
Japa seminar- Part 1 – The process of ‘krsna-aradhana’ is sankirtana”

Dated: 12.09.2012 Venue: Mauritius So once again, I would like to thank you for good presence, big presence in small country. The big interest…I am sure you have so much interest in the Holy Name. It is one of the offences to keep the phones on (laughter). The 12th offence...
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Vishnuduttas arrive to save Ajamila

Venue: ISKCON Nagpur Date: 16th June 2015 Day 1 of Bhagvat Katha Sukadev Goswami described, in total, there are twenty eight hells. It has been described in detail in the fifth canto. King Pariksit has listened to it very attentively. “Nanogra-yatanan neyat tan me vyakhyatum...
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Effects of Holy name

Venue: ISKCON Nagpur Dated: 17 June 2015 Jay Radha Madhav Kunja bihari…. I welcome you all on the first day of Purushottam Month- Those who have arrived even before the time. There are many exemplary souls like Valmiki, Jagai-Madhai, Mrugari (who was a hunter & guided...
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Today we are getting Our Master Our Natha

Venue: Chamorshi Dated: 15 June 2015 Lord Krsna’s one name is Jagannath, why Jagannath because He is swami of jaggat, He is our Natha- swami, also He is our master our malik. Today we are getting our master our Nath here. Are you happy you got your master?? We were anatha without...
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We also used to go to airport to receive Srila Prabhupada

Venue: Nagpur Airport Dated: 14 june 2015 Hare Krishna, We also used to go to Mumbai airport to receive Srila Prabhupada like you all came. We used to take his ambassador car to receive him, he had three cars one in Mumbai and other two in Vrindavan and Mayapur. We used to see...
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Reading Prabhupads books is like getting his association

Venue: ISKCON Nagpur Dated: 14 June 2015 Hare Krishna It’s good that all of you have come. If you would not be there, then there would not have been such a wonderful kirtan. When many devotees come together and chant that’s called as ‘sankirtan’. All of...
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Taking Darshan of Guru means to hear his Speech about Tattvas

Venue: ISKCON Juhu Dated: 16-10-2011 ‘Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya’ Sri Sri Radha Rasabihari ki jai!! Srila Prabhupada ki jai!! Grantharaj Srimad Bhagavatam ki jai!! “tam agatam ta utthaya pranipatyabhinandya ca pujayitva yathadesam sukhasinam athabruvan”...
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Becoming meek and humble is outcome of advancement in Krishna Consciousness

Venue: Pandharpur maitreya uvaca “iti bruvanam nrpatim gayaka muni-coditah tustuvus tusta-manasas tad-vag-amrta-sevaya” (S.B 4.16.1) Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupada. Translation: The great sage Maitreya continued: While King Prthu thus spoke; the humility of his...
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Attitude of a Preacher

Hari bol!! “Om Namo Bhagvate Vasudevaya” So today is very last, this is very last day of the whole session (laughter) time for celebration, finally. You’re happy that you have learned a lot or happy that you’ve finished? Studies never finish I was talking the other day it’s...
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Krishna the Judge above all judges

Venue: Germany Bhavat Saptha (Ajamil Katha series – Seventh Session) We are in the beginning of 3rd chapter of the 6th canto, Ajamil has already gone back to Godhead, that’s good news (Maharaj laughs) by hearing story of Ajamil you felt inspired and blessed. (Maharaj says...
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