Sri Krishna Caitanya Chandra appears to dissipate all darkness of ignorance

Venue: Vrindavan (At Sanskrit School)
Dated: 17 August 2013

Jai Srila Prabhupada ki….jai
Guar Nitai ki……………jai
Sukhdev Goswami ki….jai
Gopiprandhan Prabhu ki…jai

So As I did not sing “om namo bhagvate vasudevaya” instead I sang what I sang, probably you have realized I am not going to read from Bhagvatam today’s verse, instead we will read from Caitanya Caritamrita is that ok? And just the very beginning of Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi Lila first few sloks they are not in Bengali, probably you are wondering. So you all are Sanskrit scholars, so Bengali also? But you do not teach literature or commentaries in Bengali, Gopiprandhan he knew Bengali, He knew lot of languages, he was Russian and he was learning Chinese also and Bengali. I am a student of Bengali, I am student of Sanskrit only student, only beginner, I wish to learn from one of you student, you teach me. Recently I was reading this beginning part and wonderful verses Caritamrita not only its nectarian but very foundational siddhantic, full of siddhant corner stone very important. Introducing before going for the introduction of the caritra caitanya carita or caritra same thing, Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami is introducing that Caitanya Mahaprabhu who is Caitanya Mahaprabhu? Who He is? What is the purpose of His advent? Generally Lord says or routine way Lord appears for “paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge” (Bg 4.8) that He does all the time in every Age and why He appears He has declared that in Bhagvat gita but this time as He was appearing as Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu He has some additional reasons, some private personal confidential reason for His advent. So that also has been stated in these beginning verses of Adi Lila of Caitanya Caritamarita. So I thought and here you are, Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a presiding deity of your institution here, your school of thought here Bhagvat School. And I thought I would also do little study of theses verses in company of the scholars in their assembly as Goswamis “nanasastra vicarnaik nipuno sad dharma sanssthapako” in order to establish sad dharma they would sit with the big pile of “nanasastras” various scriptures and it has been translated then they would scrutinizing study the sastras “nanasastra vichar “ vichar- contemplation, churning, Krishna churns butter.

So this is in Bengali Caitanya Caritamrita entire, whole Caitanya Caritamrita and its also complete Bhagvatam only verses, Srimad Bhagvatam Mahapuran mula matra. You have Caitanya Caritamrita here? “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”

Odra desh Udisa is in Sanskrit they call odra desh? Utkal that’s one, “vande gurun isa bhaktan isam isavatarakan tat- prakasams ca tac- chaktih krsna- caitanya – samjnakam” (Adi lila CC 1.1) is that Sanskrit or Bengali?(Maharaj asking the students). So Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami the very first word he utters is “vande” aham vande – I offer my obeisance’s unto and obeisance’s are beginning “gurun” obeisance’s unto gurus as also “vande aham sri guroh sri yuta pada kamalam sri gurun” vande sri guroh and then gurun- my initiating spiritual master one and gurun- many siksha gurus many instructing spiritual masters. So here he is not making distinction he says gurun- siksa gurus, diksha gurus. “rupa raghunatha pade rahu mora asa” he ends chapter he aspires to stay close to the lotus feet of his spiritual masters, Rupa Raghunath- rupa raghunatha pade, so “vande gurun isa bhaktan” devotees of isa- devotees of the Lord again many of them in 2.3 isa bhaktan ‘sri Krishna caitanya prabhu nityananda srivas adi guar bhakta vrinda’ not just one guar bhakta but guar bhakta vrinda, vrinda- samudaya- assembly lots of them – guar bhakta vrinda. So isa bhaktan headed by Srivas adi- Srivas and etc beginning with Srivas, headed by Srivas. Basically this verse is similar to that “pancha tattvatakam Krishna bhakta rupa savarupakam bhatavatra bhaktakyam namai bhakta saktikam” it is just said differently here but this is a similar prayer, prayer to the panchatattvas. So who they are? One is already covered ‘isa bhaktan’ and ‘isavatarakan’- the avatars of isa –Lords incarnations again headed by Advaitacarya he is avatar of Maha Visnu. So my obeisances unto all the avataras, they advented with Caitany Mahaprabhu along with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I was just reading few days ago that in Dwaraka where Lord is Dwarakadhish or Vasudev and some gandharvas were there, they only sing right? They were dancing its said, may be they were also dancing and its said gandharvas and they were dancing and Lord Vasudev was pleased and attracted to their dance and then He had desired also to dance.

So when Caitanya Mahaprabhu was about to appear that Vasudev enters the body of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, so that He gets to dance to take the dancing experience. And it’s well known fact that when Krishna appears all incarnations even Ram all those from Vaikuntha planet they all head towards Golok and they enter into the body of the Lord. And when Sri Krishna is playing pastimes this killing demon business this is not Krishna’s business there are other avataras in Him and they do this killing and Krishna does His Vrindavan pastimes sweet pastime. And all those residents these incarnations they identify look look our Lord our Lord, our Ram, our Narsimha… Krishna is playing His pastimes other Lords are also part of Sri Krishna. So they are very happy He is our Lord, so Caitanya Mahaprabhu non different from Sri Krishna is coming up. So when He appears many incarnations also appear with Him or within Him, so these are ‘isavatarakan’.

‘tat-prakasams ca’and who is prakash of Lord Balaram ‘Balaram hoila nitai’ so Nityananda prabhu – this is my obeisances to Nityananda prabhu and ‘tac-chaktih’ its each time ‘tac-chaktih tat prakasams’ everything is His, everything is Lords. Incarnations of the Lord, the energies the shaktis of the Lord or energy takes form energy personified energy becomes person personification of energy. And this is Gadadhara, Gadadhara is shakti – Alahadini shakti of Lord, so Radharni appears in Krishna or within Sri Krishna, in Caitanya Mahaprabhu there is Radharani ‘sri krishna caitanya radha Krishna nahi anya’. And as well as alhadini shakti appears as Gadadhar pandit ‘krishna caitanya’ so is everyone covered here? (Maharaj asking) “pancha tattvatakam Krishnam’ Krishna is appearing in 5 tattvas – bhakta rupa that is Himself – bhakta rupa then bhakta avatar, bhakta svarupa is Balaram, bhakta rupa is Himself, bhakta avatar is Advaitacharya and then bhakta shaktikam that is Gadadhar and bhaktakhyam that’s Narada Muni, Narada Muni appearing as Srivas known as Bhakta. So vande aham – I offer my obeisances unto all these pancha tattvas Krishna das Kaviraj says. And now he turns or he is focusing on Guar Nityananda they are present here.

vande sri-krishna-caitanya- nityanandau sahoditau gaudodaye pushpavantau, citrau san-dau tamo-nudau’ (Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi-1.2) it has rhythm-citrau sandau tamo-nudau its know why its aao? Why it’s ending with aao? (Maharaj is asking somebody answers) two – dvitiya vachan it refers to two or its two two. So vande again my obeisance’s unto Sri Krishna Caitanya and Nityanada-nityanando sahoditau or Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu saha along with Nityananda prabhu He appeared, His appearance is sahoditau arisen the sun rises in the east eastern horizon and these two Lords also have appeared on eastern part of India Bengal is that part of world they both have appeared Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared along with Nityananda Mahaprabhu. And the name of the country the horizon has been mentioned Gaudodaye- gauda udaya they appeared in Gauda desh, pancha gauda- north India these different 5 provinces called pancha gaudas, south India pancha dravida, so pancha gauda- Gauda desh Bengal part of Gauda there they appeared and as there is talk of udya, “udilo arun?a puraba-bhage” puraba purva eastern side. Sun rises in the east Caitanya Mahaprabhu gathers associates and goes on kirtan “puraba-bhage- udilo arun?a”. So Srila Prabhupada also gave name to Mayapur temple is called “Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir” Mayapur Chandrodaya..Caitanya Chandra udaya..Caitanya Chandra appeared. The place of Caitanya Chandra’s appearance but here Krishna Das Kaviraj is talking of not only Chandra but also Surya, Sun and Moon appeared “puspa vantau”. (Maharaj says I don’t how this connects with Chandra and surya (and asking devotees) do you know? It’s translated as sun and moon but I wonder).

He says “puspa vantau citrau” sun and moon, so Caitanya Mahaprabhu is moon and Nityananda Mahaprabhu is sun “nitai-pada-kamala, koti-candra-sushitala” there also he is mentioned as moon – millions of moons cooling effect, this is what you get from Nityananda Mahaprabhu and “citrau san-dau” chitra-vichitra, what is Rupa Goswami’s? (Maharaj asking devotes) chitra kavitva wonderful or variegated “citrau” – wonderful amazing, citrau- they are both amazing wonderful. “san-dau” sam – da, sama dama tapa- that sama dhatu sam from sam also comes shanti. Shasan or shisya, shas dhatu Prabhupada says disciple means discipline shas, so shas and shanti has different origin, (Maharaj asking you know which one?) sam.

So this is kalyan sense “sandau” the giver of the benedictions, auspiciousness, ‘sandau tamo-nudau’ nuda is another dhatu, so tamo-nudau what is tam? What is tam? Tam is ignorance, tamoguna – tamo-nudau. So this age of Kali is full of ignorance full of sudras “kalu sudra sambhava”. Then Lord appears and He does tamo-nudau- frees them from darkness of ignorance. What is that in 10th chapter Lord says “aham ajnana jam tamah” (B.G 10.11) how does it begin? “tesam evanukampartham” tesam eva anukam partham- that’s the purpose when Lord heart goes towards the suffering entities then Lord has anukampa – His heart is trembling because of His compassion and runs after or towards them “tesam evanukam partham aham” that is Lord says aham- I do “aham ajnana jam tamah nasayamy” aham nasayamy- I destroy what do I destroy? aham ajnana jam tamaha. Tama – ignorance produced by ajnana jam, ajnana gives rise to tama – darkness, ajnana jam tamah, so tama here is darkness Lord is talking. When person is full of ignorance then what happens to him he is full of darkness and that’s when we say “caksurunmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah” and the beginning is “om ajnana – timirandasya jnananjana –salakaya caksurunmilitam” unmilitam – operation is done. So Lord says I destroy the darkness and how does He do that “jnana dipena bhasvata” – He lights the lamp of knowledge with the torch light of knowledge “tama soma jyotir gamaya” tama soma- don’t remain in darkness “tama soma jyotir gamaya” go to the light not to the light Brahman, go to the light of knowledge.

So Guar Nityananda they appeared they have appeared, when he is compiling this Lords were still on the planet? It’s after ya, yes must be after because Lord departed in Jagganath Puri then Raghunath Das Goswami he left Jagganath Puri for Vrindavan and what is good is now life without Caitanya Mahaprabhu I am going to climb over Govardhan hill and give up my life. Then he was dissuaded from doing so by the Goswamis then he settles on the banks of Radhakunda that is where Krishna Das Kaviraj gets association of Raghunath Goswami and Raghunath had been keeping dairy with the pastimes of Lord in Jagganath Puri the latter pastimes and off course there was dairy of Murari Gupta with childhood pastimes of Mayapur. And then Krishna Das Kaviraj had never ever met Caitanya Mahaprabhu but vaishanvas had appealed you are one most qualified you write you write. So Raghunath Das Goswami was neighbor of Krishna Das Kaviraj, so must be after Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s departure Caitanya caritamrita was compiled. So here is past tense “sandua tamo nudua” so Lord has already done His pastimes of removing the darkness of ignorance.

“yad advaitam brahmopanisadi tad apy asya tanu bha” (Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi-1.3) now last line of this verse “na caitnayat krsnaj jagati para-tattvam param iha” there is no superior truth, superior to two name are said together “na caitanyat krsnaj” Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krishna only difference is difference of the name “namo mahavadanyaya Krishna prema pradaya te krishnaya Krishna caitanya namne” I offer my obeisance’s unto krishnaya to which Krishna, Krishnaya Krishna caitanya namne, now His name is Krishna Caitnaya I offer my obesciances unto Krishna who is now known as Krishna Caitanya namne. So Krishna Caitanya same, so “na caitnayat krsnaj jagati para-tattvam param iha” “krishnat paratattvam aham na jane’ one devotee has complied this Madhusudana Saraswati “vamsi vibhushita karan navaniradabath pitambarath bimba adharoshtath purenendu sundara mukath aravindanetrath krishnat paratattvam kimapi aham na jane’ I do not know and it doesn’t exist, so there is no question of knowing any superior truth “krishnat paratattvam aham na jane’. So similar emotions have been expressed and Krishna personally has also said “mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya” (BG 7.7) so that Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Krishna Das Kaviraj he is writing you know that the brahma brahmasmi the talk about the advait that they talk about in Upanisad “tat api asya tanubha” there is nothing but the bha- the effulgence of tanu- the body of the Lord that effulgence that they realize and they say ‘I have realized God’ what do you have realized? I have seen light. Well that is just.. That is just.. have patience you not realized everything, you have only realized tanu bha that is only the light effulgence coming from the form of the Lord. “hiranmayenaa patrena satyasyapihitam mukham tat tvam pusann apavrnu satya dharmaya drstaye” (Isopanishad slok 15) please remove please remove this glaring effulgence and show me your lotus feet or lotus face “satya dharmaya drstaye” I am your devotee please remove this glaring effulgence I want to keep going get closer to you I want to see your form I want to see origin of this effulgence.

So the effulgence they talk about is nothing but just the rays coming from the form of the Lord His Personality of the Lord. “vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam vidam advayam brahmeti paramatmeti bhagvan iti sabdyate” (S.B 1.2.11). So Brahman realization is just one of the aspects of the Lord that’s not everything that’s just beginning and then he says “ya atmantar yami purusa iti so syamsa vibhavah” and that antaryami Krishna parmatma that purusa He is but ansha of the Lord, Lord is ansi- means complete and He expands and there He goes parmatma He is just ansa of the Lord expansion of the Lord non different from the Lord, Lord’s parmatma. So he talked about Brahma, Parmatma and then he is talking about Bhagavan now and then Bhagavan is Krishna that Bhagavan is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. “sad aisvaryaih purno ya iha bhagavan sa svayam ayam” “krishnas tu bhagvan svayam” ete camsa kalah pumsah krishnas tu bhagavan svayam” ete camsa- even parmatma is ansha or other incarnation “amsa amsa”. And He is full of six opulence’s sad aisvarya purna “aishvarya samagrasya viryasya yasaha jnana varagya” so He is full of all these 6 opulence’s and that is Bhagavan and that svayam Bhagvan is Caitanya Mahaprabhu “caitanyat krishnaj jagati para – tattvam param iha” there is no other truth, superior truth to Caitanya Krishna Caitanya. In other word Krishna Caitanya- no superior truth.

Ok now further glories of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu “anarpita-carim cirat karunayavatirnah kalau” (Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi-1.4) now that Caitanya Mahaprabhu very kindly ‘karunaya avatirnah kalau’ kalau – in the age of kali He has appeared. What caused His appearance ‘karunaya’ He could not resist or with His mood ‘karuna sindhu dina bandhu jagat pate’. Lord is not only karuna sindhu oh! Just being karuna sindhu is no big deal if He was karuna sindhu but what is more important is He is dina bandhu. He is dina bandhu the friend of the fallen and that is how we are benefited by that karunasindhutva His being karuna full of karuna what good is that karuna, He is a ocean, mercy He has big stock of mercy but He was not going to be dina bandhu friend of the fallen if His heart was not going to go ‘anukampartham’ then He could have just remained whatever He is but what good is He for us for the world, for the souls. But He is not only karuna sindhu but more importantly He is dina bandhua so ‘karunaya avatirnah kalau’ Lord appeared because of His karuna and He has appeared after a long time or the way He is appearing things which He is going to do as Caitanya Mahaprabhu no one else has done this before “anarpita”- not offered not delivered, carim cirat- since long long time carim having been formerly not offered, cirat – for a long time. So He is going to offer something that no one no other incarnation that’s why Rupa goswami said “namo maha vadanyaya krsna prema pradayate krsnaya Krishna caitanya namne gaura-tvise namah” no one is as magnanimous as Caitanya Mahaprabu most magnanimous – mahavadanyaya. And then ok He is appearing after long time and He is going to offer something that was not offered delivered by anyone any other form incarnation of the Lord, what is that?

“samarpayitum unnatojjvala- rasam sva bhakti- sriyam” He is offering this ‘samarpayitum’ – samarpan, first word ‘unarpita’ arpan now samarpan ‘samarpayitum’ in order to samarpan – in order to deliver to hand out what? samarpayitum unnata unnata unnata nata unnata utunga, tungavidya also means the topmost, Mount Everest that is utunga shikhar that peak is utunga – the tallest top most. So unnata nata means bowing down bow down nata mastak and then unnata nata unnata ‘unnata ujjvala rasam’ – the topmost mellow top most rasa ‘unnata ujjvala rasa’ brilliant rasa the top most rasa most condensed rasa that is madhurya rasa – Shringar rasa. He is offering that He is going to share that but He is going to relish that Himself that is coming up soon and He is going to relish himself and share that with His devotees also “unnatojjvala rasam sva bhakti sriyam”. And His bhakti His own service unto Him will also be offered chanting of “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare”.

Sriyam is translated here as treasure the treasure house; He is going to be cutting canals He is going to spread all over “avatirne guar chandre vistirne prema sagare yena majyanti majyanti te maha anartha sagare” sounds nice again this is from Caitanya Chandramrita ‘avatirne guar chandre’ Lord Guar Chandra appeared ‘vistirne’ He expanded ‘vistirne prema sagare’. ‘yena majyanti majyanti’ those who do not throw themselves into and then drown ‘ye na majyanti majyanti te’ those who do not throw themselves in this prema sagar then there is ‘emaha anartha sagare’ (Maharaj laughs…Laughtr). The other sagar is waiting for them there are only but two sagar two oceans – ‘prema sagar’ and ‘maha anartha sagar’. So Lord appeared to expand this prema sagar those who do not dive deeper into that they will have to drown and die in that maha anartha sagar.


So “harih purata sundara dyuti kadamba- sandipitah” so that Hari is ‘purata sundara duyuti’ radha dyuti they call radha dyuti, there is one devotees name Radha dyuti. Radha rani is also very effulgent so that effulgence that radiance radiates permeates that effulgence from Radha it’s not just a flat dry form, from that form comes Hari purata sundara dyuti. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu has golden effulgence now golden effulgence what is the origin of that? Radha rani is origin; originally Radha rani is “tapta kanchana guarangi”. So that Hari Hari also has ‘purata sundara dyuti kadamba sandipitah’ lighted up – sandipitah. The multitude ‘purata sundara’ multitude and more beautiful ‘dyuti’ – that effulgence splendor. Ok so then He says ‘sada hrdaya kandare sphuratu vah saci-nandanah’ so all this description is of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu or His glories these adjectives this description is of Sacinandan and let that Sacinandan ‘sada hrdaya kandare’ hrdaya kandara- the cave- gupha – kandara. “paniya suyavasa kandara kanda mulaih” (SB 10.21.18 ) Gopis said that this Griraj supplies lots of water nice green grass caves- kandara the kanda mulaih also – fruits and roots to eat, kandara ‘sada hrdaya kandare sphurtu’ let Him appear manifest reveal Himself ‘vah’- that is you Sacinandanah. This prayer that let Caitanya Mahaprabhu make His appearance in your heart.

‘radha krsna pranaya vikrtir hladani saktir asmad’ –‘radha krsna pranaya vikrtir hladani saktir asmad’ ok so vikrti it is translated as transformation vikrti, kruti – vikrti, vikrti also takes place in this material existence and in prakriti there is vikrti then there is akriti. Prakriti –pancha maha butas that’s prakriti then some different things happen combination permutation action reaction that is vikrti and then takes akriti- the form. So some transformation takes place, so ‘radha Krishna pranaya vikrtir hladani saktir asmad’ this Radha Krishna pranaya – the loving dealings between Radha and Krishna and this is all the display of hladani sakti. Hladani sakti is in action hladani sakti pleasure potency pleasure giving potency of the Lord then all those ‘radha Krishna pranaya’- Radha Krishna dealings take place this exercise it’s a display its transformation of hladini sakti then all the Lilas Radha Krishna dealings- lilas take place.

“ekatmanav api bhuvi pura deha bhedam gatau tau” (Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi-1.5) and he says ‘ekatmanav api’ –infact Radha and Krishna are ekatma they are just one soul ‘ekatmanav’ although they are ‘ekatmanav api’ then what happen? ‘bhuvi’ somewhere in this world ‘pura’- long longtime ago, don’t ask when (Maharaj laughs), ‘bhuvi pura’ – long long time ago in the world what happen, this ‘ekatmanav- deha bhedam gatau tau’ they were one but they became ‘deha bhedau’ deha bheda here is Krishna now here is Radha that wasn’t the case originally they are ekatmanav- one person. But then once upon a time ‘deha bhedam gatau tau’ from one there were two and then something else happened. ‘caitanyakhyam prakatam adhuna tad-dvayam caikyam’ – so they were one from one became two and now means 500 years ago ‘caitanyakhyam prakatam adhuana’ now He has appeared as Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu meaning what has happened tad dvayam from one they had become dvaya- two ‘caikyam aptam’ – again they have become one. Aptam- they became one, they were one they became two they became one again ‘caikyam aptam’.

“radha bhava dyuti suvalitam naumi Krishna svarupam” now unto that Krishna svarupa which is Sri Krishna Caitanyakhyam- I offer my obeisance’s ‘naumi Krishna svarupam’ ‘radha bhava dyuti suvalitam’ and what kind of form that is? ‘radha bhava and dyuti’ two things are in that form radha bhava -bhava is inside emotions feelings – the mellow , radha bhava and dyuti – the effulgence. So he has taken two items from Radha rani He has taken emotions Caitanya Mahaprabhus emotions are Radha rani’s emotions, feelings thoughts like Radha rani and His look His appearance His effulgence is like Radha rani radha dyuti, radha bhava radha dyuti. And finally now in this verse he talks of the reasons why Caitanya Mahaprabhu or His confidential His personal reasons for Him to appear. As He appeared as Caitanya Mahaprabhu ‘radha bhava dyuti suvalitam naumi Krishna svarupam” that svarupa why did He go for that svarupa? And He has given three reasons ‘kidrso kidrso kidrsam’ one line is kidriso ‘sri radhayah pranaya mahima kidrso’ he is curious to know like “athato brahma jigyasa” (Maharaj laughs) he is very curious to know what does he want to know? ‘radhayah pranaya mahima kidrso’ this is straight forward radhas pranaya mahima –the greatness of love, Radha’s greatness of love Radha’s great love it is of what kind? I want to know! I want to know that Radha rani’s love, greatness of radha rani’s love.

vanayaiva svadyo yenadbhuta -madhurima kidraso” and then She does ‘asvadya’ asvadan she relishes me, She enjoys me and then that is Her love that is Her mood as She does asvadan of myself. So ‘madhuradi pate akhilam madhuram’ I am suppose to be ‘madhuradi pati’ ‘madhu adhipati’ master of all the sweetness, everything about me is sweet they say but I don’t know? Or I must be sweet, see what happens to Radha rani when She enjoys my company or my beauty my this my that she knows but I don’t know? Like the sugar does not know that sugar is sweet who knows? The ant knows ant knows (Maharaj laughs) that sugar is sweet the sugar does not know. So Krishna is saying I must be sweet because look what happens when She enjoys me, but then I want to experience that, I want to know her experience.

“va madiyah saukhyam casya mad anubhavatah kidrsam” there is little subtle difference here as She ‘saukhya’ She enjoys me and then She has kind of experience. So what kind of experience is that, what kind of person I am? What are these different attributes of myself the varieties of sweetness of myself. First of all what is the sweetness that’s one? And then as one enjoys that sweetness of myself what is that experience of experiencing that sweetness? Me being sweet is one thing and then experience of that which only Radha rani experiences that. So ‘kidrsam veti lobhat’ now Krishna becomes curious He becomes kind of greedy He is very anxious now to know this ‘kidrso kidrso kidrsam’. So now He has this desire developed within Him very strong desire – will, thinking-feeling –wiling. He was thinking then some feeling and then strong will within Him, so what is He is going to do now that ‘tad bhavadhyah samajani saci garbha sindhau’ ‘tad tad bhavadhyah’ premadhya – full of enriched with Her bhava – bhavadhayah. ‘tat’ that is Radha rani radhayah bhavadhyah samajani.
So ok Lord has already made up His mind that He appeared Krishna Das Kaviraj says He appeared samajani –ajani nanuragah, ajani – not born ajani, namnam akari bahudha- all that and what is the last line? Durdaivam – and unfortunate as I am ‘idrisham ihajani nanuragaha’ ‘anurag utpana nahi huva’ anurag ajani but here it is samajani – samyak prakare jani Lord appeared so Lord appeared with enriched with the emotions ‘radha bhava dyuti’ also samajani. Where and how? Well who appeared? Harinduh – Hari indu, indu is moon Hari indu appeared Caitanya Candra appeared. So usually we see the moon rising, when in Jaganath Puri you see as if the ocean is giving birth to full moon coming from we don’t see anything else but the ocean. And as if ocean is giving birth to the moon so Hari indu is appearing so where is the ocean? What is the ocean? Saci-garbha sindhau – saci garbha the womb of Saci that is Saci garbha sindhu it’s like a ocean. From Saci mata’s Saci garbha sindhu in the ocean of the womb of Saci devi Lord made His appearance.

So He has appeared He is here Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki…….jai. And it was also full moon night – purnima, two candras Caitanya candra and Chandra Chandra appeared at the same time. Chandra Chandra he covered his face how he could show his face “bahu koti chandra jini vadan ujjaval” spot less effulgence, so other Chandra hide himself behind the curtain. Jai Sacinandan Jai Sacinandan Jai Sacinandan …..Guar Hari. Ok

Questions from audience

‘Sampradaya vihina ye mantras viphala matah’
Lord is compared to vaidurya mani there is a mani – jewel – diamond like stone called vaidurya mani and this vaidurya mani the characteristic of this vaidurya mani is from different angles you see there is different kind of darshan. Different beauty is exhibited differently from which ever angle you look at this vaidurya mani. So all beauty it’s wonderful, one kind of beauty from this side another side. So Lord is like that vaidurya mani, some are seeing Radha Krishna- Golok dham; some are seeing in some sampradaya Sita –Ram of Saket dham, some are seeing vaikuntha – Lord of Vaikuntha vaikunthanayak and “nanavatar makarodha bhuvaneshu kintu”. If they follow their sampradaya strictly of course in future there will be one sampradaya (Laughter) gradually things are going to be diminishing the other sampradayas. “prithivite ache yata nagar adi gram sarvatra prachar haibe mora nama” those days are also ahead and “radhe shyam radhe shyam shyam shyam radhe radhe” instead they also will be chanting “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare”.

Prabhupada said that every year Mayapur flood, flood causing trouble water going higher and higher. He said this is the place from here flood of the Holy name, waves of the Holy name ocean, floods origin from there from Mayapur staring from Mayapur going all over this country that country here there unless there is tide and waves rising to unreach.

Caitanya Mahaprabhu is most magnanimous what is lacking in us?

