Vote for Krishna, vote for Krishna devotees
Venue: Germany Bhagvat saptha (Ajamil Katha series – Fifth session)
So we heard this morning pretty strong argument or the case made by Yamadutas justifying their action and decision of bringing Ajamila to the court of Yamaraja.
“Yatra dandena suddhyati” (S.B. 6.1.68).
They were also thinking of the welfare they were well-wishers of Ajamila. They wanted to see Ajamila purified. But now we’ll hear from Vishnudutas, now it is their turn. They were the advocates of the Holy Name and they will try to make ya they will now be talking. They say what are you talking of that you would like him to be purified once he is there in Yamaloka and dandena, he is getting beating, then you will come to the senses? No..no..it’s all done, he has become already purified. It’s too late, so this is something that Yamadutas could not realize.
They were going by the external circumstances and so they listed the whole list of sinful activities; illicit sex, stealing and drinking and all sorts of breaking rules and deviating from the prescribed standards, Vedic standards.
So, so this morning and this early afternoon it’s our fourth session and three more to go. Mostly we will be hearing Vishnudutas during this session and how Yamadutas dropped Ajamila, drop him there, leave him behind, leave there at his home and they go to court of Yamaraja and then for a while there was just Ajamila and the four Vishnudutas and they also disappeared and Ajamila begins to regret as he reflects his previous sinful life and is very grateful that Vishnudutas rescued him and of course he was greatly benefited and specially by the dialogue of the two parties, specially Vishnudutas and then that’s where the session ends and begins the regretting session. He begins his session of regret and talks as he regrets.
sri-visnuduta ucuh (Vishnudutas said)
“aho kastam dharma-drsam adharmah sprsate sabham
yatradandyesv apapesu dando yair dhriyate vrtha” (S.B. 6.2.2)
This is very painful, this is troubling us. “Aho kastam dharma-drsam” – persons interested in maintaining religion that is Yamaraja and his whole court, the judges, the record keepers’ right there. Persons who are supposed to be upholding the principles of religion, their court we see adharma, they are supposed to be practicing and upholding principles of dharma but we see they are doing just the contrary, “adharmah sprsate sabham” – the assembly of Yamaraja is full of irreligious acts, they are wrong decisions. “Yatradandyesv apapesu dando yair dhriyate vrtha” – uselessly the person who is sinless, apapesu – he is sinless and should never get punished, such persons are getting punished, such persons are rewarded punishment and this is vrtha, unnecessary this is useless.
The Vishnudutas accused; purport – The Vishnudutas accused the Yamadutas for violating the religious principles by attempting to drag Ajamila to Yamaraja for punishment. Yamaraja is the officer appointed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to judge religious and irreligious principles and to punish people who are irreligious. However, if completely sinless people are punished, the entire assembly of Yamaraja is contaminated. This principle applies not only in the assembly of Yamaraja, but throughout human society also. So, this is going on right there in the court of Yamaraja. He has appointed by the the Supreme Lord to be the judge but they are punishing the sinless people and we declare that, Vishnudutas see the Yamaraja is contaminated, assembly of Yamaraja is contaminated.
Then Prabhupada wants to extend this situation or statement to the whole world that their assemblies and parliament houses are also contaminated and then Prabhupada makes observation, it is said that in the Kali-yuga if one cannot spend money in court, one cannot get justice, and this is happening with us right now also in India, Bangalore temple case. Indeed, in courts of justice it is often found that magistrates are bribed for favorable judgments. Sometimes religious men who preach the Krishna consciousness movement for the benefit of the entire populace are arrested and harassed by the police and courts. Vishnudutas, who are Vaishnavas, lamented for these very regrettable facts. Prabhupada is also talking from his experiences; Iskcon was taken to the courts, to the New York courts. Prabhupada was accused also for brain-washing charges. There were so many parents, American parents of Srila Prabhupada’s boys and girl disciples, they got together and made a case, this Swamiji has brain-washed our children, brain-washing charges. Prabhupada said, “Yes, you dirtied their brains, they made their brains dirty and I washed. So did I do good or bad? For this I should be rewarded, not punished.” Brain-wash, washing is good, right? Cleaning is good, that’s what I did. So these are regrettable facts. So these days, bribe judges for favorable judgments, so where is the justice?
