
Musical Anatomy

Musical Anatomy [47:07] Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare There are series of kirtanas some during early morning hours “udilo aruno puraba bhage” and “ Jiv Jago” and Vrindavan mangala arati they sing, Vibhavari sesa, meaning wh...
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If you want to know the Lord, become acaryavan

If you want to know the Lord, become acaryavan ISKCON Vrindavan We welcome all the assembled devotees and thank you for being with us this morning to hear Srimad Bhagavatam canto nine chapter eleven text number one. I already gave a little indication and I’m sure you heard the...
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The behavior of a perfect person

The behavior of a perfect person Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya! Hare Krishna! Thank you for joining us. This morning recitation of Srimad Bhagavatamfrom canto 7, chapter 13, text number 19, ‘The behavior of a perfect person’ is the chapter’s title. Please repeat,...
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We should all come together and serve the Lord

We should all come together and serve the Lord 4 February 2020, Pune, [12 minutes] Occasion: Maharashtra Rajya Partrakar Sangh conferred it’s Lifetime Achievement The hippies of America accepted Krsna, They chanted Hare Krishna and they became happy. Srila Prabhupada would sa...
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Memories of Srila Prabhupada at Hare Krsna land

Memories of Srila Prabhupada at Hare Krsna land Occasion: 42 nd anniversary of Sri Sri Radha Rasabihari ISKCON Juhu January 2020 [30:54] So, welcome all the assembled devotees, great souls! Prabhupada disciples are also present. We welcome them, haribol. I wasn’t sure...
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Keep chanting and study Bhagvad gita

Keep chanting and study Bhagvad gita Surathkal, Shantipur Base 05 06 2016 [43:05] Surathkal Youth Form ki…jai Name is Shantipur Base, but where is Ganga here? Caitanya Mahaprabhu also travelled through Suratkal some five hundred years ago. He went to Udupi and then to Belgaum,...
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Sri Siksastakam Seminar Verse 1

Sri Siksastakam Seminar Verse 1 Mayapur [1:28:19] So, we welcome you to Mayapur dhama. Mayapur dhama ki Jai! And in Mayapur we get to hear Siksastaka. It was not here in this dhama where Caitanya Mahaprabhu compiled or recited or presented this Siksastaka, it was in Jagannath...
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Lord Krsna dispels all fear of His devotees

Lord Krsna dispels all fear of His devotees 03 05 2016 Bhaktivedanta Manor [53:15] sa tvam ghorad ugrasenatmajan nas trahi trastan bhrtya-vitrasa-hasi rupam cedam paurusam dhyana-dhisnyam ma pratyaksam mamsa-drsam krsisthah [SB 10.3.28] Devaki is speaking, Translation: My Lord...
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Glories of Narottam Das Thakur

Glories of Narottam Das Thakur  10-10-2017 Vrindavan [40:32] Narottam Das Thakur Disappearance day All those great souls already departed. And he was one of the last ones from the batch left behind and then he wrote this song, feeling very intense separation from all those...
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Performance of Austerities would result in purification

Performance of Austerities would result in purification 14-06-2018 New Vraj Dhama Hungary [1:17:09] We'll read the, there are several verses. There are five verses and we'll just read one that is on the board and I think that is the relevant verse because we are talking...
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