Giver is there where is the taker (laughs) in hindi Bhagvatam yesterday Prabhupada said the Vedic mantras are there but where are the chanters? Or where are the qualified chanters, so mantras are there but where are the chanters. Well offences we don’t have to be part of another sampradaya to offend Caitanya Mahaprabhu, or offend vaishanavas you could be part of Caitanya Mahaprabhus sampradaya and continue your offending business and then you lose the taste so that could be a cause. That happened to that muni he was in kaliya daha in the water saubari muni right in Vrindavan also most on the stage of trance and you know meditation and peaceful and everything was going fine but then he offended Garud Vaishnav, he offend garud. As he a result he lost all his trance focus the meditation and he was getting agitated by he and she fish seeing their acts that was causing agitation. So much so that he had to leave kaliya daha leave Vrindavan, he goes to the kingdom of King Mandhata – “give me wife give me wife I want to enjoy”. Here is daughter of mine; no one is not sufficient, ok fifty of my daughters, all fifty daughters of king Mandhata this Saubari muni married. So that could be possibility, and different kinds of offences are there vaishnav aparadha is one this aparadha that aparadha, this anartha that anartha anartha nivruti syat then what happens then nistha “nityam bhagvat sevaya bhagvati uttam sloke bhaktir bhavati naistiki”. So nistha we have to be fixed up attached to the holy name but keep chanting. Prabhupada talks of jaundice we are all diseased, so what’s the cure for jaundice? Sugar candy which taste so bitter- give me something sweet and condensed sugar is given sugar candy nothing can be more sweet then that but it taste very bitter because of the jaundice. So he may ask any other cure? No only cure only cure is keep eating sugar candy. And he keeps eating so what happens? He is cured and then he say bring me more sugar candy. Oh it’s finished no go get more, so holy name is sweet Lord has kindly delivered the Holy name. There is nothing wrong with the Holy Name something wrong with us so each individual case something wrong with this persons chanting, something else another kind of wrong this anartha that anartha. So do introspection and analyze conclude and you improve good chanting “aparadha sunya haiya lahu Krishna name” Bhaktivinod Thakur says “aparadha sunya haiya lahu Krishna nam”, anything else alright Haribol.

Guar Nitai ki…..jai

Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki……jai

You also become fortunate like Arjuna

Venue: ISKCON Noida (BASE), Dated: 26th April 2014

Very happy to visit your ashram the BASE ashram, brahmachari ashram most of you or all of you are unmarried, single, so ashram before grihastha ashram is brahmachari ashram. Of course it’s not necessary for everyone to be grihastha. Prabhupada said that all the boys should stay single and there were mataji disciples also they should all get married, all the girls should get married and all the boys should stay single (laughter). Try, try to give a try to stay single. Life is a journey, they always advise to travel light. If you are single, not added the family, children, extra baggage, extra luggage, excess luggage, journey could be tougher one. Life is tough and then you die. So we are happy that first of all you are all souls’ right. Are you all souls? That is our goal, to realize that we are souls. If we don’t realize we miss the bus. So you souls have come together and you are residing here. So this is already great good fortune.

Krishna is very kind; otherwise also He is very kind. It is said that God is ..Krishna is kind. But what is the proof? We could say that we have this opportunity to stay together, pray together. Also that family which prays together stays together. Family does not mean wife. There is no wife here, how come we are family. Devotee family, family not necessarily means wife, children that makes a family. Family of devotee, devotee family, family of Srila Prabhupada so this is Prabhupad’s family. We are family members; Krishna is also our pati, so we are in that sense family. We have master, Srila Prabhupada is our master. We must be servants or disciples or followers. So, we have come we have been brought in contact with the Lord Sri Krishna it is our great good fortune.

brahmanda bhramite kona bhagyavan jiva” Living entities are wandering all over the universe, they have been wandering. There are some fortunate souls. “guru krishna prasade paya bhakti lata bija” We are brought in contact with Guru, Krishna, contact with sadhus, devotees, Gurus, Siksha gurus, Diksha gurus, pathpradarshak gurus, chaityagurus. Even Lord becomes our Guru, He is our Guru, “krishnam vande jagatgurum” He is Guru within the heart, He is also playing role of a Guru – Chaityaguru.

So this contact, this connection has been made through Guru. “guru krishna prasade paya bhakti lata bija” and you are getting the bija or seed of devotion. This is the kindness of Lord. Lord is very, very kind and you realize, you feel, you experience His kindness as we have been brought in contact with Him, brought in contact with devotees of Sri Krishna and that will introduce us to Krishna and that path will lead us to Krishna, Krishna’s lotus feet. Hare Krishna (Maharaj is asking the devotees is it ok so far what I said?)

“apy adhruvam arthadam” (S.B 7.6.1) This human life is temporary, not for very long. “Kamal dala jal, jeevan tal mal”. Are you hungry? If you are already full, food is offered, you will not eat, doesn’t matter what kind of food. You are hungry, thirsty, your soul is thirsty, you will be very eager. “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”. We are addressing your souls, we are treating you as souls and hence all that I am talking is for the soul. Soul is the goal. We are not talking here of the body, needs of the body are also there eating, sleeping, matting and defense bodily necessities. And we have not talked nothing about that so far so good, so far so bad that we have spoken about those matters. We live that to someone else to tell you about that your bodily needs. But on behalf of Sri Krishna, we are representing Sri Krishna so when we meet people we see you as the soul, treat you as a soul. And Soul’s NIC- N: Needs, I: Interests, C: Concerns you have heard of NIC? Souls needs, Souls interest, souls concerns.

Before we said life is a journey we start the journey we always know what my destination is. Where am I going? If someone is sitting in the train in compartment, you ask him where you are going? “I don’t know”. How does that sound. He must be pagal. He is sitting in the train, journey is about to start, he doesn’t even know where he has to go, where is this train bringing him to. So even before we start the journey what is the first thing you do? Decide the destination. We could call that as a goal, goal of a journey, this life is a journey. It must have some goal, some target, some destination. So you are all ready, your journey has started. When you took birth your journey started. One-fourth of your journey is over. You are on the way. I do not know whether you made up your mind, when you started your journey twenty, twenty-five, fifteen, eighteen years ago. You are just sitting in a train you don’t know where this train is bringing you to.

So, this is of prime importance to make the plan for your journey. Otherwise, you make the whole plan for your life’s mission, life’s goal. What you wish to achieve in this human form of life? that is different from other living species, animals and birds forget the trees. They just survive, animals just survive, birds just survive they eat, they sleep, they mate and they defend. That is their whole life. They do not do anything beyond. This is called animal propensity, animal instincts, animal activities something from within dictates them, do this, do this, do this. So, all that they do is eat, sleep, mate, defend and this is how it is going on in this human form of life. Most of the human beings, most of them, a lot of them: human beings on this planet are busy with these four businesses. Bijli, sadak, pani, roti, kapda, makan and the whole elections are being fought. All promises are being made. We will do this, we will do this, and we will do this. Aam admi party, this party, that party. Bijli is such a big issue. Most of the people are busy like that.

The birds do not have Parliament. The animals do not have parliament. So many educational institutes. They do not have metro-trains. They do not have malls. They do not have fast mode of transportation and communication. Look we have all this, but with all this Parliament and all these universities and courts and lawyers and engineers, basically it boils down to four things.

“Chyain se jivo sukha se jivo” Life of luxury, you have heard the word luxury? ‘Luxurious apartments’ and ‘eighty-one stories.’ But luxury five star hotels, seven star hotels. You heard of 7 star hotels? When devotees go on, we were just doing Navadvipa mandal parikrama last month Navadvipa and Mayapur. So we told the devotes we have facilities here bare, minimum just tents, straw on the floor, simple roof that’s all and we had devotees from sixty different countries on the parikrama, Navadvipa Mandal parikrama. We had 10 thousand devotees in Navadvipa Mandal parikrama this year, Haribol! As I talked of this 5 star and 7 seven star I was reminded of. So when devotees were lying down after parikrama and roof of the tent had big, big holes. One devotee said, “Maharaj you said simple facility but I am seeing so many stars- so not just 7 but multistar, many star facility, so many stars.”

“Yaha suvidha nahi hai yaha sukha hai parikrama me” Wherever we have come from, there was facility not happiness but here there is no facility but there is all happiness, without luxury. Our souls are happy, we are happy. Most of the world is busy. In the words of Srila Prabhupada “people like Kingdom of God, Kingdom like that of God but without God” What do we need God for? I am God. I want to be God. I want to be the enjoyer. What is God known for? He enjoys. So the bewildered souls, souls are bewildered, confused, perplexed and they are taking position of God, being God or the enjoyers. But for humans, what is the goal of life? Animals goal is also same eating, sleeping, they have better sex facilities. The pigeons, they could enjoy sex life fifty times a day. Could any human being do that? They’ll die, they’ll kill themselves. Sex life is killer. You really want to enjoy that, become a pigeon, become a pig that’s what we were, we have gone through all this.

All that glitters is not gold, this world is very shiny and glittery, sleek, all chamak dhamak, this is creating illusion. For human being some additional thing they are expected to do. “Dharmo hi tesam adhiko viseso” For human being there is some additional thing they are expected to do, that is what? That is dharma. That is Krishna consciousness. “Ahara nidra bhaya maithunam ca samanyam etat pasubhir naranam” this is common for pasu and nara. For humans and animals it is common. We have bodies so eating is there. We cannot survive without eating. Eating must be there. “annad bhavanti bhutani” (B.G 3.14) Krishna said If you do not eat, you cannot live, you cannot survive. You must eat. “dharmo hi tesam adhiko viseso” You have to eat as per principles of dharma. Dharma will tell you. You are human beings. Then you have to follow the principle of dharma.

“dharma sammudha cetah” (B.G 2.7) this is Arjuna’s situation. Kuruksetra battle started “senayor ubhayor madhye sthapayitva rathottamam” (B.G 1.24) and Krishna took Arjuna’s chariot in between two armies’ and then when he saw “pasyaitan samavetan kurun iti” (B.G 1.25) Krishna said, just see you wanted to see, who you have to fight with, so now you could take a close look. “pasyaitan” just see those who have assembled here are Kurus “samavetan kurun pasya”. So and then he saw and his bodily concept was revived. He was kind of reminded they are Kurus and I am also Kuru. Kauravas, Pandavas they are both Kuru. Arjuna became overwhelmed by this bodily concept and his affection for family members. They were anti-Krishna party and then Arjuna has made several statements in the first chapter of Bhagvad- Gita. But he was bewildered, overwhelmed by the affection for his family members the false affection.

Then he said you know I am “karpanya dosopahata svabhavah” (B.G 2.7) He was influenced by karpanya dos, miserly very miser, not magnanimous. This human birth is very valuable and its wealth human form of life is a wealth, its arthadam- it is meaningful. There is so much wealth but you don’t use it even if it is essential. You spend money on buying this and that, that person is called miserly, not that he doesn’t have the means the wealth. But he is miserly, doesn’t utilize it properly. So this Arjuna had the wealth of human form of life but he was karpanya doso. He had become miserly. He said that he himself said this.

“prcchami tvam dharma sammudha cetah” (B.G 2.7) I have become sammudha, I am very badly bewildered. I don’t know the goal of life. I don’t know what to do and what not to do, “kim kartavya vimudha” about my duty, my kartavya. What am I supposed to be doing? I am not able to come any conclusion. No, no O! Lord, then he appealed to the Lord. “yac chreyah syan niscitam bruhi tan me” (B.G 2.7) But whatever is good for me, whatever is best for me. You tell me, I cannot manage, I cannot handle. I am bewildered, I am lost. You do it for me. “sisyas te aham sadhi mam tvam prapannam” (B.G 2.7) sisya- I am now becoming your disciple and please instruct me, O! My Lord, O! My Supreme, O! My spiritual master, you tell me, you guide me, you enlighten me, you lead my path and this is how Bhagvad-Gita begins now. When Arjuna took that stand this is where song of God begins, Lord would begin singing the song, Geet- Bhagvat gita.

So, we the human beings in this world, bewildered and conditioned and what not. Overwhelmed, the dictations, the propensities- eating, sleeping, mating and defending this is what they have been doing in previous lives. They are in position of Arjuna, Arjuna’s position, they represent Arjuna’s thinking, Arjuna’s status, Arjuna’s fallen, bewildered situation. The present day civilization is like that. Fortunately, in case of Arjuna, because he had a good fortune, that he has come in contact with the Lord and he is making enquiry from the Lord. That is why we were talking in the beginning that you are rare souls. There are not so many souls who have got this opportunity, you are selected few.

“manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye” (B.G 7.3) out of thousands and thousands, some fortunate souls they think of perfection, think of something higher, better or superior than this animalism, another “ism” another name animalism . So the present day civilization is mostly animalism, they are animals. “dharmena hinah pasubhih saman” the principle is that if you separate dharma from human form of life what is the balance. The balance is pasu “sei pasu boro duracar se sambandha nahi jar” (Nitai pada kamala by Narottam Das Thakur) those who are not in contact with Nityananda Pabhu, “janma brtha gelo tar” their life is a wasting life.

So the world is called “bhava pravaha” Kunti maharani said world is flowing floating, bhava-sagar, bhava pravaha. Sansar is flowing and the whole world is flowing, going with that flow. “andha yatha andhai upagiya mana” the leaders are blind and the followers are also blind, blind leading the blind. So, you could imagine – when blind leads a blind. If the blind are lead by someone who has eyes, then even if you don’t have your own eyes you could take help of others who have eyes, others who have vision, others who are providing direction then you will be benefitted.

So, whole civilization is in all total darkness “aham ajnan jana tamah” (B.G 10Kr.11) ishna says ajnana, Ignorance is causing the darkness. In middle of flood, daylight, so much light but still you cannot see, in the middle of the day there is darkness, darkness caused by the ignorance. Vedas say ‘don’t stay in ignorance, don’t stay in darkness.’ “Tamasoma jyotirgamaya”, Tamaso ma- don’t stay in darkness, come to the light. So that light we are getting some rays, you are approaching that light. To get different results you have to do something different. The means have to different to achieve different goal. The animals and the birds and the fish and aquatics they have certain type of goal, fixed goal but for human being there is different goal so they have to do something different once you have a different goal. So what their goal is that you are told. As Arjuna approached Sri Krishna “please tell- bruhi tan me” bruhi- please speak, give me vision, give me light, give me direction. Tell me what I am supposed to do. So are you taking that stand that’s the point, Arjuna was in bewildered state he was making so many statements. He was talking; he didn’t even let Krishna speak in the 1st chapter of Bhagvat gita Krishna did not speak. 1st chapter later half of 1st chapter, towards end of 1st chapter of Bhagvat gita its Arjuna geet, song of Arjuna, Arjuna is speaking and all that talk that goes all around the world is very similar to the kind of talk that Arjuna is talking about.

Towards the end of the first chapter of Bhagvat gita all this concerns. What about this dharma? That dharma? Krishna said “sarva dharman parityajya” (B.G 18.66) get rid of that dharma, those duties. So when he is talking and talking, He was thinking, I am talking big, of great benefit to myself, to my family, the world but Krishna knows the value of those thoughts that talk. “kutas tva kasmalam edam” (B.G 2.2 ) He says where is this dirt coming from? All that you are talking it’s so dirty, it is not valuable. Throw this in dustbin it is fit for the dustbin kachara peti. All that Arjuna talked “prajna vadams” (B.G 2.11) Talking like a learned pandit Krishna says. Look, you are full of lamentation, you are lamenting “nanusocanti panditah” pandit does not lament. Your whole talk is full of lamentation, people either lament or they hanker.

So that Arjuna luckily, fortunately had a good fortune of approaching the Lord, the right authority, the Supreme authority, the knowledgeable, kind Lord. You also become fortunate like Arjuna, Krishna was right in front of Arjuna. He was having the dialogue. Where is Krishna? I would like to talk to Him, consult Him. But you could do that, you could do that Krishna is here. What Krishna spoke five thousand years ago to Arjuna that He was speaking to you, He wanted to speak to you, He wanted to talk to you but you were not ready before. But it seems now you are ready, willing to have a dialogue with the Lord. You read that dialogue. Krishna-Arjuna samvad- dialogue. Put yourself in position of Arjuna. There are some sixteen different questions that Arjuna has raised during that dialogue. So make those questions your questions like Arjuna is asking these questions. You take the microphone, you ask those questions. They are the right questions, “Perfect questions, perfect answers” those are the questions human beings ask naturally. Then let Krishna speak to you and you hear. You read Bhagvad-gita or you hear Bhagvad-gita, the song of God.

Then you will realize what happens towards the end. Arjuna said “nasto mohah smrtir labdha tvat prasadan mayacyuta sthito smi gata sandehah karisye vacanam tava” when he heard that dialogue “nasto mohah smrtir labdha” (B.G 18.73) Now I regained my consciousness or my memory, now I know who I am, who you are. “param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan” (B.G 10.12) . “Kamal jal dala jeevan tal mal” I was very shaky but now I am fixed as sthira, steady, my hand was trembling “gandivam sramsate hastat” (B.G 1.29) Gandiva was slipping out of my hands. My mouth drying up “mukham ca parisusyati” (B.G 1.28) this and that but now, all that is over, now I am fixed now, I know what to do. I know my duty now as a Kshatriya what I am suppose to be doing. “karisye vacanam tava” (B.G 18.73) Your wish is my command, I will execute your will, I know your will now, I know you, I know myself and my relationship with you and my duty and I am ready.
So this dialogue take place between a soul and Sri Krishna dialogue at the beginning of our journey of life, it’s already little late you already started travelling moving on “kaumara acaret dharaman bhagvatan iha” (S.B 7.6.1) this is advise of Pralad Maharaj, you are kumar “kaumaram yauvanam jara” (B.G 2.13) the boyhood, the youth hood, the old age. When you are boys this is the time boys, till the time your friend is “dharaman bhagvatam eha” (S.B 7. ) Go for studying dharma; go for understanding dharma, what is my dharma? The soul’s dharma, dharma of the soul. So you are here together ISKCON’S youth program, based here in the Base, you are based here in the Base and you have a dialogue with Lord. So take full advantage of your being here and you are travelling and moving and moving life after life as all the conditioned souls are busy moving but now you have kind of stopped, think before you proceed. The lion the king of forest he does this called Simhavalokan, he travels he runs in the forest then he stops, lion is known for this he is a king he is known, he takes stop of the situation, tries to understand where I am now? Where I have come from? How far I have to go? Where I have to go? He stops and thinks called Simhavalokan, simha avalokan- means to see. He scans circumstances and then he proceeds.

So being here is, take it easy, relax, stop, think before you proceed. So this wandering has been going on and on and on for long time, souls don’t know this, that’s what even Arjuna said because the conditioned souls don’t know. So Arjuna is taking that position “bahuni me vyatitani janmani tava carjuna tany aham veda sarvani na tvam vettha parantapa” (B.G 4.5) Arjun had earlier asked questioned that oh! You said you spoke this knowledge Bhagvad-gita to Sun God long long time ago, oh! How am I to understand this? That you speak long long time ago then how do I understand this? “aparam bhavato janma param janma vivasvatah” (B.G 4.4) You are just now born and Vivasvan he was there in the past long long time ago. That Vivasvan, the sun God existed and you are now with me, we are together. “katham etad vijaniyam tvam adau proktavan iti” (B.G 4.4) How am I to understand that? “tvam adau proktavan iti” in the past previously you spoke this knowledge to Vivasvan “katham etad vijaniyam” how I am going to understand this? You understand this? This is Arjuna’s question, one of the 16 questions we said, Arjuna’s question.

You are here, I am here and what you are taking, you spoke millions of years ago to Sun God Vivasvan and then Krishna’s reply is “you have forgotten”. “bahuni me vyatitani janmani tava carjuna tany aham veda sarvani na tvam vettha parantapa” (B.G 4.5) bahuni me- many, many births I had many births and you have had many births. “tany aham veda sarvani” I remember all those births, “na tvam vettha parantapa” but the trouble is you have forgotten, you have forgotten all those births you have forgotten but I remember all of them not only my incarnation “sambhavami yuge yuge” (B.G 4.8) but I remember your birth, I remember everybody’s births. “vedaham samtitani varmanani carjuna bhavisyani ca bhutani mam tu veda no kascana” (B.G 7.26) Krishna says I remember everybody this is the Lord, this is the Lord, Lord could say this, He is speaking the fact the truth “vedaham samtitani” I remember I know “samatitani” everything that has happened to you right now, I know all of that “varmatani” all that is going on, happening right now with you I know. “bavisyani ca bhutani” . The future of every living entity, I know “na veda na kascana” but the trouble is no one knows me. I know about everybody but no one knows me.

So we have forgotten as Arjuna had forgotten, Arjuna doesn’t remember, we have forgotten. Now we have this human form of life, its very meaningful some purpose, to do something that we never were able to do in past, in only human form of life such things are possible. This Krishna consciousness is possible only in human form of life. Man or woman’s or wife, husband, children everyone’s goal is the same, to become Krishna conscious, to love Krishna, serve Krishna, go back to Krishna, go and join the dancing party of Radha and Krishna Prabhupada used to say. Goal is join the dancing party of Radha and Krishna. Ok any questions, discussion points.

Question: – Prabhupada said that all the boys should stay single how’s that going to work?
Answer: (Maharaj ji laughs) So Srila Prabhuapada did accept that everyone, all the brahmacaris will stay single but it won’t work out like that everyone is not going to meet that expectation. But then there is opportunity for girls to get married with those who would not manage staying single. All those who join the brahmacari ashram although Krishna and Spiritual master would expect that they would stay single forever, practicing and propagating Krishna consciousness. But in reality that won’t happen some will continue as brahmacaris “brahmacari gurukule vasantantam gururhitam” Narada Muni also says this. Brahmacari stays in Gurus ashram “dasvat” as a menial servant, humble guruhitam- serving spiritual master, following his instructions. So everyone will not mange doing that, so who won’t manage, can’t manage another ashram. “catur varnyam maya srstam” (B.G 4.13 ) Krishna has created not only brahmacari ashram but He has also created grahasta ashram then there is vanaprasta ashram finally brahmacari again sanyasi is advanced stage of brahmacari. Some will continue that same ashram same path brahmacari but others the option is there alternative is there. Go for change of ashram its authorized grahasta ashram but trouble is difficulty is there no ashram, there is no grahasta ashram. Ghar has become cinema ghar not ashram. Grahasta ashram is fine, it’s ok, it’s authorized that’s part of dharma. Your life is a journey you take that route grahasta ashram that is also path and finally vanaprastha renunciation.

Question: – What is vanaprastha ashram?
Answer: Vana is van means forest and prastha means situated in the forest; grihastha vanaprastha in the both situations one is situated in griha and finally situated in forest. One is comfort zone grihasta family life keeping Krishna in the center, wife husband are partners Krishna conscious partners marriage partners. But that is not for ever first 25 years brahmachari ashram next 25 years grihasta ashram then there is “ekavan” when your age is, what is the age? Ekavan, bavan it’s a reminder it’s the time to go to van forest ekavan, bavan. So that person moves out of grihasta, he retires what they call retirement, he travels to holy places, meets holy men practices vairagya- detachment because he was attached to so many things so he is coming out of that “asa pasa satair baddhah” (B.G 16.12 ) leading more austere life as guided by “sadhu – sastra- acharya”. So vanaprashta ashram its transitions between grihasta ashram and sannyasa ashram, its preparation for the final stage is vanaprastha. Ok any other question?

Question: – Arjuna was not prepared to fight he gave so many reasons not to fight, killing of elders etc?

Answer: Yes so we hear Arjuna speaks at the beginning of Bhagvat gita first chapter, we kind of agree – it makes sense. Arjuna was also thinking he was confident and he was expecting that soon Krishna would say yes yes you are right Arjuna, there is no need to fight. Morning time just have breakfast (laughter) you don’t have to fight. So Arjuna was expecting also Krishna responding like that he was not willing to fight and Krishna would agree yes yes you don’t have to fight. Some of those talks and thoughts of Arjuna they fit into dharmic principles, sounds like dharma. Principles of morality and kula dharma, this dharma that dharma. But if that comes in the way of executing the will of the Lord, mission of the Lord then it should be abandoned, should be given up. That is “sarva dhraman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja” The war was the will of the Lord; Krishna is behind the battle Arjuna was not able to see. This battle was going to serve the purpose of Lord’s mission, Lord’s advent into this world “dharma samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge” (B.G 4.8) so how is He going to do that? “paritranaya sadhanam vinasaya ca duskrtam” I will annihilate the miscreants. So this was whole sale arrangement not a retail business killing one by one, Lord had to go door to door that demon killed, that one killed. This battle field forum provided whole sale opportunity let all the demons come out kill them. So some higher purpose Krishna’s purpose was going to be served by battling, fighting I know you have some concerns you are worried about this, what will happen? The husbands are killed and the widows “varna-sankara” that is also there but there is some higher principle.

Question: – dharma sastra? (A devotee asks about Dharma sastra)

Ya there are different sastras, dharma sastra they have different values or gradation. So at some level that is also ok under some circumstances to be done or practiced. Ya so when Krishna was talking to Gopis in the middle of the night when the gopis had come to meet Krishna, to be with Krishna, dance with Krishna and Krishna is also giving little Bhagvat geet there some song of Krishna there. Gopis were ready to do this “sarva dhraman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja” they had already done that they had given up everything all relations, all obligations even they were ready to give up their life. Some of the gopis were stopped by their family members those gopis were living their bodies ok you take care of this body I go their souls are going, you take this body I go . So they were giving up their bodies and going to Sri Krishna so they were undergoing all the sacrifices but Krishna was advising, hey! Why have you come? Go back serve your family members what about your children? What about your family members? What about this? What about that? it’s not fair you have done this “sarva dharman parityajya” and you are doing this “ mam ekam saranam vraja” don’t do this go back.

He was reminding them of this obligation that obligation but so did gopis listen to the advice of the Lord? Did they follow His instructions? Go back go back, no they did not, they stayed on. They are situated in this ultimate principle of “mam ekam saranam vraja” . So ya there is also principle Prabhupada quotes that in 1st chapter of Bhagavat gita, those who have surrendered unto the Lord Mukunda those who are fully surrendered unto the Lord, fully taken shelter of the Lord they have no more obligation towards the family members, that does not mean you become irresponsible, no obligation towards Devatas you serve the Lord, Lord will not blame you, the satras can’t blame you, hey! You did not do this? What about Demigods? What about society, samaja? A person who is fully surrendered to the Lord he becomes free from all other obligations. But of course as he is stationed, situated in that state “sarva dharman parityajya” kind of consciousness fully surrendered, devotee is not irresponsible not that he does not follow the principles of dharma but the ultimate dharma is surrender to the Lord, go to the Lord, love the Lord, serve the Lord and then other things will be taken care of “yatha taror mula nisecanena trpyanti skandha bhujosakhak” (S.B 4.31.14). This is the principle that Bhagvatam says when root of the tree is you put fertilizer water at the root of the tree, then the whole tree will be nourished the trunk of the tree, the branches of the tree, the leaves, the flowers, the roots everything is nourished by “yatha mula nisecanena” that mula that root so that root is Sri Krishna, that root is Krishna and by serving Him then you will serving you will take care infact you would be the one who would knows how to take care of your family or society or the country.

