Let us uphold the principles given by Sri Rama and Ramayan

Venue: New Jersey Ram katha (Third session) Jai Shri Rama, now you are getting into the mood, spirit is getting higher; Rama is entering you, entering your hearts. You are having good time or you are suffering or Rama is? He never suffers. This is His lila, His pastimes. Rama has lost peace of His mind, Rama has lost His Sita. They could never be separated, “He is shaktiman and she is shakti”. Shakti and shaktiman they are always together but here some attempt has been made to separate them and someone else who has no right over that shakti alhadini shakti the pleasure potency of Shri Rama, someone else is trying to he is trying to, thinking to enjoy her exploit her.

Anyone who attempts this he meets his death. A death penalty is one of the lessons to be learned. Lords energy in Lord’s service that’s natural. Wealth is also Laxmi, Laxami also in the service of Narayan. Sita is Laxami, Ravan like personality they try to separate them and Hanuman like personalities they try to unite two of them. Those who put Laxmi and Narayan together they are like Hanuman they are devotees. Those who try to separate come in the middle intervene and try to exploit they are the Ravanas, and there are only two kinds of “daiva asura eva ca” the devatas the devotees and the demons. Lord is not impersonal, Sita is lost, it doesn’t make any difference to Him it’s not like that this is what He is showing He is very personal , He has feelings, He has emotions, He cares. So Shri Rama and Sita they have shringar rasa, shringar bhava madhurya lila not of the kind of Radha and Krishna not at that height that level because He has assumed the position of maryada Purushottam and Krishna is Purna Purushottam. But the quality is the same of that madhurya rasa conjugal loving dealings or the quantity maybe different. So to understand this lila this Sita has been separated from Rama and see what is going on with Rama.

Yesterday someone was even wondering, is that how exactly he transpired or it is just the Valmiki’s imagination or exaggeration. What if Valmiki was also of that type? Then Ramayan would not have lasted for 900,000 years, if it was just fictitious mundane or just exaggeration or imagination or speculation of Valmiki. No he is not that kind of cheater poet, free from those four defects. The authority should be free from those four defects. No committing mistakes, not in illusion, imperfect senses, no cheating propensity. So he is free from these four defects so his presentation of Ramayan is perfect. Lords lila as presented in Ramayana is also perfect. If we don’t understand that’s our misfortune certainly no one should not doubt or question. Having questions is sign of intelligence but one should also quickly deal with it with proper enquiry “Pariprasnena sevaya upadeksyanti ti jnanam” (BG 4.34) doubts are like our enemies they haunt us. “Samsayatma vinasyati” (BG 4.40) samsaya could cause vinash destruction. “sraddhavan labhate jnanam” (BG 4.39) on the contrary if you have sraddha faith you achieve the gyan the right information knowledge. So it’s our duty to understand the pastimes of Krishna or Rama, Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu tattva taha we made that statement very first day “janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so arjuna” (B.G 4.9) Tattva has to be understood. We have been kind of dealing with lilas throwing some light maybe on how to understand this or that some tatva, some siddhanta. We have not been doing much on that but this particular episode which is main theme of this Ramayan. Rama Sita’s kidnapping and Sita and then Rama’s searching looking and they also many kandas divisions, major portion of Ramayan has been devoted for that purpose towards the end He is losing and then we go through whole Ramayan and Aranya kanda and kishkindha kanda and sundar kanda and then also yuddha kanda and towards that end of that day is dashera day. Dashera he lost his ten –das- 10 heads. That day Ravana lost his 10 heads. They were snatched hara means taken away that day was Rama vijaya dasmi day it is so exact can you mentions which day which event not only which day He appeared but so many other events is dated material this event happened. Rama was so many years old and this season and that season and that day and night time or morning hours, very very accurate. As it was complied during Rama’s time Rama was still on the planet infact He just completed His fourteen of exile and He has 11,000 years rule ahead of him at that juncture Ramayan was compiled.

So the story the pastimes were quit fresh to this day of course they have been kept alive and ever fresh by the devotees by reciting and preserving and relishing and propagating and sharing them to this day Ramayan has been kept very much intact. Also through this language it’s kind of internal language called Sanskrit. Same language same words 900000 (9hundred thousand) years the words every syllable is as it is. When other languages are just babies just have taken birth and they are growing evolving and ever changing also and off course this Sanskrit being the mother language the mother language. These babies are infant stage they are growing or Marathi same thing applies to the other languages. Marathi that was complied some 700 year ago by
Dnyaneshwar and then 350 years ago by Tukaram we have hard time its Marathi very much its different Marathi I am sure Gujarati and Punjabi and English language is ever changing. You look at some old text and you will have hard time reading and our BBT publishers are infact in great anxiety that Prabhupad’s books in English and how to preserve them. Preserve of course the philosophy as it is. Because the language is going to be changed in few hundred down the road English is going to be much different from what it is now.

So there is whole discussion about this in our Governing Body Commission meetings in Mayapur couple of years ago. Worried what to do is one of the issues concerned. So all the languages are changing and here is a language Sanskrit. Word hasn’t changed letters intact as it is, 900000 years. So the subject matter of Rama and Sita and their separation and what Rama is going through. To some of us may sound a mundane thing. However we should check ourselves. There is no change of trace of matter nothing material everything is spiritual about the dealing are all pure. Hence as we read them we hear them we are purified. If these dealing were mundane ordinary and this Rama’s cries ordinary kind then we would also be doomed by hearing this also not gain much so we should just keep this in mind this is Lords lila, His sringar rasa, His heart His feelings for Sita and that’s Him. We also heard when Jatayu which human being would undertake cremation of all the rights were performed of this bird Jatayu and the loss of that bird was over whelming. And he suffered even more than the suffering due to the loss of Sita. So His feeling is not only for Sita but also for Jatayu and also for me and you as Supreme Personality of Godhead. When His feelings they cannot be measured oh! He becomes a husband of somebody and He is unlimited and maybe beyond our comprehension.

We should not doubt or misunderstand His pastimes in some ways He is also kind of reminding this kind of trouble dealing with matajis dealing with women we could get in trouble and in one as Prabhupada was questioned by a reporter in Hyderabad and Prabhupada said even Lord becomes husband Rama became husband of Sita even He was no exception even He got into trouble. And in a way He is also reminding, aren’t you going through all this also? If you say this is not nice, why you would be crying and why all this trouble? But this is our daily affair we are going through all this. So wake up and do something. Women should be kept protected. If women are left unprotected then trouble is around the corner. So another lesson to be learned. That is why in our Vedic culture daughters are protected before marriage by the parents, once married the husband takes charge husband is protecting, and if husband later on goes for vanaprastha or sannyasa the elderly sons would then take charge of their mother. So in 3 stages Kaumaram Yauvanam jara there is someone to protect mataji or women. As soon as they are left unprotected there is some vulture there is some rakshasa some Ravan. He doesn’t have to be that Ramayan Ravanas size but Ravana for sure. Ravana is that person by definition who makes others cry. He become the cause of others distress and tears. That person is Ravana. So in good old day there use to be one Ravana or one Kumbhakarna or one Hiranyakashipu or Hiranyaksha. The numbers use to be smaller, giant size small numbers. Now the size is gone smaller but the numbers have increased. Hiranyakashipu and Ravanas are everywhere. Because this is not a Vedic culture, because this is not a Rama Raj or it is unofficially Ravana raj. No one is protected specially women is not protected. Very easily Rama could have found out another He was very beautiful, young and all His qualities. You say the quality and that was in Rama. He had that quality. So there was no need for Him to run after Sita or no need in searching for some time, He could have turned to someone and proposed or maybe called that Shurpanakha. She was pretty proposing. Hey! What is your phone number give me your phone number (Laughter) He wasn’t that type. And the civilized society also shouldn’t be that type. So He is endeavoring to meet with her, Catch-up with her, protect her, get her back.

So many things to be learned from Ramayan. From Rama’s pastime but we should make sure we should not misunderstand. Lords pastimes not doubt them as we become more pure we will understand. We could wait till our time comes for the understanding. On the day one don’t expect. We should expect to understand Rama as He is or Ramayan as it is. As one evolves in his consciousness in his purified, in his dealings or in his speech, purified mind and also chanting ‘Raghu pati raghava raja Rama patita pavan sita Rama sri Rama jai Rama jai jai Rama’ or our the best thing is the mantra for this age of kali for deliverance by chanting ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.’ That one should chant before reading Ramayan chant Hare Krishna then chant again Hare Krishna after reading, before reading, in the middle of reading. This will help to understand Ramayan and others shastras also or if you have really understood Ramayan or Bhagvatam you should be chanting. The reason you are not chanting is because you have not heard enough Ramayan. The perfection of hearing about Rama is Ramayan. Perfection is in chanting, your tongue will begin uttering the names of Rama this is the result of your study. You understood Rama now your tongue wants to chant.

