
Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Varanasi

Chitrakoot – Ayodhya Annual yatra 2017 Title: Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Varanasi Venue : Varanasi “jiv jago, jiv jago, gaurachanda ” who is calling ?? Who is gaurachanda? Caitanya Mahaprabhu ki ..jai. jiva jago, body is already awaken in morning for food and other bodily needs, we...
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Chitrakoot – Ayodhya Annual yatra 2017

Yatra is utsava which brings out utsaha Venue: Varanasi (Chitrakoot – Ayodhya Annual yatra 2017) Dated: 18 May 2017 So we all are in Varanasi near the banks of Ganga, there are 84 ghats in Varanasi that’s equal to number of species. This is our last session here in...
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The miseries of Vrajvasis after Krsna left Vrndavan

DATE: 19th February 2017 VENUE: Mayapur Gaura bhakta vrnda!! Radha Madhav ki jai!! Pancha Tattva ki jai!! Brhad Bhagavatamrita ki jai!! Srila Sanatana Goswami ki jai!! Srial Prabhupada ki jai!! Nitai Gaura premanande. Thank you for joining us again today. We’ll continue where we...
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Vrajvasis Only Wanted Krsna Nothing Else

Dated: 20 February 2017 Venue: Mayapur So we welcome you. It is our third session, third presentation of Brhad Bhagavatamrita, as part of this Sravan Utsava being held here during Mayapur festival this year. ’ Bhakti Vighna Vinasa Narasimha Maharaj was just saying this, ‘The...
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ISKCON’s hearing marathon, Sravan marathon is on BRIHAD BHAGAVATAMRITA- Day one

ISKCON’s hearing marathon, Sravan marathon is on BRIHAD BHAGAVATAMRITA– Day one Date    : 18 February 2017 Venue :  Mayapur Haribol..Guarharibol…Gauranga!! We are happy that Mayapur Festival coordinators, organizers have organized this Sravana Utsav. This sravana utsav has ...
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Spreading Krsna consciousness all over the world

Venue: Bhaktivedanta Manor Date: 2nd May 2016 There are nice arrangements here, three mridanga players and one harmonium player, dozen kartal players. Good size audience also sitting relaxed. Yes, you are relaxed, but that was not the case 50 years ago. When Srila Prabhupada...
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Use all your Talent for Serving the Lord

Use all  your  talent for serving the Lord Date: 26 Feb 2017 Venue: Mayapur dhama Occasion: Disciple gathering   ‘gauranga’ bolite habe pulaka-sarira ‘hari hari’ bolite nayane ba’ be near When will that opportune moment come to me when there will be shivering of the body as...
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Srimad Bhagavatam Class Mayapur

Venue: Sri Mayapur Chandrodaya Mandir Date: February 25, 2017 Speaker: HH Lokanath Swami Subject: Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.10.15-17 Transcriber: Madhumati Priyasaki dd Verse: Sri-prahrada uvaca varam varaya etat te varadesan mahesvara yad anindat pita me tvam avidvams teja aiavaram...
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Prabhupada’s Kolkata connections

Prabhupada’s Kolkata connections Kolkata is janma bhumi and the whole world is karma bhumi of Srila Prabhupada Dated: 14 August 2015 Venue: Kolkata Occasion: ISKCON 50th Anniversary Kolkata Hare Krsna, a pretty serious group here in Kolkata. All hundred countries representatives...
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Perfection of Our Life

If we could become sadhus, that’s perfection of our life Venue: Surathkal Voice Date: 15 June 2016 Harinam Sankirtan ki…. jay!! Janardhan Bhagavan ki…… jay!! Udupi Krsna ki….. jay!! Srila Prabhupada ki….. jay!! ISKCON Youth Forum Surathkal ki…… jay!! So this kirtan, Sri...
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