First of all you will know to take real care of your self – yourself is the soul. So you would know what is the best interest of the soul, in the interest of the soul is that he also serves Krishna, my wife serves Krishna my wife becomes a great devotee of Lord Sri Krishna and this is kartavya this is the real obligation this is the duty. It is said you should not become “gurur na sa syat sva jano na sa syat pita na sa syaj jnani na sa syat daivam na tat syan na patis ca sa syan na ,okayed yah samupeta mrtyum” (S.B 5.5.18) you should not become spiritual master, one should not become someone’s relative or a friend don’t become someone’s mother or father until and unless you are going to “samupetum mrutum” you have to make that person eligible to become free no more birth no more death they all serve Krishna. If you are doing that for your children, for your wife or your family, society, country then if you are not doing that then you are not doing the right thing not fulfilling your obligation.

So you serve Krishna and get others also to serve Krishna, revive their love for Krishna. And to do that whatever is favorable we do, whatever is not favorable we reject. Do this; don’t do this is the criterion to decide what to do what not to do? Whether this is going to make me others Krishna conscious. So what Arjuna has said is ok at some level that’s true but they are stumbling block in the mission of the Lord and in becoming Krishna conscious. Bali maharaj he rejected his guru, oh! You are no more my guru, I don’t care. How is this? “tasmad gurum prapadyeta” (S.B 4.29.55) the scriptures say you must accept spiritual master but here this person he abandon his guru. Because Bali maharaj was ready to surrender everything unto the Lord he was emperor of the whole universe he was ruler of the whole universe and he was ready to surrender all of that. But his guru was- hey! Disciple you should think twice before you give the promise you have promised 3 steps of land but you know he is very tricky fellow. He was small batu Brahman 3 steps is not much space but he is going to snatch everything from you. When this was the advice of the spiritual master Sukracharya, he (Bali maharaj) said better I get rid of you.

Acceptance of spiritual master is also a big principle but here he is coming in the way of “sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja” full surrender. His spiritual master said not full surrender if Krishna takes everything what about my daksina? Some motivation is there some lower nature is there which has to be given up. So “mam ekam saranam vraja” this is dharma whatever comes in the way “parityajya”.

Question: Krishna says “sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja” and you will be free from all sins and punya is also there we have to get rid of that also how to understand this?

Answer: In this world there is something bad or good so punya is good and pap is bad but ultimately Krishna’s point of view, Krishna conscious point of view bad is bad but good is also bad. Pap will send you to hell and punya will send you to heaven, so one should not certainly not go to hell but going to heaven is also not the goal there is also cheating, in performance of punya you are cheated “vanchitosmi vanchitosmi vanchitosmi” one of our acharya says “oh! I was very badly cheated “visvam guara rase magnam” while whole world of gaudiyas was drowning in love of Krishna – Krishna prema they were drowning, swimming, diving in the ocean of Krishna prema I did not even get one drop of that Krishna prema I was bathing with some punya punya is also considered dharma there is yagya, demigod worship, charities. So reaction of pap is hell and reaction or fruit of punya is heaven. But “ksine punye martya-lokam visanti” (B.G 9.21) go to heaven but then ultimately when you punya is “shin” exhausted then you have to come back to this mrtyu lok again and “sarva dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja aham tvam sarva papebhyo – punyabhyo” also its hidden there punya is also some kind of pap this is against Krishna, this is not part of Krishna consciousness. He has already said “sarva dharman parityajya” ok that’s a good point also, punya is considered dharma lot of punya activities pious activities are considered dharma so when Krishna said “sarva dharman parityajya” he has already said give up that punya activity. So Krishna has indirectly talked about giving up punya “sarva pap moksa isami” the reactions of punya and pap I will make you free, free from the reactions of pap and punya, the reaction of pap – punya is just going into hell or heaven which is both in this universe. But I want you to come back to me. “devan deva yajoyanti” (B.G 7.23) those who worship demigods and do pious activities punya karma “devan” they go to demigods, “yanti madyajino api mam” those who worship me they come back to me.
So this reaction of punya karma is going to heaven, also you have to become free from “dvandhva” means dual nature of this world, pap-punya this is dvandhva, sukha-dukha this is dvandhva. Krishna consciousness is beyond sukha and dukha, Krishna consciousness is beyond hell and heaven, Krishna consciousness is beyond happiness and distress or victory or defeat. These two things happen in this world good things and bad things, Krishna consciousness is beyond punya and pap.

Question: We see one is following Krishna consciousness and progressing and one is not able to progress in Krishna consciousness so what is missing?
Answer: guideline is incomplete or defective that’s one possibility or guidance is ok or perfect your following is incomplete or defective get the point. Everyone speaks from his level of realization. So of course Krishna is speaking and then acharyas speak with their full conviction, full understanding “jnana vijnana sahitam” everyone is not at the same level that’s why there is kanishta adhikari, madhyam adhikari and uttam adhikari. So there is some kind of understanding like that, he is junior devotee, he is new devotee, this one is little advanced or he is top ranking, advanced devotee very advanced devotee. Some devotees are ideal examples, he is following also as he says “you do the way I do”. So it is doing and showing and we see he is also progressing, we will also be benefited by that association and his instructions, his guidance, yes does that answer your question ok.

Let us uphold the principles given by Sri Rama and Ramayan

Venue: New Jersey Ram katha (Third session) Jai Shri Rama, now you are getting into the mood, spirit is getting higher; Rama is entering you, entering your hearts. You are having good time or you are suffering or Rama is? He never suffers. This is His lila, His pastimes. Rama has lost peace of His mind, Rama has lost His Sita. They could never be separated, “He is shaktiman and she is shakti”. Shakti and shaktiman they are always together but here some attempt has been made to separate them and someone else who has no right over that shakti alhadini shakti the pleasure potency of Shri Rama, someone else is trying to he is trying to, thinking to enjoy her exploit her.

Anyone who attempts this he meets his death. A death penalty is one of the lessons to be learned. Lords energy in Lord’s service that’s natural. Wealth is also Laxmi, Laxami also in the service of Narayan. Sita is Laxami, Ravan like personality they try to separate them and Hanuman like personalities they try to unite two of them. Those who put Laxmi and Narayan together they are like Hanuman they are devotees. Those who try to separate come in the middle intervene and try to exploit they are the Ravanas, and there are only two kinds of “daiva asura eva ca” the devatas the devotees and the demons. Lord is not impersonal, Sita is lost, it doesn’t make any difference to Him it’s not like that this is what He is showing He is very personal , He has feelings, He has emotions, He cares. So Shri Rama and Sita they have shringar rasa, shringar bhava madhurya lila not of the kind of Radha and Krishna not at that height that level because He has assumed the position of maryada Purushottam and Krishna is Purna Purushottam. But the quality is the same of that madhurya rasa conjugal loving dealings or the quantity maybe different. So to understand this lila this Sita has been separated from Rama and see what is going on with Rama.

Yesterday someone was even wondering, is that how exactly he transpired or it is just the Valmiki’s imagination or exaggeration. What if Valmiki was also of that type? Then Ramayan would not have lasted for 900,000 years, if it was just fictitious mundane or just exaggeration or imagination or speculation of Valmiki. No he is not that kind of cheater poet, free from those four defects. The authority should be free from those four defects. No committing mistakes, not in illusion, imperfect senses, no cheating propensity. So he is free from these four defects so his presentation of Ramayan is perfect. Lords lila as presented in Ramayana is also perfect. If we don’t understand that’s our misfortune certainly no one should not doubt or question. Having questions is sign of intelligence but one should also quickly deal with it with proper enquiry “Pariprasnena sevaya upadeksyanti ti jnanam” (BG 4.34) doubts are like our enemies they haunt us. “Samsayatma vinasyati” (BG 4.40) samsaya could cause vinash destruction. “sraddhavan labhate jnanam” (BG 4.39) on the contrary if you have sraddha faith you achieve the gyan the right information knowledge. So it’s our duty to understand the pastimes of Krishna or Rama, Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu tattva taha we made that statement very first day “janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so arjuna” (B.G 4.9) Tattva has to be understood. We have been kind of dealing with lilas throwing some light maybe on how to understand this or that some tatva, some siddhanta. We have not been doing much on that but this particular episode which is main theme of this Ramayan. Rama Sita’s kidnapping and Sita and then Rama’s searching looking and they also many kandas divisions, major portion of Ramayan has been devoted for that purpose towards the end He is losing and then we go through whole Ramayan and Aranya kanda and kishkindha kanda and sundar kanda and then also yuddha kanda and towards that end of that day is dashera day. Dashera he lost his ten –das- 10 heads. That day Ravana lost his 10 heads. They were snatched hara means taken away that day was Rama vijaya dasmi day it is so exact can you mentions which day which event not only which day He appeared but so many other events is dated material this event happened. Rama was so many years old and this season and that season and that day and night time or morning hours, very very accurate. As it was complied during Rama’s time Rama was still on the planet infact He just completed His fourteen of exile and He has 11,000 years rule ahead of him at that juncture Ramayan was compiled.

So the story the pastimes were quit fresh to this day of course they have been kept alive and ever fresh by the devotees by reciting and preserving and relishing and propagating and sharing them to this day Ramayan has been kept very much intact. Also through this language it’s kind of internal language called Sanskrit. Same language same words 900000 (9hundred thousand) years the words every syllable is as it is. When other languages are just babies just have taken birth and they are growing evolving and ever changing also and off course this Sanskrit being the mother language the mother language. These babies are infant stage they are growing or Marathi same thing applies to the other languages. Marathi that was complied some 700 year ago by
Dnyaneshwar and then 350 years ago by Tukaram we have hard time its Marathi very much its different Marathi I am sure Gujarati and Punjabi and English language is ever changing. You look at some old text and you will have hard time reading and our BBT publishers are infact in great anxiety that Prabhupad’s books in English and how to preserve them. Preserve of course the philosophy as it is. Because the language is going to be changed in few hundred down the road English is going to be much different from what it is now.

So there is whole discussion about this in our Governing Body Commission meetings in Mayapur couple of years ago. Worried what to do is one of the issues concerned. So all the languages are changing and here is a language Sanskrit. Word hasn’t changed letters intact as it is, 900000 years. So the subject matter of Rama and Sita and their separation and what Rama is going through. To some of us may sound a mundane thing. However we should check ourselves. There is no change of trace of matter nothing material everything is spiritual about the dealing are all pure. Hence as we read them we hear them we are purified. If these dealing were mundane ordinary and this Rama’s cries ordinary kind then we would also be doomed by hearing this also not gain much so we should just keep this in mind this is Lords lila, His sringar rasa, His heart His feelings for Sita and that’s Him. We also heard when Jatayu which human being would undertake cremation of all the rights were performed of this bird Jatayu and the loss of that bird was over whelming. And he suffered even more than the suffering due to the loss of Sita. So His feeling is not only for Sita but also for Jatayu and also for me and you as Supreme Personality of Godhead. When His feelings they cannot be measured oh! He becomes a husband of somebody and He is unlimited and maybe beyond our comprehension.

We should not doubt or misunderstand His pastimes in some ways He is also kind of reminding this kind of trouble dealing with matajis dealing with women we could get in trouble and in one as Prabhupada was questioned by a reporter in Hyderabad and Prabhupada said even Lord becomes husband Rama became husband of Sita even He was no exception even He got into trouble. And in a way He is also reminding, aren’t you going through all this also? If you say this is not nice, why you would be crying and why all this trouble? But this is our daily affair we are going through all this. So wake up and do something. Women should be kept protected. If women are left unprotected then trouble is around the corner. So another lesson to be learned. That is why in our Vedic culture daughters are protected before marriage by the parents, once married the husband takes charge husband is protecting, and if husband later on goes for vanaprastha or sannyasa the elderly sons would then take charge of their mother. So in 3 stages Kaumaram Yauvanam jara there is someone to protect mataji or women. As soon as they are left unprotected there is some vulture there is some rakshasa some Ravan. He doesn’t have to be that Ramayan Ravanas size but Ravana for sure. Ravana is that person by definition who makes others cry. He become the cause of others distress and tears. That person is Ravana. So in good old day there use to be one Ravana or one Kumbhakarna or one Hiranyakashipu or Hiranyaksha. The numbers use to be smaller, giant size small numbers. Now the size is gone smaller but the numbers have increased. Hiranyakashipu and Ravanas are everywhere. Because this is not a Vedic culture, because this is not a Rama Raj or it is unofficially Ravana raj. No one is protected specially women is not protected. Very easily Rama could have found out another He was very beautiful, young and all His qualities. You say the quality and that was in Rama. He had that quality. So there was no need for Him to run after Sita or no need in searching for some time, He could have turned to someone and proposed or maybe called that Shurpanakha. She was pretty proposing. Hey! What is your phone number give me your phone number (Laughter) He wasn’t that type. And the civilized society also shouldn’t be that type. So He is endeavoring to meet with her, Catch-up with her, protect her, get her back.

So many things to be learned from Ramayan. From Rama’s pastime but we should make sure we should not misunderstand. Lords pastimes not doubt them as we become more pure we will understand. We could wait till our time comes for the understanding. On the day one don’t expect. We should expect to understand Rama as He is or Ramayan as it is. As one evolves in his consciousness in his purified, in his dealings or in his speech, purified mind and also chanting ‘Raghu pati raghava raja Rama patita pavan sita Rama sri Rama jai Rama jai jai Rama’ or our the best thing is the mantra for this age of kali for deliverance by chanting ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.’ That one should chant before reading Ramayan chant Hare Krishna then chant again Hare Krishna after reading, before reading, in the middle of reading. This will help to understand Ramayan and others shastras also or if you have really understood Ramayan or Bhagvatam you should be chanting. The reason you are not chanting is because you have not heard enough Ramayan. The perfection of hearing about Rama is Ramayan. Perfection is in chanting, your tongue will begin uttering the names of Rama this is the result of your study. You understood Rama now your tongue wants to chant.

And as we chant we’ll understand Ramayan more as we understand Ramayan more we’ll chant more and like that go back and forth. Ramayan is Rama and His name is also Rama, non-different. Rama’s name is Rama, Rama’s pastimes Ramalila, Ramayan is Rama, Rama’s Prasad is Rama non different. His dhama Ayodhya dham cannot be separated from Sri Rama. Or like this.. Jai Hanuman. So on the banks of Pampa sarovar the meeting the great meeting took place between Rama Laxman and Hanuman. And again Hanuman is the most misunderstood personality. It’s not easy all the way he is presented so Rama is Bhagavan, laxman is also Bhagavan, Shatrughna is also Bhagavan, Bharata is also Bhagavan. I am not kidding, (Maharaj laughs) these all the four personalities are Vishnu tattva. Normally we take oh! Rama is Bhagavan maybe some others may think ok Laxman also, throw him in that Bhagvan list. But very rarely they think Bharat also being a Vishnu tattva and Shatrughna. And this is not our concoction. But this is understanding from Bhagvatam and Ramayan. So those who are Bhagvan they are not understood as Bhagavan but on who is not Bhagavan, that is Hanuman he is promoted to the status of Bhagavan. So Hanuman is Rama bhakta Hanuman. He is Rama Das. Who is Rama das? Hanuman. Not just that Rama das swami of Maharashtra. Rama das swami. Rama das is Hanuman. From 9 processes of devotional service one of them is dasyam. “Sravanam Kirtanam Vishnuh smaranam pada sevanam archanam vandanam dasyam sakhyam atma nivedanam”. So for each this devotional service nava vidha bhakti one devotee is remembered, one big name for that bhakti. So when we talk of dasya bhava, dasya bhava in bhakti then the first person remembered is Hanuman. Because he is powerful, he has mystics he is mystical. He has siddhies. As soon as there is some chamatkar people do some namaskar. Chamatkar namaskar. I can’t do this! He is producing some ash-ashes Sai then oh! He is bhagavan. So it’s not that just Hanuman is considered Bhagavan and oh! Kind of mysterious personality mystical power siddhi if he has amazing.

So the present day you will find not even one percent of siddhis which Hanuman possessed if someone has 1 % immediately he becomes Bhagvan. In India so many bhagvans are loitering on the streets here there. Bhagvan this aaj ka swami kal ka narayan (laughter) He goes by name swami swami for some time and then Narayan. Oh!your guru is only swami my guru is narayan (laughter) Swami narayan. So “bhukti mukti siddhi kami sakale ashant Krishna bhakta nishkam ata eva shanta” So there are so many kamis kamanas and desires and aspirations bhukti kami bhukti bhu-kami or mukti liberation kami or bhukti mukti sidhi-kami, siddha siddha purusha there are still kamana. They are all ashant they are not peaceful. “Krishna bhakta nishkam ata eva shant” Krishna bhakta has no desire so he is peaceful.

So Hanuman what he is going to do now as he meets he is going to, because he has to bring Rama and Laxman at the top of the mountain Rishyamukha parvat. He asked them to just have a ride here. So Rama sitting one side Laxman sitting other side he takes off. And he lands on the top of the mountain. His mystic siddhis are beginning like that. But he is using; Hanuman is using his siddhis in service of Rama. And he is fully aware this is by the grace of Sri Rama. Not that independently I am powerful. Gaura Nitai, Sita Rama Laxman hanuman ji ki jai. It was time for him to go to Lanka. Hanuman Flies did he go by some Air Lanka flights? When is the next flight going to, no he just flew and he also managed return flight. Some others were thinking I could go but I can’t come back some estimations were going on. Someone said I could go half way through and then jala Samadhi; I will be just dropped in the middle of Indian Ocean. Those who are searching for Sita. When it was time for Hanuman to go he flew. When it was time for Rama to go to Lanka He walked. So does that make Hanuman superior and Rama just ordinary mortal? Now all that power of Hanuman is due to Rama. And Hanuman is fully aware of this. So he never popularize himself as bhagvan. And bhagvan hanuman ki, say everybody bhagvan hanuman ki, (devotees said jai) bhagvan hanuman ki (devotees said jai) he (Hanuman) would have slapped you for addressing him as bhagvan. It’s not me you know I don’t call myself bhagvan others call me bhagvan. But why don’t you shut them up. So Hanuman he was just a humble humble servant of Shri Rama always chanting His glories also. Always chanting names of Rama. Hath me Kaam Mukh me naam. Hands are full with the service of Rama and his mouth was full with names of Rama and always thinking of Rama.
Very intelligent also not just powerful but very intelligent personality and son of vayu. So in Ramayan some misunderstandings are there. So Hanuman is not always understood. We should beg for the mercy of Hanuman so that we get devotion and devotional service at the lotus feet of his master Sri Rama. So nothing wrong in worshiping Hanuman but should understand who is who? So as Sugriva had noticed that these two persons looked quite strange never seen them before and they are also equipped with weapons bow and arrow who they possibly could be? They are sent by Vali or they are spies? So he was scared so he sent Hanuman to find out and they both had introduced each other I am Laxman and Rama mentioned who they were and why they were there and Hanuman explained he was minister of Sugriva and Sugriva is also in similar difficulty he is also in exile his wife is also has been kidnapped Snatched by Vali and he is by himself here on this mountain on top of this mountain. You are in the similar boat and we just were informed by kabanda we just liberated him he was in very awkward situation. So he directed us infact we are on the way to Sugriva’s place and hoping to find assistance in searching Sita and rescuing Sita. So Hanuman says this seems very much promising and do able proposal. Yes yes I can also, so then Rama and Laxman were taken at the top of the mountain and meeting with the Sugriva. And quickly quickly they became friends. Rama Laxman and Sugriva they became friends. And Sugriva taking vow and yes from today onwards your happiness is my happiness your sorrow is my sorrow. And the vice versa. Meaning if I am happy you will be happy if I am distressed you also share my sorrow. We are friends now shaking hands and embracing took place. They kind of signed treaty and photographs taken (laughter) headlines in the monkey community. Yes yes we are looking for Sita Oh! That must be that lady who was screaming. Oh! We saw her going airways. And she was screaming Rama Rama Rama and not only that by seeing us here on the top of the mountain she threw her part of her upper garment and seen some of her ornaments in there. We are confident that must be Sita you are looking for. So from all the way that Godavari so getting more clues which way Ravan had travelled so he had come that far also Kishkinda Pradesh mountains.

So then the cloth and some ornaments tied in there. As they were presented to Rama or just by hearing this could be Sita’s garment and her ornaments Rama was further moved and over whelmed and He was in tears just remembering Sita. He managed to untie, He was trying to look at those ornaments and recognise but how could He it was not possible for Him because His eyes are full of tears. Was no clear His eyes were full of tears well up. So He couldn’t even Oh! They are ornaments that I can say but they are Sita’s, Laxman Laxman he called Laxman over. Please see these earrings aren’t they of Sitas and what about these armlets? “Naham janami kundale” Laxman says no I could not recognise her earrings, I never looked at her ears and earrings. No I can’t recognise these armlets also ha ha Oh! This ankle bells this “painjan nupure abhi janami nityam padami vandane” yes I could these are Sita’s ankle bells. Because whenever I offered my obeisance’s nityam the first thing I saw every day was her ankle bells or for sure these are Sita’s ankle bells. Don’t ask me about earrings and armlet and her necklace and no I never looked. I only looked at those feet so I could recognise. So it was confirmed that Ravan went that way and so Sita had to be searched.

So now it was not only Rama and Laxman but Sugriva and his some ministers had joined the mission and there could be many more thousands to joining but there was Vali was obstacle the brother of Sugreev so he had to be removed. So the battle between two brothers the fears battle begins. And Rama had to help out in this battle. They are battling and battling and hiding behind a tree Rama had shot an arrow making Vali the target and ‘how could you do this to me? This is injustice, Injustice so Rama steps forward and He was ready to pull the arrow out ‘Oh I can take it out’ and Vali had a second thought no no let me die I have such a rare opportunity my death is everybody’s death is certain but here I get to die by your hand by your arrow in your presence. No no no no please don’t take this arrow out don’t take it back let me die in your presence. Such a rare good fortune I have. So that was the end of Vali and now I am still here I am still here Vali is finished (Laughter).

So as Vali no more than the whole kingdom they were brothers so the whole kingdom capital and army mostly of monkeys. They were in the forest so lots of monkeys. Monkey like beings and then they search the serious battle plans were worked out whole strategy. But first thing is identifying the enemy than evaluating his strength then preparing corresponding strength of army and. So Hanuman and Jambavan and others were dispatched. Go go everywhere and infact so many others also were searching for Sita. So searching rest of the south Indian continent they couldn’t find so they come all the way to the tip of the kanya kumari and the brother of Jatayu, Sampatti he was there and he heard the news of Jatayu’s death from these messengers these people looking for Sita. He was full of sorrow to hear that news so he gave some clues. Yes yes Ravan this way Lanka, he is found in Lanka so he is not in Bharat varsha not in India. You have to go to Lanka to find him and then different team members were kind of estimating their strength who could go all the way and come back and so no one was competent to go and come also flying there and back.

Only Hanuman so he flew it’s a wonderful description the way he flew and different encounters on the way to Lanka. The intelligent Hanuman, powerful Hanuman, determined Hanuman, the mystical Hanuman. When he Lands there is one house he is surprised there is tulasi in the house and Rama Rama Rama Rama… the names of Rama being uttered and he goes (knocking at the door) come on in he was welcomed. That was Bibhishan, Bibhishan was a devotee of Rama. He gives some clues where about Sita, Sita is in Ashok Van Hanuman taking different forms and becoming invisible and small he gets there and he found Sita. Jai Sita Maharani ki Jai, She is there. So he was carrying the ring and first She thought oh! Another demon and he is come in a monkey form, I had seen other form he has taken the other form. No am messenger of Shri Rama any proof, so Sita was delighted as if she came in contact with Rama just by touching that ring of Sri Rama. And this whole news of what Rama and Laxman are going through and where they are stationed at and Hanuman even proposes ‘You know Sita lets go. Sit here lets go back, Sita besides some other arguments she gives wise why she should not go with Hanuman. The main point also ‘no no I am only Rama’s Sita I cannot touch another man. It will be more honourable if Rama personally comes kills that Ravana and rescues me and takes me back.
Not this hiding way and going with another man, no no I can’t do this. You come back with my Rama. Thank you for your proposal but it cannot be that way. So as Hanuman was ready to go back, (Hanuman asks) is there anything that you would like to share with me a present or a proof that we actually met? So before she gave a jewel. A very special jewel she was carrying. She tells Hanuman that ‘You share this event with Rama. If He hears that you heard this from me He will be convinced that we had met.’ Then she mentioned that episode from Chitrakoot where they both were sitting on one sphatik shila there’s one special shila in the middle of Mandakini river one time they were sitting and I just finished taking bath and my clothes were just wet and Rama He came He sat on my lap. Then there was a crow. He was trying to reach me touch me and eat flesh. We were trying to drive him away then after a while he was sitting and I sat next to Him and I even dozed off in His lap. And so did He after a while we don’t know how much time we spent. Dozy sleepy state but that bird had come again and he had made my breast the target. And I was sleepy I did not notice when we woke up there’s a blood and Rama noticed he looked around there was a crow some blood still dripping from his beaks. Rama became furious He took some kusha grass from His mated lock of hair and powered it with bramha-astra and send it to that crow. Crow was flying and travelling all over the universe as the bramhastra was chasing after him. Even that bird’s father Indra, Indra’s son Jayant he had taken the form of crow and he was kind of lusty after Sita. So he couldn’t come in front in that Jayant human form but he had become a crow.

So finally yes he could find shelter nowhere else. That crow returned and surrendered to Rama and beg for forgiveness. Rama forgive him but he said as my astra has been released it has to do something, something at least if not killing. So finally that astra wounded the right eye of that crow just a eye. So just share this pastime with Sri Rama and He will be convinced that we met. Because no one else knows it’s just between me and my Rama. But also tell Him what happened Rama who could not tolerate this crow’s action just touching me or scratching me and He had become furious and sent His bramhastra to kill that crow. Why is He waiting now? Isn’t Ravan’s act bad enough worse enough to take action? Why is He waiting? How is He tolerating this? So some kind of challenge, throwing challenge at Sri Rama also. So that He will take this matter seriously. Not only that we met but why is He taking so long and lightly.

So then Hanuman was hungry and there are more pastimes of Hanuman. Damaging all the best gardens of Lanka, off routed all the trees and the monkey doesn’t you know take few fruits and cut it into pieces and eat them only rest of the fruits to be eaten next time, no not monkey they just throws away and he is playing shaking the tree and having fun. Trying to get attention of some other rakshasas. And then rakshasas come to see him and he was arrested. Hanuman and Ravana sent 80,000 rakshsas to capture Hanuman so was the strength of Hanuman. It took 80,000 rakshsas to take. And then as he was brought before and then his attempt to insult and even possibly kill burn Hanuman his tail was tied with so many clothes and pore oil and lit that and Hanuman really had fun. Jumping from building to building, palace to palace putting his tail into windows and some place and then next one, soon whole Lanka was on fire. And it was of golden so whole thing was melting down. And so finally the sampling of Ravana to understand little sample of Rama’s power this is only Hanuman what to speak of when Rama comes. How much display of power that is going to be. So Hanuman goes back and the jeweled has been presented and whole good news ‘Aaj ki taji khabar’ and everyone was so delighted that good morning news.

