Pastimes of Krishna and Balaram

Dated: 16-8-13

Venue: Class at gurukul Honey pot Festival, Vrindavan

Hari hari hari….. Hari Hari….Hari bol….you don’t say hari bol?? Hari Om nahi (Maharaj laughs) hari bol….

“Krishna jinka naam hai Gokul jinka dham hai” you know this song? (Maharaj asking the gurukul boys) yes…..(boys replied) you know ok, all of you can sing after me also if you are hearing it for the first time.

“krsna jinaka nama hai, gokula jinaka dhama hai

aise sri bhagavana ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

yasoda jinaki maiya hai, nanda ji bapaiya hai

aise sri gopala ko (mere) barambara pranama ha”

bapaiya- baap, father, who is Krishna’s mother? What is name of krishna’s mother? Yasoda and father? Nanda Maharaj, Nanda maharaj –Yasoda maiya ki…………jai.

“radha jinaki chaya hai, adbhuta jinaki mayahai

aise sri ghana shyam ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

luta luta dadhi makhana khayo, gvala-bala sanga

“luta luta dadhi makhana khayo” what does Krishna do? He is stealing butter going door to door for doing what? To steal butter, one of krishna’s name because he steals butter what is he known? Makhanchor……………..Makhanchor ki………..Jai.

“gvala-bala sanga” – all day He is herding cow, how many cows? 9 lakhs, He is herding all day, is He getting any salary? You understand salary. So if Krishna stole little butter and ate but He is herding cows all day and in return He is eating little butter, is that ok? I think He deserves more than a little butter but He is just happy with little butter.

luta luta dadhi makhana khayo, gvala-bala sanga

aise sri lila- dhama ko (mere) barambara pranama ha”

krsna – balaram jai krsna balarama……………..jai, they are both Bhagavan, Krishna is Bhagavan and Balaram is He also Bhagavan? Yes and Krishna likes butter yes, what about Balaram what does He like? Honey

drupada sutaki laja bacayo, graha se gaja ko

aise sri krpa dhama ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

kuru pandava me yuddha macayo, arjuna ko upadesa sunayo

aise sri bhagavana ko (mere) barambara pranama ha

Dau ji ka Bhaiya…..Who is Dauji ? Balarama….and who is Dau’s Bhaiya? Krishna Kanhaiya.

Dau ji ka Bhaiya…………. Krishna Kanhaiya.

Dau ji ka Bhaiya…………. Krishna Kanhaiya.

Krishna Kanhaiya………. Dau ji ka Bhaiya

Krishna Kanhaiya………. Dau ji ka Bhaiya (kirtan)

Where did Krishna take His birth? Birth place of Krishna? you know? Where did Krishna take birth? In Delhi? In Agra?? In Mathura, Mathura Dham ki…………Jai and what about Balarama? Birth place of Balarama ? Gokul……..Sure? Where was Balarama born? Gokul, Gokul Dham ki…………..Jai.

Krishna Balarama Jai Krishna Balarama (Kirtan)

Who is elder brother? Krishna or Balarama? Who is elder-older? Balarama. So he was born first, He took birth first before Krishna. On what day? Which was the day? Monday? What is the name of that day? Purnima, that purnima is known as Balarama Purnima and then Krishna’s birth is on ashtami and known as Krishna Janamashtami, Very good. So purnima is not very far few days, few days to go. When is ekadashi?Tomorrow is Ekadashi, Ekadashi then Dwadashi thenTrayodashi, Chaturdashi and Purnima. So five days to go and then from that day purnima eight more days and then Sri Krishna Janamashtami Mahotsava ki ………jai.

So today you are celebrating Balaram’s, I mean at least you are remembering Him. You are remembering that He loves honey. So you’ll have another day butter, today you’ve honey pot then you’ll have butter pot, yes, 20 butter pots. Today many pots Oh!Cow dung pot! Cow Urine? Also yes Hare Krishna (kirtan)

Release your hands, very good, sit properly like yogis, how does yogis sit? Krishna has given us kartaal taal taali swar and taal Singing and then this is taal you don’t have to bring your own kartal that’s nice if you have but there is no problem if you don’t have because Krishna has given us our own taali. Hare Krishna (kirtan continues)

“Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya” meaning we offer our obeisance’s onto Vaasudev.

Why is Lord called Vaasudev? You know? Why is He called Vaasudev? Anyone of you know? Boys? I think you are boys also or teacher’s big boys, 11th 12th like that ok little boy (Someone answers) He is son of Vasudev, good very good. You heard? These Lords, two Lords, how many? Two Lords are sons of Vasudev hence called Vaasudev. Father’s name is Vasudev and children’s name is Vaasudev The difference is there you have to take a note of this we do not say Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya, Om Namo Bhagvate Bhagvaan, Vasudev is not Bhagvan. Who is Bhagvan? Vaasudev Vaasudev is bhagvan, Vasudev is father of Bhagvan. He must be a very important person a big personality he’s the father of Bhagvaan and not one Bhagvan two bhagvans. So those two Vaasudevs, so not only Krishna is Vaasudev. What about Balarama? Is He also Vaasudev? Yes? No? Yes because they are both sons of Vasudev so they’re both Vaasudevs.

So Krishna appeared in Mathura, Balarama first appeared in Gokul and Krishna appeared in Mathura. Balarama first appeared i n Gokul and Krishna appeared in Mathura and they were in Gokul for long time three years and four months Krishna and Balarama were together in Gokul

“Krishna jinka nama hai gokul jinka dhama hai” we could also say Balarama jinka nama hai gokul jinka dhama hai”. So finally they are residing in Gokul both of them and then they left Gokul, not only Krishna but all the residents of Gokul they left Gokul and then they came to Vrindavan and they were in Vrindavan for another three years and four months not far from here. Anyways let’s not get into it.

Krishna Balarama ki …….Jai.

So when they were small children, Krishna and Balarama, they both wanted to be the cowherd boys. But the cows are big Krishna and Balarama were small boys and the cows were big cows. So Nandababa proposed… you should take care of the small cows. Small cows are called calves, so Krishna and Balarama, they became Vastapal you know Gopal right Gopal “go” is cow, protector of the cow, caretaker of the cow. Who is Gopal? But before they became Gopal they were known as Vastapal, what is vasta? Calf you know vastasur? One demon called Vastasur because one demon he took the form of a calf, the demon took a form of a calf and he mixed himself with the cows and Krishna and Balarama “Dau look that one” is he here he is not a regular calf he is a demon. They’re all looking behind then Krishna what did He do, He gently walked upto that vastasur and caught hold of his hind leg and whirled him and he landed on the top of the tree there. The demigods arrived Jai ho…Jai ho…Krishna Balarama ki…jai, Shri Krishna Balarama ki …Jai.

So Krishna and Balarama were vastapal and then when they grew up in age and size then they were promoted the promotion you understand the promotion then they were promoted and then they became Gopal. So Krishna and Balarama they use to come to this region where we are sitting which is known as Raman Reti, Krishna and Balarama use to come herding their cows first herding calves, first calves and then cows. So that is why when Srila Prabhupada thought of building temples and installing deities he installs in the middle, in the middle who did he installs? Krishna and Balarama because those are the pastimes of Krishna Balarama all around here. Where you are sitting sometimes Krishna used to sit, where you are sitting right now Krishna and Balarama has sat there this dust here is touched by Krishna’s lotus feet take some dust that dust there, no dust only grass there touch the dust which is touched by Krishna Balaram’s lotus feet just little bit.