“prajanam pitaro ye ca sastarah sadhavah samah
yadi syat tesu vaisamyam kam yanti saranam prajah” (S.B. 6.2.3)
This is the population depends on authorities or judges for justice but if they become partial, partiality, favoring someone and doing injustice. Those who are supposed to be giving justice, judges, if they do this kind of injustice to the dependents , to the citizens, then “kam yanti saranam prajah” the prajah the population, where should they go? Whose shelter should they take? Unto whom they could depend? If persons become polluted and exhibit partiality by punishing an innocent, blameless person, where will citizens go to take shelter for their maintenance and security? This is question by Vishnudutas.
Prabhupada writes in the purport, the duty of the government, therefore, is to take charge of training all the citizens in such a way that by a gradual process they will be elevated to the spiritual platform and will realize the self and his relationship with God. This principle was followed by kings like Maharaja Yudhisthira, King Pariksit, Lord Ramacandra, Maharaja Ambarisa and Prahlada Maharaja. The leaders of the government must be very honest and religious because otherwise all the affairs of the state will suffer. Unfortunately, in the name of democracy, rogues and thieves are electing other rogues and thieves to the important posts in the government. Prabhupada says that’s why he said there’s assembly of the donkeys then they will elect? Who would they elect? Mahadonkey, there’s one amongst them who is a mahadonkey, they will elect so there’s no difficulty. Then Prabhupada is talking of some American history, recently this has been proven in America, where the president had to be condemned and dragged down from his post by the citizens. This is only one case, but there are many others. So go for them; Prabhupada is kind of happy that citizens dragged President of America down from his post, ok step down step down. So Prabhupada is wanting to see that this happens in other countries also. But who would they elect? The next person they appoint is, there is no person like Yudhishtir Maharaj and Prahlad Maharaj, Ramachandra, Parikshit, they don’t just exist, not around or if they are, they would not be elected.
Like one time one Prabhupada disciple, he wanted to run for political post in America and Prabhupada encouraged him and his party was named as ‘In God we trust’ party’s name was ‘In God we trust’. And what is his name? Balwant. So Prabhupada disciple his name was and is Balwant, he’s still very active, he’s a lawyer he is practicing lawyer now. So he was running for some post it wasn’t for the parliament, central government but for regional and he was…Prabhupada thought this was at least opportunity for getting our message across. There was not much chances of getting elected because our candidate, he was saying the leadership follow four regulative principles, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex, no gambling. Such leadership is, now such leader is elected then public knows he’s going to insist that they follow such rules also. So they were not ready. So he got few votes, few people voted for his party. So his party was defeated but it was taken as still a victory, he got to preach, there were lots of interviews of press, he was attending his public addresses and he was getting some news across some message across Krishna Krishna something was getting printed in the American history for the first time. The word Krishna was appearing. So one time devotees in morning walk in Delhi they were proposing Prabhupada they were walking very close to the President’s palace in New Delhi, and disciples were saying, Prabhupada, you should be the president of India. Prabhupada said I will rather be spiritual master of or to the President of India. You get that? Of the President. That he would just guide his disciple who is the President of India that he runs the country. In other words, for maintaining his Brahmanical status did not step down to the kshatriya administration board. So I would rather be the Spiritual Master of the President of India, not the President itself. So when we have the Holy Name which is saving Ajamila here, so that name, when that name will reach every town and every village of Europe and Africa and America all over then the chanters of the Holy Name will elect the Presidents and Prime Ministers, they would be Vaishnavas. So that is the future. That’s the future of this world.
Radha Madanmohan ki Jai !