And as we chant we’ll understand Ramayan more as we understand Ramayan more we’ll chant more and like that go back and forth. Ramayan is Rama and His name is also Rama, non-different. Rama’s name is Rama, Rama’s pastimes Ramalila, Ramayan is Rama, Rama’s Prasad is Rama non different. His dhama Ayodhya dham cannot be separated from Sri Rama. Or like this.. Jai Hanuman. So on the banks of Pampa sarovar the meeting the great meeting took place between Rama Laxman and Hanuman. And again Hanuman is the most misunderstood personality. It’s not easy all the way he is presented so Rama is Bhagavan, laxman is also Bhagavan, Shatrughna is also Bhagavan, Bharata is also Bhagavan. I am not kidding, (Maharaj laughs) these all the four personalities are Vishnu tattva. Normally we take oh! Rama is Bhagavan maybe some others may think ok Laxman also, throw him in that Bhagvan list. But very rarely they think Bharat also being a Vishnu tattva and Shatrughna. And this is not our concoction. But this is understanding from Bhagvatam and Ramayan. So those who are Bhagvan they are not understood as Bhagavan but on who is not Bhagavan, that is Hanuman he is promoted to the status of Bhagavan. So Hanuman is Rama bhakta Hanuman. He is Rama Das. Who is Rama das? Hanuman. Not just that Rama das swami of Maharashtra. Rama das swami. Rama das is Hanuman. From 9 processes of devotional service one of them is dasyam. “Sravanam Kirtanam Vishnuh smaranam pada sevanam archanam vandanam dasyam sakhyam atma nivedanam”. So for each this devotional service nava vidha bhakti one devotee is remembered, one big name for that bhakti. So when we talk of dasya bhava, dasya bhava in bhakti then the first person remembered is Hanuman. Because he is powerful, he has mystics he is mystical. He has siddhies. As soon as there is some chamatkar people do some namaskar. Chamatkar namaskar. I can’t do this! He is producing some ash-ashes Sai then oh! He is bhagavan. So it’s not that just Hanuman is considered Bhagavan and oh! Kind of mysterious personality mystical power siddhi if he has amazing.

So the present day you will find not even one percent of siddhis which Hanuman possessed if someone has 1 % immediately he becomes Bhagvan. In India so many bhagvans are loitering on the streets here there. Bhagvan this aaj ka swami kal ka narayan (laughter) He goes by name swami swami for some time and then Narayan. Oh!your guru is only swami my guru is narayan (laughter) Swami narayan. So “bhukti mukti siddhi kami sakale ashant Krishna bhakta nishkam ata eva shanta” So there are so many kamis kamanas and desires and aspirations bhukti kami bhukti bhu-kami or mukti liberation kami or bhukti mukti sidhi-kami, siddha siddha purusha there are still kamana. They are all ashant they are not peaceful. “Krishna bhakta nishkam ata eva shant” Krishna bhakta has no desire so he is peaceful.

So Hanuman what he is going to do now as he meets he is going to, because he has to bring Rama and Laxman at the top of the mountain Rishyamukha parvat. He asked them to just have a ride here. So Rama sitting one side Laxman sitting other side he takes off. And he lands on the top of the mountain. His mystic siddhis are beginning like that. But he is using; Hanuman is using his siddhis in service of Rama. And he is fully aware this is by the grace of Sri Rama. Not that independently I am powerful. Gaura Nitai, Sita Rama Laxman hanuman ji ki jai. It was time for him to go to Lanka. Hanuman Flies did he go by some Air Lanka flights? When is the next flight going to, no he just flew and he also managed return flight. Some others were thinking I could go but I can’t come back some estimations were going on. Someone said I could go half way through and then jala Samadhi; I will be just dropped in the middle of Indian Ocean. Those who are searching for Sita. When it was time for Hanuman to go he flew. When it was time for Rama to go to Lanka He walked. So does that make Hanuman superior and Rama just ordinary mortal? Now all that power of Hanuman is due to Rama. And Hanuman is fully aware of this. So he never popularize himself as bhagvan. And bhagvan hanuman ki, say everybody bhagvan hanuman ki, (devotees said jai) bhagvan hanuman ki (devotees said jai) he (Hanuman) would have slapped you for addressing him as bhagvan. No..no.. It’s not me you know I don’t call myself bhagvan others call me bhagvan. But why don’t you shut them up. So Hanuman he was just a humble humble servant of Shri Rama always chanting His glories also. Always chanting names of Rama. Hath me Kaam Mukh me naam. Hands are full with the service of Rama and his mouth was full with names of Rama and always thinking of Rama.
Very intelligent also not just powerful but very intelligent personality and son of vayu. So in Ramayan some misunderstandings are there. So Hanuman is not always understood. We should beg for the mercy of Hanuman so that we get devotion and devotional service at the lotus feet of his master Sri Rama. So nothing wrong in worshiping Hanuman but should understand who is who? So as Sugriva had noticed that these two persons looked quite strange never seen them before and they are also equipped with weapons bow and arrow who they possibly could be? They are sent by Vali or they are spies? So he was scared so he sent Hanuman to find out and they both had introduced each other I am Laxman and Rama mentioned who they were and why they were there and Hanuman explained he was minister of Sugriva and Sugriva is also in similar difficulty he is also in exile his wife is also has been kidnapped Snatched by Vali and he is by himself here on this mountain on top of this mountain. You are in the similar boat and we just were informed by kabanda we just liberated him he was in very awkward situation. So he directed us infact we are on the way to Sugriva’s place and hoping to find assistance in searching Sita and rescuing Sita. So Hanuman says this seems very much promising and do able proposal. Yes yes I can also, so then Rama and Laxman were taken at the top of the mountain and meeting with the Sugriva. And quickly quickly they became friends. Rama Laxman and Sugriva they became friends. And Sugriva taking vow and yes from today onwards your happiness is my happiness your sorrow is my sorrow. And the vice versa. Meaning if I am happy you will be happy if I am distressed you also share my sorrow. We are friends now shaking hands and embracing took place. They kind of signed treaty and photographs taken (laughter) headlines in the monkey community. Yes yes we are looking for Sita Oh! That must be that lady who was screaming. Oh! We saw her going airways. And she was screaming Rama Rama Rama and not only that by seeing us here on the top of the mountain she threw her part of her upper garment and seen some of her ornaments in there. We are confident that must be Sita you are looking for. So from all the way that Godavari so getting more clues which way Ravan had travelled so he had come that far also Kishkinda Pradesh mountains.

So then the cloth and some ornaments tied in there. As they were presented to Rama or just by hearing this could be Sita’s garment and her ornaments Rama was further moved and over whelmed and He was in tears just remembering Sita. He managed to untie, He was trying to look at those ornaments and recognise but how could He it was not possible for Him because His eyes are full of tears. Was no clear His eyes were full of tears well up. So He couldn’t even Oh! They are ornaments that I can say but they are Sita’s, Laxman Laxman he called Laxman over. Please see these earrings aren’t they of Sitas and what about these armlets? “Naham janami kundale” Laxman says no I could not recognise her earrings, I never looked at her ears and earrings. No I can’t recognise these armlets also ha ha Oh! This ankle bells this “painjan nupure abhi janami nityam padami vandane” yes I could these are Sita’s ankle bells. Because whenever I offered my obeisance’s nityam the first thing I saw every day was her ankle bells or for sure these are Sita’s ankle bells. Don’t ask me about earrings and armlet and her necklace and no I never looked. I only looked at those feet so I could recognise. So it was confirmed that Ravan went that way and so Sita had to be searched.

So now it was not only Rama and Laxman but Sugriva and his some ministers had joined the mission and there could be many more thousands to joining but there was Vali was obstacle the brother of Sugreev so he had to be removed. So the battle between two brothers the fears battle begins. And Rama had to help out in this battle. They are battling and battling and hiding behind a tree Rama had shot an arrow making Vali the target and ‘how could you do this to me? This is injustice, Injustice so Rama steps forward and He was ready to pull the arrow out ‘Oh I can take it out’ and Vali had a second thought no no let me die I have such a rare opportunity my death is everybody’s death is certain but here I get to die by your hand by your arrow in your presence. No no no no please don’t take this arrow out don’t take it back let me die in your presence. Such a rare good fortune I have. So that was the end of Vali and now I am still here I am still here Vali is finished (Laughter).

So as Vali no more than the whole kingdom they were brothers so the whole kingdom capital and army mostly of monkeys. They were in the forest so lots of monkeys. Monkey like beings and then they search the serious battle plans were worked out whole strategy. But first thing is identifying the enemy than evaluating his strength then preparing corresponding strength of army and. So Hanuman and Jambavan and others were dispatched. Go go everywhere and infact so many others also were searching for Sita. So searching rest of the south Indian continent they couldn’t find so they come all the way to the tip of the kanya kumari and the brother of Jatayu, Sampatti he was there and he heard the news of Jatayu’s death from these messengers these people looking for Sita. He was full of sorrow to hear that news so he gave some clues. Yes yes Ravan this way Lanka, he is found in Lanka so he is not in Bharat varsha not in India. You have to go to Lanka to find him and then different team members were kind of estimating their strength who could go all the way and come back and so no one was competent to go and come also flying there and back.

