
Sri Ramanujacharya appearance day

Sri Ramanujacharya appearance day 13 April 2024   All glories to the appearance day of Ramanujacharya. You understand what Avirbava means (appearance) and so Ramanujacharya’s appearance day is today. His appearance is not today but the appearance day anniversary is today. He...
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Bhagavad katha day 6

Bhagavad katha day 6 Hare Krishna Utsav 30-12-2023 Sri Pancha Tattva ki jai! Pancha Tattva, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is one and Nityananda Prabhu is the second of the Pancha Tattva. Then Advaita Acharyais the third, Srivas Thakur the fourth and then Gadadhar Pandit is the...
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Bhagavat Katha Day 7

Bhagavat Katha Day 7 Hare Krishna Utsav 31-12-2023 A very warm welcome to you all. I want to welcome you today and so please accept my welcome! Shouts of Haribol! You’re most welcome. I am thinking that just as I am welcoming you all now, one day in the near future, may you have...
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Srimad Bhagavatam 09.10.50

Srimad Bhagavatam 09.10.50 Ram Rajya Iskcon Noida 30-01-2024 Hare Krishna. Thank you for saying Hare Krishna and also for your coming here. There is that hope that NIDC, temple presidents and managers may be present here. I see some are here, and some are on their way and I am...
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Padayatra goes on 29th October 2018 ISKCON meeting Noida Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu six years he travelled and that was padayatra. 1508: Caitanya Mahaprabhu left on his 6 years padayatra to establish the yuga dharma, the chanting of the holy names. Why acharya’s where...
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Srila Guru Maharaja glorifying Prabhupad on his Disappearance Day

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah and those are obeisances unto Srila Prabhupad and my obeisances to all the assembled devotees in this world vancha-kalpa-tarubhyas ca krpa-sindhubhya eva ca patitanam pavanebhyo vaisnavebhyo...
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Kirtaniya Sada Hari

Kirtaniya Sada Hari Padayatra Forever Some devoteescome on Sunday. What about other, devotees? You should come visit theLord and devotees. Come – go, come – go, and then once come and never go.Do this kind of preparation. AttainLord and return back to Godhead from...
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Talk By Srila Guru Maharaj to International Devotees

Talk By Srila Guru Maharaj to International Devotees. So, I am happy again to see you all and have not all of you, sorry, I am not hearing all of you. Read or write your offerings or maybe you already have written. I will read out if you wish you could write also which I will...
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Katha by Gurudev at prem sarovar

15.11.2023 You have all reached Dham. That’s why you all welcomed me. You are all residential here and I am just a visitor. CC Madhya 19.53 namo maha-vadanyaya krsna-prema-pradaya te krsnaya krsna-caitanya- n?mne gaura-tvise namah Translation “O most munificent incarnation!...
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Katha by Gurudev At Barsana

14.11.2023 Om namo Bhagavate Girirajai! Krsna was only 7 years old. At that age he gave some instructions to his father. SB 10.24.25 tasmad gavam brahmananam adres carabhyatam makhah ya indra-yaga-sambharas tair ayam sadhyatam makhah Translation: Therefore may a sacrifice for the...
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