Srimad Bhagavatam 3.32.23
Verse: Srimad-Bhagavatam 3.32.23
Venue: Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir
Date: Feb 06, 2010
vasudeve bhagavati
bhakti-yogah prayojitah
janayaty asu vairagyam
jnanam ca yad ahaitukam
Engagement in Krsna Consciousness and application of devotional service unto Krsna make it possible to advance in knowledge and detachment, as well as in self-realization.
It is said by less intelligent men that bhakti-yoga, or devotional service, is meant for persons who are not advanced in transcendental knowledge and renunciation. But the fact is that if one engages in the devotional service of the Lord in full Krsna Consciousness, he does not have to attempt separately to practice detachment or to wait for an awakening of transcendental knowledge. It is said that one who engages unflinchingly in the devotional service of the Lord actually has all the good qualities of the demigods develop in him automatically. One cannot discover how such good qualities develop in the body of a devotee, but actually it happens. There is one instance where a hunter was taking pleasure in killing animals, but after becoming a devotee he was not prepared to kill even an ant. Such is the quality of a devotee.
Those who are very eager to advance in transcendental knowledge can engage themselves in pure devotional service, without wasting time in mental speculation. For arriving at the positive conclusions of knowledge in the Absolute Truth, the word brahma-darsanam is significant in this verse. Brahma-darsanam means to realize or to understand the Transcendence. One who engages in the service of Vasudeva can actually realize what Brahman is. If Brahman is impersonal, then there is no question of darsanam, which means “seeing face to face.” Darsanam refers to seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva. Unless the seer and the seen are persons, there is no darsanam. Brahma-darsanam means that as soon as one sees the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he can at once realize what impersonal Brahman is. A devotee does not need to make separate investigations to understand the nature of Brahman. Bhagavad-Gita also confirms this. Brahma-bhuyaya kalpate: [Bg. 14.26] a devotee at once becomes a self-realized soul in the Absolute Truth. [End of Srila Prabhupada’s purport.]
You are all familiar with this verse? In the very beginning it appears and it is here again. The difference is jnanam ca yad ahaitukam [SB 1.2.7] (?) Engagement in Krishna Consciousness and application of devotional service unto Krishna make it possible to advance in knowledge and detachment as well as in self realization. So this is Lord Kapiladeva speaking. He has been speaking for some time. He spoke yesterday also. You heard, nityam bhagavata-sevaya [SB 1.2.18] . We are just taking a bite at a time.
tasmat tvam sarva-bhavena bhajasva paramesthinam [SB 3.32.22]
That was what we spoke yesterday.
tad-gunasrayaya bhaktya bhajaniya-padambujam [SB 3.32.22]
So already padambujam has been mentioned. Here it refers to darsanam. You start with the lotus feet and then you take complete darshan. Brahma-darsanam. Param brahma param dhama [Bg 10.12] Brahma is param brahma. That is Krishna. His darshan becomes possible by vasudeve bhagavati bhakti-yogah prayojitah.[Aside -Jayo!] When we talk about darshan, darshan is here. Radha Madhava Ki Jai! So bhakti yoga, performance of bhakti yoga and bhakti not of anybody and everybody – vasudeve bhagavati – bhakti of Vasudev. And who is this Vasudev? What kind of Vasudev? Bhagavati – the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Not Bhagavatidevi. Full difference is there. Bhagavatidevi is rasva(?) here. Bhagavati his ears are there – Bhagavati. As devotional service unto Vasudev is performed, janayaty – that will give rise to janayaty, – janma will take place. As one performs devotional service someone takes birth – janayaty asu – quickly – janayaty asu vairagyam, jnanam – renunciation and knowledge. yad brahma-darsanam – as well as. Prabhupada says, as well as self-realization or brahma- darsanam. Darshan – seeing face to face becomes possible by performance of devotional service. Devotional service is complete and independently most powerful source of everything. Bhanu Maharaj was very nicely explaining that yesterday. From bhakti comes, jnan and vairagya and darshan ultimately – not the other way round.
anayaty asu vairagyam jnanam ca yad ahaitukam [SB 1.2.7]
Once upon a time Narada Muni had a meeting with Bhakti Devi. In Vrindavana they met and Narada Muni said to Bhakti Devi – Bhakti Devi at this time is in big trouble because her two sons – that’s what Narada Muni will be talking. Jnan and vairagya are sons of bhakti. janayaty asu – here we are talking about janma. Jnan and vairgya are taking birth from Bhakti Devi. [Sanskrit] Once upon a time O Bhakti Devi you had your hands folded, you were in front of the Lord and you enquired kim karomi – what can I do for You, my Lord? [Sanskrit] At that time Krishna ordered you or gave you assignment – Bhaktan posa yati(?) Please nourish My devotees. [Sanskrit] And you were ready!
