King Parikshit Punishes and Rewards the age of Kali

Venue: Guayana, Guayana katha, 2006, June 29. Parikshit Maharaja Ki Jai!! Hastinapur ki Jai!

So as now king Parikshit was ruling of kingdom, one day as he was on a tour, going around checking out, how is everything working? Then he noticed, hey! What’s going on here, at a distance he saw, someone Oh! He looks like a king, look he has a dress and crown, he has sword also, but what is he doing with the sword? There is a cow near him, he is trying to hurt the cow, he is the trying to kill the cow, No! King Parikshit was very furious; he rushed to the spot towards that place. He jumped down on him own chariot, he took his own sword and King Parikshit was ready to slaughter that so called king.

He was not a real one but fake king he only looked like a king, he was only dressed like a king that was the Age of Kali, the kali had appeared disguised as a King only to kill the religion, symbol of religion that’s cow. But then this kali disguised as a king, he begged for pardon, begged for forgiveness. Please! Please! Spare my Lord, spare my life oh! Lord. No king Parikshit was still very angry ready to kill, but he kept appealing “forgiving is considered superior to killing, the act of forgiving somebody”. So King Parikshit decided to forgive ok you may go. But where could I go? wherever  I go, it’s your rule, you are going to follow me, you are  going to be chasing after me, please give me some place,  some corner in your kingdom where I could stay as  I am, the bad character as I am, the age of kali as I am.

Ok you could stay in four places, King Parikshit gave 4 places for this age of Kali to reside in. oh!  What are those 4 places? King Parikshit said “dyutam-panam striyah-suna yatradharmas catur-vidhaha” (S.B 1.17.38)

The 4 places of irreligion, where irreligion is practiced, such 4 places you could reside- what are those places? “dyutam”  Where there is a gambling, places of gambling is one place for you. “panam” please ! Tell me what is the other place? Yes, places where there drinking and smoking and chewing tobacco all the intoxication goes on that is also designated place for you. But you said 4 places, what is the third place? Third place is place where there is illicit sex. Sex outside marriage or even exercise sex in the marriage that is also the place. Places of prostitution, cinemas and these television which is all sex and violence business, you could stay in Hollywood you could stay Bollywood. Ya! these are your places. Ok that’s third and  fourth one is place of meat eating, where  there is slaughter, animal killing, meat eating, fish eating, egg eating that is also location for you to reside. So kali had these 4 places “dyutam” because in this list in Bhagavat “Dyutam” – gambling is mentioned 1st, usually we say the other way round and then finally he was given one more place also, oh! Any other place you could think of? Yes! Yes! I could think of one more place. And King Parikshit said whether is gold, the black marketing unnecessary   accumulation at the cost of others that is also your location.

So these places where given by King Parikshit to the age of Kali 5000 years ago and Kali had kind of hard time finding such places in those days. But gradually, gradually kali has worked very very hard and  has expanded his networking day and night, you  learn lesson from kali, he is very hard working determined to expand his empire and after 5000 years, he had hard time finding places of Meat eating, Gambling, Intoxication , illicit sex and now what has happened? Where are those places , where there is no meat eating? Where is that place- no illicit sex! Where is that place? Where is that country? Where there is no intoxication where is that place where there is no gambling? It’s all over everywhere this way the irreligion has been propagated spread all over the world.

As one eats meat he become merciless, this 4 sinful activities correspond to 4 pillars, 4 supports of the religion, 4 principal and positive principals of religion, correspond with the four sinful activities. The Meat eating has connection with the “Daya” “Daya dharma ka mula hai”. “Ahinsa parmo dharma” the nonviolence is supreme religion, Buddha appeared and he declared this.  So with meat eating all mercy is finished, no more compassion. With intoxication no more tapasya, no more austerities. Daya is the 1st principal, mercy is the 1st, then tapasya – an austerity is number 2.

With illicit sex no more “suci” no more purity which is 3rd principal of religion and gambling smashes all the truth, no more truth (satya) ‘daya, tapasya, suci-pavitrata and satya’. These are 4 pillars of dharma. These are 4 pillars of dharma, they are being weakened and destroyed by this 4 sinful activities of these age of kali.

