
TOVP talks – Harer nama – No other way, No other way, No other way

TOVP talks – Harer nama – No other way, No other way, No other way Date: 11th August, 2020 Braja Vilas Prabhu: From Lokanath Maharajaa’s centers all over in Maharashtra, we collected at least two million dollars from Maharashtra. In 1971, he met the devotees at the...
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Lord Nityananda’s Mercy

Lord Nityananda’s Mercy Date: 2nd August, 2020 Lecture online Bangladesh [1:28:56] I can understand Bengali but not speak, so I will speak in Hindi. In Bangladesh sravan utsava is going on. That’s a festival for ears. Tomorrow is Balaram purnima, balarama hoilo nitai...
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Grihastha Dharma

Grihastha Dharma Date 26th July 2020 Online class for ISKCON Vizag So I welcome you all again and again to today’s sunday festival lecture, I don’t know whether you will get the feast but at least you are getting the lecture. So Grihastha Dharma, I suppose there is the majority...
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Grihasta asrama – Practical tips

Grihasta asrama – Practical tips Date: 31st July, 2020 Practical tips start from here, “Grihe thako, vane thako, sada ‘hari’ bole’ dako, sukhe duhkhe bhulo na’ko, vadane hari-nam koro re” Whether you are a grihasta or brahmacari or...
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24.8.2019 I wish all of you, all those who are listening to me or watching me, I wish all of you a very happy Janmashtami! As this is the happiest day of the kalpa, in fact so very rare is Krishna’s appearance, yes Krishna’s appearance is very rare. Although He has sa...
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Past times of Lord Jagnnath

Past times of Lord Jagnnath Place: New Jersey, USA Date: 21 June’2020 Jai Jagnnath and Hare Krsna to you all and we welcome all assembled devotees, assembled everywhere or assembled on zoom conference and I expect that there are lot of devotees from New Jersey today, as this is...
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Viduras advice to Dhrtarastra

Viduras advice to Dhrtarastra [1:25:57] om namo bhagavate vasudevaya We will read from Bhagavatam Canto 1, chapter 13, text 28. athodicim disam yatu svair ajnata-gatir bhavan ito rvak prayasah kalah pumsa guna-vikarsanah [S.B. 1.13.28] Translation: Please, therefore, leave for...
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Stop committing offences

Stop committing offences Venue:Germany 29/05/1994 There is no purport there, no purport for any verses so we will keep going. While Indra, the King of the demigods, thought in this way and repented in his own assembly, B?haspati, the most powerful spiritual master, understood his...
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Life and teachings of Bhakti Caru Maharajaa

Special Class for disciples and well wishers of HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja. 01/07/2020 We can read or hear something from Srila Prabhupad Lilaamrita, but I have not prepared for that, either from Ocean of Mercy by Srila Bhakti Charu Maharaja we can read but was not prepared ,...
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PADAYATRA ITALY 19051993 Venue: Italy vijaya-ratha-kutumba atta-totre dhrta-haya-rasmini tac-chriyeksaniye bhagavati ratir astu me mumursor yam iha niriksya hata gatah sva-rupam [SB 1.9.39] Translation: At the moment of death, let my ultimate attraction be to Sri Krsna, the...
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