“Yes Sir! You wish is my command.” “So be it.” The Lord was very pleased. [Sankrit] At that time the Lord became very, very pleased with you. And what did that pleased satisfied Lord do for you? [Sanskrit] he gave you one maidservant called mukti. The Lord made mukti your dasi. Mukti becomes your maidservant. [Sanskrit]And He also gave two sons – one was jnan and the other was vairagyam [Sanskrit.] You will not find an age like Kaliyuga. The best of all the ages! And in this age of Kali [Sanskrit] I will establish you O Bhakti Devé in this age of Kali I will propagate you. I will establish you [Sanskrit] in every house. [Sanskrit]In everybody or every society or from [Sanskrit] Every society, I will establish you. How will I do this? Do I have some strategy? He says, “I have a strategy how I will propagate you, establish you. [Sanskrit] Sounds familiar? sarva-dharman parityajya [Bg 18.66] It is said in different words here. [Sanskrit] I hate (?) all other processes, all other dharmans or all other ways. [Sanskrit] To keep in forefront of Me. Mahotsavan – the festival, I will organize festivals – mahotsavan. And with the festival as the forum, I will propagate you, establish you everywhere. That was Narada Muni speaking. This is Srimad-Bhagavatam–Mahatmya – Padma Puraëa, Uttara Kanda by Srila Vyasadeva. The greatness of Bhagavatam – Bhagavatam- Mahatmya . I wanted to stop there but you are enquiring.
So Bhakti Devi will go back now to her abode. Her two sons at one point they were in big trouble. Bhakti Devi says, “I was born in South India. Then I kind of grew up, I flourished in Karnataka and Maharashtra. Jai Maharashtra! But when I went to Gujarat I was fit for Intensive Care Unit – ICU! Somehow I managed to come to Vrindavan I got revived. [Sanskrit] In Vrindavan bhakti dances. But look at my sons they are still trembling and because of weakness and exhaustion. Maybe their last breath is not far, it appears! Could you do something? And then he was trying different things – chanting this mantra and the Puranas and the Itihasas, then Vedanta-sutra and this and that. Some help was coming, getting little bit revived or opening little bit eyes and little movement was there but not total revival.
So Narada Muni travels all over looking for the solution. What could be done! What could be done! Then he ends up as he was looking he ends up in Badrikashram were he comes in contact with four kumaras and he explains, “You know this is that state of affairs with Bhakti Devi’s sons and she has asked me to do something. I tried this. I tried that, this mantra that Veda, that Purana but nothing seems to be working. Do you know what could be done?” And they said, “Sure. You have not done one thing. Or let’s do one thing. Let them hear Srimad Bhagavatam.”
Then the four Kumara’s stepped down. They came down to the foothills of the Himalayas on the banks of Ganga at Haridwar and Bhakti Devi managed to come also to that site where the four Kumaras had come and they were about to recite Srimad Bhagavatam. And everybody was there. Vaisnavas were the first ones to come and all the rivers, all the holy places; all the scriptures also had come. All the demigods are there and Narada Muni is sitting and Bhakti Devi, jnan and vairagya and four Kumaras begin to recite the Srimad Bhagavatam – om namo bhagavate. And it went on and on and on. And then the Lord appeared.
yatra gayanti mad-bhakta tatra tisthami Narada [Padma Purana]
Darsanam becomes possible as one performs devotional service – brahma darsanam. So by process of devotional service they are all busy with the process. It is called sravanam. Sravan bhakti then kirtan bhakti, smaran bhakti. This is bhakti – bhakti-yogah prayojitah [SB 1.2.7] As one engages in this bhakti tad darsanam – darshan becomes possible.
So as they were reciting Srimad Bhagavatam and everyone was listening with rapt attention, the Lord appeared – who is non different from His pastimes. The Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead is nondifferent from His transcendental name, form, pastimes or the sound vibration thereof. It is Srila Prabhupada’s purport – SB 1.6.33. I like this.
“As soon as a pure devotee engages himself in the pure devotional service of hearing, chanting and remembering the name, fame and activities of the Lord, at once He becomes visible to the transcendental eyes of the pure devotee by reflecting Himself on the mirror of the heart by spiritual television.” [Srila Prabhupada’s purport – SB 1.6.33.]
