
The supreme personality of Godhead

Venue: Mayapur When: February 4th, 2004 Verse: Srimad Bhagvatam 1.3.27-28 Reading from Srimad Bhagvatam Canto 1, chapter 3, text no. 27 and 28. rasayo manavo deva manu-putra mahaujasah kalah sarve harer eva saprajapatayah smritah Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupad. Srila...
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Lord Chaitanya’s visit to Vrindavan

Venue: Mayapur 2006 Hare Krishna!!! Everybody say Hare Krishna.Thank You. Thank you also for joining us once again. As we continue to narrate the pastimes of Guaranga, pastimes in connection with his visit to Vrindavan. Yesterday! Was that yesterday?? Ok. Yes, it was yesterday....
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Prayers of Nagpatnis

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam 10.16.39-40, 10.16.44-45. These Nagpatnis are praying:- “Namas tubhyam bhagavate purushaya mahatmane bhutavasaya bhutaya paraya paramatmane Gyan-vigyan-nidhaye brahmane ananta-shaktaye agunayavikaraya namaste prakritaya cha namah pramana-mulaya kavaye...
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Krishna saves Vrindavan

Krishna lifted Govardhan hill for seven days and seven nights, this is very very pleasing pastime to the residents of Vrindavan because this is one time, that they had opportunity to be with Krishna day and night, for seven days and seven nights. This is very rare. Normally, only...
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The 3 deities of Gaudiya Vaishnavas

“Shyam Radhe Radhe, Ghansyam Radhe Radhe Shyam Radhe Radhe, Ghansyam Radhe Radhe Shyam Radhe Radhe, Ghansyam Radhe Radhe Nikunja me virajo Ghansyam Radhe Radhe Nikunja me virajo Ghansyam Radhe Radhe Nikunja me virajo Ghansyam Radhe Radhe Shyam Radhe Radhe, Ghansyam Radhe Radhe...
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Disease called impersonalism

Venue: Pandharpur Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam 4.8.47 srivatsankam ghana-syamam purusam vana-malinam sankha-cakra-gada-padmair abhivyakta-caturbhujam Word for word: srivatsankam — the mark of Srivatsa on the chest of the Lord; ghana-syamam — deeply bluish; purusam— the Supreme...
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Proposal for Vrindavan by Upananda

No one appointed him but because of his concern for Krishna and Balarama and other residents of Gokul also, he had been doing this research and traveling and traveling, now, he just now returned from his travels and he is proposing, now he is saying, we have to leave this plac...
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Lokanath Maharaj on sufferings of material world

Lecture By: H.H Lokanath Swami Srimad Bhagavatam 3.29.03 virago yena puruso bhagavan sarvato bhavet acaksva jiva-lokasya vividha mama samsritih Synonyms: viragah — detached; yena — by which; puruso — a person; bhagavan — my dear Lord; sarvatah? — completely; bhavet — may become;...
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Dhruva Maharaj’s meeting with Nanda and Sunanda

Srimad Bhagavatam verse 4.12.22, (Class at Mayapur) Maharaj recites the verse: Tam Krishna-padabhinivishta chetasam Baddhanjalim prashraya namra kandharam Sunanda-nadau upasrutya sasmitam Pratyuchatuh pushkaranabha sammatau Translation: Dhruva Maharaj was always absorbed in...
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Lokanath Maharaj on concentrating on chanting

‘Suprabhat’ you understand, Good. That’s how it is translated. There’s a big difference between the two. Prabha, prabhat, here ‘bha’ means ‘light’. From bha comes bhaskar, there is bhaskar sabhagruha. ‘Bha’. We are also, the country that we stay in is called ‘Bharat’. This...
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