
Cooperation is greatest tapasya in material world

Cooperation is greatest tapasya in material world tubhyam mad-vicikitsayam atma me darsito ’bahih nalena salile mulam puskarasya vicinvatah [SB 3.9.37] Translation: When you were contemplating whether there was a source to the stem of the lotus of your birth and you even entered...
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Being with devotees is the success

Being with devotees is the success!! When devotees have birthday parties they say may you never take birth again. That part everybody says, they make a whole song out of it which is nice. You may never take birth again happy birthday to you. You may never take birth again, that...
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Vrindavan Consciousness

Vrndavan consciousness 17 03 2018 Govardhana Eco village, Mumbai [18:02] Nice to meet you all, you are all residents of Vrndavan dhamaa, Govardhan Eco village is a village, you all stay in the village. You are villagers, Gokulvasis are also villagers. So also jungle here, some...
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The Auspicious Kartik Masa Begins

The auspicious Kartik masa begins 23 10 2010 Chowpatty Occasion: 1 st day of Kartik Time to go back, just to stay in the mood of Damodara. Is that the mood? Damodara mood, Damodara month beginning today? Haribol! Or yesterday? Actually, today is technically the first day of...
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Creation of Lord is His Lila

Creation of Lord is His Lila. 2008 Vrindavan [1:4:36] So this morning we are reading from Srimad Bhagavatam canto 3 chapter 26 text number 60 th , which is a short purport so we’ll move onto the next one also. So please repeat, ksut-pipase tatah syatam samudras tv etayor abhut...
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Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannath ratha yatra

Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannath ratha yatra 0308 2019 Los Angeles Occasion: Day before ratha yatra You’ll are so serious. Relax! What is today? Don’t say it’s Saturday! It is the day before Jagannath ratha yatra. Jagannath ratha yatra mahotsav ki..jai!. Tomorrow is ratha yatra...
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Remembrance and knowledge comes from Krsna

Remembrance and knowledge comes from Krsna Vrndavana [58:11] Srimad Bhagavad Gita As It Is chapter 15th text 15 sarvasya caha? hrdi sannivisto, mattah smrtir jnanam apohana? ca, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyo, vedanta-krd veda-vid eva caham Translation and purport by Srila...
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Real Work of Varnas and Pastime of Dhruva Maharaja

Real Work of Varnas and Pastime of Dhruva Maharaja MAURITIUS [18.29] evam vidho brahmacari vanaprastho yatir grhi caran vidita-vijnanah param brahmadhigacchati (SB 7.12.16) TRANSLATION: By practicing in this way, whether one be in the brahmacari-asrama, grhastha-asrama,...
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Krsna’s idea is beneficial to everyone

Krsna’s idea is beneficial to everyone Mayapur [46:55] Reading from Bhagavad  Gita , Chapter 2 text number 9. Bhagavad Gita was said in morning and we are hearing in the evening.  We are seeing the Lord, we are seeing the Lord. You have all seen, where is He? So we all like to...
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Vrndavan is source of all Dhama

Topic : Vrndavan is source of all Dhama. Place : Vrndavan Indradyumna Maharaja was talking to almost all of you. Some additional English devotees now have arrived, as others also are listening to him. He narrated Damodara lila to all of you, most of you. That lila brings the...
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