the carts are going, Krsna, Balarama, Rohini, Yasida in one cart and so many other carts behind. And cows in the front and cowherd men are in the front around with their speres and bows and arrows an d bugles. And the priests also going chanting the mantras. And whole procession, grand procession is on the eastern bank of Jamuna going in a northerly direction, Delhi side. They are going and going and going. Their goal is to Vrndavan is trans Jamuna. Other side of Jamuna is Vrndavan. They have to cross. But as they were travelling soon there was sunset and was difficult. So they camped, camping on the bank of the river and next morning as they got up, waking up Krishna, uthi uthi Gopala……. Oh! Gopala please get up, oh! Gopala please, oh! Balarama please get up! They are singing songs, “oh! Getting up!” Vrndavan forests, birds are chirping-kuhoo, kuhoo, kuhoo, kukoo koo koohoo, some cocks are there. They are mentioned in Dwaraka pastimes. No alarm clock. The cock is the clock (laughs). You just feed few grains and it does its job (Laughs). No repairs and no maintenance just few grains and wakes you up. Beautiful to look at, the Vrindavan side, the peacocks and the parrots, some another cuckoos, birds, they have woken up. They are chirping and they are waking up. As they singing songs they are waking up people. So everyone is up and now they have to cross Jamuna. The big span, big, wide river bed. So what they do, this is described in Gargasamhita more detail. They are not mentioned here by Sukadev Goswami. But Gargacarya fills in the blanks.

So they built a bridge using the carts, using the ox-carts. They placed one cart, they placed next cart in front of that cart. Next one in front and next one infront and next one infront. Soon there, were few hundred carts one in front of the other and they started walking over that bridge. And there are many bridges. Like many carts, one after the other, one in front of the other. They all are crossing Jamuna, Jamuna maiya ki…………… jay!! Jamuna maiya ki……… jay!! Jamuna maiya ki…………. jay!!

The cows are swimming across, the cowherd men, they are carrying some calf. They are carrying calves on their shoulders. And, they are swimming the cowherd men are swimming with the calf on their shoulders. And the cow of that calf is right behind. He doesn’t have to do anything her calf is going, so that is magnetic pole. She is being pulled by the affection for the calf. So, so many cowherd men are going across swimming, holding the calves on their shoulders and cows are following. So they are crossing and elderly and children, old folks are going through the oxcart bridge way and they have crossed. So, “vrndavanam sampravisya” Sukadev Goswami said, now they have crossed Jamuna and samapravisyate , nicely entered, meaning they have not entered and just they are on the banks the river, no! Nicely entered means gone deeper into the forest, Vrindavan forest. “tatra cakrur vrajavasam”, and there, they park the carts, sakatair ardha-candravat. Candra? What is candra? Moon, ardha? Half.  ardha-candravat, just like in a semicircle. They parked all their sakatas and circle is made by this sakat, the cart. So that is becoming the fence and they are residing in, inside. This is where, so where they have landed, where they have going to be residing now, next 3 years and 4 months, according to Visvanath Cakravarti Thakur, Krishna was 3 years and 4 months when they left Gokul for Vrndavan. They shifted; relocation took place, Krishna was 3 years and 4 months. And Balarama? 4 years and 4 months. Devaki was giving birth to one child every year, so by that calculation.

So where the sakatas? Catikara, Catikara! You know Catikara? Old folk’s devotees  know Catikara Road. There has to be Catikara Road, we go from Delhi on highway and if you are not interested in Taj Mahal (laughs), you make a left turn to go to Krishna- Balarama temple, where that? You call T junction, T junction highway coming and then you go to Vrindavan. T junction, so that at that junction there is a village called Catikara refers to this Catikara, sakat. That’s where the centre of that township, and they relocated was there. And that road became known as Catikara Road was first and then became known as Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg ki……………jay! When you take that road you end up with lotus feet of Krishna and Balarama. Otherwise you end up in Tajmahal (laughs). You have to wake up and take right turn, left turn in fact it is. We take left turn there that is right, left is right.