And to conclude we could only say what is the solution “harer nama harer nama harer nameva  kevaluam! Kalu nasteva nasteva nasteva  gatir anytha” . Chanting of the holy name, chanting of the holy name, chanting of the holy name, chanting and hearing of the holy katha.  “Sarvanam kirtanam” chanting the glories, spreading the  glories of the Lord all over is the only solution “the only way you could defeat the age of kali, only way you could drive away  this kali from your home, from your life , from your country is  to chant out loud “Hare Krishna Hare krishna, krishna krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare” and hold Bhagavat katha preferably  “nityam bhagavat sevaya” and  eat Krsna Prasad and  be in company of devotee of Shri Krsna  and in this  way there will be “param vijayate sri Krsna sankirtanam” there will be victory.

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu sankirtanam army could be victories. So with this aim in mind aim of defeating this age of kali, kali’s forces are to be defeated. This is the purpose of the foundation of International Society for Krishna Consciousness.

Hari Haribol………..Haribol and right behind is Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.  And you could see the success that Hare Krsna movement is having all over the planet. Srila Prabhupada introduced these 4 principals, how many of you are ready to follow?  Prabhupada asked in New York, after he was only few months in New York in 1965 and he had some followers, they were coming to 26 Second Avenue in Manhatan, Prabhupada had his store front preaching centre.  How many of you are ready to follow 4 regulative principles?  Please raise your hands and so many were ready. American boys and girls were ready to take vows yes from this day no more meat, fish, eggs. From this day onwards no more intoxication, from today no more illicit sex and no more gambling. Americans were taking these vows and following them strictly.  And then Prabhupada moved to another country into another, into another and he came to Venezuela also traveling, travelling 14 times around the world and this elderly saintly gentleman, sadhu jetage parivrajachari he travelled 14 times around the world and during his travel he came close to this country and that was Venezuela . Where ever he went wonderful response he met persons who were willing to follow four regular principles. And it is possible to follow 4 regulative principles with the help of chanting of Hare Krsna those who chant “Hare Krishna Hare krishna, krishna krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare” and recite Bhagavat gita and Bhagavatam, maintain the company of devotees of Shri Krsna and take Krsna prasad becomes easy to follow these principles. So for past 40 years now this endeavour is on, there are all ready over 500 ISKCON temples, farms and communities and 100s & 1000s of followers of Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu following these 4 regular principles chanting Hare Krishna and they are happy. So we invite everybody to join this effort for the welfare of humanity at large. There is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way.

Nitai Guar Premanande ……………Hari Haribol.


Arjuna’s lamentation

Venue: Mayapur, March 1st, 2011 Reading from Bhagavad-Gita As it is, Chapter 2, text no.9, Bhagavad-Gita was spoken in morning and we are hearing in the evening (Maharaj addressing a devotee in Bengali “Bosun, Bosun”). So we have seen the Lord. Yes! You have seen the Lord? Yes! Where is He? Where is He? Where is He? Did you see Him today? Are you seeing Him now? (A devotee answers Lord is everywhere, maharaj say “bhagvan samne ashen ki na ashen” (laughter). So we all like see Him, we all like see Him. It is also very important that we hear Him. People like to see Him but not hear Him. We should come to the temple to see the Lord and hear the Lord.

So we have seen Him, He is standing right before our eyes. Please you takes darshan, please look ‘Ghanshyam’, please look ……look… Jay Radha Madhav Astasakhivrund ki……………………….. …….Jay!!! In fact we will see Him more by hearing; the way to see the Lord is Krishna not with the eyes but in fact with the ear we see more than with our eyes.

We have visitors sitting; we have some guest also with us, so we welcome them all the devotees and guests. We said Krishna spoke Bhagavad-Gita in the morning, not this morning some five hundreds ago in Kurukshetra, He spoke ‘Bhagavad-Gita’ during early morning hours. You all agree? He spoke in the morning not during lunch or after His diner He spoke in the morning, sunrise sun was rising in the east. Army had already arrived and there were camps, two camps Pandav camp, Kaurav camps and as in the rule for Dharmaudh at sunrise they commence the battle. It goes all day long and then at sunset full stop.  So that particular morning it was also ‘Ekadashi’ the name is also there of that Ekadashi Mokshada Ekadashi.

