
Lord Rsabhadeva’s Teachings to His Sons

“putrams ca sisyams ca nrpo gurur va mal – loka – kamo mad  anugraharthah ittham vimnyur anusisyad ataj-janam nayojayet – karmasu karma- mudhan kam yojayan manujo rtham labeha nipatayan nasta-drsam hi garte” Venue: Los Angeles, Date – 2009 June 07, S.B 5.5.15 This morning...
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King Parikshit Punishes and Rewards the age of Kali

Venue: Guayana, Guayana katha, 2006, June 29. Parikshit Maharaja Ki Jai!! Hastinapur ki Jai! So as now king Parikshit was ruling of kingdom, one day as he was on a tour, going around checking out, how is everything working? Then he noticed, hey! What’s going on here, at a...
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The History of Kumbha-Mela by Lokanath Swami

The Inhabitants of the earth benefit from a cosmic fight for immortal nectar. THE LORD’S pastime of protecting the devas (demigods) from the asuras (demons) by producing nectar from the ocean of milk is described in detail in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto 8, chapters 5...
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