Only Hanuman so he flew it’s a wonderful description the way he flew and different encounters on the way to Lanka. The intelligent Hanuman, powerful Hanuman, determined Hanuman, the mystical Hanuman. When he Lands there is one house he is surprised there is tulasi in the house and Rama Rama Rama Rama… the names of Rama being uttered and he goes (knocking at the door) come on in he was welcomed. That was Bibhishan, Bibhishan was a devotee of Rama. He gives some clues where about Sita, Sita is in Ashok Van Hanuman taking different forms and becoming invisible and small he gets there and he found Sita. Jai Sita Maharani ki Jai, She is there. So he was carrying the ring and first She thought oh! Another demon and he is come in a monkey form, I had seen other form he has taken the other form. No no..no..I am messenger of Shri Rama any proof, so Sita was delighted as if she came in contact with Rama just by touching that ring of Sri Rama. And this whole news of what Rama and Laxman are going through and where they are stationed at and Hanuman even proposes ‘You know Sita lets go. Sit here lets go back, Sita besides some other arguments she gives wise why she should not go with Hanuman. The main point also ‘no no I am only Rama’s Sita I cannot touch another man. It will be more honourable if Rama personally comes kills that Ravana and rescues me and takes me back.
Not this hiding way and going with another man, no no I can’t do this. You come back with my Rama. Thank you for your proposal but it cannot be that way. So as Hanuman was ready to go back, (Hanuman asks) is there anything that you would like to share with me a present or a proof that we actually met? So before she gave a jewel. A very special jewel she was carrying. She tells Hanuman that ‘You share this event with Rama. If He hears that you heard this from me He will be convinced that we had met.’ Then she mentioned that episode from Chitrakoot where they both were sitting on one sphatik shila there’s one special shila in the middle of Mandakini river one time they were sitting and I just finished taking bath and my clothes were just wet and Rama He came He sat on my lap. Then there was a crow. He was trying to reach me touch me and eat flesh. We were trying to drive him away then after a while he was sitting and I sat next to Him and I even dozed off in His lap. And so did He after a while we don’t know how much time we spent. Dozy sleepy state but that bird had come again and he had made my breast the target. And I was sleepy I did not notice when we woke up there’s a blood and Rama noticed he looked around there was a crow some blood still dripping from his beaks. Rama became furious He took some kusha grass from His mated lock of hair and powered it with bramha-astra and send it to that crow. Crow was flying and travelling all over the universe as the bramhastra was chasing after him. Even that bird’s father Indra, Indra’s son Jayant he had taken the form of crow and he was kind of lusty after Sita. So he couldn’t come in front in that Jayant human form but he had become a crow.

So finally yes he could find shelter nowhere else. That crow returned and surrendered to Rama and beg for forgiveness. Rama forgive him but he said as my astra has been released it has to do something, something at least if not killing. So finally that astra wounded the right eye of that crow just a eye. So just share this pastime with Sri Rama and He will be convinced that we met. Because no one else knows it’s just between me and my Rama. But also tell Him what happened Rama who could not tolerate this crow’s action just touching me or scratching me and He had become furious and sent His bramhastra to kill that crow. Why is He waiting now? Isn’t Ravan’s act bad enough worse enough to take action? Why is He waiting? How is He tolerating this? So some kind of challenge, throwing challenge at Sri Rama also. So that He will take this matter seriously. Not only that we met but why is He taking so long and lightly.

So then Hanuman was hungry and there are more pastimes of Hanuman. Damaging all the best gardens of Lanka, off routed all the trees and the monkey doesn’t you know take few fruits and cut it into pieces and eat them only rest of the fruits to be eaten next time, no not monkey they just throws away and he is playing shaking the tree and having fun. Trying to get attention of some other rakshasas. And then rakshasas come to see him and he was arrested. Hanuman and Ravana sent 80,000 rakshsas to capture Hanuman so was the strength of Hanuman. It took 80,000 rakshsas to take. And then as he was brought before and then his attempt to insult and even possibly kill burn Hanuman his tail was tied with so many clothes and pore oil and lit that and Hanuman really had fun. Jumping from building to building, palace to palace putting his tail into windows and some place and then next one, soon whole Lanka was on fire. And it was of golden so whole thing was melting down. And so finally the sampling of Ravana to understand little sample of Rama’s power this is only Hanuman what to speak of when Rama comes. How much display of power that is going to be. So Hanuman goes back and the jeweled has been presented and whole good news ‘Aaj ki taji khabar’ and everyone was so delighted that good morning news.

And then they were prepared now they knew, prior to that they did not knew where to go. They were just going everywhere they were just looking. Now they knew exactly which way to go and strength of enemy camp . So Rama and Laxman Sugriva and Jambavan and Angadh and thousands. Mostly they were monkeys and some bear bhalu, two kinds of army. So they come all the way to Rameshwar and then they want to cross Lord Rama was waiting samudra devata to come forward offer some assistance in crossing he was taking some extra time so Rama was, it was intolerable for him but as He took His bow and arrow then samudra devata really rushed forward . Then the building of the bridge setu begins there’s a longest bridge in the world that this Hanuman and company was going to build. And they were throwing whatever came in their way the trees and the mountains and big big boulders have been thrown. There were personality is like nal and neel right? nal and neel. They were just writing the names before the object touch the water they make sure the Rama’s name is stamped. As soon as the name Rama the mountains were floating at the top. That way they could go fast otherwise if they have to start from the depth that would take ages. So that law of gravitation wasn’t working here. The controller of the maker creator of the law of gravitation was there Sri Rama so He ruled out ’No this cannot be applied here ok.’ He is law maker Law breaker. He is one in all. So everything was floating and then they are building walking building walking building walking. Some 800 miles bridge even those so called dead objects could float by name of Rama. And we are not even dead we are living we are alive if we could chant the names of ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’ also free from the law of something that seeks us. No falling down and sinking down. Floating in this ocean and going forwards if this name of Rama and Krishna we chanted. And then we hear of that little squirrel (gilahari) she thought I will also contribute my share and that’s not strong but whatever “patram pushpam”. So that squirrel was going on the beach sandy beaches and squirrel has hairy body so she was rolling in the sand and picking up some particle of sand and gently walking making sure all the sand picked up stays intact. Then she would climb and then she would shake the body taking all the sand particle off. Acting like a little cement between two rocks. Hey! Get out of here, you want to die? Hanuman was thinking what is this we are bringing big big mountains and she is bringing 50 gram sand what good is this get lost go take rest, see you later.

So Rama was overseeing over hearing this comments statements of Hanuman yes come here come here I said come here. Then Hanuman begins looking back (laughter) giving others impression that he doesn’t mean me, someone behind me. That when we wake someone up who is sleeping in the Bhagvatam (Laughter) and that person looks behind so that others would think that the speaker is pointing out infact someone not him but someone (laughter). No no ..you you I say You then Rama had to give little bhashan little lessons, some chastisement, he was rebuked what do you think, who do you think, give up this pride, whatever strength I have given you, you are utilizing it cent percent in my service. And whatever energy I have invested in a squirrels body she is also not sparing anything for herself she is giving 100%. So in my eyes service of both of you is same. Why do you think your services, you are big servant and she is small servant? Something in our daily life this thing also come handy useful.

So then finally they were there in Lanka. Jai Sri Rama Jai Sri Rama.. armies roaring scaring the enemies and they are also getting together and sharpening their weapons. So there is big big battle one whole kanda. One division has been devoted to that special like a Mahabharat Battle. World has seen so many battles but why is Mahabharat and this Ramayan Lanka battle important because the presence of Rama and Krishna they are personally present. In those battle and while participating in those battles they wish to establish, they will establish the dharma principles of dharma ‘paritranay sadhunam vinasayacha dushkritam dharma samsthapnarthaya sambhavani yugeyuge’ Lord was there to wipe out He had taken that vow in Ramtek do you remember ? When He had seen those skulls and skeletons of the sages’ bodies and He had taken that ‘I will wipe out finish all the demons from this planet’. So this was His opportunity. All the big demons at one place so He was at the right place at the right time. And He had a right strategy the best vision. So there was not only Ravana but also Kumbhakarna they are two brothers. Previously there were Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakashipu and they were going to appear again at time of Rama, the form of Shishupal and Dantavakra not kamsa he is another one. He has his own category. These two Jaya Vijay they are going through these three ages. Each time Lord had to appear but then we hear that they heard in dwapar yuga that soon Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu will appear and He will exhibit the most wonder pastimes. So they decided to extend their visa (laughter). They should be going after three births they were told. You could be demons 3 births or devotees for 7 births take a pick. They thought oh! No no.. 7 birth is long time being away from you Lord and the services as gate keepers. We don’t mind even as a demon but we’ll quickly finish our terms and be back. But they couldn’t resist the temptation of being with Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu and He was about to appear near some 5000 year near from Lord Krishna’s appearance time. So they stayed on they appeared Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s time they appeared in the form of Jagai and Madhai. And their demoniac quality this time was killed by the holy name.

In previous ages some weapon had to be used some special weapon was used. And this time also as Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krishna Himself sudarshan… He was invoking His weapon. Sudarshan was had appeared was ready making circles and blazing like a fire and it had 1000 what you called spokes? Spokes are inside, spikes. And then Nityananda Prabhu no..no..no.. this is the age of kali. If you would want to kill the demons then well, nobody would be left in NewYork (Laughter) maybe few in Jersy ok (laughter). So Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to be reminded by Nityananda Prabhu who is playing a role of a spiritual master. He is Balaram, He is Laxman, He is Shankarshan, and He is Adi-guru. And then they had taken vows. Wonderful pastime of Jagai Madhai in Caitanya lila. So by seeing kindness of Nityananda Prabhu and Caitanya Mahaprabhu the both brothers Jagai and Madhai their demoniac nature were subdued. And they were ready for surrender full surrender. And they promised to break no more principles we’ll follow we’ll be strictly vegetarian. No more intoxication. No more illicit connections with women. No gambling and we’ll always chant ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’ and they were liberated but liberation is nothing they are just a beginning they developed all love for the Lord that’s more important than the liberation part. They became great lovers of the Lord and especially great lovers of the holy name.