“vrndavanam govardhanam Yamuna-pulinani ca” (S.B 10.11.36)

So, where they are residing is, is, where is this Vrndavan. This is in between Govardhan Hill, all the way to Jamuna. That whole forest is Vrndavan forest.

“vr?ndavanam govardhanam yamuna-pulinani

ca viks?yasid uttama priti rama-madhavayor nr?pa” (S.B 10.11.36)

“Nrpa! Oh, King! King Pariksit, are you listening King Pariksit?” Why he had to say Nrpa? He is trying to get his attention “O, King, are you hearing, are you with me?. O, Nrpa! O, King Pariksit! That I was just there where Sukadev Goswami spoke Bhagavatam. I was just there 10 days ago. Wonderful place! On the banks of Ganga, Sukadev Goswami is speaking; he is sitting there, talking all Vrindavan pastimes to King Pariksit. The big banyan tree and the murthi of Sukadev Goswmi, where he sat and spoke. What we are reading now was spoken by him right there, and we are sitting not far from there, reciting Bhagavatam. One short class we did, same spot where Sukadev Goswami spoke these pastimes. To our audience we said, look, look Sukadev Goswami”. We took darshan of Sukadev Goswmi’s murthi Sukadev Goswami ki……….. jay!! And next to Sukadev Goswami’s murthi there was pujari. So when we showed everyone Sukadev Goswami, the pujari, he was reading newspaper (laughs). Where Sukadev Goswami recited Bhagavatam and care taker of that place absorbed in reading newspaper. This is the age of Kali. “viks?yasid uttama priti” by seeing that Vrindavan which is situated between Govardhan and Jamuna. Ram Madhav, Ram is Balaram, Madhav is Krishna. Uttama priti, they were enjoying lots of pleasure, uttam priti, the best, they have good time. As they had arrived there,

“evam vrajaukasam pritim yacchantau bala-cestitaih

kala-vakyaih sva-kalena vatsa-palau babhuvatuh” (S.B 10.11.37)

Vrajaukasam, the residents of Vrndavan, they were also enjoying, bala-cestitaih, the  bala-cesta, the pastime, the childhood pastime, sweet nectarian pastimes of Ram Madhav, Ram and Madhava’s pastimes, they were enjoying kala-vakyaih. They were little boys. They were not even able to say few sentences, broken language, half sentence they were able to say. They don’t know the verbs, the noun, they were just saying something something, kala-vakyaih. But even those vakyas, those sentences, the broken language spoken by Krishna and Balarama was relished by Vrajaukasam, the residents of Vrndavan. Sva-kalena vatsa-palau babhuvatuh, and as they were now growing, they were about 4 years old. Balarama 5 years old. Vatsa-palau, they became vatsapalas. Vatsa, what is vatsa? Calf and pala – protector. They became calf herd boys, vatsa-palau babhuvatuhh. Krishna and Balarama very much wanted to you know go out. Outing, they were eager for another, some more variety, the spice of life, variety. Mostly they were enjoying the vatsalya-rasa, they were eager for another rasa, another mellow, sakhya-rasa. So, they would go out into the fields, into the forests. Then the calf herding as well as playing with the friends, two in one. So they were very very eager. When they propose this, Yasoda was not into this, “no, no, no, what! You and going into the forest? You are drinking breast milk every now and then, you are so tender, look at your lotus feet pinkish and soft and out there thorns, they heat and rocks, no, no, no”. She couldn’t imagine Krishna and Balarama going out and there herding cows.

But they were insisting and the good news was Nanda Maharaj was in favour (laughs). “Let them go they want to go”. So along with father, Nanda, Krishna and Balarama, only Yasoda against. So three against one, so they won and they got to go as calf herd boys. They were boys so little cows they could manage. They couldn’t manage big cows. Little cows choti choti gaiya, chote chote gwal. They sing in Vrndavan, gaiya, the cows are choti choti, small small calves, cows. The boys were also choto choto, small small boys. And they are going. So first day small group of cows are gathered by Nanda, Yasoda. Krishna and Balarama were given ropes, hold these ropes. And as they were leaving town, Nanda and Yasoda were accompanying and some crash course was given, how to, different instructions, how to turn them around and how to get them to sit down and how to, and as they were leaving, Yasoda, “come back soon, don’t go deep into the forest, and Balarama you have to take care of your brother.”, “yes, mummy” (laughs), “yes maiya, yes Yasoda maiya.

