
Dialogue between Yudhisthira Maharaja and Yaksha

Dialogue between Yudhisthira Maharaja and Yaksha Bhajan Kutir Lecture_by Lokanath Swami At Manipal Karnataka 4th Jun 2016 040616 – Manipal [01:22:31] We are here for Kirtan Mela, but we are doing kirtana in the beginning and then little more at the end and then talk in the...
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Shikshashtak and Panca-tattva

Panca-tattva 28022019 [1.41.03] Sravan Utsava Mayapur Are you ready for the seminar? Your minds are here or going to the prasadam hall? Going to Bombay, Moscow. So tomorrow is, Panca tattva mahabhishek mahotsava ki jay! Abhishek happens every every day but maha maha-ahabhishek is...
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Identification of real beauty

Identification of real beauty 160112- Juhu Mumbai [1:2:16] ka vatma-vrttir adanad dhavir anga vati visnoh kalasy animisonmakarau ca karnau udvigna-mina-yugalam dvija-pankti-socir asanna-bhrnga-nikaram sara in mukham te [SB 5.2.13] Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupada,...
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Who is the Supreme?

Who is the Supreme? 161009- Vrndavan [53:21] So reading from Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 4, chapter 1, text no 16th. Then I was told I have to read some more verses and go all the way to the 20th. So will read this and then this one this one has a short purport, 20th verse has a...
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Krishna Kidnaps Rukmini

Krishna Kidnaps Rukmini Amravati [47:17] 10.52-53 Srimad Bhagavatam, chapter fifty two and fifty three, is description of the kidnapping of the Rukmini. This is Bhagavatam is here in front of me. Devotees have to go on a nagar procession, nagar sankirtana and before that we have...
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Past Time of Dhruva Maharaj Taking Darsana Of Lord

Past Time of Dhruva Maharaj Taking DarsanaOf Lord 270211-Mayapur [41:53] So we read from SrimadBhagavatam Canto 4 chapter 12 text no 22. So please repeat tamkrsna-padabhinivista-cetasam baddhanjalimprasraya-namra-kandharam sunanda-nandavupasrtyasasmitam...
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Sri Shikshashtakam

Sri Shikshashtakam Shravan Utsav 280219-Mayapur [1:54:16] Hare Krsna!! You don’t say? Hare Krsna!! Thank you for saying hare Krsna! I should say thank you for being with us here to hear. You are here to hear, so that Lord would come near. Then there is no fear, oh dear. You are...
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Lord’s creation is Acintya, beyond our capability to know

Lord’s creation is Acintya, beyond our capability to know DELHI [1:9:36] youth lecture varsa-puga-sahasrante tad andam udake sayam kala-karma-svabhava-stho jivo ‘jivam ajivayat [SB 2.5.34] Translation: – Thus all the universes remained thousands of aeons within...
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Krsna exists and He is the one behind this Base program

Krsna exists, God exists and He is the one behind this Base program that we have here, the get together with some of His devotees, some of the devotees of God. Those who do not know much more about God, they just say God God, but we call Him Krsna, because we know that God has...
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Explanation of Sri Damodara Ashtakam

Explanation of Sri Damodara Ashtakam 181118-Vrindavan [1.21.54] Hare Krsna, you don’t say? [Hare Krsna] I like it atleast to say Hare Krsna at the beginning of the class. I also like that you are here in the courtyard of Krishna Balarama mandir and underneath the Tamal tree. This...
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