And then they were prepared now they knew, prior to that they did not knew where to go. They were just going everywhere they were just looking. Now they knew exactly which way to go and strength of enemy camp . So Rama and Laxman Sugriva and Jambavan and Angadh and thousands. Mostly they were monkeys and some bear bhalu, two kinds of army. So they come all the way to Rameshwar and then they want to cross Lord Rama was waiting samudra devata to come forward offer some assistance in crossing he was taking some extra time so Rama was, it was intolerable for him but as He took His bow and arrow then samudra devata really rushed forward . Then the building of the bridge setu begins there’s a longest bridge in the world that this Hanuman and company was going to build. And they were throwing whatever came in their way the trees and the mountains and big big boulders have been thrown. There were personality is like nal and neel right? nal and neel. They were just writing the names before the object touch the water they make sure the Rama’s name is stamped. As soon as the name Rama the mountains were floating at the top. That way they could go fast otherwise if they have to start from the depth that would take ages. So that law of gravitation wasn’t working here. The controller of the maker creator of the law of gravitation was there Sri Rama so He ruled out ’No this cannot be applied here ok.’ He is law maker Law breaker. He is one in all. So everything was floating and then they are building walking building walking building walking. Some 800 miles bridge even those so called dead objects could float by name of Rama. And we are not even dead we are living we are alive if we could chant the names of ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’ also free from the law of something that seeks us. No falling down and sinking down. Floating in this ocean and going forwards if this name of Rama and Krishna we chanted. And then we hear of that little squirrel (gilahari) she thought I will also contribute my share and that’s not strong but whatever “patram pushpam”. So that squirrel was going on the beach sandy beaches and squirrel has hairy body so she was rolling in the sand and picking up some particle of sand and gently walking making sure all the sand picked up stays intact. Then she would climb and then she would shake the body taking all the sand particle off. Acting like a little cement between two rocks. Hey! Get out of here, you want to die? Hanuman was thinking what is this we are bringing big big mountains and she is bringing 50 gram sand what good is this get lost go take rest, see you later.

So Rama was overseeing over hearing this comments statements of Hanuman yes come here come here I said come here. Then Hanuman begins looking back (laughter) giving others impression that he doesn’t mean me, someone behind me. That when we wake someone up who is sleeping in the Bhagvatam (Laughter) and that person looks behind so that others would think that the speaker is pointing out infact someone not him but someone (laughter). No no you I say You then Rama had to give little bhashan little lessons, some chastisement, he was rebuked what do you think, who do you think, give up this pride, whatever strength I have given you, you are utilizing it cent percent in my service. And whatever energy I have invested in a squirrels body she is also not sparing anything for herself she is giving 100%. So in my eyes service of both of you is same. Why do you think your services, you are big servant and she is small servant? Something in our daily life this thing also come handy useful.

So then finally they were there in Lanka. Jai Sri Rama Jai Sri Rama.. armies roaring scaring the enemies and they are also getting together and sharpening their weapons. So there is big big battle one whole kanda. One division has been devoted to that special like a Mahabharat Battle. World has seen so many battles but why is Mahabharat and this Ramayan Lanka battle important because the presence of Rama and Krishna they are personally present. In those battle and while participating in those battles they wish to establish, they will establish the dharma principles of dharma ‘paritranay sadhunam vinasayacha dushkritam dharma samsthapnarthaya sambhavani yugeyuge’ Lord was there to wipe out He had taken that vow in Ramtek do you remember ? When He had seen those skulls and skeletons of the sages’ bodies and He had taken that ‘I will wipe out finish all the demons from this planet’. So this was His opportunity. All the big demons at one place so He was at the right place at the right time. And He had a right strategy the best vision. So there was not only Ravana but also Kumbhakarna they are two brothers. Previously there were Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu and they were going to appear again at time of Rama, the form of Shishupal and Dantavakra not kamsa he is another one. He has his own category. These two Jaya Vijay they are going through these three ages. Each time Lord had to appear but then we hear that they heard in dwapar yuga that soon Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu will appear and He will exhibit the most wonder pastimes. So they decided to extend their visa (laughter). They should be going after three births they were told. You could be demons 3 births or devotees for 7 births take a pick. They thought oh! No no.. 7 birth is long time being away from you Lord and the services as gate keepers. We don’t mind even as a demon but we’ll quickly finish our terms and be back. But they couldn’t resist the temptation of being with Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and He was about to appear near some 5000 year near from Lord Krishna’s appearance time. So they stayed on they appeared Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s time they appeared in the form of Jagai and Madhai. And their demoniac quality this time was killed by the holy name.

In previous ages some weapon had to be used some special weapon was used. And this time also as Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krishna Himself sudarshan… He was invoking His weapon. Sudarshan was had appeared was ready making circles and blazing like a fire and it had 1000 what you called spokes? Spokes are inside, spikes. And then Nityananda Prabhu this is the age of kali. If you would want to kill the demons then well, nobody would be left in NewYork (Laughter) maybe few in Jersy ok (laughter). So Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to be reminded by Nityananda Prabhu who is playing a role of a spiritual master. He is Balaram, He is Laxman, He is Shankarshan, and He is Adi-guru. And then they had taken vows. Wonderful pastime of Jagai Madhai in Caitanya lila. So by seeing kindness of Nityananda Prabhu and Caitanya Mahaprabhu the both brothers Jagai and Madhai their demoniac nature were subdued. And they were ready for surrender full surrender. And they promised to break no more principles we’ll follow we’ll be strictly vegetarian. No more intoxication. No more illicit connections with women. No gambling and we’ll always chant ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’ and they were liberated but liberation is nothing they are just a beginning they developed all love for the Lord that’s more important than the liberation part. They became great lovers of the Lord and especially great lovers of the holy name.

“dina hina yata chila hari name uddharila tara sakshi jagai madhai” Someone said what is the proof? That holy name liberates someone, give love of Godhead to somebody? can you prove any example yes “tara sakshi jagai madhai”. The life of Jagai and Madhai is a witness is a poof. So like this they completed infact 3+1= 4 life cycles and then they go back. So at time of in treta yuga they had appeared as Ravana and Kumbhakarna. Kubhakarna was a very special personality. He would mostly sleep whenever he was hungry he would get up. Oh! you know some of such people around? (Laughter) Once their belly is full then again (snoring).. So this was not his hunger time this is battle field. So he had to be woken up by beating up drums, big endeavour to get him up. And there was a Meghanada, Indrajeet Indrajeet he had even conquered Indra in battle. Son of Ravana was very powerful. One time he even conquered Indra. And as a reward he was one of the rewards, that he received this name Indrajeet. Conquer of Indra I have to become known as concur of Indra. Let the world know I have conquered Indra, Indrajeet.
So he was also mystical and had some special arrows as a result one time Laxman goes unconscious and nothing worked out and was recommended oh! Some jadibutti or sanjivani. Oh! Where could it be found Himalayas. As if Himalaya was just around the corner. So who would go? You know there is no courier service or anything. So Hanuman again was dispatched he went again flying. But once he was there he couldn’t recognize which one is sanjivani. They are looking alike so he just picked up the mountain whole mountain (Maharaj laugh). I’ll just bring the mountain let them help themselves I’ll do my part. So he brought the whole mountain so they were waiting when is he coming when is he coming? In Lanka they were waiting because without Laxman everything would stand still situation and Rama was in anxiety and everyone else was. So finally they see Hanuman coming this whole mountain he is carrying and places that mountain and sanjivani and. This is again lila there is no nothing could influence the transcendental form body of Laxman. So some setbacks are shown like that in that battle and that appropriate time had come. Kumbhakarna was already killed and then finally the great good fortune descended upon Ravana he was waiting for that opportunity for darshan of Rama, not much more to be done in Lanka so Sita has been rescued. And Sita well there is a agni pariksha? Agni pariksha is there. The Sita has to prove she has maintained her purity her chastity and just to clarify others doubt, her entering fire coming out untouched by the fire was a full proof.
Well here everything is not always made obvious other references are there to know more that the Sita that was kidnapped by Ravana is not the original Sita. She is just a chaya Sita – shadow Sita. The Ravana doesn’t even have right to touch or he couldn’t even go near to Sita. So right there original Sita is invisible. So when at the time of this agni pariksha again the original Sita walks out of fire and joins Rama. Then that shadow Sita was playing roll of Sita and remembering Rama and thinking of Rama. She also wants to marry Sri Rama and that marriage has taken place in Tirupati Balaji lila. With Balaji you see two consorts so one of them is one was Sita in Lanka, so that she also gets the hand of Lord for rendering that service. She becomes Lords consort wife so now as Sita has been rescued Lanka has no king so Bibhishan has been installed. He’s enthrone as a king, Lord doesn’t, He could’ve become a king himself very easily. He could have done the same thing with Kamsa in Mathura. But did He become the king? No He made Kamsa’s father Ugrasen the king. And Jarasndh was killed He could also have become king there. But He makes Sahadev who was son of Jarasandh. Another Sahadev not five pandava. His son is also Jarasandh. He is made the king. So here also in Lanka brother is no more so Bibhishan who was a devotee of Rama and he had already kind of fled. When they entered Lanka with Rama’s army so Bibhishan was with them. They were not getting along and Ravana was not following the good advice given by Bibhishan. He was happy to join Sri Rama. So having that ceremony is completed of enthroning coronation of Bibhishan then oh! what’s the time? Not that it’s five minutes after 9 but very close to completion of 14 years of exile. I better hurry up not me Rama has to hurry up (laughter). Promise is promise and if I delay no more Bharat darshan.

So Rama had come walking all the way. He is kind of going south if you look at the map of India from Ayodhya going to Pragayraj then Triveni sangam current Allahabad Chitracut and coming to Nagpur near Nagpur is that Ramtek then going kind of south west towards Godavari and from there going towards Kishkindha which is present day Maharashtra and Karnataka border. And from there He goes to Rameshwar side and from there He goes to Lanka. So He is going all the way keeps going so He has come quite a long distance away walking and searching for Sita.
So He could have gone back also walking. But that would not have worked out the time factor wise. To reach there faster the pushpak viman some flower aircraft has been arranged and Rama, Sita, Laxman, Hanuman and Sugreev and Bibhishan also and many others and then we did not mention. Sri Rama he revived all, many monkeys had also left their bodies in the battle so Lord woke them up or gave them life back. They are happy to rejoin the part of Bibhishan and Rama’s kingdom. If you go to Ayodhya there are lots of monkeys there. Last month we were there and they are very bold monkeys. We were carrying some bag in your hand they will come stop you they will take bag from your hand they’ll open you could do nothing they will check whatever they like and then you may go (Maharaj laughs) so many monkeys there.

So as they were in the plane there is a description it was going just above the bridge that was built and Rama was showing Sita look look she looked down. We built this just to reach Lanka is all our task and He was giving some running commentaries as they were proceeding. So kind of Kishkindha was going over and comes to Bharadwaj muni’s asharm. He was going to stop over there. This is at Allahabad- Prayagraj better to call it Prayagraj its original name otherwise its allah allaaahu akbar that allaha allaha baad is there. Whenever there is a name ends with baad this baad that baad Faridabad murdabad and many baads are there sikandrabad that means it’s like that Hyderabad. In Marathi baad means bekar, baad ho gaya -out. So Prayagraj so there from there Rama send Hanuman ahead of them ‘hey Hanuman you better rush you just inform Bharat that we are just now coming we are just on our way. Because Hanuman goes faster than Rama’s aircraft. So he was hanumans was dispatched and there he was at Nandigram outskirts of Ayodhya, Bharat was keeping an eye.

So many so many hours to go and 30 minutes to go. He’s counting countdown was going on. Good that Hanuman is coming in the air flying and so news quickly spread over all Ayodhya and they were preparing to receive Rama new clothes they are distributing sweets and just embracing each other and streets were being cleaned and all arches all mangal vadhya all auspicious sound instruments and mantras and everybody is heading towards the direction that he is coming from. Which was basically Nandigram where Bharat had stationed himself from past fourteen years. And finally got the life back as they saw a plane coming effulgent Rama seated on that plane Sita Laxman.

Everyone is fixed focused no one spaced out. Only Rama was on their mind, so wherever Rama was their eyes were fixed on that Rama. As if He was coming towards them. Yes He was coming towards them. And finally He was with them and kind of jubilation expression on joy they were dancing and the pranam mudras and embracing each other and reading up by bramhanas and swastivachan blowing up conch shells. Rama was greeting elders and Brahmans and the mothers were there Kaushalya, KaiKai, Sumitra. So there whole procession back to the palace. Whole city had a new look new face bright delighted. That was diwali time whole town was lit with lamps. Deep-avali rows of lamps deepawali availi – rows of lamp everywhere was lit. So from dashera from Lanka to diwali in Ayodhya and now the promise was kept 14 years of exile vanavas. Rama is back so Bharat was more than willing he never had considered himself a king or prince he was only keeping shoes of Rama on the throne he was ruling. And now he was ready to hand everything over to Sri Rama. So all the preparations grander than ever before 14 years ago there were some preparations were on and Kaikai had heard about it and everything had changed.

So one more time and now Rama Sita they take their throne and whole Rama darbar is there and Hanuman holding different symbols and somebody is fanning and Hanuman is also there and the whole assembly praja is there Vashishth ji. So all the proper vidhi purvak following all the process chanting of the mantras and fire yagya and auspicious invocations or prayers, mantras the coronation ceremony took place. Jai Sri Rama and then Rama raj begins which lasted for 11,000 years. And rajya like that kingdom that world has not seen not seen. So even after 900000 years, some 60 years ago it was time for India to become independent nation. Getting released from the clutches of the British raj. Atleast there were some talk of making India Rama raj. Wishful thinking as soon as we had the first prime minister ‘kissa kursi ka’. One he had a throne that Rama raj concept was dumped in the dustbin and he had a dream of making India the modern country, modern nation. Declaring oh these dams and these factories these are our temples. So he declared although born in a Brahmin family he was but he had western upbringing. So he used to iron his cloths in Paris and fly them to New Delhi and then he would put them on. So what could have been expected from such a personality and soon one who had a dream of Rama raj he ended up, with ‘Hey Rama’. But atleast he was remembered Rama, Ram was remembered. Mahatma gets credit for even thinking of making the country into Rama Raj just for thinking also. But during Rama raj it was wonderful raj. People living long long life thousands of years. That was the time for living long life also. 100000 year was a life span in sati yuga. It is reduced gets reduced as kaliyug is expected 100 years. When I was there in South Africa their life span has been reduced to 33 years. Because half of the population is suffering from aids so some are dying in teen age and some 20s and some in 60s so middle 33.

So Rama’s time no disease no old age. And if you don’t want to die that’s fine you could live long. It would never happened that father is alive and son is dead or father is doing the cremation of son this is not possible in Rama’s time. When Rama like raja is a ruler then everything is auspicious. So you are welcome to study Ramayan more thoroughly we had to only run only touching touch and go we were doing. All the pastime some skipping, some mentioning only. So this is just appetizer for you. Main meal oh! You could take main meal at home it’s a home work for you. You could study Ramayan or Bhakti vikas Maharaj has also translated summary study of Valmiki Ramayan. He has English and also published in hindi so another devotee also what’s his name? another English dharma in Iskcon? – Krishna dharma ok like that. Or if you want to study original Sanskrit than Valmiki Sanskrit Ramayan. You may also undertake such serious studies. So may these life and pastimes and teachings of Rama be source of all inspiration and infact life without shri Rama we’re just dead prananti. These pastime of Rama, Sri Krishna give us life otherwise we are dead and always keep chanting ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’ and do your best, uphold the principles given by Rama and Ramayan in your day to day life and try to spread that sense that ways Rama raj to start with your home you have little kingdom there you are king see whether you could charity begins at home start there expand. One family could take it to other compound from other side they could expand it. Ok Jai Sri Rama.

Vote for Krishna, vote for Krishna devotees

Venue: Germany Bhagvat saptha (Ajamil Katha series – Fifth session)

So we heard this morning pretty strong argument or the case made by Yamadutas justifying their action and decision of bringing Ajamila to the court of Yamaraja.

“Yatra dandena suddhyati” (S.B. 6.1.68).

They were also thinking of the welfare they were well-wishers of Ajamila. They wanted to see Ajamila purified. But now we’ll hear from Vishnudutas, now it is their turn. They were the advocates of the Holy Name and they will try to make ya they will now be talking. They say what are you talking of that you would like him to be purified once he is there in Yamaloka and dandena, he is getting beating, then you will come to the senses?’s all done, he has become already purified. It’s too late, so this is something that Yamadutas could not realize.
They were going by the external circumstances and so they listed the whole list of sinful activities; illicit sex, stealing and drinking and all sorts of breaking rules and deviating from the prescribed standards, Vedic standards.

So, so this morning and this early afternoon it’s our fourth session and three more to go. Mostly we will be hearing Vishnudutas during this session and how Yamadutas dropped Ajamila, drop him there, leave him behind, leave there at his home and they go to court of Yamaraja and then for a while there was just Ajamila and the four Vishnudutas and they also disappeared and Ajamila begins to regret as he reflects his previous sinful life and is very grateful that Vishnudutas rescued him and of course he was greatly benefited and specially by the dialogue of the two parties, specially Vishnudutas and then that’s where the session ends and begins the regretting session. He begins his session of regret and talks as he regrets.

sri-visnuduta ucuh (Vishnudutas said)

“aho kastam dharma-drsam adharmah sprsate sabham
yatradandyesv apapesu dando yair dhriyate vrtha” (S.B. 6.2.2)

This is very painful, this is troubling us. “Aho kastam dharma-drsam” – persons interested in maintaining religion that is Yamaraja and his whole court, the judges, the record keepers’ right there. Persons who are supposed to be upholding the principles of religion, their court we see adharma, they are supposed to be practicing and upholding principles of dharma but we see they are doing just the contrary, “adharmah sprsate sabham” – the assembly of Yamaraja is full of irreligious acts, they are wrong decisions. “Yatradandyesv apapesu dando yair dhriyate vrtha” – uselessly the person who is sinless, apapesu – he is sinless and should never get punished, such persons are getting punished, such persons are rewarded punishment and this is vrtha, unnecessary this is useless.

The Vishnudutas accused; purport – The Vishnudutas accused the Yamadutas for violating the religious principles by attempting to drag Ajamila to Yamaraja for punishment. Yamaraja is the officer appointed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to judge religious and irreligious principles and to punish people who are irreligious. However, if completely sinless people are punished, the entire assembly of Yamaraja is contaminated. This principle applies not only in the assembly of Yamaraja, but throughout human society also. So, this is going on right there in the court of Yamaraja. He has appointed by the the Supreme Lord to be the judge but they are punishing the sinless people and we declare that, Vishnudutas see the Yamaraja is contaminated, assembly of Yamaraja is contaminated.

Then Prabhupada wants to extend this situation or statement to the whole world that their assemblies and parliament houses are also contaminated and then Prabhupada makes observation, it is said that in the Kali-yuga if one cannot spend money in court, one cannot get justice, and this is happening with us right now also in India, Bangalore temple case. Indeed, in courts of justice it is often found that magistrates are bribed for favorable judgments. Sometimes religious men who preach the Krishna consciousness movement for the benefit of the entire populace are arrested and harassed by the police and courts. Vishnudutas, who are Vaishnavas, lamented for these very regrettable facts. Prabhupada is also talking from his experiences; Iskcon was taken to the courts, to the New York courts. Prabhupada was accused also for brain-washing charges. There were so many parents, American parents of Srila Prabhupada’s boys and girl disciples, they got together and made a case, this Swamiji has brain-washed our children, brain-washing charges. Prabhupada said, “Yes, you dirtied their brains, they made their brains dirty and I washed. So did I do good or bad? For this I should be rewarded, not punished.” Brain-wash, washing is good, right? Cleaning is good, that’s what I did. So these are regrettable facts. So these days, bribe judges for favorable judgments, so where is the justice?

prajanam pitaro ye ca sastarah sadhavah samah
yadi syat tesu vaisamyam kam yanti saranam prajah” (S.B. 6.2.3)

This is the population depends on authorities or judges for justice but if they become partial, partiality, favoring someone and doing injustice. Those who are supposed to be giving justice, judges, if they do this kind of injustice to the dependents , to the citizens, then “kam yanti saranam prajah” the prajah the population, where should they go? Whose shelter should they take? Unto whom they could depend? If persons become polluted and exhibit partiality by punishing an innocent, blameless person, where will citizens go to take shelter for their maintenance and security? This is question by Vishnudutas.

Prabhupada writes in the purport, the duty of the government, therefore, is to take charge of training all the citizens in such a way that by a gradual process they will be elevated to the spiritual platform and will realize the self and his relationship with God. This principle was followed by kings like Maharaja Yudhisthira, King Pariksit, Lord Ramacandra, Maharaja Ambarisa and Prahlada Maharaja. The leaders of the government must be very honest and religious because otherwise all the affairs of the state will suffer. Unfortunately, in the name of democracy, rogues and thieves are electing other rogues and thieves to the important posts in the government. Prabhupada says that’s why he said there’s assembly of the donkeys then they will elect? Who would they elect? Mahadonkey, there’s one amongst them who is a mahadonkey, they will elect so there’s no difficulty. Then Prabhupada is talking of some American history, recently this has been proven in America, where the president had to be condemned and dragged down from his post by the citizens. This is only one case, but there are many others. So go for them; Prabhupada is kind of happy that citizens dragged President of America down from his post, ok step down step down. So Prabhupada is wanting to see that this happens in other countries also. But who would they elect? The next person they appoint is, there is no person like Yudhishtir Maharaj and Prahlad Maharaj, Ramachandra, Parikshit, they don’t just exist, not around or if they are, they would not be elected.

Like one time one Prabhupada disciple, he wanted to run for political post in America and Prabhupada encouraged him and his party was named as ‘In God we trust’ party’s name was ‘In God we trust’. And what is his name? Balwant. So Prabhupada disciple his name was and is Balwant, he’s still very active, he’s a lawyer he is practicing lawyer now. So he was running for some post it wasn’t for the parliament, central government but for regional and he was…Prabhupada thought this was at least opportunity for getting our message across. There was not much chances of getting elected because our candidate, he was saying the leadership follow four regulative principles, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex, no gambling. Such leadership is, now such leader is elected then public knows he’s going to insist that they follow such rules also. So they were not ready. So he got few votes, few people voted for his party. So his party was defeated but it was taken as still a victory, he got to preach, there were lots of interviews of press, he was attending his public addresses and he was getting some news across some message across Krishna Krishna something was getting printed in the American history for the first time. The word Krishna was appearing. So one time devotees in morning walk in Delhi they were proposing Prabhupada they were walking very close to the President’s palace in New Delhi, and disciples were saying, Prabhupada, you should be the president of India. Prabhupada said I will rather be spiritual master of or to the President of India. You get that? Of the President. That he would just guide his disciple who is the President of India that he runs the country. In other words, for maintaining his Brahmanical status did not step down to the kshatriya administration board. So I would rather be the Spiritual Master of the President of India, not the President itself. So when we have the Holy Name which is saving Ajamila here, so that name, when that name will reach every town and every village of Europe and Africa and America all over then the chanters of the Holy Name will elect the Presidents and Prime Ministers, they would be Vaishnavas. So that is the future. That’s the future of this world.
Radha Madanmohan ki Jai !

<p>”yad yad acarati sreyan itaras tat tad ihate
sa yat pramanam kurute lokas tad anuvartate” (S.B. 6.2.4)

So in next how many years? 500,000 years 2, 3, 4, 5000 years many governments then turns the 10,000 year…all the governments will be Krishna Conscious Governments, leaders and it was the prediction of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The Holy Name is going to reach every town and village. And prediction is that all population will be of Hari bhaktas, there will be Hari bhaktas everywhere. So, when they vote, they will vote for Krishna, vote for Krishna bhakta. The mass of people follow the example of a leader in society and imitate his behavior, Vishnudutas are speaking. They accept as evidence whatever the leader accepts. And there’s a purport, although Ajamila was not punishable, the Yamadutas were insisting on taking him away to Yamaraja for punishment. This was adharma, contrary to religious principles. The Vishnudutas feared that if such irreligious acts were allowed, the management of human society would be spoiled. In modern times, the Krishna consciousness movement is trying to introduce the right principles of management for human society, but unfortunately the governments of Kali-yuga do not properly support the Hare Krishna movement because they do not appreciate its valuable service. The Hare Krishna movement is the right movement for ameliorating, does anyone knows this word ameliorating? (Someone answers improving) improving, is it a German word or? (Latin word) the fallen condition of human society, and therefore governments and public leaders in every part of the world should support this movement to completely rectify humanity’s sinful condition. Pretty ambitious vision, Prabhupada has and he is thinking like this on behalf of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is Lord’s vision also.

So Prabhupada, the representative of Sri Krishna, sakshat Hari, he is thinking like that, therefore Governments and public leaders in every part of the world should support this movement completely to completely rectify humanity’s sinful condition. Do you agree? That’s why he wanted the society with Brahmanas, the brahmanas are leaders. Present day society is, what kind of society he said? Headless society, headless. Could you imagine your body without head? So body is there, human society is body but there’s no head. Then it acts like a headless chicken. Chicken is we do this (cut) and then chicken is for few more minutes it jumps, it doesn’t know which way where it is jumping, how where in the ditch where, it is jumping. So present day society is also jumping and running going no one knows where. ‘Buddhi-nasat what happens? pranasyati’ (Bg 2.63). We know where everyone is going, when there’s no head, no intelligence, then there’s a nash, destruction, gliding down to the hellish conditions. So Prabhupada is concerned and of course he would like us to imbibe that concern, cultivate that concern, we are his representatives, as he was expecting; we read this morning, the representative has to know the master’s mission, philosophy of the master’s institution. These are concerns of Prabhupada. So we are also concerned. Prabhupada was concerned.

<p>”ayam hi krta-nirveso janma-koty-amhasam api
yad vyajahara vivaso nama svasty-ayanam hareh” (S.B. 6.2.7)

Ayam – this person, krta-nirveso- he has already undergone atonement prayaschit, what is that? He had chanted the name of the Lord. Svasty-ayanam hareh – he had chanted the all auspicious name of Hari and he has vivaso – helplessly, “ayi nanda tanuja kinkaram” like that, and just I am your servant O! Lord but I am fallen in this ocean of material, material existence ocean. So, please please pick me up. So that was, that kind of helplessness was there and his son was playing, Narayana was playing and he was approaching him and also chanting saying Narayana Narayana and vivaso nama yad vyajahara – he had chanted name of Lord helplessly, so the potency and the benefit of the name that he had chanted is good enough to make this person free from the sins which he had committed not only this life but all the previous lives. Koty janma – millions of births; whatever sins he has committed all nullified, all counteracted. He had chanted the Holy Name of the Lord. Purport – Yamadutas had considered only the external situation of Ajamila. Since he was extremely sinful throughout his life, they thought he should be taken to Yamaraja and did not know that he had become free from the reactions of all his sins. Prabhupada is clarifying that, Prabhupada knew that Yamadutas did not know.