So when we touch this dust, who are we touching? We’re touching Krishna; we’re touching Krishna’s feet that has touched this dust. You are sitting on the nice straw mat that is why you are not able to touch the dust, devotees roll in the dust of Vrindavan they roll in the dust of Vrindavan because that dust is very sacred dust called Raman Reti. What is Reti? Sand ya so this Reti, this sand particles are Raman where RadhaRaman or Balarama has done the raman they have wandered they have played different pastimes over here, so it is known as Raman Reti.

Shri Krishna Balarama ki………………………….jai.

So after spending many years many more years in Vrindavan where did Krishna go? From Vrindavan where did He go? He went to Mathura, what did He do in Mathura? He killed Kamsa, who killed Kamsa? (Someone answers-Krishna) Krishna. And what did Balarama do? Did He killed someone else also? Other demons especially the brothers of Kamsa, kamsa had some 7 or 8 brothers, Pralambasura was already killed before they went to Mathura.

Then after killing Kamsa what did they do next? What did they do next? Who did they meet? Mother and father, names of mother and father? Vasudev and Devki not Vaasudev, Vasudev and Devki, then what happened?

Where did they go next? Dwarka well before Dwarka where did they go? They went to Ujjain to visit ISKCON temple. What was Ujjain known as that time? Avantipur yes, Avantipur you know where Ujjain is? Yes in Tamil Nadu? Madhya Pradesh, Where is Madhya Pradesh? (Maharaj laughs) geography they study right, so in Madhya Pradesh which is down south. Krishna and Balarama they went to Ujjain, Avantipur why did they go there? For studies Hari Bol. And who was their teacher Sandipani muni, Sandipani Muni Ki ……………..jai.

And Krishna and Balarama were taking lessons there any other friend also Sudama where was he from? From Sudamapuri, Sudamapur which is in Gujrat, Porbandar Bandar which Bandar, Porbandar. Bandar means port here not monkey and there are many other friends. How many students are there in this school? 200! Baap re baap, it’s a big number of student’s sounds good, that also was international school Sandipani Muni’s International School students had come from far and wide and there Krishna bramhachari and Balarama bramhachari they stayed in the ashram. You have seen their photographs? There is one famous photograph in ISKCON in which Sandipani Muni is teaching Krishna and Balarama, two students. Could we call them Krishnadas bramhachari Balaramdas bramhachari? Is that right to say? They became bramhacharis but they were Krishnadas and Balarama das bramhachari? no………not possible. We are das but they were the Bhagvan the Lords.

But they were also to set example before the whole world “yad yad achrati shretas” they also went to school and they are staying in the ashram, your ashram is right here? “bramhachari gurukule Vasandantoh gururhitam” bramhcharis, what do little bramhacharis do? Gurukule they go to gurukul they reside in Gurukul, gururhitam and they serve Guru dasavat servants like a very menial servant, very humble servants. Krishna and Balarama were serving, first of all they were very good students. He (sandipani muni) used to teach him some lessons during the day and by the evening time He use to pass the exam in the subject matter. In the evening He used to get a certificate, next day another faculty another art, science by end of that day pass the exam. You take long time right? You take one year but Krishna was taking just one day that’s the difference He’s Krishna.

Krishna and Balarama were very good students, so you also have to be very good, good students studying, doing your homework and also well behaved, very gentle. And then all the students’ bramhacharis they use to go to bed early, early to bed early to rise and then what happen that person becomes healthy, wealthy and wise. you like to be healthy wealthy wise? Then what you have to do you have go to bed early and get up early. So Krishna and Balarama but off course you know do you know? May be you don’t know! Krishna had difficult time in all the students lights turned off and they are in the bed and (Gurumaharaj making snoring sound) sleeping and snoring Balarama also. But one student and that use to be Krishna hard time to sleep and Balarama use to get up sometimes in middle of the sleep and use to find Krishna, Hey! Why you did not sleep go to sleep go to sleep soon time for mangala arati go to sleep. So then Krishna use to say, Oh you know I use to all night long I used to go into the forest “Radha Madhava kunja bihari gopijana vallabha girivara dhari jamuna teera vanachari”. Now every morning not every morning every night I’ve been going with the gopis and dancing with the gopis, so that was my daily routine, so although I’ve come here that’s why I have hard time sleeping at night.

Krishna Balarama ki……………..jai

So anyway Krishna has this difficulty but you don’t have you should not have difficulty. Then Krishna and Balarama and all the friends they use to go out “Bhikshamdehi” meaning what? bhikshamdehi meaning what? Dehi meaning, give what do you give, give some bhiksha give some alms, give some alms. So they use to go door to door doing Madhukuri, all hundreds of students going into Avantipur Ujjain knocking at the door bhikshamdehi bhikshamdehi. The bramhacharis are expected to go door to door begging is not the real reason give association to those grihasthas “Jare dakho tare kaho Krishna upadesh” give some upadesh to those house holders preaching is main purpose and then excuses is alms, madhukari.

So who do you think was most successful alms collector? Krishna and Balarama there used to be big loads of alms on their head, on their shoulder, on their hands. Because when they would go to some door onto the householder, the householder would see the beauty of Krishna and Balarama and they use to say Hey bring this bring that head of the family, some nice beautiful bramhacharis are here bring them some potatoes bring this bring that sabji bring and they were interested in having Krishna and Balarama right in front of their doors for long long time. They use to think if we stopped giving alms they would go next door and then we would lose darshan of Krishna and Balarama so how keep them longer in front of their door keep giving..keep giving..keep giving…hey bring this…bring that.

And other friends going other doors other gallies other lanes practically they would come empty pockets empty hands empty bags little something and Krishna Balarama bringing loads of alms. Then all the friends had good idea, they thought why should we go separately let us go with Krishna and Balarama go right behind them and we could assist them carrying extra luggage of all the gifts all the alms given by the householders so that is what they started doing and then all around Ujjain Avantipur big procession Krishna and Balarama in the front and all others behind.

Krishna Balram ki….Jai So like that you are in gurukul and Krishna and Balarama were also in gurukul remember Krishna Balaram’s days in gurukul, pastimes and learn.

Then there was time for dakshina gurudakshina when the students completes their education what do they do? give some dakshina well before that many pastime Krishna was asked to bring some firewood from the forest and who was accompanying Him that day? Sudama, Sudama and Krishna went as they went into the forest and collecting firewood soon there was the thunder and storm and rain and flooded and dark and night and they could not return to the ashram. Because when there was little wind and little rain they could have ran back to the ashram but they didn’t do so because they thought we’ve collected only little firewood we need more. So they were doing their duty collecting more firewood and as a result they were caught in the big lightening and storm and they couldn’t return.

And next day Krishna…….Sudama…….who was calling out? Who was looking for Krishna and Sudama? Ya, Sandipani Muni was like a father teacher is like a father, so he had come carrying his lantern he was looking for Krishna and Sudama. He found them still busy collecting firewood, that was he was very very teacher was very pleased with the service attitude of his students Krishna and Sudama and blessed them. Krishna whatever you speak in the future would be just but the truth, the Vedas the knowledge will just come out of your mouth, out of your lotus mouth this is like a blessing of Sandipani Muni. So then towards the end I am ending also. Time for dakshina so all the students were giving some dakshina…Sawa rupiya….some lakshami, some gifts Sandipani Muni’s wife thought this Krishna and Balarama are very extraordinary students we should ask for some very special dakshina. And now what they ask for? Sandipani Muni and his wife this couple they had lost their son lost died so they had requested Krishna and Balaramay ou please bring our son back return him to us that would be an appropriate dakshina from you. And then Krishna and Balarama went to Prabha’s Kshetra near Gujrat and they jumped they jumped into the ocean there and they approached the died skeleton body of Shankhasur and looked into the belly of this demon. They had heard that this demon has eaten up the son of their gurumaharaj. But inside the belly the son wasn’t there so they took that body the dead body of that demon, it was in the form of the shankha- conch shell and that became Shankha of Lord known as “Panchajanya” now you know where they found this, when and where you know a little bit and then they went to abode of Yamaraj.