“dina hina yata chila hari name uddharila tara sakshi jagai madhai” Someone said what is the proof? That holy name liberates someone, give love of Godhead to somebody? can you prove any example yes “tara sakshi jagai madhai”. The life of Jagai and Madhai is a witness is a poof. So like this they completed infact 3+1= 4 life cycles and then they go back. So at time of in treta yuga they had appeared as Ravana and Kumbhakarna. Kubhakarna was a very special personality. He would mostly sleep whenever he was hungry he would get up. Oh! you know some of such people around? (Laughter) Once their belly is full then again (snoring).. So this was not his hunger time this is battle field. So he had to be woken up by beating up drums, big endeavour to get him up. And there was a Meghanada, Indrajeet Indrajeet he had even conquered Indra in battle. Son of Ravana was very powerful. One time he even conquered Indra. And as a reward he was one of the rewards, that he received this name Indrajeet. Conquer of Indra I have to become known as concur of Indra. Let the world know I have conquered Indra, Indrajeet.
So he was also mystical and had some special arrows as a result one time Laxman goes unconscious and nothing worked out and was recommended oh! Some jadibutti or sanjivani. Oh! Where could it be found Himalayas. As if Himalaya was just around the corner. So who would go? You know there is no courier service or anything. So Hanuman again was dispatched he went again flying. But once he was there he couldn’t recognize which one is sanjivani. They are looking alike so he just picked up the mountain whole mountain (Maharaj laugh). I’ll just bring the mountain let them help themselves I’ll do my part. So he brought the whole mountain so they were waiting when is he coming when is he coming? In Lanka they were waiting because without Laxman everything would stand still situation and Rama was in anxiety and everyone else was. So finally they see Hanuman coming this whole mountain he is carrying and places that mountain and sanjivani and. This is again lila there is no nothing could influence the transcendental form body of Laxman. So some setbacks are shown like that in that battle and that appropriate time had come. Kumbhakarna was already killed and then finally the great good fortune descended upon Ravana he was waiting for that opportunity for darshan of Rama, not much more to be done in Lanka so Sita has been rescued. And Sita well there is a agni pariksha? Agni pariksha is there. The Sita has to prove she has maintained her purity her chastity and just to clarify others doubt, her entering fire coming out untouched by the fire was a full proof.
Well here everything is not always made obvious other references are there to know more that the Sita that was kidnapped by Ravana is not the original Sita. She is just a chaya Sita – shadow Sita. The Ravana doesn’t even have right to touch or he couldn’t even go near to Sita. So right there original Sita is invisible. So when at the time of this agni pariksha again the original Sita walks out of fire and joins Rama. Then that shadow Sita was playing roll of Sita and remembering Rama and thinking of Rama. She also wants to marry Sri Rama and that marriage has taken place in Tirupati Balaji lila. With Balaji you see two consorts so one of them is one was Sita in Lanka, so that she also gets the hand of Lord for rendering that service. She becomes Lords consort wife so now as Sita has been rescued Lanka has no king so Bibhishan has been installed. He’s enthrone as a king, Lord doesn’t, He could’ve become a king himself very easily. He could have done the same thing with Kamsa in Mathura. But did He become the king? No He made Kamsa’s father Ugrasen the king. And Jarasndh was killed He could also have become king there. But He makes Sahadev who was son of Jarasandh. Another Sahadev not five pandava. His son is also Jarasandh. He is made the king. So here also in Lanka brother is no more so Bibhishan who was a devotee of Rama and he had already kind of fled. When they entered Lanka with Rama’s army so Bibhishan was with them. They were not getting along and Ravana was not following the good advice given by Bibhishan. He was happy to join Sri Rama. So having that ceremony is completed of enthroning coronation of Bibhishan then oh! what’s the time? Not that it’s five minutes after 9 but very close to completion of 14 years of exile. I better hurry up not me Rama has to hurry up (laughter). Promise is promise and if I delay no more Bharat darshan.

So Rama had come walking all the way. He is kind of going south if you look at the map of India from Ayodhya going to Pragayraj then Triveni sangam current Allahabad Chitracut and coming to Nagpur near Nagpur is that Ramtek then going kind of south west towards Godavari and from there going towards Kishkindha which is present day Maharashtra and Karnataka border. And from there He goes to Rameshwar side and from there He goes to Lanka. So He is going all the way keeps going so He has come quite a long distance away walking and searching for Sita.
So He could have gone back also walking. But that would not have worked out the time factor wise. To reach there faster the pushpak viman some flower aircraft has been arranged and Rama, Sita, Laxman, Hanuman and Sugreev and Bibhishan also and many others and then we did not mention. Sri Rama he revived all, many monkeys had also left their bodies in the battle so Lord woke them up or gave them life back. They are happy to rejoin the part of Bibhishan and Rama’s kingdom. If you go to Ayodhya there are lots of monkeys there. Last month we were there and they are very bold monkeys. We were carrying some bag in your hand they will come stop you they will take bag from your hand they’ll open you could do nothing they will check whatever they like and then you may go (Maharaj laughs) so many monkeys there.

So as they were in the plane there is a description it was going just above the bridge that was built and Rama was showing Sita look look she looked down. We built this just to reach Lanka is all our task and He was giving some running commentaries as they were proceeding. So kind of Kishkindha was going over and comes to Bharadwaj muni’s asharm. He was going to stop over there. This is at Allahabad- Prayagraj better to call it Prayagraj its original name otherwise its allah allaaahu akbar that allaha allaha baad is there. Whenever there is a name ends with baad this baad that baad Faridabad murdabad and many baads are there sikandrabad that means it’s like that Hyderabad. In Marathi baad means bekar, baad ho gaya -out. So Prayagraj so there from there Rama send Hanuman ahead of them ‘hey Hanuman you better rush you just inform Bharat that we are just now coming we are just on our way. Because Hanuman goes faster than Rama’s aircraft. So he was hanumans was dispatched and there he was at Nandigram outskirts of Ayodhya, Bharat was keeping an eye.

So many so many hours to go and 30 minutes to go. He’s counting countdown was going on. Good that Hanuman is coming in the air flying and so news quickly spread over all Ayodhya and they were preparing to receive Rama new clothes they are distributing sweets and just embracing each other and streets were being cleaned and all arches all mangal vadhya all auspicious sound instruments and mantras and everybody is heading towards the direction that he is coming from. Which was basically Nandigram where Bharat had stationed himself from past fourteen years. And finally got the life back as they saw a plane coming effulgent Rama seated on that plane Sita Laxman.

Everyone is fixed focused no one spaced out. Only Rama was on their mind, so wherever Rama was their eyes were fixed on that Rama. As if He was coming towards them. Yes He was coming towards them. And finally He was with them and kind of jubilation expression on joy they were dancing and the pranam mudras and embracing each other and reading up by bramhanas and swastivachan blowing up conch shells. Rama was greeting elders and Brahmans and the mothers were there Kaushalya, KaiKai, Sumitra. So there whole procession back to the palace. Whole city had a new look new face bright delighted. That was diwali time whole town was lit with lamps. Deep-avali rows of lamps deepawali availi – rows of lamp everywhere was lit. So from dashera from Lanka to diwali in Ayodhya and now the promise was kept 14 years of exile vanavas. Rama is back so Bharat was more than willing he never had considered himself a king or prince he was only keeping shoes of Rama on the throne he was ruling. And now he was ready to hand everything over to Sri Rama. So all the preparations grander than ever before 14 years ago there were some preparations were on and Kaikai had heard about it and everything had changed.

So one more time and now Rama Sita they take their throne and whole Rama darbar is there and Hanuman holding different symbols and somebody is fanning and Hanuman is also there and the whole assembly praja is there Vashishth ji. So all the proper vidhi purvak following all the process chanting of the mantras and fire yagya and auspicious invocations or prayers, mantras the coronation ceremony took place. Jai Sri Rama and then Rama raj begins which lasted for 11,000 years. And rajya like that kingdom that world has not seen not seen. So even after 900000 years, some 60 years ago it was time for India to become independent nation. Getting released from the clutches of the British raj. Atleast there were some talk of making India Rama raj. Wishful thinking as soon as we had the first prime minister ‘kissa kursi ka’. One he had a throne that Rama raj concept was dumped in the dustbin and he had a dream of making India the modern country, modern nation. Declaring oh these dams and these factories these are our temples. So he declared although born in a Brahmin family he was but he had western upbringing. So he used to iron his cloths in Paris and fly them to New Delhi and then he would put them on. So what could have been expected from such a personality and soon one who had a dream of Rama raj he ended up, with ‘Hey Rama’. But atleast he was remembered Rama, Ram was remembered. Mahatma gets credit for even thinking of making the country into Rama Raj just for thinking also. But during Rama raj it was wonderful raj. People living long long life thousands of years. That was the time for living long life also. 100000 year was a life span in sati yuga. It is reduced gets reduced as kaliyug is expected 100 years. When I was there in South Africa their life span has been reduced to 33 years. Because half of the population is suffering from aids so some are dying in teen age and some 20s and some in 60s so middle 33.

So Rama’s time no disease no old age. And if you don’t want to die that’s fine you could live long. It would never happened that father is alive and son is dead or father is doing the cremation of son this is not possible in Rama’s time. When Rama like raja is a ruler then everything is auspicious. So you are welcome to study Ramayan more thoroughly we had to only run only touching touch and go we were doing. All the pastime some skipping, some mentioning only. So this is just appetizer for you. Main meal oh! You could take main meal at home it’s a home work for you. You could study Ramayan or Bhakti vikas Maharaj has also translated summary study of Valmiki Ramayan. He has English and also published in hindi so another devotee also what’s his name? another English dharma in Iskcon? – Krishna dharma ok like that. Or if you want to study original Sanskrit than Valmiki Sanskrit Ramayan. You may also undertake such serious studies. So may these life and pastimes and teachings of Rama be source of all inspiration and infact life without shri Rama we’re just dead prananti. These pastime of Rama, Sri Krishna give us life otherwise we are dead and always keep chanting ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’ and do your best, uphold the principles given by Rama and Ramayan in your day to day life and try to spread that sense that ways Rama raj to start with your home you have little kingdom there you are king see whether you could charity begins at home start there expand. One family could take it to other compound from other side they could expand it. Ok Jai Sri Rama.