And their other friends also. They also had their cows and they go into the forest. Vatsa-palau babhuvatuh. And then Yasoda, “Ok, you could go but not every day.” Just see so sometimes Krishna, he was kept behind. “No, no, not today, no you don’t go today.” “Ok, maiya, I will stay behind.” And mother is relieved thinking he stay behind. And Balarama goes, some other neighboring friends are going, the cows are going. And she makes sure looking through windows, he is not there, Krishna is not there. And she gets busy with her churning butter and other household duties. From time to time she looks through the window to make sure he has not joined. Few times she looks only Balarama and other friends are there. ‘Nice boy, he is obedient child, he is following my command’. Next time she looks through the window. She saw Krishna running and she starts running behind him. And Krishna is trying to run faster,  “Balarama, Balarama, help, help” and Yasoda is running behind,” aye! Krishna, come here, come here. Where are you going? Stop, stop.”  So finally she has caught up with Krishna but here Krishna also has caught up with Balarama and Balarama is holding one side and Yasoda is holding, tug up war. “No, no, I will take care; let him go, let him go.” “No, no, you can’t go.” That also would go on.

“avidure vraja-bhuvah saha gopala-darakaih

carayam asatur vatsan nana-krida-paricchada” (S.B 10.11.38)

So, they are allowed only to go avidure, dur means distance, avi means not long distance. There is a condition, you could go but you cannot go deep into the forest, just near the village, near Gokul, near Nandagram he could go carayam asatur and they are taking care of the cows. Cows are grazing and they are playing, nana-krida, krida the lila. How many kridas? Nana-krid?a, many many kridas, many many lilas they are performing. Nanavatara makaraud bhuvanesu kintu, nanavatara, nana, so some sample kridas mentioned it is.

One word, one lila, half sentence one lila. Kvacid kvacid vadayato venum (S.B 10.11.39), this is one lila. Both Krishna and Balarama, what do they do? Vadayato venum, they are playing their venus. Ksepan?aih ks?ipatah kvacit, sometimes they are throwing rocks, not, they get some fruits from the trees. It’s mango season. They are taking rock and ksepan?aih ksipatah kvacit. Kvacit padaih kinkin?ibhih, and they have little jingling, tinkling bells around their ankles and they are jumping. And as they hear, they like sounds of their own bells and they are enjoying jumping. Kvacit padaih kinkin?ibhih, no other sounds, there is no noise pollution there. Every little detail could be heard. Tinkling, jingling of the bell, pin drop silence. What kind of silence? We drop a pin and big sound, amplified sound. Now there is a bomb, what? A bomb. No one hears there is so much sound (laughs). Pin drop, bomb drop. Kvacit krtrima-go-vrs?aih. And sometimes they are playing, imitating go-vrsaih, the cows. They are on their knees and not standing. But they are playing, “I am a cow, you are a calf, you are this, you are that”. They are playing different,

“vrayamanau nardantau yuyudhate parasparam” (S.B 10.11.40)

And next thing is that they are fighting with each other, they are beating each other.  “Aye! Come! Wrestling!”  “anukrtya rutair jantums ceratuh prakr?tau yatha” (S.B 10.11.40)

Sukadev Goswami says,” They are playing as if they are prakrit, as  children play like this. Children everywhere play like this. What do the children do? Balavastha kridasakta. Children all over the world. All children what do they do? They play. The  predominant pastime of children is to play. Balavastha kridasakta. They are attached to the play. Did you play? American children play? I used to think that they must not be playing. When I was a child I used to think that they must not be playing. When I was a child I used to think that American children must be very serious, Scientific and looking through their microscopes and telescopes (laughs). They must not be playing. I had a misconception like that (laughs). But for first time I came, landed in New York Airport and going to the temple, the school and playground children were playing. And I was convinced, the children play wherever. So Krishna and Balarama prakritah yatha. As if children play, they were also played just simple things, small games no big deals. But when Krishna does anything it,s a big deal and becomes a talk of the town.