They thought we couldn’t find the son here he could be possibly there Yamaraj has brought him to his own abode. So when Krishna and Balarama appeared at the entrance of Yampuri they blew conch shells the blowing of conch shells was heard by all the residents of Yamraj. Who resides there all the sinful, to be punished souls all the characters. So as Krishna and Balarama entered and blew the conch shell which was heard by all those present there immediately all of them present there they had four handed forms and the crown and the earrings also they had the pitambars clothes.

They all started going back to home back to Godhead everyone was liberated by Krishna’s and Balaram’s presence in the hell. That abode of Yamraj just by being there then blowing the conch shell everyone all went back to home and then yamaraj understood the mission of why did Krishna and Balarama being there. Here’s son, whose son he is son of Sandipani Muni so they took the son of Sandipani Muni with them and went and they returned back to, where did they come back to? ashram but which ashram where was it? Sandipani Muni’s ashram on the banks of Shipra river in Avantipur and here is our dakshina please accept and having their son right here being offered by Krishna take him take him.

So this couple gurumaharaj and Kulapati Sandipani Muni and his wife they were highly pleased and they further blessed Krishna and Balarama and then Krishna Krishna Balarama ki …………jai. And then they came back to where did they come back to? Mathura they had gone from Mathura to Ujjain and they came back and then they stayed in Mathura for another 18 years would and then they battle with Jarasanda for 18 times…17 times…18th time they did not show any interest and they were running away to Dwarka ahe……Ranchod…Ranchod….Ranchod….meaning coward just see running away from the battle who was saying? Jarasanda was saying like that but when He arrived in Gujrat in Dwarka He was they all welcomed Krishna and Balarama, Ranchod rai ki…..Jai…..Ranchodrai ki….Jai Ranchodrai ki…jai.

So who were Ranchodrai? Krishna….Krishna only? Krishna and Balarama were welcomed by Dwarka.

So we’ll stop there, so I think some next item some next item, Balaram’s favourite item Balaram’s favourite dish, what is Balaram’s favourite dish? The honey that honey pot be there and let’s see what happens next.

(Kirtan) “Hare krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare”

Srila Prabhupada is inviting Lord Jagganath to Jhashi

Date : Dec 2003
Occasion : Ratha Yatra
Venu: Jhashi
Everything here reminds us of Srila Prabhupada, as we arrived at the station today I was thinking and we were also talking amongst ourselves how Prabhupada also used to arrive at the same train station some 50 years ago. But then I also as we came out of the station looking for transportation there was Mercedes very expensive car was awaiting our arrival, probably there was no car waiting for Prabhupada 50 years ago.
Well it would be good to have Prabhupada having car and we just walking or crawling. Then as we were driving through the town today again we were thinking oh! On this street Prabhupada also must have walked. Then we meet Sastri ji he used to be one of close associates of Prabhupada. Then Janananda Prabhu he came on the train from Kanpur then we were thinking did Prabhupada also come vai Kanpur while coming from Ahallabad to Jhashi.
So like that so many things remind us of Srila Prabhupada here in Jhashi, then we meet the press reporter we had a press conference this afternoon, to them also we mentioned this Ratha Yatra festival we are celebrating to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Prabhupada staying here in Jhashi because Prabhupada stayed here in jhashi.
My God brothers spoke very nicely with several points to the press reporter reminding them of Srila Prabhupada in Jhashi. So like that in so many ways in Jhashi reminds us of Prabhupada, of course there are so many things we are not mentioning. The reason why we are in Jhashi together is because of Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada ki …….jai.
So for pleasure of Srila Prabhupada we are performing this ratha yatra festival, dedicating this festival for pleasure and service to Srila Prabhupada (Jai …ho)
So this Prabhupada consciousness would lead to Krishna Consciousness, they are very much interlinked Prabhupada consciousness and Krishna consciousness. Srila Prabhupada always reminded us of Krishna, so when we think of Prabhupada immediately he is making us think of Krishna.
So we are very thankful to Krishna who send Srila Prabhupada to this planet. Then by grace of Lord Krishna we were able to meet Srila Prabhupada and it is only by the grace of Srila Prabhupada in the way he organized the festivals including ratha yatra. Tomorrow by the grace of Srila Prabhupada we will have darshan of Jagganath in Jhashi Haribol…………………………..
Srila Prabhupada is inviting Jagganath to Jhashi, so seed that was planted by Prabhupada in Jhashi is now turned into plant and gigantic tree that we are seeing in form of our congregation and followers of Srila Prabhupada. So we are hoping we are confident that tomorrow’s festival will still spread Krishna consciousness further far and wider throughout the town of Jhashi. So you all please take part enthusiastically in tomorrow’s ratha yatra festival. Srila Prabhupada would be watching us from up above as we pull the chariot of Jagganath through the streets of Jhashi tomorrow. Haribol……………………
So with these words and thoughts I turn the mike over to radhakund prabhu……
Thank you