>”yad yad acarati sreyan itaras tat tad ihate
sa yat pramanam kurute lokas tad anuvartate” (S.B. 6.2.4)
So in next how many years? 500,000 years 2, 3, 4, 5000 years many governments then turns the 10,000 year…all the governments will be Krishna Conscious Governments, leaders and it was the prediction of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. The Holy Name is going to reach every town and village. And prediction is that all population will be of Hari bhaktas, there will be Hari bhaktas everywhere. So, when they vote, they will vote for Krishna, vote for Krishna bhakta. The mass of people follow the example of a leader in society and imitate his behavior, Vishnudutas are speaking. They accept as evidence whatever the leader accepts. And there’s a purport, although Ajamila was not punishable, the Yamadutas were insisting on taking him away to Yamaraja for punishment. This was adharma, contrary to religious principles. The Vishnudutas feared that if such irreligious acts were allowed, the management of human society would be spoiled. In modern times, the Krishna consciousness movement is trying to introduce the right principles of management for human society, but unfortunately the governments of Kali-yuga do not properly support the Hare Krishna movement because they do not appreciate its valuable service. The Hare Krishna movement is the right movement for ameliorating, does anyone knows this word ameliorating? (Someone answers improving) improving, is it a German word or? (Latin word) the fallen condition of human society, and therefore governments and public leaders in every part of the world should support this movement to completely rectify humanity’s sinful condition. Pretty ambitious vision, Prabhupada has and he is thinking like this on behalf of Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This is Lord’s vision also.
So Prabhupada, the representative of Sri Krishna, sakshat Hari, he is thinking like that, therefore Governments and public leaders in every part of the world should support this movement completely to completely rectify humanity’s sinful condition. Do you agree? That’s why he wanted the society with Brahmanas, the brahmanas are leaders. Present day society is, what kind of society he said? Headless society, headless. Could you imagine your body without head? So body is there, human society is body but there’s no head. Then it acts like a headless chicken. Chicken is we do this (cut) and then chicken is for few more minutes it jumps, it doesn’t know which way where it is jumping, how where in the ditch where, it is jumping. So present day society is also jumping and running going no one knows where. ‘Buddhi-nasat what happens? pranasyati’ (Bg 2.63). We know where everyone is going, when there’s no head, no intelligence, then there’s a nash, destruction, gliding down to the hellish conditions. So Prabhupada is concerned and of course he would like us to imbibe that concern, cultivate that concern, we are his representatives, as he was expecting; we read this morning, the representative has to know the master’s mission, philosophy of the master’s institution. These are concerns of Prabhupada. So we are also concerned. Prabhupada was concerned.
<p>”ayam hi krta-nirveso janma-koty-amhasam api
yad vyajahara vivaso nama svasty-ayanam hareh” (S.B. 6.2.7)
Ayam – this person, krta-nirveso- he has already undergone atonement prayaschit, what is that? He had chanted the name of the Lord. Svasty-ayanam hareh – he had chanted the all auspicious name of Hari and he has vivaso – helplessly, “ayi nanda tanuja kinkaram” like that, and just I am your servant O! Lord but I am fallen in this ocean of material, material existence ocean. So, please please pick me up. So that was, that kind of helplessness was there and his son was playing, Narayana was playing and he was approaching him and also chanting saying Narayana Narayana and vivaso nama yad vyajahara – he had chanted name of Lord helplessly, so the potency and the benefit of the name that he had chanted is good enough to make this person free from the sins which he had committed not only this life but all the previous lives. Koty janma – millions of births; whatever sins he has committed all nullified, all counteracted. He had chanted the Holy Name of the Lord. Purport – Yamadutas had considered only the external situation of Ajamila. Since he was extremely sinful throughout his life, they thought he should be taken to Yamaraja and did not know that he had become free from the reactions of all his sins. Prabhupada is clarifying that, Prabhupada knew that Yamadutas did not know.
“etenaiva hy aghono ’sya krtam syad agha-niskrtam
yada narayanayeti jagada catur-aksaram” (S.B. 6.2.8)
And further “aghono ’sya krtam syad agha-niskrtam yada narayanayeti jagada catur-aksaram”, the further clarification“etena” means by that chanting Narayan Narayan…. Let us chant now, who knows, we should always do chanting, let’s get some chanting done. This is what these three chapters, this episode is meant to inspire us to do what? Chanting. It’s like a story, sounds nice, it’s very interesting and getting chanting done. We don’t take chanting seriously after going through all these ins and outs and detailed description of greatness mahatmya, Hari Naam mahatmya is what is being described here, communicated here, that we have to learn.
