
Bhagvat mahatmya and Sri Krishna Janma

Dated: 28th June 2006 Venue: Guayana “Jaya jaya Radhe, jaya jaya Shyam, Jaya jaya shree Vrindavan dham, Jaya jaya Radhe, jaya jaya Shyam, Jaya jaya shree Vrindavan dham” In our minds, we would like to go to Vrindavan today, that is where Shree Krishna, made His appearance. Not...
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King Parikshit Punishes and Rewards the age of Kali

Venue: Guayana, Guayana katha, 2006, June 29. Parikshit Maharaja Ki Jai!! Hastinapur ki Jai! So as now king Parikshit was ruling of kingdom, one day as he was on a tour, going around checking out, how is everything working? Then he noticed, hey! What’s going on here, at a...
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The Stealing of the Boys and Calves by Brahm? “Brahma Vimohan Lila”

Venue: Guayana , Guayana katha, dated: 2006, June 30 Hare Krishna……………… Jai Shri Krishna…………….Jai Shri Radhe………………..Jai Shri Vrindavan.  By causeless mercy of the Lord, we have this good fortune great fortune of coming together every evening, some of us were also getting together...
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Who is Lord Sri Krishna? – Brief introduction to Lord Sri Krishna

Venue: Guayana, Guayana Katha 2006 June 29 “om namo bhagvate vasudevaya” Yesterday we heard of Vasudev, the words of Vasudev, Sri Krishna is Vasudev “om namo bhagvate vasudevaya”. Our obeisance’s to that Vasudev Sri Krishna. So Krishna was in Gokul “gokul jinka dhama hai, Krishna...
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Hearing Bhagvatam – The beginning of Bhakti

Venue: Guayana, Guayana Katha 2006 june 29 Srimad Bhagvatam  part-1 HARE KRISHNA (devotees replied slowly Hare Krishna, so Maharaja saying) what happened? Louder Hare Krishna……… (Devotees saying Hare Krishna loudly) “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare” (all...
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