
Let’s Chant with Lokanath Swami

Let’s Chant with Lokanath Swami Dated: 27 December, 2018 Venue:  Jagannatha Puri Chant with attention without offences.  Chant as if you in a state of emergency.  Just chanting is not the way. Caitanya Caritamrita also reminds us that we may be       chanting, but if it’s...
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Jagganath Puri

Venue: Jagganath Puri Dated: December 26, 2018 Occasion: Annual yatra, day two Today is disappearance day of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. We mostly sing a bhajan by Narottam Das Thakur. Je anilo Prem dhana karuna prachura… This is his own experience. He wanted to meet...
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Gaudiya Vaisnavas are specialized in Radha Krishna

Gaudiya Vaisnavas are specialized in Radha Krishna Venue: Russia, Sadhu sanga Dated: September 13, 2017 Second session We continue to our talk about the Gaudiya Vaisnavaism. The subject is very vast and deep. We did say that Krishna consciousness is Gaudiya Vaisnavaism. When we...
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Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannath Puri

Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Jagannath Puri Venue: Jagannath Puri Dated: December 25th 2018 Occasion: Annual yatra, Day one Jaya Jaya Jagannath sacirananadan… The Lord resides at Nilachala and carries certain symbols Gada, Padma, Sankha and Cakra. The same Jagannath carries different...
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Instilling spiritual values in the Indians

Instilling spiritual values in the Indians Dated: 14 October 2018 Venue: Delhi Occasion: UDGAAR Youth festival om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah This is a festival of goodness and joy! I was thinking about the mantra, which...
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Be absorbed in chanting the holy names

Be absorbed in chanting the holy names Venue: Bhakti Vedanta Manor Dated: May 3, 2016 Brahmacari class nama cintamanih krishnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah purnah suddho nitya-mukto abhinnatvan nama-naminoh Have you heard that before? Nama is cintamani like dham cintamani. Nama...
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The centre of Sankirtan Movement is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

The centre of Sankirtan Movement is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Dated: May 26th 2018 Venue: Radhadesh (Belgium) Srila Bhakti Vinoda Thakur has compiled the Gaura arati glorifying Gauranga Mahaprabhu, Gauranga Gauranga. bhakti vinoda dekhe gorara sampada He ends this arati,...
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Distribute Bhagavatam sets on the occasion of Bhadra purnima

Distribute Bhagavatam sets on the occasion of Bhadra purnima Venue: Airport, Nagpur Dated: September 25th 2018 Occasion: Srila Prabhupada’s Sannyasa Day Anniversary Where did Prabhupada take sannyasa? In Keshav Gaudiya Math in Mathura. He had the title of Bhaktivendanta...
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Kirtana Meditation

Kirtana meditation Venue: Birmingham, UK Dated: 29 th April 2016 Occasion: 24 hour kirtana mela Why to chant from the heart? Reason is that is where we reside; our residence or base is in the heart. That is why Madhava prabhu and Maharaja was reminding us, chant from the heart,...
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Lord Jagannath is the Lord of the Universe

Lord Jagannath is the Lord of the universe Venue: Holland Dated: 26 th May 2018 This festival called ratha yatra festival, ratha means chariot so festival of chariots. But we have only one, so we could say festival of chariot. Sometime there are three chariots. One for Jagannath,...
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