“etenaiva hy aghono ’sya krtam syad agha-niskrtam
yada narayanayeti jagada catur-aksaram” (S.B. 6.2.8)

And further “aghono ’sya krtam syad agha-niskrtam yada narayanayeti jagada catur-aksaram”, the further clarification“etena” means by that chanting Narayan Narayan…. Let us chant now, who knows, we should always do chanting, let’s get some chanting done. This is what these three chapters, this episode is meant to inspire us to do what? Chanting. It’s like a story, sounds nice, it’s very interesting and getting chanting done. We don’t take chanting seriously after going through all these ins and outs and detailed description of greatness mahatmya, Hari Naam mahatmya is what is being described here, communicated here, that we have to learn.

We were travelling our Narada Muni travelling sankirtan party we were travelling in North India we were in a town called Lucknow. They had a big pandal program going on, stage program, so many sadhus coming and making presentations of whatever; different philosophies. So the organizers they came to us and they were inviting us to come and do our thing, presentation and I think the topic was the Hari Naam, some kind of Hari Naam mela, Hari Naam kirtan was the topic. So what should we do? Should we give a long lecture on the glories of the Holy Name? They said, no no that is what everyone else is doing. They are doing lots of glories of chanting, importance of chanting, they are all sighting so many scriptures but they are not chanting, talking about chanting but not chanting. So we would like you to come, we don’t care whether you speak but we know you Hare Krishna devotees are very popular for your chanting, singing, we have heard so much. So if you wish you could speak but we would like you to do kirtan, come and sing. We have heard enough of these glories of Holy Name, it’s nice but we want to see some practical demonstration, how this is to be chanted and how it is done and how to get audience come and chant and personally dance.

So this was they were regretting, others were coming and talking about chanting but not chanting. So, three days if we talk about chanting, glories of chanting the Holy Name but then we have to take chanting more seriously, more “vivaso” – helplessly and one thing is this person chanting, his chanting is not offensive this is the point. So no offenses, Ajamila chanted but he has not committed any offenses. He was not chanting for the strength, for committing sins on the strength of the Holy Name. He was sinful but he was not chanting to get free from the reactions of his sins. So his chanting is considered proper and he is just deriving benefit from chanting Narayana Narayana Narayana and one of the Acharyas we read yesterday that he was not aware, Ajamila was not aware but the fact was that he was getting purified by that chanting Narayan Narayan Narayan. So same thing here. So now the Vishnudutas say, yada – when, jagada – here Ajamila chanted Narayana ‘aya’. He not only said Narayan but he said Narayana ‘aya’, means come, Oh! Narayan come, Narayana come come, come help me. Narayanayeti jagada catur-aksaram – four letters by this, this is a best atonement and he has done all atonement and his chanting is offense less, in helpless state he chanted so no punishment for him. Purport – In the beginning he was pure, but although he later committed many sinful acts, he was offense less because he did not chant the holy name of Narayana to counteract his sinful acts.

“na niskrtair uditair brahma-vadibhis tatha visuddhyaty aghavan vratadibhih
yatha harer nama-padair udahrtais tad uttamasloka-gunopalambhakam” (S.B. 6.2.11)</p

So Vishnudutas are comparing, there’s no comparison but the difference is vratadibhih – that Sukhdev Goswami has made this point that vrata, tapasa, brahmachariyena, yamena, niyamena, samena, damena. They do some purification, those rituals, those regulated principles. Yatha – just like the Holy Name he chant the Holy Name and it arouses the realization, your connection with Lord is revived and uttamasloka-gunopalambhakam – reminding one. The Holy Name reminds one as Holy Name is chanted Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare, Mahatma Gandhi ki…. (Everyone laughs). Who comes to your mind when I say Mahatma Gandhi immediately, you chants somebody’s name and what happens? His form comes to your mind isn’t it? So this is ordinary person somebody or somebody so called famous person’s name you chanted the name and you are reminded so many things about him which you have heard or read or experienced, all those things come to your mind and his name is spoken out. So, that applies certainly to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and you say his name, this is the point made here “harer nama-padair udahrtais tad uttamasloka-gunopalambhakam” -immediately Lord’s name, form, qualities, activities everything soul is reminded of as the name of the Lord is chanted.

So, that’s the difference between vrata and tapa, sama dama, brahmachariya. Performance of those activities doesn’t arouse. So, they may be creating some favorable setting the scene or atmosphere, fertile ground fertile heart where the Naam beej, bhakti lata beej could be sown but the land is fertile but if the bhakti lata beej is not sown then what good is it? Land is cultivated then in the summer days as the earth is exposed to the sun after trilling after plowing then the sunrays are making that earth so potent, fertile this is what happens and then this is all Lord’s arrangement. As a farmer we know this, farmers son and then the farmers they wait for the rains land has ploughed and then they do other; they make the earth upside down the surface the soil is put down that becomes potent underneath comes above and gets exposed to the sun that also becomes potent and finally rains are there. Ok everything is fine now, fertile. Earth is there but if you did not sow the seed of bhakti or Hari Naam then what good is; you have done so much tapasya brahmachariya, sense control all this is done, fine, but if you don’t sow the bhakti lata beej, farmer doesn’t sow the seed you could just take a good photograph of empty field nice field, there’s no crop there’s no fruit, no grains, no flowers, no nothing because the seed is not sown. So all this tapa vratadibhih all these other things they have role to play and progressing Krishna consciousness but isn’t complete. So again the Hari Naam has been stressed. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura comments that the chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord has special significance that distinguishes it from the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies of atonement. Holy Name has its own world and it distinguishes it has special significance from the ritualistic ceremonies. The rituals don’t arouse devotion unto the Lord.

“naikantikam tad dhi krte ’pi niskrte manah punar dhavati ced asat-pathe” (S.B. 6.2.12)

You become free, ya you perform some atonement you become free from some reactions of sinful act fine but “manah punar dhavati”- mind again gets up and begins running on asat-pathe – path means path, sanskrit word english word same path means path. So “asat-pathe” – false, wrong road path he is following, the mind gets up and senses become active, the body runs behind, follows the mind, senses and then business as usual. If this is atonement and rituals one undergoes but the harer gunanuvadah – the gunanuvad, the discussions about the qualities of the Lord is something that is “sattva-bhavanah” – purifying one’s existence all together khalu – certainly. So they are pointing out the difference and now they say
“athainam mapanayata” (S.B. 6.2.13) So one more time, no no you can’t take him hands off, untie your ropes, take your rope back, because ropes are still tied around the neck of Ajamila and he is being dragged antar-hrydaya, that word came up yesterday, from within the heart core of the heart, this is where the soul is stationed. So from there they were dragging, so Vishnudutas say wind up your business, get out from here, take your ropes if you wish otherwise leave it here (laughter) but you should ‘mapanayata krtasesagha-niskrtam’ he has performed unlimited, he has performed atonement to become free from unlimited sins. ‘Yad asau bhagavan-nama mriyamanah samagrahit’ – he has perfectly chanted the name of the Lord, mriyamanah – while leaving this body, at the time of death he has chanted the name of the Lord and then they give this.

“sanketyam parihasyam va stobham helanam eva va
vaikuntha-nama-grahanam asesagha-haram viduh” (S.B. 6.2.14)

Anyone who chants vaikuntha-nama-grahanam – the name of vaikuntha pati Lord Narayana, then Vishnu Krishna then asesagha-haram – then the name is again described, asesa – unlimited anant, asesagha i.e. sin, haram- takes away, unlimited sin committed by sinful person is taken away, is neutralized by vaikuntha nama grahanam and this chanting of the name may be done as sanketyam – by some kind of some indication may not be necessarily properly sitting and bead bag chanting in front of the deity in association of devotees. No person may just say the name giving some indication. ‘Parihasyam’ – jokingly one may sing chant the name, ‘stobham’ – as a musical entertainment one may chant, helanam eva – neglectfully one may chant under all circumstances the Holy Name takes sinful reactions away. Haram haram – Muslims say this when they want to condemn someone, I condemn you – haram, you haram. The Lord is kind, he only hears the Ram part not ‘ha’, you said Ram, you said my name, Lord is happy. So giving some indication, indirect. Kavi Chandra Maharaj also does the same, while distributing books in Tokyo, Japan, some Muslims also come there and devotees try to distribute books to the muslims. Devotees know that the muslims will not take the books but they keep following those muslims visitors, guest or tourist till he says haram, devotees say thank you, thank you then stop harassing him, go away find some another regular customer.

So this was kind of practice of book distributors there they found muslim they push him till he says haram haram okay thank you chanted the name of the Lord. Parihasyam – jokingly or musical entertainment; 30 years ago, around the time I joined the movement, once a movie producer, he produced a movie called Hare Krishna Hare Ram, his movie was Hare Krishna Hare Ram, it was about westerners coming to India and chanting some Hare Krishna Hare Ram but at the same time smoking and all that and there was a song, in that film there was a song ‘dum maro dum’, smoke and then in between Hare Krishna Hare Ram. So it was very famous all over India, it was famous this film song, very hit song. So we used to do preaching, our movement was very new and whenever they would see us normally, in those days’ especially western devotees or when we go out, we would go in pairs, one western devotee one Indian devotee. So when people would see Hare Krishna’s going by their home, they would run back into their home and put on this song loud so that we could hear, just to tease us Hare Krishna Hare Ram dum maro dum oh! these are the people, oh! these are the people. In those days they were misunderstood this film did create confusion because this film was making a point that these westerners come to or country and they find some swami, some guru and they start chanting spiritual but they are into intoxication mostly and drugs, so they mixed these drugs with Hare Krishna Hare Ram. So when they were seeing us, people used to, lot of people used to sing what they saw in the film these are the people, they are doing this Hare Krishna Hare Ram but there are also smoking and this and that. So to tease us they used to play this. So this was discussed with Prabhupada also, we brought this up with Prabhupada. Prabhupada was even thinking whether we should Sui this film director Devanand was his name it has done so much damage to our movement. But Prabhupada was not interested in any battle but he gave credit they are chanting Hare Krishna Hare Ram like that. They are chanting in that song there was Hare Krishna Hare Ram. So parihasyam stobham helanam and the next statement is “if one chants the holy name of Hari and then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as falling from the top of a house, slipping and suffering broken bones while traveling on the road, being bitten by a serpent, being afflicted with pain and high fever, or being injured by a weapon, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life, even though he is sinful” (S.B. 6.2.15). If one has chanted the Holy Name and then he dies by these different causes and Prabhupada is quoting that verse from Bhagvad Gita “yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram tam tam evaiti kaunteya sada tad-bhava-bhavitah” (B.G. 8.6). What you remember at the time of death, if you have chanted the Holy Name that’s your good fortune.

Recently devotees went Haridwar and they found that there was a free distribution of coca-cola. All the pilgrims were running to one particular spot to get that coca-cola bottle, free coca-cola bottle. Some devotees were anxious to find out what is happening why free coca-cola? This is a place where they should be distributing Charnamrita or Ganga jal instead coca-cola is being distributed. So when they inquired from family that was distributing, they said our father died very recently and you know he was a devotee of bhola, shiva was also called bhola. Bhola means innocent and he was sick and he was on death bed and fever and all that so our father started demanding get me coca-cola and the children, the family members around were thinking now he has only few more minutes to go he is not going to survive so they were saying daddy daddy say bhola please chant bhola bhola, chant remember shiva, shiva bhakta but he said get me coca-cola, no daddy please you have one more minute to go say bhola, say bhola say once please there were 15 more seconds, the last thing he said coca-cola, collapsed. So the family thought this was the last wish of our father (Maharaj laughs) so he’ll be peaceful or satisfied if we distribute coca-cola to the pilgrims in Haridwar. So they distributed thousands of bottles of coca-cola. So unfortunate ended up maybe he went to coca-cola loka which is America. So ‘yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram’ when body’s end come nearer, it is to be given up, what you think at that moment is very important factor.

<p>”tais tany aghani puyante tapo-dana-vratadibhih
nadharmajam tad-dhrdayam tad apisanghri-sevaya” (S.B. 6.2.17)

So, again one thing is the ‘isanghri-sevaya’, isha i.e. Lord, anghri – lotus feet pankajanghri pankaj – lotus, lotus feet pankajanghri. So isanghri-sevaya – by serving the lotus feet of the Lord that is one thing. The other thing is again tapo-dana-vrata, so the austerities and charities and vows these rules Vedic they purify but not thoroughly as it is accomplished by isanghri-sevaya, by worshipping the lotus feet of the Lord. Translation – Although one may neutralize the reactions of sinful life through austerity, charity, vows and other such methods, these pious activities cannot uproot the material desires in one’s heart. However, if one serves the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, he is immediately freed from all such contaminations. I mean it is amazing but Prabhupada accomplished, he had to work on the western American follower’s young boys and girls and by his association and he was getting them to chant, hear, take Krishna prasad. Only in few months time, in few months, they had their hands up or you meaning you would like to follow now four regulative principles Prabhupada had not asked that question, although he was preaching mentioning four regulative principles he had not he was not expecting but insisted that they follow that initially but after some time he raised this question are you ready to follow four regulative principles and so many to Prabhupada surprised they were ready to follow four regulative principles. It was only some time ago that one another swami had advised Prabhupada, “Swamiji in this country I advice you don’t ask for two things, one thing is you know you can’t look like the way you look like now, your shaved head and tilak and saffron robes, no this will not work out, you have to look like me.” So swamiji, the other swamiji, he had come in saffron robes but now he had become civilized in wearing pant and coat or he had a hat. So you have to look like me and the other thing, I strongly recommend here don’t talk about this vegetarianism, it won’t work. So Prabhupada must have thanked for free advice, this swami has given free advice.

So Prabhupada was not ready we read in Lilamrit, if people are not going to accept the principle which he stood for, which he practiced, he would rather go back to India but not compromise. So with great conviction and compassion, he presented his Krishna Consciousness in early days and within very short time these American boys and girls were ready to follow four regulative principles it’s a history. Even Narada muni was surprised to get such reports. He was visiting New York and he was just smiling happy. So Prabhupada said he was surprised to see that you have taken to this Vedic culture and following all these principles. So how was this possible that Prabhupada was able to get those westerners to follow four regulative principles? Chanting Isanghri-sevaya, because he was engaged in them, in service of Supreme Personality of Godhead, getting them to chant, take Krishna Prasad, hear, Krishna, sometimes he started taking them out at the public places tomkinson square park and public dancing, chanting. This is how it became possible, otherwise they were coming with white bottles in their hand and big boots, girlfriends and all, who knows when the last time they had taken bath or smelly, dirty but Prabhupada was tolerant and compassionate, convinced that this Holy Name would work and this worked, what else, what other magic. Of course he was stuck to the principles, he had faith in parampara and Guru Maharaj’s mercy but he, he applied the right formula. So these things are not stressed, chanting and hearing and Krishna prasad which cleanses the heart and nullifies all the reactions otherwise very difficult to get anyone to follow these principles.

“yathagadam viryatamam upayuktam yadrcchaya
ajanato ’py atma-gunam kuryan mantro ’py udahrtah” (S.B. 6.2.19)</p>

Yathagadam – medicine, you take medicine but you don’t know what the contents always are of the medicine, you just take medicine and it does its job, you don’t know how it functions what is happening inside or you touch a fire, fire burns the grass, not grass burns the fire. So doesn’t matter who touches, knowingly, unknowingly you touch the fire, it will burn, you take a medicine it will act. A person unaware of the effective potency of a certain medicine takes medicine or is forced to take it, like children have to be forced right? Children have to be forced to take medicine, so whether you take knowingly or unknowingly, medicine will act. It will act even without his knowledge because its potency doesn’t depend on patient’s understanding. Similarly, even though one does not know the value of chanting the holy name of the Lord, if one chants knowingly or unknowingly, the chanting will be very effective. In the Western countries, where the Hare Krishna movement is spreading, learned scholars and other thoughtful men are realizing its effectiveness. For example, Dr. J. Stillson Judah, a learned scholar, has been very much attracted to this movement because he has actually seen that it is turning hippies addicted to drugs into pure Vaisnavas who voluntarily become servants of Krishna and humanity. Such scholars and others are everywhere appreciating the effectiveness of chanting.
“sri-suka uvaca” and so the Vishnudutas speech ends there and Sukhdev Goswami is now making comments.

<p>”ta evam suvinirniya dharmam bhagavatam nrpa
tam yamya-pasan nirmucya vipram mrtyor amumucan” (S.B. 6.2.20) <

So, suvinirniya – they give nirnay or judgment perfectly ascertained and supported by Bhagavatam dharmam, Bhagvat dharma, all the Vishnudutas were talking was all supported by the Bhagvat dharma and the result was tam i.e. Ajamila yamya-pasan – Yamaraja’s servants ropes nirmucya – their feet they untied the knots, pulled the ropes back. Vipram – now here Ajamila is being described not as dasi-patir Ajamilah, but tam vipram, oh! that brahmin, he regained his honorable post, position the name. So in the beginning Sukhdev Goswami, same Sukhdev Goswami started the narration he was the one who said dasi-patir ajamilah namna kanyikubje, he stayed in kanyikubja, he was dasi-patir Ajamilah and now at this point he is tam vipram, oh! that brahmin, learned brahmin, he was relieved from death, he was saved, rescued, amumucan.

“iti pratyudita yamya duta yatva yamantikam
yama-rajne yatha sarvam acacaksur arindama” (S.B. 6.2.21)<

Oh! King Parikshit, Sukhdev Goswami is addressing, oh! subduer of the enemies, King Parikshit, iti pratyudita yamya – having received this befitting reply from Vishnudutas, the Yamadutas yatva yamantikam – they went closer to Yama, Yamaraja, they went to Yamaraja, yama-rajne yatha sarvam acacaksur – and there they gave the full report of what transpired that day. They narrated the whole thing. In this verse, word ‘pratyudita’ is very significant. The servants of yamaraj are so powerful that they can never be hindered anywhere but this time they were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful. Therefore, they immediately returned to Yamaraja and described to him everything that had happened.

“dvijah pasad vinirmukto gata-bhih prakrtim gatah
vavande sirasa visnoh kinkaran darsanotsavah” (S.B. 6.2.22)

So, dvijah, earlier verse said vipram. Now he is addressed as dvijah, pasad dvijah – second birth right? So he is like a second birth, born again, it’s like a new birth for him, so he is addressed as dvijah. He has become free from the bonds of the Yamadutas ropes, gata-bhih – he is free from, he has no fear any more of any kind, prakrtim gatah – his senses have become normal, vavande sirasa visnoh kinkaran – and he is offering bowing down vavande sirasa – bowing down with his head, sirasa means by head. Sri Ram Chandra charano sirasa namami -I offer my obeisance’s bowing down before the Lord with my head. Sri Ram Chandra charano manasa smarami, manasa smarami, sirasa namami, vachsa granami, by head I bow down, with tongue mouth I glorify, and with mind I remember. Ram Chandra charano sharanam prapadye – I surrender unto Sri Ram Chandra or Chaitanya Chandra you could say, Krishna Chandra. So, here it is sirasa – by head vanvande vishnoh kinkaran, kinkar vishnoh kinkar – servant of Vishnu, not Vishnu kinkar, we have to say vishnoh kinkar, servant of Vishnu and at the same time darsanotsavah – seeing them in front of, seeing those four Vishnudutas was like a utsav, was like a festival darsanotsavah and we are getting there end of our today’s second session. Few more verses.

“tam vivaksum abhipretya mahapurusa-kinkarah
sahasa pasyatas tasya tatrantardadhire ’nagha” (S.B. 6.2.23)

So as he was watching, Ajamila was seeing them, he was pleased to see them, their beautiful effulgent forms and personality. Then he had some desire to speak, address, say something may be thank you or something, he was about to say something but even before he could begin talking, speaking, sahasa – suddenly, antardadhire – they disappeared. Mahapurusa-kinkarah is servants of Vishnu, they disappeared from his presence and now,

ajamilo ’py athakarnya dutanam yama-krsnayoh
dharmam bhagavatam suddham trai-vedyam ca gunasrayam” (S.B. 6.2.24)

“bhaktiman bhagavaty asu mahatmya-sravanad dhareh
anutapo mahan asit smarato ’subham atmanah” (S.B. 6.2.25)

Translation – After hearing the discourses between the Yamadutas and the Visnudutas, Ajamila could understand the religious principles that act under the three modes of material nature. These principles are mentioned in the three Vedas. He could also understand the transcendental religious principles, which are above the modes of material nature and which concern the relationship between the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Furthermore, Ajamila heard glorification of the name, fame, qualities and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He thus became a perfectly pure devotee. He could then remember his past sinful activities, which he greatly regretted having performed. So the next session is afternoon. We will hear those regretting words and statements of Ajamila throughout the shastras and it is recommended that if one commits sin, he should feel bad about it, regret. So this is what we get to see, the process being applied, followed here. So, and then he also takes some new resolutions, there’s a lamentation regret and now takes vows. Ok, it’s done, its past now, I can’t change the past but into the future I will no more commit any more sin, I am going to be strict and hell with his hellish family and this prostitute, he was disgusted and he takes off, he goes to Haridwar and he follows the process of devotional service very very strictly on the bank of Ganga and what the outcome is you will find out this afternoon. So, you could make a movie out of this whole, it’s quite exciting and informative, enlightening, is it boring?

In the intense care units of the hospitals, the doctors and nurses they make observations how scary the patients become before intense care unit, you know that’s the one that you go in and rarely come out, from there you go, move on. So there Yamadutas must be coming, that’s why so much screaming and very scary sounds patients make because they pass urine and stool. So that’s another proof to support atidarunan. After hearing this we can’t live normal. Ok.

Krishna enters forest with His cows and cow herd boy friends

Venue: Braja mandala parikrama, Surbhi kunda
In Srimad Bhagvatam there is description of Vrindavan all over, as we seeing here at the banks of Surbhi kunda crystal clear water. Our obeisance’s to the Kunda here, Krishna comes here all the time with His cows and His cowherd boys. We should understand that where ever we see a kunda Krishna has come there with His cows. He comes to water His cows and as cows are drinking the water He also drinks the water, while drinking cows are not using hands they are drinking with their mouth, Krishna also drinks water like the cows with His mouth (laughter) Haribol……………Haribol
So Krishna has done this lila at surbhi kunda and other kundas “ittham sarat svaccha jalam padmakara sugandhina nyavisad vayuna vatam sa gogopalako acyutah” (S.B 10.21.1) Sri Krishna enters the forest He enters Kamavana also where there is svaccha jalam in the kundas like this- crystal clear water. Padmakar they are full of lotuses. In the past we had come and this kunda was also filled with lotuses. Devotees who came to this kunda came back with bunches of lotuses. As Krishna enters the forest “vayuna” from there is a cold breeze ventilation throughout the forest.
Vayu is blowing in one direction not like a whorl wind as during rainy season, the wind is blowing over the kundas which are full of lotuses. As air touches the cooling water the air also becomes cool, the fragrance of the lotuses is also carried by the air. So as this air moves on whole forest becomes like a air conditioned –cool and fragrant. Krishna comes with “sa gogopalako” with cows and cowherd boy friends,
“kusumita vanaraji” (S.B 10.21.2) and on the banks of the lake there are flowering trees, like this (maharaj showing a famous kadam tree at the bank of surbhi kunda) this is most famous kadam tree ki…………….jai. Rupa goswami says “oh! when I would be able to see Krishna” Krishna wearing the garland of kadam flowers, this kind of matches with His golden rope yellow clothing so they also have yellow round flowers “kusumita vanaraji susmi bhrnga” (S.B 10.21.2) there are lot of bumble bees. And as they drink the nectar from the flowers they become maddened intoxicated and they begin singing “hmmm……………hmmmmmm………” whole atmosphere is filled with humming sound. “dvija kula” and there are lots of birds of various kinds ( maharaj asking the devotees do you hear? The sound of the birds?) You cannot hear such sound in Bombay. Birds sing songs (Dinabandhu prabhu tells- its king fisher) Dinabandhu prabhu knows the name of the birds. Maharaj says king fisher airlines (laughter) and the sounds they kind of echo they resound, birds sing and there is echoing the sounds goes to wherever there are other lakes and other ponds.
So Vrindavan is full of lakes kundas like this “ sarah sarin” there are rivers flowing and “mahidram” there many mountains like Govardhana you also have seen Badrikashram mountains , Kedarnath mountains and more mountains are ahead of us. So all these sounds are all over echoing back and forth and whole atmosphere is surcharged. “madhupatir avagahya carayan gah” so then Madhupati enters the forest.
He is master of madhu He is also master of madhu mass which is spring, madhu and madhav are two months of spring and madhu is one of them. As the master of spring season enters the forest everything gets transferred just like spring. Wherever He goes there is spring like season lots of flowers lots of birds chirping, birds singing “carayan gah” and He herds His cows and He does this with “saha pala balas” cowherd boyfriends and Balarama. “cukuja venum” He places His flute on His lower lip and playes His flute.
We have to imagine in this context Krishna playing flute, He is forest and He is playing flute, everything is quite so krishnas flute playing reaches far and wide. “tad vraja striya asrutya venu-gitam smarodayam” (S.B 10 .21.3) the first party to hear venu gitam are the vraja striya – the young ladies of vraja. Krishna is in the forest and gopis are in their respective villages and homes and they are hearing this venu geet. “smarodayam” and the feeling are aroused as they are hearing the venu geet “smara” is also cupid of love- spiritual love- madhurya bhava, the conjugal bhava is aroused in the gopis . ‘kasit paroksam krsnasya sva sakhibhyo anavarnayan” (S.B 10 .21.3) and as gopis hear flute playing of Krishna some of them begin talking about Krishna leaders of different group they begin talking about krishna. Elderly gopis motherly gopis also hear flute of Krishna they have different feeling vatsalya
“tad varnayitum arabdhah smarantyah krsna cestitam” (S.B 10 .21.4) and they are reminded of Krishna oh! Krishna is playing flute first of all they remember the form of Krishna and then what follows is remembering lilas His pastimes then Krishna’s dealing with the gopis when He meet them previously.
“tad varnayitum arabdhah smarantyah krsna cestitam nasakan” Sukhdev Goswami says they become disturbed because they are very much excited as they have heard Krishna’s flute. They feel shy they do not kind of want to reveal their intimate relation with Krishna so they hide all this “nasakan’ they would like to talk although stopping they are only talking to their most confidential associates. As they are also talking they also wouldn’t like to show the connection what they are hearing no …no I am just talking I am not hearing anything. “smara vegena” and this is because of influence of the madhurya bhava within them. You are familiar with “ vaco vegam jiva vegam udaropasta vegam” in case of gopis its smara vegan which is pushing gopis.
“viksipta manaso nrpa” they are kind of disturbed as they hear, they are kind of trying to hide their connection, their conjugal thoughts their voice is also getting choked up, they are trembling, their body trembling as they hear the flute and their eyes are full of tears. As Sukhdev Goswami is describing state of gopis like this he is also having very similar feeling these, he could not hide that so in the middle of his presentation He is addressing “nrpa” oh! king Parikshit. Sukhdev goswami is describinfg all these state of affairs of gopis king Parikshit is also exhibiting some of these symptoms. So Sukhdev goswami “Hye! King what are you doing” don’t exhibit those symptoms. So our acharyas have given deeper meaning why in the middle of the presentation sukhdev goswami is addressing king Parikshit as “nrpa”.
Sukhdev Goswami describes some kind of talks, what kind of talks the gopis are doing.
“barhapidam nata vara vapuh karnayoh karnikaram bibhrad vasah kanaka kapisam vaijayantim ca malam” (S.B 10.21.5)
They have heard the flute of Krishna and immediately Krishna’s form is in front of them like television. ‘barhapidam” first is the peacock feather on His head and this is the most special feature of krishna’s form or beauty. And He is “natavara vapu” and His form is like that of an actor, Krishna dresses himself meticulously as if come press crue is awaiting, some television crue is awaiting for interview.
“karnayoh karnikaram” and gopis are reminded sukhdev goswami is also remembering that Krishna places a flower in His ear karni is a special flower compact yellow color. Sukhdev goswami He has 2 ears but only one flower so He is placing the same flower on each of the ears, so same flower sometimes He keeps it on one ear and then on another. “kanaka kapsam vasah” and He has golden rope “vaijayantim ca malam” and He wear very special mala and there are multiple descriptions of this vaijayanti mala. More commonly known description is that vaijayanti mala is made up of 5 different flowers of different colors. So now He is dressed like that and Krishna is already in the forest and then
“randhran venor adhara sudhayapurayan” He places His flute on His lower lip the flute becomes excited and ecstatic and begins singing and there are more descriptions that whether Krishna playing the flute or venu is playing herself. “gopa-vrndair” and He is surrounded by His friends “vrndaranyam sva pada ramanam” and He is entering Vrindavan, vrndaranyam – vrinda devis aranyam – vrindadevis vana Vrindadevi ki…………………….jai, forest is named after Vrindadevi. As he enters vrindavan He lives His foot prints of the ground Vrindadevi is pleased vrindavan is very very happy to have that touch of Lords lotus feet, those foot prints are like decorations on the body of Vrindavan. “savpada –ramanam” and as Krishna places, vrindadevi makes arrangement that Krishna has as soft feeling when He touches the ground so she places leaves so Krishna has a nice experience of walking on the soft ground. “pravisad gita kirtih” and krishna enters He is surrounded by His cowherd boyfriends and they all talking about Him.
“iti venu raman rajan sarva bhuta manoharam“ so this sound, sound of the flute is sarva bhuta manoharam- attracting minds of all the living entities. “srutva vraja striyahbnsarva” and again the real party audience for the flute playing are those gopis, they are hearing, they are talking, they are stoping they are embracing , they are talking and like that……Krishna is spreading the sound of the flute all this goes on. Then each gopi talks, every gopi is talking and what do they talk is the subject matter of this chapter of the 10th canto 21 chapter of Srimad Bhagvatam, venu geet this is the background the context and then gopis begin talking, you may like to see hear this sometime in future.
Jai Krishna Kanaiya lal ki…………………jai
Sri Sri Radha Kunjabihari ki………………….Jai
Gaur premanande …………………….Hari Haribol

