
Kartika Mahatmya

Kartika Mahatmya Online class for ISKCON New York 29th November 2020 Welcome, all the assembled devotees from different conferences. I thank ISKCON New York, Radha Govinda Deva ki, jai! This is their arrangement. They have ordered me to say a few words on the occasion of the last...
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Commentary on Damodara Ashtakam

Commentary on Damodara Ashtakam Iskcon Ujjain 26th November 2020 Iskcon Ujjain ki jai! The project that was started by Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja. Now your Samadhi preparations are in? I just heard, of course Pushpa Samadhi is one Samadhi that is already there in Mayapur so Hari...
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Bhakti Sastri Seminar

Bhakti Sastri Seminar ISKCON Pandharpur 4th October, 2020 sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam hrsikena hrsikesa- sevanam bhaktir ucyate Translation : Bhakti, or devotional service, means engaging all our senses in the service of the Lord, the Supreme Personality of...
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In the spiritual world everyone loves to talk about Krsna

In the spiritual world everyone loves to talk about Krsna 1996 Vrndavana, India Initiation Lecture First of all, I would like to welcome you all and also thank some of you for being present here. Especially, few of my godbrothers are here. Vrndavana Prabhu is in the back. Who...
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The idea of a Krsna Conscious society

The idea of a Krsna Conscious society July 12th, 1997 Radhadesh, Belgium tvam hi brahma-vidamsresthah samskaran kartum arhasi balayor anayor nrnam janmana brahmano guruh [SB 10.8.6] Translation: My Lord, you are the best of the brahmanas, especially because you are fully aware of...
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A Tour of Lords Abode

A Tour of Lords Abode Radhadesh, Belgium July 4, 1997 I think we have come a long way starting with the holy name and contemplating, meditating on the rupa, form of the Lord, going over the list of the qualities of Krishna and then having some glimpses of the pastimes, lila of...
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Janmastami ISKCON Noida 31/8/2015 There were pandals raised everywhere. Announcements were being made that Janmashtami celebrations are starting. All are cordially invited. Personal invitations are also being given. Press conferences are called for and the journalist are also...
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Prayers of Kunti Maharani

Prayers of Kunti Maharani ISKCON Noida 31/8/2015 We were talking about Kunti Maharani. She is sarvajna. She knows the Lord. One should understand the lila of the Lord through His tattva. Those who are the personal associates of the Lord they know the Lord’s tattva. They are...
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Sri Radhashtami Katha

Sri Radhashtami Katha 26th August, 2020 Radhastami Mahotsav ki jai !!! Today is the day, our Radha Pandharinath appeared on Radhastami, 16 years ago. So there is another occasion, the 16th anniversary of Radha Pandharinath Temple, Pandharpur opening. Also Radhastami is a day in...
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Nectar Of Devotion (Bhakti Sastri class)

Nectar Of Devotion (Bhakti Sastri class) Online seminar Welcome to all students and teachers of Bhakti Sastri Course. And today you made me the teacher, like a visiting professor is here. By the way, it is not my practice to give such teachings. As told by Sundar Caitanya...
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