
Rukmini Haran

Venue: Amravati, Nov 2003 Srimad Bhagvatam chapters 52 and 53 and in the middle of chapter 52 there is pastime kidnapping of Rukmini. Rajo vaca King Pariksit was very inquisitive to know, Sukhdev Goswami has made brief mention of  “vaidarbhim bhismaka-sutam” (S.B 10.52.16)...
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South India Tour 2012 : Day 1, Tirupati

Day 1 – May 23, 2012 Location – Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh, India) Venue – Iskcon auditorium Welcome to day 1 of South India Yatra. We also have Iskcon Tirupati devotees sitting here for the class today. All you visitors who have come from all over, Iskcon Tirupati devotees...
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Lokanath Swami South India Yatra 2012 Tirupati Arrival Day22 May

South India Tour 2012

Arrival Day – May 22, 2012 Location – Tirupati (Andhra Pradesh, India) Venue – Iskcon Tirupati  Auditorium Today we have come here in Tirupati for Bälajé darçana. But, although we have come for Bälajé darçana, the place where we are sitting now is not Vaikunth. This ...
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Rasa Dance concluded and a brief overview of Kamsa’s strategy to kills Krishna and Balarama

So this is the divine, the best, so there was best music, best dance because the best dancers Radha and Krishna and gopis they were involved, there was whole team. “brahma-ratra upavrtte, vasudevanumoditah, anicchanto yayur gopyah, sva – grham bhagavatt-priyah” (S.B 10.33.38)...
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Rasa dance begins

So Krishna is now back with them and there are so many different ways of meeting and dealing, embracing as many as many Gopis are there, Krishna is meeting each one of them. There are several descriptions of how what each Gopi does? How she deals with Krishna. It is mentioned...
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Wonderful Proposal of meeting with the Lord

Venue Pune: S.B – 1.5.31 yenaivaham bhagavato vasudevasya vedhasah mayanubhavam avidam yena gacchanti tat padam Translation: By that confidential knowledge, I could understand clearly the influence of the energy of Lord Sri Krishna, the creator, maintainer and annihilator...
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Glories of Lord Krishna

Venue: Vrindavan, 31/8/2010 Hare Krsna! Guar Haribol! Sri Krsna Balarama ki jaya! So glorification of the Krsna, I did not know the topic, I thought it was birth of Krishna.  Makes no difference.  Radha Govind Maharaj is also doing, Radha Govind Maharaj is also glorifying...
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Lokanath Maharaj on Great wisdom of India and knowing our real self

Venue: Pune Destinations, places all over India, what brings us together here is Krishna, we never think of that, what is bringing us together is, who is he?  What is that? You may say that Radheshyam has brought us together, or you IYF leader made such arrangement. But that...
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Lord Krishna the butter thief

Thank you for coming in this endeavor of worshipping Bhagvatam, we took Bhagvatam on the procession today and if you want to glorify somebody we really take him on your. Those players they also do when someone wins the match they lift him really give lift. So we lifted Bhagvatam...
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Overview of Canto 1 of Srimad Bhagvatam and Glories of Maharaj Yudhisthira

S.B 1.13.16 Translation and purport by Srila Prabhupad, Srila Prabhupad ki jai…………………… Translation: Having won his kingdom and observed the birth of one grandson competent to continue the noble tradition of his family, Maharaja Yudhisthira reigned peacefully and enjoyed uncommon...
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