We were travelling our Narada Muni travelling sankirtan party we were travelling in North India we were in a town called Lucknow. They had a big pandal program going on, stage program, so many sadhus coming and making presentations of whatever; different philosophies. So the organizers they came to us and they were inviting us to come and do our thing, presentation and I think the topic was the Hari Naam, some kind of Hari Naam mela, Hari Naam kirtan was the topic. So what should we do? Should we give a long lecture on the glories of the Holy Name? They said, no no that is what everyone else is doing. They are doing lots of glories of chanting, importance of chanting, they are all sighting so many scriptures but they are not chanting, talking about chanting but not chanting. So we would like you to come, we don’t care whether you speak but we know you Hare Krishna devotees are very popular for your chanting, singing, we have heard so much. So if you wish you could speak but we would like you to do kirtan, come and sing. We have heard enough of these glories of Holy Name, it’s nice but we want to see some practical demonstration, how this is to be chanted and how it is done and how to get audience come and chant and personally dance.
So this was they were regretting, others were coming and talking about chanting but not chanting. So, three days if we talk about chanting, glories of chanting the Holy Name but then we have to take chanting more seriously, more “vivaso” – helplessly and one thing is this person chanting, his chanting is not offensive this is the point. So no offenses, Ajamila chanted but he has not committed any offenses. He was not chanting for the strength, for committing sins on the strength of the Holy Name. He was sinful but he was not chanting to get free from the reactions of his sins. So his chanting is considered proper and he is just deriving benefit from chanting Narayana Narayana Narayana and one of the Acharyas we read yesterday that he was not aware, Ajamila was not aware but the fact was that he was getting purified by that chanting Narayan Narayan Narayan. So same thing here. So now the Vishnudutas say, yada – when, jagada – here Ajamila chanted Narayana ‘aya’. He not only said Narayan but he said Narayana ‘aya’, means come, Oh! Narayan come, Narayana come come, come help me. Narayanayeti jagada catur-aksaram – four letters by this, this is a best atonement and he has done all atonement and his chanting is offense less, in helpless state he chanted so no punishment for him. Purport – In the beginning he was pure, but although he later committed many sinful acts, he was offense less because he did not chant the holy name of Narayana to counteract his sinful acts.
“na niskrtair uditair brahma-vadibhis tatha visuddhyaty aghavan vratadibhih
yatha harer nama-padair udahrtais tad uttamasloka-gunopalambhakam” (S.B. 6.2.11)
So Vishnudutas are comparing, there’s no comparison but the difference is vratadibhih – that Sukhdev Goswami has made this point that vrata, tapasa, brahmachariyena, yamena, niyamena, samena, damena. They do some purification, those rituals, those regulated principles. Yatha – just like the Holy Name he chant the Holy Name and it arouses the realization, your connection with Lord is revived and uttamasloka-gunopalambhakam – reminding one. The Holy Name reminds one as Holy Name is chanted Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare, Mahatma Gandhi ki…. (Everyone laughs). Who comes to your mind when I say Mahatma Gandhi immediately, you chants somebody’s name and what happens? His form comes to your mind isn’t it? So this is ordinary person somebody or somebody so called famous person’s name you chanted the name and you are reminded so many things about him which you have heard or read or experienced, all those things come to your mind and his name is spoken out. So, that applies certainly to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and you say his name, this is the point made here “harer nama-padair udahrtais tad uttamasloka-gunopalambhakam” -immediately Lord’s name, form, qualities, activities everything soul is reminded of as the name of the Lord is chanted.
So, that’s the difference between vrata and tapa, sama dama, brahmachariya. Performance of those activities doesn’t arouse. So, they may be creating some favorable setting the scene or atmosphere, fertile ground fertile heart where the Naam beej, bhakti lata beej could be sown but the land is fertile but if the bhakti lata beej is not sown then what good is it? Land is cultivated then in the summer days as the earth is exposed to the sun after trilling after plowing then the sunrays are making that earth so potent, fertile this is what happens and then this is all Lord’s arrangement. As a farmer we know this, farmers son and then the farmers they wait for the rains land has ploughed and then they do other; they make the earth upside down the surface the soil is put down that becomes potent underneath comes above and gets exposed to the sun that also becomes potent and finally rains are there. Ok everything is fine now, fertile. Earth is there but if you did not sow the seed of bhakti or Hari Naam then what good is; you have done so much tapasya brahmachariya, sense control all this is done, fine, but if you don’t sow the bhakti lata beej, farmer doesn’t sow the seed you could just take a good photograph of empty field nice field, there’s no crop there’s no fruit, no grains, no flowers, no nothing because the seed is not sown. So all this tapa vratadibhih all these other things they have role to play and progressing Krishna consciousness but isn’t complete. So again the Hari Naam has been stressed. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura comments that the chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord has special significance that distinguishes it from the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies of atonement. Holy Name has its own world and it distinguishes it has special significance from the ritualistic ceremonies. The rituals don’t arouse devotion unto the Lord.