As we hear Ramayan Lord Rama enters our heart

Venue: New Jersey
Ram katha (First session)
Thank you for coming, jai Sita Rama Laxman Hanuman ji ki………. jai.
Thank you for also the opportunity to talk about Shri Rama not for 9 days; normally that is how long they have Rama katha for 9 days, Bhagvatam for 7 days Ramayan for 9 days. Navaanha they call navaanha. You are happy that it is only for 3 days (laughter) lucky you are. And we also have Shri Rama here there is also Shri Rama mandir Iskcon Shri Rama mandir our own Shri Rama mandir. Whenever we get to do Rama katha. Long time ago long long time ago 900,000 years ago almost 1 million years ago Lord Shri Rama was on the planet.
“paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam dharma-samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge” (B.G 4.8). So that was treta yuga Lord Shri Rama appeared. “ramadi-murtishu kala-niyamena tishthan nanavataram akarod bhuvaneshu kintu krishnah svayam samabhavat paramaha puman yo”- nanavtar Bramaha mentions name of one avatar ‘Ramadi-murtishu kala-niyamena tishthan’ niyame there is a niyam there is a schedule whole time table who appears when and it was Shri Rama’s time Treta yuga. At the end of Treta yuga and between then and now 900,000 years have passed. Lord appeared to protect His devotees “paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam dharma-samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge” and He also has to kill some demons it’s not all play but some work also.
“Paritranaya sadhunam” that is his pleasure pastime and some duty also killing the demons which is not part of His nitya leela, nitya leela is only He is with His devotees. But there is naimitik leela nimit is occasional occasionally He has to descend. And He appears in ayodhya then He also kills demons so tons of demons lots of demons He kills and by doing so dharma samsthapanarthay. He establishes the principle of religion that’s the purpose of Lords descend whenever He appears Lord Shri Rama is a very special expansion incarnation of Shri Krishna ‘chahe Krishna kaho ya Rama’ (singing) very close next to Krishna is Rama’s name although there are so many so many incarnation so many names so many forms but next to Krishna is Shri Rama “Ramadi-murtishu kala-niyamna tishthan”.
Other incarnations comes and go and they just have one lila killing one demon temporarily they are here and they are gone and Krishna appears also from very janma Krishna janma to His time for departure He was here for 125yrs Lord Shri Krishna so many many pastimes moving from one location to another to another to another to another finally to Dwarka and out He goes. And then Shri Rama was here on this planet for yet much longer time 11,000 years He ruled. He was a ruler raja Rama for 11,000yrs it’s pretty long time huh! 11000yrs He appears on navami Krishna appears on ashtami next day not the same month, not the same year, at-least according to tithi, asthami Shri Krishna appears and navami Rama what did I say ashtami Krishna appears, navami Shri Rama appears. One appears middle of the night; mid night other appears mid day. One appears in the Chandra vamsha Shri Krishna and other one Shri Rama appears in surya vamsha.
Like that these similarities are also there. Then Radha rani appears on Radhashtami and Sita rani appears on Sita navami hmm you knew that? krishnashtami krishnashtami radhashtami, Rama navami Sita navami. These are no accidents these are all arrangements by their sweet will they appear. They are not forced “karmanadaiva netrena sat asat janmayonishu”. This is applicable to us “karmanadaiva netrena” and what kind of karma you perform “sat” ok you get superior body, “asat” karma then you also appear in lower form, lower species of life. You have no choice it’s just your karma “as you sow so shall you reap” but Lord Shri Krishna Lord Shri Rama they do not perform karma they perform akarma. They perform just a lila “janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so arjuna” (B.G 4.9).
Krishna says which is about Himself also about Shri Rama oh! My pastimes are janma, my appearance my karma my pastime my activities are all transcendental. And those who come to Rama katha Krishna katha and sit down like this not even mobile phone is allowed to ring here and you hear you understand my janma my lila tattvataha. You understand the tattva the science the context as they are lila as it is and what is the result ‘tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti’ no more birth no more death you come to me either you go to Golok, you go to Saket they are also. Here we are in Devi dhama then there is Mahesh dhama there’s Hari dhama then there’s Saket dhama then there’s Golok dhama. That’s the order we are here, New Jersey is devi dhama its a fort, durga’s fort durga. Very difficult to get out of here ‘dur-ga’ ga means going transcending going out of this universe is dur difficult task. Durga is watching so that’s where we are in a bigger prison house, lots of space to move around we don’t even see the walls of the prison house. So we think we are free and the bonds are so subtle, made up of goodness, passion and ignorance, we don’t even feel so we are free. We are not arrested there are no shackles we are free, but you can’t get out of here out of this universe unless and until you do this “janma karmachame divyam”.
You understand Lord Shri Rama’s pastimes are transcendental and you understand them fully well with the help of the devotees. “evam parama para praptam” (B.G 4.2) and all that, then ‘tyaktva deham punar janma eti’ then what happens “mam eti” he comes to me mam eti mam eti he goes to me he comes to where I am where Shri Rama is where Krishna is so that’s the that’s also the purpose of recitation of this Ramayan.
Not only we will have good time till the last breath because your connection with Rama we will have araama. Arama comes from Rama no Rama is harama, harama khor (Laughs). So relief is possible. One well isn’t not only getting out of this universe is only way to become liberated become free from shackles free from bonds and sufferings of this existence. One could be here but he is with Shri Rama he is hearing about Shri Rama and chanting the holy names of Shri Rama he is not here he is already there with him. Weather here or there’ jivo va maro va’ no difference he is living here in this world in this body maro va he is with Shri Rama no difference. “katha ramayanasyapi nityam bhavati yad grhe tad grham tirtha-rupam hi vasatam papa-nasanam” this is Ramayan mahatmya there is bhagvat mahatmya thers is also Ramayan mahatmya 5 chapters we find them in skandha purana skandha puran complied by Shrila Vyasa dev and he is glorifying Ramayan and throughout other puranas also there is a Ramayan Rama pastimes, Rama references even in bhagvat puran Shrila Sukdev goswami reciting Ramayan briefly in 2 chapters in the 9th canto of bhagvatam.
When Shri Krishna use to hear Rama katha oh! you have to tell me story before going to sleep story please and then otherwise Krishna doesn’t drink milk, doesn’t go to sleep he has to hear story then Yashoda tells Shri Krishna tells Rama story you know there was a king called Rama and very devoted wife Sita. Aah but one time she got kidnapped by a demon called Ravana. As Krishna hears this he jumps oh! Where is my sword? Where is that demon? becomes furious He goes back into another age in treta yuga and He is in full Rama bhava. He has become Rama and wants to kill where that Ravana is? So by hearing the pastimes of Shri Rama then one develops the qualities of Shri Rama becomes a great hero person of a good character and what not. Every mother every father, brother, sisters had been telling these stories for 900,000 years. Stories of Shri Rama they only stopped few decades ago with advent of Amitabh bachhan or something or the television doordarshan otherwise people use to work all day in their farm in their fields and come back home take the remaining meals and go for Rama katha or go for mahabharat katha or go for this katha that katha.
In a small village 5-10, 20 places there is katha going on, singing is bhajan Rama bhajans krishna’s bhajans are going on. This is such a common experience we have seen I have seen in a small village where I was born. But I go to same village now they are all absorb taking darshan of another hero they are just zero in-fact. Then there is no more Rama katha, one gets to hear. “yat grihe nityam bhagavati katha ramayanasyapi” if at home at village a town a country there is a katha Shri Rama katha then ‘tat griham tirtha rupam’ tat graham that house, that place, that spot, that country is tirtha is a holy place. You have transformed your home into tirtha by reciting Ramayan by hearing by sharing Rama katha. “Dushtanam papa nashanam” by hearing this Rama katha we say that ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Rama patit pavan Sita Rama’ so Raghupati Raghav that Raghav coming in Raghu dynasty is patitpavan Sita Rama.
Patit pavan not only 900,000yrs ago Shri Rama killed demons and by doing so establish the principle of religion purified the world but He is willing to do so He can do even now just associate with him just give aural reception to him let Rama enter you. And if you are patit you should be admitting. Honesty is best policy yes I am fallen then for every patit Shri Rama will make that person a pavan purified person. Lords katha is as power as the Lord because katha of the Lord is not different from Lord or as He has promised where His devotees get together ‘gayanti tatra tishtami narayan’ were my devotees get together chant my katha recite, my katha chant my holy name I am there “tatra tishtami” I reside there. So Lord appears there where His katha, His pastimes are remembered are recited. As Lord appears, He kills the all demons or demoniac nature in the heart in their consciousness. All the anarthas are removed. When there is a dasera time diwali-dasera you know dasera in India in north India specially they make big effigy of Ravana 100 ft tall in a big maidan Rama -lila maidan many cities have Rama-lila maidan, maidan dedicated where on dasera it’s a festival of killing, burning Ravana and 100s & 1000s of devotees gather persons gather. The Benefit is as one witnesses here is Ravana getting burned and if you are happy that Ravana is getting burn and if you are not happy what does that mean? you are close to Ravana. He is somebody for you. You have some soft corner for him.