Srila Prabhupada giving his great science of self realization to the whole world

Venue: Vrindavan
Dated: 2/8/12
Kolkata dhama ki…jai
So today is not just another day very historic day –reserved for Srila Prabhupada’s departure for USA America I don’t know what time of the he boarded that Jalduta 1965 I was small, you all remember what you were doing in 1965? (Maharaj ji asking the audience) no…Krishna remembers but you have forgotten, you were another body probably, 1965 how many were on the planet? ( A devotee say he got married in 1965) you were married in 1965 – so historic occasion (laughter) and happily married since then also accomplishment.
So it was way back in 1972 infact in Kolkatta Prabhupada was given his instruction “Oh! you seem to be very intelligent” Srila Prabhupada had walked into that quarter were Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur was delivering a talk to assembled disciples and devotees and Srila Prabhupada walked with his friend and offered his obesciances and Srila Prabhupada he was still trying to take his seat and then Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur point out –…….seem to be very intelligent and you should spread this, bring this Bhagvat dharma , the idea was you should bring this message to the western world and preach in English language.
So it took long time before “life time preparation” before you execute anything they say you prepare 80% of time for preparation 20% time for execution then you will get the success not other way round, little preparation or no preparation and you jump in action. This kind of universal understanding how much time in preparation 80% time in preparation. So Prabhupada was preparing to one day to go to th West. He was also married and he had his little pharmacy in Prayag – Prayag pharmacy. Then Srila Prabhupada in 1944 he starts publication of his “Back to Godhead magazine” this was part of the preparation he goes to Jhasi, he used to travels all over North India sell his products so he was well received in Jhasi then he spend some more time in Jhasi going back and forth between Jhasi and Prayag on time he had gone back and Srila Prabhupada’s wife had sold his big fat Bhagvatam ‘kabadi…………….kabadi……………paper’ hye come come she sold and got some tea biscuits in exchange then Prabhupada realized what she had done. He was that’s it and he asked that question “you want tea or me?” take you pick wife had said of course jokingly she replied she had no idea what would happen with such response, light hearted manner she said I will go for tea. And Prabhupada went for something else, ok you stay with your tea and here I go.
And Srila Prabhupada left for Jhasi, he was going and coming but this time he was only going not coming any more this was also part of the preparation. Now he was from Grastha to Vanaprastha and lot of preparation in Jhasi, you know where Jhasi is ? not far from here 3,4 hours by train from here there is ISKCON Temple now south of Mathura. So Srila Prabhupada was doing some other preparation he was trying to recruit some preachers putting some adds in newspapers “preachers wanted” “If you have so many son give me one I will train him send him all over to propagate Krishna consciousness” no response very little response . He founded his Sarvabhaum sabha and he was preaching he conceived devotees in Jhasi or those who go deeper in what Srila Prabhupada did while he was in Jhasi he conceived ISKCON, he was mediating some strategy he had never forgotten the instructions of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur although lots of time had passed but he was preparing so ISKCON was conceived in Jhasi and delivered in New York, Conceived and delivered so conceived in Jhasi and delivered in New York.
Then Srila Prabhupada he had a place in mind he thought he would make that as his head quarter but that did not work out in his favor and he had to live Jhasi comes to Mathura Keshavaji Gaudiya matha first helping with some editing some writing he had his Caitanya Mahaprabhu deity of Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jhasi he bring them to Mathura understand it’s the same deity of Caitanya Mahaprabhu still on the altar of Keshavaji Gaudiya matha in Mathura, Keshava ji that’s spiritual master of Narayan Maharaj. And Srila Prabhupada he takes sanyasa 1959 this is also part of the preparation he is going to be travelling all over the world so sanyasa ashram is appropriate, he starts writing books, “easy journey to other planets” is one of the first book Prabhupada published. Then he moves to Vrindavan to some other place first then to Radha Damodhara temple first and further meditation on the mission future vision to propagate Bhagvat dharma in the Western world in English language.
Then he starts translation of Bhagvatam everything he does by himself translation, typing, editing he goes to Delhi riding on 3rd class train, such class doesn’t even exist now you know what 2nd class is like so you could imagine one class lower and getting his books printed goes to the printer sometimes he carries papers on his head to save some ricksaw fare. He goes sometimes to the printer he has not taken his meal doesn’t know where the meal is going to come from or there is not sufficient money to buy meal, so he is settling between Delhi and Radha Damodhara temple continues his translation he has 3 cantos of Bhagvatam ready.
He does not have anything substantial to carry to the west, so the book in English language he thought this would be the right thing. Prabhupada was in Kuruksetra attending Gita samelan – lots of speakers from all over the world, Kuruksetra is Gita’s place, place where Bhagvat Gita advented so they had some conference so Srila Prabhupada was invited. This is where he had met Sumati Murarji little encounter with Sumati Murarji the owner of East India navigation company. So at some point Srila Prabhupada after the Kuruksetra Gita conference had gone to Bombay met this lady Sumati Murarji incharge of Jaldutta boat and many other cargo boats she owned. “You are too old swamiji you may not even make to America, you will not survive it’s not an easy journey, you have return a book ‘easy journey to other planets’ but this journey is not going to be easy”. But Prabhupada he was fixed, he had to go this is instruction of my spiritual master, order of my spiritual master, I must go. So Prabhupada had to come several times to meet this lady he had to wait for hours to get the appointment to see her. So she agreed yes swamiji you could travel in a cargo boat the boat that carried goods not the passengers, some crew members some staff travelled along with the big luggage, big baggage lots of goods.
Srila Prabhupada travelled to Kolkata again by train this boat lives from Kolkata this Jalduta boat, well we only fly these days, Prabhupada has to catch boat from Kolkata he is taking train must be again third class train. In his diary he makes note that he travelled via Nagpur, so devotees in our Nagpur temple they think Prabhupada travelled to America via Nagpur. He started his journey in one sense from Bombay travelled to Kolkata via Nagpur. In Kolkata Prabhupada packed his baggage everything was in suitcase which he was able to carry no coolies and no bag on top of another bag and bag no, just one bag in one hand in the other hand he had umbrella. Sanayasi should carry danda or umbrella so there were few friends to say bye farewell and Srila Prabhupada climbing the stairs of Jaladuta boat that famous scene picture we all remember Prabhupada climbing, there is a one little diorama here in front of Prabhupada Samadhi diorama depicting those times.
Then onto the boat the first day was he had a good time riding on the Jaladuta boat, duta – means messenger of the waters that is technical meaning of the name of that boat but as now Prabhupada was riding on that boat he was devduta, he was Krishna duta riding on Jaladuta, duta means messenger. So in one sense very appropriate name for the boat, one duta in another duta, the boat is duta and the passenger Bhaktivedanta Swami is the duta the messenger. The next day as in Bay of Bengal it was raining, windy, it was turbulent and Prabhupada started suffering sea sickness, vomiting. So for next several days Prabhupada was ill he noted all this some mentions, brief mentions of this in his dairy which I snow known in ISKCON as Jaladuta diary. We don’t know whether Prabhupada was expecting one day his followers form all over the world would read his diary – Jaladuta diary of course we gave that name Jaladuta dairy that wasn’t Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada arrives at Colombo the captain of the boat called Pandya, Arun Pandya he takes Prabhupada lets go Swamiji, let’s take a little lets go of the boat into the town and Prabhupada was seeing the town around Prabhupada liked Colombo its very Clean Prabhuapada says, Oh! This reminds me of Pune he said he wrote a letter to someone that is where he mentions oh! This is very clean city back on the Jaladuta boat again and next destination was going to be Cochin the west coast of India from Kolkata to Colombo, Sri Lanka Silone before it was Silone now it is Sri Lanka, Cochin Kerala.
So Srila Prabhupada his books “Bhagvatam” were going to be loaded many crates of Bhagvatam were going to loaded at Cochin they went by lorry or other means of transportation his books were being loaded in Cochin. So boat was going to halt there one night. Prabhupada was in Cochin town and this Sea India navigation company they had some office there and some officers staying there in Cochin so Prabhupada was guest of this navigation company in Cochin. Some years ago our padayatra was in Cochin I visited Cochin then we went to look for that place where Prabhupada had spend the night as we went there we were surprised the lady who was also there in 1965 was still there she said “I cooked for your swami ji” and they showed us the place where he spend the night Prabhupada had just one night before he would live, his boat would live for America so that evening he wanted to do some satsanga. So the officers of the Navigation company office they organized some get together they invited guests and Prabhupada did program in that house.