“kadacid yamuna-tire  vatsams carayatoh svakaih” (S.B 10.11.41)

Once upon a time, now little serious business here. Normally playing, normally, But one day, jamunatire, on the banks of, you feel nice when says jamunatire. You could say that in English also. But when you say jamunatire, something special about jamunatire, vatsam carayatoh svakaih, they were playing; they were playing and taking care of their cows.

“vayasyaih krsna-balayor jighamsur daitya agamat” (S.B 10.11.41)

Ah! One demon arrived. And what was the purpose? He started krsna-balayor jighamsur. He wanted to kill Krishna and Balarama. That was his intention. He arrived on the scene

tam vatsa-rupinam viksya vatsa-yutha-gatam harih” (S.B 10.11.42)

Immediately Krishna, haribol! Krishna has taken note, viksya. This demon has arrived in the form of vatsa-rupinam. His rupa is, form is like that of vatsa. He has come as a calf so that he could hide in the midst of other cows. Someone said, if a terrorist was to come to ISKCON temple he would come in what form? Probably he would come chanting japa (laughs). No one would doubt, some sadhu has come, please come, sadhu! (Laughs). And if he is more smart he would come as sanyasi (laughs) watch out! So tam vatsa-rupin?am viks?ya. That Krishna detected vatsarup, vatsa-yutha-gatam harih darsayan baladevaya. And he started showing Balarama,” Aye! Aye! Come come come,” “yes I am here” look, look at that calf, that one, not that one, that one”.

“darsayan baladevaya sanair mugdha ivasada” (S.B 10.11.42)

As if bewildered Sukadev Goswami says, as if Krishna does not know why he has come, what is the purpose of this demon, why is he here? Therefore mugdha, mugdhaiva. Externally He is showing that He doesn’t  know. “Look, some demon, why is he here for?” He showed Balarama. The next thing is “grhitvapara-padabhyam saha-langulam acyutah” (S.B 10.11.43)

Krishna took lead and He moves forward and as Krishna is moving forward that calf demon is also moving forward. He is looking behind. And Krishna is right behind, coming right behind. He is trying to avoid. So many cows, hundreds, thousands, demon is trying to hide. But Krishna is following, Krishna is following, Krishna is not leaving him alone. And as Krishna finally grhitva, he caught hold of the hind legs along with the tail, langula, saha-langulam. Langula is tail, hind legs and the tail. bhramayitva, bhramayitva, twirling and whirling also . He is doing two things, twirling and twirling twirling, whirling whirling also (laughs), twirling and whirling.                    “Kapitthagre prahin?od gata-jivitam” (S.B 10.11.43)

He threw on the top of tree called kapittha. It is not translated which called kapittha, kapittha tree. And as he is thrown by the time he landed on the top kapitthagre, on the top of the tree has lost his life. Sa kapitthair maha-kayah. And he was small one. He was small calf size and he was amongst the cows. But as he is slipped over or Krishna threw him away to land on the top of the tree, between the time he slipped from the hand and landed on the top of the tree, maha-kayah, he showed big form. Like Putana, she was regular sized lady. But once Krishna started drinking blood and the milk poison and the milk and she grew in size.

So maha-kayah patyamanaih papata ha. And he is so maha-kayah. So heavy body that the tree failed down.