If you’re near and dear he is departing you won’t be happy but you are happy you clap you clap you rejoice and jump we do this. I am also from Delhi. One time I was in gully then I went to Delhi. So there we get to witness this so you are jubilant seeing Ravana getting burned that gives relief and great benefit because Ravana like mentality is there in the heart is getting burned as Ravana is getting burned and making seat, clearing singhasan for Shri Rama. “tavat papa ni dehasmin nivashanti tapodhana yavan shrunyate samyak Shrimad Ramayanam narai”. “tavat papa ni dehas nivashanti” “papani” – the sins “ nivashanti” will reside “dehismin”- in the body in the consciousness ‘yavancshrunyate samyak Shrimad Ramayanam narai”. Up till only up till that time the papa vasana the seeds of sins or a desire to commit sin will stay until we hear Ramayan Rama katha. And as we hear Ramayan Rama enters the heart Rama’s nama also enters the heart. So that is just but the couple of verses from a bhagvatam not bhagvatam Ramayan mahatmya .
Ramayan begins with word tapah. “Om tapah svadhyay niratam” Today is also day for tapasya. Tapasya day tapodhana. We also just heard that address tapodhana Oh! tapodhana. For some persons bramahins brahminically inclined the austerity is the wealth tapodhana austerities is the wealth. Or by performers of austerities one purifies themselves. “tapo divyam putraka yena sattvam yasmad suddhyed” one becomes shudha purified “brahma-saukhyam tv anantam” and there is ananta sukha one could derive. So today is that opportunity also during the day. The day for real fasting, super fast not of the ordinary kind. Not fasting only from beans and grain but fasting from even water. We are lucky we could have some air. Dhruva maharaj at one point even stopped breathing. So day like today is called upavas meaning fasting but also meaning something more, upa means near vas means residence upavas is that day, day of residing near of somebody or someone who do you think that someone is? Yes the day to sit near Shri Rama the day to sit closer to Krishna.
Shri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Upavas so fasting no eating grains and not drinking water is 1 part but that’s not everything there is more to it than just fasting getting closer to him. So as we hear about Him as we hear about Shri Rama we get closer to him we sit near Him so He comes closer to us, that is upavas so we have been doing fasting all day and I am sure we are also chanting “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare” that some reading, hearing Ramayan or bhagvatam or Caitanya Caritamrita this brings us closer to us Shri Rama. So we have special opportunity today of being very close to Shri Rama as we are hear Ramayan as I came and offered my obeisance to Shri Rama here as I am feeling very close to Him or also thinking of Shri Rama all day long then I had darshan and oh! This is the person that I was thinking about this is the one so at the end of the day as one keeps hearing or chanting glories of Shri Rama you meet Him you be with Him. So every time as we hear about Him we get closer to Him get closer some step closer as we takes few step He takes quite a few steps. He takes 100 steps we take 1 step He takes 100 steps. Because He is more eager to see us then we are to see Him. Children may forget the parent that’s possible but parents forgetting children not possible. If such thing is possible then they are not parents anymore by definition.
As Shri Rama Shri Krishna is Supreme father. So how much more they must be thinking multiplied by the father and mother also thinks of a child say ‘x’ amount of thinking. So Shri Rama multiplied by billion trillions of times more. Thought is on Shri Rama’s mind He is always devising some plan some scheme something so that the children would think of Him come closer to Him. Oh! This Rama katha is also that kind of arrangement His arrangement I am sure ISKCON New Jersey gets the credit as they have become instrument the cause, the organisers the invitations went out Ramachandra & company Ramachandra prabhu but Shri Rama is cause of all causes. It’s because of Him we are here today. Otherwise we would be all over the planet. But here we are sitting at His lotus feet.
So Om tapaha is how Ramayan begins Om tapaha is a day of tapashya and so this hearing is also tapashya. With this we purify our minds. Tapashya is not only fasting so there is tapashya there is austerity at the physical level at our vocal level our mental level as Krishna explains this in Bhagavat gita also. So austerity at the physical level is necessary and useful, beneficial but most benefit is derived as we are austere in our speech. We think several times before we talk. We wait right – wrong, body- soul, heaven – hell like this then we speak. Speech purified speech and tapashya is performed of the speech. Then better speech and of course whatever is on the mind that comes out of this speaker this is the speaker we have. Then another speaker somewhere here right that’s the speaker. There is someone behind that’s speaking. So the mind is also there the mind is purified. Then by tapashya, so the tapashya of the mind and the speech and the body is not limited to only body. Oh! I did fasting I fasted that’s just part of it. So the tapashya the tapa of the mana (mind) and the speech is performed as we chant and hear about the Lord. So we have opportunity to do tapa at a physical level we have opportunity to do tapashya at the speech or mind level. So at the very beginning this is Bala kanda, Narad Muni is a speaker of this sarga one adhyaya one chapter of this bala kand. Where he is summarising the whole Ramayan, entire Ramayan has been summarised in one chapter we are not doing that exercise but I just for your information you may be interested to do little summary study then you could just read the bala kanda first sarga. There are 500 sargas or adhyayas chapters. The first chapter is summary of the entire Ramayan. And Narad Muni is speaker and Valmiki is a student. He is a shishya you remember, Valmiki one time was not valmiki he was ratnakar and some other names also we hear of him. Valya kodi (laughs) if you are Marathi then you will have some other names different part of India; also sastra has some different names of his life’s sketch and his names.
So Ratnakar as he was, Narada muni stopped his sinful activities and had asked him to chant the names of, you chant you just chant too much run around sit down sit down take it easy sit down sit down. By run around you want not become happy, sit down you’ll be happy. Sit and chant Shri Rama and you’ll be happy. More happy then all the running around you have done to become happy. So he agreed to sit down and chant the names of Shri Rama. And as we hear how sinful he was he had hard time chanting the name of Rama properly so he was doing reverse. “Mara mara mara mara mara Ramaa Ramaa aa…….Ram Ram Ram” what happened he started with mara so then there is clearing stage as one chants there is clearing stage, the offence less chanting. Initially there could be some offences offensive chanting and keep chanting keep chanting hearing. Oh! He did chant and for long time he chant Raaaaaam Raaaaaam Ram and the sounds were coming out of the holes of valmik – anthill.
For long long time ants ate all the flesh and muscles and tissues and everything and they made a hill anthill and in those holes sounds were coming from those holes Ram…. So this anthill is called Valmik the one who was in that valmik and attained his realisation and did tapashya hence he gets the name valmiki, from valmik anthill comes the name valmiki. That’s right revolution for you? It was work for me one time. So Narada muni is a spiritual master and valmiki is a disciple. So this is one occasion, they are together and valmiki yes he is enquiring could you please tell me “Naradam Muni pungavam” you are the best of the munis. So I wish to know something and could you please respond to this enquiry as he was making. “konvasmin saampratam loke gunavaankashcha viirryavaan, dharmagyashcha kritagyashcha satyavaakyo dridhavratah” at the present moment this time who is that person gunavan (full of all good qualities), viryavan (very powerful) who is that person who is dharmagya who know the principle of dharma knower of dharma, kritagyashcha who is that person who is very grateful, satyavakyaha who is that person right now on this planet who only speaks the truth? And dradavrataha fixed simply fixed established no one could push him around. Don’t push me around, don’t push me around, do you hear that Americans all the time say don’t push me around.
So who is that person whom no one could push him around? He’s just like a rock “staveranam Himalaya” like a mountain Himalayan mountain ‘chaaritrena cha ko yuktah sarvabhuuteshhu ko hitah’ and who is a person personality on this planet now who has the best character sarvabhuteshu kohitaha? And who is a well wisher of all the living entities vedvan kaha? And who is knowledgeable ka samarthaha? Who is capable “kashchaeka priyadarshanah” and who is also beautiful to look at atmavan ko jitakrodho? Who is that one who has conquered the anger dhyutiman? And who is that effulgent person ko anasuyakaha” And who is that non envious? kasya bibhyati devaashcha jaataroshhasya samyuge? And who is that person whose prayers make even demigods tremble in the midst of the battle, ‘etad ichchhaamyaham shrotum param kautuuhalam hi me’ I wish to know who is that person who fits this bill who matches all this description? Who is it do you know I am very eager I am very curious to know who that person is? ‘maharshhe tvam samartho asi gyaatumevamvidham naram’ and o! maharshi! maha rushi narada rushi I know you are competent to tell me who that person is. So as disciple valmiki was very eager to know this “athato bramaha jigyasa”. He was very curious and also was qualified to know the answer of this question. “Aristo vakyam abhravit naradah”. So Narada he was delighted jubilant to hear such enquiry. And he spoke “bahavo durlabhashcaiva ye tvaya kirtita gunah” o! You know all the qualities which you have mentioned these are very very rare qualities. And to find a person with those qualities is rarest thing most rare thing. ‘mune vakshyamyaham buddva tairyuktashruyatam narah’ but I‘ll think harder I’ll think harder, “budhva” not just top of my head I’ll give a serious thought to what you have enquired.
And “aham vakshami” I will say and he thought for a while and Narada muni speaks ‘Ikshvaaku vansha prabhavo Ramo nama janaiha shrutaha’ o! That person that personality Shri Rama he has appeared in Ikshvaku dynasty. And he is very popular “janai srutaha” people are talking about him ‘maha virya dyutiman vasi”. All the qualities that you mentioned are very much in Him or He is equipped, He is endowed with those qualities. Mahavirya effulgent self controlled budhiman nitiman, Shriman in other words He is bhagawan. Budhiman, gunavan and tyagvan and saundaryavan and these six things put together makes personality bhagawan “Krishnastu bhagawan swayam” Ramastu very close, maryada purushottam. Krishna has no maryada unlimited He takes some mariyada and then he appears as Shri Rama bhagawan Shri Ram nitiman not only budhiman but nitiman it’s rare. Someone could be a brainy person but not necessarily nitiman not necessarily following the principles of morality. That’s rare to have head and also heart. Some people have heart no head, some have head, heartless.
