
Killing of Kesi demon

After this killing Aristasura pastime took place which is described here as “krsnenadbhuta-karmana” (S.B 10.36.16) This is wonderful pastime of Lord killing this Aristasura demon. “kamsayathaaha bhagavan narada deva-darsanah” (S.B 10.36.16) After killing Aristasura Narada muni...
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Lokanath Maharaj on Vraj Mandal Parikrama

Venue: Mathura And when my mind would become shudha pure, and whenever that would happen then I would be qualified to be in Vrindavan or then I would see Vrindavan “Rupa Raghunath pade hoibe akruti kabe habe bhujabo se yugala piriti” And we would like to develop attachment to the...
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Krishna goes to Mathura

Welcoming each other and one of them also saying I surrender “sarnagatam” please give me shelter or I take shelter of you  OH ! Krishna. “varnyatam tata” “saumy?gatah? kaccit, sv–?gatam? bhadram” ( S.B 10.39.4) You are such a gentle  personality, we welcome you, how’s uncle...
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Mood of entering Vrindavan and glories of H.H Radhanath Maharaj

Venue: Vrindavan, 2004 Some time I still saying that during Krishna’s time if there were photographers and video graphers then we could have watched the video of Krishna’s pastime video live as it is, we could have seen the photographs of those times. But there as then I was...
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Invitation to fly to the Supreme destination – Vishnu loka

Verse: Srimad Bhagavatam 4.12.26 H H Lokanath Swami Maharaj sings “Jaya Jaya Jagannatha Sachira Nandana” and then “Jaya Radha Madhava” followed by the “Hare Krishna” maha mantra. anasthitam te pitrubhir anyair apy aìga karhicit atishtha jagatam vandyam tad vishnoh paramam padam...
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Lokanath Maharaj on Brahma’s prayer…

So from thousands of thousands of cowherd boys and the cows that was the first scene, next scene was only Krishna and He in his left hand had sweet rice, yogurt rice, butter, so before Krishna made all his cowherd boys disappear, Brahma also noticed that the whole creation was...
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Lokanath Maharaj on curbing the symbol of sin

Lord Krishna did talk about this topic in Bhagavad Gita. So we will also talk and discuss about it. In fact the symbol of sin, i.e. lust, which is the biggest enemy, can be defeated not just by talking. Discussion is necessary for understanding. But we would succeed in curbing...
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Lokanath Swami on minding your mind

Certainly the location that you have selected for this program would help you to mind your minds. I am very happy to see you all. You have assembled here in good numbers from all over. So it is very important that you have taken out your valuable time, not just little time but...
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Glories of Aindra Prabhu

Venue : NOIDA,7/3/11 Hare Krishna! “Je anilo prema dhana…kotha gela Aindra Thakur” I remember sitting here, year after year, next to Aindra prabhu; there in Vrindavana during Kartik and other times and here during Mayapur festival. So where has he gone, leaving us all behind? He...
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Bathing in Ganga & glorifying H H Radhanatha Swami

Venue : Kumbha Mela, Haridwar  Date : 12/3/10  Class begins with loud chanting by all “Hari Bol.. Hari bol…” (Maharaja encourages everyone to loudly chant Lord Hari’s names.) Bathing in Ganga & glorifying H H Radhanatha Swami: This morning, we had bath right here in...
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