He spend that night and next day his books were on the boat and finally leaving for America then on the way there were more encounters with the climate and rocking of the boat and rain and then there were the days Prabhupada had heart attacks one day one next day another one and Prabhupada wrote if there would be another one well this would be end of me these were Prabhupada’s thoughts he wrote down in the diary it was that bad but he is tolerating all this. Then he has a dream in the dream he sees a boat And Krishna he personally is roving the boat, Krishna has taken charge of the boat and comforting don’t worry don’t worry everything will be all right comforting Prabhupada, Krishna comforting and then rest of the journey was very smooth to Atlantic ocean. Captain Pandya noticed oh! I have gone back and forth so many times through this Atlantic Ocean but first time smooth journey like this. Then Prabhupada explained how Krishna appeared in the dream and he has taken charge of the boat and that is why. The wife of this captain said “swamiji you should accompany us on the way back to India then we will have another smooth journey if you are with us”.
1965 Janmastami Srila Prabhupada celebrated on the boat no one else had no clue that it was Janmastami day but Bhakti Vedanta Swami he was not called Srila Prabhupada those days. He made announcement he gathered the crew members and staff come ………come…come let’s have Janmastami celebration. When they all gathered Prabhupada talked about Krishna and distributed some prasadam to them. Next day was his birthday no ceremony only he knew that it was his birthday and there was no one say happy birthday to you or no cake no nothing silent observation Srila Prabhupada was although he was in Vrindavan and now he had left Vrindavan but not really he had not left his Vrindavan he was in Vrindavan he was remembering he mentions 3 deities name Govinda, Gopinath and Damodhar he is remembering these deities. So he lost or left his heart in Vrindavan although he is away he is very much here in Vrindavan, Vrindavan spirit. Throughout the journey he is reading, studying Caitanya Caritamrita he is absorbed in studies of Caitanya Caritamrita.
So these are some of the highlights then his boat Jaladuta arrived at Boston common wealth pear something like that this is where Srila Prabhupada cleared his customs and immigration clearance took place in Boston and this is the first town first city Prabhupada touched with his lotus feet blessed America. Pandya was again with him Pandya wanted to do some shopping “Swami ji come along lets go” so there some friendship developed he would take him to see the Boston. So Srila prabhupada was there in the town Boston around and on the streets and he saw the rat race people moving, going back and forth so fast no ready to stop so busy like rats they go from one hole to another and make residence then they make another hole they spend few minutes there and they get out and go to another one and another one they are racing. Rats do the racing from hole to hole and sometimes people have their houses in this town and they have property in another one in that town here there and they are shuttling back and forth this office that office this business that business running.
The rats are so busy if you ask rat hello! Mr rat shake hand is rat going to stop no no make the divergent and move fast faster. So Prabhupada thoughts were oh! I am here to preach the message of Gauranga finally as per instructions of Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur I am here in the west to propagate Bhagvat dharma in English language but look people are so bust how is this going to be possible to preach to them. So Srila Prabhupada back on the Jaladuta boat again and last leg of the journey from Boston to New York and that is when Srila Prabhupad took pen and paper and wrote a poem of what he had experienced in Boston and how he is going to accomplish the mission this propagation of Bhagvat dharma in the western world and then he starts praying the Lord, his prayers his thoughts he puts them on paper.
“nachao prabhu nachao nachao sei mate ami to kasteir putali”
He says “I am just little doll or puppet in your hand “nachao” you make me dance, you make me dance as you will feel on my own I can’t do anything I am just a doll in your hands make me dance oh! Lord make me dance, make me dance and talk and walk as you feel, I have this big name Bhakti Vedanta you do something so that I am not so called Bhakti Vedant let the purport of this name Bhakti Vedanta be fullfilled”.
So we get the glimpse of what was on Srila Prabhupada’s mind throughout what he was going through the illness, the thoughts, the prayers his determination his tolerance of course his enthusiasm his obedience to the orders of his spiritual master and his vision. He also wrote another poem before I think he reached Boston. He is talking how this holy name will reach every town every village the full confidence that this definitely will happen. So finally boat reaching New York it took him 35 days from Kolkata to New York now it takes 16 hours now we could go you don’t even have to break your journey in London or Paris you could just take off and land in New York, Philadelphia, Washington or Boston. But Prabhupada travelled 35 days and he has now arrived in New York. As Prabhupada gets off the boat unto the land of America Prabhupada makes another entry ok I have reached here but is there any one to receive me no…………anyone with the garland or chandan or kirtan, is there press awaiting what about the 5 star hotel booking something nothing………………….he is there but he does not know whether to turn right or left or where he should he go he does not know no clue.
And what about money he had 40 Rupees as the balance he also had to spend money on the boat on this and that and when he was in New York he had 40 rupees and 20 dollars he had sold set of Bhagvatam to the captain of the boat (maharaj laughs) and he made 20 dollars, so he had 40 rupees and 20 dollars but that money how long he could survive in New York with 40 rupees and 20 dollars may be 20 hours or 20 minutes. Then he does meet with the travel agent who would arrange Srila Parabhupada’s return journey. Boston he was given 3 months visa, he could stay only 3 months in America his visa was stamped 3 months stay in America so in New York he arranged his return travel 2 months after he had just arrived 2 months latter he was going to go back. So that person who arranged Prabhupada’s return travels the way Srila Prabhupada looked sadhu out fit simple cotton clothes saffron of course, tilak and kanthi mala. He had not seen anyone like him and of course no one in America probably had seen any traditional sadhu. And then Prabhupada goes to a bus station his sponsor was from butler Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania is a state, butler is a town city so Srila Prabhupada is going to catch bus so he is going to bus station he is catching bus to one Mr Agrawal he had sponsored Srila Prabhupada’s travels or visa but he had not come to receive Prabhupada. So Prabhupada had to go to bus station catch bus to go to his host, no courtesy, no hospitality.
He is there in America now with the 40 rupees there is a story it did stay on and on not just 3 months but several years he stayed in America and was that 67? or… …he came New Vrindavan with Kirtananda swami and they had also stayed at Radha Damodhar at that time and he was travelling Kirtananda was travelling with Prabhupada. So Prabhupada returned to india Delhi airport again there was no one to receive him then Prabhupada goes to Chipiwada near Red fort in delhi, Prabhupada used to stay in Delhi at Chipiwada just recently ISKCON New Delhi has taken possession of Chipiwada there is small Radha Krishna temple small one, Srila Prabhupada used to stay upstairs whenever Srila Prabhupada went from Vrindavan to Delhi to do his printing work he used to stay there so that was his base.
So Prabhupada went from airport to chipiwada and l had to pay taxi fare so he pulled 40 rupees the fare was exactly 40 rupees (maharaj laughs) which he had them in New York when he arrived in New York those 40 rupees he was saving those 40 rupees he did not convert or spend he came back with the 40 rupees and he paid his taxi fare at Chipiwada. So Srila Prabhupada is in America preaching by himself he must have come back spending time with the butler his sponsor they had a child and Prabhupada would play with him and there is a photograph of Prabhupada with little baby Prabhupada holding his hands, Prabhupada doing his own cooking he has three Fortier cooker and oceanic that lady had used as the oceanic “swami’s smile or laugh is oceanic is like a ocean”. And Prabhupada is back in New York and starts his mission in the foot path he is sitting and chanting he has only kartal no one to play, no drum and he has no microphone, but he is attracting attention of New Yorkers that strange looking with no hair and paint on the face and he is wearing a bed sheet.
So Prabhupada is chanting and people are gathering in between Srila Prabhupada stops and does some talking “look this is Supreme Personality of Godhead he is showing the photograph”. Oh! then what is that girl doing there New Yorker asking if this you say is God then that next to him is a girl what is that girl doing there? They don’t know so much ignorance. Now our Pancha Guada knows all the glories of Radharani, if this is Krishna then this has to be Radharani (Maharaj laughs). Next to Ram it has to be Sita and if this is Balaram this has to be Revati and if this is Narayana then this has to be Laxmi. Even little kids in india know this but those elderly folks in America they had no idea, no clue so they were asking such silly questions they were just innocent ignorant, what is that girl doing there. Then Prabhupada managed to get one store front he was doing preaching on the streets, in the parks now he had his own one rented store front 26 second Avenue and twice a week Prabhupada was conducting his classes there. He meet people in the parks and please come…please come to our get together. So there was some shop there before the owner there vacated, he shifted to another location, but he left the sign behind.