“naikantikam tad dhi krte ’pi niskrte manah punar dhavati ced asat-pathe” (S.B. 6.2.12)
You become free, ya you perform some atonement you become free from some reactions of sinful act fine but “manah punar dhavati”- mind again gets up and begins running on asat-pathe – path means path, sanskrit word english word same path means path. So “asat-pathe” – false, wrong road path he is following, the mind gets up and senses become active, the body runs behind, follows the mind, senses and then business as usual. If this is atonement and rituals one undergoes but the harer gunanuvadah – the gunanuvad, the discussions about the qualities of the Lord is something that is “sattva-bhavanah” – purifying one’s existence all together khalu – certainly. So they are pointing out the difference and now they say
“athainam mapanayata” (S.B. 6.2.13) So one more time, no no you can’t take him hands off, untie your ropes, take your rope back, because ropes are still tied around the neck of Ajamila and he is being dragged antar-hrydaya, that word came up yesterday, from within the heart core of the heart, this is where the soul is stationed. So from there they were dragging, so Vishnudutas say wind up your business, get out from here, take your ropes if you wish otherwise leave it here (laughter) but you should ‘mapanayata krtasesagha-niskrtam’ he has performed unlimited, he has performed atonement to become free from unlimited sins. ‘Yad asau bhagavan-nama mriyamanah samagrahit’ – he has perfectly chanted the name of the Lord, mriyamanah – while leaving this body, at the time of death he has chanted the name of the Lord and then they give this.
“sanketyam parihasyam va stobham helanam eva va
vaikuntha-nama-grahanam asesagha-haram viduh” (S.B. 6.2.14)
Anyone who chants vaikuntha-nama-grahanam – the name of vaikuntha pati Lord Narayana, then Vishnu Krishna then asesagha-haram – then the name is again described, asesa – unlimited anant, asesagha i.e. sin, haram- takes away, unlimited sin committed by sinful person is taken away, is neutralized by vaikuntha nama grahanam and this chanting of the name may be done as sanketyam – by some kind of some indication may not be necessarily properly sitting and bead bag chanting in front of the deity in association of devotees. No person may just say the name giving some indication. ‘Parihasyam’ – jokingly one may sing chant the name, ‘stobham’ – as a musical entertainment one may chant, helanam eva – neglectfully one may chant under all circumstances the Holy Name takes sinful reactions away. Haram haram – Muslims say this when they want to condemn someone, I condemn you – haram, you haram. The Lord is kind, he only hears the Ram part not ‘ha’, you said Ram, you said my name, Lord is happy. So giving some indication, indirect. Kavi Chandra Maharaj also does the same, while distributing books in Tokyo, Japan, some Muslims also come there and devotees try to distribute books to the muslims. Devotees know that the muslims will not take the books but they keep following those muslims visitors, guest or tourist till he says haram, devotees say thank you, thank you then stop harassing him, go away find some another regular customer.