As the topics are heard it is like a television is switched on and on the screen you see the Lord and His form and His pastimes. Whatever you are hearing about that is non different from the Lord. So the television of the consciousness – This statement also is by Narada Muni and there also he is talking about darsan from,
ahuta iva me sighram darsanam yati cetasi [SB 1.6.33]
From the consciousness darshan becomes possible. Sighram – as asu vairagyam – quickly! Quickly the jnan, vairagya and darsanam becomes possible as we are hearing that from Kapiladev, Narada Muni elsewhere. How I came to Krishna Consciousness he is talking. How I cam to Krishna consciousness – those kind of articles we write. So he is speaking that firstly to Srila Vyasadev. He is saying, sva-viryani tirtha-padah priya-sravah [SB 1.6.33]. When Lord’s sva-viryani – His virya – His prowess and other items are recited, spoken this is what happens. Then Kapiladev says,
satam prasangan mama virya-samvido [SB 3.25.25]
As soon as the Mahatmas come together – satam – mahatmas come together, immediately – mama virya-samvido – mama virya – Me, Myself, Krishna becomes the topic – bodhayantah parasparam [Bg 10.9] samvido – prasangan or samvit – they talk – akyan – immediately begins.
We also have. Srila Prabhupada also – I am kind of jumping – a similar strategy as Narada Muni coming in that disciplic succession. This strategy also to propagate Krishna consciousness was – mahotsavan – the festivals. He named it Sunday festival and that festival and Mayapur festival and Vrindavan festival, Ratha yatra festival and Janmastami mahä mahotsava and Ramnaumi and on and on and on and on. And our morning program is a festival in itself and wherever there is chanting and dancing and feasting that is a festival. So as soon as devotees get together immediately at the center of that festival – mama virya-samvido and as the topic of discussion begins that is bhakti. That is bhakti!
Sraddha ratir bhaktir anukramisyati [SB 3.25.25.] The stages are from sraddha to prema immediately begins unfolding. Mahatmas come together, the beginning of the festival, beginning of the GBC meetings, GBC’s have come, ABC’s have come. Everybody has come together. Senior men have come representing Srila Prabhupada and as soon as the santas come immediately mahotsavan – festival begins, the topic of Krishna begins. They begin talking, they begin singing – Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama,Rama,Hare Hare. Bhakti-yogah prayojitah begins and that results in jnan vairagya and darsanam. We come to the festival to become a little more jnanis – knowledgeable, but that the source is bhakti. Bhakti is at the center. From bhakti we derive jnan, from bhakti we derive detachment, with the help of bhakti come prem and darsan of the Lord – everything in the context of bhakti – context of bhakti. And bhakti is propagated through the festivals.
So the four Kumaras they are also festival is Bhagavat recitation – mahotsava – was going on and Bhakti Devi, jnan and vairagya also was hearing and as the Lords topics were being remembered and recited Lord appeared there. And some more personalities appeared there. Brahma comes, Siva comes all devatas come, Sukadeva Goswami comes – om namo bhagavate . As Sukadev Goswami was coming was coming he was reciting verses from Bhagavatam as he always does. Prahlad Maharaj comes. Uddhava comes. Vyasadev has arrived. Indra is there, the whole universe is there practically and the Lord has already appeared there. As Bhagavat is recited the Lord has appeared and with all these devotees big roaring kirtan begins. Prahlad Maharaj is playing kartalas, Uddhava is playing whompers, Narada Muni has his vina – vina dhari. [Sanskrit] Arjuna is something like – aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! – raga kartaha arjuno.(?) [Sanskrit] Indra is playing a mrdanga in that assembly. [Sanskrit] Jayho jayho, jayho!!! The Kumaras are doing that and Sukadev Goswami is expressing all prowess, all the emotions.
So everyone has a role to play in that. And that kirtan and look! He is showing us – look at jnan and vairagya and Bhakti Devi also they are dancing like peacock in that kirtan. When they were brought on their feet their ambulance put them on the stretcher and gentle place them. They were lying down and trembling they were not sure whether they will survive – last breath. But as they heard Bhagavatam, as they performed this sravan bhakti of hearing Bhagavatam not only did they survive but they thrived/survived and they jumped and they were dancing in that kirtan. So this is Bhagavatam Mahatmya.
They are making the point that from bhakti comes jnan and vairagya. Janayaty asu vairagyam jnanam ca yad ahaitukam [SB 1.2.7] She had given birth to them but then the influence of the age of Kali and they were very much exhausted and out of it but as they came to the festival, they heard Bhagavatam from the lips of these devotes – the four Kumaras. Their batteries were charged. We talk this language in ISKCON. And it was the end of the festival. We are in the first day of the festival. Immediately they were equipped with jnan and vairagya and darsanam. Darshan was already taken in that place because in the middle of the recitation of Bhagavatam Lord has appeared and everybody is able to take darsan of the Lord.
