
This life is for Enlightenment not for Enjoyment

This life is for enlightenment not for enjoyment Noida [1:6:32] Happy to meet all assembled youth! Like some of you are old ones and some new faces. Faces also keep changing so whatever images we have of your face five years old, five years ago also changes. Luckily we are not...
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You also become fortunate like Arjuna

Venue: ISKCON Noida (BASE), Dated: 26th April 2014 Very happy to visit your ashram the BASE ashram, brahmachari ashram most of you or all of you are unmarried, single, so ashram before grihastha ashram is brahmachari ashram. Of course it’s not necessary for everyone to be...
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  TESAMA SATATTA YUKTANAM……. Lord says he gives intelligence to one and all and lord expects that we use that intelligence to go back to him. So Lord says that he gives such intelligence to one who is engaged in serving lord continuously, SATATA. Example of himself (GM) when...
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Wonderful Proposal of meeting with the Lord

Venue Pune: S.B – 1.5.31 yenaivaham bhagavato vasudevasya vedhasah mayanubhavam avidam yena gacchanti tat padam Translation: By that confidential knowledge, I could understand clearly the influence of the energy of Lord Sri Krishna, the creator, maintainer and annihilator...
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Lokanath Maharaj on Great wisdom of India and knowing our real self

Venue: Pune Destinations, places all over India, what brings us together here is Krishna, we never think of that, what is bringing us together is, who is he?  What is that? You may say that Radheshyam has brought us together, or you IYF leader made such arrangement. But that...
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