So this was kind of practice of book distributors there they found muslim they push him till he says haram haram okay thank you chanted the name of the Lord. Parihasyam – jokingly or musical entertainment; 30 years ago, around the time I joined the movement, once a movie producer, he produced a movie called Hare Krishna Hare Ram, his movie was Hare Krishna Hare Ram, it was about westerners coming to India and chanting some Hare Krishna Hare Ram but at the same time smoking and all that and there was a song, in that film there was a song ‘dum maro dum’, smoke and then in between Hare Krishna Hare Ram. So it was very famous all over India, it was famous this film song, very hit song. So we used to do preaching, our movement was very new and whenever they would see us normally, in those days’ especially western devotees or when we go out, we would go in pairs, one western devotee one Indian devotee. So when people would see Hare Krishna’s going by their home, they would run back into their home and put on this song loud so that we could hear, just to tease us Hare Krishna Hare Ram dum maro dum oh! these are the people, oh! these are the people. In those days they were misunderstood this film did create confusion because this film was making a point that these westerners come to or country and they find some swami, some guru and they start chanting spiritual but they are into intoxication mostly and drugs, so they mixed these drugs with Hare Krishna Hare Ram. So when they were seeing us, people used to, lot of people used to sing what they saw in the film these are the people, they are doing this Hare Krishna Hare Ram but there are also smoking and this and that. So to tease us they used to play this. So this was discussed with Prabhupada also, we brought this up with Prabhupada. Prabhupada was even thinking whether we should Sui this film director Devanand was his name it has done so much damage to our movement. But Prabhupada was not interested in any battle but he gave credit they are chanting Hare Krishna Hare Ram like that. They are chanting in that song there was Hare Krishna Hare Ram. So parihasyam stobham helanam and the next statement is “if one chants the holy name of Hari and then dies because of an accidental misfortune, such as falling from the top of a house, slipping and suffering broken bones while traveling on the road, being bitten by a serpent, being afflicted with pain and high fever, or being injured by a weapon, one is immediately absolved from having to enter hellish life, even though he is sinful” (S.B. 6.2.15). If one has chanted the Holy Name and then he dies by these different causes and Prabhupada is quoting that verse from Bhagvad Gita “yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram tam tam evaiti kaunteya sada tad-bhava-bhavitah” (B.G. 8.6). What you remember at the time of death, if you have chanted the Holy Name that’s your good fortune.
Recently devotees went Haridwar and they found that there was a free distribution of coca-cola. All the pilgrims were running to one particular spot to get that coca-cola bottle, free coca-cola bottle. Some devotees were anxious to find out what is happening why free coca-cola? This is a place where they should be distributing Charnamrita or Ganga jal instead coca-cola is being distributed. So when they inquired from family that was distributing, they said our father died very recently and you know he was a devotee of bhola, shiva was also called bhola. Bhola means innocent and he was sick and he was on death bed and fever and all that so our father started demanding get me coca-cola and the children, the family members around were thinking now he has only few more minutes to go he is not going to survive so they were saying daddy daddy say bhola please chant bhola bhola, chant remember shiva, shiva bhakta but he said get me coca-cola, no daddy please you have one more minute to go say bhola, say bhola say once please there were 15 more seconds, the last thing he said coca-cola, collapsed. So the family thought this was the last wish of our father (Maharaj laughs) so he’ll be peaceful or satisfied if we distribute coca-cola to the pilgrims in Haridwar. So they distributed thousands of bottles of coca-cola. So unfortunate ended up saying..so maybe he went to coca-cola loka which is America. So ‘yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram’ when body’s end come nearer, it is to be given up, what you think at that moment is very important factor.
>”tais tany aghani puyante tapo-dana-vratadibhih
nadharmajam tad-dhrdayam tad apisanghri-sevaya” (S.B. 6.2.17)
So, again one thing is the ‘isanghri-sevaya’, isha i.e. Lord, anghri – lotus feet pankajanghri pankaj – lotus, lotus feet pankajanghri. So isanghri-sevaya – by serving the lotus feet of the Lord that is one thing. The other thing is again tapo-dana-vrata, so the austerities and charities and vows these rules Vedic they purify but not thoroughly as it is accomplished by isanghri-sevaya, by worshipping the lotus feet of the Lord. Translation – Although one may neutralize the reactions of sinful life through austerity, charity, vows and other such methods, these pious activities cannot uproot the material desires in one’s heart. However, if one serves the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, he is immediately freed from all such contaminations. I mean it is amazing but Prabhupada accomplished, he had to work on the western American follower’s young boys and girls and by his association and he was getting them to chant, hear, take Krishna prasad. Only in few months time, in few months, they had their hands up or you meaning you would like to follow now four regulative principles Prabhupada had not asked that question, although he was preaching mentioning four regulative principles he had not he was not expecting but insisted that they follow that initially but after some time he raised this question are you ready to follow four regulative principles and so many to Prabhupada surprised they were ready to follow four regulative principles. It was only some time ago that one another swami had advised Prabhupada, “Swamiji in this country I advice you don’t ask for two things, one thing is you know you can’t look like the way you look like now, your shaved head and tilak and saffron robes, no this will not work out, you have to look like me.” So swamiji, the other swamiji, he had come in saffron robes but now he had become civilized in wearing pant and coat or he had a hat. So you have to look like me and the other thing, I strongly recommend here don’t talk about this vegetarianism, it won’t work. So Prabhupada must have thanked for free advice, this swami has given free advice.