So some of the followers of Swami ji said “Swami ji that sign the previous owner he left the sign behind” what does it say? It says Matchless gift and Prabhupada said keep it, otherwise they were thinking of get rid of it throw it away. ….keep it if the sign says Matchless gift, because my gift are matchless I have come with matchless gift, it’s very appropriate sign. So Srila Prabhupada was conducting classes there twice a week he was before the class or program he would do cooking for them and making offering to his deities and then he would go down there he stayed on the back on the first floor and his preaching place was downstairs in the front. Then Prabhupada used to give a talk get them up and teach them how to dance “swami step”, oh! What kind of dance you learned there? This is swami step we have learned swami step, foot there and foot there and moving – swami step. Then Prabhupada used to say – ok sit down and they all used to sit down no one else to serve the food or Prasad who is serving? He does the cooking, he does the offering, he gives the talk, he leads the kirtan, he teaches how to dance, he gets them to sit down, he feeds them, and when their bellies are full and they are out who does the cleaning? He does the cleaning all this Prabhupada is going through.
So it was all indoor going on now he had some followers and one day if you wish to join me and help me then you will have to follow some regulative principles. What are they? No meat, no egg, no fish, no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling. Are you ready? And they all raised their hands this was after some months in America and this sadhu was getting American girls and boys, who were hippies’ long hairs, the bottles, their girl friends, the boots they had no idea, they don’t know even how to sit properly nothing Prabhupada is tolerant and compassionate, kind to all of them. But now they are all attracted to him, now they are able to stay high for ever, Swami ji oh! you I have a drug you take this drug then you will stay high for ever, now otherwise the drug you take you go high and then you low and then you higher and then you go lower and then you go highest and then you go lowest then you never come up again, up and down and up and down and down for ever. But the drug that I have you can stay high forever. So they were into the drugs looking for drugs specially someone coming from India there were check out whether carrying some drugs. Swami ji said yes yes I have a drug they were into drugs (laughs) what was the drug? “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare” was the drug.
So they were now getting intoxicated the first time boys and girls and the “hippies were becoming…………..happies”. so that’s the perfection of Srila Prabhupada’s mission he travels to the west he was fulfilling desires and executing the will of his spiritual master, he was in America that is the west and he was preaching in English language he was distributing gifts and he had now some followers ready to follow 4 regulative principles. Of course he had gone through lots of harassments and difficulties dealing with the crazy drug addicts in Bowery what he had to go through, his manuscript was stolen and this happened that happened. The first day I was in America in 78 we arrived and next day we were given a tour of New York where ever Srila Prabhupada Bowery and Yoga studio by river side there was devotee called Puru prabhu was our guide and guiding myself and Giriraj and few others we had travelled from India, myself first time and then he was giving us a tour of all the places of Srila Prabhupada and then that Tomkins square Park, tree was still there and that tree is still there now Prabhupada standing under that tree and giving his address and saying I have nothing new to say to you but I am here to remind you what you have forgotten. These are Prabhupada’s first public address words it’s like a first public address under neath that tree in Tomkins square park. I have nothing new to say but what you have forgotten I am here to remind you, so we visited that place also and lots of places and then Prabhupada goes for foundation of ISKCON- International society for Krishna consciousness.
Krishna consciousness was founded in 1966 about 1 year latter and all of this time for 1 year Prabhupada had stayed in New York he did not go any other towns and villages mostly in and around New York and now he had ISKCON- International society for Krishna consciousness ki………………………..jai.
And he had another one in San Francisco and that is the first time Prabhupada travelled from New York to San Francisco this is the first time Prabhupada had his air travel he had not travelled by plain before that first time he travelled to San Francisco and it’s time to land and he was seeing those buildings and he said they look like a match box on top of another match box and another match box (laughs). So as the plain was coming down he was watching skyscrapers tall building they were like match boxes one top of each other. So that was next town Prabhupada visits and establishes Mukund Goswami was from there he took leadership and many others and he goes to Montreal here there London n goes to Japan he is now publishing books his Bhagvat Gita was published by Macmillan company is checking his printing.
Then he returns to Kolkata and 71 Prabhupada has come to India this time he has come with lots of followers with him, he had come ones before in 67 just with one follower he had also send couple of them Jaypataka and Acutananda they were in Kolkata and Mayapur side and then Prabhupada starts travelling all over doing pandala program. Then he goes to Kumbhamela 72 Kumbhmela and like that 72 after Guar Pornima festival Prabhupada comes to Vrindavan and he had this land given by Saraf and Prabhupada did the ground breaking ceremony before that he had done one in Mayapur in 72 Guar pornima festival. Then he comes here and ground breaking ceremony and then he goes to Bombay and Hare Krishna land and ground breaking ceremony I think in 1 month or so he had 3 lands and the ground breaking and the temple constructions had started so that’s Srila Prabhuapada goes to.
So today is that day historic day Prabhupada’s departure for America it started with one person long time even after arrival in America he was just one person single handedly no friend no money rof course because he was not by himself he was not alone, we say he had no friend but his friend is?Sri Krishna was his and is his friend the best friend he had appeared in the dream on the boat also. And what about money he was penny less what was his wealth? “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare”. This was the wealth that he was carrying with all that wealth Americans had that wealth was not making Americans happy. But the kind of wealth that Prabhupada was carrying and delivered that wealth and made so called rich Americans in true sense Prabhupada enriched their lives gave lots of riches gave Krishna gave Krishna’s name Krishna’s message this was and is the wealth.
He travelled 14 times around the world making people wealthy everywhere and happy everywhere. So we should never ever forget sacrifices made by Srila Prabhupada for our welfare now we are sitting here in Balarama hall with the fans and marble floor, microphone- lots of sacrifices of Srila Prabhupada have been invested in those foundational days, setting up the scene – foundation of Hare Krishna movement. So this is the history that inspires us and that will continue to inspire the whole world. Jayadvait Maharaj was saying if Prabhupada got off the boat and if there was some reception and if there was some hotel booking there was this and that well that’s normal there is nothing to talk about or there is nothing to remember. But Lord has created such a situation – look Prabhupada pennyless, look Prabhupada 69 years, look Prabhupada has no friends, look when he gets in America he doesn’t know where to turn. So this is a different story all together extra ordinary and that makes us think or world think from such humble beginning everything kind of against elderly and no money, no friends.
Prabhupada I think once in Bombay he was giving a talk he started this movement with 40 rupees, when he started Hare Krishna movement he started with 40 rupees now he said we have 400 crores of property and wealth and empire all over the world. We started with 40 rupees and now see. In 72 Prabhupada had come for Kartik festival first and Prabhupada stayed humble dwelling Radha Damodhar quarter by this time he had followers all around the world and wealthy disciples and Ambarish and Gorge Harrison like supporters but when he comes back to Vrindavan he lived like a 6 Goswamis “tyaktva turnam asesa mandala pati” (sri sri sad goswamiastaka) all these 6 goswamis also had abandoned lots of wealth and big big positions and they are coming to Vrindavan and they were living very humble simple living very down to the earth very basics that’s where I had seen Prabhupada in 71 and in 72 I joined and I saw Prabhupada that kartik 72 I was bit surprised that kind of simple very simple life that Srila Prabhupada lead there was hardly any furniture facilities. So I also stayed 1 month 72 with Srila Prabhupada and we had some 40 – 50 devotees attending that kartik and we were thinking oh! we have lots of devotees attending the festival. And we were asked how many? 40 devotees attending 50 was considered lots of devotees and then Prabhupada used to send us everyday to this Raman reti from Radha Damodhar temple we would start kirtan in morning and going through here there loi bazaar coming down to Radha Madan Mohan, Bhaktivedanta Goshala and finally we would land here and ground breaking had taken place in March 72, in kartik some digging was going on and Tamal tree was there, when I stood next to the tamal tree I was taller than the tree that time but that tree is no more I think this is the 2nd or 3rd ? this is 2nd tree tamal tree in the court yard Prabhupada had made sure that no tree is cut specially tamal tree so made the design so that the tree is part of the temple. So we would come here every day very cold those days we would do kirtan here offer our obesciance here and go back again to Radha Damodhar temple.
Ok Srila Prabhupada ki………jai
Srila Prabhupada’s departure for America ki…………………….jai
Radha Damodhar ki……………………………………….jai

