
Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s travel from Navadvipa to Jagganath Puri

Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s travel from Navadvipa to Jagganath Puri Day 7 Venue: Theur, Pune 08 04 2020 jai jai sri caitanya jai Nityanandaa jai advaitcandra jai gaura-bhakta-vrnda Welcome yet again, this is our seventh and final of the series of talks of katha of karuna avatar Gaura...
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Bal Krishna gives liberation to Putana

Bal Krishna gives liberation to Putana Krishna Lila Vrndavana Part 5 15 07 2007 Venue: Durban, South Africa I suppose we are getting there, we started in Ayodhya then we switched over to Vrndavana. Our goal is Gokul dham ki jai! Go for Gokul, go for cows. At night time Krishna...
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Sri Narasimha Caturdasi

Sri Narasimha Caturdasi Please pray to Lord Narasimhadev that He may destroy the demoniac propensities within us which are there to a small or large degree. Lust is our enemy. We are our own enemies. This is an important day. The day will be 12 hours long only. But its greatness...
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