“tam viksya vismita balah sasamsuh sadhu sadhv iti” (S.B 10.11.44)

When all the children all the friends noticed what Krishna, just Krishna did, how he picked up that calf demon and whirl, twirl threw him, lost his life. Balan the children, his friends, they started praising Krishna. How did they praise? ‘Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!!! Jay ho, jay ho, jay ho!!! . Thus they were glorifying. As cowherd, calf herd friends were glorifying Krishna, devas ca parisantusta. And devas , the demigods also, there immediately demigods arrived and they seen in the sky, parisantust?a, they are pleased, satisfied, relieved also to see big, the demon has been killed, babhuvuh puspa-vars?nah. And immediately started showers of flowers, heavenly flowers of their own abode they had come with flowers, they are showering flowers and playing different instruments. And apsaras were dancing, gandharvas were singing, whole show going on up there in the sky, glorifying the Lord.

“tau vatsa-palakau bhutva sarva-lokaika-palakau

sapratar-asau go-vatsams carayantau viceratuh” (S.B 10.11.45)

And Sukadev Goswami is kind of concluding this thought  before he moves on to another demons arrival and pastimes, more pastimes. tau vatsa-palakau bhutva, tau, tau, those two, palakau bhutva, vatsa-palakau bhutva, by becoming vatsapalakas, sarva-lokaika-palakau, they are lokapalas. They are protectors and maintainers of the entire creation, whole Universe. But here they appear to be taking care of only cows as if they have nothing to do with the maintenance of the universe; they have nothing to do with the lokapalas and not lokanathas, not those, not those. They were just concerned with the taking all that they do is take care of the cows and they are playing. And the world who knows how it is running, who is operating. He didn’t say maya ahaksen prakriti. He told Arjuna,” Aye! I am adhyaksa, you know.”

“mayadhyaksen prakriti suyate-sa-caracaram”. I am, cara, acara, everything moving, non moving, I am the superintendent, vedaham samasthitani. Visnu says, Oh! Arjuna, veda aham, I know, I know, what do you know? Samasthitani, everybody’s past I know, vartamanani ca arjuna. I know the present of everybody, bhavisyanica bhutani, and I know bhavisya also, without looking at their palm. It’s called palm reading? Yah! He doesn’t have to read palm. He knows. But the trouble is Krishna says mam tu veda na kaschana I know everybody’s past , present, future, but no one knows me, no one knows about me. When they are looking at these pastimes they are taking care of the cows and playing. Sukadev Goswami says, He is not only vatsapalak, He is, sarva-lokaika-palakau, , sarva-lokaika-palakau, palakau, two vatsa palakau, , sarva-lokaika-palakau, these  two they are

“sapratar-asau go-vatsams carayantau”. So early morning hours they take their breakfast. I should have not mentioned (laughs). Now you get the idea (laughs), go-vatsams carayantau viceratuh. And then they would get their lunch packets ready and go out to take care of the cows, calves. You just killed the demon but his form was vatsarupinam. His form was like a calf, the cow, the calf, you are sinner, you are sinner, you have to take bath to become free from sin. Go to Ganga, go to the holy places, sacred rivers, take a holy depth and come back. So after this pastime, He was accused, Radha also had accused. Kanhaiya killed, which demon was that? Aristasur. He was also bull. Now for killing calf, He was also accused.

So Krishna, He created Ganga from His mind. We were also on the banks of Ganga just few days ago, then I travelled from banks of Ganga to Florida here, we had nice time on banks of Ganga! Haridwar, Uttarkasi,  Himalayan Mountains, so there also we remember this pastime of Krishna kills. One day we went early morning hours to take holy depth. Instead of taking bath in bathroom we all went to Ganga, took bath there, many devotees and we have Prabhupada murti, life size murti with us and some devotees went with Prabhupada murti in the middle of the stream and they were trying to give full bath to Prabhupada. It was not easy to pull him under the water, put him down the water. O! pushing him and Prabhupada just come out (laughs). We were trying to push him down and Prabhupada would jump and someone says “ just see, he is not sinking”. Prabhupada doesn’t sink. Someone says Prabhupada doesn’t sink. That’s right, yes, that’s right, Prabhupada doesn’t sink.

So Prabhupada ki jay! Sri Krishna Balarama ki jay! Radha-Shyamsunder ki jay! (claps) Haribol!!