What is the real wealth?
Krishna, Krishna’s name, Krishna’s message this was and is the real wealth.

Jaladuta boat, srila prabhupada, America, ISKCON, vrindavan,
Jaladuta diary gives ……………….
The glimpse of what was on Srila Prabhupada’s mind throughout, what he was going through, the illness, the thoughts, the prayers, his determination, his tolerance, of course his enthusiasm, his obedience to the orders of his spiritual master and his vision.

Jaladuta – means messenger of the waters
Prabhupada was riding on that boat he was devduta, he was Krishna duta riding on Jaladuta, duta means messenger. So in one sense very appropriate name for the boat, one duta in another duta, the boat is duta and the passenger Bhaktivedanta Swami is the duta the messenger.
ISKCON Conceived and delivered
ISKCON was conceived in Jhasi and delivered in New York

Arjuna’s lamentation

Venue: Mayapur, March 1st, 2011 Reading from Bhagavad-Gita As it is, Chapter 2, text no.9, Bhagavad-Gita was spoken in morning and we are hearing in the evening (Maharaj addressing a devotee in Bengali “Bosun, Bosun”). So we have seen the Lord. Yes! You have seen the Lord? Yes! Where is He? Where is He? Where is He? Did you see Him today? Are you seeing Him now? (A devotee answers Lord is everywhere, maharaj say “bhagvan samne ashen ki na ashen” (laughter). So we all like see Him, we all like see Him. It is also very important that we hear Him. People like to see Him but not hear Him. We should come to the temple to see the Lord and hear the Lord.

So we have seen Him, He is standing right before our eyes. Please you takes darshan, please look ‘Ghanshyam’, please look ……look… Jay Radha Madhav Astasakhivrund ki……………………….. …….Jay!!! In fact we will see Him more by hearing; the way to see the Lord is Krishna not with the eyes but in fact with the ear we see more than with our eyes.

We have visitors sitting; we have some guest also with us, so we welcome them all the devotees and guests. We said Krishna spoke Bhagavad-Gita in the morning, not this morning some five hundreds ago in Kurukshetra, He spoke ‘Bhagavad-Gita’ during early morning hours. You all agree? He spoke in the morning not during lunch or after His diner He spoke in the morning, sunrise sun was rising in the east. Army had already arrived and there were camps, two camps Pandav camp, Kaurav camps and as in the rule for Dharmaudh at sunrise they commence the battle. It goes all day long and then at sunset full stop.  So that particular morning it was also ‘Ekadashi’ the name is also there of that Ekadashi Mokshada Ekadashi.

So we know who spoke? Where He spoke? What time He spoke? What did He spoke? Everything is very clear.  So here in the temple every day we read one verse, one shlok, one statement from the Lord. In fact Krishna begins His speech, His dialogue, His conversation with Arjuns in the 2nd chapter of Bhagavad-Gita. 1st chapter of Bhagavad-Gita is also Bhagavad-Gita but it is not technically song of Krishna or statements of Krishna, Arjuna and another’s have spoken more in the 1st chapter. And then Sanjaya also speaks makes his comment, Sanjaya is also. There were 3 parties who were listening to Bhagavata-gita simultaneously. Arjuna was of course It was meant for Arjuna it’s also meant for you. And as Krishna – Arjuna dialogues was happening in Kuruksetra, sanjay also able to hear in Hastinapur in same time, durdarshan, durvani, television. There are two parties and 3rd one there was a tree not for from where Krishna – Arjuna dialogues was on seated in the chariot very next to very close to the chariot there was a tree akshya vat tree is still there. You could go see that tree even today the tree is standing even tree has become immortal by hearing Bhagavat-gita, what to speak of us. Sanjay is  also one of the speakers of Bhagavat- gita or communicator.

So todays verse is spoken by Sanjaya, Sanjaya uvach: “Evam uktva hrsikesah gudakesah parantapah, na yotsya iti govindam uktva tusnim babhuva ha” (B.G 2.9)

Sanjay uvach- Sanjay said, Evam – thus, uktva-speaking, hrishikesham – unto Krishna, master of senses, Gudakesh- Arjuna master of curbing ignorance, parantapaha – of chastiser of enemies, na yotsye – I shall  not fight,  iti- thus, evam, govindam- unto Krishna, the giver of pleasure to the senses uktva-saying, tusnim-silent, babhuva- became, ha-certainly.

So Sanjaya said: Having spoken thus, Arjuna chastiser of the enemies, told Krishna “Govinda, I shall not fight,” and fell silent.

Purport: Dhrtarastra must have with very glad understand that Arjuna was not  going to fight and was instead leaving the battle field for the begging profession  but Sanjaya disappointed him again relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies (parantapaha). Although the Arjuna was, for the time being overwhelmed with false grief due to family affection, he surrendered unto Krishna, the Supreme spiritual master as a disciple. This indicated that he would free from false lamentation resulting from family affection and would be enlightened with perfect knowledge of self realization or Krishna consciousness and would then surely fight. Thus Dhrtarastra’s joy would be frustrated, since the Arjuna would be enlightened by Krishna and would fight at the end.

Evam uktva hrsikesah gudakesah parantapah, na yotsya iti govindam uktva tusnim babhuva ha” (translation repeated)

So Srila Prabhupada is pointing out in this purport when Dhrtarastra heared or he is hearing now. Sanjaya is speaking Dhrtarastra is right there hearing him and Arjuna is declaring, the declaration, the decision of Arjuna is beginning communicated to Dhrtarastra by Sanjaya. “na yotsya” I shall  not fight and he is addressing Govinda, Oh! Govinda I shall not fight. He said this much and tusnim babhuva became silent. It’s good news for Dhrtarastra (laughs) that Arjuna is not going to fight. Oh! That’s wonderful and that what we were looking forward to Arjuna is going to fight my children would be spared or they would be become victorious if Arjuna did not fight.

But in this verse, Sanjaya is he is talking to Dhrtarastra, he is describing Arjuna as “parantapah”. He is a chastiser of enemy and Srila Prabhupada in this purport he is pointing out yes! Temporarily he has been overwhelmed by affection, family affection, family ties “moha”, illusion but as he would be listening to Krishna, becoming his disciple and then coming out and then he would, chastising ultimately chastising, fighting, killing enemies and becoming victories.

Arjuna has come on the scene with the determination to fight, seated in a very special chariot. Shlok “tatah svetair hayair yukte mahati syandane sthitua” (B.G. 1.14) The 1st chapter says – white horses were pulling the “mahati syandane” very special expensive, nicely carved chariot “madhavah pandavas caiva” and in that chariot 2 personalities are sitting Madhava and Pandava and this Pandava is Arjuna “divyau sankhau pradadhmatuh” and soon both of them they sounded, they blew their transcendental conch shell. Krishna blew his conch shell called “Panchyajanya”. The name of Arjuna’s conch shell? “Devadatta dhanajaya”. Devadatta was the name of conch shell and there are names of other Pandavas conch shells are also mentioned. So Arjuna was very much eager to fight. So before beginning to fight he was desirous to see his enemies. Please show me who they are? Who do they think they are? They would fight with me, please bring my chariot forward.

