
Offences Chanting

Solution of protection from ten name chanting offences. Chanting of Holy name without concentration is what ? It’s also an offence. But one thing is that chanting without concentration is the main reason behind committing ten offences. That is the source, reason that why we keep...
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Jagannath Katha

Jagannath Katha 19th June 2022 ISKCON Thane om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya ?caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri gurave namah Translation I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer my respectful...
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Narsimha katha

Narsimha katha What happened next? From that pillar Lord came out, na mrgam na manusam And what was the form, I never saw that form. Half portion of human and half like animal just like lion. Jai Narsimha dev ki jai. Then what happened next, “paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha...
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Mayapur Dham

Topic : SB 9.16.1 -6 Place : Mayapur Dham Date : 10 March 2019 Haribol, everybody Hare Krishna, welcome and thank you of joining us. Hari Hari and those who have joined include some very senior exalted Vaishnav’s, and making my job difficult talking in their presence but I pray,...
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Radha Madhav Golden Jubilee festival

Radha Madhav Golden Jubilee festival Mayapur March 3, 2022 Sri Sri Radha Madhav ki jai Mayapur dham ki jai Srila Prabhupada ki jai All glories to assemble devotees. We are celebrating here 50th anniversary of this and 50 th anniversary of that of course those historical facts are...
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Handling reversals in individual and institutional life

Handling reversals in individual and institutional life 18th May 2022 Iskcon Noida It is Srimad Bhagavatam class time but it is not a Srimad Bhagavatam class today. Is English okay, yes no? I don’t know how many yes’s and how many no’s. Today’s verse or the theme is “Handling...
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Chida Dahi Festival

Chida Dahi Festival By Lokanath Swami 18 th June 2016 At Bangalore, India Today is a very special festival. In fact, that festival took place some five hundred years ago. And from that year and day on verse every year on that particular day, today devotees had been observing this...
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Krishna Consciousness

I came here not to take but to give you. Prabhupada went to America for not to take any thing but to Give them Krishna consciousness My first visit to New York was in 78 and from then nearly 50 times I visited New York and around the world. In early days when I visited to western...
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Srila Prabhupada gave us everything

Srila Prabhupada gave us everything S. B 1.15.33 prthapy anusrutya dhanañjayoditam nasam yadunam bhagavad-gatim ca tam ekanta-bhaktya bhagavaty adhoksaje nivesitatmopararama samseteh Translation Kunti, after overhearing Arjuna’s telling of the end of the Yadu dynasty and...
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Appearance day of Gadadhar Pandit

Appearance day of Gadadhar Pandit Srimad Bhagavatam Class 30 April 2022 Iskcon Vrindavan Srila Gadadhara Pandit avirbhav tithi mahotsava ki jai. Nitai gaura prem anande Hari Haribol. All glories to assembled devotees. Hare Krishna. Everyone is okay? Thank you for being with us...
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