So we know who spoke? Where He spoke? What time He spoke? What did He spoke? Everything is very clear.  So here in the temple every day we read one verse, one shlok, one statement from the Lord. In fact Krishna begins His speech, His dialogue, His conversation with Arjuns in the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad-Gita. 1st chapter of Bhagavad-Gita is also Bhagavad-Gita but it is not technically song of Krishna or statements of Krishna, Arjuna and another’s have spoken more in the 1st chapter. And then Sanjaya also speaks makes his comment, Sanjaya is also. There were 3 parties who were listening to Bhagavata-gita simultaneously. Arjuna was of course It was meant for Arjuna it’s also meant for you. And as Krishna – Arjuna dialogues was happening in Kuruksetra, sanjay also able to hear in Hastinapur in same time, durdarshan, durvani, television. There are two parties and 3rd one there was a tree not for from where Krishna – Arjuna dialogues was on seated in the chariot very next to very close to the chariot there was a tree akshya vat tree is still there. You could go see that tree even today the tree is standing even tree has become immortal by hearing Bhagavat-gita, what to speak of us. Sanjay is  also one of the speakers of Bhagavat- gita or communicator.

So todays verse is spoken by Sanjaya, Sanjaya uvach: “Evam uktva hrsikesah gudakesah parantapah, na yotsya iti govindam uktva tusnim babhuva ha” (B.G 2.9)

Sanjay uvach- Sanjay said, Evam – thus, uktva-speaking, hrishikesham – unto Krishna, master of senses, Gudakesh- Arjuna master of curbing ignorance, parantapaha – of chastiser of enemies, na yotsye – I shall  not fight,  iti- thus, evam, govindam- unto Krishna, the giver of pleasure to the senses uktva-saying, tusnim-silent, babhuva- became, ha-certainly.

So Sanjaya said: Having spoken thus, Arjuna chastiser of the enemies, told Krishna “Govinda, I shall not fight,” and fell silent.

Purport: Dhrtarastra must have with very glad understand that Arjuna was not  going to fight and was instead leaving the battle field for the begging profession  but Sanjaya disappointed him again relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies (parantapaha). Although the Arjuna was, for the time being overwhelmed with false grief due to family affection, he surrendered unto Krishna, the Supreme spiritual master as a disciple. This indicated that he would free from false lamentation resulting from family affection and would be enlightened with perfect knowledge of self realization or Krishna consciousness and would then surely fight. Thus Dhrtarastra’s joy would be frustrated, since the Arjuna would be enlightened by Krishna and would fight at the end.

Evam uktva hrsikesah gudakesah parantapah, na yotsya iti govindam uktva tusnim babhuva ha” (translation repeated)

So Srila Prabhupada is pointing out in this purport when Dhrtarastra heared or he is hearing now. Sanjaya is speaking Dhrtarastra is right there hearing him and Arjuna is declaring, the declaration, the decision of Arjuna is beginning communicated to Dhrtarastra by Sanjaya. “na yotsya” I shall  not fight and he is addressing Govinda, Oh! Govinda I shall not fight. He said this much and tusnim babhuva became silent. It’s good news for Dhrtarastra (laughs) that Arjuna is not going to fight. Oh! That’s wonderful and that what we were looking forward to Arjuna is going to fight my children would be spared or they would be become victorious if Arjuna did not fight.

But in this verse, Sanjaya is he is talking to Dhrtarastra, he is describing Arjuna as “parantapah”. He is a chastiser of enemy and Srila Prabhupada in this purport he is pointing out yes! Temporarily he has been overwhelmed by affection, family affection, family ties “moha”, illusion but as he would be listening to Krishna, becoming his disciple and then coming out and then he would, chastising ultimately chastising, fighting, killing enemies and becoming victories.