So Prabhupada was not ready we read in Lilamrit, if people are not going to accept the principle which he stood for, which he practiced, he would rather go back to India but not compromise. So with great conviction and compassion, he presented his Krishna Consciousness in early days and within very short time these American boys and girls were ready to follow four regulative principles it’s a history. Even Narada muni was surprised to get such reports. He was visiting New York and he was just smiling happy. So Prabhupada said he was surprised to see that you have taken to this Vedic culture and following all these principles. So how was this possible that Prabhupada was able to get those westerners to follow four regulative principles? Chanting Isanghri-sevaya, because he was engaged in them, in service of Supreme Personality of Godhead, getting them to chant, take Krishna Prasad, hear, Krishna, sometimes he started taking them out at the public places tomkinson square park and public dancing, chanting. This is how it became possible, otherwise they were coming with white bottles in their hand and big boots, girlfriends and all, who knows when the last time they had taken bath or smelly, dirty but Prabhupada was tolerant and compassionate, convinced that this Holy Name would work and this worked, what else, what other magic. Of course he was stuck to the principles, he had faith in parampara and Guru Maharaj’s mercy but he, he applied the right formula. So these things are not stressed, chanting and hearing and Krishna prasad which cleanses the heart and nullifies all the reactions otherwise very difficult to get anyone to follow these principles.
“yathagadam viryatamam upayuktam yadrcchaya
ajanato ’py atma-gunam kuryan mantro ’py udahrtah” (S.B. 6.2.19)</p>
Yathagadam – medicine, you take medicine but you don’t know what the contents always are of the medicine, you just take medicine and it does its job, you don’t know how it functions what is happening inside or you touch a fire, fire burns the grass, not grass burns the fire. So doesn’t matter who touches, knowingly, unknowingly you touch the fire, it will burn, you take a medicine it will act. A person unaware of the effective potency of a certain medicine takes medicine or is forced to take it, like children have to be forced right? Children have to be forced to take medicine, so whether you take knowingly or unknowingly, medicine will act. It will act even without his knowledge because its potency doesn’t depend on patient’s understanding. Similarly, even though one does not know the value of chanting the holy name of the Lord, if one chants knowingly or unknowingly, the chanting will be very effective. In the Western countries, where the Hare Krishna movement is spreading, learned scholars and other thoughtful men are realizing its effectiveness. For example, Dr. J. Stillson Judah, a learned scholar, has been very much attracted to this movement because he has actually seen that it is turning hippies addicted to drugs into pure Vaisnavas who voluntarily become servants of Krishna and humanity. Such scholars and others are everywhere appreciating the effectiveness of chanting.
“sri-suka uvaca” and so the Vishnudutas speech ends there and Sukhdev Goswami is now making comments.
<p>”ta evam suvinirniya dharmam bhagavatam nrpa
tam yamya-pasan nirmucya vipram mrtyor amumucan” (S.B. 6.2.20) </p>
So, suvinirniya – they give nirnay or judgment perfectly ascertained and supported by Bhagavatam dharmam, Bhagvat dharma, all the Vishnudutas were talking was all supported by the Bhagvat dharma and the result was tam i.e. Ajamila yamya-pasan – Yamaraja’s servants ropes nirmucya – their feet they untied the knots, pulled the ropes back. Vipram – now here Ajamila is being described not as dasi-patir Ajamilah, but tam vipram, oh! that brahmin, he regained his honorable post, position the name. So in the beginning Sukhdev Goswami, same Sukhdev Goswami started the narration he was the one who said dasi-patir ajamilah namna kanyikubje, he stayed in kanyikubja, he was dasi-patir Ajamilah and now at this point he is tam vipram, oh! that brahmin, learned brahmin, he was relieved from death, he was saved, rescued, amumucan.