“senayor ubhayor madhye ratham sthapaya me cyuta” (B.G. 1.21)  Arjuna says senayor ubhayor madhye in between two enemies “ratham sthapaya” please get my chariot situated in between two armies. Immediately Parthsarathi, Lord Krishna has become the chariot driver of his devotee. In his left hand, He has the ropes of the horses. Lord is having big “cabuk” and He started taking the chariot forward. So soon the chariot was in between the two armies, closer to enemies’ camp. And Arjuna is seeing who has come who has assembled? That time as Arjuna in observing the armies, enemies camps, enemies. Krishna says pasyaitan just see “pasyaitan samvetan kurun iti” (B.G. 1.25) all those who have assembled here are none but the Kurus. Lord is giving some hint to Arjuna oh! You wanted to see, just see who has come to fight with you. Or you have to fight with Kurus they are Kurus, you are also Kuru same family wake up Arjuna take note of this Arjuna. Not only Arjuna seeing but Lord is also showing, getting his attention just see, just see. Kurus have come to fight with, you, same family.

So by seeing and by hearing the whole chemistry inside, within had changed very fast. His blood was boiling; take my chariot he was getting ready, sharpening his arrow. But now as he has seen and also heard from Krishna just 5 words “pasyaitan samavetan kurun iti” (B.G.1.25) this 4, 5 words these are the only words Krishna speaks in 1st chapter of Bhagavad-Gita nothing more, nothing less. Then Arjuna begins trembling, his body is shaking. “sidanti mama gatrani” (B.G.1.28) my body is trembling, mukhama parisusyati my mouth is drying up. “ gandivam” –dhanushya (B.G.1.29) the bow is slipping right out of my hands. Can you fight with you shaking hands? Can’t fight? You have to be very steady focused, motionless. So, so many things are happing to his mind, whole body transformations are there and then Arjuna he is also thinking, he is expressing himself now.

“na ca sreyo nupasyami hatva sva-janam ahave”(B.G.1.31) I don’t see any benefit, no sreyo, no long term benefit really by killing “hatva sva-janam ahave” in this horrible battle, killing our own family members. I don’t see any benefit and I am not interested.

“na kankse vijayam krsna na ca rajyam sukhani ca”(B.G.1.31) Arjuna is making very clear, I don’t want kingdom, no happiness. I am not interested in this and then Arjuna keeps on talking more and more and more. So many concerns what about this dharma and what about jati dharma? What about kula dharma? What about this and that? So many dharmas, so many concerned, so many issues. So with each additional idea that he presents, he is deviating more and more deviation, this is the way to go, but with each idea he is turning away from Lord’s idea and soon he would be 180* and this is  what is the verse “tusnim babhuva” I am not going to fight. The fighting this was Lord’s idea and Lord’s desire, Lord’s plan. “paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrutam dharmasamsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge” (B.G.4.8) I appear, this is the purpose for which I appear, this is Dharma yudha and this meant to establish Dharma, and to protect the devotee like you Pandavas and to kill the miscreants this is the vision of the Lord, the purpose of this advent. But now Arjuna is not showing any interest in his plan or vision or desire of the Lord.  Vasudev ki jai……………..

So again also at the end of the 1st chapter Arjuna he sits down, making it clear that I am not going to fight. Sometimes the bulls or buffalo, he buffalo, not she buffalo. Pulling the cart and big load and its summer season and its hard for him to pull further. Sometimes the farmer he is beating the buffalo, he is trying to push or pull more him forward, when the he buffalo doesn’t wants to move and wants to make it clear what does buffalo do? He sits down (laughs) he makes very clear statement ok this is it now you know my dear farmer I am not going to move. The last statement of the 1st chapter was very similar also and also.

Spoken by Sanjaya “evem uktvarjunah sankhye rathopastha upastha upavisat, visrjya sa-saram capam soka-samvigna-manasah” (B.G.1.46) sanjaya said

Radha madhva ki jai………………………….

Arjuna having thus spoken on the battlefield cast aside his bow and arrows and sat down on the chariot his mind overwhelmed with grief. So as Arjuna was talking to Lord what about this? What about this dharma? He was thinking he would convince him. Arjuna was expecting yes….yes…yes fine what you said is exactly right Arjuna I agree with you forget this battle lets have breakfast. (Laughs).

As Arjuna was talking and talking and talking the 1st chapter is like Arjuna –gita not Bhagavad-Gita. So Arjuna- gita,  song of Arjuna. So he was thinking that oh! This did not work now, I will say something more this statement will convince the Lord. If not this, that one probably the Lord would say or that’s fine forget this battle lets go have breakfast.

So Arjuna is sitting in the chariot making it very clear that he is not going to fight. Infact Arjuna begins “ashrupurna kulekshanam” he is in tears Arjuna in tears. Could you imagine, Arjuna is full of compassion and depressing mind, eyes full of tears. Now the 2nd chapter, 2nd verse this is where Krishna begins talking. 1st thing that Krishna had to say was, Arjuna was expecting Lord is going to praise my statement, appreciate what I have said. Congratulation well done, well spoken Arjuna. But that was not the case instead Lord said “kutas tva kasmalam idam” kutas tva =where from kasmalam idam all that you have spoken, that-idam. Kasmalam=all this rubbish. Ok where in the dustbin where is dustbin (laugher) it should be dumped in the dustbin. This is Lord’s comment observing on all that Arjuna had to see Arjuna was thinking I am speaking something very intelligent social concern this issue, that issue, family, tradition.

Infact when people read 1st chapter they hear Arjuna speak or they read what Arjuna has to say they kind of agree with Arjuna. Forget all other people when you read it for 1st time, I used to when I was reading chapter Arjuna statement this makes sense its right carry on Arjuna yes yes go on  speaking I was kind on Arjuna ki jai…..but Lord doesn’t say Arjuna ki jai (laugh). So then there are more statements then Arjuna again speaks and then they become quite and that is today’s verse. And then toward the end of Bhagavad-Gita. Lord is talking and concluding, saying “sarvadharma paritajya………… (B.G.18.66) what? Give up these varieties of religion. Why is He talking of this? “sarva dharman” what is the connection? Why Krishna says Arjuna “sarvadharman parityaja” you give up all varieties of religion, why? Is this in Bhagavad-Gita context or there is some other connection. Right here in the 1st chapter all the dharmas, some of the dharmas, Arjuna has mentioned what about this? What about that? And Krishna says “give it up” these thoughts. Lord accept my dharma not your dharma. I think, according to me, it’s my opinion; “give this up” this is all gambling, it all mental speculation and gambling but this a bigger gambling – mental speculation, I think according to me. Arjuna is talking in 1st chapter. My opinion and Krishna says give it up.

So the 1st word in Bhagavad-Gita is.  What is the 1st word in Bhagavad-Gita? “Dharma” the first word is dharma and last word? “matir mama” last word is “mama”. 1st word – dharma last word – mama, put it together “mama-dharma” whole Bhagavad-Gita is what? My Dharma, my law, my Lords law, law of the Lord that’s dharma, religion, whole Bhagavad-Gita is dharma.

Give up other ideas and accept Krishna ideas, the original ideas, beneficial for everybody, living entities, and the family and the society and humanity. So we will stop here.

Srimad Bhagavad gita ki jai…………….!

Sri Krishna Arjuna ki jai………………….!

Sri Radha Madhava Ki Jai………………!

H. H. Lokanath Swami Ki Jai……………!