
Serving cows is our dharma

Date: 2008, Venue: Vrindavan (Braj mandal Parikrama) Haribol, so when a devotee was walking with umbrella he was trying to hold it over me, immediately I was remembered of a pastime, when first time Krishna had to leave for cow herding.  Then mother Yashoda approached Krishna,...
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Childhood pastimes of Krishna and Balarama

He is Vasudev, we have both Vaasudevas. Krishna is Vaasudev, Balarama is also Vaasudev. By that definition, son of Vasudev is Vaasudev. And om namo bhagavate, that’s important part, Bhagavate. And they are both Bhagavan. There are some other Vaasudevas but not necessarily...
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Thirty Days In Krsna’s Land by Lokanath Swami

In remote corners of Vrndavana, Pilgrims find little known places of Krsna’s  pastimes and get a clearer view Into their own hearts. THE VRAJA Mandala Parikrama* is a walking pilgrimage throughout the land of Vraja, or Mathura, the district in North India where Lord Krsna...
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Kurukshetra – The Land of Dharma By Lokanath Swami

War and pious deeds have often come together at this ancient North Indian site. KURUKSHETRA, about one hundred miles north of New Delhi, is best known as the place where the great battle of the Mahabharata was fought and Lord Krsna spoke the Bhagavad-gita. But long before that,...
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How I Came to Krishna Consciousness by Lokanath Swami

The unseen merciful hand of Lord Krsna helps a determined young student become one of Srila Prabhupada’s first Indian disciples. I was born in Aravade, a small village in the Indian state of Maharashtra that differs little from more than seven hundred thousand others in...
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