“iti pratyudita yamya duta yatva yamantikam
yama-rajne yatha sarvam acacaksur arindama” (S.B. 6.2.21)</p>
Oh! King Parikshit, Sukhdev Goswami is addressing, oh! subduer of the enemies, King Parikshit, iti pratyudita yamya – having received this befitting reply from Vishnudutas, the Yamadutas yatva yamantikam – they went closer to Yama, Yamaraja, they went to Yamaraja, yama-rajne yatha sarvam acacaksur – and there they gave the full report of what transpired that day. They narrated the whole thing. In this verse, word ‘pratyudita’ is very significant. The servants of yamaraj are so powerful that they can never be hindered anywhere but this time they were baffled and disappointed in their attempt to take away a man they considered sinful. Therefore, they immediately returned to Yamaraja and described to him everything that had happened.
“dvijah pasad vinirmukto gata-bhih prakrtim gatah
vavande sirasa visnoh kinkaran darsanotsavah” (S.B. 6.2.22)
So, dvijah, earlier verse said vipram. Now he is addressed as dvijah, pasad dvijah – second birth right? So he is like a second birth, born again, it’s like a new birth for him, so he is addressed as dvijah. He has become free from the bonds of the Yamadutas ropes, gata-bhih – he is free from, he has no fear any more of any kind, prakrtim gatah – his senses have become normal, vavande sirasa visnoh kinkaran – and he is offering bowing down vavande sirasa – bowing down with his head, sirasa means by head. Sri Ram Chandra charano sirasa namami -I offer my obeisance’s bowing down before the Lord with my head. Sri Ram Chandra charano manasa smarami, manasa smarami, sirasa namami, vachsa granami, by head I bow down, with tongue mouth I glorify, and with mind I remember. Ram Chandra charano sharanam prapadye – I surrender unto Sri Ram Chandra or Chaitanya Chandra you could say, Krishna Chandra. So, here it is sirasa – by head vanvande vishnoh kinkaran, kinkar vishnoh kinkar – servant of Vishnu, not Vishnu kinkar, we have to say vishnoh kinkar, servant of Vishnu and at the same time darsanotsavah – seeing them in front of, seeing those four Vishnudutas was like a utsav, was like a festival darsanotsavah and we are getting there end of our today’s second session. Few more verses.
“tam vivaksum abhipretya mahapurusa-kinkarah
sahasa pasyatas tasya tatrantardadhire ’nagha” (S.B. 6.2.23)
So as he was watching, Ajamila was seeing them, he was pleased to see them, their beautiful effulgent forms and personality. Then he had some desire to speak, address, say something may be thank you or something, he was about to say something but even before he could begin talking, speaking, sahasa – suddenly, antardadhire – they disappeared. Mahapurusa-kinkarah is servants of Vishnu, they disappeared from his presence and now,
“ajamilo ’py athakarnya dutanam yama-krsnayoh
dharmam bhagavatam suddham trai-vedyam ca gunasrayam” (S.B. 6.2.24)
“bhaktiman bhagavaty asu mahatmya-sravanad dhareh
anutapo mahan asit smarato ’subham atmanah” (S.B. 6.2.25)
Translation – After hearing the discourses between the Yamadutas and the Visnudutas, Ajamila could understand the religious principles that act under the three modes of material nature. These principles are mentioned in the three Vedas. He could also understand the transcendental religious principles, which are above the modes of material nature and which concern the relationship between the living entity and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Furthermore, Ajamila heard glorification of the name, fame, qualities and pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He thus became a perfectly pure devotee. He could then remember his past sinful activities, which he greatly regretted having performed. So the next session is afternoon. We will hear those regretting words and statements of Ajamila throughout the shastras and it is recommended that if one commits sin, he should feel bad about it, regret. So this is what we get to see, the process being applied, followed here. So, and then he also takes some new resolutions, there’s a lamentation regret and now takes vows. Ok, it’s done, its past now, I can’t change the past but into the future I will no more commit any more sin, I am going to be strict and hell with his hellish family and this prostitute, he was disgusted and he takes off, he goes to Haridwar and he follows the process of devotional service very very strictly on the bank of Ganga and what the outcome is you will find out this afternoon. So, you could make a movie out of this whole, it’s quite exciting and informative, enlightening, is it boring?
In the intense care units of the hospitals, the doctors and nurses they make observations how scary the patients become before intense care unit, you know that’s the one that you go in and rarely come out, from there you go, move on. So there Yamadutas must be coming, that’s why so much screaming and very scary sounds patients make because they pass urine and stool. So that’s another proof to support atidarunan. After hearing this we can’t live normal. Ok.