Arjuna has come on the scene with the determination to fight, seated in a very special chariot. Shlok “tatah svetair hayair yukte mahati syandane sthitua” (B.G. 1.14) The 1st chapter says – white horses were pulling the “mahati syandane” very special expensive, nicely carved chariot “madhavah pandavas caiva” and in that chariot 2 personalities are sitting Madhava and Pandava and this Pandava is Arjuna “divyau sankhau pradadhmatuh” and soon both of them they sounded, they blew their transcendental conch shell. Krishna blew his conch shell called “Panchyajanya”. The name of Arjuna’s conch shell? “Devadatta dhanajaya”. Devadatta was the name of conch shell and there are names of other Pandavas conch shells are also mentioned. So Arjuna was very much eager to fight. So before beginning to fight he was desirous to see his enemies. Please show me who they are? Who do they think they are? They would fight with me, please bring my chariot forward.

“senayor ubhayor madhye ratham sthapaya me cyuta” (B.G. 1.21)  Arjuna says senayor ubhayor madhye in between two enemies “ratham sthapaya” please get my chariot situated in between two armies. Immediately Parthsarathi, Lord Krishna has become the chariot driver of his devotee. In his left hand, He has the ropes of the horses. Lord is having big “cabuk” and He started taking the chariot forward. So soon the chariot was in between the two armies, closer to enemies’ camp. And Arjuna is seeing who has come who has assembled? That time as Arjuna in observing the armies, enemies camps, enemies. Krishna says pasyaitan just see “pasyaitan samvetan kurun iti” (B.G. 1.25) all those who have assembled here are none but the Kurus. Lord is giving some hint to Arjuna oh! You wanted to see, just see who has come to fight with you. Or you have to fight with Kurus they are Kurus, you are also Kuru same family wake up Arjuna take note of this Arjuna. Not only Arjuna seeing but Lord is also showing, getting his attention just see, just see. Kurus have come to fight with, you, same family.

So by seeing and by hearing the whole chemistry inside, within had changed very fast. His blood was boiling; take my chariot he was getting ready, sharpening his arrow. But now as he has seen and also heard from Krishna just 5 words “pasyaitan samavetan kurun iti” (B.G.1.25) this 4, 5 words these are the only words Krishna speaks in 1st chapter of Bhagavad-Gita nothing more, nothing less. Then Arjuna begins trembling, his body is shaking. “sidanti mama gatrani” (B.G.1.28) my body is trembling, mukhama parisusyati my mouth is drying up. “ gandivam” –dhanushya (B.G.1.29) the bow is slipping right out of my hands. Can you fight with you shaking hands? Can’t fight? You have to be very steady focused, motionless. So, so many things are happing to his mind, whole body transformations are there and then Arjuna he is also thinking, he is expressing himself now.

“na ca sreyo nupasyami hatva sva-janam ahave”(B.G.1.31) I don’t see any benefit, no sreyo, no long term benefit really by killing “hatva sva-janam ahave” in this horrible battle, killing our own family members. I don’t see any benefit and I am not interested.

“na kankse vijayam krsna na ca rajyam sukhani ca”(B.G.1.31) Arjuna is making very clear, I don’t want kingdom, no happiness. I am not interested in this and then Arjuna keeps on talking more and more and more. So many concerns what about this dharma and what about jati dharma? What about kula dharma? What about this and that? So many dharmas, so many concerned, so many issues. So with each additional idea that he presents, he is deviating more and more deviation, this is the way to go, but with each idea he is turning away from Lord’s idea and soon he would be 180* and this is  what is the verse “tusnim babhuva” I am not going to fight. The fighting this was Lord’s idea and Lord’s desire, Lord’s plan. “paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrutam dharmasamsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge” (B.G.4.8) I appear, this is the purpose for which I appear, this is Dharma yudha and this meant to establish Dharma, and to protect the devotee like you Pandavas and to kill the miscreants this is the vision of the Lord, the purpose of this advent. But now Arjuna is not showing any interest in his plan or vision or desire of the Lord.  Vasudev ki jai……………..