This year also is another big festival or a big theme for the festival is what? You know what – Lord Caitanya’s [aside – Ekalavya said something] 500th anniversary of sannyasa. This is the theme of the different festival, different devotees, different leaders are making that the theme of their festivals. I don’t know what’s the theme of this festival – but very much that sannyas took place not far from here. The Lord who stayed in Yogapith here in Mayapur.
Caitanya Bhagavat says if you wish to develop detachment and vairagya you should listen to the pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu taking sannyasa. Are you interested in developing detachment? Anyone here? No one is attached. Suno suno bhai prabhurere sannyas(?) Suno brothers and sisters – only brother are mentioned but all the souls – [Bengali] If you hear the pastimes of Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s sannyasa you will develop all the detachment. You just have to sit down and hear the Lord’s pastimes. He is taking sannyasa, He is renouncing all that. If you sit down and hear this and automatically – Prabhupada says automatically, unknowingly! Does anyone know how it happens but it happens. You just hear and bhakti is so potent. You touch the fire – how you touch, when you touch, who touches, regardless of all this it will burn. So listen to the pastime of Lord taking sannyasa. Now is not the time.
For those who had come to Nimai’s home – business as usual – everyday they used to come and that day they also had come. “Where is Nimai?” There was no Nimai. He had already left. Only Saci matta – she was also just sitting around and not only sitting of course – full of tears, speechless. And after long time she said, [Bengali] “Listen, listen O you all assembled. You know this is property of Visnu.” Her home – Nimai’s home “And you are Vaisnava’s. Go ahead pick up everything and anything that you like, some parcels – something, something. You take it away now.” Like that she was hinting indirectly what had happened that night. And soon they all realized.
[Bengali] They are all falling down, collapsing. Like when you cut banana tree at the bottom it falls down. So they all were falling, collapsing all around. [Bengali] And they were full of arthas (?) crying. [Bengali]They were embracing each other and crying. And they were rolling on the ground. Someone says, “Okay. Let’s all go now. Let’s go home and let’s put all our homes on fire. Let’s wear some earring and take some kamandal or some staff. Let’s leave this place. There is nothing here worth residing.” Those were their thoughts. Those were some but there are more. That was the nature of their thoughts. Does that sound like detachment?“Anything and everything that we are attached to just burn that to pieces or ashes! Let’s just walk out of here. Let’s get out of here.” While they were crying of course Nimai had left. (Is someone going to stop us? You? Those who were in business they left already – Laughter.) So Caitanya Mahaprabhu had crossed Ganga and reached Katwa and met Kesava bharati getting ready for sannyasa.
“Hey who has recommended this sannyasa?” Some people in the audience they said, “We don’t accept this sannyasa. No way he has to take sannyasa. Who is recommending this and who has put this into the sastras – this process of sannyasa? No, We don’t No, no, no!” Protest – no sannyasa. The barber had come and he was sitting in front of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He was shaving hair. He had razor but he was trembling. ” No I cannot cut this hair now.” He thinks the hair of the Lord is the Lord Himself. His hair is non different from Him. ” I cannot cut hair!” And he was crying and rolling on the ground while others were protesting. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “Haribol! Haribol.” “Sit down sit down stay there, we shall see what happens.”
It says in Caitanya Bhagavat that it took most of the days spent in getting shaved! People were protesting. The barber was no ready. Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the middle jumps up and is dancing and He sits down again. The whole scene was going on. Finally He was shaved up. Then He runs to Ganga to take bath and comes back. For the first time he now has saffron clothes on and He really looks beautiful. Kandarpa-koti-kaminiya-visesa-sobham [Brahma-samhita 5.30] That kind of attractive he looks like.
Then Kesava Bharati, Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, “You know last night one mahajan said one mantra to Me – sannyas mantra.” “Oh which one?” And Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, “This mantra. This mantra he said. Is that the right mantra?” “This is pukka! This is the one. This is the right mantra.” So Caitanya Mahaprabhu had given the mantra to Kesava Bharati and that was the right mantra. So Kesava Bharati was initiated first.
“Okay now give Me that mantra.” So Caitanya Mahaprabhu received the mantra. “Okay take danda, take kamandal.” And there was a big roaring kirtan. Before that, “Your name is – You are Krishna. You are known as Krishna. krsnaya krsna-caitanya- [Cc Madhya 19.53] And because with Your sankirtana you will make this world full of Caitanya – full of Caitanya. The world is dead but with Your sankirtana You will make this world lively and living and You will stir up the whole world – Caitanya. So Krishna and with sankirtana You will bring – invest Caitanya consciousness into everybody. So You name from today onwards would be Sri Krishna Caitanya.” And so that was it and there was a big kirtan.
Lord Caitanya’s danda flew somewhere, His kamandalu flew somewhere and He was dancing in kirtan. Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu Ki Jai! Nitai Gaura Premanande. Hari hari bol. [Applause]