Kaliya subdued by Lord Krishna

So did you notice that this killer of Dhenukasur is Balarama and its very appropriate that Balarama killed Dhenukasur. Dhenukasur is an ass (laughter) he is very dull headed. So Balarama He is adiguru, the original spiritual master. So the dull headedness within us, the assess are known for two thing one thing is they are less intelligent because the grass is everywhere they could eat but they think they must carry this big load on their backs then only at the end of the day they will be able to get some grass they think they must work hard that’s one thing. And then they try to enjoy and one of the, besides the grass they try to enjoy also the female association and when they run behind to approach to she ass but what does he ass gets in return? (sound of a kick) (laughter) just a big kick in the face. So they are working hard and wanting to enjoy sense gratification – all sorts specially sex life.
So what happens we want to just quickly say very important subject matter what we going to share it is important that we listen to this Krishna killing demons past times. Usually there is tendency to skip them and run for something more nectarine or even Rasa dance forget this killing part, violence but these past times of Krishna killing different demons they are in there with the purpose also that each of these demons Krishna is killing they represent different anarthas some bad qualities in them. So when we hear Krishna killing demons with whatever bad quality in them if that bad quality was say in us then we also just by hearing that past time that anartha in us gets killed we become free from that anartha by hearing that past time. So spiritual master on behalf of Balarama plays the similar role and brings us to the senses the mentality of wanting to work very hard like ass or they run after the opposite sex, so this anartha in Dhenukasur as we hear that past time we become free from that mentality that anartha, that bad quality in us. So like that there are other each demons represent different different bad quality and as we then like this we become purified then gradually ready for other more nectarine pastimes like rasa dance and then we are thoroughly purified it’s like preparation first thing first. So in few days we will be also reading in sequence the five chapters dealing with the rasa dance in summary form.
So I just wanted to remind you the benefits of hearing such past times and then more things we are going to quickly know about Krishna before we go for Kaliyas subduing Kaliya-kaliya daman leela its very exciting thing. So let’s spend little time, so then that day it was almost evening time and
“ krsnah kamala patraksah punya sravana- kirtanah
stuyamano anugair gopaih sagrajo vrajama avrajat” (S.B 10.15.41)
So Krishna kamal patraksah lotus eyed Krishna lotus eyed blooming lotus eyed His eyes reach almost His ears if ours do not reach what do we do? Do some painting so that we try to make our eyes bigger or kajal we try imitate Krishna
“punya sravana kirtanah” His friends “anugair gopaih” they are singing different glories appreciating Krishna, praising Krishna and all of them together they are now returning to Vraja meaning towards Nandagram in the evening time. Sukhdev goswami describes Krishna and His beauty further he says the cows are also walking the dust of braja is so light as they walk so much go raja go raja go dhuli is raised up in the sky and then that settles Krishna’s hairs are smeared and peacock outfit is also smeared covered with that dust – vraja, He has garland of forest flowers and caru-hasam His eyes are rucireksana- charming eyes and caru-hasam Krishna is known for His very attractive smile, charming eyes and smile on His face. “venum” He is playing His flute and other cowherd boys are also doing that now they are coming closer and closer they are about to enter Nandagram and the gopis are waiting the cowherd girls. There are two kinds of gopis you have to take note of the cowherd girls are also called gopis but the elderly gopis and young gopis they have different bhava towards Krishna different relationship with Krishna one is vatsalya bhava and another ones young ones have madhurya rasa- relationship- mellow with the Lord. And for the first time these young gopis have been mentioned because for first time Krishna is now of the appropriate age to enter experienced yet another rasa, yesterday or day before yesterday we were mentioning in Gokul Krishna experiences vatsalya rasa and little bit of sakhya or friendship then He grows and while He is calf herd boy vatsapal then He is spending more time with His friends sakhya bhava becomes dominant some vatsalya bhava continues but as He grows yet another dimension is added to His pastimes, His life and gopis come into picture and that’s what is going on here now.
As calf herd boys they were also returning evening but the young girls never cared to, they were also too young to think of those matters conjugal relationship only elderly ladies with vatsalya bhava – parenthood they would be waiting to receive Krishna but they would look straight look at Krishna meeting of eyes and everything. And now also that two kinds of gopis were awaiting Krishna’s arrival the elderly gopis are just looking at Krishna as affectionately as child but other gopis young gopis they cannot look at Krishna directly social difficulties are there young boy young girls. So they are looking elsewhere but with the side long glances they are looking Krishna, Krishna is going that way – they are looking there, their face is there but the eyes are that side (laughter) the side long glances only they could look at the Lord. And these gopis with the side long glances as if their eyes are like bee like and they are drinking “mukunda mukha saragham” (S.B 10.15.43) the face of “pitva” they are drinking the face of the Lord is like a flower and gopi eyes are like honey they are trying to drink, the bees always go to the flowers to get the honey and by doing so their tapa- so much separation from the Lord, Lord being away so as they drink that nectar emanating from the lotus face of the Lord that fever goes down they are pacified a bit.
So now they are Krishna and Balarama they are all the way close to Nandabhavan and they entered Nandabhavan. They are greeted by Nanda also Yasoda is there Rohini is there.
“tayor Yasoda rohinyau putrayoh putra-vatsale,
yatha kamam yatha kalam vyadhattam paramasisah” (S.B 10.15.44)
According to the time, place and circumstances they are always expressing their affection by giving different kinds of gifts, sweets or whatever children are in need of Krishna and Balarama, so first thing as they return from the forest
“Gatadhvana- sramau” sram they had been walking all day behind the cows the hot sun so “majjanonmardanadibhih” (S.B 10.15.45) bathing takes place in order to do that “nivim vasitva” Sukdev Goswami says the little boys now wearing only undergarments all other their clothes are off they are wearing undergarments and they been bathed by mothers Yashoda and Rohini while bathing little massaging is being done, putting some oil there and you know all day they are working very very hard “ruciram divya srag – gandha manditau” so then they are offered fresh garlands different other gandhas, chandan and their body decorated that way with fresh clothing.
“janany- upahrtam prasya” (S.B 10.15.46)
The dinner time they are made to sit down and they are feed “svadv annam” svadu svadu sweet dishes all they cook is nectarine, nice nice chappan bhoga offered. “lalito palito” there is lalan and palan both things are done. “samvisya vara-sayyayam” and finally around 10:30 or 26 minutes after 10 they have put to bed on a very special bed Krishna and Balarama they take rest – sukhe nidra gela. So this is one sample, sampling of how He returns how He is greeted at the entrance by two kind of gopis finally into Nandabhavan they are bathing, new clothing, feeding, put into rest and this is everyday. Everyday is exciting no routine, no boringthing and we have to. So like that Krishna’s past time continues and Sukhdev goswami quickly turns our attention to Jamuna river.
Jamuna maiyya ki ……………………………jay so kalindim “ yayau ramam rte rajan kalindim sakhibhir vrtah” (S.B 10.15.47)
Once upon a time that day Balarama was not with them, again Balarama is not with them all cowherd boys and Krishna only going into the forest they are now on the banks of Jamuna “atha gavas gopas ca” (S.B 10.15.48) the cows and the cowherd boys they are very thirsty and they end up drinking jamuna jal thirsty they are so what could they do. But “dustam jalam” the poisonous water they drank jamuna jala has become poisonous ‘visa-dusitam” and the result was they fell lifeless right there in front of Krishna “salilante” just on the bank of jamuna.
“viksya tan vai tatha-bhutan krsno yogesvaresvarah iksayamrta -varsinya” (S.B 10.15.48) He opened His eyes and He glanced over all the friends, the cows and “samajivayat” brought them back to life and now they were playing different games very close to Jamuna and Krishna is only thinking how to He understood what is this due to? Why water of jamuna is so poisonous?
“vilokya dusitam krsnam krsnah krsnahina vibhuh” (S.B 10.16.1)
Such wonderful…(maharaj laughs) Krsnam, “dusitam Krsnam” krsna – means here Jamuna. Krsna – krsnaa… if you say “hare krsnaa.. hare Krsnaa.. Krsnaa.. Krsnaa.. hare hare” you are saying “hare jamuna hare jamuna jamuna jamuna hare hare” different mantra you are chanting. Krsna- krsnaa…. Krsnaa… is jamuna Krsnaa… is also Dropadi, there is subtle difference understand, Krsna –Krsnaa.., suta-sutaa… “dusitam krsnam” so the river jamuna has become polluted this is because “Krsna ahina” ahina means serpant and because he is blackish he is addressed here as is Krishna-ahina the black serpant. And this is all vilokya Krsnah Krishna saw Lord Krishna saw that the river Krishna jamuna was polluted by black Krishna ahina, black serpant that is Sukhdev Goswami and “tasya visuddhim anvicchan” and in order to purify, cleanse the waters of contaminated river “sarpam tam udavasayat” He sent away the kaliya so Sukadev Goswami has summarized the whole chapter just in one verse this will and require attention let’s see how far we go interesting details here. The rivers water was so badly polluted full of poison that would be boiling because of poison heated and boiling the birds are flying above the river with the vapors coming evaporated water full of poison the birds would breath that air and result would be they would be falling dead into the river it was that bad. Also “praninah mriyante” animals were dying, birds were dying so what did Krishna do? He wanted to chastise this kaliya sent him away. So in middle of the game Krishna He climbed up kadamba tree right on the bank of this kaliya rte- this kaliya lake this name was kaliya lake because kaliya was residing in the lake.
So Krishna climbed up hey! Where are you going? He was just playing, and now He stopped the play and He just very swiftly He climbs up the tree and He is now standing at the top of the tree, top of the tree tallest branch and He is standing there (maharaj is asking the audience – you could see Him?) yes you have to see Him, you have to visualize this pastime kadamba tree on the bank of jamuna kaliya lake is part of connected with jamuna little extended lake. So He goes up there and He is doing (maharaj slapping his arms) He is slapping “asphotya” slapping arms – challenging that kaliya are you ready? come come lets have a fight wrestlers in India do that come come so this is what Krishna also did and “gadha – rasano” (S.B 10.16.6) Krishna is tightening his belt and the next thing is “nyapatad visode” He fell in the lake, then from there He is into the lake. So big splash all the water has been agitated, waves, water causing flood and the water is spreading now going beyond the lake and the kaliya he heard the splash and he noticed. Oh! There is someone has encroached my territory “asrutya niriksya .” (S.B 10.16.8) the snakes they hear with their eyes they don’t have ears. caksuh-sravah kaliya heard with the eyes the big splash and noticed also, saw also he was deep into, he has his home family also, palace there, children also came out in the direction someone had fallen into that water.
“tam preksaniya sukumara-ghanavadatam” (S.B 10.16.9) and so Krishna is swimming at the top and from underneath kaliya comes he is looking up at Krishna and this beautiful young boy he sees and he has a bluish complexion sri vatsa, he is noticing, He has a srivatsa mark on His chest Laxmi resides on the chest of Sri Krishna in the form of a golden line – suvarna rekha or srivatsa “pita vasanam” He has golden yellow clothing “smita-sundarasyam” His smiling face “kridamtam apratibhayam” and fearlessly He is playing there not scared He is fearless. “kamalodaranghrim sandasya” so kaliya comes he is furious and he starts biting Krishna and next thing he has done he has enveloped Krishna in its coils.
And so the cowherd boys and cows they were watching this scene. Krishna is their lives and it was too much for them to handle this situation for cowherd boys and the cows so they were going unconscious, they were falling there unconscious just on the bank of kaliya lake. “krandamanah su-duhkhitah” (S.B 10.16.11) they are crying they are very very distressed not knowing what to do they eyes are fixed on Krishna and they are standing still, motionless only looking with great anxiety and so while this was the scene on the bank of kaliya now all over Braja mandal there were bad omens. Lighting and this and that signs giving indication that something dangerous has happened in Braja somewhere so many indication.
Whenever such thing happen everyone of course Nanada Yasoda they immediately think of where is Krishna? Where is He? Is He difficulty? Hey! and another thing that they noticed “vina ramena gah krsnam jnatva carayitum gatam” (S.B 10.16.13) oh! Today Balarama has not gone with Krishna so oh! For sure there is some trouble. That other day also He did not go so Brahma had stole again Balarama had stole the cows and cow herd boys and again Balarama hasn’t gone look at all these difficulties all around bad omens everywhere. So they were expecting the worst and they were also thinking is Krishna alive does this mean He is no more, these thoughts were also coming to their mind. “duhkha –soka-bhayaturah” (S.B 10.16.14) full of lamentation have taken over.
“a-bala-vrddha-vanitah sarve anga pasu-vrttayah nirjagmurbgokulad” (S.B 10.16.15) so like that cow going looking for calf, all the men elderly men, gopis they left home, left Gokul, left Braja, left Nanadagram and they are searching “krsna darsana lalasah” (S.B 10.16.15) they are very very eager to find and see identify, locate their Krishna. While everyone is in total anxiety Balarama He isn’t because He knows extraordinary power of His brother Krishna, nothing to worry. But He could not share; He couldn’t say anything because of this emotion of everybody. But He was “prahasya” smiling, trying to conceal His smile and laugh as He is seeing everyone else in total anxiety and so they all go they want to find Krishna. So on the way they see some foot prints hey! come come everyone they all gather around the footprints and they see that these are the footprints of Krishna there are different signs – the flag, thunderbolt and immediately they understand these are foot prints of Krishna see see everyone confirms. And then they follow the foot prints they keep going following those foot prints and they end up on the bank of …………..Jamuna “jamuna jalasayante”
And what do they see there? Some animals died, cowherd boys unconscious, some are struggling to stay alive, those who are alive they are looking, where are they looking? They are looking inside so immediately everyone’s attention has gone towards that scene there ghastly scene. And so as these persons have come towards kaliya lake and as they see Krishna they are all trying to go in there to protect their Krishna they don’t care whether they will get drowned they just want to protect Him but Balarama forbid them stopped them, kept them away from entering the lake. So Krishna stays for few moments for a little while in that state but then seeing the condition of everyone else all around Vrajawasis everywhere, elderly ladies, gentlemen, Gopis very very anxious, crying, screaming wanting to get closer to Krishna but they can’t get there. So Krishna manages to get out of the coil of kaliya and kaliya and Krishna they are facing each other like two wrestlers, trying to overpower the other one.
And kaliya is trying to get closer to bite or again catch Krishna in his coils and Krishna is trying to avoid that so that kind of battling lasted for a while and this was little relief for those who were watching because atleast he was not in the tight grip of kaliya. But He was still there in the middle of the lake in front of kaliya, so next thing Krishna does is He is pushing some of the hoods of kaliya and he jumps up and Krishna is standing on the hoods of kaliya Haribol…………………Haribol.
And He has His flute and he begins His “akhila- kaladi gurur nanarta” (S.B 10.16.26) He is the adiguru of all the artist, all the dancers and the flute players, musicians He is the original guru – the master of everybody and He begins his dance. Krishna begins His dance on the hoods of kaliya, kaliya has one hundred and one hoods so that becomes His platform Krishna’s platform and as soon as Krishna desire to dance on the hoods of kaliya immediately just that minute the Gandharvas, the Siddhas, the caranas they all begin the orcastra party, they all play the best music and nice drumming is going on helping Krishna to, the dancer comes in good mood when there is nice music. So there are different scenes here Krishna kaliya in the middle of lake, Krishna in the middle all the Brajavasis – the audience on the bank of the lake water they don’t know what to expect, they are still in anxiety and up there in the sky it is all filled with the Demigods and gandharva and Apasaras and they are providing all the necessary music and Krishna is dancing on the hoods of kaliya, He is Nataraja – the best of all the dancers, amitabh bachchan is nobody why even remember him before Krishna. Krishna is best dancer and He is dancing, playing his flute also and he has ankle bells – jingling, tinkling around his ankle they are also playing and his attempt is He is trying to express anger and poisonous flame are emanating from different hoods, so which ever hood is most active trying to find Krishna, bite Krishna, Krishna puts his foot right there and “anghri pataih” he hits He dances, His dancing is working like hitting the hoods ok this one is out of 100, He has 100 to work with so as he is dancing he is watching also, playing now which hood where, which one now. So some times he is here middle hood, then this hood then that hood like that he is going all over and hitting this hoods now he has 50% taken over, 50% are just life less vomiting blood and then He is working on more hoods, some more dance and music goes on and on…….
Pushpas are being showered on Krishna and He is enjoying and now all his hoods, all 101 hoods have been totally subdued, kicked and brought under control by Lord who appears to do this “vinasayaca duskritam”. So at this point the Nagapatnis – wives of Kaliya they come they are addressing the Lord who is still standing on the hoods, head of their husband “nyayyo hi dandah” Krishna whatever you have done is very fair we have no complaints, this is the purpose you appear “tavavatarah khala nigrahaya ”.
“anugraho ayam bhavatah” infact benediction of yours upon our husband and ourself “tapah sutaptam kim anena purvam” we don’t know what kind of austerities our husband has performed as a result you have blessed him touched his head left lot of dust of you lotus feet on the heads of our husband they are reminded even that Laxmi she has performed so much austerities hoping to get closer to Krishna, getting the dust of lotus feet but she did not become successful but look our husband has become successful getting that sacred dust on his head and they say “vanchanti yat-pada rajah prapannah” (S.B10.16.37) this is the only desire of devotees of the lord just to get the dust –surrender into the dust of krishna’s lotus feet. They did not desire “na naka prstam” they don’t desire to go to heaven they don’t want to be emperors “paramesthyam” they dnt want post of Brahma they dn’t want to be any kind of rulers “na yoga –siddir” they don’t want bhukti-siddhi-kami no nothing………………..

Lord Rsabhadeva’s Teachings to His Sons

“putrams ca sisyams ca nrpo gurur va

mal – loka – kamo mad  anugraharthah

ittham vimnyur anusisyad ataj-janam

nayojayet – karmasu karma- mudhan

kam yojayan manujo rtham labeha

nipatayan nasta-drsam hi garte”

Venue: Los Angeles, Date – 2009 June 07, S.B 5.5.15

This morning we will read from S.B canto 5th, chapter 5th, and text no.15

TRANSLATION: If one is serious about going back home, back to Godhead, he must consider the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the summum bonum and chief aim of life. If he is a father instructing his sons, a spiritual master instructing his disciples, or a king instructing his citizens, he must instruct them as I have advised. Without being angry, he should continue giving instructions, even if his disciple, son or citizen is sometimes unable to follow his order. Ignorant people who engage in pious and impious activities should be engaged in devotional service by all means. They should always avoid fruitive activity. If one puts into the bondage of karmic activity his disciple, son or citizen who is bereft of transcendental vision, how will one profit? It is like leading a blind man to a dark well and causing him to fall in.

PURPORT: It is stated in Bhagavad-gita (3.26): “na buddhi –bhedam janayed ajnanam karma-sanginam, josayet sarva-karmani vidvan yuktah samacaran”

“Let not the wise disrupt the minds of the ignorant who are attached to fruitive action. They should be encouraged not to refrain from work, but to work in the spirit of devotion.”

“Lord Rsabhadeva’s teaching to His sons” is the chapter and he has taught lot of things so for, beginning form the very 1st verse of this chapter  “nayam deho deha-bhajam nrloke” (S.B 5.5.1) very 1st statement of Rsabhadev someone said this was most quoted verse by Srila Prabhupada. “janma karma cha me divyam” this is one of the most quoted verse, no this one but where the teaching of Rsabhadev begins, Rsabhadev uvaca, Srila Prabhupada quotes this verse again and again and again to his disciple. This is what Rsabhadev was expecting that spiritual masters would do such things, or whether they are spiritual masters “gurur va” not only guru but “gurur va” and someone else and guru or this why is or “narpo gurur va”. Whether nrpa the king is instructing putrans citizen are like his putras children, so nrpa is giving instructions “manyor sisyat”.

So Rsabhadev is giving a guideline here “etham” all that I have spoken thus far,  all the teaching that I have shared with you my dear sons, he is addressing his sons infact 100 of them but could Lord be limited to just 100 sons. He could have unlimited sons or we could say in fact everyone is his son in that setting or in that context as history goes he had 100 sons. But we are all his sons whether we are disciple whether we are citizen whether are we children whatever, fathers, mothers, daughters, neighbors, friends everybody, everybody is son of the Lord.

But all the sons, all those entities are not sitting there only 100 of them are sitting. But he says but these teaching are for everybody. So in future when spiritual masters would get on the mike they had to teach like this, I have just taught you my dear sons. So they should be teaching and that way let Krishna speak for himself you shut up, you don’t talk let Krishna speak let Rsabhadev speak for himself. So he had already spoken and but he was addressing 100 sons only what about his rest of the sons they should also get the message the instructions and that job is done not by spiritual master only, it is also duty of  the king, will be instructing his citizens. And the fathers would instruct their children and that way everyone in the audience everyone is covered, you know someone is suppose to be instructing them and at different level of their elevation in their age as they grow they go through phases or ashrams. There is someone “gurur na sasyat, svajano na sasyat pita mata na sasyat”you should not become guru “guru na sasyat” or that person is not a guru or that person is not svajan, Oh! These are my people svajana. You are claiming them to be yours but then you have obligations toward them. Pita Oh! I am a father Oh! That’s fine but you should be doing something as a father. Oh! I am a mother that’s good so you have to something as father, mother, Svajana and the guru. Also they have to do?  “na mocha yet sampat mrutyum’”.

Your disciple, your citizen, your child and you have to make sure he doesn’t take birth again. You be last father and mother of your child. He had so many fathers and mothers he had enough of it, so you be the last father, last mother and to do that you have to repeat these instruction of Rsabhadev to your children, to your disciples, to your neighbors, to your friends, you repeat say these teachings of Rsabhadev share with them, so that ‘na mocha yet sampat mrutyum’ mrtyum “ mrtyu you have to save them from mrtyu, you have to save them from death, birth and death if you don’t do then what kind of spiritual master are you, what kind of svajan  or what kind of mata , pita you are not that you may be clever I am it’s my role I am father, mother you are not unless you stop  the cycle that person dependent upon you cycle is not stopped. So Rsabhadev says “etham” thus for etham I have given some teachings and they should be shared, repeated, explained “pari prasnena sevaya” (B.G.4.34) could be there “tad viddhi pranipatena pari prasnena sevaya”. So “asisyat” this should be instructed, this should be shared, this teaching of mine should be shared. “vemanur”  Srila Prabhupada is translating “your disciples, your sons may take little extra time or something, don’t get angry “vemanyur” have some patience without getting angry you should share these instructions of mine with putran with  the children, if you are father or for someone like Sri Rama all the citizen were like His children. He looked after all the citizen as if they were part of his family; they were his children that are Raja and Praja. Praja is that of Raja, Praja you are born of, you are child of Raja, the King, all the citizens they are children of the king, he is the father, father figure. So he looks after, he takes care materially; spiritually of all the citizens this is how he manages his kingdom. So whether you are father, mother or whether you are ‘nrpa’ king then putran all your citizen, all your children or “gurur va” or if you are spiritual master, then you have sisyan disciples, they all should be instructed, etham the way I have done Rsabhadev says.

And “mal lok kamat mat anugrahat”, so instructions should benefit the children’s, sons or citizens or disciples in what way? They should be taught about arouse the desire of “mat loka” my loka,  goloka, my loka that’s my lok mat loka, Goloka “Goloka eva nevasate akhelat ma bhuta” you tell them about my loka and they should have desire “kama” mat loka kama. They should be making “going back to home” Back to Godhead as a goal of their lives. “mad anugrahata” and to give my anugraha, my benediction, my blessing- anugraha, anugrahitosmi – I am great to you sir, anugraha – benediction, special blessings vara, vara varadane, varadraj- Lord is known as Varadraj. In South India there is a deity called Varadraj not only vara, varada one who gives the benediction, special anugraha – varada. But that deity is called as Varadraj; like rajvidya – raja king of all the deities, those who give benediction. And I was there during Padayatra I was praying for benediction “Give me some service my dear Lord” my God brother, God sister are doing so much I am not doing enough give me benediction. I asked for little more knowing that He is Varadraj and offered prayers like that and Lord gave me so much service that I had to go back and enough (laughter). I had this realization it’s not a story telling I remember one time I was praying to the deity and then thing changed, so he proved I am Varadraj. I am varadraj, king of benedictory anugraha. “anugraharthah”

So whatever instruction the gurus are giving, the king gives or parents are giving the goal is “mat lok kama” “going back to home” we are going some devotees sing also, they don’t only say “going back to godhead” but they sing we are going back to home back to godhead …………..ting ting ting (Maharaja Singing) (laughter).