So again also at the end of the 1st chapter Arjuna he sits down, making it clear that I am not going to fight. Sometimes the bulls or buffalo, he buffalo, not she buffalo. Pulling the cart and big load and its summer season and its hard for him to pull further. Sometimes the farmer he is beating the buffalo, he is trying to push or pull more him forward, when the he buffalo doesn’t wants to move and wants to make it clear what does buffalo do? He sits down (laughs) he makes very clear statement ok this is it now you know my dear farmer I am not going to move. The last statement of the 1st chapter was very similar also and also.

Spoken by Sanjaya “evem uktvarjunah sankhye rathopastha upastha upavisat, visrjya sa-saram capam soka-samvigna-manasah” (B.G.1.46) sanjaya said

Radha madhva ki jai………………………….

Arjuna having thus spoken on the battlefield cast aside his bow and arrows and sat down on the chariot his mind overwhelmed with grief. So as Arjuna was talking to Lord what about this? What about this dharma? He was thinking he would convince him. Arjuna was expecting yes….yes…yes fine what you said is exactly right Arjuna I agree with you forget this battle lets have breakfast. (Laughs).

As Arjuna was talking and talking and talking the 1st chapter is like Arjuna –gita not Bhagavad-Gita. So Arjuna- gita,  song of Arjuna. So he was thinking that oh! This did not work now, I will say something more this statement will convince the Lord. If not this, that one probably the Lord would say or that’s fine forget this battle lets go have breakfast.

So Arjuna is sitting in the chariot making it very clear that he is not going to fight. Infact Arjuna begins “ashrupurna kulekshanam” he is in tears Arjuna in tears. Could you imagine, Arjuna is full of compassion and depressing mind, eyes full of tears. Now the 2nd chapter, 2nd verse this is where Krishna begins talking. 1st thing that Krishna had to say was, Arjuna was expecting Lord is going to praise my statement, appreciate what I have said. Congratulation well done, well spoken Arjuna. But that was not the case instead Lord said “kutas tva kasmalam idam” kutas tva =where from kasmalam idam all that you have spoken, that-idam. Kasmalam=all this rubbish. Ok where in the dustbin where is dustbin (laugher) it should be dumped in the dustbin. This is Lord’s comment observing on all that Arjuna had to see Arjuna was thinking I am speaking something very intelligent social concern this issue, that issue, family, tradition.

Infact when people read 1st chapter they hear Arjuna speak or they read what Arjuna has to say they kind of agree with Arjuna. Forget all other people when you read it for 1st time, I used to when I was reading chapter Arjuna statement this makes sense its right carry on Arjuna yes yes go on  speaking I was kind on Arjuna ki jai…..but Lord doesn’t say Arjuna ki jai (laugh). So then there are more statements then Arjuna again speaks and then they become quite and that is today’s verse. And then toward the end of Bhagavad-Gita. Lord is talking and concluding, saying “sarvadharma paritajya………… (B.G.18.66) what? Give up these varieties of religion. Why is He talking of this? “sarva dharman” what is the connection? Why Krishna says Arjuna “sarvadharman parityaja” you give up all varieties of religion, why? Is this in Bhagavad-Gita context or there is some other connection. Right here in the 1st chapter all the dharmas, some of the dharmas, Arjuna has mentioned what about this? What about that? And Krishna says “give it up” these thoughts. Lord accept my dharma not your dharma. I think, according to me, it’s my opinion; “give this up” this is all gambling, it all mental speculation and gambling but this a bigger gambling – mental speculation, I think according to me. Arjuna is talking in 1st chapter. My opinion and Krishna says give it up.

So the 1st word in Bhagavad-Gita is.  What is the 1st word in Bhagavad-Gita? “Dharma” the first word is dharma and last word? “matir mama” last word is “mama”. 1st word – dharma last word – mama, put it together “mama-dharma” whole Bhagavad-Gita is what? My Dharma, my law, my Lords law, law of the Lord that’s dharma, religion, whole Bhagavad-Gita is dharma.

Give up other ideas and accept Krishna ideas, the original ideas, beneficial for everybody, living entities, and the family and the society and humanity. So we will stop here.

Srimad Bhagavad gita ki jai…………….!

Sri Krishna Arjuna ki jai………………….!

Sri Radha Madhava Ki Jai………………!

H. H. Lokanath Swami Ki Jai……………!