
Rama Katha

Rama Katha Venue: Bahrain Date: April 15, 2016 Janaki Jivan Sita Mohan Rama This short song talks about Sri Rama as Ayodhyavasi. We have Vrajavasi, Vrindavanvasi, Mayapurvasi. Like that there is also Ayodhavas. Vas means to reside. This residence is Ayodhya. Those who reside...
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Rama’s Appearance Day Celebrations

Today is birthday party or Rama’s appearance day celebrations Dated: 25 March 2018 Venue: ISKCON Bangalore (Seshadripuram) Dinesh, Din-isa, the master of the day is Surya, sun. So while the sun’s ruling time is the day, Rama appears. Night time is ruled by moon. Moon is also...
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