
Prediction of Lord Caitanya comes true through Srila Prabhupada

Venue: Dubai Dated: 2008 There are lots of Jagannath temples in Damodara desh. The place we are staying, there is also Jagannatha Baladev Subhadra. Here also Jagannatha, lots of Jagannathas. In Dubai, streets are quiet wide, no overhead wires. For holding ratha yatra, these...
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Attitude of a Preacher

Hari bol!! “Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya” So today is very last, this is very last day of the whole session (laughter) time for celebration, finally. You’re happy that you have learned a lot or happy that you’ve finished? Studies never finish I was talking the other day it’s...
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Lord Rsabhadeva’s Teachings to His Sons

“putrams ca sisyams ca nrpo gurur va mal – loka – kamo mad  anugraharthah ittham vimnyur anusisyad ataj-janam nayojayet – karmasu karma- mudhan kam yojayan manujo rtham labeha nipatayan nasta-drsam hi garte” Venue: Los Angeles, Date – 2009 June 07, S.B 5.5.15 This morning...
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King Parikshit Punishes and Rewards the age of Kali

Venue: Guayana, Guayana katha, 2006, June 29. Parikshit Maharaja Ki Jai!! Hastinapur ki Jai! So as now king Parikshit was ruling of kingdom, one day as he was on a tour, going around checking out, how is everything working? Then he noticed, hey! What’s going on here, at a...
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Thirty Days In Krsna’s Land by Lokanath Swami

In remote corners of Vrndavana, Pilgrims find little known places of Krsna’s  pastimes and get a clearer view Into their own hearts. THE VRAJA Mandala Parikrama* is a walking pilgrimage throughout the land of Vraja, or Mathura, the district in North India where Lord Krsna...
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Confidential Servant of the Lord by Lokanath Swami

SRILA PRABHUPADA appeared in this world just a day after the celebration of Lord Krsna’s appearance day. We followers of Srila Prabhupada’s see this as a sign of his intimate relationship with the Lord. The Vedic literature teaches us that because a spiritual master...
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