
Books of Srila Prabhupada is Sankirtan that came from his lotus mouth

Date : 19th October 2015 Venue : Govardhan Eco-village, Wada Forest Govardhan Eco-village and you are going to be making plans or strategies, working out strategies of how to distribute books, of Srila Prabhupada ki….. jai!! So that got me interested and I dropped in (laughter) I...
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By the proper use of intelligence one’s consciousness is expanded and ultimate expansion of consciousness is Krishna consciousness

Venue: Nagpur Dated: 17 Jan 2015 Srimad Bhagvatam Canto 3, chapter 26 and text number 29 and 30. “taijasat tu vikurvanad buddhi-tattvam abhut sati dravya-sphurana-vijnanam indriyanam anugrahah” (S.B 3.26.29) taijasat — from the false ego in passion; tu — then; vikurvanat —...
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Brahma-jijnasa is the real concern of human life

Venue: Mauritius “evam vidho brahmacari vanaprastho yatir grhi caran vidita-vijnanah param brahmadhigacchati” (S.B 7.12.16) Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupada, Srila Prabhupada ki……..jai Translation: By practicing in this way, whether one be in the brahmacari-asrama,...
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Mera Bharat Mahan

Venue: ISKCON Noida Dated: 3rd Jan 2015 “Om namo bhagvate vasudevaya” There’s always something to keep us busy, so I am happy to have you here this evening, we are here at Govinda dham. You are very important persons because you are God’s people, God’s devotees,...
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Mediate on the Lord Giriraj, Lord holding Giriraj on His little finger

Venue: Braj Mandal Parikrama Occasion: Govardhan puja Dated: 2008 “hantayam adrir abala hari-dasa-varyo yad rama-krsna-carana-sparasa-pramodah manam tanoti saha-go-ganayos tayor yat paniya-suyavasa-kandara-kandamulaih” (S.B 10.21.18) These are the words of Gopis of Vrindavan...
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Lord Krishna said worship cows, brahmanas and Giriraj Govardhan

Venue: Vraj Mandal Parikrama Dated: 2008 (Maharaj says) – So when devotee was walking with Umbrella and he was trying to hold it over me, immediately I was reminded of one past time. When first time Krishna has to leave for cow-herding then mother Yashoda approache...
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Lord Reciprocates with Affection to His Devotees

Venue: Vrindavan Dated: 28.7.11 “sa vai bhavan atma-vinirmitam jagad bhutendriyantah-karanatmakam vibho samsthapayisayann aja mam rasatalad abhyujjaharambhasa adi-sukarah” (S.B: 4.17.34) Translation: My dear Lord, You are always unborn. Once, in the form of the original boar, you...
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South India Tour 2012 : Day 2, Tirupati

Day 2 – May 24, 2012 Location – Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh, India) H H Lokanath Swami Maharaja  started the class with a Kirtan from Tukarama Maharaja’s  abhanga – Govinda Govinda  mana  lagali acchand. In this he explains that there is no difference between Govinda‘s body and...
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South India Tour 2012 : Day 7 – Rameshvaram

Day 7 – May 29 Location – Rameshvaram (Tamilnadu, India) Ramanujacharya fed mahaprasad to the fish in Chandra pushkarni and although their bodies stayed back but they attained their eternal constitutional form and returned to Vaikuntha. You also can attain your...
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South India Tour 2012 : Day 6 – Sri Rangam, Morning Class

Day 6 – May 28 Location – Sri Rangam (Tamilnadu, India) Lord Shri Rama stayed on this planet for 11,000 years and we find the whole description in Ramayana. Shri Krishna stayed on this planet for 125 years. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu performed Lila for 48 years. Here...
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