Budhiman nitiman niti- all the feelings are there. Mahabahu he is powerful, His arms are kambugrivo His neck is like a couch shell. Ajanubahu He has long arms this is description of that personality something more He has not even asked could you tell me that person who‘s arms are very long that was not part of the enquiry. All that was enquired was there in Shri Rama + much more. Bonus also there “suchiraha sulalataha”- Broad forehead, suvikramaha- heroic, vishalaksho- His eyes are big eyes, lotus eyes blooming lotus eyes He has, “prajanam cha hite ratah” – He is knower of the religion and protector of His citizens. “Yashasvi”- He is successful. Suchi- purified pure, dharmashya parrakshita- and He is protector of dharma, repuni sudanah- killer of the enemy and goes on and on and on and on. So some qualities and then gradually gets into the pastimes summary pastimes running through all the kandas kanda after kanda.
Bala kanda, ayodhya kanda, aranya kanda, kishkinda kanda then hanuman’s kanda sundar kanda then yudha kanda, uttar kanda, so there are seven kandas summary study of all this kandas or khandas divisions of jai Shri Rama. So towards end of that narration by Narada muni ‘naradasya tu tadvakyam shrutva vaakyavisharadah, puujayamasa dharmatma sahashishhyo mahamunih’ so he was worshipped by Valmiki muni along with his disciples and finally devarshri Narads jagamah-he departed chanting what Narayan Narayan. jai Shri Rama jai Shri Rama jai Shri Rama. Only Narad muni chanting you are not chanting ‘sa muhurtam gate tasmin devalokam munistada jagama tamasatiiram’ so after a while Narad muni departed and now there is Valmiki with his disciples and he is there on the bank of a river called Tamasa River and his description we see some trees here also but beyond that there’s a concrete jungle sky scrapers. 900,000 year old not that there were no towns yes there was city Ayodhya, well planned city. One of the 7 cities a million years ago that’s pretty long time and well planned such cities cannot be planned anymore they are not being planned, wonderful beautiful complete cities with lakes and lotus and swans and squares and archers what not, beautiful architecture and beautiful people also with wonderful consciousness Krishna consciousness in their head. Wherever they walked always chanting jai Shri Rama jai Shri Rama jai Shri Rama as they get up in the morning Rama Rama-Rama Rama-Rama they do this.
Best culture best architect best music best food best everything. Millions years into the past cannot be matched New York how old? 200-300. Alright I was there in California few years ago and they were celebrating 250th anniversary of Los Angeles. And the Americans were hey! You know this is very very old city Los Angeles, not only old very old not very old city very oooooold city try to make it even older by saying very ooooold city. So when I enquired I did not know at that time 250 years old you know 250 years pretty old. So 250 years verses 900,000 years. So towns and lots of wonderful country side and Valmiki is there and he notices that there were 2 birds’ two cranes as we see in the photograph of such birds are they look like and they were together walking next to each other and they were having good time and it was fun time for them and they were enjoying each other’s company but that did not last very long Valmiki was that was part of the scene. They were birds they were walking next to each other beaks into beaks doing that.
Valmiki had taken note of their pastimes and suddenly the arrow comes with a great speed and the male crane was dropped dead. So their good time the height of heights of the pleasure there was deaths of this pair at-least for the surviving one the she crane. When she saw the state of her husband the male bird she was in total despair distress and by seeing that scene Valmiki had compassion towards that she crane and then he notices that oh! this is the act of this. This hunter he was a nishad from some lower cast out hunting there. And when he (Valmiki) realises this act was his he immediately curses ‘maa nishad partistham tvam gama sasvati samaha’ I curse you. You will never ever have peace of mind. “Yad crouncham mithunadicam avadhi kama mohitam”- they were having their kama good times and you disturbed and put full-stop to it. And so you will be disturbed always, never peace of mind for you. But the words that he had uttered was not ordinary. They came out like a like a poetry. His shoak or lamentation is what had transformed into sloka shoak became sholka. Lamentation became into beautiful poetry, and he had never composed any poetry before. For first time he uttered something and that was such a beautiful thing sounding beautiful. It has a perfect meter and it had eight aksharas (letters) in each pad there were four padas as in bhagvat gita and there is also throughout Ramaya.
So he was surprise how did I utter this? How did I say this shloka? At the same time he was also regretting Oh! why did I curse. What right do I have to curse someone? Why did I curse that person? Yet kind of mixed feelings why did I curse that person? So over whelmed by the thoughts like this and he also recited poetry and of course he had all those Rama pastimes on the mind. And those Rama pastimes only were cause of this compassion that he had expressed and that poetry that he had composed and uttered. So thinking of Rama pastimes which he had heard from his spiritual master and this episode of the bird killing and him cursing so many thoughts and reflection that he was loaded with. He was returning to his ashrama Bharadwaj Muni was following him they were also carrying water. Water pots of that sacred waters of that river. So finally, that ashrama Valmiki’s ashrama, I visited that ashrama only last month just for your information I was on pilgrimage and I went to that ashrama of valmiki muni between Prayagraj and Varanasi it was inside of a road on the banks of Ganga. And I was also today is 7th? So on the 6th of May I was in Ayodhya also. 5th & 6th of May in Ayodhya and 7th I was in Mayapur and like that.
So as Valmiki is back in his ashrama he is still thinking the events just occurred and then something more amazing thing happens he sees a swan descending and getting closer and closer to him and it was a Brahma’s swan. His carriers swan and he goes forward receives him obeisance’s and invited in asan and greeting and worship and as they are both sitting now Valmiki is saying what is in his mind. Oh! This happened to me and I uttered this poetry and I also cursed that person and I don’t know what is happening with me? What it is due to? And Brahma says it was me. They were my words it just came out of your mouth. I was the speaker you just opened your mouth and said those words. I had empowered you to say those that particular shanda. And then comes instruction Brahma’s instruction to Valmiki- ‘ramasya charitam krshnam kuru’ you should compile the pastimes of Shri Rama. “dharmatmano bhagavato loke ramsya dhimatah”- That Rama who is bhagvan bhagavataha is dharmatmanah and dhimatah is established person He is dhira- sober that Rama’s pastimes you should compile. “vrattam kathaya dhirasya yatha te naradashrutam”- and make the base the foundation what Narada muni spoke to you the summary of the pastimes of Shri Rama. Let that be the base bases let that be the beej mantras. Let those be the sutras the code. Language to help you, guide you in compiling Rama’s pastimes. Giving this instruction Brahma returned to his own abode. And the Valmiki begins his task of compilation of Ramayan.
“gangayashchapi santaram bharadvajasya darshanam bharadvaj abhyanujnanach chitrakutasya darshanam vastukarmam nivesham cha bharatagamanam tatha prasadam cha ramasya pitushcha salilakriyam”. So in the beginning he is also doing in the summary for. “padukangryabhishhekam cha nandigramanivasanam”- that is Bharat. “dandakaranyagamanam viradhasya vadham tatha darshanam sharabhangasya sutikshnena samagamam anasuyasamakhyamcha angaragasya charpanam darshanam chapi agastya dhanusho grahanam tatha, shurpanakhya cha samvadam virupakaranam tatha” like that he goes on quite a few verse in the beginning he is compiling again like a summary study and then he has complied complete Ramayan with 24,000 verses. As bhagvatam has 18000 verses, Bhagvat gita has 700 and Mahabharata has 100,000 verses. So Ramayan has 24000 verses divided in seven kandas and in 500 sargas or chapters.
So as his Ramayan was complied it was ready the Valmiki was thinking but well thats a good beginning I have compiled Ramayan but it cannot just sit there with me, one copy with me. This has to go everywhere, who will propagate? Who’ll spread this Ramayan katha everywhere? Every town every village. And as valmiki was thinking who would do this? Who would help me out with propagations of Shri Rama? Two little beautiful boys walk in they were Lava and Kush. They were around for sometime as Sita was banished that’s another story would be told later on maybe not by us not in 3 days. Valmiki tells that story and so sita was staying in ashrama of Valmiki and that’s where she had given birth to this two beautiful boys Lava and Kush. They were growing in that ashrama surrounding at the bank of Ganga. As he thought who could do this job? This two boys appeared offering theirs obeisance’s as if saying yes yes here we are we could do it. And Valmiki he taught them Ramayan. Lava and Kush were the first two students of Ramayan. And they were not only taught Ramayan but they were taught how to recite, sing Ramayan. They’re wonderful singers’ sweet singers as if gandharva would sing. They are beautiful to look at as if they are replica of Shri Rama. They are looking just like Shri Rama. And when they would sing sweet like gandharva they would use different instruments veena and other instruments. So soon they had become well versed they memorised all the 24000 shlokas verses. And they were not just doing they were not just kanthasta put in the throat. They were in the heart hridayangam they have been assimilated.