There is a big boat and Srila Prabhupada is the captain, join in inviting everyone please come (Maharaj laughs). So that is one part that “anusishyat” instructions should be given the way, I have given the instruction or teachings. And who gives instruction? And unto whom they are given? That is one part and the goal of those instructions is going back to home and my “mad  anugraharthah” and that is Rsabhadev, that is Supreme Personality of Godhead in that advent, incarnation mat-mat-mat “man-mana bhava mat bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru” (B.G.9.34) four times Lord says – remember, He does not only say remember, become devotee, worship, offer obeisance’s. He doesn’t say only that much but every time He is asking us to do 4 things but every time He says do this for me. “man – mana mat-bhakto”, you are mine give it to me, remember me, mat bhakto – become my devotee, mad –yaji you want to worship, worship me,  mam namaskuru and if you are thinking of offering obeisance’s, unto me you offer obeisance’s. not living any scope any room for any speculation or any, that could be anybody, everybody I am worshiping, I am offering obeisance’s, I am remembering, but Lord says it’s me, it’s me, it’s me four times it’s me remember me – the speaker of Bhagvat gita. And here the speaker of these teachings Rsabhadev is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. So room for no interpretation is required, you do this for me. “mat loka” there were so many lokas; this world is full of lokas, swarga loka and this loka, 14 planetary systems filled with loka.

“mal – loka – kamo mad  anugraharthah” Lord is asking two things should be done, in nut shell two things and He has put himself there “my abode” and “my anugraha” mad  anugraha, artha the goal should be mad  anugraha- my benediction, it’s me, without no false ego, it’s He, it’s Him. “atat jnana mudham” that is the second part. So this party is “atat jnana” or “atat jya” and it’s the plural of that, tat means that, there are 3 words small small 3 words here, atat, jya, a means no, tat-that, jya means knowledge. Those who do not have knowledge of that who is that? That is Lord, someone brought the harmonium here that said “hare om tat sat”. So that “om tat sat” is Krishna one who has written this instead of writing “Hare Krishna” he has written “Hare om tat sat”. So that Krishna is tat. Tat-that when you say that, it’s understood that means, who is that this refers to always throughout the scriptures when it comes tat, tat is that end that is Supreme Personality of Godhead. And mayavadi would like to say oh! tattvam asi, tattvam asi, this is not I am but you are.

Instruction in the Upanisads to the disciples are like that its dialogue between Guru and disciple. So one Guru says in one of the Upanisads “tattvam asi”, tat-that, tvam-you, asi-are, you are that, you are that, you are that, tattvam asi. So that is Sankaracharya and he, it is in sastras in Upanishads and he thrives of this “tattvam asi” “aham brahmasmi”. The 4 Upanisads have 4 maha vakyas and he makes that as basis of his misleading statements for which purpose he had appeared it was empowered.

kalu brahman rupina” I will appear oh! My Devi Parvarti in kaliyug I will appear as brahman rupina, and mayavad asat sastram, I will promote this mayavad which is asat sastram. Asat -no sat, it is sastram but asat sastram, before even his advent he is declaring what I am going to be talking is all asat sastram, mayavadam asat sastram and this will be cover up for Buddhism, this is part of the statement, cover up for Buddhism, only distance little bit from Buddhism; not go all the way.

So Buddha said zero and Sankaracharya, said not zero, one and then followed by Sankaracharya all the 4 vaishnav acharya appeared and they say specially Madhvacharya Aye! Two not zero, not one- two, then appeared Caitanya Mahaprabhu “you have given to much stress on this two-two… …no no they are two but they are one simultaneously. This two was stressed so much that relationship between the two loving dealings, affections, they were kind of minimized because they wanted to get rid of this, so much emphasize, communism, then capitalism, then the other extreme, they had to bring the other extreme then the communism, that also does not work. So again zero, our vaishnav acharya are fighting against, well  Sankaracharya already fought against zero and he published one. The vaishnav acharyas had to fight now against that one, establish two because they stressed too much on this two, two. The Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to come and do little refinement, little adjustment no, no not only two but they are also one “Achintyabhedabhed tatva” and that’s it no one else is going to come now to do any evolution or innovations or adjustments all done now this is set for next forever. So this tat is ‘attaya’ those who do not know tat that, that is Lord, “nayojayet – karmasu karma- mudhan

So do not engage them in “na yojayat” do not engage them “karmasu” in karma, this is karma, karma jnana karmakand, jnankand. So do not engage them in ………….activities the karmas. He is karmi we say he is karmi means he is a fruitive worker, he does karma and when there is fruit of that karma, he likes to gobble it up, he likes to enjoy fruit of his own labor. “karmany evadhi karaste ma phalesu kadacana” (B.G.2.47) Krishna said in Bhagvad gita another famous verse if any verse they know it’s this one “karmanu evadhikarasta” in fact the first part not even the second part “karmany evadhikaras te” yes we have right to do our duty the whole Hinduism is based on this. Oh! What is that, Krishna says “karmany evadhikaras te” and they become jubilant and they run. Whole impetus, it gives them boast all the activities “Krishna has stamped” “karmany evadhikaras te”. But they forget “ma phalesu kadacana” hye! Hands off you do activity but when there is a fruit don’t touch it.  “ma phalesu” “karmany evadhikarste ma phalesu” you have right to do your duty so that adhikar is also part of second part of Krishnas statement “ma phalesu kadachana” “ma adikaraha phalesu kadachana”  you have no adhikar, you have no right to go for the fruit of that oh! That’s for me “ma phalesu” do not “ma phalesu kadachana” “ma karma –phala hetur bhur” there are 3 ma’s there. One, two and three don’t s in the verse. You do this, you do your duty ok first thing is the fruit, it’s not for you “ma phalesu kadachana”  “ma karma –phala hetur bhur” do not think you are the cause of the duty do not think I am the doer.

“ma karma –phala hetur bhur” and then “ma te sango stv karmani” so person may say ok I have no fruit for me ok,  I can go for it, but at least some name, fame you know, I did it could I at least get the name. No fruit but at least I should get the credit for doing it. No, No “ma karma –phala hetur bhur” but then why should I work, no fruit, not even name then I will not do the duty. Lord says do not get attached to not doing the duty. “ma sangastu akarmani” ma=do not, sangas=attachment,  akarmani. So that means Lord is making the circle complete by saying “karmany evadhi karaste” you just do you part ok, you just do your part and others 3 don’t do this, don’t do this, don’t do this, do not become oh! Why should I do, I would become renounced.

No you don’t do that keep doing “karmany evadhi karaste”” so that other parts missing links are there everything one goes for just “karmany evadhi karaste” they just hear the half truth and they run. Distribute books I was told and Prabhupada said distribute books, he also wanted to say something more How to distribute? And the devotees ran out of the door, distribute books. But you read my books also read my books; I have complain the only complain about my disciple what is the complaint? They do not read my books. So distribute books yes that part we were into it, but then read my books that is also there. So we kind of hear half truth and go for it. So have patience and hear the whole thing hear the truth and then act. So Rsabhadev is talking ‘ataj-janam’. So those who don’t have knowledge of that, that is Supreme Lord meaning all this ‘matlok kama’ all this kind of jnana – knowledge, direction, instructions. “na yojayati” please don’t engage them in karmasu, karma mudhan. They are already karma mudha, they are bewildered, they are illusioned so do not engage, do not talk of the karma kand sections of karma, fruitive activities. And third part is benefit and what is the lost? If you engage them then there would be big loss, they would be lost in fact “garte” in a hole in a well.

kam yojayan manujo rtham labeha” The manujas  born from Manu manujas – the human beings and if they are engaged yojayat, they are engaged in that karma furtive activities then artham what is the benefit “artham labeha kam” what benefit is there? In fact there is no benefit its only loss, what is the loss? “nipatayan nasta – drsam hi garte” fall down go deeper “nasta-drsam” they will be destroyed, finished and “gate” as they will go deeper into material existence. So we have become human being very fortunate but if you get into dark regions. So the solution is already there. Srila Prabhupada is quoting yet another statement of the Lord from Bhagavad-Gita. “josayet” this verse of Bhagavatam says “yojayet” Bhagavad-Gita.    “josayet” – dovetail, engage-dovetail, “Josayet sarva – karmani vidvan yuktah samacaran” (BG 3.26)

“ataj-janam” those who are ignorant of this ultimate reality or absolute truth that Supreme Personality of Godhead those who do not know “ajnanam karma- sanginam” same parties, karmis mentioned here. So Krishna says in Bhagavat –gita “ajnanam” here He says “ataj-janam” “ajnanam karma – sanginam”  “na buddhi bhudam janayed”. The wise do not disrupt the minds of ignorant who are attached to the fruitive actions. Then what are they supposed to be doing? Or what do they do? They should encourage not to refrain from work but work in spirit of devotion and that is devotional service. And that is this mal-loka-kamo” going back to home. “ mad- anugra- harthah” the benediction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead not just benediction of  some Demigods that is result of karma may be elevation to the higher planetary System or not just getting into merging into Brahamanda. But go forward, more forward, upward, so to be action less is not possible.

Krishna says that not even for a movement one could be free from action. “na sanam api” So active you must remain, one may be engaged now in some fruitive activities. So let them be active but somehow engage them in activity of devotional service. So that is what Srila Prabhupada has done by giving us this International society for Krishna Consciousness which is full of devotional activities, all varieties wide spectrum. So you may not be fully and quickly understand everything but just do it. If you are into just doing it, just do the devotional service (Laughs) and that’s the mantra just do it, do not even think just do it. If that is your philosophy just do it, just take Prasad doesn’t hurt just eat, the cookies, just raise your hands, oh! What for! Just raise the hand. Say Hare Krishna. What is this Hare Krishna? Doesn’t matter say Hare Krishna (laughs) Devotee laughing?

So with this karma kanda, jnana kanda goal is “vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo” (B.G.15.15) I am to be known. But then this karma kanda this is very slow taking stair case, gradually who knows when, you are going to be going higher, when reaching destination. But if you perform some devotional service you go throw the lift. So knowingly unknowingly you perform devotional service, devotional activity. That person in New York in the early days he came with a toilet paper (laughs) he couldn’t think of anything else to go to swamiji, so he bought it on the way toilet paper and swami ji accepted happily. So that was his participation in International Society for Krishna Consciousness (laughs). He contributed toilet paper.

So in any way I could be hooked, just the touch with the Holy Name or sankirtan party. Do we not hear, I saw a sankirtan party down town, I did not understand but I stood there. And as they stand and hear passing by the Holy name is touching their heart and soul and something clicks and it sits there for some time. It seems nothing happened but them one fine morning there is a push go this way, so that way and then one would join that boat; we are going back to home.

People taking part in ratha yatra, there is only a core group that has come to take part in ratha yatra but so many others, they were not there for ratha yatra. They just turn around and there is Jagganath, they turn around and there is cookie in their hand. What answer? Eat it, eat Prasad, hears the Holy name on the Venis beach he did not go to Vrindavan, Mayapur, he did not come to temple here but temple goes, Lord goes to them. When you are little sick you go to the doctor but when you are too much sick then doctor goes to the patient isn’t it? When you are little sick you personally go to the doctor but it you are more sick then doctor has to come to the patient. There is so much sickness, sick people so they don’t come they can’t come to the temple which is like a hospital and Lord and there devotees are like the doctors. Sometimes these doctors go to the patients, go to the patients go door to door knocking is anyone sick here (laughs) or they just go to those coming in contact and then ratha yatra like festival, people are exposed, devotees go, out and distribute books in the middle of the crowed they stand and they are making it available, here are the tablets, here is the dose “gita” “Bhagavatam” here is prasadam – govindas, here is music.

Devotees in Paris they have a metro yoga, our devotee program in Paris they have a metro yoga. The metro the trains that goes round and round, devotees jump on that metro and began chanting. And then they stop and they talk of this is a “relief program” for stress and strain this is relief program. How did you feel? How did you feel? I felt great then they more chant more, stop and talk, they hand out some invitations. In once a year the people are invited for the music festival, attractive music festival. So they handout thousand invitations, some 100 people, 150 people come and there is a music festival “Hare Krishna music”, they will talk and Prasad. So this yoga works, metro yoga is working, they are in business it’s going on. So devotes so many outlets or inlets are there through which they could come in and they don’t have to stop doing what they are doing but add Krishna and whole devotional service and carry on move on and on. Ok I will stop here.

Hare Krishna!

Question 1 : – When we are coming to the temple we take are shop forward but there is always danger of two step backward if you are associating with karmis. So I wanted if you could give some encouragement devotee are working the outside world how to avoid the two steps backward?

Answer: – But they could also step forward and be right there, others may be little slower. So whenever they thinking of going forward they will not take one, then two steps small small steps they will jump right in also. And some those who go away, not active sometime then they come back and when do they begin, here they  had left off, in few days they are on the microphone giving Bhagavatam class (laughs) they are talking Bhagvad geeta and you know it’s all there. We should certainly not like to see setbacks, we used to be worried about this Prabhupada was still with us and those day we talk of gloop, we don’t use that word so much now may be there is less glooping (laughs) or there are less to gloop, we don’t use that word so much now may be there is less glooping (laughs) or there are less to gloop, there were so many there, so there was morning glooping, some were glooping in the afternoon (laughs) during the night (laughs) numbers were bigger  so the frequency of glooping was may be. So approach in Prabhupada and his point encouraging point was “they will come back” then he would add “in this life or the next” “they will come back”.

So that was kind of relief to hear from Srila Prabhupada that they are lost forever but they would be ours very soon one of these days one of these months or as they get older they will have second thoughts and they will reveal situation and this one going that one leaving departing this makes also one think of one’s situation. So again as it is advised here in this verse and that particular Bhagavad –gita verse quoting from 3rd chapter. Not to disturb somehow engage them encourage them in devotional activities, keep them linked, this program I think its reaching setbacks can’t come to the temple. Ok so you could use your internet open your computer and take darshan of Rukmini Dwarkadhish or see the greetings, great the Lord and meet the speakers of Bhagavatam at your home. But then one should not get attached. Oh! God is everywhere or at home also I am taking darshan and that like. But it’s some kind of means provided to you to make easier that is not the standard practice, its meant for you to step forward go forward, go to the Lord come take darshan and chant and dance in association of devotees, physical association, personal association, face to face. There is some kind of impersonal could they ask questions? We should have program to reach out those prabhus, just now again there is a talk going on reuniting Prabhupada family, reaching out Prabhupads disciples where ever they may be and encourage them; remind them, so like that.

Question 2:- Arjuna is a military man and we know military man means that he kills, Prabhupada gives example of a soldier on battle field, but when you come back and kill you go to jail. I am just kind of wondering if you could say something about in reference to how Arjuna could think like this that I am killing for Krishna, I seems to be a pretty happy kind of thing to do. And other thing is what is our duty as a devotee in Krishna consciousness, what are we our be Brahmans, vaisyas or kshtriyas or sudras in order to understand how to give everything to Krishna you need to be satisfied, properly, satisfied in your life and if you know that then it seems you could give that fruit to Krishna. But if there is some confusion what you are? You don’t know how to properly act so these are confusing kind of things for a conditional soul?

Answer: – I am not Arjuna (laugh) only Arjuna could do even Arjuna was not ready; Arjuna had thoughts like you have in the beginning. He was concerned about so many things what about this drama? What about? Arjuna has come up with a small list in the 1st chapter of Bhagavad-gita, all his concerns to which Krishna address in the 18th chapter  “sarva darman parityajya” (S.B 18.66) Arjuna asking what about this dharma?  and Krishna says don’t worry “mam ekam saranam vraja aham tvam sarva papebhyo moksayis yami ma sucah” I will take care of the rest.

So all those were very extra ordinary circumstance where these instructions are given to Arjuna and he is instructed to get up fight.  And well if they are killed grandfather has to say from his experience in the Bhagavatam that all those who were killed went back home they were all liberated. Because the killing took place in the presence of the Lord, in fact Arjuna was only seeing the back of the Lord while others were seeing the face of the Lord; they were even more fortunate position then Arjuna. So as they were face to face with the Lord. Lord killed this is the time. When Sri Rama hides behind the tree and killed Bali. So that Sugriva could join, Sugriva and  Sri Rama together. Sugriva was also in trouble his wife also was in cuscody of Bali. Lord Ram and Sugriva were in similar situation. Ones wife with Ravana and ones wife with Bali . So when Rama killed get rid of this Bali. So Bali first of all thought this is not fair you are hiding you wanted to kill me or fight, you could have come face to face, what is this act? Then Lord proposed oh! I could save you, you could take your arrow, and then Bali was thinking no! no! don’t do this don’t do this opportunity like this to be killed by you, as I see you face to face, I may not get this opportunity again. Do not take that arrow out let be in there, let me die in your presence.

So some may or may not know benefits of being killed by the Lord or being killed in the presence of the Lord. So it was very extra ordinary situation in which context Arjuna was asked to do killing. The society is like a body, when the body is sick doctors comes and he does the operation for which he is not punished, there is no penalty in fact we say thank you doctor, for tearing in body apart and stiching again we thank him.

So Lord had to do that kind of operation, “paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrutam” (BG4.8) He has made his vision very clear by this statement “I come to kill the miscreants or anyone who takes part or becomes party to the miscreants I kill them”.  But at the same time He does something “aho bakiyam” Lord is known for that, Uddhav was amazed that magnanimity of the Lord oh! That baki putra had come with intension “jigansaya api” she had intension of killing the Lord but see Lord elevated her and gave her the position of mother in this own abode. So something’s are kind of inconceivable. But we couldn’t do it you know, the army officer order shot, kill then it is done and you get award, reward for doing that but privately if you pick your gun and begin then you will be hanged or you will be punished. This is one part and the other part is who are we? And we should be situated properly before we could do something or perform devotional service. Which Varna, which ashram do we belong to; things are not very clear in this age of Kali (laughs).

It’s not a normal time again because we said that was extra ordinary time, that battle field was very extra ordinary situation,  same time this age of kali is also pretty extra ordinary it’s not a normal time. And Prabhupada says each age like a one season, four ages – four seasons. So this season is age of Kali is pretty dark and gloomy. We can’t even see who is who, it’s dark. And this darkness is because of mode of ignorance “aham ajana jam tamaha” tama the darkness is because ajnana – ignorance, mode of ignorance. So who is who? Who are you? Who am I? It’s very difficult. “Kalau nasta drasham esham” Bhagvatam in the very beginning says, people have lost the eye sight they are not able to see. Ok then I will shade some light; I will provide the light of Bhagavatam. “adhuna purana arka uditaha” Lord says “I will as Bhagavatam”, so that people could again see things as they are.

So it’s kind of we don’t know, there is whole mix up, you know. It’s kind of more distinct in the past this person is governed by ignorance, ok put him in this box called sudra box. This person is predominant in mode of goodness, ok he is Brahman. And between these two there is Ksatriya, he still has goodness but passion also. Then you go to sudra very little goodness, lots of passion but ignorance also.

So Lord says in Bhagavad-Gita there is rivalry these 3 modes of material nature kind of battling and fighting and one who comes victorious defeating the other two. Then after sometimes other two are there every dog has its day (laughs). So other modes of material nature they come at the top and sometimes you are in goodness, lot of time you are in passion and lot of time you are in ignorance.

So it’s very difficult to say if goodness then you have to be always in goodness. But that’s not the case ignorance is dominating in this age of kali.

So Bhagvatam says “kalau sattvam haram pumsam” sattavam – goodness is stolen by this age of kali. So goodness is gone and what is left is little bit of passion and lot of ignorance. And so we come from that stock, we walk out of that dark regions and then we try to find out who am I? So we are just told “jiver swarupa hoya Krishner nitya das” you are servant of Krishna.  We kind of start there and the goal is to become vaishnav. Whether we are Brahmans or sudras this that there is not much time life is short and there is “miles to go before you sleep” “miles to go before you sleep woods are lovely, dark and sleep” you heard that before.

So so many things are attracting,  distracting. So this not the time exactly to go step by step, this varna that ashram. “Hye! You disciples are in early twenties and you have given them sannyasa order of life”. One press reported questioned how come at the age of 75 onwards, he had studied somewhere at the age of 75 you take sannyasa. He was objecting young people, young disciples you have already made them into sannayasi so they are young reporter is saying not old. So who dies? Those who are old they die. They are young, old people die so Srila was questioning oh! They are young and I am old, but if there any guaranty of them not dying before I do. You say that they are young, old people die, but they could also die, there is no guaranty this is not Ramraja. In kingdom of Ram there was no such a thing that the parents, father performing the funeral ceremony of his sons. If this happened they would run to ring the bell and the king has to answer. Hey! What is my son had to die. Could any one complaint like this these days? People teenage and in twenties and thirties they are dying.

So anyways so Prabhupada was trying to impress upon, there is no time for going systematically from this to that to that Varna, ashram. So we just make the best use of the bad bargain. Get out of here, come out clean vaishnavas. So as much as possible try to follow Varna, ashram Prabhupada did talk of forming economy based on land and the cow administration. Ya! You are all ksatriya but you are also Brahmin and you are also Vaisya so like that as vaishnavas we play different roles. And sometime we act in this capacity or that capacity. But do it again ‘the goal is to work for the pleasure of the Lord. And so this is done as aradhana unto the Lord; for the pleasure of the Lord this varnashram it’s linked with the Lord.

So that aim in mind we Ksatriya or Brahamin or Vaisya or Sudra for the pleasure of Lord we act.


His Holiness Loknath Maharaj Ki Jai…………………!



Glorification of Aindra Prabhu

Date: 6th July 2011, Venue: Pune (On  occasion of 25thanniversary of 24 hours sankirtan in Krishna Balarama temple His Holiness Lokanath Maharaj ji talking to the 24 hours sankirtan team in Krishna Balarama and glorifying Aindra Prabhu on phone)

Aindra prabhu ki……………jai, we miss him on this day such a wonderful association, so much inspiration especially in the kirtan, sankirtan movement. I also like little bit kirtan, so we were colleagues and I remember from the kirtan we did together during Kartik in front of Krishna and Balarama or in Mayapur in front of Pancha tattva, he is sitting next to me. The sad part
is he is not with us; the good part is he is gone back to Krishna and joined our Shyamsundar in Vrindavan.

I think this is 25th year, 25th anniversary of the kirtan that he inaugurated, it started in 86 we arrived in Mayapur for the 500th anniversary Caitanya Mahaprabhu appearances, so hard work. So I wish he was with us this year also in celebration of completion of 25th year of “akhanda” –Non stop kirtan in Krishna Balarama Temple.  World famous Krishna Balarama temple is known for its “Non Stop” kirtan probably it’s the only temple. Srila Prabhupada wanted this and Aindra Prabhu he fulfilled
Prabhupada,s desire of having “Non Stop” kirtan in Krishna Balarama temple, all glories to him.

Besides the Holy Name he was attached to the Radha Shyamasundar he would do kirtan in front of them and then he would also go on the altar, so many days, every week and dress Radha Shyamasundar we remember him as pujari of Radha Shyamasundar . And I also remember when ever gave class he just stand in front of Radha Shyamasundar,s  altar and listen to class from there and sometimes he would also ask questions or make some comments. He had very deep
philosophical insight for the realm of Radha, Krishna and Manjaries and Gopis, he was into that bhava.

And then his personal Deities number of Silas that he had collected, biggest collection on the planet. He has Guara Nitai and Vrindadevi. Last month I was there and I was given tour of his quarter we spend quiet sometime with the Deities and all the devotees who were team members of his 24 hours Sankirtan party and then I was also pointed out at a clock at the wall it had no hands it was stand still and one devotee said purposely Aindra Prabhu put that clock which did not move – meant in Vrindavan there is no influence of time transcendental. I kind of became emotional and speechless on the occasion like this. So we miss him, we take inspiration and we have responsibility of pushing
on the 24 hour kirtan at the Krishna Balarama temple. I understand some more devotees have joined and there is quite a steady team and kirtans are going on and on and on………that way keep Aindra Prabhu alive. And last time I was with the kirtan team in Aindra Prabhu,s quarters I asked devotees would you like to see Aindra Prabhu dead or alive? And the y said of course we want to see him alive, we want to see him alive. Then I proposed them to do kirtan and Aindra Prabhu
would be there, wherever there is kirtan Aindra Parbhu must be there where else he would go.

Almost conditioned by the kirtan he can’t be away from kirtan or without kirtan. Keep performing kirtan, chanting 24 hours push on his service, his project and that would be the best attribute on occasion like this to Aindra Prabhu. (Maharaj asking the 24 hours kirtan team devotees in the
Krishna Balarama temple) is Krishna Balaram temple full? Reply- yes ok now I would let you carry on. Aindra Prabhu was offered Raj Bhoga –remnants of Krishna Balarama, Radha Shyamsundar, Guara Nitai, I was trying to watch on Iskcon I missed and I was kind of wondering where then I found out you all were not in the temple but in the Balarama Hall. Ok so my obeisance
at the lotus feet of Aindra Prabhu and my obeisance to all assembled vaishnavas

Srila Prabhupada ki ……….jai

Aindra Prabhu ki…………………jai

“vancha kalpatarubhyas ca krpa- sindhubhya eva ca pattitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo namo namah”

Harinaam Sankirtan ki………jai

24 hours kirtan in front of Krishna Balarama ki………….jai.

Guara premanande ……………………..Hari Hari bol

Serving cows is our dharma

Date: 2008, Venue: Vrindavan (Braj mandal Parikrama) Haribol, so when a devotee was walking with umbrella he was trying to hold it over me, immediately I was remembered of a pastime,
when first time Krishna had to leave for cow herding.  Then mother Yashoda approached Krishna,
please take umbrella and also take pair of shoes. Krishna refused “no. no….i can’t wear shoes, cows don’t have shoes but if you insist I wil wear the shoes then bring the shoes for all
the cows first

So Nanda Maharaj had 900,000 cows and each cow has 4 legs, so how many shoes are
required? 36 lakhs so which bata-tata company would provide so many shoes (laughter
maharaj also laughing).

So mother Yashoda gave up the idea of insisting Krishna to wear the shoes. Oh! But at
least take the umbrella it’s hot out there, again Krishna’s condition was first
get umbrella for the cows, so how many umbrella required? 9lakhs then Krishna
said cows have feet but they don’t have hands so we would require somebody to
carry the umbrella, so we need 9 lakh people walking next to the cows holding
umbrella. Mother Yashoda also gave up that idea (laughs) she could not manage 9
lakh people. So during all the cow herding pastime of Sri Krishna in Vrindavan
, He always walks bear feet behind the cows. So don’t think you are the only
ones going on Braj mandal parikrama without shoes, Krishna also goes around without
shoes in Vrindavan.

So He has gone around without shoes, without umbrella, then He did little preaching to mother Yashoda.  He said “dharmo rakshati rakshaka” if we protect dharma then dharma will in turn protect us. So Krishna says “serving cows taking care of cows this is our dharma” this is our dharma then our own protection is guaranteed if we take care of cows protect the cows, serve the cow.  Lord Krishna not only has delivered talk – discourse on this topic but He has practically demonstrated throughout His Lilas the importance of cows and importance of serving the cows.