They were Rama conscious fully Rama conscious so sweet singing. So gradually they started wandering travelling towns’ villages, and wherever they would go people would follow them. Hearing their Ramayan these two boys would walk and play different instruments veena and sing this Ramayan sweet as it is. Their sweet voices and sweet music they’re playing but the real sweetness of Ramayan is because of Shri Rama. The topic is Rama and He’s a sweet. And as they were singing sweetly those sweet pastimes with spicing of the sweet music it was intoxicating. As they would hear they would just be absorbed. Mantra mugdha forgetting everything else. They would perform this Ramayan performance recitation of sangeet Ramayan musical Ramayan. They would sit sometimes large gatherings, sages, and saintly persons and dharmatmas and mahatmas and rishis and munis would surround and listen to them with great attention. And as they would listen Lava and Kush reciting Ramayan their bodies’ would be trembling and they would shade tears of jubilation. And towards the end of such recitation they would congratulate them. ‘Hei wonderful wonderful’ sadhu sadhu sadhu sadhu wonderful wonderful well done’. They would give so many gifts to this Lava and Kush. Thank them please come back again.
When is the next time you would be singing this Ramayan we would like to come. So travelling and travelling Lava and Kush they reached Ayodhya. And now on the streets of Ayodhya they were singing. They are walking nagar sankirtan and Ramayan recitation. And the news reached Shri Rama that two beautiful kids they are telling they’re just small boys they beautiful to look at and they are singing wow! Rama wow! nothing like this we have ever heard. So Shri Rama arranged concert, He organised recitation of these two boys right in the assembly his assembly hall. He gathered everyone all the ministers all the citizens’ important VVIPs and there was Shri Rama and Sita and Laxman and Shatrughna Hanuman everybody sitting. And this Lava and Kush they are given microphone and as they recited Ramayan they never had such opportunity. This was very rare for them other places when they would chant sing Ramayan ‘chirnirvratamapi tad pratyaksham eva darshitam’ the recitation of Ramayan as those who listen to that recitation of Lava Kush reciting Ramayan the pastimes which took place sometime in the past they would stand before, before those listeners. Listeners’ would experience as if they are seeing those pastimes. There was only audio arrangement was for only audio listening but as they listened to that recitation there were visuals also they were able to see those pastimes they are so real made by the pure recitation of Lava and Kush and now the Rama was there.
And Rama’s glories Ramayan these children were reciting. ‘Sachapi ramaha parishad gatahashanair vibhushayashakta manababhuva’- Means Shri Rama its overwhelming experience for Shri Rama, He was also thinking who are these children? Whose son’s are these? Oh! they are dressed like sages those who stay in the forest but actually they couldn’t be Brahmins. They must be some kshatriya children Rama was thinking they must be some kshatriya boys. The way they are well built muscles and all some other symptoms they must be kshatriyas some king’s children. So it was very special extra ordinary treat for everybody assembled to listen to Ramayan the pastimes of Shri Rama in the presence of Shri Rama. Now it’s difficult after talking of Lava and Kush singing if we had not talked about that we could have done something or it would’ve been easy job but now it’s difficult. Something fake that was real thing this is just a show.
Maharaj singing Ayodhya vasi Rama…
Rama was dear to everybody all the citizens loved Him. And as He was leaving for forest van vas everyone was ready to go with Him. Everyone was just running behind running after Shri Rama. Those trees in Ayodhya are witnessing oh!Rama is leaving. Oh! So how fortunate these human being is as they could go with Shri Rama but what about us? We can’t move. Even those trees were in great distressed in separation from Shri Rama. Of course many attempts everyone tried to keep Him in ayodhya but there was no way. His father had promised one of the queens kaikai yes you can have two boons I am so please with you but not now in future at appropriate time I will ask to choose these two boons. Kaikai had assisted Dasrath in one big battle. She was accompanying him, the middle of the battle the axel the wheel the middle of the wheel axel and the barring ball barring that goes on top of the axel and the wheel moves. The axel broke while he was in the middle of the action. Kaikai jumped down from the chariot she put her hand right into the hole of that wheel and she held whatever she could hold. Her hands was a axel and Dasarath continued battling. Going backwards and forwards and you turn and here and there slow and fast and she was on the ground. Also running backwards and forwards and you turns and slow and fast movements. And Dashrath had won that battle. If it was not kaikai assisting him there the way she did he could have been long ago defeated.
But there is victory kaikai because of you I am so happy ask for some boon. Not now, so Dashrath he was getting older one day looking into the mirror ‘hye! some of his hair turned grey. They were there but not taken not noticed before but one fine morning ‘oh I am old’ time for vanaprastha retirement. You have seen in the mirror lately? (Laughter) Not just him but there are some others also take a close look. Of course you could dye them. But grey hair means indication time to go time to move on. No teeth means what? Time to drink soup. Not that you get a new set and keep chewing. Can’t see? It’s time to look within, seen enough around outside stop seeing now look inside within you. These are the indications nature’s indicators to do something differently. So dashrath thinking that I should retire. So he was preparing to enthrone his eldest son Shri Rama. Preparations were on. And then comes manthra ‘Hye! lady hye kaikai you wake up have you woken up’ yes yes I am up. Whats the news? Oh! they are getting ready to enthrone Rama the coronation ceremonies are under preparation. Rama would be the next king. Get the sweets. kaikai was thinking such good news you’ve brought to me I should respond by filling your mouth with sweets. I am so delighted to hear this news. This was initial respond of kaikai she was not against Rama becoming the king. But Manthra kept doing gossip. And “atyahar prayashashy prajalpa” (NOI) she did lot of prajalpa. Low talk, envious talk offensive statements. And that is where the things went wrong. Ok it’s time for me to ask for the boon. Kaikai thought, she rushed to the palace and by one boon Bharat become the next king and Rama out into the forest vanvas for 14 years.
So it was too much for Dashrath because Rama was so dear. Dearer than his own life and him going to the forest no no he was hesitating reluctant not ready Rama hears new reaches him by now it had become talk of the town. Rama is ready to go to the forest. Promise is a promise. My father has promised to give 2 boons its time has come so father should keep the promise. And Rama was ready to leave. And Sita also gets ready so Laxman gets ready to go. And as the mounted the chariot because Dashrath had insisted Sumantra it’s too tough for my Rama to walk in the forest He is just in a tender age. He has never walked there are thrones everywhere. Thrones Stones rocks everywhere. The hot sun at-least you take Him in the chariot. It was Rama was not happy with this arrangement because He wanted to go in the forest as vanavasi. Vanavasi- who stay in van like vanavasi. Vanavasi doesn’t go around in the chariot. So next 14 years Rama wanted to walk, only use His feet. And He was not going to wear any stitched cloth or eat cooked food or stay in a building made up of concrete and steel or bricks. He was going to stay in the forest like vanavasi. And that is what He did He did so.
So that Rama had to because father was insisting no no sumanthra you take my children take Rama in the chariot into the forest. So as they were in the chariots all the praja, all the citizens, all the residents of ayodhya were in tears. Broken hearted and Rama was there life. So as life was going they were just being dragged and also going following Shri Rama. They had no other thought but to go with Shri Rama ‘wherever He go we’ll go with Him.’ What good is stay here in the palaces without Shri Rama, just zero meaningless. So that day they all followed Shri Rama Sita Laxman. They were in the chariot and everyone else walking running behind. So that night when there was night time chariot stopped it’s time to take rest. Everyone just rested under the trees everyone was tired walking running whole day. So they slept they knew Rama is here nothing to fear so in the middle of the night Shri Rama gets up. And He wasn’t even sleepy. He did not want to again what kind of vanavasi surrounded by near and dear ones so many of them. He wanted to go alone but He agreed to take Sita and Laxman no more. So He gets up Laxman Sita in the chariot and while everyone is fast asleep Rama moves on. And as they get up in the morning only surprise to find no chariot no Rama. Where is Rama? And everyone gets up and start crying Rama Rama where is Rama? Where is Rama? But Rama very tactfully as He started His chariot He took chariot some distance in the direction of Ayodhya. So when they get up and soon they were seeing any indication sign of course oh! chariot is gone this way back to Ayodhya. They thought oh! He has gone back to Ayodhya. They all ran back to Ayodhya Rama had gone elsewhere diversion. Then comes the bank of Ganga. Again was time to retire night time so from there Rama instructed sumantra you please take chariot back to ayodhya I do not need chariot I cannot use the chariot.
The chariot driver goes back to ayodhya. The king of the area Shrungaverpur some town like that. He got the news that the prince Shri Rama He is in the area. He came with his mounted on a chariot came with his ministers to receive Shri Rama and invites please come be my guest in my palace. No me in the palace not possible. I am vanavasi but atleast eat some food we have some nice samosas for you (laughter). And nothing doing no cooked food no staying in 5 star hotel, 5 star hotel in the forest vanavas. No that’s not vanavas according to Shri Rama stay like vanavasi in van in the forest. So Lord Shri Rama slept on the bank of ganga underneath a tree Laxman bought some bed some grass and some fruits Berries to eat, that’s it. And next day well next day its 9 o’clock so what happened next day that’s tomorrow. So thank you for your keen interest and full attention and oral reception to Ramayan this evening. We will continue let’s see we have only few more days whatever we could cover. Rama is unlimited His katha is unlimited but we and our time is limited. But whatever we could do could say whatever Shri Rama aspire us to say this is ayodhya kanda we were just talking of ayodhya kanda that is Rama’s exile begins and the aranya kand kidnapping of sita kishkinda kand searching for sita and sundar kand finding sita yudha kand fighting for sita and finally uttar kand returning to ayodhya and Rama is king again prince again and rules for 11,000 years. Jai Shri rama thank you