So cow is the center of our culture and religion. Krishna, s one of the principal pastime
is  “gocaran-lila” cow herding –calf herding pastime. What does the God do? This morning also a question came up what does the God do every day? That minister or that priest he was not able to give suitable answer to that question. But we know the answer is very simple, I know
that you also know the answer now I have given you some clue. So what does
Krishna do every day? He is a cow herd boy He is herding cows. Supreme
Personality of God head, master and controller of all the universes all that He
does in Vrindavan during the day is herding cows and calves “namo brahmanya devaya go brahmanya hitayacha jagad hitaya krishnaya govindaya namo namhaa”.

So in this way Krishna has established the importance of Cows and the Brahmanas in Krishna
consciousness. So we are doing the puja of the cows today as it was instructed
by Krishna to Nanda Maharaj. Krishna says worship cows, brahmanas and Giriraj,
so we have done some puja of the cows, Gomata ki ……..jai, we should worship and serve the brahmanas “vancha-kalpataru bhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca patitanam pavanebhyo
vaisnavebhyo namo namah
”. And then soon we would also be worshiping Giriraj
and in this way till this day Krishna’s instructions get followed Giriraj Govardhan
ki ….jai. So the cows and Govardhan they are very closely connected, closely related if you hear the
name Govardhan there is a cow connection right there in the name of Govardhan .
So cows become healthy they become hell and hearty because of the grass that is
available at Govardhan, the water, the shades of the trees, that is all
available at Govardhan. The cows enjoy being around this Govardhan, the cowherd boys are also very very happy being around cows and Govardhan. So let us contemplate, meditate upon Govardhan and Krishna, cowherd boys and cows around Govardha. So that one day we would be
promoted we will also get assignment as a cowherd boy, but you may say O! I am engineer,
come on! I am doctor, I can’t  be a cow herd boy .but Krishna is a cow herd boy, if you just want to be doctor, engineer just continue in this world. But if you want to come back home then be
prepared to be the cow herd boy herding cows, taking care of the cows. Anyone
interested in going back home going to Krishna, going to Vrindavan? Haribol.
Then pray to this cow, pray to this dhama, pray to Giriraj so that you will
become eligible we will have that adhikar of entering the pastime of Krishna
being a cow herd boy. Gomataki…….jai, so before you leave pay your obeisance’s
to the cows deep in your heart, pray to the cow, touch the feet of the cow.

Are you interested in knowing how the world was created?


tad andam udake sayam kala-karma- svabhava –stho jivo jivam ajivayat”

and purport by Srila Prabhupada, Srila
Prabhupada ki ……………jai

Thus all the universes remained thousands of eons within the water [the Causal
Ocean], and the Lord of living beings, entering in each of them, caused them to
be fully animated.

PURPORT- The Lord is described
here as the jiva because He is the
leader of all other jivas (living entities). In the Vedas He is described as
the nitya, the leader of all other nityas. The Lord’s relation with the
living entities is like that of the father with the sons. The sons and the
father are qualitatively equal, but the father is never the son, nor is the son
ever the father who begets. So, as described above, the Lord as Garbhodakasayi Vis?n?u or
Hiran?yagarbha Supersoul enters into each and every universe and causes it to
be animated by begetting the living entities within the womb of the material
nature, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita (14.3). After each annihilation of
the material creation, all the living entities are merged within the body of
the Lord, and after creation they are again impregnated within the material energy.
In material existence, therefore, the material energy is seemingly the mother
of the living entities, and the Lord is the father. When, however, the
animation takes place, the living entities revive their own natural activities
under the spell of time and energy, and thus the varieties of living beings are
manifested. The Lord, therefore, is ultimately the cause of all animation in
the material world.

tad andam udake sayam kala-karma- svabhava –stho jivo jivam ajivayat”

animations are very popular these days and that’s considered to be very
advanced or very intelligent thing to do. Animation in television they get
different dolls to fight with each other, they seem to be talking or running
after each other. The Disney world you know in America the most famous
animation are by Disney world in North America. So we are parts and parcels of
the Lord and like father – like son, the ability of the Lord is also in us in
minute quantity and this is little minute animation that we become the cause of
or off course we create little children, Lord has created all of us and we
create few children.

begets living entities within this womb of material nature “mama yonir mahad brahma” (B.G 14.3)
Lord makes “mahat tattva” that is
the womb and Lord glances, He glances upon that total Material energy mahat
tattva in front of  Him, He doesn’t even
have to touch it, just by looking at it He does the impregnation and how many
countless living entities they get animated as per kala-karma-svabhava, their karmas which they had committed during
previous creation and that bhava, their inclinations, their tendencies.

we create few living entities or we not create living entities they always
exist we gave bodies become cause of giving bodies to few children. But look at
the Lord how much He could create “tasmin
garbham dadhamyaham sambhavah sarva bhutanam tato bhavati bharata
” (B.G
14.3). He becomes the cause of sarva
of all the living entities and giving them bodies also first of
all they are His parts and parcel. So when it’s difficult to trace the history
when the living entities were created “mama
” from purna- some amsa, some parts and parcel were created we don’t
difficult to find out. So that creation of living entities then later on giving
them bodies also to sarva bhutanam- all the living entities.

(maharaja saying) never heard this creation as lila- srusti lila, Devananda
prabhu was explaining different incarnations have different lilas  or even there is lila, I never for first time
I was thinking this is also lila of the Lord, creation is also lila – srusuti
lila and the 3 purusa avataras put together are performing this lila. So what
we do little bit it’s not described as lila we also have little creations few
children ok, big house ok or housing colony that’s kind of creation, big bridge
we built, little space Apollo 8 or Apollo 11. there are unlimited oceans, night
time we see so many planets floating like dust particles float in the air, they
we send little sputnik floating. So these are tiny creations of tiny living
entities, so they are not described as lilas. but when Lord performs herculean
tasks –big big tasks, creation of the universes not just one but unlimited
universes and then within each universe so many planets and so much variety and
you just, Jai Sri Sri Guar Nitai

a tiny living entity as we are from where we are sitting or where ever we are
existing from there you take a look at the universe that so many universes and
beyond that is another kingdom – the spiritual kingdom. And how much living
entities tiny and the tiny living entities brain is further tiny brain Prabhupada used to call tini brain, he
would describe so that tiny brain how much that could understand. What we know
is very very little there is a planet – there is a space- so many planets in
that space – the ocean- whole world out there or in there in the ocean. So many
varieties of entities in there of the total creation of the Lord all that exist
how much does living entities know? How much does living entities know? Just a
fraction who was that? It was Einstein – he said the knowledge meaning- you
admit how much ignorant you are, if you could admit that I am so much ignorant
means you are kind of knowledgeable. But one who thinks oh! I know everything
that is how the ignorance is described I who thinks I know everything that
means you are ignorant, but if you admit yes yes I am ignorant infact I don’t
know so many things, O! He is knowledgeable at least he knows that he doesn’t know.
So this scientist Ensitein he was admitting “you go to the beach and take one
sand particle from that beach Juhu beach, Prabhupada used to walk and then you
admit that my knowledge is this one particle that now I am holding within my
pinch just one particle may be that much or even less than that I know compared
to the number of the sand particles are there on this beach or there are so
many beaches also.

how much could living entity know? Not much so when Lord He performs His lila
of srusti lila the creation then it is just mind boggling, it’s just “acintya” just beyond the grasp the
capability of living entity to know it. But in order to make living entity knowledgable
or at least know as much as living entity could to the extend they could know here
in this section of Srimad Bhagvatam the creation has been described not just
the theory of creation the facts of creation have been described. I was
thinking how Narada Muni he has gone to the authority in the creation next to
the Lord or Lords right hand man, Lord is cause of all causes that’s the
chapter here we are dealing Lord is
cause of all causes sarva karana karnam

the popular fact is that Brahma is the creator but even Brahma had to be first
created by the Lord before He creates more things. So Lord is cause of all
causes, cause of Brahma, who is kind of secondary cause of the creation. Lord
is first sarga then visarga, we were hearing and understanding yesterdays
lecture also. So Brahma is certainly has a big role if anyone has role to play
besides the Lord that is Brahma, he has a big big role to play in creation of
the Lord or creation of Brahmanda. So what Narada Muni is doing he is going all
the way to the top person, the top authority in this creation who is
responsible for creation, he goes there ok Brahmaji give us some – it’s like a
interview, we heard of those 10 questions yesterday which are at the beginning
of this chapter “yad rupam yad
” and total number of 10 questions were raised.

Narada Muni who also has inferior position he is going to the superior
authority he is going to his father, Narada Muni is son, Brahma is the father.
O! Father, father daddy daddy could you please tell me explain to me be kind
upon me. So these things human being should know or they should know these
things even as Lila of the Lord, creation is Lila of the Lord and O! my dear
father Brahma ji and he is asking all these questions all possible questions
that human being could possibly would want to know about the creation. Those
questions have been raised by Narada Muni probably he sat in Badrikasrama some
point and he I was making a list or these questions probably people from Delhi
would ask, these questions from New York, people from here there would ask and
he made a list and Badrikasrama because that is his headquarter, Narada Muni,s
head quarter is Badrikasrama, Badri-Narayana he worships in Bharatavarsa. “Narayana Narayana Narayana” when you
see Narada Muni you remember Narayana or he reminds everybody of Narayana, he
gives out Narayana, so Badrikasrama is his place.

he made a list and he is approaching Brahma “could you please tell us about
this creation? This, this ………different
10 questions
”. And what we are hearing these days in the Bhagvatam class
including today’s verse is a reply, is a response to Narada Muni,s questions.
The person who is asking questions who has made the list of questions is a top
notch authority himself, pure and he is the representative of all the people.
Or he has to go around and O! What if somebody ask me about the creation, you
know I go everywhere I better know I better equip myself with answer to these
questions otherwise it could be very embarrassing position as those yamadutas
were embarrassed. Prabhupada writes if you are representing someone before you
out to represent you better be knowledgeable about the representation.

Narada Muni he is a world preacher and he is going to the top most authority
and wants to know all the things about creation. And the answers given are
nothing but the truth if anybody knows about the creation of course Lord knows
and there is and there is another person who knows and that is Brahma because
he is directly involved with the creation. So that person had been interviewed
by Narada Muni and these are facts “facts are facts” it is the truth for all
the time to come. Brahma and Narada Muni they wanted to go on record and that
record is here this Srimad Bhagvatam several chapters many many chapters
dealing with creation “sarga, visarga” very in-depth mystical also and so many
great details and very interesting details about the creation of the Lord.

this is it if anyone, anywhere, at any time is interested in knowing about the
creation of the Lord, creation which is out there, this is the place, this is
the source you go into Bhagvatam and vedic text, Upanisadas, Puranas, essence
of all that is here in Amala-Purana –
Srimad Bhagvatam Purana
and you hear this you read this and you become
knowledgeable about the creation of the Lord. The creator mentioned here is
jiva “jivo jivam ajivayat” flows very nicely sounds very nice “jivo jivam
ajivayat” one jiva, jiva also means life, o! This is nirjiva they say- this
does not have jiva – this does not have life. So the first person Prabhupada
describing that person as leader of the all the living entities, but  he is also jiva because  he is full of life in fact life comes from
life which Prabhupada made that bold statement “life come from life” so that is
right here jivo. In the beginning there was jiva the supreme living entity and
he is cause of all causes from that jiva that life rest of the life has come in
to existence.

hiranyagarhba antaryami” that jiva has
been described as “hiranyagarhba, “hiranyagarhba” that is Garbhadakshai Vishnu
that jiva has been also described as antaryami, antaryami Krishna the Lord in
the heart or supersoul “samsara
vyatirikta parmeswara
”. Jiva is samsara vyatirikta – means someone whose is
beyond this samsara – this material existence this jiva doesn’t come from, it’s
not product of this samsara “samsara vyatirikta” and He is a Parmeswara, living
entity is also samsara vyatirikta beyond this material existence but He is not
only “samsara vyatirikta but he is “samsara vyatirikta parmeswara” He is
Supreme Personality of Godhead and He is creator. He creates brahmanda anda –
egg shape – brahmanda “mama yonir mahad brahma”.

brahmanda is the universe and He is also creator of panda another word has been
used for the living entity. Brahamanda is universe and the anda, one is anda
one is panda, anda – brahmanda its the material universe and pinda – each one
of us is pinda like we say “pinde pinde
matir bhinna
” or “munde munde matir
matti means intelligence, Devakinandan prabhu was also throwing
light on how each one is different, our thoughts are different everything is
different you could see he gave a class and I am also giving a class he said if
one of us could give class we would be talking but differently this is also
amazing creation of the Lord, no two persons look alike there are 100 of you
are sitting and each different looking except who? Jananivas and Pankajangri
even after 30 yrs I can’t figure it out, I have to take few minutes to understand
whom I am talking to (laughter) whom I am talking to is this Pankajangri or is
this Jananivas I think one has bigger sikha and one has smaller sikha, there is
some difference, difference is there but very subtle.

isn’t that amazing and sometimes we also hear its true from the beginning of
creation till now all the bodies created by the Lord, not two bodies are alike
not that the present batch each one different but previous batch and the
previous batch each batch no 2 bodies were created just alike there is at least
some slight difference, little scar something different and this is something
amazing that we could just sit and appreciate and become Krishna conscious.
If  we could just sit and be amazed instead
of going to Agra to see the wonder 8th wonder of the world, you could just sit
in Vrndavan and hear about the creation of the Lord and be amazed such a
wonderful Lord He is no that Krishna is wonderful Krishna, His pastimes are
wonderful, this chapter Prabhupada has given title as wonderful Krishna but he
is wonderful Maha Vishnu, wonderful Garbhodakasayi Vishnu, wonderful
Ksirodakasay  Vishnu, we don’t have to
only appreciate rasa dance and talk about the rasa dance, how amazing! And
appreciate but here this this srusti lila is such a amazing thing, you could
relish if you could go deeper and understand step by step the creation of the
Lord and the subtleties and the details and the flavor it’s just amazing thing
what Lord does, amazing, wonderful creation of the Lord.

Brahmanda that anda and this panda and all that is in anda is all in this
panda, all that is out there also in this body in minute quantity different
elements which are out there pruthavi, teja , vayu, akash “bhumir aponala vayuh kham” (B.G 7.4) out there in here also of the whole,
you want to sample just sample your body and analyze your body and by knowing
panda you could know lot about the anda whole brahmanda. So what attracted my
attention was also Prabhupada writes in the purport of the 2nd verse of the
same chapter and this is Srila
Prabhupada ki…….jai
“contrary to
such mental speculative theories of creation however Narada Muni wanted to know
all the facts of creation in truth not by theories”.

many theories must be floating at the time Narada Muni also and big bang theory
and many other theories are there and Narada Muni just wanted to just smash
those or expose those or establish the fact not just go by theories but he
wanted to establish the truth about the creation. So Srila Prabhupada being a
representative of all the previous acharaya Brahma and Narada Muni, he is
really trying to attract the attention of the whole world. Are you interested
in knowing how the world was created? If
you say yes here Bhagvatam is the way
. You may be studying theories which
is full of mental speculation but the facts are these, this was spoken by the
person who was involved with the creation right there and then. Millions of
years ago when the creation took place this person Brahma he was right there
not just witnessing but he was involved making his hands dirty. I have not
studied Bible in detail but what we hear from our devotees who are from
Christian background is the description of the creation of this world of course
the great thing is which we appreciate that they admit that this world was
created by the Lord that’s good thing first of all, this world was created by
the Lord not much detail and He took some 6 days to create and by that time He
was exhausted and then on the 7th day He took rest and that was Sunday and
following in the footsteps of God we took rest on the 7th day we are also of
course we are fighting for more rest. So besides Sunday now we have Saturday or
half day we want to work less and get more pay.

in the beginning there was ad “sabda
this is the part of the creation described, form sabda there was a sparsa,
rupa, rasa, gandha like that each of these 5 elements earth, water, fire , air
, ether, ether- has only sound, ether is more subtle creation or element and it
has only sound and the next only has sound and touch and like that you go to
the next one there are 3 things, 3 sense objects, 4th one has like that
………  So whatever is written in Bible is
also true giving credit to God His creation of course it’s His creation He
existed before the creation He was there at the time off creation, He created
it. But the only trouble is how much could you relish what is written in bible
that is also lila but described in such a summarized way that you could not
really relish and for the fact can’t
appreciate also unless you get into the details of the creation you
can’t appreciate it. So what is in the bible although truth but not much that
you could relish because so many missing links are there and some holes are
there and it doesn’t make sense sometime. So this is how a devotee is
explained. So this is what the Christians have to say or bible has to say. Then
very recently I came across statement from Quran about the creation. They kind
of agree with the description of creation which is described in the Bible the
Muslims agree with what is written in the bible only disagreement that they
have with the Christians or with the bible is they say O! come on you are
making God Alha kind of ordinary person, you are saying that He worked for 6
days to create then he was exhausted, he was tired com on God can’t be tired he
is never tired.

and then He created for 6 days, the 7th day he took rest they don’t agree with
this taking rest Lord taking rest doesn’t go together. And that’s the only
difference between what Christians and the Muslims have to say about the
creation of course both the parties fully agree that Lord has created this
world. But because what has been presented in bible and Quran is not a complete
and perfect and in great detail some place it doesn’t make sense and that has
given rise to the speculations of the scientist. The scientist or intelligent
being, intellectuals they always want to keep brain busy and active and so
exercise as other do exercise of the muscle or intelligent people the
intellectuals their power is in the brain muscle and they want to keep them fit
and active. So they were referring to this bible, Quran theories and that was
not convincing and then some intelligent theory had to be presented to the
world so they came with what is popularly known as big bang what is the theory?
Big bang What was big? The bang was big, the sound that explosion made they
kind of talk of some kind of mahat tattva or the mass of the matter was sitting
there, the matter was there and then nothing or suddenly or no prior cause or
notice or any person involved because there was no person according to them
before the creation just a big bang, big explosion took place and the whole
water scattered everywhere and came into a beautiful round shaped balls started
floating (laughs) but that’s not the experience when there is explosion, when
the terrorist came they also went to the twin tower – trade towers they exploded
those twin towers, some beautiful thing came out that you could take
photographs? O! What a beautiful creation or Americans got their karma.

Japan the most powerful bomb was exploded did some housing society, some
plants, some beautiful things came out of that explosion? So the experience
that we have of the explosion is that nothing beautiful, nothing wonderful,
nothing that could use comes into existence as a result of smaller big bang or
some explosion. So with this we reject, so behind every explosion there is a
person he is right there lighting the bomb may crude was y of lighting the bomb
with a candle may be that was being done some 50 yrs ago but now remote control
but still there is a remote, machine is there and person to push the button is
there. So no explosion is automatic unless some person is involved. So this is
how the big bang theory is down the drain. I also was thinking how because what
was available to the western world, the information or views or news of
creation from bible and Quran they did not satisfy the scientist or the
intellectuals and then they had to speculate and speculate and speculate to
their hearts content there was no one to stop them.

after generation they went on speculating and supporting this imaginary
theories big bang and some other theorizes and did this because the facts were
not available to them, the Bhagvatam theory was not made popular. Of course all
this big bang theory this is all in last 500 yrs or few thousand yrs there was
a time when this was the theory this was common knowledge. O! How was the world
created? Everyone knew you could stop any one on the street and ask them how
the world was created? And they would refer to conversation between Narada Muni
and Brahma or Maitre Muni and Vidura they knew because every student his
schooling began with the guru’s ashrama they all went to Gurus ashrama “brahmachari gurukule vasandanto gurur hitam”.
The perfect Narottamas, purified, through purified and honest persons as they
were they were only speaking truth and spreading the truth travelling
extensively where ever there was some black spot, some ignorance some were they
would go rush there with a torch light of knowledge and dispel the darkness by
discussing these topics of creation from Bhagvatam and some other Vedic

one time few thousand yrs ago in Sat-yuga, treta-yuga every single human being,
practically everyone knew how the world was created. So present theories are
just few hundred yrs old, concoctions and mental speculations which world is
buying because nothing substantial is being presented. But now the task has
begin with Srila Prabhupada entering the field of the whole world with the
original facts from Narada Muni and Brahma which are right there in the
Bhagavatam, which are being distributed far and wide. So this big bang theory
doesn’t have much future, not much longer into the future this big bang theory
would be accepted as something intelligent, like so many other theories are
being challenged, not only by Hare Krishnas but other intelligent being are
challenging theories one of such theory very popular theory is Darwin theory of
evolution being challenged all the time.

had read such report in the news paper before the challenges and the rejection
of the Darwins,s  theory of evolution but
something very recently a week ago, Darwin under attack by  U.S school board, American school boards are
attacking Darwin,s theory appeared in the front page in Sunday express on 2nd
if January and of course the whole news is from America printed as it is
(laughs) and God or Darwin report says God or Darwin choice is yours and this
U.S school board  they want to go for God
they want to reject this Darwin or at the most report says ok ok may be we
could accept this as a theory but not a fact may report also says, “I
definitely would prefer to believe that God created me” and I am not the or the
descendent of the apes, ape- the monkey, the Darwin is presenting that – the
most evolved being was apes-monkeys. Some 6 or 7 thousand yrs ago, the human
being from the monkey instead of using 4 feet he kind of stood up started
standing up gradually an d then his fore
limbs became his hands and his tail went inside from back and suddenly
he had hands, feet and tail, stood erect.

this all happened some 6 or 7 thousand yrs ago and then human beings first
edition, first version of the human beings were such uncivilized, uneducated
they were just  living in the caves -cave
men theory, the cave kings. And you know they used to fight a lot amongst each
other, men of one cave with men of another cave. They had no instrument they
just used rocks, throwing rocks at each other. The time of your battle field of
Kuruksetra where you describe amazing kind of weapons were used, the Mahabharat
war around that time, actually human beings had just now came into existence
and just even using rocks may be some sticks to beat each other and there were
no towns and cities and from that time the human being has further evolved and
he is becoming more and more intelligent and intelligent and more civilized
human being is the present version of human beings. So in brief in the
beginning was amoeba when the world was created in the beginning was amoeba not
Brahma (laughs) but amoeba.

that theory and there is little more into that and that’s theory of Darwin, Darwin’s
theory of evolution which was being taught in all the schools and colleges all
over the planet including in India unfortunately. I am sure even Mathura
university- vidyapitha is teaching the evolutionary theory of Darwin. Vaishnavs
never taught such theory Prabhpada would not even spit at such theories why
even spit and waste his spit at such garbage (laughter). He would just use his
boot to kick, he did not want to kick the face with is foot but with the boot
only. So one by one let us maintain staunch faith and some more patience and we
would relies that all those things which are presented as some kind of the
truth all over the world will be exposed and they would be proven wrong when
they know what is right and gradually there is a major change. I was talking
with Bhakti Swaropadamodhar Maharaj on phone just few days ago he conducted his
world conference- scientific conference in Rome in Italy just few days ago to
celebrate Prabhupada,s 108 birthday anniversary and he said there were so many
scientists but 32 of them he has a list of 32 scientist talking in favor of God
or Gods existence. There was a time, scientist means prove it, can you show me
God? If yes then I accept but now the same scientists are coming to the senses
gradually, gradually there is a global revolution in consciousness and

certainly the chanting of “Hare Krishna
Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare”

and study of scriptures the air is getting filled with the truth which is
defeating the myth and with that that
truth is inspiring so many individuals all over the planet now.

is a study first time, I was amazed to know, you would also be amazed first
time the research in consciousness being done.
Some scientists are doing research into consciousness you go beyond it’s
not just a matter something living, some consciousness they want to study the
consciousness though they may have different ideas what the consciousness is.
but at least they are coming to the conclusion that is world is not just dead
matter as darwin was also trying to prove- This is a bunch of chemical and
interaction of these chemicals life comes into existence. No, this verse is
talking that original jiva that samsara vyatirikta parmeshwara the Supreme
Personality of Godhead who was full of life He put life into everything else
around into living entities and got them into going, working as per their karma
and svabhava and ajivayat He becomes the cause of giving life to others, life
comes from life.

So life is being studied as consciousness for
the first time, this is happening of course you know Prbahupada in easy journey
to other planets  Prabhupada writes the
scientist are coming to the conclusion if there is a matter O! Possibly there
must be antimatter also, there is material there must be something ant material
also. What is antimaterial? There is a sprit, matter is matter then anti matter
is sprit. So some scientist are waking up to the reality it is good fortune and
good fortune of so many others because in this day and age the scientist have
become the Gurus of the masses, the Gurus or acharyas position has been taken
by the scientist. The scientist says something everyone Prabhupada says double
standard, sadhus is talking the acaryas is talking  you are challenging show me prove it but when
scientist say something lot of things which are not proven people don’t ask
those questions any more O! Could you prove it, their speculations they are
just blindly accepting it. And Prabhupada says double standard you are asking
us to show me, you are not asking the similar question to the scientist to
prove it.

it is very important for this spread of Hare Krishna movement over the planet
the scientist are a big stumbling block because they are taken as authority.
They have presented so many bogus
theories they dnt know to begin with thathey are souls or anybody is a
soul and to become scientist you dnt have to be man of any kind of
character….no, you could be women hunter, you could be meat eater, you could be
speculator and what else? What did I miss? Drunkard you could have a wine
bottle in one hand and you are punching the keys you are typing on the screen
its fine, its fine they can be Murderers, they may be terrorist could be
anything, no questions raised only their theories are accepted because with
those theories you get to exploit this material world and that is when you
could be ‘ishwaro-aham”, That you could declare but practically be that Ishwar-
the controlees, the enjoyer. So it’s a good team scientist are making the job
easy, facilatiinng this demonic nature and giving them how to be the enjoyer,
the ishwaro – aham. So from ishwaro-aham status that human being want to
achieve they want kingdom of God without God. Srila Prabhupada ki…jai wonderful
Prabhupada has made he was the first one to speak this kind of language, most
relevant statement Prabhupada has made. So from that position that human beings
are taking ishwaro-aham we have to bring them down to “daso- aham” “dasosmi”
not “boss-asmi”. So theories and scientist they are exploiting and people are
getting distracted and as a result infact there are suffering. They want to
enjoy but there are sufferings. So last lecture series Prabhupada gave on the
planet in Mumbai was the present day modern civilization is a total failure
only alternative is Krishna Consciousness this was his topic from Mayapur he
went straight to Mumbai and everyday he was roaring like a lion although we had
to lift him literally we had to lift him and put him on Vyas ashan but once he
was on the microphone he was getting the audience trembling. He was very bold
and out spoken and this civilization is total failure, only solution is Krishna
Consciousness. So, so many myths are being spread but Prabhupada books are
everywhere do you know that, I am sure another
places also this holds true that Delhi distributed 86 thousand Bhagvad –
Gitas in Marathon (round of applause). Devotees   of Delhi, Punjabi Bagh – 86, 000 Bhagvad-
gita and so like that it’s  just one city
score and wait till you hear about what Bombay did and other temples did to
distribute books and spread this knowledge. So this is Prabhupada,s program so
that the truth is established, the dharma “dharma sansthapanar thaya” and then
“sarve sukhina bhavantu” people would be happy and in real sense be prosperous
and that’s life that’s real life. So let us push on Prabhupads program,
Prabhupadas movement spreading the holy name and Bhagvatam knowledge based on
Bhagvatam this will spread the truth and whole world would be benefitted and
this is the topmost welfare work Prabhupada used to say.

you very much